Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X] Focus on your needlework and watch your friend and liege, you've never actually seen much of their interactions, and you aren't sure you want to blunder into another difficult conversation.
Ling Qi grimaced in concentration as she wove through the storm the twisting, writhing ribbons of steel that sang through the air. Hungry strands of metal stained a deep toxic purple tore through the flickering shadow images left in her wake. With utmost care, she danced through the boiling pools that pitted the ground, bubbling not with heat, but toxicity as they devoured the earth and stone beneath her feet.

Only her masterful skill allowed her melody to be heard over the pounding roar of the venomous rain. Despite the rain, her mist hung stubbornly in the air, thick and dark, swirling in eddies kicked up by the roaring rain, the black phantasms within howled and circled her enemy, ready to descend at her mark. Her opponent rose high before her, staring down imperiously from the shadows of her liquid mantle, suspended three meters in the air on coils of black water. For an instant, Ling Qi faced her, flute raised, she glowed like a emerald beacon, the full suite of techniques from Thousand Rings Fortress enough to allow her to stand tall even under the toxic rain. Then Meizhen's right hand twitched, and ribbons of metal screamed as they caught and deflected Ling Qi's singing blade and flung it away.

In the same moment, Ling Qi bent low, allowing the silvery edge of Meizhen's domain weapon pass through the air above her with a muffled boom, carried on the leading edge of a fan of water that carved a meters deep cut into the wall of the arena behind her, and exploded into motion, soaring over the lake that churned beneath Meizhen, growing with every drop of rain that fell. Through her flute, she sang, and falling curtains of rain shattered as she flew through their newly solid forms. Meizhen's free hand rose in warding as her refrain reached its crescendo, and black water froze and shattered, leaving red ice burns across her friends palm.
So this is Meizhen's answer to "But what if they DON'T attack me?"
The answer is "Set up a field effect which will convert the terrain to acid lakes over time. If they don't attack me they can die from poison or drown instead."
It also deals with enemies without good movement arts by destroying their terrain, forcing them to approach her or flee the field entirely. Burrowing techniques are also especially contraindicated, if you dig underground you drown in poison all the faster.

Not sure about the IFF on that though.
Slashing ribbons carved through her verdant armor in response, but Ling Qi dissolved her form before they could touch flesh, passing through the binding coils like a shadow. Before she could strike again however, Meizhen's golden eyes flashed, and Ling Qi faltered, her concentration scattered as what felt like a titanic hammer of raw terror smashed into her, pralyzed for a fraction of a second, she failed to raise a defense as a tail of black water smashed into her chest and sent her flying backward to crater the packed dirt of the arena floor.
And there we see the terror art on screen properly. It has the same trick as ENM I think, a spiritual attack which shuts down reactions for one instant when she hits you with a big gun.

Also @yrsillar you mispelled paralyzed there
She grimaced as she stood, still feeling a little shaky as she shook off the pain of the metaphysical bludgeon Meizhen had smashed her over the head with.

"Better you than me, wasn't even aimed at me and I felt that," Sixiang muttered. "Remind me not to piss her off, yeah?"

Ling Qi chuckled as she raised her hands in surrender. There was no point in pushing further than this in a light spar and they were short on time regardles
A 'light' spar.
Ling Qi cut off the flow of qi to her mist as well, and the training field began to clear, a wide circle of packed earth encircled by sturdy qi enhanced stone, pools of sizzling poison pitted the field and deep gauges and shattered stones marked the walls. "Really though," Ling Qi huffed. "Who gave you the idea to cultivate such an unfair art."

Meizhen gave her a bland look as she alighted on the surface of the largest pool, the one that formed beneath her. Her friend swiftly glided across the surface, and stepped soundlessly onto the muddy earth. "I could not imagine," she replied serenely. "An idle whim I suppose."
*eyes the field*
And thats merely two talented Greens having fun.
Also at this point our layered field effects are going to be so horrible to deal with. Meizhen and Ling Qi together would mean being lost in an acid poison rain where you are tossed this way and that, the only visible foe being the one who can punish you for it.

