Upon hearing your first line of code, Fonce blinks in surprise, her guard momentarily dipping low.
"Magic from a warrior? Interesting. Then come! Show me your-" The Knightmon's words are cut off by a sudden stream of water from the Ranamon's hands,
"Dumb, dumb, dumby! All you've been doing is fighting with this evil guy! What about the plan huh? You're ruining it!"
Evil? Plan? Focus.
"Your plan?" The Knightmon asks, completely stumped by the question. Fonce raises a hand up to rub at the bottom of her helmet, clearly thinking hard on the subject. A second passes, two three. A full five second later, the Knight snaps her fingers and nods.
"Yes my lady your plan! I'm kidnapping you so your friend can-"
"Sssssh! Ix nay on the plan say idiot! Just hurry up and kick this bear's butt!"
"B-but guardian! We're having a true battle of grit and honor! A proper duel for the sake of my sworn liege… liegess? He's even using some sort of spell to try and snatch victory from the jaws of defeat! I can't just interrupt him… it… it would be improper!" The much smaller digimon leans forward and punches at your opponent's armored head… with expected results.
"Don't cry lady Drop!" The *kidnapper* carefully sets down her sniveling *target* and carefully begin to check on the Legendary Warrior's bruised knuckles.
You're starting to be confused on the whole *kidnapping* subject.
"Hehehehehe, still a crybaby. Ya sure know how to pick'em prick."
"Hnph. Quiet glassjaw. Don't make me shatter you."
"Oh, ya wanna throw down? Friggen' bring it! Don't think I'm scared of ya just because-"
Shaking your head to clear away the distractions, you focus on the matter at hand. While there is also something incredibly
familiar about that Ranamon, *Drop*, that's a thought for another time. All of their yammering has granted you the time needed to finish the last ones and zeros of Flame Weapon Shroud.
An inferno of roaring
purple flame flares to life around each of your war-gauntlets. Shimmering air sizzles around your claws, burning under the intense, furious heat. This wild, dark fire isn't what you expected, but it'll work just as well.
"See guardian! He's done already... you. Just added fire to your weapons?" The wommon murmurs, actually slumping down in disappointment. You glare down at her,
wrath swelling in your core. Instead of letting it take control, you lean on your
desire to land a single hit and wrangle that energy into fueling your body.
The roaring conflagrations around your gauntlets pulse, swelling further under the deluge of anger to the point of searing your forearms. Fonte brings her weapon back up and shuffles forward to meet you, her blade held high. This will be the last exchange of the match, you're sure of that.
So with a deep breath, you take another step forward pivoting your weight and moving to enact the *winning* maneuver. Your left fore-limb sweeps out wide, gaining the maximum possible power in a slow, predictable arc. She'll parry this and easily at that,
but you're not aiming to directly hit her.
Memories tickle at the corner of your mind, La-Ardat thrusting her hand up at Count with a raging scream.
"Gale Claw!"
The painfully hot sheath of flame around your paw
detonates in a jet of whirling lavender,
bursting past Fonte's berserk blade and hungrily clawing into her face. A shrill scream pierces out from the Knightmon's lips, even as her motion continues, knocking away your paw.
With the opponent blinded and reeling, you go with the force of her deflect, pulling the limb back, twisting your hips around and channeling the newly found momentum into a painfully fast, hooking swipe.
Fonte's guard is bypassed entirely and there's no hope of evasion, even for a mon as fast as her. Your right war-gauntlet streaks into her breastplate, maring the Knight's insignia and shaving off a sliver of the metal. Satisfaction and victory flood out from your core at the shrieking sound. A testament of your physical ability and skill.
I di-
=Up above on the walkway:
"Outta my way, she's dead! Ya hear me?! Dead!" The FlameWizardmon growls, leveling his matchstick on the Knight's blindly fumbling form. Before he can let loose however a hand closes on on the focus and yanks it up.
"Advisor Sparks don't-"
"Aw yet your trap! This happened cause'a you! 'Hold Sparks I'll just heal him after'! Well jerkass Verge isn't here anymore is he?!"
"Oh boo-hoo *handy*. He got knocked into the water, big fucking deal. Get over it." Imperius Angewomon snaps, before wheeling over to Drop and Fonte, "What I want to know is what the shit were you goddamned morons thinking with that stunt. You're not being fucking kidnapped."
"S-stunt?" The Ranamon questions, pointedly looking away from the Ultimate's *Gaze*.
"I was and am being kidnapped. Right Fonce!" She exclaims, glaring at the now rapidly blinking Knightmon.
"Yes lady Drop that's right!" The armored warrior exclaims, raising her singed sword up in a challenge.
