[X] Defend Yourself: If *Taomon* decides to give into fear and ignore your superiors orders, then you need to be ready to block... which could be difficult given that the weapons are aimed at you from all sides. Plus, if the Throne does get her to calm down, then you wouldn't be doing anything rash.

Would rather not cast a spell because don't want to do anything that could be taken as starting the hostilities.
[X] Defend Yourself: If *Taomon* decides to give into fear and ignore your superiors orders, then you need to be ready to block... which could be difficult given that the weapons are aimed at you from all sides. Plus, if the Throne does get her to calm down, then you wouldn't be doing anything rash.
-[X] Frame Reinforce though. Just in case.
[X] Make An Exit: You're not going to wait around while the two digimon argue. Attempt to break out the way you came. Perhaps it's time to dive into that feeling that's around your claws, it might be something that could assist your escape.
[X] Defend Yourself: If *Taomon* decides to give into fear and ignore your superiors orders, then you need to be ready to block... which could be difficult given that the weapons are aimed at you from all sides. Plus, if the Throne does get her to calm down, then you wouldn't be doing anything rash.
-[X] Frame Reinforce though. Just in case.
Right! Vote is fairly one sided, so I'll be locking things in a half hour.
Adhoc vote count started by drexal15 on Jan 23, 2019 at 6:29 PM, finished with 29 posts and 15 votes.

  • [x] Defend Yourself: If *Taomon* decides to give into fear and ignore your superiors orders, then you need to be ready to block... which could be difficult given that the weapons are aimed at you from all sides. Plus, if the Throne does get her to calm down, then you wouldn't be doing anything rash.
    -[X] Frame Reinforce though. Just in case.
    [X] Make An Exit: You're not going to wait around while the two digimon argue. Attempt to break out the way you came. Perhaps it's time to dive into that feeling that's around your claws, it might be something that could assist your escape.

Adhoc vote count started by drexal15 on Jan 23, 2019 at 6:30 PM, finished with 29 posts and 15 votes.
24th Of Water: Disarming The Situation & MagnaAngemon
[] Defend Yourself: If *Taomon* decides to give into fear and ignore your superiors orders, then you need to be ready to block... which could be difficult given that the weapons are aimed at you from all sides. Plus, if the Throne does get her to calm down, then you wouldn't be doing anything rash.
-[] Frame Reinforce though. Just in case.


"Taomon I order you to stand down, now!" HolyAngemon barks and is followed shortly by the faint *Shiiing* sound of his sword leaving it's scabbard.

"We can't sir! He-that thing can't be allowed to leave!" The magical(?) mon protests, half-panicking.

... will she listen? Taomon may not, I must be prepared.

You rear up, putting your back to a corner where the fewest number of weapons will be able to find a target and raise both gauntlets high. The incantation for frame reinforce hot on your lips.

I cannot cover the entirety of my form. Prioritize Verge. Head and Core, those must be protected.

"HolyAngemon Sir, the regulations and holy instructions are clear! We can't allow that thing to escape! If we don't act now Alt City could face destruction again!"

"Bellator, Verge. Is my subordinate Imperius Taomon." The angel snaps, intentionally stressing the other mon's ranking. "He has proved himself a valuable member of our army and I will not let his end come here because of fear mongering. Now shut the defenses off, or I will take matters into my own hands."

Throne HolyAngemon is... really arguing for my safety. Why? He didn't seem to like me.

"Y-you wouldn't."

"I don't make idle threats."

"I..." the subordinate digimon trails off, leaving you with hope that she'll follow your commanding officer's orders. Something that ends up being short lived. "Unknown spell detected! The abomination is trying something! Activating-" The officer's yell is cut off as the whistling sound of a swung blade echoes over the speakers. "-Aaah!" Your ears are assaulted by a piercing yowl of agony, which is most assuredly from the supervisor.

Spirits below! He actually attacked her!.. Focus Verge. She must have been trying to fully activate the defenses.

"My-my arm. You-"

"The next. Takes your head. I'll say this one final time. Shut. It. Down."

Three seconds pass, punctuated only by the blaring and light whimpering; then the ranged weaponry retracts back, letting the covering panels slide back to cover the holes. Lastly, the door leading deeper inwards opens up, revealing a pair of nervously twitching Angemon.

"Bellator Verge." Your superiors voice comes through the speaker once more. "Continue into Alt City."

