Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Home + AM + FVM + TRF + CDE

FVM and TRF have funnily a great combination for us. FVM can be seen as loneliness and TRF as standing together (as the trees in the forest). Both together can be seen as a transition from loneliness into friendship.

TRF and FSS on the other hand are what we should chose if we intend to make a domain close to Zhengui's. Ending and rebirth mixed into one, the endless vitality of TRF being mixed with the ending of FSS.
I can't see why she can't become a spooky unseen musician if we guide her to it. The "there is music, but noone's playing it" type.
Yes, spooky unseen musician (and sometimes spooky quite visible musician) is definitely one of Ling Qi's aspects we should cultivate (pun intended).

Ling Qi enjoys being free to do as she chooses. She enjoys trickery provided it has the right targets. And she enjoys being in control of her life.
Stealth gives her all of these in some measure.
And Stealth is not in opposition to having friends and family, being stealthy does not mean being lonely, stealth means she is seen be those she chooses (friends and family), but not those she does not want to (enemies), and allows her to fight better.
And remember, Ling Qi started out as a support character, a team player, spooky unseen musician can be a great support character both to aid her friends and allies, but also to hinder their opponents.
Domains aren't a bloody aesop; they're the core way of living and seeing the world as befits an Immortal, the endpoint of which is at the scale of Shenhua, Forest King, Inexorable Justice, and Twilight King.

Want to discuss "Home" as a serious foundation for a domain? Come up with White-tier archtype characters that have it as a core theme, and discuss Art insight combinations in context of how they'll get us on the path towards that. Not what makes a cool sounding life lesson for Ling Qi's story so far.
Want to discuss "Home" as a serious foundation for a domain? Come up with White-tier archtype characters that have it as a core theme, and discuss Art insight combinations in context of how they'll get us on the path towards that. Not what makes a cool sounding life lesson for Ling Qi's story so far.
At the same time, I think it's also important to remember that "Home" is hardly set in stone as the core of Ling Qi's identity. She is in the early stages of Way building, and still very mutable.

The concept itself is also complex and nuanced, and could readily shift and develop in different ways.

But yes, I agree that this is a good way to try to think about things as well. Ultimately building a Way is kind of building a coherent larger than life character concept, and can be approached in that light. This also needs to be addressed in detail. A character is, for example, more than just flashy combat imagery. Who are they? How do they see the world? How do they treat people? What are their goals?

TRF and FSS on the other hand are what we should chose if we intend to make a domain close to Zhengui's. Ending and rebirth mixed into one, the endless vitality of TRF being mixed with the ending of FSS.
Mmm, an interesting and reasonable reading, though not the way I was thinking about them.

The question I'd raise there though is what kind of person would make that the centerpiece of their philosophy? How would they act?

I feel like there would be reasons to be concerned about how a god of death and rebirth would treat people for instance...

(not to say that they couldn't be really interesting as a character, just that I'm not sure it's where Ling Qi would want to go)
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I haven't seen LQ being into chaos at all?

I'm not even sure where this idea came from?

I mean, yeah, she has a side to her that is an adrenaline junky, but it's not the same thing.
A Scholar Meeting a Fisherman
A Scholar meeting a Fisherman
The gentle chirping of birds was the first sound Ping Chao heard as he roused himself from his nap. He gazed over at the notes and lesson plans he had been preparing the evening before. The truce in the outer sect would end soon and that meant the new blood would soon be able to take formation lessons. While his peers might look down on such work Ping Chao found it a satisfying way to gather contribution points. Padding quietly over to his locked bookshelf he began his weekly tradition. Without much effort he undid the security formations on the bookcase and pulled out his pride and joy. A lovely pale green cover with dark green formations etched into it. With a flick Ping Chao opened it up and started reading the rumors and gossip transcribed into the pages that his hidden formations had picked up around the mountains.

As he read the book Ping Chao started to feel his blood boil. It seemed the latest round of rumors were about him and how he lacked any fighting spirit. This was simply slanderous! He, of the Ping family, lacking fighting spirit! He may not be as martial inclined as his older brother but this could not stand! Hastily he put the book back and walked back towards his office. Without thought his domain reached out and started to pull the books he wanted towards him. It was time to teach his peers about how much fighting spirit he had.

