It's several hours later, in the afternoon when you arrive at the assigned barracks and unsurprisingly the rest of your friends aren't there. Beat's going to be working out until the evening (how lucky of him) while Pit will more than likely be spending his time exploring the city.
The living space itself is made up from a trio of buildings, one built for more "normal" sized digimon complete with actual beds. While the other is built more like a storage area with simple large mats laid out on the floor. Not the most comfortable place to rest, but able to house a massive mon like yourself. Interestingly enough, the third building is a large trading post and the place where most of the barracks current inhabitants see, to be hanging out.
During lunch, you come upon an interesting realization regarding your ability to slide evolve. Namely that by spending two hours a day in your rookie form, you'll be able to cut your food costs in Tracel Bread by sixty bits every day. While it doesn't seem like much by itself, it's something that will build up quite a bit over time. Ten days would mean six hundred, twenty days would be twelve hundred, etc.
Unfortunately you're not able to get any letters written for the simple fact that this version of the building doesn't have a dedicated mail service. Instead that portion has been replaced with *a bar* which is supposed to serve special drinks. Judging by the powerful smells emanating from the establishment, it seems to be the same kind stuff Darcmon likes to drink.
Beat is the next member of your group to arrive and he continues his attempts to be more sociable. The Stingmon informs the both of you that he's not only found a fitting gym, but also acquired a set of four passes, one for each of you. Your
friend, didn't think to mark it down on his map, but the champion offers to lead you there tomorrow for training. Naturally you agree.
Pit returns last but... the winged digimon doesn't seem entirely there. Instead of giving his normal boisterous greetings, the low-ranking angel just kind of hovers past a ridiculously happy grin showing beneath his helmet. You've
never seen him act like this before, even the happiness he had after seeing SistermonNoir was more... content than overwhelmed. Sparks and Beat both notice the odd behavior as well and all three of you silently agree to go up and ask the Pidmon about it.
Upon asking him what happened however...
"Aaah. Friends, Sparks, Verge, Beat. Hyuk, hyuk. This day I have seen the glorious, undying holy light, and it was beautiful to behold."
... now what does that mean?
"Lord Pit, thine words lack actual descriptions. Please inform us of what occurred."
"The Lord blessed me this day my friends. The great Seraph Ophanimon was present in the cathedral and... so radiant. Beautiful. She truly embodied the very essence of holy light, even when so bound. Her power was magnificent and... haaaah. She
smiled at me."
"Heh, hehehehe. Now I get it." Sparks begins cackling uncontrollably, much to the confusion of you and the Stingmon, but Pit doesn't seem to notice.
"I would give nearly anything to see her again. And if I could just... get close enough to bask in her aura..." The angel sighs again even as Sparks continues to crack up.
Does he know something we don't?
"Spit it out."
"Yes. Please inform us, I too am curious over... this."
"Alright, alright. *Mister Holy* over there is head over heels for this *Ophanimon* like those ridiculous fans of Blanc and Noir, he's been overwhelmed by her *Radiance*. Hehehe. Almost like thine tendency to stare at Ardat."
"I-I'm not-Ardat's my friend! It's-she's umm. I don't like... like looking at her that much. Even if-Beat! Please back me up!"
The Stingmon looks towards you his eyes lacking so much as a hint of mercy, then shakes his head.
"He's right."
No... it's not true! I'm not like that!... how many bits did you spend buying her gifts Verge? Uh... one, two books. Priced at... Oh crud. Thirty-four hundred bits! That's more than the albums those Garrison members bought!
While you're holding that little mental argument, Pit begins to mutter.
"No! Friend Sparks I can't like
her like that. She's Ophanimon! The purest most holy, radiant, beautiful and amazing... I'm just a sergeant and she's one of the three orginal Seraphs! There's no way that would even work! I can't... what would those feelings even mean?"
No. I don't like her like that! You do! I don't! You do! I don't! You do! I don't!
Sparks continues to laugh at the obvious distress and you swear that Beat let's out a noise that sounds suspiciously like he's chuckling along.