Right. Danger is over.

"Thank you for helping sir... are you going to be okay up there?"

"I will be having a discussion with Taomon's superior officer. For now, wait outside with the guards."

"Yes sir!" You throw a respectful salute at the nearest *speaker* and hurry out towards the pair of champions. Several moments later, you go through the last set of secure doors and exit the guard post into Alt City proper. You stand outside between the two Angemon and begin looking around.

It's a good thing that you already have some experience on the sheer multitude of mon bustling about these cities, otherwise the three thousand, seven hundred and eighteen individuals moving about would have been an overwhelming sight.

Naturally the architecture of this place is far from the organized blocks of metal, wood and stone buildings that populated Hub City. Instead the various shelters and places of business are far less regimented in size, shape and placement, but fall under a single aesthetic. Artificially clean white and gold, which is bright enough in the morning sun to the point of bothering your eyes.

Moving on to the actual inhabitants themselves, the digimon here are overwhelmingly angel and Holy Beast digimon. To the point of absurdity by your opinion given how homogenous the population seems to be. You can only spot a dozen or so mon of differing elements among those walking the paved streets.

Perhaps the normal mon are in a different section of the city? No that wouldn't explain the quantity of angels...

Your mind flashes back to the studying of trinary coding you'd done with Ardat on the ride over. You'd only touched on the basics of manipulating data, but it was clear that at higher levels it had the potential to do some crazy things.

Are their trees of rebirth somehow configured to only allow certain species to be born? Unless they're scouring the world for every holy digimon out there, I can't think of any other way of having so many of the same species. Hmm. Focus! You were nearly attacked back there! What in the Lord's name was in my data that made *Taomon* react like that? And beyond the gates... that sounds. I was too busy before but, now that I'm here... why does it sound vaguely familiar?


Ardat comes through next, and surprisingly there didn't seem to be any fuss about her nature. You'd have thought that there would have been something more given all the *Scion* talk, but according to the Former Witchmon they just let her through after scanning without a single problem.

Did those performing the scanning know of her nature already? I remember HolyAngemon using those "Ray-Dee-O's" things. They can apparently communicate long distances, so perhaps he was able to inform the garrison ahead of time? I can't tell, there's not enough information here.

Most fortunately, the rest of your group manages to come though without any hassles either. Of the trio, the only one that looks discontented is Pit, and when asked:

"Ah, comrade Verge! When scanning me they found some... despicable data." He half-snarls before trailing off into a sad sigh. "When... I nearly fell. After Angemon's death. My anger, the darkness it stained my holy body."

I see. From when he nearly underwent dark evolution. His path will be forever darkened by that shadow.

"Mine lord 'tis not a matter to overly concern thineself. You shalt overcome this and fulfill your ambition of that I am sure."

"Indeed Pit. What matters if how you choose to travel the road ahead. Dwell not on your past failures."

"Hyuk, hyuk. As you say cherished comrades! I shall not let this hinder my destiny!"


HolyAngemon is the last member to join your squad, and he's... as brusque as ever. The officer methodically hands out a series of maps detailing Alt City's layout to every member except Ardat before pointing out the barracks where you'll be staying. Not giving one to the former Witchmon is odd, but since asking about the reason would mean interrupting him you stay quiet.

"You will rendezvous in front of the barracks' training yard at six A.M. sharp. Until then, dissmissed. Do not cause trouble." He finishes off, looking towards Sparks, who's doing his very best to look innocent. "Initiate Ardat." The robed angel, steps up beside your friend. "I will be escorting you to the central bastion. There is further psychological testing that needs completed." The wommon flinches at his remark, but after a couple shallow breaths, nods.

Mist-Ardat is going somewhere else? Then I should...

"Sir, can I-"

"No." The officer cuts your request off, guessing (correctly at) your intention.

Darnit. Then...

"Throne HolyAngemon, what happened in the scanning room? Why did Taomon attempt to activate the defenses? Why did she mean by *Beyond the gates?"

"She did what?!"

"You were nearly attacked friend Verge?"

"That-that foolish creature. Attempting to delete our servant. We should-"

"Enough." your superior officer barks. "That information is classified. I can not let you know more than you've already heard"

"I can!" A new voice chimes in, as the armored angel from earlier steps free from the nearby passage. His energy blade extends, sweeping out into a salute. "Cherub MagnaAngemon at your service."