Deep in a mediation he almost missed the qi of a messenger delivering a notice. As the piece of paper floated towards him the information on the page made Ping Chao's blood boil again. The paper stated that Zhan Bo had issued a challenge to Ping Chao. Ping Chao had known Zhan Bo was rude but to not even speak to him about the challenge! Did Zhan Bo have so little consideration? With great effort Ping Chao calmed himself. This was a good opportunity though. By defeating Zhan Bo he would prove his fighting spirit and crush these rumors. With that goal in mind different books came off the shelves and those floating around him went back to their places.

Ping Chao frowned at the information that surrounded him. Zhan Bo had apparently been getting a reputation as a skilled duelist through his duels in the the last year. The first duel he did this year showed that none of that skill had vanished. This was more and more feeling like a trap. Zhan Bo had certainly heard the rumors about him and decided to take advantage. If the duel lasted long Zhan Bo would gain the advantage with his greater experiences with duels. If Ping Chao choose a challenge he was certain to win the rumors would never die. The pride of the Ping family would never allow that. As he tapped his brush against his jaw Ping Chao knew what the duel had to be. A duel to first blood would allow him to finish it quickly before Zhan Bo could leverage his greater fighting experience. Ping Chao wrote out his response to the challenge he began to sense an old book starting to open. With a sigh he sent calming thoughts to his spirit. His mood, apparently, was poor enough that his spirit had started to react to it. With gentle thoughts he guided his library spirit back to it's calm sleep.


"We begin now the challenge between Disciple Seven Hundred Twenty Six, Zhan Bo, and Disciple Seven Hundred and Seventeen, Ping Chao. In accordance with Sect rules, Disciple Ping Chao has chosen a challenge of a personal duel to first blood. The duel will begin on my mark."

Ping Chao watched with half lidded eyes as Zhan Bo slid into a ready stance with his spear. A pulse of the Elder's qi marked the start and Ping Chao started to walk steadily towards his opponent. With a flick of his wrist two of his books appeared and began to slowly circle him. A small smile from Zhan Bo was his only warning before he felt Zhan Bo's domain latch onto him and try and push him closer. It felt like he was in a river being driven towards the waiting spear of Zhan Bo. Without so much as a thought Ping Chao counter attacked. Bolts of lightning flashed from his books as they stopped circling him and began to try and flank Zhan Bo. Without moving his feet Zhan Bo began to expertly deflect the brilliant attacks with a blurring spear. With the light of the heavens illuminating the battlefield Ping Chao watched the dance of spear and lightning and prepared a separate attack. The best time would be... PAIN.

"Disciple Zhan Bo wins this duel by right of first blood. Rank transfer will occur on the first day of the next month."

Ping Chao stood as he set his glare at the meter long fishing spear so soaked in lake qi he could barely see it even as it dripped with his blood. With a grunt Ping Chao reached up to his shoulder and pulled the domain weapon the rest of the way through his shoulder. After he that did a quick bow towards Zhan Bo. "You are truly a good duelist, Zhan Bo. To draw one towards you and then to strike them from behind, it is an… interesting dueling style."

Zhan Bo offered a quick bow in return. " The best way to catch a fish is to offer bait and then strike quickly from where they can not see."


As Ping Chao walked home he could still feel the humiliation of such a quick defeat. He was sure rumors and gossip of how poor a fighter he was were going to quickly spread. It looked like he would need to spend a great deal of time in the future working on his combat formations if he was going to redeem any amount of his pride. As he quietly closed the door behind him books began to rise and greet him as old friends. As Ping Chao strode through his home he promised himself, revenge would come.


@yrsillar An omake for the omake throne!

This was an idea of a possible duel between other inner sect members and perhaps why a primary formations focused cultivator may choose a personal duel. Pride cometh before the fall. Please enjoy and if you have any critiques or advice please share so I might improve!
Thank you Yrsillar and everyone else for a wonderful quest to read and participate in!
I haven't seen LQ being into chaos at all?

I'm not even sure where this idea came from?

I mean, yeah, she has a side to her that is an adrenaline junky, but it's not the same thing.
It's less about chaos in the sense of anarchy, and more about in opposition to being tied down by rules and enjoying trickery for the pure joy of it.
When i brought up the trickster path people may have been thinking about joker/loki (as seen in comics/movies) instead of Grinning Moon.
Ling Qi is leaning heavily into a rogue/bard archetypes, more bard than rogue now, but the rogue is still there and i don't think we should ignore that.
Mmm, an interesting and reasonable reading, though not the way I was thinking about them.

