Fellow Citizens, I bid you listen to the words of Ajax, son of Lalage, of the Ekadromoi, once more!

Firstly I would praise our Xenoparakletor, Bold and Strong Mnemnon! For his fine work amongst our allies, and his boldness! Surely one day the Young Stallion from Italia may find himself in the Cemetery of Heroes! For his skills at fighting with his fists! And his ability to make bitter enemies friends!

[x] [Tribute] Levies. More Peuketii allies in the cavalry and light infantry will serve to augment's the city's armies [+2.5% levy from the Peuketii, +654 Levies].

We live in an uncertain time my fellow Citizens! Surrounded by Enemies! To the South we seek to stop Tarantine Ambition! To the North we await news of the last Unbroken Iapygians vile Kingdom! To the East lay Pirates and a Great War amongst Hellene's, one who's hunger may one day cause it to consume Magna Graecia as well!

Once before I praised the Iapygians for nearly defeating Invincible Eretria, and I will note the many times they aided us in war, their horsemen are of a fine make, and have proven themselves useful time and again. So I ask you, when War comes, as it is most certain to do so, will we fight our enemies with a paltry dozen coins? Or will we have fierce, loyal Iapygians men before our lines? Ready to fight and die for the masters who brought them such prosperity!

[x] [Collection] Have them come to us. We can maintain a bond of trust with the tributaries without impinging in their private affairs and expand the festival of tribute to build fraternal feeling. [-2 public subsidy upkeep per year].

Eretria has always been fair, not just in her spirit. Or in the forms of its men and women. But in its sense of rule! Have we not given our subjects peace and prosperity?

Why then, would we not trust them? Why then, would we not draw our servants closer to our bosom so they might truly feel and see the glories that we have made in this city?

We are not Athens, who demands true subjugation, not accursed Syrakous! Those who would shackle and Chain all Hellene! We are fair masters! We are fair people's! We are good to those who know their place at our feet, and know to pay homage to us for their prosperity. So I say, allow them their private thoughts, allow them respect, and watch as we continue to receive it in turn!

[x] [League] We have already conceded much to the Metics. The league can afford to wait a few years [Special League policies in 349 OL election platforms].

Bah! This shames them! The League shames itself! I expected better from Hellenes!

We are the reason they exist, we were once the only source of their grain, we have honoured them with Stones from which to speak, with ships with which to sail alongside us, with victories and glories alike!

We are their fathers! We filled their bellies, nurtured them, protected them, and asked little in turn, only that they march with us, and pay us a truly small tribute. I am sure you have all heard the tale, of how we refused to take much, now there are more cities, and those who came first did grow and prosper with victory and protection from the Dauni. Yet they ask for more!

I am tired, we gave much to the Metics, now more Hellenes scramble for more when they have already been generously treated. As ever, the spoilt child clings tightest to its gluttony and relaxed it's clutch upon wisdom quickly.

Let us rest, let us temper the anger amongst some of our citizenry, before we again address our unruly children.

[x] [Alliance] Accept a full defensive alliance with the Messapii Confederacy.
[x] [King] Better to keep the Confederacy weak and potentially reliant on Eretrian direction.

Is this not what we wanted my fellows! Is this by why we looked south? An ally to halt the advance of Taras!

Yes, the Messapii shall make for our allies, and later our subjects.

Listen well Citizens, for as I am sure you remember we trusted these Barbaroi once, during the reign of Daxtus, we spared his fellows and brought peace from it, then when war came to him, we did not take advantage, though we were heavily urged to do so by our loyal vassals, instead we sought to give mercy, and indeed, did give him tribute and friendship, even defending his ports from those who would invade it, Eusebious himself sailed to their defence!

And then he betrayed us, attacked us, and payed dearly for it.

Yes this alliance will allow us to stop Tarantine greed. But it will also allow us to cow them with time. So we shall not help crown a new king, we will not join in on Athenian folly, we will not lay coin at their Feet!

No, we will fight together, and when the time comes, we will bring their coalition, weakened by war further, into our arms outright! We will strip them of their liberty as they once tried to do to us!

And finally, I ask for you, my fellow Citizens of this fair city, to lend me the strength of your arms. We were told of the threat of Illyrian piracy, well I say that no true Eretrian feats a mere Pirate! The Sea is ours! As was proclaimed by The Second Divine Marriage by their blessing at the Fifty Masts!

I ask you Citizens! Will we cower in our cities and allow them to strike at our trade? Or will we raise our sails and scatter them to the wind once again! The best assurance and insurance we can give, is the might of our Fair City!

[] [Insurance] Write In: Dispatch the Fleet to purge the Illyrian Pirates from our oceans and trade routes!

Who will lift my Rock!

