Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
How would a Sincerity + Mystery art combine then?
The Xuan admirals present one such. Speak only what you mean, but wrap it in symbolism and mystery such that only those who are sincere BACK can decipher the intention.

Notice how what they said sounds like agreeing with you if you align with their point of view, but like an empty koan if you don't? thats one way to do it

This makes sense, but arts based on ideas like this aren't exactly easy to think of nor are they necessarily appropriate for Ling Qi. I believe Secrets can serve similar purposes to Mystery when we have to deal with those we can't afford to make enemies out of yet don't want to make friends with.
Mystery voters! Come join us secrets voters! We are 29 together, solidly in third, but we are divided 13 and 16, with secrets precariously in third. Secure the victory of the hidden!
I'm a little bit torn. There are different visions how I could see Ling Qi using social arts. One possible strategy would be an art that could leverage arts from different spheres of life (e.g. Stealth) or one that would support overall build (Making friends because Ling Qi has a domain that is tied to SL). I can see how either could make sense for Ling Qi. Finding and then revealing secrets on opportune times sounds very Moon-like thing to do.

Yet there are more finely tuned variations on this - a social art through music and expression could reasonably reveal secrets and support friends at the same time. You could be a tune that gives succor to friends and DPS to hostiles - even when you are not playing music settings overall mood of the event could be affected by right art, I imagine. But since keywords are voted independently I will reason for them that way.

I do really like Moon - it is flexible and mysterious in itself. So that is what I will be voting.

[x] Moon

Starless Night's Reflection had Reflections keyword and I do like that as an idea. To show others as they are to you and yours.

[x] Reflections

Protecting and warming those who are close to us is something I think Ling Qi sets out to do so I will borrow Hearth keyword from Imperturbable Manor's Hearth.

[x] Hearth

This I think combines into a vision of a social role that would be

[x] [Role] Social Support
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by uiopion on Aug 23, 2019 at 12:11 AM, finished with 138 posts and 60 votes.
What would be the differences between the Mystery keyword and the Secrets keyword? And are they similar enough that they would be eligible for vote merging?
Personally I feel secrets and mysteries to be very different. What I have in my pocket is a secret, but hardly a mystery. Sound of one hand clapping is hardly a secret, but it is kinda like a mystery.
While I don't think he was wrong, I don't think he is nearly as good at this verbal sparring thing as he thinks he is and if he was actually talking with someone who had more experience and skill (coughXiulancough) he might have been torn apart.

The moment Wu Jing started talking about how Ling Qi doesn't see some other members of the party as peers, he stepped on a potential landmine of how Ling Qi was treated by scions of the Emerald Seas nobility in the outer sect. She was scorned, ridiculed, and dismissed. Even when she became, officially, a member of the nobility nobody invited her to parties, nobody tried to introduce her to other peerage members, and nobody tried to integrate her into the peerage. She only began to attend parties when she became the retainer of Renxiang. Ling Qi, for the majority of her career as a noble, has been treated as an outsider intruding into the nobility.

You don't plant an apple tree and expect a peach tree to sprout, and the actions of the Emerald Sea's nobility as a whole have led to a situation where expecting Ling Qi to have a desire to see the peerage as peers is just as bizarre. Furthermore, Wu Jing's approach of talking about the peerage to Ling Qi opened him up to some brutal lines of discourse.

A person with sufficient knowledge of Wu Jing's position on Imperial culture and with a sharp enough wit could then transition the discourse of a commoner entering the peerage into the hypocrisy of Imperial Culture in regards to commoners. If it is a sacred and honorable duty to protect, nurture, and direct commoners then why are commoners held in contempt when the results of said protection, nurturing, and direction lead to some of them being able to assume some of the noble burdens and become immortals? Should such individuals not be celebrated as proof of cultivators ability to protect and nurture mortals to the degree that some become immortals?

By taking these tracks of discourse, Ling Qi could have directed him into a corner where he had to defend how the Emerald Sea nobility treated Ling Qi and the way Imperial Culture treats commoners becoming cultivators to Ling Qi, or try to disengage as gracefully as possible. This course would have won us no favors with him and his clique, but it could have hurt his reputation and directed individuals who don't like him towards us.

Ling Qi had the information needed to make these connections and take this route, but she certainly doesn't have the skill to actually do it at the moment, or at least not well. Wu Jing could have gone for a safer tactic and discussed how Ling Qi treating this party as if there was something treacherous/insidious when she was invited in good faith, and how disappointing it is to see a retainer of the Cai treating the peerage as if they were waiting to backstab her.

Honestly, I feel that it is good that someone breached these topics to Ling Qi, and that someone wasn't a social juggernaut. It will give Ling Qi some experience dealing with more antagonistical members of the nobility.

I see two problems with these arguments:
1. 95% of outer sect are trash, untalented minor nobles and common cultivators, those were people who gave us trouble. Important people were usually polite with us or ignored us early on. As member of inner sect and green we should be polite with other greens who never gave us offense.
2 From most of our time in sect we were seen as a ally/retainer of Meizhen, most people didn't want to have any contact with Bai because of political reasons.

[X] Wind
[X] Sincerity
[x] Spirits

[X][Role] Social
[x] Expression
[x] Sincerity
[x] Spirits
[X][Role] Social

Your vote's not appearing in the tally and I'm not sure why. I think it appeared once but then disappeared when I redid the tally.

Edit: It's appeared again after I redid the tally after posting. Maybe Erebeal's post is what caused it to appear before?
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