And if we have draining qi Sword then we can concentrate on something else than always setting up FVM or some similar Art just to drain qi.
The Singing Mist Blade does not grant the Qi it drains to Ling Qi, it simply removes it from those targets struck.
If it did, it would say something to the effect of 'Qi drained in this way is siphoned into the user'.
Put simply, we need the Qi siphoning from FSS anyway, and the Qi drain aspect of FVM is a necessary component for Traveler's End.
Are there times where we won't spool FVM up all the way? Certainly. But I believe that, under those circumstances, it's even more important to pile on the damage as quickly as possible. Either that or find another way to accomplish the same objective/s.
I want Ling Qi to always have bgm music playing wherever she goes.
Its just a waste we didnt go for the band.
We do have BGM playing wherever we go, though? It's part of our Domain, has been ever since that breakthrough vision. It's also louder and more audible now, too.
That was a White vs Not!White fight, it doesn't really count.
That duel was 'only' to First Blood. A tiny trickle was drawn from Bai Suzhen - barely even a scratch. Though I'm quite sure neither side really brought out their secret tricks, instead using things 'everybody knew'.
With the offensive Domain Weapon, Ling Qi must personally set aside time to personally attack or else the bonus goes wasted in a conflict.
should trigger off of Dissonance and Echoes, provided it has hit targets also in the area of FVM and SEA. Which it
should manage.
I want to continue recalibration towards an effective support paradigm. And I do mean support support, not the debuff style we've been pretending counts as support.
It is support. It's a different
kind of support, but it's support. A 'supporter' simply doesn't do damage directly, instead assisting allies - whether that be with healing, buffs, debuffs, field-shaping effects, or even crafting.
I understand that you mean support in the sense of providing buffs, and we're working on that - although I think the only team buff we're currently planning on training next turn and the turn after is TRF, TRF 6 is potent.
TL;DR: If you prefer FVM style debuff, pick the eerie, if you prefer FSS style nukes, pick the coherent choice.
That's incorrect. Eerie supports FSS style nukes just as well as Coherent, it just does so by debuffing enemy S. Armor on hit, rather than enhancing Damage and Penetration, and Coherent supports our AoE deathcloud by empowering Dissonance and Echoes on targets
it hits.
This choice is largely a matter of 'how' it does so.
Pretty much everyone told us to focus on a speciality, so I am not sure where you got the very opposite tbh.
Moreover we have no glaring weakness (beside spiritual defense that is).
As far as
domain weapons in particular are concerned? Bai Meizhen recommended way back when we were looking into them that we pick up an Offensive Domain Weapon, as we didn't need help with our defenses and we had plenty of esoteric effects, though I don't think the latter was mentioned.
Now, with mastery of FSS, our offense is pretty good. Not great, but good. With the next level of SCS, our
defenses probably jump up to 'great', as we could use the auto-dodge of the Step to negate the auto-hit of Liling's spear.
As far as I'm concerned, this is largely a flavor choice - 'how' does this enhance our offense? Does it do so by debuffing enemies, or buffing our own attacks? The Singing Mist Blade still isn't properly an offensive domain weapon, as it really doesn't focus on
dealing damage, rather it enhances other sources of damage. Which is fine.
... I need to stop wandering away from my laptop to think about my responses, now don't I?