Edit: Okay, Mnemnon doesn't want to dispatch the fleet in case we end up fighting the Dauni or Taras, and he just showed his chops in this update by basically becoming Hellenic Rocky, so I'm gonna withdraw this, for now.
[X] [Insurance] Allow the Shrine of Ploutos to handle merchant insurance with state support [-20 talent one-time fee to Shrine of Ploutos].
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Well with the war starting it might be a good idea to look into arms production since there should be a marked increase in demand and I don't think we are that badly positioned in regards to access to the necessary resources. It should also make a useful trade good with a lot of the italoite and adriatic tribes.

Though on second thought I think I mistook your question and you were more interested in future technology in which case I am also drawing something of a blank.
Meant in general. Tech, new goods to sell, stuff nobody's thought to try exporting....

Weapons though, that might be tempting, really tempting. Do we have a good supply of metal though?
[X] [Insurance] Allow the Shrine of Ploutos to handle merchant insurance with state support [-20 talent one-time fee to Shrine of Ploutos].
[X] [Tribute] Talents. Better to receive coin and kind from the Peuketii in order to help fund the city's ventures [Peuketii tribute increases to 13.1 talents per turn].
[X] [Collection] Have them come to us. We can maintain a bond of trust with the tributaries without impinging in their private affairs and expand the festival of tribute to build fraternal feeling. [-2 public subsidy upkeep per year].
[X] [League] We have already conceded much to the Metics. The league can afford to wait a few years [Special League policies in 349 OL election platforms].
[X] [Alliance] Accept a full defensive alliance with the Messapii Confederacy.
[X] [King] Better to keep the Confederacy weak and potentially reliant on Eretrian direction.

i`m not sure i fully agree with this choices but the argument sounds sound.

ps: is there a reason why our fleet is sitting back not hunting pirates at this time? by the way how if our navy in general?

pps: just what if any options to we have to expand say standing military forces? because i feel like we have lots of militia level troops but not a lot of pro`s
Meant in general. Tech, new goods to sell, stuff nobody's thought to try exporting....

Weapons though, that might be tempting, really tempting. Do we have a good supply of metal though?
Eretria is a pretty decent metalworking centre - we buy in iron from the Canosans and a lot of the Metic population from Sicily were artisans, so we do value added processing.

@Cetashwayo, would this be viable?

[] USER WRITE-IN [Collection] Have them come to us. We can maintain a bond of trust with the tributaries without impinging in their private affairs and expand the festival of tribute to build fraternal feeling. [-2 public subsidy upkeep per year].
However, to aid our tributaries in accurately assessing their payment without undue burden, the officials of the boule shall calculate such every dozen years.
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[X] [Insurance] Allow the Shrine of Ploutos to handle merchant insurance with state support [-20 talent one-time fee to Shrine of Ploutos].
[x] [Tribute] Levies. More Peuketii allies in the cavalry and light infantry will serve to augment's the city's armies [+2.5% levy from the Peuketii, +654 Levies].
[X] [Collection] Have them come to us. We can maintain a bond of trust with the tributaries without impinging in their private affairs and expand the festival of tribute to build fraternal feeling. [-2 public subsidy upkeep per year].
[X] [League] We have already conceded much to the Metics. The league can afford to wait a few years [Special League policies in 349 OL election platforms].
[X] [Alliance] Accept a full defensive alliance with the Messapii Confederacy.
[X] [King] Better to keep the Confederacy weak and potentially reliant on Eretrian direction.
[] USER WRITE-IN [Collection] Have them come to us. We can maintain a bond of trust with the tributaries without impinging in their private affairs and expand the festival of tribute to build fraternal feeling. [-2 public subsidy upkeep per year].
However, to aid our tributaries in accurately assessing their payment without undue burden, the officials of the boule shall calculate such every dozen years.

Don't have a problem with that just being integrated into that vote.

[x] [Insurance] Write In: Dispatch the Fleet to purge the Illyrian Pirates from our oceans and trade routes!

Who will lift my Rock!

The Xenoparakletor does not want to dispatch the navy to go hunt Illyrian pirates at a time when there's a potential for war with Taras and then the Dauni.
[X] [Insurance] Allow the Shrine of Ploutos to handle merchant insurance with state support [-20 talent one-time fee to Shrine of Ploutos].
[X] [Tribute] Levies. More Peuketii allies in the cavalry and light infantry will serve to augment's the city's armies [+2.5% levy from the Peuketii, +654 Levies].
[X] [Collection] Have them come to us. We can maintain a bond of trust with the tributaries without impinging in their private affairs and expand the festival of tribute to build fraternal feeling.
[-2 public subsidy upkeep per year].
[X] [League] Let us listen to the concerns of our Hellene allies [League Synedrion will be called next year].
[X] [Alliance] Accept a full defensive alliance with the Messapii Confederacy.
[X] [King] Promote King Artahias as a strong leader for the Confederacy to lead it against Taras and keep the peace with Eretria [-15 talent fee].
[X] [Collection] Have them come to us. We can maintain a bond of trust with the tributaries without impinging in their private affairs and expand the festival of tribute to build fraternal feeling.
However, to aid our tributaries in accurately assessing their payment without undue burden, the officials of the boule shall calculate such every dozen years.

