Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Well, I'm leaning towards this insight:

[] A harsh ending is sometimes necessary, for a beautiful lie is poor foundation for a new beginning.
Because it seems like a proper insight for Ling Qi's foundation, but also validates her own search for her ideals, and her goals.

Because IMO these don't work as well.
[] One person's desires cannot, alone make a home nor a family.

I can understand how we'd get this insight, but it doesn't feel like it's....that applicable to Ling Qi in particular. It feels like it should be Zeqing's insight, rather. Ling Qi already has acknowledged this aspect, I think, and I don't see that there's a need to make it more prominant.

[] Face the world as it is. While idle dreams can inspire, only toil and sweat can create beauty.
Mostly, this seems to be about hardwork, and it's not like Ling Qi isn't already?
I categorically reject the hard woman making hard choices while hard meme... but the underlying logic is sound. If only I could trust Ling Qi to interpret that sentence as written, not as it might seem to imply.
Mmm, yeah. Otoh, #2 is potentially quite nice because it points towards the importance of working with people, and considering everyone's needs and desires. This can play of our position with Renxiang in a really nice way I think:

[] One person's desires cannot, alone make a home nor a family.
Nothing is gained without hard work, Relationship is two-way street and Don't lie to yourself.
I don't think any of the three is something really new for LQ.
[] A harsh ending is sometimes necessary, for a beautiful lie is poor foundation for a new beginning.
For the Ardent Mirror lovers. This reinforces this existing part of her domain.

[] One person's desires cannot, alone make a home nor a family.

For the home makers. This reinforces her desire to have a home/family/friends.

[] Face the world as it is. While idle dreams can inspire, only toil and sweat can create beauty.
I don't really feel that this is relevant to Ling Qi. She doesn't really dream idly, and it kinda feels like an attack on Sixiang's existence. Remember, we're working with the Dreaming Moon, and we've never had an issue with balancing dreams and hard work.
Now, what LQ will gain and what she need...
... she's pretty good at first already.
Boost in building would be really nice.
And spotting deviations in your psyche and forming obsessions is useful.

But I'm thinking more 2 than 3.

PS. Ugh. Need more sleep for less reading comprehension failures...
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[] One person's desires cannot, alone make a home nor a family.

Friendship, home and such !

N A K A M A P O W A H !

[] Face the world as it is. While idle dreams can inspire, only toil and sweat can create beauty.

I like the hard work parts (cultivation), and I like the idea of ling qi working to create what she consider beautifull.
[] One person's desires cannot, alone make a home nor a family.
I don't see this one very appropiate , if only because Ling Qi never tried to create a home while she was alone

[] A harsh ending is sometimes necessary, for a beautiful lie is poor foundation for a new beginning.
And I disagree with this one, because sometimes beautiful lies are necessary to start anew. And if enough people believe in them, they can become true. Mostly the big lies, like Duty, or Mercy, or Justice, as DEATH would say. Or Cai Renxiang, for that matter.

[] Face the world as it is. While idle dreams can inspire, only toil and sweat can create beauty.
On the other hand, this is exactly what we have chosen to do by following Renxiang: putting in a huge amount of toil and sweat in order to remake the world according to an inspiring, impossible dream of justice.
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I am concerned about these choices. At least two of them seem like things that are going to get us in trouble down the line (or, now), and worse don't really line up with Qi's character. Not that that character can't change over time (and it has), but these changes would be quite drastic.

That said, I'm leaning towards :
[X] One person's desires cannot, alone make a home nor a family.

We've been making an effort for the entire story to go the social link route and we even went out of our way to bring mum into the fold. I think this is the insight that does the least damage while giving Ling Qi a path that will help her grow in the future. It will make us more dependent on having allies, but as I've said before we've been leaning into that build wise for quite some time anyway.

As for
[] Face the world as it is. While idle dreams can inspire, only toil and sweat can create beauty.
[] A harsh ending is sometimes necessary, for a beautiful lie is poor foundation for a new beginning.

The former has us largely rejecting the utility of dreams and fantasies and relegating them largely to the field of inspiration. While the rest of the idea is..something I can swallow, I think adopting such a mindset would be a mistake, and not just because we're going Moon build which will have dreams and fleeting experiences as part and parcel of our continued cultivation.