The question I'd raise there though is what kind of person would make that the centerpiece of their philosophy? How would they act?

I feel like there would be reasons to be concerned about how a god of death and rebirth would treat people for instance...

(not to say that they couldn't be really interesting as a character, just that I'm not sure it's where Ling Qi would want to go)

Well, such a personnage might very well use the same reasonning ling qi did in her duel. Sure, everything might break or die, but in the end what is important is the moment.

To confirm such a reasoning would probably require to add some art focused on the now (maybe PLR ?), but it's beside the point.
For example, looking at FVM + FSS and our recent song fight, what I see is a kind of Existentialist philosophy? Everything ultimately Ends, and has no inherent meaning. However, the correct response is not to despair and give up, but to persevere and forge your own story anyway. It doesn't matter if it's going to end someday and have no greater meaning - what matters is that it's meaningful to you.

Building on that with, say, PLR + TRF + HDW then highlights what Ling Qi considers a fun meaningful life. Bringing friends together, supporting each other, and having fun. AM could highlight the importance of awareness of the Truth, and of knowing oneself in order to work out how to have a fulfilling life - as well as perhaps the importance of honest communication.
I'm pretty fond of this sort of existentialist track, the idea of her way being about seeking to avoid deprivation through creating a home for herself despite the intrinsic futility of expecting a home to stand forever. That the act and process is justification in itself even if the outcome is eventually certain. I also like the thought of exploring the duality of inflicting that deprivation on others (as a thief stealing one's personal treasures, as the winter chill stealing the hearth's warmth, and the dark that wears at the edge of the light) especially if we can tie that back into building up our own home. I do like the thought of tying what Ling Qi values in life to her idea of home (raucous parties and bitchin' has mmusic for instance) because the potential silliness as that shapes her becomes perspective is utterly amazing, especially in contrast to our more subdued boss.

It's neat, has room to accept a lot of different insights, is a nuanced and not arbitrarily 'nice' Way (something that doesn't necessarily suit Ling Qi IMO), it's flexible and adaptable while still feeling something organically derived from Ling Qi's past, original desire, future ambitions, and the influences she's under (even CRX's influence can potentially be tied into as undermining and cannibalizing the existing foundation to support her desired society). Obviously Jiao told us not to make our Way for another's sake, but there's a difference between that and acknowledging the impact foreign perspectives have on our character.

Besides, a Fae specializing in housemaking isn't truly a proper Fae unless they are equally skilled in utterly dismantling a household. Or the magpie that builds its nest by stealing the valuables of others or what have you. The idea of touching upon Ling Qi's experiences that having something often means depriving it from another would be truly fascinating to see interact with Cai Renxiang and how it shapes her own worldview as she becomes increasingly less mortal. Of the tension between Cai's refusal to make individuals above justice, and the potential impetus to overstep our bounds. Of the idea her actions and behaviors can be examined through multiple lenses. I don't think she often hates her enemies or foes, but I do think she is intimately aware that if she has to choose them or her and hers it's self-evident. I don't think she or we would overly struggle for targets in the hypothetical quest to make others pay for the safety, prosperity and security we seek in making a home.
I think people are forgetting something about the whole Imperial Cultivation style.

I don't remember where the WoG on this is, but post-White Imperial Cultivators 'retreat into their domain' upon Ascension. This has a tangible effect on the nature of reality in this setting.

But what else could this mean?

Quite simply, that every Imperial Cultivator's base domain theme is that of a 'home', and upon Ascension they effectively run into it and lock the door. I don't know what happens after that.

An Imperial Cultivator's Domain - the expression of their Soul - is about what a home means to them and how they define and protect it. Of the people we have had some measure of observation of, all of them can be described as having a most basic 'home' theme, defined ever more interestingly.

Cai Shenhua's Domain is a towering edifice of Order, in which everyone and everything has their own place. Her domain does not appear to have any limits on who it might effect. All are welcome into her home, provided they accept their place - the one that she decides for them.

Bai Suzhen's Domain is a well-protected lake of serpents. No distinction is evident in her domain beyond that; none are welcome into her home save perhaps those who have been invited.

The King of the Forest's Domain is one of animals. It appears to have no 'friend or foe' designation, and eagerly takes in new beings to serve the King. All are welcome into his home so long as they serve.

