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Radical idea! Intentionally take traits that triggers outbreak with a lot of trade, then infect the entire eastern America. Take over as NCR post massive death, genius! No Vicky no problem.

[x] No ethic only death
-[x]Independent Merchants
-[x]Rail Companies
-[x]Empty Spaces
-[x]Population Boom
-[x]Import/Export Professionals
-[x]Brown-Water Navy
-[x]Green-Water Navy

(please don't vote for this, no really.)

[X] Plan All the Economy
[x] Plan Just the Government
[X] Plan: Manufacture and Tax
[X] Grand Theft BOOM
[x] Plan Set to soar
[X] Grand Theft BOOMer
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Okay, now that Security/Established/Economy is close to winning, I'm prepared to offer an un-vote trade: if anyone currently voting for All-Around Start is willing to delete their vote for it, I'll delete mine for All the Economy in exchange. Any takers?

Sure. I'll go for it.

[X] Plan Security, Established, and Economy
[x] Grand Theft BOOM
[x] Go Big or Go Boom
[x] Go Big or Go Home

[X] Grand Theft BOOMer
-[X] Ear to the Ground
-[X] Good Security
-[X] Aerial Reconnaissance
-[X] Established
-[X] Efficient Bureaucracy
-[X] The Greatest Sin
-[X] Import/Export Professionals
-[X] Hostile Neighborhood

Let's try this one. No Victorian Sympathizers, but Established and Efficient Bureaucracy are still around.
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Sure. I'll go for it.

[X] Plan Security, Established, and Economy
[x] Grand Theft BOOM
[x] Go Big or Go Boom
[x] Go Big or Go Home

[X] Grand Theft BOOMer
-[X] Ear to the Ground
-[X] Good Security
-[X] Aerial Reconnaissance
-[X] Established
-[X] Efficient Bureaucracy
-[X] The Greatest Sin
-[X] Import /Export Professionals
-[X] Hostile Neighborhood

The pact is sealed.

[X] Plan Security, Established, and Economy

Feel free to ping me if any of the other stuff I'm un-voting here actually stood a chance but I'm pretty sure I see which way the wind is blowing by now.
Okay. I'd still argue that Victorian Sympathizers plus the Greatest Sin and Victorian Attention seems like a dangerous combination.

Tbh the biggest issue is that we're going to be dealing with an unpleasant combination no matter where we go if we want everything that's worth getting.

I'd prefer issues with the victorians, that we were always going to have because of burns, than issues with the victorians and their more powerful benefactors.

And the sympathizers are, at least nominally, loyal at the start. If they try anything they'll get slapped down by the law like everyone else.
[X] Plan Entrepot
[X] Plan Security, Established, and Economy

Since Entrepot is apparently not all that far behind.
Well, it looks like SEE is winning, would it be possible later on to prioritize the actions needed to expand the rail network that is critical for our industrial buildup during the first few turns so that we can save more of our fuel oil?
Well, it looks like SEE is winning, would it be possible later on to prioritize the actions needed to expand the rail network that is critical for our industrial buildup during the first few turns so that we can save more of our fuel oil?

Brown-Water Navy should be able to secure river routes for us, so we can offload some of our transportation needs to boats. I'm in favor of investing in a rail network at some point but between Population Boom and Victorian Attention we're probably going to have to make do without for a bit while we play crisis management.
Brown-Water Navy should be able to secure river routes for us, so we can offload some of our transportation needs to boats. I'm in favor of investing in a rail network at some point but between Population Boom and Victorian Attention we're probably going to have to make do without for a bit while we play crisis management.
The thing is rail is going to be critical for solving the agriculture problems, as the less fuel we use to haul food into the city, the more fuel we have to use for farming/making farmland.
Okay, now that Security/Established/Economy is close to winning, I'm prepared to offer an un-vote trade: if anyone currently voting for All-Around Start is willing to delete their vote for it, I'll delete mine for All the Economy in exchange. Any takers?
Why is All-Around Start so bad?

Is this the "Population Boom without Vaccines" thing? Because I'm going to be honest, I'd rather risk having to ride out an epidemic than a combination of major economic crisis, enemy spies, and foreign invasion all at once.

I want trains, vaccinations, and libraries.
If we could get trains at game start, especially combined with Established to cover more territory, I'd value them more highly. But having to ride out a year without them while the plan contains "you have a famine if you don't take extreme steps to feed everyone," PLUS not having direct control over the surrounding farmland, just reduces the immediate value pretty significantly to the point where I'd rather use those 2 CP to buy down a malus that would otherwise make it harder for us to survive.

Chicago is very well-sited with only its waterborne trade network; the rails are very much desirable but not mandatory.

Well, it looks like SEE is winning, would it be possible later on to prioritize the actions needed to expand the rail network that is critical for our industrial buildup during the first few turns so that we can save more of our fuel oil?
You have my word that I will agitate for railroad construction over almost all other infrastructure priorities, with the possible exception of repairing/maintaining the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal. The CS&SC is good for the city's sanitation* and is a key element of keeping up our shipping access to the Mississippi River and its tributaries.

