Leadership for the government
[X] Proposal Three (Authoritative leader with two councils representing local leaders and advisors)
-[X] There will be times when hard decisions have to be made, and a leader that has to beware of an impending election might not risk unpopular measures.
-[X] That said, some of the assembled species have incredibly long lifespans. That can lead to aged rulers that accumulated wisdom and experience, but it would be prudent to also have provisions if someone is no longer fit to rule.
-[X] Leader rules for life, but a vote of no confidence by 2/3 of the local leaders can force them to abdicate.
Your arguments for a leader who leads for life with a provision for a ⅔ vote of the local leaders to force the leader to abdicate manage to sway Ventis and reluctantly Chief Prowlus and Matriarch Pavlan, though both of them grumble about how this gives dragons a big advantage over the rest simply due to a longer lifespan. Adrian seems to have been of the same mind and sticks firm to his vote, while Baselt and Sonis dislike it solely due to the likelihood of getting one of their own in power.
Authority over the local government
[X] Advisory and coordination role
-[X] What is the goal of this government? We aren't here to interfere with the traditions and lifestyle of our peoples. We want to facilitate peace, cooperation, trade, and a unified response to both internal and external threats.
Similarly it is your promise of peace, cooperation, and trade that convinces Cyril and Overseer Forticus, while Clarity reluctantly accepts that it will still be possible to present a unified force to enemies. No doubt the water dragoness is already planning proposals toward coordinating the various militia and armies between the villages and cities. Umbra meanwhile is dissatisfied as he will be less able to interfere on the local level if it is needed, while Glacies is dreading the administrative hurdles that this will cause. Baselt and Sonis appear to simply want control over the local governments, even if it is not them in charge.
Name of government
[X] Kingdom of Avalar
With the basic shell of the government formed, it is time to decide on a name for the new polity and 'Kingdom of Avalar' is quickly agreed upon. This does mean that you may want to revisit the name again at another point should you establish a presence on other worlds. The next and possibly last issues to decide upon will be concerning a legal system, a militia, and whether or not a kingdom-wide military is wanted and if so the contribution from each village or state.
To start with it is time to decide on just how harsh you want enforcement of your laws to be. The first and more popular proposal is made by Umbra and boils down to 'an eye for an eye'. This means that thieves will be forced to give up something of equal worth to what they tried to steal, murder will be repayed with the death of the one who did the deed, and similar harsh measures. Umbra, Cynder, Clarity, Glacies, Cyril, Galvan, Prowlus, and Pavlan support this. Opposing this harsh measure are Ventis, Therris, Baselt, Sonis, Forticus, and Adrian.
The next proposal is brought forth by Elder Adrian and consists of imprisoning the accused for a length of time dependant on the severity of the crime. This could be anywhere from a few weeks to decades or even life. Such a measure would incur costs however and it take 100 gold per year to run these prisons which will go up as population increases. Adrian, Ventis, Therris, Baselt, Sonis, and Forticus support this. Opposing it are Umbra, Cynder, Clarity, Glacies, Cyril, Galvan, Prowlus, and Pavlan.
Harshness of Legal System
[] 'An Eye for an Eye' (Very harsh measures that force the accused to deal with something similar to the crime they are charged with.)
[] Imprisonment (100 gold per year in upkeep which increases with population. Prisoners serve time dependant on the severity of the crime.)
The next subject is that of a militia which everyone practices to some degree. This varies from centaur who expect every able-bodied to fight in battles, to the humans, moles, and cheetah who merely train to defend their own territory, and finally to the dragons who once expected everyone to fight to an impressive degree. Warfang has however become more lax than Reliquia with the introduction of a standing army.
Matriarch Pavlan suggests ensuring that everyone is able to fight both offensively and defensively. She further suggests that the minimum combat standard to be upheld should be the level of an 'expert' (20 combat). This would result in every citizen being forced to train to an incredibly high standard and only a scant handful believe that this is in anyway practical.A sizeable sum of 500 gold with a further 200 per year should be sufficient in order to bring everyone up to the level required and keep them there. Pavlan, Clarity, Cyril, and Prowlus support this. Meanwhile Cynder, Ventis, Glacies, Therris, Baselt, Sonis, Galvan, Forticus, and Adrian oppose this. Umbra is currently abstaining from the vote.
Councillor Galvan recommends a far less extreme standard for a militia and wants to focus on the defensive. He suggests that a merely 'skilled' (15 combat) level of standard should be sufficient to defend, especially as the portals are currently the only source of hostiles that they have to worry about and are easily defended as they are. A mere 200 gold will be enough to ensure that those few who lack this level are able to achieve it and a further 100 gold per year is more than enough to keep everyone at such a skill level. Galvan, Cynder, Clarity, Ventis, Glacies, Therris, Cyril and Adrian support this. Baselt, Sonis, Pavlan, Prowlus, and Forticus oppose this plan. Umbra is currently abstaining from the vote.
Overseer Forticus however recommends that the militia be done away with entirely and a standing army be used to defend and pursue any needed objectives.This is by far the cheapest option and is also the least support of all of them. Forticus, Baselt, and Sonis support this. Cynder, Clarity, Ventis, Glacies, Therris, Cyril, Galvan, Prowlus, Adrian and Pavlan oppose this. Umbra is currently abstaining from the vote.
Level of Militia
[] Expert (20 combat minimum for everyone. 500 gold cost and 200 per year in upkeep.)
[] Skilled (15 combat minimum for everyone. 200 gold cost and 100 per year in upkeep.)
[] None (No combat minimum and no costs.)
The next vote is the matter of whether a permanent army is required at all or if it should fall upon the militia or the local leaders to arrange a defense.
Clarity leads the way in this vote and suggests that 10% of a total population be dedicated to a standing army at the minimum with each village or city contributing more if they feel that it is needed. This would mean that at present, the dragons of Warfang would be required to contribute 213, Reliquia 73, the moles 316, the cheetah 87, the centaur 32, and the humans 65. The cost has not yet been finalized, but it is likely to be quite expensive to train and maintain such an army, especially considering that each local government will likely contribute more than the required number. Clarity, Cynder, Ventis, Umbra, Therris, Cyril, Forticus and Pavlan support this. Glacies, Baselt, Sonis, Galvan, Prowlus, and Adrian oppose this.
Chief Prowlus however feels that it should be up to the local leaders to muster their own defense and that in times of need the leader of the kingdom should request support from each city or village. Prowlus has managed to sway Glacies, Baselt, Sonis, Galvan, and Adrian to his support. Clarity, Cynder, Ventis, Umbra, Therris, Cyril, Forticus and Pavlan oppose this.
Army of Avalar
[] 10% of each village/city (this will give you a mixed army over a thousand strong.)
[] No standing army (Each village or city must defend themselves with the leader of the kingdom requesting forces should it be needed.)
Additionally there is the matter of a title for the leader.
What do we call the leader of the kingdom?
[] King/Queen
[] Write in
Finally it is time to put forth your arguments and proposals for these issues.