So looking at the vote, I'm really shocked and upset here at the low turnout for Demos Exoria for proboulos.
It's still early days, so I'm hoping we may be able to reverse this!
The Exorian domestic slate does the most to boost our trade, and strengthen positive economic and cultural ties with our barbaroi neighbors and allies. Given we spent so much time talking before the last update about the value of just this, I hope that we can all remember what a good idea it is. It also regularises our festivals, boosting our trade efficiency, but also meaning that Eretria can develop more of her own distinctive culture, something we have strongly wanted to do. Local festivals linked to the agricultural calendar have a real rustic charm, and I would like to see the Running of the Weasels made an official festival.
Overland cattle trade routes have multiple benefits, ones that accrue over time. Firstly and most obviously, they provide money, and in fact the Exorian platform boosts our trade income by more than any other. Moreover though, they build cultural and positive economic ties, strengthening our bonds with our allies and helping to further Hellenise them. They also lay the foundations to grow our trade into the future; cattle routes are especially good because driving large numbers of animals has the kind of bulk throughput that means it is very easy to bring glasswork or pottery back with you, or salt when we get Salpia up and running. The earlier we start, the earlier growth will start.
The festivals tie in with this wonderfully, because they will bring in local, syncretic influences, showing the contribution that the locals have made to our culture and worship, and that which we have made to theirs. This further ties our barbaroi neighbours to us because traders coming to the city can participate in festivals similar to their own. Recall also
@Cavalier's excellent idea to establish a Sacred Grove to Artemis outside the city, at which the barbaroi can come and make sacrifices. The Temple of Artemis atop the Hill of the Divine Marriage is an excellent foundation for this, and can be the start of a cult of Artemis and Orion, further tying us with our neigbours.
Every single part of this slate works perfectly in concert with every other part. The other slates have interesting options, but taken
as a whole, this is far and away the best one. Appealing to your greed for a moment, it also brings in
by far the most revenue, and promises to do so greater in future.
For our financial and diplomatic future, this seems like a really good idea to me, especially as the Mesapii are fragile right now, and our Dauni allies unsure. Now is the best time to strengthen positive ties.