Spyro's Kingdom (Legend of Spyro Crossover)

I thought about postponing it until I had expanded on it some, but I suppose I'll just post Umbra's in parts if I do decide to add onto it.
Interesting quest!

A well reasoned argument can sway votes.
Would this work?

[X] Proposal Three (Authoritative leader with two councils representing local leaders and advisors)
-[X] There will be times when hard decisions have to be made, and a leader that has to beware of an impeding election might not risk unpopular measures.
-[X] That said, some of the assembled species have incredibly long lifespans. That can lead to aged rulers that accumulated wisdom and experience, but it would be prudent to also have provisions if someone is no longer fit to rule.
-[X] Leader rules for life, but a vote of no confidence by 2/3 of the local leaders can force them to abdicate.

[X] Advisory and coordination role
-[X] What is the goal of this government? We aren't here to interfere with the traditions and lifestyle of our peoples. We want to facilitate peace, cooperation, trade, and a unified response to both internal and external threats.

Since it varies between QM's; do you mind if I ping the previous voters to alert them of the new write-in?
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[X] Proposal Three (Authoritative leader with two councils representing local leaders and advisors)
-[X] There will be times when hard decisions have to be made, and a leader that has to beware of an impeding election might not risk unpopular measures.
-[X] That said, some of the assembled species have incredibly long lifespans. That can lead to aged rulers that accumulated wisdom and experience, but it would be prudent to also have provisions if someone is no longer fit to rule.
-[X] Leader rules for life, but a vote of no confidence by 2/3 of the local leaders can force them to abdicate.

[X] Advisory and coordination role
-[X] What is the goal of this government? We aren't here to interfere with the traditions and lifestyle of our peoples. We want to facilitate peace, cooperation, trade, and a unified response to both internal and external threats.
Interesting quest!

Would this work?

[X] Proposal Three (Authoritative leader with two councils representing local leaders and advisors)
-[X] There will be times when hard decisions have to be made, and a leader that has to beware of an impeding election might not risk unpopular measures.
-[X] That said, some of the assembled species have incredibly long lifespans. That can lead to aged rulers that accumulated wisdom and experience, but it would be prudent to also have provisions if someone is no longer fit to rule.
-[X] Leader rules for life, but a vote of no confidence by 2/3 of the local leaders can force them to abdicate.

[X] Advisory and coordination role
-[X] What is the goal of this government? We aren't here to interfere with the traditions and lifestyle of our peoples. We want to facilitate peace, cooperation, trade, and a unified response to both internal and external threats.

Since it varies between QM's; do you mind if I ping the previous voters to alert them of the new write-in?

The first will sway Ventis, Prowlus, and Pavlan. While the other sways Cyril, Forticus, and Clarity.

Eh...Not even sure if it's allowed. I suppose I'll allow it, but do not abuse it and use it for incredibly minor things. Also if someone tells you to not ping them, then don't ping them again.
The first will sway Ventis, Prowlus, and Pavlan. While the other sways Cyril, Forticus, and Clarity.
Nice! With that, the approval changes from 7/4/2 to 10/3, and from 6/6/1 to 9/4.

While Spyro's own vote would previously have been needed for a majority, now we get most of the representatives to approve.

I suppose I'll allow it, but do not abuse it and use it for incredibly minor things. Also if someone tells you to not ping them, then don't ping them again.
Of course. Responsible use only.

As it so happens, since EyeOfSauron already changed his vote, the vote variant is in the lead now and I don't actually need to ping the others.
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Government Reformation Part 4
Leadership for the government
[X] Proposal Three (Authoritative leader with two councils representing local leaders and advisors)
-[X] There will be times when hard decisions have to be made, and a leader that has to beware of an impending election might not risk unpopular measures.
-[X] That said, some of the assembled species have incredibly long lifespans. That can lead to aged rulers that accumulated wisdom and experience, but it would be prudent to also have provisions if someone is no longer fit to rule.
-[X] Leader rules for life, but a vote of no confidence by 2/3 of the local leaders can force them to abdicate.

Your arguments for a leader who leads for life with a provision for a ⅔ vote of the local leaders to force the leader to abdicate manage to sway Ventis and reluctantly Chief Prowlus and Matriarch Pavlan, though both of them grumble about how this gives dragons a big advantage over the rest simply due to a longer lifespan. Adrian seems to have been of the same mind and sticks firm to his vote, while Baselt and Sonis dislike it solely due to the likelihood of getting one of their own in power.

