Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

[x] Take a job at DragonTech
is contributions to society have a minimal likelihood of being connected to him, but he gets Dragon's protection if anything goes wrong with his tech.
[x] Take a job at DragonTech – His contributions to society have a minimal likelihood of being connected to him, but he gets Dragon's protection if anything goes wrong with his tech
Adhoc vote count started by Mellodi on Feb 9, 2019 at 10:45 PM, finished with 47 posts and 31 votes.
Frankly the real bonus here isn't dragons protection. Or even mooching off her resources and reputation. It's the infrastructure her company offers. Building that up would take years of dedicated effort, and probably a lot of mage recruiting. Chances of a quest or story getting there on its own is pretty near nill. Which is why the MC always takes over an existing organization.
[x] Take a job at DragonTech
is contributions to society have a minimal likelihood of being connected to him, but he gets Dragon's protection if anything goes wrong with his tech.

Give the vials for Tim to study. OOC we know he can't really make more of them without Scion and Eden around to harvest from(did he leave a corpse when he sef-destructed?), but IC he's having great success with the Bakuda bombs, maybe he can get some useful knowledge on powers out of them.
Give the vials for Tim to study. OOC we know he can't really make more of them without Scion and Eden around to harvest from(did he leave a corpse when he sef-destructed?), but he's having success with the Bakuda bombs, maybe he can get some useful knowledge out of them.
Tinker shards translate other powers to make the cool stuff. SW wog'd not long ago that this is the reason tim can get anything out of them. Given the cauldron vials are skin and fluid samples of an alien rather than tinker BS...probably not. Also noted, Edens corpse was gone a long time ago, right around the time Scion died. Unless he finds the real one...
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Shits about to hit the fan, and I am hyped AF for the next update.
[X] Take a job at DragonTech – His contributions to society have a minimal likelihood of being connected to him, but he gets Dragon's protection if anything goes wrong with his tech.
[x] Take a job at DragonTech – His contributions to society have a minimal likelihood of being connected to him, but he gets Dragon's protection if anything goes wrong with his tech.

"Mm hmm, mm hmm," hums Firefly, taking a pad and pen out of her pocket and scribbling a few things down. A wave of green light appears and fades, leaving Tim and Nostromo blinking spots out of their eyes. "Sir, welcome back. The weapon is ready, but further tests are still necessary. Do not let the flame witch's Beast near it; she is a menace. Twin, I desire your opinion."
Sassy thing
I be lost. Outer Heaven?
What land said.
We really don't want Magic!Outer Heaven though, imo.
It would be a terrible idea, but being honest I find the idea of Taylor and Co. starting their own organization kind of appealing. Not in the "conquer the world" sense but in the bringing the TSAB's way of doing things to Bet on a smaller scale.

I mean, Alexandria did ask her how she'd go about changing the system, but the answer isn't necessarily "join up with the Protectorate", is it? Ultimately, they only cover two or three countries worldwide; there's just so far away the can go, even discounting their internal problems, whereas an NGO could skip those issues.

Hell, what would the feasibility of this be on the long term?

[X] Take a job at DragonTech – His contributions to society have a minimal likelihood of being connected to him, but he gets Dragon's protection if anything goes wrong with his tech.
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I mean, Alexandria did ask her how she'd go about changing the system,
Release magitech into the wild via super-mass guardian beasts, and improve every-bodies life by giving reliable maintainable reproducable Clarketech to the world alongside a counterweight to Parahuman chaos. That we are fractious and unruly beings competing for everything from survival to status actually helps here, as implementation into everything imaginable will be spurred on by this contest.
#Liberalize magic, liberate the world.
Its not like there aren't constant allusions to tinkers trying to do exactly this all throughout the story. They're just limited to their city because they need to be there to take care of shit, where we wouldn't. Them being successful is usually the start of an endbringer attack. That and the kings and queens of escalation upsetting every power structure in the immediate area.
[x] Take a job at DragonTech – His contributions to society have a minimal likelihood of being connected to him, but he gets Dragon's protection if anything goes wrong with his tech
[X] Take a job at DragonTech – His contributions to society have a minimal likelihood of being connected to him, but he gets Dragon's protection if anything goes wrong with his tech.
Disruption is an underhanded power that has a cruel synergy with magic.
'Cruel synergy'? Never saw such a turn of phrase before.
Does it disrupt linker core work, giving a mage mana poisoning?

It would be a terrible idea, but being honest I find the idea of Taylor and Co. starting their own organization kind of appealing. Not in the "conquer the world" sense but in the bringing the TSAB's way of doing things to Bet on a smaller scale.
The Protectorate is the TSAB's way of doing things, however.
They're official law-enforcement/military agency with limited ability to act outside their borders.

