thread policyDiscussion of politics that does not directly relate to the Quest or to Quest votes are banned from hereon out. This thread policy will be enforced by the Moderation team. Do not ignore it.
I'm inclined to agree. The Rumford Diaries, AKA Victoria the actual book, sure, maybe burn those. Portraits of Kraftford? Again, maybe, although it's a slightly sketchier maybe.
Actual holy texts, I.E Bibles? No, we probably shouldn't go around burning those even if they were owned by Vics. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth. If anything we can probably find some use for them with our own population, assuming as above and these aren't actually Vic edited versions, which does seem doubtful.
I'm inclined to agree. The Rumford Diaries, AKA Victoria the actual book, sure, maybe burn those. Portraits of Kraftford? Again, maybe, although it's a slightly sketchier maybe.
Actual holy texts, I.E Bibles? No, we probably shouldn't go around burning those even if they were owned by Vics. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth. If anything we can probably find some use for them with our own population, assuming as above and these aren't actually Vic edited versions, which does seem doubtful.
We're not if I have my way, but I wanted to reenact that propaganda film where enemy banners are thrown before the feet of Stalin and the leaders of the Red Army.
We're not if I have my way, but I wanted to reenact that propaganda film where enemy banners are thrown before the feet of Stalin and the leaders of the Red Army.
As AKuz said, various holy or, "holy," texts. They disdain standardization sufficient to have unit symbols, but many forces will have private iconography. Eagles, crosses, little pictures of their founding fathers. That sort of thing.
Oh, I have a computer fund. And don't want to make the spectacularly risky move of making money on other people's IP.
I think that attempting to destroy texts is a bad idea, because:
1) It could look like we have something to hide, probably something that would make the Commonwealth look bad, which feeds into my second point:
2) By destroying/banning these texts we give them a forbidden appeal as well as potentially imply legitimacy/give more credit to these texts than they deserve, especially among more rebellious populaces and those whom may have never directly experience the horrors of Victoria or the coming generations.
3) It's flirting with the degradation of free speech which is justifiable but risks leading towards an echo chamber that worse comes to worst could create a similarly destructive ideology within our own ranks or encourage similar burnings of any information that doesn't fit into our narrative or we just don't like.
4) Burning books isn't going to stop the extremists from believing in and perpetuating their ideology and the regular bible could easily be interpreted in a way to best suit their narrative, as so often has been proven in the past and continues today. Which as I've mentioned before leaves us going down the slippery slope of banning regular books just because when cherry-picked they can promote "dangerous ideas".
IMO these texts should be available, not encouraged but available however edited to include deconstructions of the Vicks insane logic, fact checkering their misinformation as well as the full historical context of the horrors that their ideology created. Both so that the texts stand by themselves (without being propped up) so they can fall flat on their faces on their own merits (or rather lack thereof) as well as proudly advertising we are a nation and society ruled by law and reason that doesn't need to promote ignorance and primitivism to survive, profoundly unlike the Victorians.
All profits from future publications of Victorian texts should also go towards charities that help the causes, groups and demographics that the Vicks have hurt the most.
2. I highly doubt they edited the bible. They have a cult of tradition, and would want to keep things like that. Now would the edit it if the felt they needed to? Sure. But they don't. Hundreds of extremely patriarchal societies, including the original English Victorian's used the bible. The idea that they would need to bother editing the bible to support patriarchy is sadly optimistic.
I feel this bears repeating. the Bible says a lot of things, and playing games with what is or is not a metaphor, and what is and is not something to be considered important, is a a practice almost as old as religion. Getting the bible to agree with immoral acts is very much a solved problem. If the Victorians changed their bibles at all, it would most likely be due to bad quality control during reprinting than anything. Lets not burn copies of the bible that are probably just normal ones that happened to be owned by monsters.
Europe has seen much in the millennia of its shared history, far too much for a land to bare in this day of strife and conflict.