"Sir we can't-"

"-I can, Throne." The more bulky digimon cuts him off with an overly smug smirk. Earning a deep frown from the lower ranking angel. "Now, Verge was it?"

"Yes sir."

He seems... more laid back? More like SlashAngemon perhaps?

"It's really not that big of a secret. *The gates* are a series of exits from the digital world to distant servers and the space between. Something about the base coding of those places is different. Some jargon about markers. Anyway, Taomon picked up data from outside our digital world and freaked out. Do forgive her please, she's been under some stress recently."

... she tried to delete me. The only reason those defenses didn't activate was because HolyAngemon cut her hand off! But, then again, I didn't actually get attacked. If was in a bad mental place then, who am I to judge?

"According to the report, something like two percent of your vaccine data had that marker."

"And that's dangerous sir?"

"Eh," The angel's raises his left hand up flatly then wiggles it. "Not really in that amount. According to Cherubimon's scripture those other worlds hold dangerous entities, potentially able to *end the world itself* and other ridiculous things. The standard orders are technically to either secure or destroy anything made up of that kind of data, but with such little concentration we can bump the rules a bit. I read the reports on you, Gryzmon. You're clearly not some sort of world ending abomination. Pah. The occasional leak between realms can explain that odd part of you."

"Sir you really shouldn't-"

"-Maybe? But I am. He defeated a Wolfmon you know. I bet someone will have to brief him on this stuff sooner or later. Now where was I-oh yes!" His blade lowers to point at your head, though not maliciously. "There were a number of other discrepancies with your data. Viral corruption from multiple sources, one benign, the other not so much. Plus that whole dual attribute thing that has the data scrubbers going insane figuring out how you're even alive. It's hilarious. Hahahahaha." Finally the talkative digimon pauses, having to take another breath to keep speaking "There was also something their databanks didn't have on record, but with how crazy your body is I figure it's probably nothing to be concerned about. Worst comes to worst, I can always just send you to the void."

Send me to the void?... I don't know what that is, but I think I'd prefer avoiding that.

"Is that uh... all sir?"

By the ten that is... a lot to take in. Multiple forms of corruption? Unknown data! What the heck is going on with my body?

"Yep! You can all go on your way now! It was worth saying all that just to see the look on HolyAngemon's face."

"Hrngh." The robed angel grumbles, but doesn't dare object.

"Wow friend Verge! I will pray to The Lord for your health! That much uh, stuff can't be good all at once!"

"Spirits below."

"That's so cool!-We knew you'd be an interesting servant but this is spectacular!"

"Hn." Beat just shrugs.

=== Choose One

[] Beat is going to seek a gym. It might be a good idea to join him, you really wouldn't mind doing some training. After spending so long cooped up in a single compartment, it would be a blessing to truly exercise once more.

[] Sparks is going to go shopping for stuff, and scout out if he find any Digimentals. This could be a good chance to help him out and failing that figure out where the useful stores are.

[] Pit wants to visit the area's largest cathedral and this is a city of angels. If there are any mon capable of healing Sparks and your Scar, it might be there.

[] Find the closest Trading Post. You... have a few letters to send. Warren, Scourge, Grip, Frigimon and Fu. You need to figure out how they're doing.

=== Authors Note: I should have written all this yesterday. My apologies.
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[X] Sparks is going to go shopping for stuff, and scout out if he find any Digimentals. This could be a good chance to help him out and failing that figure out where the useful stores are.
[X] Sparks is going to go shopping for stuff, and scout out if he find any Digimentals. This could be a good chance to help him out and failing that figure out where the useful stores are.
-[X] While you're at it, look for a spellbook that Ardat might be able to use. One without Holy spells.

We have a promise
Are their trees of rebirth somehow configured to only allow certain species to be born? Unless they're scouring the world for every holy digimon out there, I can't think of any other way of having so many of the same species. Hmm. Focus! You were nearly attacked back there! What in the Lord's name was in my data that made *Taomon* react like that? And beyond the gates... that sounds. I was too busy before but, now that I'm here... why does it sound vaguely familiar?
Verge is probably missing the Personality and Stat based evolutions. You can get a LOT of one species of Champion if you have a specialized training and education program
Worst comes to worse, I can always just send you to the void
I like this guy already.
[X] Sparks is going to go shopping for stuff, and scout out if he find any Digimentals. This could be a good chance to help him out and failing that figure out where the useful stores are.
-[X] While you're at it, look for a spellbook that Ardat might be able to use. One without Holy spells.
[X] Find the closest Trading Post. You... have a few letters to send. Warren, Scourge, Grip, Frigimon and Fu. You need to figure out how they're doing.

