Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

[X] Take a job at DragonTech – His contributions to society have a minimal likelihood of being connected to him, but he gets Dragon's protection if anything goes wrong with his tech.
Cauldron's secret volcano lair is way more intact than I expected it to be considering it got Scion'd. But yeah, that''ll get Alexandria's attention alright.

[X] Take a job at DragonTech – His contributions to society have a minimal likelihood of being connected to him, but he gets Dragon's protection if anything goes wrong with his tech.
[X] Take a job at DragonTech – His contributions to society have a minimal likelihood of being connected to him, but he gets Dragon's protection if anything goes wrong with his tech.
This is a really one sided vote:).
[X] Take a job at DragonTech – His contributions to society have a minimal likelihood of being connected to him, but he gets Dragon's protection if anything goes wrong with his tech.

No reason to do any of the others, really.
"The armor? No, no, no, that's not what I'm talking about. Have… Have I not told you about it?" You shake your head, so she explains, "I'm going into the personal computer business."

"I think there's already plenty of competition in that field," Samantha points out.

"Not in what I intend to provide," Dragon says with a little smirk. "Desktops are not mobile. Laptops have moving parts that make them fragile. Tablets are limited in their capabilities. I'm combining all their good traits into a single package and throwing in a dash of magic. Imagine this for me: a solid brick, sturdy even if you drop it. Hit the power button, and instead of hooking it up to anything you get a holographic screen and keyboard. Both of them are touch-sensitive, and when you need to move on you put the computer to sleep, stick the processor in a purse or a briefcase, and there you go."

Query: Was this planned before I asked about producing exactly this design?

[ ] Join the Protectorate – His skills would be praised the way they deserve and he gets a large Tinkering budget, but he would be obligated to follow Protectorate patrol schedules and PR rules.
[ ] Join the Guild – He receives some accolades and a moderate budget without needing to go on patrol, but he would be expected to contribute to S-class fights.
[ ] Remain independent – He might get recognition, but he doesn't have his own income and he is liable for any problems that arise from people using his designs.
[ ] Take a job at DragonTech – His contributions to society have a minimal likelihood of being connected to him, but he gets Dragon's protection if anything goes wrong with his tech.

They all have definite advantages. The biggest factor encouraging us to go with the Guild or Protectorate is that Tim will need combat to train in his cross class, which will be available next week. Still, joining DragonTech doesn't mean he can't ever get in fights, and it fits the character best, so

[X] Take a job at DragonTech – His contributions to society have a minimal likelihood of being connected to him, but he gets Dragon's protection if anything goes wrong with his tech
[X] Take a job at DragonTech – His contributions to society have a minimal likelihood of being connected to him, but he gets Dragon's protection if anything goes wrong with his tech.

Here's hoping we don't accidentally C53 someone if we ever do decide to hand out the vials.
[x] Take a job at DragonTech – His contributions to society have a minimal likelihood of being connected to him, but he gets Dragon's protection if anything goes wrong with his tech.
[x] Take a job at DragonTech – His contributions to society have a minimal likelihood of being connected to him, but he gets Dragon's protection if anything goes wrong with his tech.
No, it wasn't. I get ideas from the random suggestions you guys throw out. And, you know, it was flouted out as an idea for Tim to build and no one ever voted for it or brought up again, so now Dragon is getting involved.

On the player' side, we have only had one build vote since I brought that up. That's several meat space weeks, true, but it hasn't had time to get going. Of course, part of what I really like about making him an official part of DragonTech is that every design we come up with, everything he builds, save only the most complex of creations, can then be produced en mass where appropriate. I highly doubt we'll run out of ideas for new things just because we no longer have to worry about making several copies of the most useful tech.
[X] Take a job at DragonTech
The Protectorate isn't exactly trustworthy at the best of times. And Dragon gives him some much needed security.
[X] Take a job at DragonTech – His contributions to society have a minimal likelihood of being connected to him, but he gets Dragon's protection if anything goes wrong with his tech.

Well Dragon is someone we can trust, so yeah, I'm not surprised this vote is so one sided ;). And as mentioned - in this quest my feelings towards Protectorate are mixed and sometimes they can be annoying to deal with.