Authority over the local government
[X] Advisory and coordination role
-[X] What is the goal of this government? We aren't here to interfere with the traditions and lifestyle of our peoples. We want to facilitate peace, cooperation, trade, and a unified response to both internal and external threats.

Similarly it is your promise of peace, cooperation, and trade that convinces Cyril and Overseer Forticus, while Clarity reluctantly accepts that it will still be possible to present a unified force to enemies. No doubt the water dragoness is already planning proposals toward coordinating the various militia and armies between the villages and cities. Umbra meanwhile is dissatisfied as he will be less able to interfere on the local level if it is needed, while Glacies is dreading the administrative hurdles that this will cause. Baselt and Sonis appear to simply want control over the local governments, even if it is not them in charge.

Name of government
[X] Kingdom of Avalar

With the basic shell of the government formed, it is time to decide on a name for the new polity and 'Kingdom of Avalar' is quickly agreed upon. This does mean that you may want to revisit the name again at another point should you establish a presence on other worlds. The next and possibly last issues to decide upon will be concerning a legal system, a militia, and whether or not a kingdom-wide military is wanted and if so the contribution from each village or state.

To start with it is time to decide on just how harsh you want enforcement of your laws to be. The first and more popular proposal is made by Umbra and boils down to 'an eye for an eye'. This means that thieves will be forced to give up something of equal worth to what they tried to steal, murder will be repayed with the death of the one who did the deed, and similar harsh measures. Umbra, Cynder, Clarity, Glacies, Cyril, Galvan, Prowlus, and Pavlan support this. Opposing this harsh measure are Ventis, Therris, Baselt, Sonis, Forticus, and Adrian.

The next proposal is brought forth by Elder Adrian and consists of imprisoning the accused for a length of time dependant on the severity of the crime. This could be anywhere from a few weeks to decades or even life. Such a measure would incur costs however and it take 100 gold per year to run these prisons which will go up as population increases. Adrian, Ventis, Therris, Baselt, Sonis, and Forticus support this. Opposing it are Umbra, Cynder, Clarity, Glacies, Cyril, Galvan, Prowlus, and Pavlan.

Harshness of Legal System
[] 'An Eye for an Eye' (Very harsh measures that force the accused to deal with something similar to the crime they are charged with.)
[] Imprisonment (100 gold per year in upkeep which increases with population. Prisoners serve time dependant on the severity of the crime.)

The next subject is that of a militia which everyone practices to some degree. This varies from centaur who expect every able-bodied to fight in battles, to the humans, moles, and cheetah who merely train to defend their own territory, and finally to the dragons who once expected everyone to fight to an impressive degree. Warfang has however become more lax than Reliquia with the introduction of a standing army.

Matriarch Pavlan suggests ensuring that everyone is able to fight both offensively and defensively. She further suggests that the minimum combat standard to be upheld should be the level of an 'expert' (20 combat). This would result in every citizen being forced to train to an incredibly high standard and only a scant handful believe that this is in anyway practical.A sizeable sum of 500 gold with a further 200 per year should be sufficient in order to bring everyone up to the level required and keep them there. Pavlan, Clarity, Cyril, and Prowlus support this. Meanwhile Cynder, Ventis, Glacies, Therris, Baselt, Sonis, Galvan, Forticus, and Adrian oppose this. Umbra is currently abstaining from the vote.

Councillor Galvan recommends a far less extreme standard for a militia and wants to focus on the defensive. He suggests that a merely 'skilled' (15 combat) level of standard should be sufficient to defend, especially as the portals are currently the only source of hostiles that they have to worry about and are easily defended as they are. A mere 200 gold will be enough to ensure that those few who lack this level are able to achieve it and a further 100 gold per year is more than enough to keep everyone at such a skill level. Galvan, Cynder, Clarity, Ventis, Glacies, Therris, Cyril and Adrian support this. Baselt, Sonis, Pavlan, Prowlus, and Forticus oppose this plan. Umbra is currently abstaining from the vote.

Overseer Forticus however recommends that the militia be done away with entirely and a standing army be used to defend and pursue any needed objectives.This is by far the cheapest option and is also the least support of all of them. Forticus, Baselt, and Sonis support this. Cynder, Clarity, Ventis, Glacies, Therris, Cyril, Galvan, Prowlus, Adrian and Pavlan oppose this. Umbra is currently abstaining from the vote.