Also cool, of course the Bai can walk on water.
@yrsillar mispelled Gouges? Though as I understand it Gauge is a valid use, its a less common one.
Ling Qi cracked a grin and laughed. "Seriously though, it seems like I really can't catch up, no matter what I do."

Bai Meizhen raised her eyebrow. "Ling Qi, fishing for praise does not become you. That you are keeping pace is absurd enough, given the resources that have been made available to me."
Its adorable.
"I believe so," Meizhen replied gracefully picking her way through the ruined field. As she passed by, something caught Ling Qi's eye.

"Right, that reminds me, why'd you decide to change your hair?" Ling Qi asked curiously as she turned to follow her friend out. Meizhen's hair had always been very long, reaching down to her hips after the girls third realm breakthrough, but she had always worn it loose. Now, starting at her shoulders, the girls white locks were bound by a pale blue ribbon of silk. Hardly the most fanciful hairstyle she had seen, but it was a change all the same from her conservative friend.
Artists gonna get to work soon I guess.
Hard to imagine the hairstyle, cinching her hair at shoulder length seems awkward, its like a ponytail but the upper loose bit is weird.
Bai Meizhen glanced back at her as she caught up. "The ribbon was a gift, it seemed wasteful not to make use of it."

"Oh, something from your family?" Ling Qi said. She had noticed the faint white stitching picking out formations characters, so it was obviously a talisman.

The other girl paused, but it was so brief that Ling Qi barely noticed it. "No, it was from Bao Qingling, she wished to express gratitude for my collaboration with her projects."

"Ah, right that silk thing you were talking about," Ling Qi mused, out of the corner of her eye, she studied her friend. "What does it do?"

"It soaks in and compresses qi circulated within my poison meridians into a more potent form, by expending the refined qi, I am able to enhance certain techniques significantly," Bai Meizhen replied. "It is inferior to the family artifacts which she is attempting to replicate, but the effort is impressive all the same."
And it looks like she evolved her Yin Wood to Poison element. Might be whats allowing her poison to eat through rock, but you can't be sure.
And thats some kind of qi capacitor. Absorb and concentrate her poison qi for burst release.
"I don't doubt it," Ling Qi said. "I'm a little surprised you got her talking to you in the first place though, how did that happen?"

Meizhen gave her a small frown, as they left the training field, even as she air shimmered under the cloak of qi that kept their conversation private. " I found her rather similar to you if I am to be honest. She is not unwilling to speak on technical topics, but she does not bother hiding her disinterest in less material subjects."

Ling Qi winced, not sure how she should take that. Was she really that bad?

"You're more subtle, and better at being nice about it," Sixiang chuckled.
Totes that bad at the start!

"As the muse said," Bai Meizhen said, with a faint twinkle of amusement in her eyes.

"Yeah, go ahead and laugh it up. I'll be the life of the party before you know it," Ling Qi replied with an affronted sniff.

"How horrifying the prospect must be for you," Bai Meizhen replied blandly. Ling Qi poked her irritably in the side, and had her hand swatted away for her trouble.
Oh no they're ganging up on us too!
"Nothing in the vaunted Bai archives addressing matters of the heart?" Ling Qi joked awkwardly, feeling a little sorry that she had pushed the conversation in this direction.

"Hmph, you joke, but the answers are not pleasing," Bai Meizhen grumbled. "Looking back on childhood memories with further context, I am quite sure that the most common answer is to make use of ones Xiao clan companion."

Ling Qi did her best to keep a blank expression. Things were now veering wildly out of her comfort zone. Why had she done this again?

"Because you're a hopeless busybody when it comes to your friends?" Sixiang answered wryly.

"Not what you're looking for I take it," she finally replied.

"Xiao Fen's devotion is admirable, but absolutely not," Meizhen answered. "I… do not know what I want, but it is not that."
...right, that actually makes perfect sense for the Bai. If you have to indulge, you pick someone who absolutely has been conditioned to obey you in all things, who has ample excuse to spend time with you, and usefully, such a relationship may actually encourage them to defend you to the death.

