Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X] Take the lead in conversation, ask Cai Renxiang what she was reading. You are trying to be more outgoing. What could go wrong with asking about her literary interests?
[X] Take the lead in conversation, ask Cai Renxiang what she was reading. You are trying to be more outgoing. What could go wrong with asking about her literary interests?

The only topic more universal than the weather.
Ok, so useful things from discord.

To give some background context to the first: last night we were talking about CDE+ etc., and I made the argument that, while they're great and cool arts, in many ways I'd prefer to not cultivate them and go and find a new perception art. The problem is that CDE, long term, doesn't integrate with Ling Qi's whole bard music-centric build really. Having eyes everywhere is adding another element that isn't really connected. I maintain, as I have argued before, that what we really want there is music/listening-based perception that would tie into Ling Qi really well and develop appropriate advanced skills etc. In that light, training CDE+ is just falling into sunk-cost fallacies and rather than continue to push ourselves down the "wrong" path, it would be better to cut our losses there and go and find a more appropriate art. Or at least that's my view.

Anyway, @naths asked @yrsillar just now if it would be possible to take our current perception arts and stick in the music keyword before making successors, and if doing so could make them evolve into something like listening arts - and yrsillar has said that that might be doable. So that's cool! Train CDE+ now, and then look at modifying it later when we make our own successors.

Secondly, I asked if my idea of modifying TRF to make a qi regen/resist focused successor was plausible - and he said that it might be stretching things a bit, but also might be possible (given we have SES to draw from). So that's also cool.

Overall then, we have some cool long term development options to think about, and some slightly better ideas about the potential scope for art development.
Ling Qi cut off the flow of qi to her mist as well, and the training field began to clear, a wide circle of packed earth encircled by sturdy qi enhanced stone, pools of sizzling poison pitted the field and deep gauges and shattered stones marked the walls. "Really though," Ling Qi huffed. "Who gave you the idea to cultivate such an unfair art."

Meizhen gave her a bland look as she alighted on the surface of the largest pool, the one that formed beneath her. Her friend swiftly glided across the surface, and stepped soundlessly onto the muddy earth. "I could not imagine," she replied serenely. "An idle whim I suppose."

Did our combat style cause Meizhen to get an interest in an area denial technique of her own? For being related to an art which causes it to rain poison eventually forming a poison lake I am getting astonishingly fuzzy feelings from this.

And we were already mostly the cause of her Earth arts too!

Combining both our hungry mists and Meizhen's venemous rain is gonna be wonderful when we get around to team combat. The chilling wind and suppressing terror are gonna be the icing on the cake really. (heh, icing)

Villain Team go!
[X] Focus on your needlework and watch your friend and liege, you've never actually seen much of their interactions, and you aren't sure you want to blunder into another difficult conversation.

Disregard books, acquire threads. It's in the name of the quest, so it's clearly very important. If we don't vote for this, we'll cripple every narrative possible forever and doom all the babies Ling Qi is responsible for to boringness. True facts.

I have to say, we've really improved if we are now able to leave some ice burns on Meizhen. She has some crazy defenses going on here, but we were still able to punch through it for a score.

It brings me back to the time when we sparred with Meizhen in FoD and weren't really capable of doing any damage to her, even with FSS. Now though... now we are keeping pace with her which is fantastic.
Note Meizhen's apparent abstention of counter art use during the match. If she had, our mists would have invited reprisal, for example, making them worse than useless. Putting aside her most polished and paradigm-defining skillset, she manhandled Ling Qi handily, with as small a cultivation gap between them as there's ever been.

Also Ling Qi can't even dodge auto-hit field effects yet. What a scrub.
[X] Take the lead in conversation, ask Cai Renxiang what she was reading. You are trying to be more outgoing. What could go wrong with asking about her literary interests?
[X] Take the lead in conversation, ask Cai Renxiang what she was reading. You are trying to be more outgoing. What could go wrong with asking about her literary interests?

Books. Books. I love books.
[X] Focus on your needlework and watch your friend and liege, you've never actually seen much of their interactions, and you aren't sure you want to blunder into another difficult conversation.
[X] Take the lead in conversation, ask Cai Renxiang what she was reading. You are trying to be more outgoing. What could go wrong with asking about her literary interests?