Level of Militia
[] Expert (20 combat minimum for everyone. 500 gold cost and 200 per year in upkeep.)
[] Skilled (15 combat minimum for everyone. 200 gold cost and 100 per year in upkeep.)
[] None (No combat minimum and no costs.)

The next vote is the matter of whether a permanent army is required at all or if it should fall upon the militia or the local leaders to arrange a defense.

Clarity leads the way in this vote and suggests that 10% of a total population be dedicated to a standing army at the minimum with each village or city contributing more if they feel that it is needed. This would mean that at present, the dragons of Warfang would be required to contribute 213, Reliquia 73, the moles 316, the cheetah 87, the centaur 32, and the humans 65. The cost has not yet been finalized, but it is likely to be quite expensive to train and maintain such an army, especially considering that each local government will likely contribute more than the required number. Clarity, Cynder, Ventis, Umbra, Therris, Cyril, Forticus and Pavlan support this. Glacies, Baselt, Sonis, Galvan, Prowlus, and Adrian oppose this.

Chief Prowlus however feels that it should be up to the local leaders to muster their own defense and that in times of need the leader of the kingdom should request support from each city or village. Prowlus has managed to sway Glacies, Baselt, Sonis, Galvan, and Adrian to his support. Clarity, Cynder, Ventis, Umbra, Therris, Cyril, Forticus and Pavlan oppose this.

Army of Avalar
[] 10% of each village/city (this will give you a mixed army over a thousand strong.)
[] No standing army (Each village or city must defend themselves with the leader of the kingdom requesting forces should it be needed.)

Additionally there is the matter of a title for the leader.

What do we call the leader of the kingdom?
[] King/Queen
[] Write in

Finally it is time to put forth your arguments and proposals for these issues.
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[X] 'An Eye for an Eye' (Very harsh measures that force the accused to deal with something similar to the crime they are charged with.)
-[X] However, the truth of the matter isn't always immediately clear. Criminals should be properly researched, so false convictions aren't made.
--[X] Criminals should be judged first, instead of immediately receiving punishment without question. For example, someone stealing to feed their family or only killing in self-defense, aren't nearly as bad as those committing crimes just because they want to.

Honestly, a better deterrent than basically sentencing someone to Time Out for years. Course, you really want to avoid killing innocent people, and sympathetic criminals deserve the chance to have lesser or no punishment.

[X] Skilled (15 combat minimum for everyone. 200 gold cost and 100 per year in upkeep.)
-[X] Our people need to be capable of protecting themselves, but we shouldn't force training on anyone. This is for their protection, not for our future battles.
--[X] Ultimately though, forcing people to become strong means our criminals become stronger too. This should always be considered self-defense, with opportunities for more intensive training for those wanting to be Experts.

We shouldn't force people to a high standard, partially because that's bad for morale and partially because that makes our criminals more difficult to deal with. Still, those who do take to this well should be encouraged to improve themselves further.

[X] No standing army (Each village or city must defend themselves with the leader of the kingdom requesting forces should it be needed.)
-[X] Our people shouldn't be forced to fight, nor feel like they will be. Ultimately, we will not force anyone into battles they want no part of.
--[X] That said, there should be strong connections between our villages and cities' protectors, so that they'll be easier to reach out & more inclined to help each other.

This one I don't really mind either way, I just figured creating an outright army would make people worried.

[X] King/Queen

Because "President" and "Prime Minister" sound like foreign concepts to them?
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Harshness of Legal System
when it comes to this I kinda want to pick both. As in minor crimes get fined and jailed while major crimes go an eye for an eye. Between the 2 though I'm going to pick
[] Imprisonment (100 gold per year in upkeep which increases with population. Prisoners serve time dependent on the severity of the crime.)
still hope to combine the 2 though and if we do I would also like to say that any repeat offenders will suffer harsher penalties.
[X] Both. Minor crimes get fined and jailed while major crimes go with an eye for an eye. Repeat offenders will suffer harsher penalties.
[X] Skilled (15 combat minimum for everyone. 200 gold cost and 100 per year in upkeep.)
we're not in all out war with the enemy on our door step so I feel training everyone to experience is a bit much but with the threat of portals opening up anywhere and that now 2 for 2 of them have lead somewhere with hostile creatures on them a basic standard militia should be raised if only for the people to have someone able to protect them should a portal open next to them and hostile creatures pour out like what happened with the first portal we found.