Alexander the Great, Rome's rise and fall, The Islamic invasions, both in the 900s and the 2030s, left scars and reopened so many old wounds, old grudges, ancient rivalries rekindled.
Europe...the Birthplace of the Western ideals fell into the fires of the Collapse, and is changed once again. The Civil Wars caused by the Refugees and Natives killed millions, the Natives won by being bigger bastards, the Russian-Backed Seperatist movements killed even more and everything just broke.
When the people went to Brussels to kill most of the EU parliament in 2035, people thought that was the end of the EU Experiment.
And it was for a little while...only not really to the shock of everyone, the EU clung to life, its assets crippled and most of parliament dead, they rebuilt.
Its a wonder how fear of Russia can do to a continent. New EU reforms made it less of a government body, and more of a military trade alliance, essentially a Federation, which is what it should have been in the first place.
Still places like Poland and Germany weathered the storm better than most. But that is a story for another time.
The World has changed a lot since the last time a '68 rolled around, and hell it will be worse than the last run...there's no USA to bail us out from Russia this time.
Ain't that a Bitch. Should have gone with my Brother to the Americas, it can't be any worse than here.
Can it? Musings for another time I guess.
Russia is turning for another Round...let's give them hell on the way down.
[]...The Third Polish Republic. We gave everything in the Collapse, Blood, Money, Honor. seven times they lay Siege to Warsaw, seven times the POLISH Army (And a few of the odd wayward american ones from the NATO bases) held them at the Vistula river. You stepped up and held the line for nearly Fifty years!!
And we will continue to hold the line forever. "Mazurek Dąbrowskiego" We are not YET LOST!!
The Titan who held the Sky:For nearly Fifty Years your nation held the Line against the Russians, No one else could. This has given you many friends in the EU, as you literally held Russia back. The blood of the Visulta ran red seven times with Ivan's dead. They will not arrive to the river this time. "I held you back for Nearly 40 years you bastard...Vistula will run red with Russian Blood again."
The Cutting Edge: You are the Second most advanced Military on you did it, you killed and stole from the Russians in every battle you won, Tanks, Planes, Guns and some of the WEIRD shit they made. "That's a nice Set of Military Equipment you have...Yoink."
An Army of Exiles: The US Military in the NATO bases are well, all that is left, sorta, They will help you kill the russians, but they are essentially a government in Exile living in bases. As Long as you take care of them, they will help take care of you. "One Day...when all this is over. We'll go back to the US and Kick Victoria's ass."
We are All a Lost Generation: Nearly fifty Years of War, strife and Chaos have left Poland...Tired. We can't keep doing this shit anymore, Our People won't survive this bloodletting...We can't keep being the Shield of Europe anymore. "I'm Tired...I just want to lay down and rest, but I can't."
GI GO HOME: Political Pressures from Victoria, Russia and the other Puppets are using the Political and economic pressures to send the American's to Their deaths in Victoria. Now The EU are yelling at you to do it for concessions. "I can't keep protecting you anymore. I want to, but I can't keep doing this forever."
Economic Instability: You survived EVERYTHING the Collapse threw at you and only NOW is your Currancy going to collapse...OH SHIT. "We Suvived Seven Invasions...and now you tell us that its our Econamy that is going to kill us!!"
[]...The Reformed Kalmar Union of Sweden, Denmark and Norway:Before those three rejoined the EU in an official capacity, they reformed the Kalmar Union, not as anything wax nostalgic or anything, just a defence pact in order to keep Russia away that kinda evolved, blame the royal marriages for that.
But enough on the past, let us Blaze a Trail to Valhalla...For the Pride of the Ancestors!!
The Legacy of Unity: Even if the Kalmar Union was now a member state of the EU, everyone remembers the hard times together, and that made life long friends, and those are rare in these dangerous days. "So Beer on Unification day, Great, lets all meet at the Bar."
Sturdy Econemy: You Love Sweden's Iron Reserves, SO MUCH!! You recovered so quick in those days. Now your a local power house. "SWEDISH IRON IS THE GREATEST!!!"