Elder Jiao's Domain is one of shadows and eyes. He doesn't so much welcome people into his home as observe the homes of others without being noticed.

And Bai Meizhen's Father's Domain is entirely one of 'how not to be seen'. This is probably the single most exclusive Domain we've so far encountered, with only his Wife managing to find the place consistently.

So what does this mean for Ling Qi?

Simply put, that each of the available choices during the theme pick were options that led to how Ling Qi saw her home - saw where she belonged. Was her home a place for those she chose as family, excluding all others? Was it somewhat more open, welcoming her friends? Was it closed off entirely as she hides it in the shadows of those around her, ever seeking more power? Or was it indifferent as she pursued her own freedom to the exclusion of all else?

The thread chose the first definition - 'open to those chosen as family'. The emotions expressed in the next chapter - 'yes, this is what I want my home to be, filled with my family', further supports this. This sense also reinforces the more classical definition of a 'home', as that is what most people associate with a home - not only where you live, but where those you love live.

I believe that if the thread had picked a different option, Ling Qi would have determined that 'yes, this is where I belong', and brushed aside the other options in a similar manner. After all, she'd never really had a home before; how could she know what it was like to have family in one? Etc.

At their current early stage, there isn't much that Ling Qi, Bai Meizhen, and Cai Renxiang can to do tangibly express this, but each of them have decided in part what a Home means to them, the most basic thing/s about it.

Ling Qi only opens her home to those she has chosen as family, as represented by the mechanical restriction on who is effected.

Bai Meizhen is exactly the same. However, the proper wording used is slightly different - instead of opening her home to some, she closes it off to all but those closest to her, as represented by the Terror aspect. The effect is similar, but the imagery is very different.

We don't have much about Cai Renxiang, but it does seem that she based her Domain on a perception effect in some way, allowing her to better understand all who might enter her home. This meshes with her stated desire of finding a place for people in her new society and with her Mother's skill at defeating intrigue.

Hm. Perhaps 'home' is not quite the right word to describe what every Imperial Cultivator builds, but it feels close enough, and 'a place where they belong' or 'a place that feels like home' are not only too wordy they also don't add any substantial meaning with the extra words.

We have no data about how a Way fits into this process, and we won't for quite some time.
And Bai Meizhen's Father's Domain is entirely one of 'how not to be seen'.

Ling Qi only opens her home to those she has chosen as family, as represented by the mechanical restriction on who is effected.

Bai Meizhen is exactly the same. However, the proper wording used is slightly different - instead of opening her home to some, she closes it off to all but those closest to her, as represented by the Terror aspect. The effect is similar, but the imagery is very different.
Ling Qi's home is open to those she chooses to invite, others cannot even find it, and those who seek it uninvited are lost in the mist, trapped in the darkness, or lead astray by reflections like a moon upon a lake.
I think people are forgetting something about the whole Imperial Cultivation style.

I don't remember where the WoG on this is, but post-White Imperial Cultivators 'retreat into their domain' upon Ascension. This has a tangible effect on the nature of reality in this setting.

But what else could this mean?

Quite simply, that every Imperial Cultivator's base domain theme is that of a 'home', and upon Ascension they effectively run into it and lock the door. I don't know what happens after that.

An Imperial Cultivator's Domain - the expression of their Soul - is about what a home means to them and how they define and protect it. Of the people we have had some measure of observation of, all of them can be described as having a most basic 'home' theme, defined ever more interestingly.

Cai Shenhua's Domain is a towering edifice of Order, in which everyone and everything has their own place. Her domain does not appear to have any limits on who it might effect. All are welcome into her home, provided they accept their place - the one that she decides for them.

Bai Suzhen's Domain is a well-protected lake of serpents. No distinction is evident in her domain beyond that; none are welcome into her home save perhaps those who have been invited.

The King of the Forest's Domain is one of animals. It appears to have no 'friend or foe' designation, and eagerly takes in new beings to serve the King. All are welcome into his home so long as they serve.

Elder Jiao's Domain is one of shadows and eyes. He doesn't so much welcome people into his home as observe the homes of others without being noticed.

And Bai Meizhen's Father's Domain is entirely one of 'how not to be seen'. This is probably the single most exclusive Domain we've so far encountered, with only his Wife managing to find the place consistently.

So what does this mean for Ling Qi?