[X] 10% of each village/city (this will give you a mixed army over a thousand strong.)
again this comes down to the portals. I want a standing force to be able to secure any portal we find to make sure nothing with ill intent comes through to harm our citizens on the other side as well to have a experience or above armed force ready to defend our land should the need arise. Like a portal opening up and an invading army comes through or if we get called into war to aid Armadyl should something happen in Gielinor.

What do we call the leader of the kingdom?
[JK] Portal Master
ok but for real
[X] King/Queen
this works and I can't think of anything else so if someone can think of something better go for it.
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when it comes to this I kinda want to pick both. As in minor crimes get fined and jailed while major crimes go an eye for an eye. Between the 2 though I'm going to pick
[X] Imprisonment (100 gold per year in upkeep which increases with population. Prisoners serve time dependent on the severity of the crime.)
still hope to combine the 2 though and if we do I would also like to say that any repeat offenders will suffer harsher penalties.

[X] Skilled (15 combat minimum for everyone. 200 gold cost and 100 per year in upkeep.)
we're not in all out war with the enemy on our door step so I feel training everyone to experience is a bit much but with the threat of portals opening up anywhere and that now 2 for 2 of them have lead somewhere with hostile creatures on them a basic standard militia should be raised if only for the people to have someone able to protect them should a portal open next to them and hostile creatures pour out like what happened with the first portal we found.

[X] 10% of each village/city (this will give you a mixed army over a thousand strong.)
again this comes down to the portals. I want a standing force to be able to secure any portal we find to make sure nothing with ill intent comes through to harm our citizens on the other side as well to have a experience or above armed force ready to defend our land should the need arise. Like a portal opening up and an invading army comes through or if we get called into war to aid Armadyl should something happen in Gielinor.

[JK] Portal Master
ok but for real
[X] King/Queen
this works and I can't think of anything else so if someone can think of something better go for it.
Feel free to suggest your own plans for each part of the vote and I'll let you know how much support they get. So... Feel free to suggest a compromise with the imprisonment and eye for an eye. Or lower the minimum combat skill (I made it 15 and 20 just because those were nice round numbers denoting a new plateau of skill). Even adjust the percentage of the army or come up with another way to denote how many each group should contribute.

Please don't feel constrained by any of my votes. Even if it's a regular turn, you can suggest actions and I'll tell you whether or not they work.
[X] 'An Eye for an Eye' (Very harsh measures that force the accused to deal with something similar to the crime they are charged with.)
-[X] However, the truth of the matter isn't always immediately clear. Criminals should be properly researched, so false convictions aren't made.
--[X] Criminals should be judged first, instead of immediately receiving punishment without question. For example, someone stealing to feed their family or only killing in self-defense, aren't nearly as bad as those committing crimes just because they want to.

Honestly, a better deterrent than basically sentencing someone to Time Out for years. Course, you really want to avoid killing innocent people, and sympathetic criminals deserve the chance to have lesser or no punishment.

[X] Skilled (15 combat minimum for everyone. 200 gold cost and 100 per year in upkeep.)
-[X] Our people need to be capable of protecting themselves, but we shouldn't force training on anyone. This is for their protection, not for our future battles.
--[X] Ultimately though, forcing people to become strong means our criminals become stronger too. This should always be considered self-defense, with opportunities for more intensive training for those wanting to be Experts.

We shouldn't force people to a high standard, partially because that's bad for morale and partially because that makes our criminals more difficult to deal with. Still, those who do take to this well should be encouraged to improve themselves further.

[X] No standing army (Each village or city must defend themselves with the leader of the kingdom requesting forces should it be needed.)
-[X] Our people shouldn't be forced to fight, nor feel like they will be. Ultimately, we will not force anyone into battles they want no part of.
--[X] That said, there should be strong connections between our villages and cities' protectors, so that they'll be easier to reach out & more inclined to help each other.

This one I don't really mind either way, I just figured creating an outright army would make people worried.

