Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X] Go in for the kill, and call Zhengui to help. You have underestimated your own killing power before, and the things cultivation is not superior to your own. Hill or not, you can End it.

might change it later.
[X] Continue distracting the hill beast while your subordinates and Zhengui wall off the remaining exits from its valley, then vanish, and only engage again if it looks to be breaking out.
Definitely, her personal safety isn't really in question, but rather the real mission objectives(Which don't include hill pacification) and whether she can command an orderly retreat if it starts going poorly. Hopefully Peak Yellow Earthbro will take over the orders at that point.

She's far more specialized in DPS than she is in Lullaby. We have an Art with the End Keyword, and none with Peace.
Unless I'm forgetting something aside from FSS she doesn't really do single target damage and FSS needs her to setup the song first then get in close to trigger Call to Ending. Then if that doesn't work first time (which I highly doubt it will) she has to do it again, possibly (probably?) multiple times. I just don't see it working, on the other hand she does have some experience dealing with spirits and her music does help her communicate even without specific arts. I honestly don't think either has a good chance but I rate the pacifism slightly higher.
Just want to point out, we will not be toasting our kill shot as to get in close Six will have to be clearing the toxins and in doing so can not do anything else.
Unless I'm forgetting something aside from FSS she doesn't really do single target damage and FSS needs her to setup the song first then get in close to trigger Call to Ending. Then if that doesn't work first time (which I highly doubt it will) she has to do it again, possibly (probably?) multiple times.

Sure, that's the setup CtE requires, though I think keeping HR up is better against someone who's Health is so massive.

I just don't see it working, on the other hand she does have some experience dealing with spirits and her music does help her communicate even without specific arts. I

The issue isn't that we can talk to a hill, the issue is that that thing isn't a hill. There's Death where it's Earth should be and Stars where it's Mountain should be and Pain where it's Mind should be.
[X] Go in for the kill, and call Zhengui to help. You have underestimated your own killing power before, and the things cultivation is not superior to your own. Hill or not, you can End it.
[X] Close in, relying on Sixiang to keep it's toxic aura from affecting you, between your music and your subordinates ritualism, it should be possible to pacify the creature.

Kill or pacify work for me.
Walling it seems like asking for future trouble that we can deal with now.
Killing it might be better, but i am also curious if we could learn something by pacifying it.
[X] Continue distracting the hill beast while your subordinates and Zhengui wall off the remaining exits from its valley, then vanish, and only engage again if it looks to be breaking out.
I'm...Leery of trying to kill this because of the mentions of corruption spilling out of it- Like we could probably kill it, yes, and get some sweet twice-twisted topsoil that we then use to say, make some kind of poison for if we want someone dead...
But again, poison's leaking out of this thing, and I don't know if killing it stops the poison. And that in turn could do...Bad things if it's the case that the poison doesn't stop, because now it's going to flow out into other things and continue causing damage...
And purifying it? With what art? That's not Ling Qi's style as far as I know.
So, we seal this sucker off, we call in the people who are there to deal with heavy-duty problems our scouting force doesn't have the might to shift, and try not to think of what could have been.
[X] Continue distracting the hill beast while your subordinates and Zhengui wall off the remaining exits from its valley, then vanish, and only engage again if it looks to be breaking out.
[X] Close in, relying on Sixiang to keep it's toxic aura from affecting you, between your music and your subordinates ritualism, it should be possible to pacify the creature.

Sticking with this for now. Not really all that up for killing.
And purifying it? With what art? That's not Ling Qi's style as far as I know.
ike we could probably kill it, yes, and get some sweet twice-twisted topsoil that we then use to say, make some kind of poison for if we want someone dead...
But again, poison's leaking out of this thing, and I don't know if killing it stops the poison. And that in turn could do...Bad things if it's the case that the poison doesn't stop, because now it's going to flow out into other things and continue causing damage...

I think you nailed it here. We aren't packing "Painkillers for Terrain features" in our ring.

The goal isn't "kill the mountain"

Xiulan and Cai could probably kill this thing.

Xuan Shi and Li Suying could probably Purify it.

