Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X] Sixiang was her muse and her friend. Ling Qi was tired of being ignored. She would get Sixiang's attention and help.
[X] She could use a more human perspective. Even if her friends and family were not musically talented, they could give her feedback and advice.
[X] Sixiang was her muse and her friend. Ling Qi was tired of being ignored. She would get Sixiang's attention and help.
[X] She could use a more human perspective. Even if her friends were not musically talented, they could give her feedback and advice.
[X] She could use a more human perspective. Even if her friends and family were not musically talented, they could give her feedback and advice.

Mabye, meeting our mom's friends can give us some insight about life.
Adhoc vote count started by Arthelys on Jan 17, 2019 at 5:06 PM, finished with 78 posts and 60 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Arthelys on Jan 17, 2019 at 5:12 PM, finished with 81 posts and 63 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Arthelys on Jan 17, 2019 at 6:09 PM, finished with 95 posts and 72 votes.
Also, some minor WoG:
  • We can't get LWM because Zeqing thinks it would be unhealthy for us to cultivate both arts. If she wanted to make us actually Hanyi's older sister it would be fine though.
  • Major tutoring does indeed give the bonus to up to 12AP
  • People can get promoted from the military into the Inner Sect, and that's what fills up a lot of the lower ranks.
  • Nobles would generally be expected to not spend too long in the sect, unless they're going career. 5-8 years would be long.
[X] She could use a more human perspective. Even if her friends were not musically talented, they could give her feedback and advice.
[X] Sixiang was her muse and her friend. Ling Qi was tired of being ignored. She would get Sixiang's attention and help.
[x] Sixiang was her muse and her friend. Ling Qi was tired of being ignored. She would get Sixiang's attention and help.

If you wanna compose new music that you need to be good, and you can turn to a literal goddamn Muse for help, you probably should. Composition is also one of the areas Ling Qi is narratively weakest when it comes to music, so I'd like to take this seriously instead of just assuming higher music number equals win.
[X] Sixiang was her muse and her friend. Ling Qi was tired of being ignored. She would get Sixiang's attention and help.
[X] Sixiang was her muse and her friend. Ling Qi was tired of being ignored. She would get Sixiang's attention and help.
She was the better musician, Ling Qi thought, but the gap was not that large. As she thought that Ling Qi crested the top of the path and caught her first sight of the other girl. Yu Nuan stood with her back to the path, looking out over the cliffs edge. She was tall and dusky skinned, like Ling Qi herself, though not quite as much so. She wore boyish clothes, loose, baggy pants of heavy black cloth, tucked into sturdy boots, and a similarly loose shirt of dark purple silk that billowed on her lanky frame.

Her hair drew Ling Qi's eye, it was cut short, barely reaching her ears, and retained the natural curling that Ling Qi had tamed out of her own locks early last year. "What's up then?" She was shaken out of her thoughts by Yu Nuan's gruff voice. Ling Qi met the girls green eyes as Yu Nuan looked back over her shoulder. Ling Qi paused a moment, to stare at the jade studs piercing the girls lower lip and right eyebrow.

It's like looking into a distorted mirror.
A Ling Qi that held on to her street-rat origins and exemplifies its bluntness.

In comparison to Ling Qi who saw cultivation as a new start and assimilates the bearing and appearance of a noble lady.
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[X] She could use a more human perspective. Even if her friends and family were not musically talented, they could give her feedback and advice.
Mmm, basically, what I see here is that the choice of 'Inspiration' is going to flavor Ling Qi's 'Tone' for the upcoming Musical Debate.

Zeqing is likely going to flavor Ling Qi's position as "Tough shit, life sucks and everything crumbles" She's not good at upbeat. Problem here is that it's an argument that isn't really going to work here, because the other side knows that but feels the struggle is meaningful regardless from what's been hinted, hence, it's likely going to fall flat here. It'll be technically capable but a poor argument in this particular situation.

Sixiang is distracted right now, but assuming that they'll be able to give this proper attention, from what we've seen, Six wants us to be more upbeat--but theydoesn't quite get humans yet. It'll likely be successful, because Dreaming Moon Fairy + musical wunderkind is able to create a masterful performance--and it'll probably even win, but it'll likely do so by completely failing to address the opposite points, which isn't likely to be taken well.

"Friends and Family" though... Well, it's already been established that Qingge is fucking sublime when it comes to transmitting emotion through her compositions, to the point where it was acknowledged as delightful by a Fourth Realm spirit of song and cold. More importantly, it's the one that's actually liable to resound with a 'Rage against the machine' style punk rocker. "Yes, things are bad, but you can make things better for those around you as long as you're willing to put your mind to it." Even if we lose, we're liable to win an ally in the exchange, and I don't necessarily thing we'll lose there. More importantly, it'll help re-center Ling Qi's thoughts on things, by seeing the good that she's done in her short career so far.
[X] She could use a more human perspective. Even if her friends and family were not musically talented, they could give her feedback and advice.
Mmm, basically, what I see here is that the choice of 'Inspiration' is going to flavor Ling Qi's 'Tone' for the upcoming Musical Debate.

