Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
The Royal Road update reminds me that the golden fields also still has issues with not just radiation, heat and general desolation but also sand zombies. Which makes me wonder if the Twilight King's infection was actually stamped out and what stops any surviving creatures from leaving the desert and spreading it?
Right, we're already in Threads, while they're still in Forge.
"Filthy Royal Road peasants, bathe in the glory that is the Threads of Destiny master race! Witness the unbridled perfection of dynamic choices and the raw textual feedback that is first draft spelling errors!"
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When was zhengui's birthday again?

I looked it up myself. Zhengui was born at the very end of week 22 so we either just barely missed it or Zhengui's birthday is this month.
Sixiang was born (?) on the night of the festival which was at the end of week 39 so its either late 9th month or early 10th
Hanyi picked her own birthday because she got jealous when zeqing and her friends threw LQ a birthday bash. No time to look that up right now.
"Filthy Royal Road peasants, bathe in the glory that is the Threads of Destiny master race! Witness the unbridled perfection of dynamic choices and the raw textual feedback that is first draft spelling errors!"
RR peasant: "Man, I can't wait for Ling Qi to find the Forge of Destiny! She'll be White in no time with that thing!"

Unfortunately, none of them realize that it is Su Ling who finds the Forge of Destiny. How else could she so effortlessly triple crit on her breakthrough? She was the main character all along!
After we hit green, i don't think that not being in a sect, a vassal, or working directly to an imperial ministry of some sort was an option anymore.
We might have been able to swing a lowly vassal nobody gives a shit about, but i suspect not.
No we did not have that option. That is the path of being hunted by the ministry of integrity. Once we joined the sect we were bound to serve someone. We got pretty lucky that we had so many choices.
Well, no. We did have that choice. We would just have been pressured by everyone to be part of the system, and if we werent cooperative, they would limit what we could learn so as to prevent a potentially hostile rogue from reaching a too high cultivation.
Mmm, yeah, the options were to:
-Become a part of Imperial Bureaucracy
--Join a Great Sect
--Join a Ministry
--Join the Imperial army

-Become a part of the feudal structure
--Take a land grant. You'd need to either win it by meritorious deed or be granted it by a lord with land to spare, either way you'd become the vassal of the granter.
--Be adopted or marry into an existing feudal lord. This happens to a lot of new barons, where weak new barons get adopted or marry stronger/richer barons. This isn't offered lightly, a Green costs quite a lot of resources to upkeep...but generally speaking breeding your way up is a very very slow climb that'd have everyone outpace your new house simply by dint of being able to crap out a thousand descendants per generation to roll the talent gacha.

-Leave the Empire

You had SOME leeway, a cultivator is allowed to wander around for a few years trying to find a place they like enough to settle down, but note that your job offers will shrink dramatically after you leave the Sect and its exposure to large numbers of high ranking nobles.

Admittedly, leaving the empire is easier said than done. It takes a Green to go into the imperial wilderness alone and survive reliably, you'd need to be Cyan to go into true wilderness and avoid being collateral damage, which by the time you reach that power it'd be PRETTY unusual not to be tied down.
Yeah, sorry, "refusing all the offers in front of us" was my shorthand for "don't get folded into anyone's power games while we're in the Sect, just learn as much as we can, do our military service, and start a baronial clan when we get out -- you know, the thing everybody warned us was likely to end up with us dead or our dantian shattered and our nascent clan extinct after just one generation."

There was no viable option that involves us beholden to nobody -- that's not how the setting works -- but we could have tried for maximum autonomy within the confines of the system. Unfortunately that's super dangerous because if you make it clear to your lords that you will give them what you owe them and no more, rejecting all attempts at closer relationships, they will probably wring their hands in dismay and make a big show of punishing the fall guy for whoever ganks you, but not actually, you know, make special effort to defend you.

Ling Qi, in accepting any of the deals, saddles herself with more than the minimum amount of obligations she could technically have, but gains more than the minimum amount of protection. If you're going to be a saddle-horse no matter what you do, might as well be the lord's prized war-steed.
Yeah, sorry, "refusing all the offers in front of us" was my shorthand for "don't get folded into anyone's power games while we're in the Sect, just learn as much as we can, do our military service, and start a baronial clan when we get out -- you know, the thing everybody warned us was likely to end up with us dead or our dantian shattered and our nascent clan extinct after just one generation."

There was no viable option that involves us beholden to nobody -- that's not how the setting works -- but we could have tried for maximum autonomy within the confines of the system. Unfortunately that's super dangerous because if you make it clear to your lords that you will give them what you owe them and no more, rejecting all attempts at closer relationships, they will probably wring their hands in dismay and make a big show of punishing the fall guy for whoever ganks you, but not actually, you know, make special effort to defend you.