What I meant is that it doesn't need its own vote. If that vote wins the boule will already be re-assessing those payments every few years.
[X] [Insurance] Allow the Shrine of Ploutos to handle merchant insurance with state support [-20 talent one-time fee to Shrine of Ploutos].
[x] [Tribute] Levies. More Peuketii allies in the cavalry and light infantry will serve to augment's the city's armies [+2.5% levy from the Peuketii, +654 Levies].
[X] [Collection] Have them come to us. We can maintain a bond of trust with the tributaries without impinging in their private affairs and expand the festival of tribute to build fraternal feeling. [-2 public subsidy upkeep per year].
[X] [League] We have already conceded much to the Metics. The league can afford to wait a few years [Special League policies in 349 OL election platforms].
[X] [Alliance] Accept a full defensive alliance with the Messapii Confederacy.
[X] [King] Better to keep the Confederacy weak and potentially reliant on Eretrian direction.
With the Messapii vote, we are going to war with Taras pretty soon.
That then flows through that we might as well call the League next year, because we'll want to get their backing in said war, which we can address their concerns in exchange for, and we'll want to have our fleet to hand, extra auxiliaries from the Peuketti, and Artahias organising the Messapii for war.
In Carthage, there are rumors that a vast shipment of gold has arrived from beyond the Pillars of Herakles once more, though none can know from where the Carthaginians have received such bounty. An Eretrian merchant reported seeing an aggressive, hairy and stupid man in Panormos in a cage with hands for feet unlike any seen before.

Sorry, no time to compose a speech

I think we should think twice before letting the shrine of Ploutos handle our maritime insurance. Insurance can be pretty profitable if you get to set your own premiums, and I'm pretty sure the shrine is going to run it at a tidy profit. The city will be insuring merchants at a (modest) loss, but by the same token that means the merchants themselves won't be getting squeezed on the premiums. Since highly active merchant traffic benefits the city, the city acting as a single-payer for shipping insurance may well work out better in the long run.

I suspect the "let the shrine of Ploutos handle it" option is there in large part because we've got a tricky, ambitious archpriest (mantis, rather) and a highly Magnificent proboulos (that is, one who's likely to give away the keys to the store).

[X] [Insurance] Set large limitations on state insurance and have merchants pay a fee for insurance. [-2 public upkeep per turn].
[X] [Tribute] Talents. Better to receive coin and kind from the Peuketii in order to help fund the city's ventures [Peuketii tribute increases to 13.1 talents per turn].
[X] [Collection] Dispatch inspectors to them. Better for our agents to be among them in order to catch any sign of suspicion or plotting than to hope the barbaroi will always keep us in good stead [-2 public subsidy upkeep per year].
[X] [League] Let us listen to the concerns of our Hellene allies [League Synedrion will be called next year].
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The city's treasury grows even more this year, despite the expense of the temple. With such a reserve, Grand Mantis Polykarpos Lykos hopes to present a number of improvements to the construction of the city's new Hill of the Divine Marriage in the following year in order to better honor the Gods and take advantage of the opportunity presented.

"As you will see, these heated sacred baths adjoining my chambers will make a fine shrine to Hestia..."
[X] [Insurance] Allow the Shrine of Ploutos to handle merchant insurance with state support [-20 talent one-time fee to Shrine of Ploutos].
[X] [Tribute] Levies. More Peuketii allies in the cavalry and light infantry will serve to augment's the city's armies [+2.5% levy from the Peuketii, +654 Levies].
[X] [Collection] Have them come to us. We can maintain a bond of trust with the tributaries without impinging in their private affairs and expand the festival of tribute to build fraternal feeling.
[-2 public subsidy upkeep per year].
[X] [League] Let us listen to the concerns of our Hellene allies [League Synedrion will be called next year].
[X] [Alliance] Accept a full defensive alliance with the Messapii Confederacy.
[X] [King] Promote King Artahias as a strong leader for the Confederacy to lead it against Taras and keep the peace with Eretria [-15 talent fee].
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[X] [Insurance] Set large limitations on state insurance and have merchants pay a fee for insurance. [-2 public upkeep per turn].
[X] [Tribute] Levies. More Peuketii allies in the cavalry and light infantry will serve to augment's the city's armies [+2.5% levy from the Peuketii, +654 Levies].
[X] [Collection] Have them come to us. We can maintain a bond of trust with the tributaries without impinging in their private affairs and expand the festival of tribute to build fraternal feeling. [-2 public subsidy upkeep per year].
[X] [League] Let us listen to the concerns of our Hellene allies [League Synedrion will be called next year].
[X] [Alliance] Accept a full defensive alliance with the Messapii Confederacy.
[X] [King] Promote King Artahias as a strong leader for the Confederacy to lead it against Taras and keep the peace with Eretria [-15 talent fee].