That ain't us. There's a good chance we can kill it, but we do so at a decent and voluntary risk.
[X] Continue distracting the hill beast while your subordinates and Zhengui wall off the remaining exits from its valley, then vanish, and only engage again if it looks to be breaking out.
[X] Go in for the kill, and call Zhengui to help. You have underestimated your own killing power before, and the things cultivation is not superior to your own. Hill or not, you can End it.
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Ling Qi's suggested that trying to pacify it is a viable option, and this kind of focus on diplomacy with spirits strikes me as a far more interesting character path to go down than the usual killing. It also, perhaps, stands out as an interesting response to things like her recent adventures with Renxiang, and her experiences with Zeqing. As well as her shiny new Spirit Ken cultivation art.

And for those who want action, I would expect this option to still have plenty of action in it. It's gonna be one of those anime pacification scenes where you're also busy having to survive at the same time. There'll be plenty of excitement there.

And if it doesn't work? Well, for those who think we're too prone to trying to make friends with dangerous spirits, it is perhaps a valuable lesson. Alternatively, it could be an indication of a fun and interesting character flaw.

[X] Close in, relying on Sixiang to keep it's toxic aura from affecting you, between your music and your subordinates ritualism, it should be possible to pacify the creature.
[X] Continue distracting the hill beast while your subordinates and Zhengui wall off the remaining exits from its valley, then vanish, and only engage again if it looks to be breaking out.

Definitely going with this. The warning to not reach ahead of ourselves is absolutely running through my brain right now, and exhausting ourselves is going to interfere with our ability to do our jobs. This seems to be at the very edge of our offensive abilities, so if we win we're likely to be exhausted, and if we fail, we're going to be more exhausted, and still have an even angrier hill beast nipping at our heels.

We should only take this fight if we have to, because this is not the time to reach ahead of ourselves. Continue on with our original plan, try to seal this thing away for a bit and GTFO.
[X] Close in, relying on Sixiang to keep it's toxic aura from affecting you, between your music and your subordinates ritualism, it should be possible to pacify the creature.

Because as fun as a kaiju fight would be the prospect of playing it a lullaby, and being endlessly teased about doing so to a doubly corrupted spirit beast. Furthermore it is a reputation that will work well with the fact her next cultivation art rewards dealings with spirits, and will probably open up doors in the future as it relatively rare skill set that gives nobles a hook to gain a connection with a close subordinate of CRX while simultaneously skirting around internal clan politics.

Finally it will the players insight into one of the major aspects of Ling QI's personalized cultivation art that we as players choose.
[] Continue distracting the hill beast while your subordinates and Zhengui wall off the remaining exits from its valley, then vanish, and only engage again if it looks to be breaking out.
[X] Go in for the kill, and call Zhengui to help. You have underestimated your own killing power before, and the things cultivation is not superior to your own. Hill or not, you can End it.
[X] Close in, relying on Sixiang to keep it's toxic aura from affecting you, between your music and your subordinates ritualism, it should be possible to pacify the creature.
[X] Close in, relying on Sixiang to keep it's toxic aura from affecting you, between your music and your subordinates ritualism, it should be possible to pacify the creature.
[x] Continue distracting the hill beast while your subordinates and Zhengui wall off the remaining exits from its valley, then vanish, and only engage again if it looks to be breaking out.
[X] Go in for the kill, and call Zhengui to help. You have underestimated your own killing power before, and the things cultivation is not superior to your own. Hill or not, you can End it.
I'm not worried about corruption spilling out.

Yrs has never made a blatant trap option before. Don't think he will now. Besides, the corruption is already in the ground water.

The entire region is probably fucked. They just don't know it yet.
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[X] Close in, relying on Sixiang to keep it's toxic aura from affecting you, between your music and your subordinates ritualism, it should be possible to pacify the creature.

On the one hand, the fact that it reacted to us in the first place could mean it's reactions are hair trigger enough to mean pacifying is unworkable. On the other hand we don't know how far asleep it was before we crossed it's path, or whether or not Ling Qi's efforts will have more of an effect than just it's natural slumber (or what passes for natural after being double corrupted).
I would point out, again.

We just had a bit where it was pointed out that Mountain/Earth spirits need to be forced to pay attention to anything smaller than a geographic landmark. We were doing nothing to agitate it, but it noticed us and went berserk anyway.

I really, really don't think Spirit Ken C is enough to deal with a spirit that ripshit mad and looking for something to take it out on. Would you try to talk down Sun Liling in full regalia who decided you needed to be removed from her mountain?