After what yrs did with Xuan Shi's book series, I kinda wanna see what Cai reads in her spare time.
[X] Take the lead in conversation, ask Cai Renxiang what she was reading. You are trying to be more outgoing. What could go wrong with asking about her literary interests?
[X] Focus on your needlework and watch your friend and liege, you've never actually seen much of their interactions, and you aren't sure you want to blunder into another difficult conversation.
[X] Focus on your needlework and watch your friend and liege, you've never actually seen much of their interactions, and you aren't sure you want to blunder into another difficult conversation.
[X] Take the lead in conversation, ask Cai Renxiang what she was reading. You are trying to be more outgoing. What could go wrong with asking about her literary interests?

We voted to try and be more socially outgoing before, and waffling on that is just gonna be too salty.

Having eyes everywhere is adding another element that isn't really connected.
Yeah, but all you really need to to do to fix that is swap "eyes" to "ears". Maybe "eyes and ears" if we're being greedy, but still.
[X] Focus on your needlework and watch your friend and liege, you've never actually seen much of their interactions, and you aren't sure you want to blunder into another difficult conversation.
[x] Focus on your needlework and watch your friend and liege, you've never actually seen much of their interactions, and you aren't sure you want to blunder into another difficult conversation.

I want to know what they're like together and I don't think we need to immediately dominate the gathering as soon they decide to include us.
Loooved this update.

"Really though," Ling Qi huffed. "Who gave you the idea to cultivate such an unfair art."

Meizhen gave her a bland look as she alighted on the surface of the largest pool, the one that formed beneath her. Her friend swiftly glided across the surface, and stepped soundlessly onto the muddy earth. "I could not imagine," she replied serenely. "An idle whim I suppose."

Yay, Qi is a bad influence again! She truly is a gigantic pain in the ass to fight. You Must Be This Tall To Ride, and when you get there, she can still either attrit you to a slow death, or just punch several feet above her weight class.

Ling Qi cracked a grin and laughed. "Seriously though, it seems like I really can't catch up, no matter what I do."

Bai Meizhen raised her eyebrow. "Ling Qi, fishing for praise does not become you. That you are keeping pace is absurd enough, given the resources that have been made available to me."

Ling Qi stretched her arms overhead, she was fine physically, but her whole spirit felt sore after that last hit. "Hah, sorry," she breathed out.

Qi still wants to overcome the mountain's peak she set her eyes on in the first week of being a cultivator. Better look sharp, Meizhen, Qi is coming.

"Right, that reminds me, why'd you decide to change your hair?" Ling Qi asked curiously as she turned to follow her friend out. Meizhen's hair had always been very long, reaching down to her hips after the girls third realm breakthrough, but she had always worn it loose. Now, starting at her shoulders, the girls white locks were bound by a pale blue ribbon of silk. Hardly the most fanciful hairstyle she had seen, but it was a change all the same from her conservative friend.

Bai Meizhen glanced back at her as she caught up. "The ribbon was a gift, it seemed wasteful not to make use of it."

"Oh, something from your family?" Ling Qi said. She had noticed the faint white stitching picking out formations characters, so it was obviously a talisman.

The other girl paused, but it was so brief that Ling Qi barely noticed it. "No, it was from Bao Qingling, she wished to express gratitude for my collaboration with her projects."

Oooooh, how cute, wearing a gift from her current crush.

"I don't doubt it," Ling Qi said. "I'm a little surprised you got her talking to you in the first place though, how did that happen?"

Meizhen gave her a small frown, as they left the training field, even as she air shimmered under the cloak of qi that kept their conversation private. " I found her rather similar to you if I am to be honest. She is not unwilling to speak on technical topics, but she does not bother hiding her disinterest in less material subjects."

Ling Qi winced, not sure how she should take that. Was she really that bad?

"You're more subtle, and better at being nice about it," Sixiang chuckled.

"As the muse said," Bai Meizhen said, with a faint twinkle of amusement in her eyes.

Yeah, these two continue to know each other quite well, and are comfortable enough to poke fun.

"Yeah, go ahead and laugh it up. I'll be the life of the party before you know it," Ling Qi replied with an affronted sniff.

"How horrifying the prospect must be for you," Bai Meizhen replied blandly. Ling Qi poked her irritably in the side, and had her hand swatted away for her trouble.

Gah she knows Qi so well.

Ling Qi grumbled good naturedly as they made their way up the mountain toward Cai Renxiang's current residence. However, she wasn't done. "So are you going to keep finding reasons to meet with her?"

My, how the turn tables.

Her friend's graceful stride paused almost imperceptibly again. "If time allows I suppose. I believe we find each others company agreeable. Why do you ask?"