Simply put, that each of the available choices during the theme pick were options that led to how Ling Qi saw her home - saw where she belonged. Was her home a place for those she chose as family, excluding all others? Was it somewhat more open, welcoming her friends? Was it closed off entirely as she hides it in the shadows of those around her, ever seeking more power? Or was it indifferent as she pursued her own freedom to the exclusion of all else?

The thread chose the first definition - 'open to those chosen as family'. The emotions expressed in the next chapter - 'yes, this is what I want my home to be, filled with my family', further supports this. This sense also reinforces the more classical definition of a 'home', as that is what most people associate with a home - not only where you live, but where those you love live.

I believe that if the thread had picked a different option, Ling Qi would have determined that 'yes, this is where I belong', and brushed aside the other options in a similar manner. After all, she'd never really had a home before; how could she know what it was like to have family in one? Etc.

At their current early stage, there isn't much that Ling Qi, Bai Meizhen, and Cai Renxiang can to do tangibly express this, but each of them have decided in part what a Home means to them, the most basic thing/s about it.

Ling Qi only opens her home to those she has chosen as family, as represented by the mechanical restriction on who is effected.

Bai Meizhen is exactly the same. However, the proper wording used is slightly different - instead of opening her home to some, she closes it off to all but those closest to her, as represented by the Terror aspect. The effect is similar, but the imagery is very different.

We don't have much about Cai Renxiang, but it does seem that she based her Domain on a perception effect in some way, allowing her to better understand all who might enter her home. This meshes with her stated desire of finding a place for people in her new society and with her Mother's skill at defeating intrigue.

Hm. Perhaps 'home' is not quite the right word to describe what every Imperial Cultivator builds, but it feels close enough, and 'a place where they belong' or 'a place that feels like home' are not only too wordy they also don't add any substantial meaning with the extra words.

We have no data about how a Way fits into this process, and we won't for quite some time.

You are trying really hard to fit a square peg in a round hole. Not everyone, or even most, cultivators define themselves by how they view their home.

Domains are the expressions of cultivators beliefs, statements of how they view the world as it is/ought to be. And as they ascend further and further the difference between 'is' and 'ought' shrinks until the fully ascend where they carve their perspective on the bones of reality.
Hm. Perhaps 'home' is not quite the right word to describe what every Imperial Cultivator builds, but it feels close enough, and 'a place where they belong' or 'a place that feels like home' are not only too wordy they also don't add any substantial meaning with the extra words.
That word is Domain. As in, the place definition of territoriality, the division of space. The word already has connotations of 'from here to there is mine'.

There's a reason that it's typical for Xianxia cultivators to develop 'inner worlds'. Within some Chinese strains of philosophy (especially the many Buddhist ones in all their variety, very very very broadly speaking), which the genre takes its inspiration from, the human is a microcosm of the world and the world is a microcosm of every individual human. Domain is that concept.
I think of the domain as what the cultivator is fundamentally about.
Not just what you enjoy, or want, or need, or are concerned off.
But once all your needs and concerns have been met and dealt with, what are you really about?
Since people are talking Domains, let me pitch yet another disconnected idea full of too many metaphors distorted by my personal aesthetics and even a pun.

We actually have some really good arts set up to Cap for an "Eye of the Storm" Domain. It would symbolize Ling Qi holding the people she values safe and close while everything else is subsumed in chaos and destruction. Ling Qi has a perfect view of the storm from her vantage point in the center, watching over those inside and keeping track of enemies outside to ruthlessly hunt down.

  • AM, detect lies insight: Keeps a sharp boundary between the calm Eye and the raging Storm. Reflection keyword represents the literal huge sheets of water being thrown around, perception supports the punny Eye theme.
  • FVM + FSS: These arts are the literal storm outside, doing lots of area damage to miserable people caught in them. FVM leaves people in the Eye alone and reinforces the perception subtheme. FSS's themes of being an overclocked extreme art play into it being a really wild storm, and the effect it has of damping fire and light keywords shows how intense the storm is.
  • CDE: This art makes literal eyes made out of water, clearly perfect for the Eye of the Storm domain. Also their ability to phase through walls supports the Storm ignoring conventional barriers and flooding out enemies no matter how secure they might be.
  • Use your Water Meridians. Let the trolling the flow through you.

