[X] Go
Big or Go Boom
-[X] Population Boom
-[X] Victorian Sympathizers
-[X] The Greatest Sin
-[X] Import/Export Professionals
-[X] Outbreak
-[X] Nuke
-[X] Established
-[X] Independent Merchants
-[X] Widespread Vaccinations
-[X] Resistance Contacts
Credit to
@Rivenscryr. This is now my most favored plan and I strongly commend it on everyone. The nuke is huge, when we consider that sooner or later, if we do not take it, it will be in the arsenal of a foreign power. This plan manages to take it along with Established and Vaccinations, at the cost of huge health and famine problems early on, foreign sympathizers, and an assassin. These are huge challenges. They may make us bleed. Yet they are challenges that we can and will beat.
Naturally, I am still approval-voting.
[X] Plan All-Round Start
-[X] Independent Merchants
-[X] Established
-[X] Good Security
-[X] Libraries
-[X] Population Boom
-[X] Disastrous Start
[X] Plan Entrepot
-[X] Brown Water Navy
-[X] Independent Merchants
-[X] Ear To The Ground
-[X] Libraries
-[X] Population Boom
-[X] Import/Export Professionals
[X] Plan Just the Government
-[X] Disastrous Start
-[X] Established
-[X] Efficient Bureaucracy
[X] Plan Bare Necessities
-[X] Libraries
-[X] Independent Merchants
[X] Plan Go Big or Go Home
-[X] The Greatest Sin
-[X] Disunited Currency
-[X] Population Boom
-[X] Nuke
-[X] Established
-[X] Independent Merchants
-[X] Widespread Vaccinations
These are my top picks from within the QM's featured options.
I'll be looking through the thread for a few more plans to approval-vote for, though. Might put one of my own together if I feel like it's needed. In particular, I would really like to see a plan that has Vaccinations and Established both without taking Disunited Currency. Well, that went much more quickly than expected. See the start of this post for my new first choice.
[X]Securing a better Tommorow V3
-[X]Independant Merchants
-[X]Widespread Vaccinations
-[X]Brown Water Navy
-[X]Foreign-Sourced Equipment
-[X]Population Boom
-[X]Victorian Sympathizers
-[X]Disastrous Start
[X] Plan Shadow of the Bomb, v2
-[X] Established
-[X] Well Preserved
-[X] Nuke
-[X] Population Boom
-[X] Disastrous Start
-[X] Hostile Neighborhood
[X] Plan Security, Established, and Economy
-[x] Brown-Water Navy (-2 CP)
-[x] Established (-2 CP)
-[X] Good Security (-1CP)
-[X] Independent Merchants (-2CP)
-[X] Widespread Vaccinations (-3CP)
-[X] The Greatest Sin (3CP)
-[X] Victorian Sympathizers (2CP)
-[x] Population Boom (2 CP)
-[X] Hostile Neighborhood (1CP)
-[x] Libraries (-2 CP)
[X] Grand Theft BOOM
-[X] Ear to the Ground
-[X] Good Security
-[X] Aerial Reconnaissance
-[X] Brown Water Navy
-[X] Established
-[X] Efficient Bureaucracy
-[X] Well-Preserved
-[X] The Greatest Sin
-[X] Victorian Sympathizers
-[X] Import/Export Professionals
-[X] Hostile Neighborhood
Since it is an approval vote, I've tweaked a couple new options into being..
[X] Go Medium-sized Boom
-[X] Population Boom
-[X] Victorian Sympathizers
-[X] Import/Export Professionals
-[X] Established
-[X] Independent Merchants
-[X] Widespread Vaccinations
-[X] Resistance Contacts
Compared to "Go Big or Go Boom," this removes Nuke to buy off the assassin. It retains the Established/Vaccinations combo that will be crucial in fighting off disease. (Even if we didn't buy Outbreak, QM did hint at this earlier.) The medium-sized boom is so named because our collaborative bombings with the Victorian Resistance will need to rely on conventional explosives.
[X]Securing a better Universe
-[X]Independant Merchants
-[X]Widespread Vaccinations
-[X]Brown Water Navy
-[X]Foreign-Sourced Equipment
-[X]Population Boom
-[X]Victorian Sympathizers
-[X]Disastrous Start
It's a takeoff of Tomorrow V3 that just replaces Libraries with Universities.