Also on Cauldron Vials - I can't find what 'Disruption and 'Leo' are. And 'Aegis'. Actually may someone link Cauldron Vials page with those as the 'standard' one I find on google doesn't include those. Of course they may be made-up or something? But yeah, yet 2 another ways we may grant powers and we have again nowhere near enough allies to make use of those. And we still have those 3 power armors x_X.
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[X] Take a job at DragonTech – His contributions to society have a minimal likelihood of being connected to him, but he gets Dragon's protection if anything goes wrong with his tech.

Dragon nods and flutters to your shoulder opposite Cassiel. When did you become the preferred perch for tired fairies?
Taylor is Best Shelf.

That said, i wonder if there is a reason for that. Like her compatibility or mana leaking making her attractive subconsciously to the Unisons. Like beez to honey.
[x] Take a job at DragonTech – His contributions to society have a minimal likelihood of being connected to him, but he gets Dragon's protection if anything goes wrong with his tech.
Also on Cauldron Vials - I can't find what 'Disruption and 'Leo' are. And 'Aegis'. Actually may someone link Cauldron Vials page with those as the 'standard' one I find on google doesn't include those. Of course they may be made-up or something? But yeah, yet 2 another ways we may grant powers and we have again nowhere near enough allies to make use of those. And we still have those 3 power armors x_X.
Aegis is a component of one of the Travelers vials.

Disruption and Leo are original creations of mine. I won't go into too much detail (what fun would that be? :) ), but what I will say is this. Disruption is an underhanded power that has a cruel synergy with magic. Leo is primarily a defensive power, though not strictly speaking a Brute powerset.
Aegis is a component of one of the Travelers vials.

Ah yeah, I found 'Aegis' as a part of Sundancer's formula. I suspect strong Blaster component? Or it may be something about strong energy production, whole 'sun summoning' shtick in Sundancer's powerset.

Disruption and Leo are original creations of mine. I won't go into too much detail (what fun would that be? :) ), but what I will say is this. Disruption is an underhanded power that has a cruel synergy with magic. Leo is primarily a defensive power, though not strictly speaking a Brute powerset.

Cruel synergy with magic. Mkay, this sounds like a vial that shouldn't be presented to someone with Magical Core. Potential consequences may be bad, but I may always guess wrong and by 'cruel' it may mean something really good, but also nasty when used against other people. Well there is that idea with Kurt 'redemption' arc and we know he doesn't have Magical Core, so it should be... reasonably safe as it has reasonable 25% Balance formula included.

Second one sounds good for someone we want to keep alive, but that 5% only on Balance makes it more probable that some mutation may kick in, which also sounds like a high chance for defensive Breaker power if I guess right. But it may as well be defensive Shaker or something and not only Brute option. Again, our lack of allies is disturbingly sad x_X. We have 5 additional 'slots' for superpowered status (3 Power Armors and now 2 Cauldron Vials) and pretty much only... 2 people we may offer those that don't have powers already (Kayleigh, Kurt). Yeah, I think we should look for allies, it may be even in different dimensions. Yes, I can tell all of you want some alien allies, now only to find a way to end up in Mass Effect universe of something :p. This crew needs Quarian and Asari or something :D.
Aegis is a component of one of the Travelers vials.

Disruption and Leo are original creations of mine. I won't go into too much detail (what fun would that be? :) ), but what I will say is this. Disruption is an underhanded power that has a cruel synergy with magic. Leo is primarily a defensive power, though not strictly speaking a Brute powerset.
So, a parahuman who accepts a Template loses their powers... but does a mage who drinks a Cauldron Vial lose anything when they do so?
Second one sounds good for someone we want to keep alive, but that 5% only on Balance makes it more probable that some mutation may kick in, which also sounds like a high chance for defensive Breaker power if I guess right. But it may as well be defensive Shaker or something and not only Brute option. Again, our lack of allies is disturbingly sad x_X. We have 5 additional 'slots' for superpowered status (3 Power Armors and now 2 Cauldron Vials) and pretty much only... 2 people we may offer those that don't have powers already (Kayleigh, Kurt). Yeah, I think we should look for allies, it may be even in different dimensions. Yes, I can tell all of you want some alien allies, now only to find a way to end up in Mass Effect universe of something :p. This crew needs Quarian and Asari or something :D.
You could give it to Vista. Surely that couldn't go wrong. :whistle:
So, a parahuman who accepts a Template loses their powers... but does a mage who drinks a Cauldron Vial lose anything when they do so?
It depends on if they have a Device or not. If they don't have a Device, they would get parahuman powers. If they do have a Device, the vial does nothing.
[x] Take a job at DragonTech – His contributions to society have a minimal likelihood of being connected to him, but he gets Dragon's protection if anything goes wrong with his tech.
[X] Take a job at DragonTech – His contributions to society have a minimal likelihood of being connected to him, but he gets Dragon's protection if anything goes wrong with his tech.
Ah yeah, I found 'Aegis' as a part of Sundancer's formula. I suspect strong Blaster component? Or it may be something about strong energy production, whole 'sun summoning' shtick in Sundancer's powerset.