I rather do this now rather then later since it shouldn't take a vast amount of time to do and it is a good make the effort to say in contact with our kids and friends even if we can't be there with them.

Plus, the sooner we send them the faster we can hear back and know how they are doing.
This is a tough choice of what to do.

How much money do we actually have on us at the moment?
Throne HolyAngemon is... really arguing for my safety. Why? He didn't seem to like me.
Because we are useful to him.
your commanding officers orders.
"Unknown spell detected! The abomination is trying something! Activating-"

It's a good thing that you already have some experience on the sheer multitude of mon bustling about these cities, otherwise the three thousand, seven hundred and eighteen individuals moving about would have been an overwhelming sight.
Damn, Verge. Counting that many things that exactly in the blink of an eye?
Moving onto the actual inhabitants themselves,
on to
but it was clear that at higher levels it was potential to do some crazy things.
Either "was potentially able" or "had the potential"
You'd have that there would have been something more given all the *Scion* talk,
Missing a word there.
"You will rendezvous in front of the barracks training yard at six A.M. sharp.
"Cherub MagnaAngemon at your service."
Huh? But that's just the English name of HolyAngemon? Why is it suddenly being used?
"There was also something their databanks didn't have on record, but with how crazy your body is I figure it's probably nothing to be concerned about. Worst comes to worse, I can always just send you to the void."
Gee, I sure would like to know what that is..............
[X] Find the closest Trading Post. You... have a few letters to send. Warren, Scourge, Grip, Frigimon and Fu. You need to figure out how they're doing.
[X] Sparks is going to go shopping for stuff, and scout out if he find any Digimentals. This could be a good chance to help him out and failing that figure out where the useful stores are.
-[X] While you're at it, look for a spellbook that Ardat might be able to use. One without Holy spells.
[X] Find the closest Trading Post. You... have a few letters to send. Warren, Scourge, Grip, Frigimon and Fu. You need to figure out how they're doing.

As for people voting for to get a spellbook for Ardat. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the issue that she kind of relied on being a Witchmon and their natural inclination for the magic arts? Once she lost that innate advantage when she digivolved, her understanding of High Programming went with it.

So your voting to get her a gift we know she can't actually use and remind her of what she lost?
[X] Find the closest Trading Post. You... have a few letters to send. Warren, Scourge, Grip, Frigimon and Fu. You need to figure out how they're doing.

1. I'd rather get in contact with out family ASAP.
2. Adding frame reinforce to the last post almost got us fired on stop just adding things at every opportunity.
[X] Find the closest Trading Post. You... have a few letters to send. Warren, Scourge, Grip, Frigimon and Fu. You need to figure out how they're doing.

It was close between this and helping Sparks, but want to send a letter since didn't get a chance to really say goodbye before leaving last time.
As for people voting for to get a spellbook for Ardat. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the issue that she kind of relied on being a Witchmon and their natural inclination for the magic arts? Once she lost that innate advantage when she digivolved, her understanding of High Programming went with it.

So your voting to get her a gift we know she can't actually use and remind her of what she lost?

No, we checked. She CAN use spellbooks and will pick it up at a normal pace. She just canct cast spells from memory anymore without a new reference, because she's been taking shortcuts in learning

I.e. originally she had Windstorm(2000/2000), now she has Windstorm(2000/3000) without Witchmon natural talent

This is how we move her AWAY from the LadyDevimon mentality and give her back her pride and joy in life. She defined herself by her mastery of Wind spells
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[X] Find the closest Trading Post. You... have a few letters to send. Warren, Scourge, Grip, Frigimon and Fu. You need to figure out how they're doing.
Technically yes. But this is a fairly easy and convenient way to differentiate the two modes while adding a bit of variety to the Hosts roster. I.e. by essentially making them different subspecies, though a mon could learn tonslide between them.
I can't blame you for that, not only do 'evil' digimon have a lot of variety they also Benita from a lot of recolors taken from 'non-evil' ones.

Curse you RPG enemy conventions.