Ling Qi, in accepting any of the deals, saddles herself with more than the minimum amount of obligations she could technically have, but gains more than the minimum amount of protection. If you're going to be a saddle-horse no matter what you do, might as well be the lord's prized war-steed.

One could argue that we *did* choose the option with the most freedom.

CRX is the one who can give us the most political backing/relevance. Being her direct retainer also means that we can make requests as long as we can give a good reason for it. It gives is responsibilities too, but that is kinda the trade-off you have to live with. You can either have power/freedom and a lot of responsibilites or no power/freedom and no responsibilities.
Btw. the fact that we serve a ducal heir directly means there are also a lot less people that can tell us what to do than a new baron for an established viscount clan would have
Yeah, we chose the option that grants us the most positive liberty (ability to do things), but lacking a lot of negative liberty (avoiding interference in our lives from external sources). I wasn't here for that decision, but I gather it was a huge kerfuffle between people prioritizing one or the other.

(That's the reason I used the word "autonomy" in my post rather than "freedom," to avoid shading the meaning unduly.)
Wait, we had that? That sounds cool as hell.
According to wog no matter what we did we would have been caught up in something called society eventually
This setting does not allow for that stereotypical Xianxia nonsense where the MC just wanders about murderhobo style doing whatever they want, setting up their own personal fiefdom, people who try it typically end up dead, courtesy of the MoI
It wouldn't be completely untoward to take a few years to tour the empire a bit before settling down. This is what new nobles usually do when they don't have someone trying to snap them up right away. The longer you spend as an independent the more scrutiny you come under though, and unless you go full mountain hermit eventually a nice fellow in a white mask is going to politely ask you what your plans are and strongly insinuate that you should get on with it.

Of course straight up leaving the empire is possible, they probably wont chase you unless they genuinely feel that your dangerous.
Yrs said that the typical level people get to to relatively safely wander the world was green. Cyans and higher are uncommon and are treated like natural disasters. Hunker down and wait it out. Of course, you're going to get pasted if they focus on you, but if you're not attracting attention and making trouble, why would they bother looking at you?

Combo mindcontrol+ true lichdom with controller as Phyllactery.

That's much worse than the Black Lantern plague I thought it was.

Explains why they couldn't solve it with "throw 20 Prisms from across the empire at them".

If you lose half that force, you've just given them to the enemy.
Turn 6: Arc 1-4
Ling Qi idly swirled the contents of her cup as she observed the ongoing celebration. From the depths of someone's storage ring the party had found several barrels of a rich fruit cider, and in the center of the clearing a great fire pit had been dug to use in roasting their catch. Ling Qi was not sure how good it would end up tasting, but she supposed that wasn't the point. The disciple tending the fire looked like he knew what he was doing with those spices anyway. The beasts skin was stretched on a drying rack and would go to Alingge, who had landed the fatal shot. The core had been presented to Luo Zhong of course.

She observed the scion of the Luo where he sat leaned against the side his hound. The big dog gnawed lazily at the bloody haunch that been provided to him, seemingly ignoring all the humans around him. Luo Zhong had an air of satisfaction about him as he chatted with the Sha brothers, she did not try to listen in.

"Satisfied with your success?" Ling Qi did not startle when Wu Jing spoke up from beside her. Even if she had not been looking, it had been easy to sense his approach.

"I am, everyone seems to be enjoying themselves," Ling Qi replied evenly. She did not turn toward him, it was a minor snub, but no more than his rude words earlier had earned. "Except perhaps for you of course."

Somewhat surprisingly, he did not seem to take offense, merely making a noise of agreement. "No one received any serious wounds. The risk was still foolish, but I have no reason for complaint."

She looked over at the young man out of the corner of her eye. "We are all cultivators, without risk, how will we grow?"

He gave her an unimpressed look from underneath his bushy eyebrows. "And that, Miss Ling part of why I find you disagreeable. You risk easily, you offend easily, and you think nothing of us as you climb over our heads seeking higher peaks."

"I will not apologize for growing as strong as I am able," Ling Qi shot back. "It is others who choose to take offense when I pass them."

"Hmph, I am not criticizing your focus on growth," he replied with a frown. "It would be foolish not to leverage your talent. I am criticizing your disregard. Even now, you hold your peers in contempt, nay I would say that you do not even see them as your peers. It is an attitude that bodes poor for the future of our province."

It was only Sixiang's influence that kept Ling Qi from saying something snappish. "As I have been reminded of many times, I have little experience in the dealings of my peers," she replied coldly. "I apologize if that has caused me to give offense."