[X] King/Queen

Because "President" and "Prime Minister" sound like foreign concepts to them?
You can convince Ventis and Forticus for the justice vote.
The militia argument pulls in Pavlan, Prowlus, and Umbra. Especially the first two due to the talk of opportunities for getting stronger.
As for the army... Ventis and Forticus. Cynder actually is intent on keeping her vote because she remembers all too well how easy it was to utterly destroy the peoples of Avalar. Cyril and Umbra too for that matter. Ventis is a touch more naive about the realities of the war and Forticus and his moles never really left the safety of Warfang and thus did not see too much aside from the few times the city was besieged.

[X] Both. Minor crimes get fined and jailed while major crimes go with an eye for an eye. Repeat offenders will suffer harsher penalties.
How do you differentiate between minor and major?

As things are Cynder, Clarity, Cyril, Galvan, Prowlus, Ventis, and Forticus would be willing to go for it currently.

[X] 'An Eye for an Eye' (Very harsh measures that force the accused to deal with something similar to the crime they are charged with.)
-[X] However, the truth of the matter isn't always immediately clear. Criminals should be properly researched, so false convictions aren't made.
--[X] Criminals should be judged first, instead of immediately receiving punishment without question. For example, someone stealing to feed their family or only killing in self-defense, aren't nearly as bad as those committing crimes just because they want to.

[X] Skilled (15 combat minimum for everyone. 200 gold cost and 100 per year in upkeep.)
-[X] Our people need to be capable of protecting themselves, but we shouldn't force training on anyone. This is for their protection, not for our future battles.
--[X] Ultimately though, forcing people to become strong means our criminals become stronger too. This should always be considered self-defense, with opportunities for more intensive training for those wanting to be Experts.

[X] 10% of each village/city (this will give you a mixed army over a thousand strong.)
-[X] The formation of Portals isn't something we can outright prevent, and we already have a new unexplored realm. We need to be prepared for whatever might happen.
--[X] So many lives were lost because of the Bandosians, including the Earth Guardian Terrador. Losing anyone here would be a devastating blow, and Avalor needs all the heroes it can get.
---[X] Still, each village and city doesn't have to contribute 10% of their population. Ultimately, what we all want is peace, and there's no shame in avoiding the horrors of battle. We have other methods of defending our people than just throwing more bodies at problems.

[X] King/Queen

So, how about those sub-actions for "10% village/city"?
---[X] Still, each village and city doesn't have to contribute 10% of their population. Ultimately, what we all want is peace, and there's no shame in avoiding the horrors of battle. We have other methods of defending our people than just throwing more bodies at problems.
Could you elaborate on this some? This sounds more like a 'contribute however many you want and we'll make it work' kind of thing.
Could you elaborate on this some? This sounds more like a 'contribute however many you want and we'll make it work' kind of thing.

Basically, 10% is the ideal goal, but less is fine since there'll be plenty of people who don't want to take part in battle ever. Other than that, we have plenty of mundane and magical methods for improving Avalor's offensive & defensive capabilities without relying on sheer manpower.

Hmm, actually...

[X] 'An Eye for an Eye' (Very harsh measures that force the accused to deal with something similar to the crime they are charged with.)
-[X] However, the truth of the matter isn't always immediately clear. Criminals should be properly researched, so false convictions aren't made.
--[X] Criminals should be judged first, instead of immediately receiving punishment without question. For example, someone stealing to feed their family or only killing in self-defense, aren't nearly as bad as those committing crimes just because they want to.
---[X] Finally, death should only be reserved for the worst kinds of criminals. Dead people aren't productive members of society, and we should encourage everyone to be better- not merely terrify them into obedience.

[X] Skilled (15 combat minimum for everyone. 200 gold cost and 100 per year in upkeep.)
-[X] Our people need to be capable of protecting themselves, but we shouldn't force training on anyone. This is for their protection, not for our future battles.
--[X] Ultimately though, forcing people to become strong means our criminals become stronger too. This should always be considered self-defense, with opportunities for more intensive training for those wanting to be Experts.
---[X] We do have other methods for improving our offensive & defensive potential without raw manpower, so we shouldn't make our citizens feel pressured to train.

[X] 10% of each village/city (this will give you a mixed army over a thousand strong.)
-[X] Each village and city doesn't have to contribute 10% of their population. Ultimately what we all want is peace, so understandably there will be many people who don't want to risk their lives or get close to fellow soldiers only to lose them.
--[X] Still, the formation of Portals isn't something we can outright prevent and we already have a new unexplored realm. We need to be prepared for whatever might happen.
---[X] So many lives were lost because of the Bandosians, including the Earth Guardian Terrador. Losing anyone here would be a devastating blow, and Avalor needs all the heroes it can get.