Political Guru: If there was one thing you did not lose in the Collapse, it was your way with other governments, you are the peace maker, for better and for worse. "Alright everyone...Sit your ass down we have work to do."
A Wall Against the Bear: Geography has cursed you with close proximity to Russia...with all the baggage that is implied. "Russia is Just standing there, Menacingly!!"
The Seperatist Factions: Some nationalists want the Union gone and for things to be seperate again. Well that sounds like Russian TALK!! "Swedish Iron is for Sweeden!!"
Bitter feelings, Bitter actions: The Nations,somewhat still sizable Islamic population, is BITTER about all the harsh actions in the Past. " "Maybe killing and Deporting them wasn't the BEST course of Action."
[]...The Baltic Liberation Army/Government in Exile of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania:This is the Third Time the Baltics had fallen to the Russian Menace. You would think they would be used to it by now and roll over and die like the last time. Not this time. When Russia Invaded, the governments of the Baltic states swore a pact, NEVER AGAIN. And with the final lines of communication with their forces told them to go underground and FIGHT, no matter how long it takes.
It took almost 30 years, but you are FINALLY getting somewhere with that Forgien aid package.
Supported by the World: No one, likes the Russian Government in the Baltic, not even the baltic people. So you have a wide range of popular support in and out of the country. "I am not alone this time."
Underground: The Thing about trying to find an resistance army is that they don't look like an army at first glance. "Baby we can all live underground...and kill some Ruskies on the way home."
Smuggling Network: Your Proximity to Sweden makes getting things IED parts and light tanks. "You've got the Good Shit this time right?"
The Boot on the Face forever: The Russian's ARE GOOD at killing Dissent. You thought the Resistance in Victoria had it ain't seen nothing yet. "1984...was lightweight compared to what the Russian Empire uses."
Alexander's Finest: The Best Troops in the Empire are a stones Throw away, you get their attention they will be on you like a swarm of Locusts. "We ARE vigelent, Waiting and Able."
Collaberators on Every street: Some people just gave in for food, then money, then power...choose who you trust wisely. "Sometimes its better to just lay down and just take it.we can't win this time."
AN:Hello this is @Cyberphilosipher bringing you a Negaverse in the Vain of the Indonisia Negaverse.
If things are a bit inaccurite I tried damn it!! We Know JACK about Europe as it is.
The Colored Words are the Hitallia nations talking to themselves and to guests. In the case of Poland, he is comforting the American Exiles and himself.
The Sweds, Denmark and Norway are just chilling.
The Baltic's are more depressed then usual but still have a will to fight.
Europe has seen much in the millennia of its shared history, far too much for a land to bare in this day of strife and conflict.
Alexander the Great, Rome's rise and fall, The Islamic invasions, both in the 900s and the 2030s, left scars and reopened so many old wounds, old grudges, ancient rivalries rekindled.
Europe...the Birthplace of the Western ideals fell into the fires of the Collapse, and is changed once again. The Civil Wars caused by the Refugees and Natives killed millions, the Natives won by being bigger bastards, the Russian-Backed Seperatist movements killed even more and everything just broke.
When the people went to Brussels to kill most of the EU parliament in 2035, people thought that was the end of the EU Experiment.
And it was for a little while...only not really to the shock of everyone, the EU clung to life, its assets crippled and most of parliament dead, they rebuilt.
Its a wonder how fear of Russia can do to a continent. New EU reforms made it less of a government body, and more of a military trade alliance, essentially a Federation, which is what it should have been in the first place.
Still places like Poland and Germany weathered the storm better than most. But that is a story for another time.
The World has changed a lot since the last time a '68 rolled around, and hell it will be worse than the last run...there's no USA to bail us out from Russia this time.
Ain't that a Bitch. Should have gone with my Brother to the Americas, it can't be any worse than here.