Its exploitative, but in their environment, endemic distrust is natural.
Also considering Xiaofen has the 'yandere element set'(noting for the record that elements do not define people), that might actually be deliberately encouraged.
"I'm sorry that I can't help," Ling Qi said, looking down. "So Bao Qingling? Why her?"

"We share a certain interest in the less medicinal branches of alchemy, and I find her acerbic nature somewhat endearing, and well…" Meizhen trailed off awkwardly, glancing at Ling Qi.

Right, well apparently tall and gangly was a type someone could have, Ling Qi thought wryly. "Well, I wish you good luck, that's for sure." She just really hoped Meizhen didn't get hurt again. Still, it struck her then that Bai Meizhen was swiftly becoming better at dealing with such feelings than she was. She wasn't sure how to feel about that.
...tall, dark, gangly, socially awkward, when Bai are short, graceful and poised.
Bai Meizhen's type is about as close to inverting the Bai archetype as you can get.
"Yes," Ling Qi agreed, perhaps a little too quickly. Soon, they arrived on Renxiang's doorstep, and the door swung open on its own as they arrived. Heading inside, they followed the beacon that was the third girl's qi toward her study. Inside, Ling Qi found her liege seated, not at her desk, as was usual, but in the more comfortable chair on the other side of the room. She was putting aside a rather thin volume bound in blue leather.

"Welcome," Cai Renxiang said evenly, lowering her head slightly toward Meizhen. " My apologies for my inattention."

"It is no trouble," Meizhen replied graciously. "Though I am surprised."

"Even I may become briefly distracted when immersed in a favorite," Cai Renxiang replied mildly. "I completed my cultivation some ten minutes ahead of schedule, so it seemed an opportune moment to revisit it."
I suppose Cai Renxiang is also a member of the cultivation spreadsheet alliance.

[X] Take the lead in conversation, ask Cai Renxiang what she was reading. You are trying to be more outgoing. What could go wrong with asking about her literary interests?

Well, we wanted to know what shes like and what she enjoys reading seems a good start.
Would be hilarious if it turned out to be Xuan Shi's favorite book series.
Although as we just learned there's gates now that makes catching up easier as like salmon we all pool up until we can climb the waterfall and wriggle upstream
Do keep in mind that the high nobility have known ways to cross the gates and prepared well in advance for it. They won't slow that much.
I expect Renxiang might actually get stuck if Shenhua's method doesn't work for her, but Meizhen's clan knows how to clear the entry barriers for a very long time now, and all the steps are well defined, with suitable domain weapons with clear themes and arts which fit them.
[X] Take the lead in conversation, ask Cai Renxiang what she was reading. You are trying to be more outgoing. What could go wrong with asking about her literary interests?

Oh wow... is Meizhen accidentally setting herself up for her own Ling Qi rejection moment? Because that might get very akward.
I'm not too sure on that. Xiao Fen is a devoted servant to Meizhen, but I'm not sure if the idea of romance ever crossed her mind. She struck me as much more of a self definition of 'I'm my lady's closest adviser, and I will serve her in whatever way I can.'
I'm not too sure on that. Xiao Fen is a devoted servant to Meizhen, but I'm not sure if the idea of romance ever crossed her mind. She struck me as much more of a self definition of 'I'm my lady's closest adviser, and I will serve her in whatever way I can.'
Pretty much sounds like the whole thing is setup so that they'd naturally be inclined for utter devotion to their primary, whatever that might be.
[x] Take the lead in conversation, ask Cai Renxiang what she was reading. You are trying to be more outgoing. What could go wrong with asking about her literary interests?

I for one want to know what kind of saucy romance novels Cai Renxiang finds interesting.
[x] Take the lead in conversation, ask Cai Renxiang what she was reading. You are trying to be more outgoing. What could go wrong with asking about her literary interests?
[X] Focus on your needlework and watch your friend and liege, you've never actually seen much of their interactions, and you aren't sure you want to blunder into another difficult conversation.
[X] Focus on your needlework and watch your friend and liege, you've never actually seen much of their interactions, and you aren't sure you want to blunder into another difficult conversation.
[X] Take the lead in conversation, ask Cai Renxiang what she was reading. You are trying to be more outgoing. What could go wrong with asking about her literary interests?
[X] Take the lead in conversation, ask Cai Renxiang what she was reading. You are trying to be more outgoing. What could go wrong with asking about her literary interests?
[X] Focus on your needlework and watch your friend and liege, you've never actually seen much of their interactions, and you aren't sure you want to blunder into another difficult conversation.
right, that actually makes perfect sense for the Bai. If you have to indulge, you pick someone who absolutely has been conditioned to obey you in all things, who has ample excuse to spend time with you, and usefully, such a relationship may actually encourage them to defend you to the death.