*(Thanks to the CS&SC, Chicago's sewage flows into inland treatment plants and thence to the Mississippi, rather than into Lake Michigan and thence to its own drinking water supply. They only had to reverse a river and indulge in one of the biggest earthmoving projects in American history to do it, too. Very Chicago solution IMO)
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[X] Plan All the Economy
The thing is rail is going to be critical for solving the agriculture problems, as the less fuel we use to haul food into the city, the more fuel we have to use for farming/making farmland.

Even if we took the rail option it'd still take time to get online. We're going to need to focus on more immediate solutions. Such as, I repeat, rivers. Seriously, they're great for transportation at relatively limited fuel cost.
Why is All-Around Start so bad?

Is this the "Population Boom without Vaccines" thing? Because I'm going to be honest, I'd rather risk having to ride out an epidemic than a combination of major economic crisis, enemy spies, and foreign invasion all at once.

Well, you'll note that the option I actually prefer (Security/Established/Economy) doesn't really have that problem to the same extent.

As for my opposition to All-Around Start, the whole epidemic thing is something of a dealbreaker, as is the fact that I prefer specialization over an attempt at generalist adequacy (and that particular debate is basically a constant feature of the Questing landscape, so given how much I see you around I'm guessing I don't need to elaborate much).
Well, you'll note that the option I actually prefer (Security/Established/Economy) doesn't really have that problem to the same extent.

As for my opposition to All-Around Start, the whole epidemic thing is something of a dealbreaker...
I understand.

Personally, I figure that Population Boom doesn't actually make our epidemic exposure so much worse that it's as big a deal as the food supply problem, personally. It's a legitimate secondary issue, but a longer-term one that we can probably mitigate during gameplay by taking steps to house our population better, improve sanitation, and develop medical infrastructure. It's not the explicit primary problem associated with the malus- that's the immediate hunger crisis.

Plus we can still have epidemic outbreaks with Widespread Vaccination; herd immunity doesn't set in anywhere near the 60% level.

Given that to get Widespread Vaccination we have to sacrifice a lot or accept a malus I am almost SURE @PoptartProdigy is planning to make a lot tougher and more costly for us than some of us now expect... I'm willing to make do without it in a plan that provides enough other benefits.
[x] Plan Set to soar
-[x] Established -2
-[x] Efficient Bureacracy -3
-[x] Indep. Merchants -2
-[x] Vaccines -3
-[x] Rails -2
-[x] Good Security -1
-[x] Brownwater navy -2
-[x] Library -2
-[x] Disastrous Start +1
-[x] Disunited Currency +3
-[x] Crossed wires +2
-[x] Population boom +2
-[x] Greatest Sin +3
-[x] Victorian Sympathizers +2

[X] Plan Security, Established, and Economy

I'm fond of Set to Soar because I feel like it not only gives us the tools to solve the detriments but also that a fair amount of it's demerits can (at risk) be solved together. Greatest Sin+Vicky Sympathizers is a scary combo for sure, but the security apparatus to deal with one helps with the other.

Disunited Currency and Population Boom are major potential issues- but the interconnections of EB, Rails, and Traders ensures that we can relocate people and material far better than we otherwise might be able to and all that interconnection is going to confront the currency issue sooner than later.

Crossed Wires- it's going to hurt at some point or another that's for damn sure. But between the EB and the Library we're likely going to be able to backtrack and issue a recall/fix sooner than we could normally.

Disastrous Start concerns me significantly less than all these others so I can accept it hanging mostly free.

Meanwhile all of these things together lead to a pretty monstrous potential economy that we're going to want to fixate on developing anyways (Pop Boom and Disunited Currency) as our Brown Water Navy means Victoria is going to have a hard time projecting adequate forces for a lasting campaign and we'll have the means of rapid redeployment and solid logistics between the rail lines and the rivers.
Greatest Sin+Vicky Sympathizers is a scary combo for sure

I would also like to point out that they are stated to be loyal to the government at least initially though, if they are related to the assassin, we can come down on them hard if they try something.

Moreover, I think my plan has enough resources to deal with the maluses we take, outside of maybe taking hostile neighborhood (since military expansion shouldn't be something to take until later in the future anyway) to get good reputation to make the effects of Vicky sympathizers and an assassin running around less dangerous to our government.

I'd wonder of those voting for the leading plans might consider switching over to mine and going for a setup that gets a lot of what everyone wants while also having resources to deal with the consequences we do take.
Just wondering (and I'm sorry if someone's asked this already), where did the name "The Greatest Sin" come from? A search is mostly turning up unrelated religious stuff, and adding "assassin" just brings up Assassin's Creed news and this thread.

[x] Plan All-Round Start
[X] Plan Security, Established, and Economy
[X] Plan Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
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