Voting is open
[X] Plan All the Economy
[X] Securing a better Tommorow V3

I mean, its all the economy
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If you don't ACTUALLY want the meme vote to win, please do not vote for it. Approval voting gives zero fucks whether you 'meant' something to win or not, and @PoptartProdigy is explicitly Lawful Evil. They will happily take a meme plan and implement it right until it catches fire, crashes, craters, explodes, and catches fire again.

Crossed Wires and Nuke seems like a dangerous combination.
We can always keep it well away from the city center in an undisclosed location on general principles.

Just don't bury it underground unless you can bury it very, VERY deep.

[IMO, the Clan invasion failed because the Clans lost track of what the Inner Sphere center of gravity was. (Also because exactly two Clans didn't have their head up their collective asses, and also the toxic legacy of Nicky K that led directly to the shitshow at Tukayyid, but that's neither here nor there)]

On that note, my take on Victoria is that its center of gravity is its army and security apparatus. The Victorian state has very little resilience -- my read is hat regime depends on coercion to keep itself going, whereas ours does not. That seems to imply that a series of showy victories against the Victorian army, and thus its ability to coerce compliance out of its population, would provoke a broader collapse.
If our strategy is as army-topheavy as "Burns vs. The World" suggests, we too are vulnerable to this kind of strategy, as @Ganurath points out.

Secondly, to defeat Victoria in that way, our "army with a state" would need to rapidly march all the way to Victorian territory and chew up its armed forces so badly that their own police-state control over the media isn't enough to let them hush up the defeats. I don't think the plan has enough logistical and economic components to make that tenable.

Or it could be a military man utilizing the resources suddenly available to him to lock him and Victoria into a suicide pact utterly confident that other Revivalist movements will emerge to exploit the demise of the hated fascists. Because it's an all but objective fact they will- and as someone who is on his 5th go of it Burns would absolutely know this. Obviously there is concern over any overwhelming focus on military, but from what Poptart has said Burns explicitly wants civilian administration. Him pulling a Washington or Cincinattus turned up to 11 is absolutely a possibility.
I mean, it could. But there's a long history of (for instance) men like Cromwell deciding, reluctantly or 'reluctantly,' that they have no choice but to govern because democracy 'isn't working.'

It depends on how much you place your trust in Great Men in history, versus mass movements. Which is better to have on your side, a hero, or a nation? This is not a trick or rhetorical question; people have come down in favor of both sides. Me, I favor 'nation.'

Win or lose, Burns will have likely utterly gutted and ripped out the heart of Victoria.
That orrrr he'll lead an enthusiastic and ill-equipped army of Revivalists on a futile Children's Crusade into the heart of Victorian territory where they get chewed up by militia who've been propagandized to think of him as the Antichrist. His elite spearhead makes a "heroic last stand" (his fate on the Pacific coast catching up with him at last), but ultimately... well, he racks up hundreds of thousands of Victorian dead, and it turns out their totalitarian apparatus is just as capable of withstanding a huge invasion from the west as Stalin's was.

Plus, creating a power vacuum in defeat doesn't guarantee that things will get better. After Chicago suicide-charges Victoria, the next power bloc to arise may not be so nice as we'd hope...

As for the morality of it and the potential of military oppression- the more advocates like yourself who keep your skin in the game should it win, the more likely we are to wind up with Cincinattus than Cromwell.
Except I don't want to be sitting around holding a potential military dictator on a leash; I want to be voting on the actions of someone who isn't one bad year of frustrating action from the legislature away from turning into one.

And now, the votes.

[X] Plan All-Round Start
[X] Plan Entrepot
[X] Plan Just the Government
[X] Plan Bare Necessities


All the Economy at least tempts me.

I'd vote for A plan with the nuke, except that it also has Disunited Currency, the malus I like least.

...SIGH. Okay, jeez. I hate Disunited Currency, but I want Brown-Water Navy badly and as noted, Poptart killed most of the plans that have it and DON'T have big stacks of disadvantages.