[X] King/Queen
[X] 'An Eye for an Eye' (Very harsh measures that force the accused to deal with something similar to the crime they are charged with.)
-[X] However, the truth of the matter isn't always immediately clear. Criminals should be properly researched, so false convictions aren't made.
--[X] Criminals should be judged first, instead of immediately receiving punishment without question. For example, someone stealing to feed their family or only killing in self-defense, aren't nearly as bad as those committing crimes just because they want to.
---[X] Finally, death should only be reserved for the worst kinds of criminals. Dead people aren't productive members of society, and we should encourage everyone to be better- not merely terrify them into obedience.

[X] Skilled (15 combat minimum for everyone. 200 gold cost and 100 per year in upkeep.)
-[X] Our people need to be capable of protecting themselves, but we shouldn't force training on anyone. This is for their protection, not for our future battles.
--[X] Ultimately though, forcing people to become strong means our criminals become stronger too. This should always be considered self-defense, with opportunities for more intensive training for those wanting to be Experts.
---[X] We do have other methods for improving our offensive & defensive potential without raw manpower, so we shouldn't make our citizens feel pressured to train.

[X] 10% of each village/city (this will give you a mixed army over a thousand strong.)
-[X] Each village and city doesn't have to contribute 10% of their population. Ultimately what we all want is peace, so understandably there will be many people who don't want to risk their lives or get close to fellow soldiers only to lose them.
--[X] Still, the formation of Portals isn't something we can outright prevent and we already have a new unexplored realm. We need to be prepared for whatever might happen.
---[X] So many lives were lost because of the Bandosians, including the Earth Guardian Terrador. Losing anyone here would be a devastating blow, and Avalor needs all the heroes it can get.

[X] King/Queen
How do you differentiate between minor and major?
I figured that major would be something that drastically effects someone's livelihood. So small things would be something like minor vandalism (kid's playing ball and broke someone's window), public drunkenness, things that would be considered more of an annoyances then anything life changing. Major would be something like arson, murder, actions that would ruin lives.

So while pick pocketing someone of their lose change would just net someone with a fine and maybe some jail time someone braking into someone's place of business and stealing all their wares and life savings would be a major crime. As the first as is only really an innocence overall while the second one has the potential to ruin the business owners life.
[X] 'An Eye for an Eye' (Very harsh measures that force the accused to deal with something similar to the crime they are charged with.)
-[X] However, the truth of the matter isn't always immediately clear. Criminals should be properly researched, so false convictions aren't made.
--[X] Criminals should be judged first, instead of immediately receiving punishment without question. For example, someone stealing to feed their family or only killing in self-defense, aren't nearly as bad as those committing crimes just because they want to.
---[X] Finally, death should only be reserved for the worst kinds of criminals. Dead people aren't productive members of society, and we should encourage everyone to be better- not merely terrify them into obedience.

[X] Skilled (15 combat minimum for everyone. 200 gold cost and 100 per year in upkeep.)
-[X] Our people need to be capable of protecting themselves, but we shouldn't force training on anyone. This is for their protection, not for our future battles.
--[X] Ultimately though, forcing people to become strong means our criminals become stronger too. This should always be considered self-defense, with opportunities for more intensive training for those wanting to be Experts.
---[X] We do have other methods for improving our offensive & defensive potential without raw manpower, so we shouldn't make our citizens feel pressured to train.

[X] 10% of each village/city (this will give you a mixed army over a thousand strong.)
-[X] Each village and city doesn't have to contribute 10% of their population. Ultimately what we all want is peace, so understandably there will be many people who don't want to risk their lives or get close to fellow soldiers only to lose them.
--[X] Still, the formation of Portals isn't something we can outright prevent and we already have a new unexplored realm. We need to be prepared for whatever might happen.
---[X] So many lives were lost because of the Bandosians, including the Earth Guardian Terrador. Losing anyone here would be a devastating blow, and Avalor needs all the heroes it can get.