"I would not find you so disagreeable if it were mere inexperience," he replied coolly. "You are not so subtle as you think Miss Ling. I have observed you at Lady Cai's gatherings. You think very little of us. Even today, you approached this gathering as a tiresome chore. Others might be afraid to speak their minds on the matter due to your backing, but I am not."

Ling Qi was silent, because he wasn't wrong. Even if she had resolved to change her approach, it didn't change how she had acted previously. "You are correct that I find large gatherings tiresome and treacherous, but that does not reflect on individuals," she replied after a moment. "I find Sha Feng and Lin Fei agreeable enough, and I quite like Alingge after our conversation. So, I will apologize, one final time," he voice grew sharp as she finished speaking. "However, if you continue, I will take offense."

She met his eyes, glacial blue to stony grey, and she felt the pressure of his qi against hers. A dusting of frost spread over the grass, and the faintest rumble of vibration shook the earth. Then, the moment passed. Ling Qi was faintly aware of some of the others shooting curious or concerned looks their way.

"Perhaps you speak true," Wu Jing said as the pressure faded. "But I find your attitude troubling all the same, for one who has the ear of our Lady. If you are sincere, then pay a mind to the perceptions and echoes of your actions in the future. The Emerald Seas can little afford instability. The Wu remember how fragile prosperity truly is."

"I hear your advice," Ling Qi replied, and now that she had calmed her temper, she understood at least the position he came from. It struck her then, what an awkward position Cai Shenhua must have put a large section of her own supporters in, with last years business. It was a little grating to be thought of as a bad influence on Cai Renxiang though. "But, like my Lady, I will not compromise on some matters."

"We will see. I will apologize for my own harshness then, and for taking so much of your time, Miss Ling," he offered a stiff, but slightly lower than necessary bow, and turned to join the others.

'What a pain,' Ling Qi thought silently.

"Hey now, that's the attitude bringing you trouble," Sixiang chided. "It's not like you've given much reason for them to be friendly, right?"

Ling Qi silently agreed, but it was still a pain. Still, she would not get anywhere just standing here, and so, taking a moment to center herself Ling Qi strode toward Sha Feng and his brother, best to start on more familiar ground.

She kept herself focused as she mingled, not letting her thoughts wander too much. It was… not that bad a time really. Chatting with the Sha brothers, swapping stories about encounters with moon spirits evolved into speaking with Lin Fei and one of her close friends, a doll-like and exuberant girl who was practically swimming in pink silk and lace. She suspected that Xiulan would either love or hate the girl, with no in between. Still, her experience with her hot headed friend meant she could hold her own in a conversation about style and fashion.

When they drifted off she spoke with Alingge for a time regarding the care and training of spirit beasts. She may have ended up gushing over Zhengui a little too much, but Alingge seemed not to mind. The meat was finished at around that point and she accepted her portion from the boy who had handled the cooking, silently noting the faintly starry eyed way in which he regarded Alingge. He was a new baron like herself if she remembered. She supposed she wished him luck. The roast was surprisingly good though, he was certainly skilled enough.

From there, she drifted too and fro, engaging with the other disciples in pairs or trios. She even managed to have a fairly civil conversation involving Wu Jing as things were winding down. She still found her efforts stymied with some. Her previous reputation and isolation had clearly solidified negative impressions in the minds of some, but overall, she was cautiously hopeful. The nobles of the eastern Emerald Seas, or at least this cross section of them, seemed better inclined toward her than most.

Soon enough the gathering reached its end though and people began to take their leave. Ling Qi herself was among them. She had plans, and would probably be buried deep in the archive through the night, and then in the morning she had an appointment, the Bao scion who she was supposed to… get to know, would be arriving. Luckily he wanted to speak with Li Suyin as well, so she wouldn't have to awkwardly meet him alone.

"Thoughts wandering from the trail again?" Luo Zhong's voice shook her from her thoughts as the boy approached her, his giant hound padding lazily at his side.

"Just considering my schedule," Ling Qi replied. She had eased herself into being a touch more casual as during the time at the party. It made things a little easier on her frankly. "There's hardly a moment to spare, you know?"

"I do indeed," he replied, studying her. "You did enjoy yourself here I hope?"

Ling Qi seriously considered the question. There were certainly parts which she found disagreeable, but overall… it hadn't been a terrible afternoon. "I am glad to have received your invitation," she replied, offering a bow.

"A somewhat vague answer," Luo Zhong chuckled, amusement in his eyes. "In any case, you are welcome to join us again."