[X] Take a job at DragonTech – His contributions to society have a minimal likelihood of being connected to him, but he gets Dragon's protection if anything goes wrong with his tech
Release magitech into the wild via super-mass guardian beasts, and improve every-bodies life by giving reliable maintainable reproducable Clarketech to the world alongside a counterweight to Parahuman chaos. That we are fractious and unruly beings competing for everything from survival to status actually helps here, as implementation into everything imaginable will be spurred on by this contest.
#Liberalize magic, liberate the world.
It's not like there aren't constant allusions to tinkers trying to do exactly this all throughout the story. They're just limited to their city because they need to be there to take care of shit, where we wouldn't. Them being successful is usually the start of an endbringer attack. That and the kings and queens of escalation upsetting every power structure in the immediate area.
A few problems with this:
  1. In an ideal world this could work, but Bet is far from one. You're assuming that just giving magic to a bunch of people would miraculously stabilize the system, rather than the new mages being swallowed in it and just making the chaos several degrees worse.
  2. And even if the eventual outcome was for the positive, the sheer loss of life the process would take is just insane. When you propose blanket-giving magic to the world, you're also rescinding the ability to choose who gets it; be they perfectly normal civilians or horrible monsters: Gesellschaft, the Yang-Bang, Accord, the russians that shot Behemoth, the African warlords, the dictatorships in South America and generally corrupt people like Calvert.
So no, free market ain't a solution to anything in this case.
In an ideal world this could work, but Bet is far from one. You're assuming that just giving magic to a bunch of people would miraculously stabilize the system, rather than the new mages being swallowed in it and just making the chaos several degrees worse.
And even if the eventual outcome was for the positive, the sheer loss of life the process would take is just insane. When you propose blanket-giving magic to the world, you're also rescinding the ability to choose who gets it; be they perfectly normal civilians or horrible monsters: Gesellschaft, the Yang-Bang, Accord, the russians that shot Behemoth, the African warlords, the dictatorships in South America and generally corrupt people like Calvert.
Most people are really pretty boring. I fully expect 90% of them will abuse flight and telekinesis, and only touch the other spells because one of the worse chaos guys are bothering them. The core exception to this would be healbots and gadgets who would try to sell their services for a quick buck.

The reason worm is so bad, as you describe is that: a) all parahumans are PTSD cases at best, and alien plants as common : b) learned helplessness. You do good, here come paras to attack you; you do bad, here come paras to attack you; you do nothing, here come paras to attack you; you get out of the way... you get the idea. With mages and guardian beasts, you get a MASSIVE influx of people who reflect the societies they spring from. And extreme elements? They're extreme. Fringe. Powerful mostly because they're loud, IRL and mostly because they have paras in worm. When those paras are drowned out though..? By people WITHOUT PTSD and only as likely to be crazy as your neighbor?

Again, most people are boring. The problem is you only hear the loud ones.
Yeah, THE big driving force is that trigger events give unpredictable powers to unstable individuals...powers of a type which aggravate issues. I.e. people with social isolation powers getting Master powers to drive them further away, etc
In an ideal world this could work, but Bet is far from one. You're assuming that just giving magic to a bunch of people would miraculously stabilize the system, rather than the new mages being swallowed in it and just making the chaos several degrees worse.

The reason Bet sucks is that shards deliberately select the people most likely to cause problems to get powers and then wait for them to suffer horrible trauma first. Parahumans are not a random selection of humanity.

The vast majority of people are fundamentally okay. Society could not function if this was not the case. If you add powers to a truly random selection of the population then you'll get a majority of civilians, a minority of police, and a smaller minority of criminals. This would be a vast improvement to the current situation.
[X] Take a job at DragonTech – His contributions to society have a minimal likelihood of being connected to him, but he gets Dragon's protection if anything goes wrong with his tech.
[X] Take a job at DragonTech – His contributions to society have a minimal likelihood of being connected to him, but he gets Dragon's protection if anything goes wrong with his tech.
Give the vials for Tim to study. OOC we know he can't really make more of them without Scion and Eden around to harvest from(did he leave a corpse when he sef-destructed?), but IC he's having great success with the Bakuda bombs, maybe he can get some useful knowledge on powers out of them.
Tim would not learn anything from of them, and it would destroy the contents of the vial. That would be such a waste.
'Cruel synergy'? Never saw such a turn of phrase before.
Does it disrupt linker core work, giving a mage mana poisoning?
Its effect is cruel, but it doesn't do anything bad to mages, spells, or magitech. If you want more information, give it to somebody to drink.