@Cetashwayo could the Temple Insurance vote unlock primitive banking of some sort?

EDIT: Fuck it, I don't trust the Temple to act honestly with all that money.
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Sorry, no time to compose a speech

I think we should think twice before letting the shrine of Ploutos handle our maritime insurance. Insurance can be pretty profitable if you get to set your own premiums, and I'm pretty sure the shrine is going to run it at a tidy profit. The city will be insuring merchants at a (modest) loss, but by the same token that means the merchants themselves won't be getting squeezed on the premiums. Since highly active merchant traffic benefits the city, the city acting as a single-payer for shipping insurance may well work out better in the long run.

I suspect the "let the shrine of Ploutos handle it" option is there in large part because we've got a tricky, ambitious archpriest (mantis, rather) and a highly Magnificent proboulos (that is, one who's likely to give away the keys to the store).
A VERY good point.

[X] [Insurance] Set large limitations on state insurance and have merchants pay a fee for insurance. [-2 public upkeep per turn].
[X] [League] Let us listen to the concerns of our Hellene allies [League Synedrion will be called next year].
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The Eretrian Temples are kinda inherently part of Eretria. Having Ploutos handle the insurance defrays the direct risk to the polis finances of a bad run, and I'd suspect that ship owners are going to be a bit more hesitant to try and commit fraud on the gods than on the boule.

Well it's either from their Spanish possession which I think indeed included a few goldmines/territories which might be more easily reached from the far side of Spain. Or its a more ambitious trade mission towards modern Mali, which I think seems more likely if coupled with the likely gorilla prisoner, of which there is some historic evidence I think and which are unlikely to be a massive gamechanger unless carthagian ship-building advances a lot further since as it stands any such expedition is one storm away from tragedy.
[X] [Insurance] Set large limitations on state insurance and have merchants pay a fee for insurance. [-2 public upkeep per turn]
[X] [Tribute] Levies. More Peuketii allies in the cavalry and light infantry will serve to augment's the city's armies [+2.5% levy from the Peuketii, +654 Levies]
[X] [Collection] Have them come to us. We can maintain a bond of trust with the tributaries without impinging in their private affairs and expand the festival of tribute to build fraternal feeling. [-2 public subsidy upkeep per year].
[X] [League] Let us listen to the concerns of our Hellene allies [League Synedrion will be called next year].
[X] [Alliance] Accept a full defensive alliance with the Messapii Confederacy.
[X] [King] Better to keep the Confederacy weak and potentially reliant on Eretrian direction.

So looks like giving the metics a bunch of reforms caused us issues with being more resistant to reforms in the league. Also next Xeno needs to be Darkonia to go and deal with the pirates before they choke our trade. League next year so we do not have that hanging over us if we war with Taras. More levy from the Peuketii to better able us to war vs Taras.
[X] [Insurance] Set large limitations on state insurance and have merchants pay a fee for insurance. [-2 public upkeep per turn].
[X] [Tribute] Levies. More Peuketii allies in the cavalry and light infantry will serve to augment's the city's armies [+2.5% levy from the Peuketii, +654 Levies].
[X] [Collection] Have them come to us. We can maintain a bond of trust with the tributaries without impinging in their private affairs and expand the festival of tribute to build fraternal feeling. [-2 public subsidy upkeep per year].
[X] [League] We have already conceded much to the Metics. The league can afford to wait a few years [Special League policies in 349 OL election platforms].
[X] [Alliance] Accept a full defensive alliance with the Messapii Confederacy.
[X] [King] Better to keep the Confederacy weak and potentially reliant on Eretrian direction.

This is complicated. We really want the traders and the limitations way bring the best for everyone. The privat side can try to undersell the city to run a profit still but at the same time officials will hopefully not get corupt.
Peuketiit votes are easier. We do not really need their money. With the tension brewing north (Dauni) and south (Taras, either after they beat Messapii or while we help defend them) we need their troops.
And that entire thing is bound to blow up. Their current king sound already corupt somewhat with taking money from many different hands. The closer cities can still in time cecede the confederacy under a defensive alliance.
@Cetashwayo If the confederacy king gets to weak what trouble would we face? Beside a chance to get more control of the closer cities?