Its exploitative, but in their environment, endemic distrust is natural.
Also considering Xiaofen has the 'yandere element set'(noting for the record that elements do not define people), that might actually be deliberately encouraged.

To be fair, picking their Xiao handmaiden is not just for the Bai's benefit. Should a Bai wish to indulge, they need someone loyal, discreet, and able to defend themselves. Getting hooked up with a non-Bai would stick out like a sore thumb and invite all kinds of 'testing' assassination attempts. A Xiao on the other hand? Easier to hide that anything more than a handmaiden relationship is going on in the first place, and even should the relationship be discovered, the Xiao at least knows what the viper pit is like and knows how to defend herself. Picking an outsider carries both the risk of their indiscretion, and the risk of their horrible death if they're not prepared enough for Bai family politics.
[x] Take the lead in conversation, ask Cai Renxiang what she was reading. You are trying to be more outgoing. What could go wrong with asking about her literary interests?
Illusion Lessons
An offering to @yrsillar: One omake, slightly used. A take on something that might have happened to inspire that triple crit breakthrough of Su Ling's. May have a sequel, depending.


I sit on top of the boulder that splits the river, meditating as I track the flickering flame skulking through the valley toward me. It is amusing, if one takes the time to think about it. The student whose request for a teacher I took is of fire, yet I am of water. Yet she is also of illusion. It is an exquisite contradiction, and so I am naturally an excellent teacher for her.

Despite the distance between us, my first spirit touches my student, and my second spirit touches that which is between us. Thus, I can tell that the obstacles between us will allow her to detect my presence in three, two, one, and I abruptly turn my head towards her while simultaneously flaring my qi. It is calculated deliberately to make her think that she should have sensed me before, and that I allowed her to sense me through my movement, yet of course she did not sense the dropping of a technique, for there was no technique to drop. It is an illusion, though not an art, and it will be lesson one if she can figure out what I did. She startles, but approaches, and stands before me soon enough.

I get up, and give a courteous bow. "Sect Sister Su Ling."

"You my teacher?" The fox girl is obviously cautious of me, a sharp spike of neutral emotions among the undercurrents of anger and hate that she obviously has let define her. Ah, but it really is amusing; I really am an appropriate teacher.

"If I could keep up the illusion of being your illusion teacher, I dare say you would want to learn from me anyway. You may call me Cang Lin." I keep my placid smile in place as she narrows her eyes at me.

"That's not the name on the letter I got."

"Lesson two. Read the characters back to front." She blinks, fishes a recognizable slip of paper out of her storage ring, squints at it, and then curses rather luridly.

"That's stupid. Why'd you do that? And what happened to lesson one??"

"Lesson two is that things can hide in plain sight. Lesson one was the method of my arrival."

I let her blink over that for a few seconds.

"Lesson three is swords," I offer. A prod of my second spirit, and my art applies itself to the water as it expresses itself in my hand.

She is well and truly angry at me now. "What the fuck do swords have to do with illusions?" She all but shouts at me. Still, she draws her sword and lunges at me.

Of course, I completely disregard the watery sword in my hand, step forward, and actively use her strike to impale myself. Anger turns to shock as a chunk of my side turns to water and splashes over her clothes.

"Swords cannot hit illusion. It must be broken through other means. Lesson four is that there are two sides to the practice of illusion," I state, deadly as the grave. "The foxfire you practice currently only belongs to the first side; namely, that of insubstantiality. Your temptations of food and treasure are as air; they are not actually present."

She looks positively freaked out. "What the fuck. I hit you. I felt my sword hit ribs! Why the fuck is there water??"