Ling Qi paused, trying to choose her words carefully. "I know you pretty well, I think, and I'm glad you're making more friends. I guess…" she trailed off, not sure how to say it. Initial incident aside, she had not really handled Meizhen's interest well last year. "I'm just not sure what you're looking for I suppose."

"I do not precisely know myself," Meizhen answered lowly. "It is not exactly a subject on which I can seek help."

If she had been less composed that would've been the part where she blushes and almost trips.

"So Bao Qingling? Why her?"

"We share a certain interest in the less medicinal branches of alchemy, and I find her acerbic nature somewhat endearing, and well…" Meizhen trailed off awkwardly, glancing at Ling Qi.

Right, well apparently tall and gangly was a type someone could have, Ling Qi thought wryly. "Well, I wish you good luck, that's for sure." She just really hoped Meizhen didn't get hurt again. Still, it struck her then that Bai Meizhen was swiftly becoming better at dealing with such feelings than she was. She wasn't sure how to feel about that.

"Thank you, though I think one has to know the outcome they desire, before one can know whether a turn of fortune is good or bad," Bai Meizhen replied dryly.

Gonna rule in favor of "I have a type and both of you are in it" instead of "she looks like you".

[] Take the lead in conversation, ask Cai Renxiang what she was reading. You are trying to be more outgoing. What could go wrong with asking about her literary interests?
[] Focus on your needlework and watch your friend and liege, you've never actually seen much of their interactions, and you aren't sure you want to blunder into another difficult conversation.

Kinda just wanna sit back and watch them interact tbh.
[X] Take the lead in conversation, ask Cai Renxiang what she was reading. You are trying to be more outgoing. What could go wrong with asking about her literary interests?

I'm interested to see what Renxiang reads for liesure.

Note Meizhen's apparent abstention of counter art use during the match. If she had, our mists would have invited reprisal, for example, making them worse than useless. Putting aside her most polished and paradigm-defining skillset, she manhandled Ling Qi handily, with as small a cultivation gap between them as there's ever been.

Alternatively, Ling Qi learned to abstain from using dissonance and instead just set up MotV + Elegy (of which only elegy should provoke a counter and only a single one at that) before transitioning to other arts.
[X] Take the lead in conversation, ask Cai Renxiang what she was reading. You are trying to be more outgoing. What could go wrong with asking about her literary interests?
[X] Take the lead in conversation, ask Cai Renxiang what she was reading. You are trying to be more outgoing. What could go wrong with asking about her literary interests?

I'm interested to see what Renxiang reads for liesure.

Alternatively, Ling Qi learned to abstain from using dissonance and instead just set up MotV + Elegy (of which only elegy should provoke a counter and only a single one at that) before transitioning to other arts.
She did use either dissonance though, it's right there in the text.
Despite the rain, her mist hung stubbornly in the air, thick and dark, swirling in eddies kicked up by the roaring rain, the black phantasms within howled and circled her enemy, ready to descend at her mark
Only other thing it could have been is BKSD's first technique, which it couldn't have been since she hasn't cultivated the art yet.
Only other thing it could have been is BKSD's first technique, which it couldn't have been since she hasn't cultivated the art yet.
It must be noted, however, that they haven't attacked Meizhen. They are waiting for Ling Qi's mark to descend. Unless Meizhen's counters have suddenly changed, then the counters would begin when the phantoms actually attacked, not when they had formed. After all, Meizhen counters attacks not things waiting to attack.
Well, I can tell which one's winning, therefore

[X] Focus on your needlework and watch your friend and liege, you've never actually seen much of their interactions, and you aren't sure you want to blunder into another difficult conversation.
[X] Take the lead in conversation, ask Cai Renxiang what she was reading. You are trying to be more outgoing. What could go wrong with asking about her literary interests?

I want us to be sincere and curious where the collateral is least risky. A failure here is a place for them to give us pointers no matter how fussy or grumbly we might be about it. At worst it's a very awkward thing we have to work through, but like. At best we show we're earnest and care to be better, especially in this social field we are not so great at
[X] Take the lead in conversation, ask Cai Renxiang what she was reading. You are trying to be more outgoing. What could go wrong with asking about her literary interests?
[X] Take the lead in conversation, ask Cai Renxiang what she was reading. You are trying to be more outgoing. What could go wrong with asking about her literary interests?
[X] Take the lead in conversation, ask Cai Renxiang what she was reading. You are trying to be more outgoing. What could go wrong with asking about her literary interests?