Can it? Musings for another time I guess.
Russia is turning for another Round...let's give them hell on the way down.
[]...The Third Polish Republic. We gave everything in the Collapse, Blood, Money, Honor. seven times they lay Siege to Warsaw, seven times the POLISH Army (And a few of the odd wayward american ones from the NATO bases) held them at the Vistula river. You stepped up and held the line for nearly Fifty years!!
And we will continue to hold the line forever. "Mazurek Dąbrowskiego" We are not YET LOST!!
The Titan who held the Sky:For nearly Fifty Years your nation held the Line against the Russians, No one else could. This has given you many friends in the EU, as you literally held Russia back. The blood of the Visulta ran red seven times with Ivan's dead. They will not arrive to the river this time. "I held you back for Nearly 40 years you bastard...Vistula will run red with Russian Blood again."
The Cutting Edge: You are the Second most advanced Military on you did it, you killed and stole from the Russians in every battle you won, Tanks, Planes, Guns and some of the WEIRD shit they made. "That's a nice Set of Military Equipment you have...Yoink."
An Army of Exiles: The US Military in the NATO bases are well, all that is left, sorta, They will help you kill the russians, but they are essentially a government in Exile living in bases. As Long as you take care of them, they will help take care of you. "One Day...when all this is over. We'll go back to the US and Kick Victoria's ass."
We are All a Lost Generation: Nearly fifty Years of War, strife and Chaos have left Poland...Tired. We can't keep doing this shit anymore, Our People won't survive this bloodletting...We can't keep being the Shield of Europe anymore. "I'm Tired...I just want to lay down and rest, but I can't."
GI GO HOME: Political Pressures from Victoria, Russia and the other Puppets are using the Political and economic pressures to send the American's to Their deaths in Victoria. Now The EU are yelling at you to do it for concessions. "I can't keep protecting you anymore. I want to, but I can't keep doing this forever."
Economic Instability: You survived EVERYTHING the Collapse threw at you and only NOW is your Currancy going to collapse...OH SHIT. "We Suvived Seven Invasions...and now you tell us that its our Econamy that is going to kill us!!"
[]...The Reformed Kalmar Union of Sweden, Denmark and Norway:Before those three rejoined the EU in an official capacity, they reformed the Kalmar Union, not as anything wax nostalgic or anything, just a defence pact in order to keep Russia away that kinda evolved, blame the royal marriages for that.
But enough on the past, let us Blaze a Trail to Valhalla...For the Pride of the Ancestors!!
The Legacy of Unity: Even if the Kalmar Union was now a member state of the EU, everyone remembers the hard times together, and that made life long friends, and those are rare in these dangerous days. "So Beer on Unification day, Great, lets all meet at the Bar."
Sturdy Econemy: You Love Sweden's Iron Reserves, SO MUCH!! You recovered so quick in those days. Now your a local power house. "SWEDISH IRON IS THE GREATEST!!!"
Political Guru: If there was one thing you did not lose in the Collapse, it was your way with other governments, you are the peace maker, for better and for worse. "Alright everyone...Sit your ass down we have work to do."
A Wall Against the Bear: Geography has cursed you with close proximity to Russia...with all the baggage that is implied. "Russia is Just standing there, Menacingly!!"
The Seperatist Factions: Some nationalists want the Union gone and for things to be seperate again. Well that sounds like Russian TALK!! "Swedish Iron is for Sweeden!!"
Bitter feelings, Bitter actions: The Nations,somewhat still sizable Islamic population, is BITTER about all the harsh actions in the Past. " "Maybe killing and Deporting them wasn't the BEST course of Action."
[]...The Baltic Liberation Army/Government in Exile of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania:This is the Third Time the Baltics had fallen to the Russian Menace. You would think they would be used to it by now and roll over and die like the last time. Not this time. When Russia Invaded, the governments of the Baltic states swore a pact, NEVER AGAIN. And with the final lines of communication with their forces told them to go underground and FIGHT, no matter how long it takes.