The latter is acceptable in general save for the lack of collary allowing some exceptions. For one thing, we already swallowed a lie when we joined up with Cai Renxiang and our relationship is one built at least partially on deception from our end as a result. Again, characters can change and we could always adjust this relationship, however I don't think those who would pick this option would be after that result. Also mildly concerned this route will have us cutting too many ties to remain true to it, not to mention that a major part of our job going forward with the Renxiang Party will likely involve deceiving people on her behalf(even if just by not telling that new noble lady we met that we think her dress is ugly, for example).

So yea, likely picking family matters as the one least likely to clash with our current path or cause major upheaval.
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[] A harsh ending is sometimes necessary, for a beautiful lie is poor foundation for a new beginning.

Because this is the choice that speaks to me. Even though it can be construed as the "edgiest".

I'm not really sure doubling down on hard work is that wise, and the family one doesn't really inspire me the way this one does.
[] A harsh ending is sometimes necessary, for a beautiful lie is poor foundation for a new beginning.

To me, this feels more about being able to let go than about truth and lies. If you keep trying to hold onto something and force it to stay that way forever, it just becomes a hollow lie and hurts you in clinging to it. Instead, you have to face the situation and accept that things can't stay like that forever.

Basically, it's the most poignantly Zeqing option because this is her exact situation right now. She's desperately holding on to the idea that she can keep those she loves close to her and stay that way forever, but it's hurting her to do so and it would hurt Hanyi if it continues.

In our life, it's something similar to when we had to move out and stop living with Meizhen. We'll remember those days fondly, but we couldn't stay like that forever so we had to make peace with it. I think there's value in that way of thinking, of being able to accept things like this, though I'm not dead-set on this option.
Ling Qi struggled for a moment to answer, clenching her hands in the dirt/snow. "Because I don't want that," she hissed. "And Mom didn't want that. Even if it hurt, even if I hated it, didn't it come to a good end?"

Her friend looked hurt, as if Ling Qi had struck her, and in that moment, Ling Qi's resolve wavered. "Why? We are together. Everyone is together, and there is no reason for us to ever part. What could be wrong with that?"

"Life doesn't work like that," Ling Qi hissed, the pain in her head redoubling.

I like how the endings of each dream match up with two of the possible insights, it's a really nice touch.

Oh, and since we know that you need to go through a tribulation or trial for advanced insights, does that mean Xiulan is going to pick a fight with the sky again?
[] Face the world as it is. While idle dreams can inspire, only toil and sweat can create beauty.

So, if I understand that one correctly, it's on how a dream has to be grabbed by yourself and you can never expect an easy way out. It's a bit too "You can't expect things to be easy", while sometimes things are easy... but Ling Qi did choose to go CRX and not Sect, and she is the street rat, not the High Noble. So, for her, it's fitting.

[] One person's desires cannot, alone make a home nor a family.

So, this one seems to be in part about how desires are not enough. This would mirror how Ling Qi cannot love Meizhen or couldn't stay with Qingge, even though she would have like to love Meizhen, or would have loved to stay at her mom's. But desires alone aren't enough, and sometimes... things just don't work out.

[] A harsh ending is sometimes necessary, for a beautiful lie is poor foundation for a new beginning.

This one seems to be about the importance of not letting ourself fooled by white lies. Yes, it would be nice if we could have a forever friendship with Xiulan and Meizhen, but it might come to pass they could become our sworn enemies through no fault of any of us, or any other scenarios. It's about accepting when things are over and cutting ties, so that we can build anew.

Personally, I like all three. they are all interesting in the sense that they are a rejection of a lot of what is "Obvious darkness". The more optimistic is the 1st choice, I think, with each choice being progressively more pragmatic. I began this post thinking I would prefer 1/3 over 2... but I actually think all of the choices could fit Ling Qi.

I don´t know why, but I suddenly think back to diskworld. Sometimes you have to start believing the small lies, to believe the big ones. Yes, not really helpfull and neither accurate for the situation or the original source, but I feel like it anyway.
why is smol imouto so heavy?

Zhengui: I can drop like meteor! Being heavy is awesome! I am the heaviest!

Hanyi: Nuh uh! I am! Watch this!

The Mountain lost an inch of height that day, its rivals around it laughs at it echoingly.
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Who knew, the High Cyan Spirit of Endings and Winter is scary. This is my (frozen) surprised face.

Still, a really good update and some very 'neat' pokes here at Ling Qi. Leaving her mother and hurting her, bringing up Lakegate and Meizhen's feelings again. ... Xiulan has nothing on Zeqing's Kung Fu-mean girls.

