I wanted to keep the old constitution but I am now sold.
Let me get my vote together...
[X][IDEALS] Social Democrat: Centered around the idea that it is the state's responsibility to ensure a bare-minimum standard of living, the Social Democrats add to the New Capitalist agenda with a push for a government guarantee of adequate housing, food, and water to all citizens -- itself a fairly titanic task. It
remains rooted in the fundamental ideal of private enterprise. The Social Democrats have some interest in the potential of democratized workplaces and are willing to support them in an experimental measure.
- Legitimacy+
- Pisses off Communists.
- Appealing to a wide international audience, although the shift may prompt some minor caution. Foreign investment is going to like the market, given its similarity to most of the markets from which they'll be coming; if you have something worth their time, they will come. You are less of an obvious soft economic target to begin with, here.
- Select democratized businesses from a selection of industries gain government subsidies in order to give them a head start and see how they play.
Why did I vote for this? Partially, I do believe in capitalism and have capitalist sympathies. My (extended) family owns several ranches, where they hire ranch hands to help them take care of the cattle. But it is also a thing that my extended family helps each other out with, sharing tools and such. For at least one set of Aunts and Uncles, this is literally their livelihood. I cannot and will not condone a system that encourages workplace democracy, if as one delegate mentioned, your ranch hands can suddenly outvote you and throw you off of your own land and take the tools and vehicles you paid for with your own money. It isnt fair, and it would leave family members whom I care for very much destitute.
I am interested in seeing how democratized workplaces shake out. And I am interested in giving them money so that they can compete with foreign businesses. But I don't want to lock us into one or the other, plus the boost to legitimacy is nice. I want to give them a fair shot and see if they prevent some of the ailments that traditional capitalism encourages, such as vulture capitalism.
[X][CRUSH] None. This is a democracy. If your ideology cannot make its case to the people in practice, it deserves to fail.
- Legitimacy++
- Democratic
- Relationship with minority parties not necessarily hostile
- You lose, you lose
- Demonstrates and encourages faith in the democratic process
At the end of the day, we are a Democracy. It is tempting to vote for securing our gains in law, but I believe in the power of democracy and you should too.
[X][POWER] You are a centralized federal state along the lines of the later United States.
- Guarantees permanent local governance while maintaining a primary central government, but that government will have less ability to direct resources
- Very traditional and also quite the attractive deal to subordinates
I am at heart, a traditionalist. Although this is by no means a hard line and I am open to convincing if people think I should change my vote to other things.
[X][TEXT] The Constitution was utterly bereft of any kind of legal, political, or ethical merit and shall be cast into the trash heap of history where it belongs. We shall start anew from a blank slate.
- Legitimacy--
- Absolute freedom to draft new foundational legislation
- Traditionalists are insulted by the attitude towards the nation's history, but this strongly invokes the Revivalist movement's spirit of reforming the old ways
Why did I pick this?
@MJ12 Commando specifically convinced me through his arguments that this is the best way forward. As much as I am a traditionalist, I am also a pragmatist.