[X] Plan All the Economy


As for some of the write-in plans- because as noted, NO military-strong plans survived that don't have a huge-stack of disadvantages.

[X]Securing a better Tommorow V3
[X]Securing a better Universe

And to have a nuke plan...

[X] Go Big or Go Boom

And my own nuke plan... somewhat altered. This gives us a solid territorial extent, with plenty of salvage, and secures the nuke- but it does nothing else, and we are surrounded by people who don't trust us. It's tough, but there's no such thing as a nuke plan that isn't tough.

[X] Plan Shadow of the Bomb, v2
-[X] Established
-[X] Well Preserved
-[X] Nuke
-[X] Population Boom
-[X] Disastrous Start
-[X] Hostile Neighborhood
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[x] Plan All the Economy
[X] Plan All-Round Start


If you don't ACTUALLY want the meme vote to win, please do not vote for it. Approval voting gives zero fucks whether you 'meant' something to win or not, and @PoptartProdigy is explicitly Lawful Evil. They will happily take a meme plan and implement it right until it catches fire, crashes, craters, explodes, and catches fire again.

It isn't a meme vote. It's what they want.
All-around start start does not include a navy or rail construction, We kinda need one or the other to properly set up the industry, and well, without either we are probably going to have to take and expand rails each turn.

Edit: If people want a tech or econ heavy game, go all the economy, as it literally has all the economy.
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[X] Plan Entrepot
[X]Securing a better Tommorow V3
[X] Plan Just the Government
[X] Plan Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
- [X] Old World Equipment
- [X] Old World Soldiers
- [X] Professionals Study Logistics
- [X] Victorian Attention (2 CP)
- [X] Brown Water Navy (-2 CP)
- [X] Established (-2 CP)
- [X] Independent Merchants (-2 CP)
- [X] Efficient Bureaucracy (-3 CP)
- [X] Good Security (-1 CP)
- [X] Ear to the Ground (-1 CP)
- [X] Import/Export Professionals (1 CP)
- [X] Population Boom (2 CP)
- [X] The Greatest Sin (3 CP)
- [X] Empty Spaces (1 CP)

All that being said, I'm willing to go with *literally anything* other than plan Hellfire Burns. It's the worst plan we have available to us, by far, and leads to us being immediately destroyed because we decide that our first order of business is to Captain Ahab ourselves directly into the face of the local power that already hates us. Even if we win, by some utter miracle or Poptart being absurdly generous, we do nothing but cut a head off the hydra and limp back home poisoned.
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[X] Plan All the Economy
[X] Plan All-Round Start
[X] Plan Security, Established, and Economy
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[X] Hellfire Burns Vs. The World
This is my promised meme vote and nothing else.

Now for the serious votes.
[X] Plan Entrepot
This is my preferred option. Trade nation, here we gooooo!

[X] Plan Protector of the Midwest
This is acceptable enough for an approval vote.
[x] Hellfire Burns Vs. The World


[X] Plan Protector of the Midwest

[X] Plan All the Economy
[X] Plan All-Round Start
-[X] Independent Merchants
-[X] Established
-[X] Good Security
-[X] Libraries
-[X] Population Boom
-[X] Disastrous Start

[X] Plan All the Economy
-[X] Brown Water Navy
-[X] Disastrous Start
-[X] The Greatest Sin
-[X] Independent Merchants
-[X] Rail Companies
-[X] Vaccines
-[X] Efficient Bureaucracy
-[X] Population Boom
-[X] Disunited Currency
-[X] Import/Export
-[X] Libraries

[X] Plan Entrepot
-[X] Brown Water Navy
-[X] Independent Merchants
-[X] Ear To The Ground
-[X] Libraries
-[X] Population Boom
-[X] Import/Export Professionals

[X] Plan Just the Government
-[X] Disastrous Start
-[X] Established
-[X] Efficient Bureaucracy