"I shall take you away from here and to… the evil, nefarious lair."
"See! Help Beat! Save me before she carries me off!"
"Just… stop this." Beat groans, rubbing at the newly formed crack in his skull.
"Were you ever in danger?"
"I-I was, and am. The life of a goddess is a fearsome one! I'm always under grave, unfathomable danger."
"O-okay… maybe I-umm. Exaggerated things a little?" The Ranamon admits, poking her index fingers together.
"It's just been so long since we've seen each other and you being my champion and all. And I was worried you'd forget about me so I thought if you could save me like old times then maybe-"
"Oh for god's sake. You called in a mission and *faked* a freaking kidnapping because you wanted to see *broody* over there?"
"Ha! Well that makes our job easier, but this was easily the stupidest shit I've ever seen.."
"You shouldn't have lied *Lady* Drop." Pit admonishes the smaller mon, before breaking out into a smile.
"But it is good that we've all met up once more!"
"Um… who were you again?" The angel flinches back as if struck, his smile falling apart as his face turns desperate.
"Wh-who am I? I'm-we met a few times. You told me it was great that I was trying to become Seraphimon!"
"Yes well… my apologies to you all for the deception, but I couldn't go against the orders of my lady. I am Dame Fonte, the foremost leader of guardian Drop's divine guard." The Ultimate states, moving into a low sweeping bow.
"It's nice to meet yo-"
"Enough friggen' chatter!" Sparks growls, stopping his foot down onto the aquamarine-coloured road.
"In case you all forgot, she knocked Verge into the spirits-be-damned water!
"He's going to be fine." Drop says, dismissing his worry with a wave of her hand.
"I bet that evil guy is going to surface any second now!"
"Wait for it. Any second..."
"Hey…" Angewomon slowly moves over to peer at the *trench* of water. "Do any of you know if *hefty* can even swim?"
Fonte slowly raises a hand, drawing the group's attention.
"No but… there was a clang sound when my sword hit his bones. Are they made of metal? I mean, I fell in once and had to be fished out."
By the Lord!"
The group's sole JewelBeemon doesn't speak, he drops his spear and dives forward into the water.
What occurs directly after scoring that hit is a mystery, as everything turns pitch black right afterwards.
One moment you're basking in glorious success and the next, boiling water is suddenly pouring into your mouth. Thinking becomes incredibly difficult for some reason, all you feel is a deep pain in your skull.
By the time you've regained your faculties, something had become dreadfully clear. You're sinking. Or rather at this speed, it's more like you're
falling really. Water whips past at an almost painful velocity as weight, and pressure pulls you down into the depths. The morning light is already dwindling away, which thankfully isn't a problem.
No the problem is that you don't have any way to properly
maneuver. Between your fur and heavy (still blazing) paws, trying to move only serves to send you tumbling about in place. To make matters worse, the number of physical pathways down below the surface proves to be
minuscule. On your current path it's nothing but a literal straight shot down into utter blackness… and you're sure you're falling
faster the deeper you go.
There's another entire level of the city around, with thousands of digimon swimming to and fro around branching dark blue towers. All of which would be out of reach even if you weren't sinking at ridiculous speeds.
A SeaDramon bumps into you at what looks like full swimming speed for some reason and then rebounds away his head now a shade of dark black from the heat. The *tackle* barely pushes you any distance at all.
… are Beat or HippoGriffomon coming for me?... at this speed they might not be able to catch up. Perhaps…
You fight against the headache and channel energy into your Void-Steps… but the water is thicker than air, more resistant to having energy poured in. With enough time you could adjust, but with the rushing liquid sweeping your power away there's no good way to keep it in place long enough to try.
Meaning all you can do now is… wait and think.
She must have caught me with a wild swing… mayhaps my excitement and eagerness to fight blinded me from the potential consequences… ergh. At least I can think over that odd situation....
Then the various lines of dialogue you'd overhead snap together.
Oh Spirits. Drop. That Drop! From Electown! They even kind of sounded the same! Hmm. So *Drac* was probably Dracmon. But the kidnapper… I don't think I remember her. But… she called Drop her *lady* why would she try to kidnap her?... something about a plan? Was it the Gloaming?
… still falling.
…One, two, three, four, fi-
=== Choose One:
[] Follow Verge.
[] Follow Another Squadmember:
-[] Sparks.
-[] Beat.
-[] Pit.
===Authors Note: Curses, another one where I say *tonight* but it ends up being the next morning. As a note, Beat cannot see in the dark. As a note, I'll go back through the last couple updates and do some text colouring and recoloring.