Remember, Ling Qi is a known abuser of puns and similar crimes against humanity already, it wouldn't be a good Ling Qi domain without supporting that.
  • AM, detect lies insight: Keeps a sharp boundary between the calm Eye and the raging Storm. Reflection keyword represents the literal huge sheets of water being thrown around, perception supports the punny Eye theme.
  • FVM + FSS: These arts are the literal storm outside, doing lots of area damage to miserable people caught in them. FVM leaves people in the Eye alone and reinforces the perception subtheme. FSS's themes of being an overclocked extreme art play into it being a really wild storm, and the effect it has of damping fire and light keywords shows how intense the storm is.
  • CDE: This art makes literal eyes made out of water, clearly perfect for the Eye of the Storm domain. Also their ability to phase through walls supports the Storm ignoring conventional barriers and flooding out enemies no matter how secure they might be.
  • Use your Water Meridians. Let the trolling the flow through you.
I feel that this, in particular the readings of FVM and FSS focus far too much on the combat application of the arts and not on their actual themes and philosophies.

Looking at this more from the perspective of forming a personal life philosophy, I would look it as more of a "this world of endings is lonely and dangerous, to survive and forge a safe home watch carefully to identify true danger, and seek out knowledge and power" thing. Potentially the kind of Way that could fit Golden Fields very well for a post-apocalyptic perception tomb raider character.

Alternative readings that don't fit "home" as well could be:
  • A philosophical journey the world deal: "Everything will end, so before that happens we should see the world, and learn everything there is" kinda way?
  • Seeker of Endings: It is through Endings that Truth is revealed. To gain power and knowledge, one must seek out Endings and study them. Could make for an interesting villain cultivator :p
I feel that this, in particular the readings of FVM and FSS focus far too much on the combat application of the arts and not on their actual themes and philosophies.

I'm not sure I agree entirely. Ling Qi is fairly practical as cultivators go, I think she might be more likely than most to focus on what the Arts actually do when drawing her own insights from them.
Turn 3
The last few hours had been exhausting, keeping up with a higher realm cultivator setting a deliberately punishing pace through difficult terrain, one who was deliberately making some small effort to throw them from their trail and get them lost in the twisting misty vales that lay between the higher peaks at that, was no easy task. Still, she had made it along with her 'classmates'.

Ling Qi stood at attention in line with a half dozen other disciples, none of which she particularly recognized. Two were only a few years older than her, but the other four were older men and women, all caught in that awkward halfway state between second and third realm, or in one case, fully second, but on the edge of breaking through. She felt awkward, being the youngest, yet also the of the highest cultivation.

...She was a little surprised at her fellow disciples attitudes as well. The two fully third realm disciples, with ranks in the lower eight hundreds, had eyed her with envy and not a bit of resentment. The rest, who Ling Qi estimated to be in their early thirties, and who held ranks in the nine hundreds, had seemed ambivalent to her. Perhaps that was simply military discipline, seeing as she was sure that they had all been promoted from within the Sect's army. They were probably used to being overshadowed by much younger people.

Of course, no one was looking at anyone else right now, because she was pretty sure the fourth realm core disciple currently examining them would put anyone who showed such a lack of attention on the ground.

The young woman standing across from them with her arms folded behind her back had managed to remind Ling Qi of her first physical cultivation instructor before Ling Qi heard her name. Guan Zhi resembled her father in other ways as well, like that man, she was scandalously dressed, wearing only a tight, dark green cloth wrap that covered her chest and little else, and form fitting pants of a lighter shade tucked neatly into sturdy black boots that rose almost to her knees. Cloth bandages wrapped her forearms and handages. Her long hair was tied back in a single tightly braided tail.

"Not going to ogle this one?" Sixiang commented idly. "Usually you can't get enough of muscles, even if this one isn't as bulgy."

Ling Qi kept her eyes ahead and her expression studiously straight. 'Still not interested in women Sixiang,' she thought dryly.

"Right, I keep forgetting how that division works, is it really only the reproductive bits that…"

Thankfully whatever musing Sixiang was going to do was cut off as their instructor began to speak. While her voice was feminine, she had the same air of command that brooked no inattention. "Good, you can all at least stay at attention. The seven of you have been screened for introduction into the officer level of the scouting and skirmishing forces," she spoke in a quick, clipped tone, not moving one inch from her starting position. "It is a dangerous duty, we act with less support than our main branch comrades, and often undertake missions of greater personal danger. As an officer, your responsibilities will only increase. For the remainder of the year, you will all receive training in small unit tactics, reconnaissance and various other minor but still crucial skills."

