In the original game one particular bastard player who decided to be a smartass googled "weasels ancient greece" and then attempted to convince me that weasels were tamed and used as pets in Ancient Greece. Having dropped this nugget of insight, they subsequently demanded that I give players the options to democratically introduce weasels into the Eretrian household. Despite my many attempts to tell this player to stop telling me about the possibilities weasels could bring to the game, they did not let up,
What are you taking about? We're surrounded by several, and a particularly infamous one will take over the entire 'Mare Nostrum' in a frenzy hundred years. None of them had printing presses or radios.
@Cetashwayo could you please give me a brief overview of the duties and authority of the Chief of Public Lands?
Whether or not Rome actually met the technical definition of a Nation-State, I think it was clearly more than just a city with an empire attached.Rome was an empire, not a nation-state. Nation-states don't emerge until well into early modern times.
What are you taking about? We're surrounded by several, and a particularly infamous one will take over the entire 'Mare Nostrum' in a frenzy hundred years. None of them had printing presses or radios.
Rome was an empire, not a nation-state. Nation-states don't emerge until well into early modern times.
Whether or not Rome actually met the technical definition of a Nation-State, I think it was clearly more than just a city with an empire attached.
I'm not sure what dictionary definition of 'nation-state' you're using, but in my context I was disagreeing with your essential point that no states could exist beyond central cities without mass-communication when that's patently false, not dickering over semantics. Not to mention I was referring to more than just Rome.Rome was an empire, not a nation-state. Nation-states don't emerge until well into early modern times.
Update will have to go up tomorrow. Blame @Admiral Skippy for talking to me until after 3 AM, you bastard.
Thank you, the compliment is much appreciated.
I propose the following motion:
All sons of citizens who have not yet come of age must keep a pet weasel, and use it to hunt vermin within the walls of the city, or their farm if they live in the countryside.
I am saddened the these upstarts of Antipatrid, Drakonid and Exoria have overtaken the original, true political factions of Eretria, the Tortoises and the Weasels.
...Cetashwayo really missed out a major opportunity when he made those shield symbols a Centaur, Minotaur and whatever the hell that thing the Drakonids use is.Obviously the Drakonids are the Weasels and the Antipatrids are the Tortoises. Like this, only painted on rocks.
However, this is where chance comes in. When players elect a proboulos they are signalling how influential that faction is at a given time. The faction that gains control of this esteemed office will have a greater chance for their candidates to be chosen for lot in the minor offices, such as the master of the mint, the grand mantis in charge of festivals, the chief of public lands or the Agoranomos who manages trade in the city. When factions take control of these offices they have special powers to present issues to the ekklesia and will do so, raising issues and putting forward suggestions they would not otherwise. If a faction has control of all or most of the city's offices, then the Ekklesia will only be presented with the issues that faction wants them to be presented with.
...Cetashwayo really missed out a major opportunity when he made those shield symbols a Centaur, Minotaur and whatever the hell that thing the Drakonids use is.
Unless it's supposed to be a Weasel...
I'm not sure what dictionary definition of 'nation-state' you're using, but in my context I was disagreeing with your essential point that no states could exist beyond central cities without mass-communication when that's patently false, not dickering over semantics. Not to mention I was referring to more than just Rome.
You could always help make this happen. *nudge nudge*If a strong minority vote for the Demos Exoria for the proboulos goes through, and is seen as a signal of support for this, that's probably all to the good.
I feel like you're kind of jumping to conclusions here. I was using 'nation-state' as in contrast to our current form of government, the 'city-state,' which has a bunch of issues I and others have outlined that'll hobble our ambitions in the long term. Leaving aside the contested nature of what exactly the definition of a nation-state is and when exactly their existence can be attributed (my original point was contesting your claim that such things couldn't exist until mass communication has been invented), I wasn't at all proposing that we should magically become a modern nation or even try to become such. What I was proposing as a long term ambition is to evolve beyond the city-state centered style of government and culture that dominates the Greek world, in my opinion to its detriment. I don't want Eretria Eskhara to ultimately be absorbed by more efficient and advanced states, which I believe is inevitable in the long run if things don't change."Nation-state" is a technical term with a specific meaning, that Skippy alluded to above - a state, meaning an area of territory under a single government, that is composed of a nation - a community with a shared identity.
For example, Greece is a nation-state. Canada is a binational state. The US is a multinational state.
Saying "nation-state" when you mean "state capacity," in a quest as grounded in real history as this one is, is going to lead to bad outcomes because it's an ahistorical mode of thought, and because it devalues real accomplishments of the period.
This isn't what I was saying at all, and I can't help but feel as if I'm being projected on. Seriously, how is what I proposed 'chasing Hiero's teakettle?'More generally, I want to caution about thinking in terms of linear "progress," with the end result being an industrialized society - that's not happening in the scope of this quest, and we'll see considerably better outcomes if we limit ourselves to what's plausible in antiquity, as opposed to chasing Hiero's teakettle.
You make a good point.
Demos Antipatria will obviously win the Proboulos election, I voted for them initially and still want them to win. They currently have 50 votes and the next closest is Demos Exoria with... 9.
We know that if the majority in the vote for the Proboulos is too great it leads to a single Demos completely sweeping all the offices and limits the issues we can deal with as the ekklesia (quote below). Plus, in general, a single demos having such overwhelming control has given us problems in the past. So I'm suggesting it would be a good idea for a little tactical voting (preferably for Demos Exoria), not to the extent that we get gridlock or even that Demos Antipatria will be overly constrained but just so it's not a complete blowout.
I'm aware that it's unlikely to be as simple as just increasing the vote share of another Demos and that leading to one of their policies being implemented as my character argued. But it felt like a good issue for him to campaign on and a decent way to justify tactical voting in character.