Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X] 7 CP
[X] 30 Green Stones, 300 Yellow
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Echoes of Absolute Winter: B
Duration: Special
A technique used in tandem with Aria of Springs End, if activated at the same time, the Aria carries an echo of true winter, stilling the very air around the singer with its freezing chill. Attacks targeting the user, or which have an area of effect overlapping with Aria's have their penetration reduced by one rank as the cold devours the energy of the technique or attack. Similarly, Cold or Dark techniques used by the singer against those in range of Aria have their Hit or Penetration enhanced by one rank, as chosen by the user.
*smashes through the wall Kool aid man style*. HEY GUYS HAVE YOU HEARD THE GOOD WORD ABOUT ICE ARCHERY?!?!
So, time to talk shop about a revealed tech that I am extremely excited about. "Joyous Toast"

There is a couple of things to note here. First off, this tech is slow, like really slow. You have to have IPF active already, then you do this which does nothing on the turn that it is activated, and then the next music, dance, or art based technique (presumably next turn) is bumped up a rank for determining effects. Slow, but very powerful, especially when used with higher ranked music, dance, or art based techniques. Lower ranked techniques aren't as valuable for being buffed, however, as the difference between those ranks are smaller compared to say... the difference between B and A (or A and S).

So, what techs does "Joyous Toast" work on? Well, anything from PLR, SCS, FSS, and FVM as those all have dance or music in their categories. Which ones should we use Joyous Toast on? Well, a couple spring to mind. First off, all of these techniques are all going to be the improved versions which we don't have yet, the non-improved versions work as well.

Bumping this up to B means that the qi drained will be more (which means more for us) and there will be more of a debuff when the sights and sounds cloud the target's mind and steals their strength. All in all, a pretty good buff.

This one is actually interesting it should increase the damage by a rank as well as increasing the debuff to the target's vitality and will. This is important, as we have other debuffs that have additional effects when a target fails a save that has something to do with their will. So increasing the debuff to the target's vitality and will could be used to trigger some other debuffs.

Using Joyous Toast on Grinning Cresent Dancer means that we can have our first A ranked defensive technique. Enhancing this technique to A would mean an even greater ability to avoid attacks and stay ahead of foes, while in darkness ignoring more of the impact of even those attacks which strike us. Having this at A rank will be fantastic for our continued survivability.

And finally, my favorite wombo combo

Making this an A-ranked technique could be utterly broken. First off, "While active all Forgotten Vale Techniques are considered one rank higher, and attempts to dispel them must first dispel Travler's End." Using "Joyous Toast" with Traveler's End means that TE will be considered one rank higher for determining effects, while also buffing itself to be one rank higher. This means that TE could reach S-Rank and require an S-rank dispel before dispelling any other FVM techniques.

This also means that the nuke for ending the melody would be calculated as if it was from an S-ranked technique as well as the paralysis effect. Which is utterly bonkers.

Joyous Toast serves as a potentially powerful defensive and offensive buff, depending on the situation at hand. While slow and tedious to set up, the effects of this technique when properly used could be devastating. As in... a nuke with a radius of "very far" computing its damage as if it was an S-ranked technique.

I dunno, I am far more taken in by using the Joyous Toast with FSS ability Echoes of Absolute Winter.

(Apparently Zeqing knows how to teach the Divine Power: Monochrome???)
I dunno, I am far more taken in by using the Joyous Toast with FSS ability Echoes of Absolute Winter.

(Apparently Zeqing knows how to teach the Divine Power: Monochrome???)
The only problem that I see with that combo is that we know exactly what Echoes of Absolute Winter does, it reduces opponents pen by a rank when attacking us and increases our pen or hit by a rank when they are in range of Spring's End Aria. I'm not sure what difference increasing the tech's rank would do.

However, that could be interesting.

If it does increase it marginally, then I'm interested in what will happen when a Joyous Toast buffs a Joyous Toast. It might be possible to chain it together to reach absurd heights.
[X] 6 CP
[X] 30 Green Stones, 300 Yellow

A substantially better outcome than expected.

With this, next turn's max GSS is guaranteed. Pushing into the 775 - 800 bracket will drop the net expense / turn down to 1 GSS, which is easily sustainable into Green Three.

By that point we'll want to be in at least the 725 - 774 bracket, but preferably in the 675 - 700 range, if we can manage that, for the Vent and that third extra stone.

Three GSS in monthly sect income combined with the probable 8 virtual GSS/month from EPC 8 and the income from CRX (presuming that income does not increase), would allow us to sustain 12 GSS/turn through Green Three without costing us a damn thing.

If the Greater Vent provides 4 Virtual GSS/turn instead of 16 Virtual YSS/turn, then we can stockpile GSS against future need.

The only problem that I see with that combo is that we know exactly what Echoes of Absolute Winter does, it reduces opponents pen by a rank when attacking us and increases our pen or hit by a rank when they are in range of Spring's End Aria. I'm not sure what difference increasing the tech's rank would do.

However, that could be interesting.

If it does increase it marginally, then I'm interested in what will happen when a Joyous Toast buffs a Joyous Toast. It might be possible to chain it together to reach absurd heights.

I'm more interested in using it with Sable Crescent Step, which should bump the technique to A-rank - meaning that the 'single attack of equal or lower rank' to be avoided would be up to A-rank.

I wonder what the interaction with Sun Liling's blood-spear would be?
I'm more interested in using it with Sable Crescent Step, which should bump the technique to A-rank - meaning that the 'single attack of equal or lower rank' to be avoided would be up to A-rank.

I wonder what the interaction with Sun Liling's blood-spear would be?
That is interesting. I doubt that Sun Liling's Blood spear is an S ranked technique which means that we could avoid the blood spear. The problem I see, however, is that Sun Liling's blood spear is an opening move for her and we won't have the time to boost up Sable Cresent Step for the attack.

I feel that it would be more powerful for Sun's ultimate attack at the end of the Tournament final, as we don't have a really good response to that amount of spears.
[X] 30 Green Stones, 300 Yellow

GSS are directly useful in our cultivation while Virtual YSS already cap us out.

[X] 20 CP

We're going to win the fight so I see no reason not to get some free CP while doing so.
[X] 6 CP
[X] 30 Green Stones, 300 Yellow

This seems to be the trending vote.

Also, Joyous Toast?
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Mmmh right, the CP question was answered.

[X] 7 CP
[X] 30 Green Stones, 300 Yellow
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