Ling Qi had known that the Sect would be offering military tutoring, even if she was going to be departing in a short time. So long as she was in the Sect, she was a member of their forces after all. That was part of the Inner Sect's purpose after all, giving young nobles a taste of responsibility and discipline.

"I will oversee the instruction of those of you promoted from the actual Skirmish Division," Guan Zhi continued without pause. "You do not require lessons on the basics, only the additional responsibilities that arise from being an officer," Ling Qi sensed a tiny flicker of pride and a minute straightening of stances from the older and lower ranked disciples. "For the three of you remaining… you will be acting as understudies to current officers. Follow their instructions exactly."

Ling Qi glanced at the others, seeing them surreptitiously looking around as Guan Zhi gave a sharp gesture to the other disciples and began to lead them away, where were…"

"Still so inattentive, Junior Sister Ling?" Ling Qi nearly jumped out of her skin, at the smooth male voice that spoke as if directly in her ear.

She spun around on instinct, bringing herself face to face with her one time tutor, Liao Zhu. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the other disciples who remained receiving similar frights from what she assumed to be their own instructors. Liao Zhu looked much the same as he had when she had seen him a few months ago. The tall, muscular boy still wore an open vest of leather, hung with a dozen or more black knives, and a silver fanged demon mask over his lower face. The only new feature she noticed was a star of scarred flesh on his left shoulder.

"Nothing wrong with this one though, right?" Sixiang needled.

"Senior Brother Liao's skill is still too great," Ling Qi replied, ignoring the pest in her head as she offered a small bow. "May I ask what Senior Brothers Lesson plan is?" Despite herself, she found her eyes drawn to the red crescent tattoo around his eye. She felt a knot of worry about going alone with someone who was associated with… that.

"As the lovely and redoubtable Guan Zhi said, you must first learn the basics of a skirmisher's duty, before taking up the duties of an officer," he replied seriously. "Today and for much of the rest of the week, this skilled brother will be familiarizing you with terrain, and the signs of nomad movements in it, as well as the marks for supply caches, and signal language. Come along then, Junior Sister, we have no time to slack off."

She stared at his back for a moment, before following him as he leapt up to a higher trail a few meters above the cliffside they had stopped on. They swiftly left it behind, splitting from the other recruits as they and their tutors took different paths into the mountain vales. "Could you explain what exactly a skirmisher does, Senior Brother," she asked, voice carrying on threads of music despite the wind whipping by as the ground blurred away below them.

Where Ling Qi supplemented her movement with minor boosts of flight, Liao Zhu simply seemed to blur from one outcropping or scraggly tree to the next. Ling Qi could have done the same she supposed, but doing so would have required that she use an actual art, where she sensed no such thing from him.

"It is in the name," he replied airly, turning back to face her despite continuing his path. He seemed to suffer no loss of grace or coordination for leaping and jogging backward. "The Scout and Skirmish division ranges outward in smaller groups than our more regimented brethren in the proper combat core. We are often even tasked to travel in pairs or even alone. Our duties involve tracking and monitoring the movements of our enemies, the Cloud Nomads, as well as less human threats. We are also tasked with checking those movements often enough, if the matter is too small to require a full regimental movement. As an officer, you will be responsible for a delegating tasks to lower ranked members in an assigned region, and organizing larger operations."

Ling Qi's brows crinkled in worry. Could she really do something like that, being responsible for other people in enemy territory, she supposed she had to be, given her position, but all the same… She found her eyes drawn back to his tattoo, though she had come to terms with it somewhat could she really be relied upon in danger.

"Has something marred my handsomeness, Junior Sister Ling?" Liao Zhu asked lightly as he landed with a heavy and deliberate thud on a small, scrubby cliff. Ling Qi landed beside him a moment later, and even a moment's glance showed her some sign that there had been something here before them. Ash and scorched bones mixed into the dirt, a clump of fur clinging to a thornbush off to their right. Her tutor seemed uninterested in it for the moment though. "Or is it about the blood and regret that stains your spirit?"

Ling Qi stiffened, eyes darting from his face and then back to her surroundings. Of course someone several stages above her would notice. "I had an unpleasant run in with your patron," she replied, more than a little stiffly. "Shouldn't we focus on training Senior Brother?"