I let my domain begin reconstituting myself, and water flows back up over my robes to reform into flesh, bone, and cloth. "Lesson five." I draw on my first spirit and Su Ling takes an involuntary step backward as my words become a vector for its intent. "The second side of illusion, the pinnacle of illusion, is when your illusion expands on what is real. The air behaves like food, and fills the belly. My body behaves like water, and flows away from attack."

By this time, my faux wound is as if it had never been dealt. Therefore, I stimulate my art, and my entire body dissolves, draining into the river, a bucket of water in an ocean, although I allow myself to retain the outline of a human body. "Find me," I instruct my student.

She does. Then I make it harder to do so.


Half the lesson is spent teaching my student to find illusions. By the end of it, she is wet and frustrated, scowling at me, but entirely focused on me, making sure I do not abruptly disappear again. Truly, an excellent state of mind to learn in. For the rest of the session, I will teach her to create illusions herself.

"Tell me, what exactly do you do to cast an illusion? How does your foxfire really work?"

She can't really answer, but I let her try to explain enough to realize she doesn't really know.

So, I answer for her. Lesson six: Her illusions of treasure are hopelessly crude. Forced to rely only on one sense, she uses her art to deliberately draw attention to what she has done to her opponent's senses. That is the wrong approach, ultimately. It is good if your opponent is weak enough to have their mind clouded by the secondary effect of the art, but against those stronger it only tells them that something is wrong all the quicker. It also is good at higher levels when you can change everything they see and pull attention away from a second illusion, but it is still a crutch.

Instead - lesson seven - she should have her illusions be more like hers of food. Let them see the food. Let them smell it. Evoke an anticipation of tasting the food. Fool all the senses, not just sight. Let them notice the food on their own. But, don't bother actually making illusions of food; that's out of place in a fight. Lesson eight. Instead, make illusions of what the opponent expects to see. If, in a fight, the other sees what they want to see, and hears what they want to hear, feels what they want to feel, and it is seamless enough to be a reasonable happening… they will not question it. And then you will have them.

Lesson nine. Timing, unfortunately, is not art. It is skill. But that skill can then be used for all arts.

Of course, she then loudly realizes that I have not opened my mouth for some time, and have been creating the illusion of speech. She asks me if I just like stupid mind games. It is not that I like it, Su Ling, but that I must do it, if I am to know how to create my illusions. Lesson ten. Everyone is different in what they expect. Don't use your art to force changes. Let it lie on me, let it show you what I expect to see, and then cast that illusion…

I am using my own illusion art to convince myself that I expect to see her obscured behind a ball of hot, crackling foxfire ten feet wide, far beyond what she can produce, and so I am effectively shouting my expectations in her art's metaphorical ear. Thankfully, she casts the correct illusion.

Yes, holy shit, the art can be used that way. Yes, it's qi intensive. It is not your usual, obvious illusions, though, so your opponents will never suspect it, will they? I was going easy on you, though, so let's up the difficulty of the exercise before I let you try that against actual opponents, hmm?


At the end of the session, she is not just wet, but exhausted, and extremely angry. She can't get it when I'm not helping her, so I expect that will have to wait until Green Soul, at least. But until then, she can guess. And that is still excellent. She does not have book learning, but she can obtain low cunning, and that is just as good.

"Do you think that I am your illusion teacher yet?" I gently prod her.

Happily enough, my student does not give me a glare, merely waving me off with a tired sneer. "Yeah, you know your stuff. Not gonna lie."

"Lesson eleven. That is a good mindset, because to use illusion you need more than just illusion, unlike the Wen family or what have you. You cannot just obscure. You must also reveal." I poke at her with my first spirit again, dragging her attention to focus on me one more time.

"This, Su Ling, is an example of what you can accomplish, thinking this way. This is the technique that got me into the Inner Sect, although it has been refined since then." My greatest work, I do not say, and merely the keystone to my masterpiece, my self-created, though unfinished, Water Convergence Art.

Contrary to what some believe, yin water is not only cold water; it is simply water without movement. Still pools, stagnant pools. Yang water is not just hot water, either. It is water that moves.