=== What does Verge study in the evening? (Choose One)
[] Hasten Burst 1/12
[] Muscle Burst 1/12
The remnants of your squad assembles in the large training yard early next morning, strange devices called *Clocks* working to tell you the exact time. HolyAngemon isn't late, to the contrary by the time you've finished breakfast, he's already outside waiting for everyone else to arrive. Sparks is the last mon to line up, and your commanding officer begins speaking one tenth of a second after he comes to attention.
"Sergeant Pit, Bellators, Initiate. With Sergeant Scratch's demise your unit is in need of a new commanding officer."
"Holy Throne! I swear by the Lord to lead the others well!"
"Sergeant Pit, your dedication to the cause is admirable, but you lack the required experience and power for this post. For now you'll have to settle for being second in command." The Pidmon nods sadly at the officers words, but doesn't protest.
"Heh, if not Lord Pit, then whom was it that thine chose?"
"... *Sigh*"
Well, that doesn't sound good.
"So much as I detest making this decision, it
is the correct one given the circumstances. My choice is-" His sentence is cut off as a
piercing cry slices through the air.
Spirits above an attack?!
A large quadrupedal figure dives down from the sky, it's sharp beak and wicked talons gleaming dangerously in the morning light. You reflexively rear up into defensive stance as it slams to the earth, ready to defend yourself as it's green eyes narrow in challenge. It's larger than the flight-efficient shape might initially suggest, measuring ten feet tall when on all fours. Not exactly as tall as you but... it feels
Then, you spot the Ultimate digimon's
rider and notice a familiar grin on the Darcmon's face.
Wait, is that.
"Sup guys! How're you all fucking doing?"
Her Imperius Angewomon?... no she's Darcmon now. So how would-
"Damnit we talked about this." HolyAngemon grumbles, frowning towards the pair. The Imperius smirks back, patting what you guess to be the evolved form of Maildramon. "Fine. Imperius Darcmon will take the role. She's served under me for months and despite her many, infuriating issues, is a competent enough stand in I can trust to prioritize the squad's survival over glory."
"Aaah. It's goddamn nice to her you compliment me sir!"
"She's also like a particularly tenacious Vamdemon when it comes to survival." He continues, shooting her a glare. "It's a shame she lacks their sense of class."
"Bah! I have
plenty of class!.. whatever that is!"
"Wark!" The digimon under her barks(?) out in agreement.
"... enough of this." The robed angel growls. "Take over from here, I have duties to attend to."
"But sir!" You turn his way, and barely manage to avoid flinching as he turns his attention you way.
Focus! No hesitation! No fear!
"Why isn't Ardat here? I thought she just had to take some tests."
"That is none of your-" The annoyed digimon takes a deep breath. "Bellator Verge, her mental state is in critical condition as your near death can attest. She will be undergoing significant treatment and will not rejoin the squad until deemed fit for duty."
I see, that is. At least I know where she is? I can visit right?
Before you can ask, the officer steps away and leaps up, flying out of verbal range.
"Alright! Listen up assholes! I'm taking over for now so I need to see what you can do! Because of that jackass SkullSatomon you're stronger than I am, so you'll be fighting me
and my little helper here!"
Wait! We'll be fighting?! But-
"Get the Gryzmon first!" And then there's not more time for thought as the feathered beast digimon launches itself your way, talons flashing.
=== Choose One:
[] This is your chance to fight a challenging battle alongside Sparks. Meet up with him and attempt to fight two against two. This may be an Ultimate, but you've tangled with this before. This shouldn't be any different... right?
[] Pit is a decent tactician if his promotion is to be believed. You were a bit too busy to see his prowess before, but this is the perfect place to test it. Defend until the Pidmon comes up with a plan, then try to follow it.
[] After so many days of being cooped up in one room, this is your chance to finally let loose and get the kind of fight you've been craving. The feeling in your claws is stronger than ever, feed it energy and let loose your
Authors Note: Heh, I'm not going to lie. I've had a lot of fun with this update! I hope you guys like it as well.