The flight itself seems to go... moderately 'well'. By that, I mean Ling Qi isn't dead yet. I am not sure how much headway she is even making, morassed by snow and blasted down when she tries to fly. With the door moving away, and an increasingly heavy Hanyi on her back. (No more snacks for you, young lady!) Still, I am, uhhh... ... confident, that Ling Qi will escape from the home of the upset High Cyan spirit... Well, I hope so, at least.

Now, what I *really* liked though was Ling Qi's honest approach with Hanyi, and telling her what is going on instead of tricking or outright manipulating her. I believe that is important and will be a great foundation (notice the small 'f') for their relationship. Also, props to Hanyi for pulling herself together and not falling apart. Things aren't exactly easy for her either, she does seem to give herself a lot of the fault for Zeqing's crisis. Something we can hopefully address soon. (It's never the kids fault when the parents are feuding ~~) But yeah, I am liking both Hanyi and Ling Qi here and see great potential for their relationship.

Now, regarding these insights... first, it becomes more and more evident why most talented Cultivators stop in Green. Since you *need* Advanced Insights to continue, and those Insights probably do not always come without risk, or pain. I could see people not being 'exactly keen' about undergoing such tribulations...

Anyway, to the vote at hand:

[] Face the world as it is. While idle dreams can inspire, only toil and sweat can create beauty.
A very interesting, and true insight. I don't think this is about 'hard work', or some related Naruto meme. I read it as meaning that you can only truly value something you have spent effort on. Which rings pretty true to me. Things you gain effortlessly, you don't need to think about you easily take for granted. You might miss them when they are suddenly taken away, but then it's too late. Something you have struggled, worked or fought for, though. Those things you hold much more dear, you know the value of such things.
The second part is 'idle dreams', which are... fine and can be important, as the Insight mentions. But they can't stand on their own. Not in the 'real world'. Actions need to be taken to forge reality. A writer can have a thousand ideas for a million beautiful and inspiring stories. But if she never puts pen to paper or hands to keyboard, none of these stories will ever be heard or influence the world and people around her.

To affect the world, action is needed and you can only value what you worked for. This is an insight I can agree with.

[] One person's desires cannot, alone make a home nor a family.
No one is an island, or stands on their own. At least not if you value home and family and have your Domain centered around it. It is an Insight that should be true for Ling Qi at the very least. Standing with others, amongst them, being part of a group and sharing desires and ideals. Being mindful of others, and taking them into account. That is also a good insight.

I am a little bit worried that Ling Qi may take this too literal, and *only* mind her family and friends. Which is not terrible, but Ling Qi has been pretty callous towards bystanders and neutral parties so far. Up to, not knowing the names of anyone, who the other commoners in her year where or actually interacting much with the greater group around her. Not exactly ideal and I wouldn't want to encourage that behaviour. On the other hand, I also don't want to badmouth this Insight or say it would encourage such tendencies. It's a good insight.

[] A harsh ending is sometimes necessary, for a beautiful lie is poor foundation for a new beginning.

Now, this is an insight that sounds pretty true and reasonable on first glance. Lies are bad, and not seeing the world for what it is is a bad foundation for anything. True enough, but... not really.
Humans don't work like that. We need our lies, our small mercies, our silly believes. There is a pretty awesome Terry Pratchett quote about it, but I am not going to cite that here.
Always cutting to the truth, ripping away the veil, the cushion of mercy is... harsh. Cruel, even if it is true.
It's not a terrible insight, but an inhuman one I think. At least if taken to extremes, and I am not sure if one should do that or do not with an Advanced Insight. It's an Advanced Insight after all.
So I am deeply skeptical about this insight. No merciful obfuscation, no white lies, no comforting swindle... It will hurt, a lot. And not always when it is necessary.
While I fully agree that putting on tinted glasses and seeing the world only as you want to see it is a terrible way to live, I also don't think you can never do that and allow a little lie or two for comfort.

Maybe I am a bit on the wrong track here, and should focus more on the 'harsh ending' part of the Insight. That's something I can agree with more. A definite ending is better than endless agony or maybes, even if it hurts worse at first. See... yeah, Lakegate. It's a great example.

Still, I remain deeply skeptical about this insight and it is my least favourite one for the moment.
None of the Insights seem to be terrible-bad-nogood, and I doubt there is a wrong choice or a 'trap' here. It is about the direction Ling Qi is taking. Her path in life. Her Way.
(Well done, Yrsillar.)