There is now zero chance the winning plan isn't one you included in your post. Especially since you "helpfully" included the meme vote, giving it all the legitimacy it'll ever need. I'm giving that one 50/50 odds to win against all the others combined. Baka.
[X] Plan All the Economy
[X] Plan All-Round Start
[X] Plan Entrepot
Or it could be a military man utilizing the resources suddenly available to him to lock him and Victoria into a suicide pact utterly confident that other Revivalist movements will emerge to exploit the demise of the hated fascists. Because it's an all but objective fact they will- and as someone who is on his 5th go of it Burns would absolutely know this. Obviously there is concern over any overwhelming focus on military, but from what Poptart has said Burns explicitly wants civilian administration. Him pulling a Washington or Cincinattus turned up to 11 is absolutely a possibility.

If we take a step back and look at North America as a whole- Hellfire Burns is a potentially fantastic outcome for Revivalist movements in general unless Victoria miraculously comes out of it stronger, Russia returns all of it's attention to North America, or if Burns wins so hard he turns around to institute the military dictatorship you're afraid of. Win or lose, Burns will have likely utterly gutted and ripped out the heart of Victoria. I find the thought of playing a Head of State utterly willing to lose because he's confident in defeat he can deal a mortal blow and pave the way for his cause fascinating- totally reprehensible in how it readily it potentially discards the well-being of his citizens, but reassuring in that it would be potentially all but guaranteeing a democratic revival in the US. Playing a build not necessarily to win, but to so much as to guarantee the objective evil is destroyed is definitely a novel take on this sort of thing. I'm not even necessarily for it, or convinced it's a great idea- you're absolutely free to dismiss it but I can't consider it an objectively awful idea for a number of reasons.

As for the morality of it and the potential of military oppression- the more advocates like yourself who keep your skin in the game should it win, the more likely we are to wind up with Cincinattus than Cromwell.

[X] Plan Entrepot
[X] Plan Protector of the Midwest
[X] Plan All the Economy
[x] Plan Protector of the Midwest
[x] Plan All-Round Start
[x] Plan All the Economy
[x] Plan Entrepot

My reasoning is that I don't want us to devolve into a military with a state. A strong enough military to hurl back the initial invasion yes, but our leader already gives us most of that. I'd rather focus on building up and awing the rest of the old US in joining with us through superior economy and diplomacy. The bare bones plans don't do it for me because we're still going to need some kick to distinguish ourselves from the mass.
Any chance I could get you to also vote for Securing a better Tommorow V3? It's a midway between protector of the midwest, entrepot, and all the economy, which seems to be about where you fall on the approval spectrum; It exchanges old world training for brown water navy, which does make us slightly less powerful on land but gives us pretty much complete dominance of anything by our many rivers, particularly river trade and antipiracy; it keeps the libraries and merchants common to all three, but also has a vaccines like all the economy and entrepot without any of the economic disadvantages to cripple us, and while the politicaland intel disavantages may be annoying they're neither high variance, permanant debuffs, nor overly dangerous to our ability to oppose victoria.

It's also time for me to put my money where my mouth is on approval votes
[X]Securing a better Tommorow V3
[X]Securing a better Universe
[X] Plan Entrepot
[X] Plan Protector of the Midwest
Any chance I could get you to also vote for Securing a better Tommorow V3? It's a midway between protector of the midwest, entrepot, and all the economy, which seems to be about where you fall on the approval spectrum; It exchanges old world training for brown water navy, which does make us slightly less powerful on land but gives us pretty much complete dominance of anything by our many rivers, particularly river trade and antipiracy; it keeps the libraries and merchants common to all three, but also has a vaccines like all the economy and entrepot without any of the economic disadvantages to cripple us, and while the politicaland intel disavantages may be annoying they're neither high variance, permanant debuffs, nor overly dangerous to our ability to oppose victoria.

I didn't even consider voting for anything except the QM's list. That sounds all right. A bit light on the state advantages, but we'll deal. Better than the suicidal charge at least.
Question to @PoptartProdigy.