Zeqing is likely going to flavor Ling Qi's position as "Tough shit, life sucks and everything crumbles" She's not good at upbeat. Problem here is that it's an argument that isn't really going to work here, because the other side knows that but feels the struggle is meaningful regardless from what's been hinted, hence, it's likely going to fall flat here. It'll be technically capable but a poor argument in this particular situation.

Sixiang is distracted right now, but assuming that they'll be able to give this proper attention, from what we've seen, Six wants us to be more upbeat--but theydoesn't quite get humans yet. It'll likely be successful, because Dreaming Moon Fairy + musical wunderkind is able to create a masterful performance--and it'll probably even win, but it'll likely do so by completely failing to address the opposite points, which isn't likely to be taken well.

"Friends and Family" though... Well, it's already been established that Qingge is fucking sublime when it comes to transmitting emotion through her compositions, to the point where it was acknowledged as delightful by a Fourth Realm spirit of song and cold. More importantly, it's the one that's actually liable to resound with a 'Rage against the machine' style punk rocker. "Yes, things are bad, but you can make things better for those around you as long as you're willing to put your mind to it." Even if we lose, we're liable to win an ally in the exchange, and I don't necessarily thing we'll lose there. More importantly, it'll help re-center Ling Qi's thoughts on things, by seeing the good that she's done in her short career so far.
I think this is missing the good points of the non-family votes.

Zeqing is not just "Tough Shit, life sucks and everything crumbles", it's about the beauty of things crumbling. It's not emo, it's an appreciation of the End. Even as everything is destroyed, well, that's good in itself. There is a purity here, and it's key.

Sixiang is also a perfect partner for a composition that's about system change. Sixiang is an obvious example of someone that's all about Chaos when Shenhua is all about Perfect Order, but Sixiang was just shellshocked by some of the possible extrapolation of chaos, too. If we want to talk about the a more ambiguous philosophical argument where both Order and Chaos are important, but from a spirit standpoint, Sixian is very good.

"Friends and Family" are the mortal PoV. It's taking Yu Nuan's own argument at her own level and trying to battle her in her own playground, except that a lot of our friends are high nobles and stuff, so it won't be of the same opinion as hers.

All choices are interesting, here.
[X] She could use a more human perspective. Even if her friends and family were not musically talented, they could give her feedback and advice.
[X] Sixiang was her muse and her friend. Ling Qi was tired of being ignored. She would get Sixiang's attention and help.

Can't wait to hear Yu Nuan's version Of Murder the Government. I wanna form Kung Fu Sleater-Kenny now.
[] Spend that time with Zeqing, who else could offer her the greatest insight?
This would be the option for the best technical performance. But since the goal of the challenge isn't musical technique but rather the message of the music presented it won't be what we need right now.
[] Sixiang was her muse and her friend. Ling Qi was tired of being ignored. She would get Sixiang's attention and help.
While this would cover the message part, the issue is that Sixiang would have us send a message that isn't Ling Qi's.
Besides, trying to get a hold on your muse is futile, you can only to let it come to you.
[X] She could use a more human perspective. Even if her friends and family were not musically talented, they could give her feedback and advice.
This is what Ling Qi is about, hence the best help to bring out a deeply potent message in her music.

[edit] there's also the issue of our left-over trauma from the King of the Forest adventure: i don't think Ling Qi really needs anymore Spirit's Point of View right now...
Adhoc vote count started by Ayashi on Jan 17, 2019 at 5:39 PM, finished with 91 posts and 70 votes.
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[X] She could use a more human perspective. Even if her friends and family were not musically talented, they could give her feedback and advice.
[edit] there's also the issue of our left-over trauma from the King of the Forest adventure: i don't think Ling Qi really needs anymore Spirit's Point of View right now...
Huh... Sixiang was the only ones of our friend that was truly shocked by what happened. Meizhen was basically "well, tough luck, though that's more of what the barbarians do". In a very real way, the King of the forest is about humans fucking up, rather than about spirits.

There is a solid argument for all three guidance- Zeqing, Sixiang, mortals- to help Ling Qi bring a 'response' to what happened. This is arguably why I am wary of the Zeqing vote, as while her response would be very interesting it might not be the story I prefer.
[X] She could use a more human perspective. Even if her friends and family were not musically talented, they could give her feedback and advice.
[X] Sixiang was her muse and her friend. Ling Qi was tired of being ignored. She would get Sixiang's attention and help.