Yes, there are no trap options, but no traps doesn't mean that all choices we can take here are good decisions. Like, would you consider someone walking off a cliff that had been clearly outlined and signposted to be a 'Trap?' Sure, there might be a trampolene to break your fall, but chances are good that you're going to have a bad time.

I can understand containment, I can understand fighting--Ling Qi is really, really frustratingly good at attrition matches, and she doesn't need to do damage to win a fight. More importantly, fighting here gives our best boi a chance to strut his stuff more--he had lots of fun competing against that pure mountain after all!

What I can't understand is people looking at "Spirit Ken C" and going "Yeah sounds like something that can pacify a double corrupted berserk hill spirit." The water spirit was explicitly called out as easily flattered.

We lack the tools to pacify it.

Containment is a fun dodge tank sequence, and lets us abuse our SCS mastery to achieve victory against a slow moving hill while ensuring nobody on our side gets hurt. Fighting though? Fighting gets us a cool capstone to this arc--and let's not forget the possible rewards in exotic materials for bringing such a foe down. Zhengui and Hannyi provide us a little more plink damage, and Hoarfrost Refrain's poison effect bypasses armor once the main effect lands--and we shouldn't have too much difficulty landing the main effect when we also do A-rank Spiritual Damage vs A-Rank Spiritual Armor.

It'd take a while, yeah, but forcing him to waste Qi on spamming dispels on the poison lets us spool up to Elegy too, which can do just as much to Qi-tap him. Plus, Zhengui's elemental spread is... Uniquely suited to opposing this kind of foe. Wood beats Earth in the traditional set, and Fire is an element of purification on top of that. He's been chomping at the bit for an insight, and this seems to be a good way to help him get one.

[X] Continue distracting the hill beast while your subordinates and Zhengui wall off the remaining exits from its valley, then vanish, and only engage again if it looks to be breaking out.
[X] Go in for the kill, and call Zhengui to help. You have underestimated your own killing power before, and the things cultivation is not superior to your own. Hill or not, you can End it.
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[X] Close in, relying on Sixiang to keep it's toxic aura from affecting you, between your music and your subordinates ritualism, it should be possible to pacify the creature.

changing my vote, since Ling Qi's internal monologue points out that plan wall off still results in nasty shit spilling all over the place and quarantine is my main goal.
We lack the tools to pacify it

I agree.

I'm still voting for Pacify, because we aren't the only person fighting this thing.

This test is about leadership.

She wasn't really thinking of them like subordinates. She was thinking of them like charges to care for, or obstacles to be worked around. Ling Qi closed her eyes and sighed, ignoring Sixiang'...
Chang He, was the oldest, as well as the strongest, being nearly seventy years old, he was at the peak of the second realm, and despite his age, Ling Qi thought there might be decent odds that he could make the next step at some point, going by the feel of his aura...His specialties were in earth and wood arts, with a lean toward defensive and Social arts.

If we keep our boy He here safe, and apply some multiattacker bonus, I think he's got our back on this.

It's not all about us.
@Alectai Trap in the sense that nothing but bad comes from it.

Honestly, I don't think pacify is gonna work, but we might learn something anyway. Actually more worried about our subordinates in the pacify route. Injuries seem likely.
[X] Go in for the kill, and call Zhengui to help. You have underestimated your own killing power before, and the things cultivation is not superior to your own. Hill or not, you can End it.
Since it is double corrupted and spreading corruption around freezing the whole thing to end it (with JT'd HR helping to make it doable) seems best option. I was at first all for trying to pacify it, but I do doubt that Spirit Ken C is not enough for that. It would be more interesting path to take, but I think that Ling Qi would recognize that there are times when beings are beyond helping and that suffering needs to End.

I'm hoping that after freezing it to death it won't be leaking things to surroundings anymore.

Leaving it walled off begs trouble to come find Ling Qi et all while they are keeping it contained and calming seems unlikely to succeed. I'm hopeful that proper application of DPS techniques there's some qi remaining afterwards. Yet since I can approval vote I'll just vote for Ending and pacification.

[X] Go in for the kill, and call Zhengui to help. You have underestimated your own killing power before, and the things cultivation is not superior to your own. Hill or not, you can End it.

[X] Close in, relying on Sixiang to keep it's toxic aura from affecting you, between your music and your subordinates ritualism, it should be possible to pacify the creature.