[X] King/Queen​
[X] 'An Eye for an Eye' (Very harsh measures that force the accused to deal with something similar to the crime they are charged with.)
-[X] However, the truth of the matter isn't always immediately clear. Criminals should be properly researched, so false convictions aren't made.
--[X] Criminals should be judged first, instead of immediately receiving punishment without question. For example, someone stealing to feed their family or only killing in self-defense, aren't nearly as bad as those committing crimes just because they want to.
---[X] Finally, death should only be reserved for the worst kinds of criminals. Dead people aren't productive members of society, and we should encourage everyone to be better- not merely terrify them into obedience.

[X] Skilled (15 combat minimum for everyone. 200 gold cost and 100 per year in upkeep.)
-[X] Our people need to be capable of protecting themselves, but we shouldn't force training on anyone. This is for their protection, not for our future battles.
--[X] Ultimately though, forcing people to become strong means our criminals become stronger too. This should always be considered self-defense, with opportunities for more intensive training for those wanting to be Experts.
---[X] We do have other methods for improving our offensive & defensive potential without raw manpower, so we shouldn't make our citizens feel pressured to train.

[X] 10% of each village/city (this will give you a mixed army over a thousand strong.)
-[X] Each village and city doesn't have to contribute 10% of their population. Ultimately what we all want is peace, so understandably there will be many people who don't want to risk their lives or get close to fellow soldiers only to lose them.
--[X] Still, the formation of Portals isn't something we can outright prevent and we already have a new unexplored realm. We need to be prepared for whatever might happen.
---[X] So many lives were lost because of the Bandosians, including the Earth Guardian Terrador. Losing anyone here would be a devastating blow, and Avalor needs all the heroes it can get.

[X] King/Queen
I started reading this yesterday, and enjoy it so far.

With our diplomancer helping with peace between the elemental dragons and gaining the seducer trait, I had imagined a draconic version of Lwaxana Troi fron Deep Space Nine hounding him romantically.

Like the biggest of the "new" elements having been protecting a group of the then persecuted dragons, and becomming impressed with Ventis.
I started reading this yesterday, and enjoy it so far.

With our diplomancer helping with peace between the elemental dragons and gaining the seducer trait, I had imagined a draconic version of Lwaxana Troi fron Deep Space Nine hounding him romantically.

Like the biggest of the "new" elements having been protecting a group of the then persecuted dragons, and becomming impressed with Ventis.
I'm glad you enjoy it. Personally I have a few problems with it, but the author is always critical of their own work lol.

I really need to do more with Ventis' seduction trait... Then again omakes are a thing *hint hint*
I'm glad you enjoy it. Personally I have a few problems with it, but the author is always critical of their own work lol.

I really need to do more with Ventis' seduction trait... Then again omakes are a thing *hint hint*

The reason I don't usually do omakes is because I'm terrible at writing other people's characters. I mainly rely on scenarios that let me focus on new characters. Maybe you should set up a "bountry board" or something? Provide the audience with a list of omakes. People would also be more inclined if they know rewards are a thing.
Adhoc vote count started by Kkutlord on Jun 17, 2019 at 5:23 PM, finished with 373 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] King/Queen
    [X] 'An Eye for an Eye' (Very harsh measures that force the accused to deal with something similar to the crime they are charged with.)
    -[X] However, the truth of the matter isn't always immediately clear. Criminals should be properly researched, so false convictions aren't made.
    --[X] Criminals should be judged first, instead of immediately receiving punishment without question. For example, someone stealing to feed their family or only killing in self-defense, aren't nearly as bad as those committing crimes just because they want to.
    ---[X] Finally, death should only be reserved for the worst kinds of criminals. Dead people aren't productive members of society, and we should encourage everyone to be better- not merely terrify them into obedience.
    [X] Skilled (15 combat minimum for everyone. 200 gold cost and 100 per year in upkeep.)
    -[X] Our people need to be capable of protecting themselves, but we shouldn't force training on anyone. This is for their protection, not for our future battles.
    --[X] Ultimately though, forcing people to become strong means our criminals become stronger too. This should always be considered self-defense, with opportunities for more intensive training for those wanting to be Experts.
    ---[X] We do have other methods for improving our offensive & defensive potential without raw manpower, so we shouldn't make our citizens feel pressured to train.
    [X] 10% of each village/city (this will give you a mixed army over a thousand strong.)
    -[X] Each village and city doesn't have to contribute 10% of their population. Ultimately what we all want is peace, so understandably there will be many people who don't want to risk their lives or get close to fellow soldiers only to lose them.
    --[X] Still, the formation of Portals isn't something we can outright prevent and we already have a new unexplored realm. We need to be prepared for whatever might happen.
    ---[X] So many lives were lost because of the Bandosians, including the Earth Guardian Terrador. Losing anyone here would be a devastating blow, and Avalor needs all the heroes it can get.
    [X] Both. Minor crimes get fined and jailed while major crimes go with an eye for an eye. Repeat offenders will suffer harsher penalties.
    [X] Skilled (15 combat minimum for everyone. 200 gold cost and 100 per year in upkeep.)
    [X] 10% of each village/city (this will give you a mixed army over a thousand strong.)
The reason I don't usually do omakes is because I'm terrible at writing other people's characters. I mainly rely on scenarios that let me focus on new characters. Maybe you should set up a "bountry board" or something? Provide the audience with a list of omakes. People would also be more inclined if they know rewards are a thing.
Under information I have a threadmark for omake bounties. I'll keep updating it.
I'm glad you enjoy it. Personally I have a few problems with it, but the author is always critical of their own work lol.