Cruel synergy with magic. Mkay, this sounds like a vial that shouldn't be presented to someone with Magical Core. Potential consequences may be bad, but I may always guess wrong and by 'cruel' it may mean something really good, but also nasty when used against other people. Well there is that idea with Kurt 'redemption' arc and we know he doesn't have Magical Core, so it should be... reasonably safe as it has reasonable 25% Balance formula included.

Second one sounds good for someone we want to keep alive, but that 5% only on Balance makes it more probable that some mutation may kick in, which also sounds like a high chance for defensive Breaker power if I guess right. But it may as well be defensive Shaker or something and not only Brute option. Again, our lack of allies is disturbingly sad x_X. We have 5 additional 'slots' for superpowered status (3 Power Armors and now 2 Cauldron Vials) and pretty much only... 2 people we may offer those that don't have powers already (Kayleigh, Kurt). Yeah, I think we should look for allies, it may be even in different dimensions. Yes, I can tell all of you want some alien allies, now only to find a way to end up in Mass Effect universe of something :p. This crew needs Quarian and Asari or something :D.

Something to consider is that mental issues are reflected in the powers obtained, even from vials. Noelle's powers, for instance, came about from her bulimia and because drinking only part of a vial made it harder for the shard to form the initial link, weakening the in built safeties, at least as I understand what I've read. Kurt's issues might make him a terrible choice even before you consider how he used his power back when it was in the form of a suit of power armor.

Kayleigh, on the other hand, could wind up a case 53 chipmunk. I doubt anybody would even notice the difference.

You could give it to Vista. Surely that couldn't go wrong. :whistle:

It depends on if they have a Device or not. If they don't have a Device, they would get parahuman powers. If they do have a Device, the vial does nothing.

Unless Wildbow's changed his mind in the last few years (entirely possible admittedly), a cape is unaffected by consuming a Cauldron vial IIRC.

Specifically, Doctor Mother says that Weaver drinking the vial might as well be drinking a glass of water. Whether she was telling the truth is unknown, but at that point, she would have been happy to let Weaver chug a vial for the tiny chance at a useful upgrade. The only cape who got a boost from consuming new vials was Eidolon, who was really just absorbing the energy from the vial's contents into his existing power.

I'm a little curious how having these vials will make the plan to convince Alexandria on how to de-program the Ziz bombs any easier.

Finding Eden's and Cauldron's remains proves we have access to things they do not have. Being able to bring them here to see what they could dig out of the ruins would give us lots of leverage, and it displays proof that Cassiel is feeding us true information.
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[x] What spell to learn
-[x] Physical Heal
There's just a little bit of a bandwagon going here, with only one vote disagreeing, and more than twenty four hours since the last vote. I'm updating my vote with a cape name, but since there's only one other person with a vote for a name at all, I expect we'll have to repeat that section of the vote next week if we don't want her just going by her real name.
I might have voted differently if she already had petty cure and physical heal was the next spell in the tree that only Infinite Enhancement could learn.
Since she did not, I voted to get a healer on the team ASAP.
Yes, I know Petty Cure isn't much, but it would have been a start for becoming known as a healer.
[X] Take a job at DragonTech – His contributions to society have a minimal likelihood of being connected to him, but he gets Dragon's protection if anything goes wrong with his tech.