The yang water comes first. The globe of water floating over my palm thrashes with currents, then boils as the currents tear themselves apart, then vibrates itself into a fine mist. Then, from extreme yang, yin is born. In a maelstrom, water rotates about the center. The closer to the center, the faster the rotation. But at the very center, the axis that the whirlpool rotates about is utterly still. The outer edges of the mist abruptly resolve into a thin film of calm water, where infinite droplets freeze for the barest instant as they reach the film and cease their outward movement before being drawn back in, the film itself held in place only by the fact that that is where yang turns into yin, its' shape changing from moment to moment.

I flex my illusions, convincing myself that it should move in a specific pattern, my art responds to my shaped intent, and I hold a handful of flickering, iridescent flames made out of water. The result of a simple Shredding Water Claw technique, that I reworked into the Yin Yang Water Knife that I crushed my tournament with, further refined into the true technique, Water Like Fire.

"Water, that is fire. Not illusion," I say quietly, "but reality." And I cast the flames into the river at our side. It catches like fire tossed into oil, my qi reserves and those of my second spirit dropping precipitously as the flames spread and soar to ten feet, twenty, thirty…

My flying sword, Netherworld River Painting, created solely for the control over water it affords me, unrolls behind me. With a roar, I rip the flaming water from the riverbed, leaving dry earth, and smash the firestorm into the foliage on the far bank. The yin water covering the flames, propelled by the yang water inside, stabs into the trees like so many tiny knives, tearing the water within out and absorbing it into the conflagration, and the old trees scream as they are reduced to less than splinters. Just as humans behave, when their flesh is subject to this attack.

Breathing hard, I allow my second spirit to briefly manifest, a whirlpool forming in and drinking up the water flames before vanishing to restore to me the qi infused into the flames not spent to smash the foliage. "Of course, you won't follow my path to completion; you are Fire, I am Water," I inform the stunned sect sister in front of me, who has fallen on her rear end. "But, I do hope that you take some inspiration. Until next time, Su Ling." I bow, deeply… and vanish.

By the time the shock fades and she thinks to pierce the illusion, I am far away, borne on the water even now refilling the riverbed. A most satisfactory session.

Even more satisfactory come the following afternoon, when I laugh long and loud at learning of her breakthrough that very night and of the expertly smashed attack on her home that morning.

How amusing! Perhaps she may even tell Ling Qi of me! Truly, I cannot wait!
Oh, and before I forget:

[X] Focus on your needlework and watch your friend and liege, you've never actually seen much of their interactions, and you aren't sure you want to blunder into another difficult conversation.

Have we seen these two interacting casually before?
She would have expected Cai Renxiang's favorite book to be a gigantic tome of law or something.
Don't throw shade at your master, gdi.

[X] Take the lead in conversation, ask Cai Renxiang what she was reading. You are trying to be more outgoing. What could go wrong with asking about her literary interests?
Absolutely everything can go wrong, so let's do this. When was the last time this turned into a proper comedy?
You know, it occurs to me that Su LIng's element change away from Lake had probably done a number on her existing arts, especially her native inborn ones.
Using Mountain for illusions is going to be especially hard. Its not impossible, but it'd be substantially harder than Lake, because Lake is pretty much the definition of superficial image with nothing beneath the reflection, while Mountain is holding fast and standing tall against all comers.

A Mountain illusion then, is designed to intimidate and impress, not to deceive.
Fire should work fine of course, but it directly links to and works with passion, so using it to trick is hard without Lake or Heaven giving it more creative leeway, using it to GOAD is is easy.

Mountain + Fire => Illusion of Come At Me Bro?
[X] Take the lead in conversation, ask Cai Renxiang what she was reading. You are trying to be more outgoing. What could go wrong with asking about her literary interests?
[X] Take the lead in conversation, ask Cai Renxiang what she was reading. You are trying to be more outgoing. What could go wrong with asking about her literary interests?
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by naths on Sep 22, 2019 at 12:53 PM, finished with 127 posts and 74 votes.
Wasn't the point in voting for Cai and Meizhen to see how they were interacting?
I get that we want LQ to be more proactive socially, but why don't we just take a step back and observe this?