"I will consider it, as time allows," Ling Qi replied. "Though I hope there will be less testing," she added more quietly, meeting the young man's eyes.

His faint smile widened into an amused grin. "I have your measure now, I think. Worry not. Have a good evening Miss Ling."

"You as well Sir Luo," Ling Qi replied evenly, turning away. Just because she had been overthinking things didn't mean there wasn't a game to be played. Still she had learned a fair amount today. In the end, experience was more valuable than any number of ledgers full of lineages and dry histories. She owed it to Cai Renxiang to learn the landscape of their home.

Organizational Reputation has gained further detail

Emerald Seas Nobility: -2
-Luo Clan & Vassals: 0
--Imperial Conservatives (20%): -2
--Imperial Moderates (20%): -1
--Weilu Moderates (55%): 0
--Old Tribes (5%): 1

Imperial Conservatives: Values obedience to the decrees of the imperial throne and obeying the strictures of Imperial Culture as laid out by the court in Celestial Peaks. Favors centralization, assimilation and aggressive expansion.
Imperial Moderates: Values the prosperity brought by the unified empire and generally defers to the throne. Heavily favors inter provincial trade and exchange, and moderately favors centralization. Largely neutral on matters of culture.
Weilu Moderates: Values the traditions of the Emerald Seas, but also accepts that change is inevitable. Favors friendly inter provincial relations and cautious expansion. Prefers to defer to provincial authority. Finds the current levels of centralization acceptable, but dislikes further changes.
Old Tribes: Heavily traditional and isolationist, primarily concerned with maintaining their own identity. Suspicious of the Imperial Throne and provincial authority, but generally ignores changes which do not intrude on their ways.

AN: Alright that wraps up this arc with ling Qi starting to get a more granular look at politics in Emerald Seas. Next up is the archive vote. The archive vote will work like previous ones, in which voters will vote for up to three keywords/elements and the top five or so voted will be incorporated into art voting. However there will a be a second part. Instead of voting on attributes and skills, you will instead vote on [Build Role] for example a valid vote might look like this…

[] Moon
[] Discovery
[] Mystery

[][Role] Social Offense

The top two build roles voted will be included among the arts searched. So to repeat do not use attributes or skills as keywords, those will be determined by the role chosen and the other keywords.
Yrs said that the typical level people get to to relatively safely wander the world was green. Cyans and higher are uncommon and are treated like natural disasters. Hunker down and wait it out. Of course, you're going to get pasted if they focus on you, but if you're not attracting attention and making trouble, why would they bother looking at you?
Sentient walking earthquakes attract attention simply by existing.
Cyan is too much of a threat to be allowed to wander around freely.
Cultivators either serve, run, or die.
Hmm, a social art is Dreaming Moon territory, so I want something similar to this:


[]Build Role: Social Offense/Defense
[]Build Role: Bard
Someone after to be social with all walks of life and be welcome anywhere.
@yrsillar, I think I understand the way you broke down the faction SL, but I'd like to check my understanding, if that's all right?

With the Emerald Seas Nobility as a whole, our relationship is at -2.
With, as a whole, the Luo clan and vassals (who are part of the Emerald Seas Nobility), our relationship is at 0.
Within the 20% of the Luo clan and vassals who are Imperial Conservatives, our relationship is at -2.
Within the 20% of the Luo clan and vassals who are Imperial Moderates, our relationship is at -1.
Within the 55% of the Luo clan and vassals who are Weilu Moderates, our relationship is at 0.
Within the 5% of the Luo clan and vassals who are Old Tribes, our relationship is at 1.

In short, the political breakdown is specifically our reputation with the Luo clan and vassals' major factions, and does not have bearing/offer us information on how Emerald Seas nobility outside the Luo clan and vassals perceive us or what the factional breakdown in other parts of the Emerald Seas looks like?
[] Connections
[] Wind

[] Build Role: Social Stealth

A whisper lights in four ears, and five different meanings are heard, all of them true

A shout lands on the ears of all, and ten thousand meanings are heard, none of them true.
Oh hell an archive vote

I am not ready for this

Let me just get the controversy out of the way

{} Water
{} Yang
{} Archery

{} {Role} Combat offence


On a more serious note, my view on this social art is that we should heavily consider the themes Ling Qi considered over what wind meant to her when she was choosing what element Sixiang should spec into as a base for it.
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It's probably a good idea to avoid using elements and the like as keywords this time. Ling Qi knows what elements she's using, so we won't get something random. Rather than Moon, Wind or Wood as keywords, it would be better to use a keyword that helps shape what our new art is actually about.

That being said, I strongly believe that Sincerity (or some equivalent) should be one of the keywords we use.