I really need to do more with Ventis' seduction trait... Then again omakes are a thing *hint hint*

If I can, I will think about it. I was being silly about things. Plus I have been binging Star Trek.

But really, I like this quest.
Government Reformation Part 5
[X] 'An Eye for an Eye' (Very harsh measures that force the accused to deal with something similar to the crime they are charged with.)
-[X] However, the truth of the matter isn't always immediately clear. Criminals should be properly researched, so false convictions aren't made.
--[X] Criminals should be judged first, instead of immediately receiving punishment without question. For example, someone stealing to feed their family or only killing in self-defense, aren't nearly as bad as those committing crimes just because they want to.
---[X] Finally, death should only be reserved for the worst kinds of criminals. Dead people aren't productive members of society, and we should encourage everyone to be better- not merely terrify them into obedience.

Your arguments are enough to convince everybody except for Baselt and Sonis who maintain that imprisonment is the best way to punish someone. Therris in particular likes that only the absolute worst criminals will be put to death as it gives criminals a chance to pass on their knowledge. Ventis, Overseer Forticus, and Elder Adrian find that these changes to the proposal make it fair and balanced and they are quite satisfied with it.

[X] Skilled (15 combat minimum for everyone. 200 gold cost and 100 per year in upkeep.)
-[X] Our people need to be capable of protecting themselves, but we shouldn't force training on anyone. This is for their protection, not for our future battles.
--[X] Ultimately though, forcing people to become strong means our criminals become stronger too. This should always be considered self-defense, with opportunities for more intensive training for those wanting to be Experts.
---[X] We do have other methods for improving our offensive & defensive potential without raw manpower, so we shouldn't make our citizens feel pressured to train.

The talk of ensuring that there are training opportunities to further hone themselves is enough to convince Matriarch Pavlan and Chief Prowlus to support this plan as it seems likely that their own proposal is too extreme to pass a vote. Forticus and the noble representatives however still feel like a militia is simply not worth it.

[X] 10% of each village/city (this will give you a mixed army over a thousand strong.)
-[X] Each village and city doesn't have to contribute 10% of their population. Ultimately what we all want is peace, so understandably there will be many people who don't want to risk their lives or get close to fellow soldiers only to lose them.
--[X] Still, the formation of Portals isn't something we can outright prevent and we already have a new unexplored realm. We need to be prepared for whatever might happen.
---[X] So many lives were lost because of the Bandosians, including the Earth Guardian Terrador. Losing anyone here would be a devastating blow, and Avalor needs all the heroes it can get.

This proposal causes confusion and after some explanations, Elder Adrian and Councilor Galvan decided to support the proposal. This army will take some experimenting to become effective as not all races will be able to contribute equally. In particular Overseer Forticus states that the moles will be confined to mostly engineering and siege rolls.

[X] King/Queen

Now that the form of the new government is decided upon, it is time to decide who will be the first king or queen. The vote proceeds quickly with Spyro as the only candidate who gets a majority of the votes.

Will be the first king or queen of the Kingdom of Avalar
[] Spyro
[] Write in

With the meeting winding down, now is the opportunity to bring up any other proposals that impact the kingdom as a whole.

Anything else to bring up?
[] None
[] Write in
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