It took almost 30 years, but you are FINALLY getting somewhere with that Forgien aid package.
Supported by the World: No one, likes the Russian Government in the Baltic, not even the baltic people. So you have a wide range of popular support in and out of the country. "I am not alone this time."
Underground: The Thing about trying to find an resistance army is that they don't look like an army at first glance. "Baby we can all live underground...and kill some Ruskies on the way home."
Smuggling Network: Your Proximity to Sweden makes getting things IED parts and light tanks. "You've got the Good Shit this time right?"
The Boot on the Face forever: The Russian's ARE GOOD at killing Dissent. You thought the Resistance in Victoria had it ain't seen nothing yet. "1984...was lightweight compared to what the Russian Empire uses."
Alexander's Finest: The Best Troops in the Empire are a stones Throw away, you get their attention they will be on you like a swarm of Locusts. "We ARE vigelent, Waiting and Able."
Collaberators on Every street: Some people just gave in for food, then money, then power...choose who you trust wisely. "Sometimes its better to just lay down and just take it.we can't win this time."
AN:Hello this is @Cyberphilosipher bringing you a Negaverse in the Vain of the Indonisia Negaverse.
If things are a bit inaccurite I tried damn it!! We Know JACK about Europe as it is.
The Colored Words are the Hitallia nations talking to themselves and to guests. In the case of Poland, he is comforting the American Exiles and himself.
The Sweds, Denmark and Norway are just chilling.
The Baltic's are more depressed then usual but still have a will to fight.
axis power hetalia:The series' main presentation is as an often over-the-top allegory of political and historic events as well as more general cultural comparisons
axis power hetalia:The series' main presentation is as an often over-the-top allegory of political and historic events as well as more general cultural comparisons
Well good, the little personafication moments in the Omake, the colored text I put in was said nations talking to eachother.
Or in Poland's case, comfort the American exiles in the Nato Bases (We have troops there, I looked it up.) and lamenting on the fact he can't keep doing this anymore.
Victoria, who either appears as a stereotypical survivalist or a white nerd who's prone to childish rage while Father Russia patiently tolerates and supports his antics. Likes to call others out on things such as doublethink and being tyrannical bastards while ignorant of his own.
[x][ISLANDS] Assault. You are not actually sanguine about the possibility of resupply. You fear Victorian-flagged Russian weapons landing on those islands. Sure, Vicks aren't qualified to use those weapons, and rainy with a chance of artillery shells is not the ideal environment under which to learn, but they might get lucky. Of course, you will black out the sky with your artillery shells, but you will do so while landing troops as swiftly as possible.
[x][NEWS] Spread the word as far as it will go. Inform the world that you lived up to your promises. Ensure that everybody know that you beat Victoria. See if that shakes something loose from this embargo, and or perhaps motivates those foreign observers and spies to make recommendations at home.
Defense in depth wasn't Soviet doctrine either. At least, not in the sense of "let's repeat Napoleon's invasion of Russia", which left Moscow burned down and enormous numbers of peasants dead or destitute.
Soviet doctrine was Deep Operation (though sometimes it wasn't called this, since the main thinker behind it had been purged) which was to defend by attacking, encircling and destroying any forces the enemy had on the border and letting the enemy's country be wrecked in the fighting.
The Detroit war does tick the box of making sure to fight the war on someone else's territory. But it otherwise lacks the hallmarks of a Soviet approach.
If there is a WW2 army the Commonwealth operations reflect most, it is the British, with their emphasis on smashing the enemy with artillery, flexible use of tanks, taking control of the sea and ruthlessly exploiting that control.
The Soviets sure as heck didn't plan to lose more people and materiel than the attacker either. They were fighting attritional battles against the Germans out of desperation, not because they wanted to.
Yeah. The Italians really don't deserve their bad rep. But the Wehraboos have to blame someone for their glorious Germanic army of Germans being smashed to pieces.