Technology has regressed in many parts of the U.S. right? Does this mean many have returned to using black powder in their firearms?

Will we see gunpowder firearms anywhere in quest? Because I decided that if I'll roleplay it's as an owner of a nitrary.
Tech has not regressed that far. There are still places that produce modern-ish firearms wherever you go. A city like yours can count on more than most, although how much exactly depends on what tech options you pick.
[X] Plan All the Economy
-[X] Brown Water Navy
-[X] Disastrous Start
-[X] The Greatest Sin
-[X] Independent Merchants
-[X] Rail Companies
-[X] Vaccines
-[X] Efficient Bureaucracy
-[X] Population Boom
-[X] Disunited Currency
-[X] Import/Export
-[X] Libraries

[X] Plan Entrepot
-[X] Brown Water Navy
-[X] Independent Merchants
-[X] Ear To The Ground
-[X] Libraries
-[X] Population Boom
-[X] Import/Export Professionals

Brown Water Navy and libraries are important. Of these two, I prefer Entrepot for it's intelligence buff.

[X] Plan Go Big or Go Home
-[X] The Greatest Sin
-[X] Disunited Currency
-[X] Population Boom
-[X] Nuke
-[X] Established
-[X] Independent Merchants
-[X] Widespread Vaccinations

This I'm including because the nuke is big and sort of compensates for the downsides.


[X] Plan Security, Established, and Economy
-[x] Brown-Water Navy (-2 CP)
-[x] Established (-2 CP)
-[X] Good Security (-1CP)
-[X] Independent Merchants (-2CP)
-[X] Widespread Vaccinations (-3CP)
-[X] The Greatest Sin (3CP)
-[X] Victorian Sympathizers (2CP)
-[x] Population Boom (2 CP)
-[X] Hostile Neighborhood (1CP)
-[x] Libraries (-2 CP)
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OK, so...

Victorian attention means we're going to be attacked very soon, maybe even during our first turn. This means, for me, that "Established" is REQUIRED.

I won't vote for anything that doesn't have it. Literally everything else is negotiable for me (though i'd prefer not to get too many disadvantages)

I also like Population Boom, has it actually HAS a chance to become a strenght for us if we can actually feed everyone. And efficient Bureaucracy to hopefully start faster and more efficient

that said...

[X] Plan All-Round Start
-[X] Independent Merchants
-[X] Established
-[X] Good Security
-[X] Libraries
-[X] Population Boom
-[X] Disastrous Start

Short term we'll probably use our intrigue actions mostly for defense. That's fine by me.

[x] Plan Just the Government
-[x] Disastrous Start
-[x] Established
-[x] Efficient Bureaucracy

[X] Go Medium-sized Boom
-[X] Population Boom
-[X]Victorian Sympathizers
-[X] Import Export Professionals
-[X] Established
-[X] Independent Merchants
-[X] Widespread Vaccinations
-[X] Resistance Contacts

This has only one vote, but i like it. I slightly dislike Victoria Sympathizers, but it's worth everything else.

I'm actually a bit tempted to add a vote for Hellfire Burns, but all things said i'm not that interested in Chaos Mode (yet..). Not really against it though, i might add a vote there depending on what's winning.
Okay, TBH I don't love any of the existing front-runners but All-Around Start commits the critical sin of taking Population Boom without Vaccinations so in the interests of avoiding a plague outbreak...

[X] Plan All the Economy

Plan Just the Government is, simply put, doing too little - I'd much rather be managing some disadvantages than having almost nothing we're actually distinctively good at outside the military. And speaking of disinclination to have the military be our primary selling point, I imagine my opposition to Burning the World needs no elaboration, especially as my basic objections have already been covered by more adept posters quite thoroughly.
[X] Plan All-Round Start

[X] Plan All the Economy

While there is a certain psychotic temptation to see the the entire world burn in a gloriously incandescent conflagration, I'd rather try to have a society that doesn't have a stupendously high chance of imploding on itself in a few turns. Sorry.
Voting is open