"Perhaps, perhaps," the young man replied, seating himself on a boulder and cupping his masked chin in his hand as he observed her. "But a lesson to a distracted student is a wasted one. Tell me, which side did you fall on, in that terrible dream?"

"...Maybe not, this guy is pushy," Sixiang grumbled. "Though I guess its no wonder."

Ling Qi looked away, she supposed that it was pretty likely that someone who had earned the Bloody Moon's favor had gone through a site dedicated to her. "...The Hunting King," she replied shortly. "You?"

"Both and none, at one time or another," he said with a chuckle. "I tried so many times for a satisfying outcome, and always failed."

Ling Qi stared at him for several seconds. "Why would you do that to yourself?"

"It is my nature, I could no more stop than you could cease collecting your treasures, Songbird," Laio Zhu shot back, making her flush. Had he been there, or had he just heard about it? "Do you know what would have happened, had you sided with the rebels?"

"...They would have lost anyway, it would have been futile, against a White cultivator." Ling Qi replied.

"Not so!" He replied brightly, leaning forward. "For given enough time, the rebel King would complete the ritual he had been preparing, and strike a terrible blow to the Hunter that allowed him to be fought!"

"Oh," Ling Qi replied, feeling even worse than before, she really had…

"Of course, with their King slain, the rebels would then swarm out, burning and killing with abandon, to clap their former brethren in chains for use as labor to rebuild that which the King had destroyed, and greater projects still," Liao Zhu explained, meeting her eyes without blinking. "Or indeed, they could both die in the clash, and the chaos would spread, until at last the rebels were extinguished at great cost, solidifying the iron grip of the isolationists of the Weilu for all time, as it did in the waking world."

Ling Qi knew better than to ask what the point had been then. She knew that there wasn't one. "It was cruel and pointless to show me that," Ling Qi replied. "She stopped my spirit from giving me context, and berated me at the end, despite saying that there was no lesson, why?"

"Vengeance is cruel," Liao Zhu replied with a lazy shrug.

"She's not just supposed to be vengeance," Ling Qi replied, her voice snappish.

Laio Zhu's eyes wrinkled behind his mask, and she knew he was smiling. "Justice is a wholly artificial thing. It is born from order. It cannot care about the happiness of the individual, else it be perverted. Justice is also cruel."

"It shouldn't be," Ling Qi replied stubbornly.

"Hah, well spoken," he laughed. "I do not disagree, to a point, but that is the purpose, despite there being no inherent lesson, you know? Would you even ask yourself these questions, without the bloody reality forced into your face? Justice is decided by those with power, if you wish to make it align with your vision, then do so with your own hands, your own words. Convince those around you that your justice is correct. A great spirit cannot change, it can only BE changed."

"...You really are arrogant, Senior Brother," Ling Qi replied, perhaps it was the vein of music twisting through her spirit, or perhaps it was the clear sight given her by Argent Mirror, but she could feel his sincerity. Liao Zhu sincerely intended to change the nature of a great spirit.

...Then again, maybe you needed that kind of arrogance, to reach the peak of cultivation.

"Your compliments will not dissuade me from making your training difficult," Laio Zhu replied, hopping lightly to his feet. "You are too intriguing to be allowed to wallow in mediocrity after all. Let us move on."

"Wait, what about this place?" Ling Qi asked, glancing around in confusion.

"This?" He asked with furrowed brows. "Just a disciple's campsite. Worry not, by the end of this week, you shall not make such mistakes."

Ling Qi sighed and followed after him. She had a feeling it was going to be a long month.

Liao Zhu Bond Acquired, rank 1

Please vote for Ling Qi's first bond action for the month, there will be second bond action vote later this turn, though the options may not be the same

[] Li Suyin: The proper paperwork is done. You can do the expedition any time. Who knows what you might find, deep below the earth.
[] Xuan Shi: For once, the odd boy has called in your offered favor. He wishes for your aid in penetrating the interior of an odd little temple full of traps and puzzles.
[] Ling Qingge: Your new household is arriving from Tonghou, perhaps you should put in an appearance and see how your Mother is handling things?
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[X] Xuan Shi: For once, the odd boy has called in your offered favor. He wishes for your aid in penetrating the interior of an odd little temple full of traps and puzzles.
[X] Xuan Shi: For once, the odd boy has called in your offered favor. He wishes for your aid in penetrating the interior of an odd little temple full of traps and puzzles.

Is it bad that I'm still kinda hoping for a turtle-y husbando?