[HALP] me! (WORM quest)

I don't think this is the kind of thing we can ask Taylor. Canon Taylor at the very end would choose to fight, but early Taylor? That's asking Vhal to decide the entire direction of the quest, he'll just say no, deflect in character, or get irritated at us.

Prophetic dreams are fine, it addresses some of my problems about overly casual abruptness. Its less forced if we ease her into it. maybe show moments from the past, like Dannys perspective, Emma getting attacked by the ABB, Fortuna stabbing Eden instead. If actually prophetic it should be alternate could have been futures, I don't want her to actually mistake them for the absolute truth. Like the canon Eden interlude, when she and Scion are the greatest heroes in the world where the Wardens fight the Shepards.

Everyone participating has different definitions of morality and reason I suppose. You think this is creepy, I find a sacrifice play pretty heroic redemption. You want to send Bitch off to the asylum, I think that's completely unjust.
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@Mount. Elements @Gino @Kejmur @The_GrandMage

What do you all think on my suggestion for using prophetic dreams as a way to introduce ourself, with it we should have enough time to prepare and it is suitably dramatic for my taste.
I think prophetic dreams are a good compromise, but I don't want to do a time skip. Time skips remove one research roll per week skipped, and we need all of the research rolls we can get to finish the Stronger Trigger tree.

Does anyone have any preferences about what to do with the Cauldron Shards? My plan has us contacting the Shards for Trainwreck, Trickster, Gregor, and Coil and asking them for a diagnostic report but not actually eating any of them. Do you all want to do something else instead?
Prophetic dreams are fine, it addresses some of my problems either overly casual abruptness. Its less forced if we ease her into it.

I'm fine with prophetic dreams. What we may do in those dreams is to introduce OUR role and ask her for permission/opinion I guess? Like does she wants us to be with there directly with us there at one point (Zizster option)? Act as her advisor? Keep it as a dream and not involve ourselves with her directly outside of dreams? This is how it may go.

And if 'sacrifice' option is considered, I will vote against it personally. But we'll see what happens.

I think prophetic dreams are a good compromise, but I don't want to do a time skip. Time skips remove one research roll per week skipped, and we need all of the research rolls we can get to finish the Stronger Trigger tree.

Does anyone have any preferences about what to do with the Cauldron Shards? My plan has us contacting the Shards for Trainwreck, Trickster, Gregor, and Coil and asking them for a diagnostic report but not actually eating any of them. Do you all want to do something else instead?

1. I agree, no timeskips.
2. It may be worth to leave Cauldron Shards for now without eating them. I'm curious if something unexpected will happen if we leave them alone.
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I think prophetic dreams are a good compromise, but I don't want to do a time skip. Time skips remove one research roll per week skipped, and we need all of the research rolls we can get to finish the Stronger Trigger tree.

Does anyone have any preferences about what to do with the Cauldron Shards? My plan has us contacting the Shards for Trainwreck, Trickster, Gregor, and Coil and asking them for a diagnostic report but not actually eating any of them. Do you all want to do something else instead?
definitely no time skip, research is critical, and I don't want to let Mouse Protector die. Can we at least agree to seek out her shard to save her?

Also we should definitely do more Cauldron research before eating them.
I'm fine with prophetic dreams. What we may do in those dreams is to introduce OUR role and ask her for permission/opinion I guess? Like does she wants us to be with there directly with us there at one point (Zizster option)? Act as her advisor? Keep it as a dream and not involve ourselves with her directly outside of dreams? This is how it may go.

And if 'sacrifice' option is considered, I will vote against it personally. But we'll see what happens.

1. I agree, no timeskips.
2. It may be worth to leave Cauldron Shards for now without eating them. I'm curious if something unexpected will happen if we leave them alone.

We do need to find a data source though, maybe a bog standard nosentient that on one cares about. But again, if we directly ask Taylor what she wants, I very much doubt Vhal will give us a straight answer. He wants us to make decisions.

I just realized your location was in Poland, I didn't think SV got much traffic out of America, that's neat. Unless you just wanted to put a random cool foreign city. Which, fair enough.
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Apparently, none of my last guesses were correct so now I'm seeing if I can match up Circus, Alexandria, and Legend with any addresses.

Alternate - Circus (Circus has access to a pocket dimension.)
Frictionless - Legend (I remember something about his Shard being related to traveling.)
Singular - Alexandria (Just a guess based on how her form doesn't change.)
Apparently, none of my last guesses were correct so now I'm seeing if I can match up Circus, Alexandria, and Legend with any addresses.

Alternate - Circus (Circus has access to a pocket dimension.)
Frictionless - Legend (I remember something about his Shard being related to traveling.)
Singular - Alexandria (Just a guess based on how her form doesn't change.)
Circus also is gender fluid, which is alternate.
We do need to find a data source though, maybe a bog standard nosentient that on one cares about. But again, if we directly ask Taylor what she wants, I very much doubt Vhal will give us a straight answer. He wants us to make decisions.

Yeah, I can see it. I just simply... find it rude to not ask her for opinion and drop a 'bomb' of this type on her without any warning.

Another idea may be to create 'Zizster avatar' just from potential 'guy x' and find her and introduce ourselves as an... alien and make her as our 'first contact' scenario. Not a fan, but hey, it may be a less drastic way to introduce at least 'Zizster scenario' if people decide to go for it. While explain to her some things.
Everyone participating has different definitions of morality and reason I suppose. You think this is creepy, I find a sacrifice play pretty heroic redemption. You want to send Bitch off to the asylum, I think that's completely unjust.

I think that we have a different view of mental health facilities, I live in Norway so I very much have a lot of trust in government institutions that are there to help people. So from my perspective we are having her visit a facility where she can get help from people that want the best for her.

Also we should definitely do more Cauldron research before eating them.


We do need to find a data source though, maybe a bog standard nosentient that on one cares about. But again, if we directly ask Taylor what she wants, I very much doubt Vhal will give us a straight answer. He wants us to make decisions.

We would likely have to balance what she wants with what she needs. Taylor is a very defined character so there is a lot that Vhal can do with her, but ultimately we are the ones to decide and we want the best for Taylor so we will just have to do a choice and do our best to make it work

Prophetic dreams are fine, it addresses some of my problems about overly casual abruptness. Its less forced if we ease her into it. maybe show moments from the past, like Dannys perspective, Emma getting attacked by the ABB, Fortuna stabbing Eden instead. If actually prophetic it should be alternate could have been futures, I don't want her to actually mistake them for the absolute truth. Like the canon Eden interlude, when she and Scion are the greatest heroes in the world where the Wardens fight the Shepards.
I think prophetic dreams are a good compromise, but I don't want to do a time skip. Time skips remove one research roll per week skipped, and we need all of the research rolls we can get to finish the Stronger Trigger tree.
I'm fine with prophetic dreams. What we may do in those dreams is to introduce OUR role and ask her for permission/opinion I guess? Like does she wants us to be with there directly with us there at one point (Zizster option)? Act as her advisor? Keep it as a dream and not involve ourselves with her directly outside of dreams? This is how it may go.

Ok thanks for the feedback. I will get to writing up a first draft for the new vote. Also: :o We lose a research roll for time skip!? Nooooooooo. Oh well we are not lacking in things to do.
Not only is this not Noway, it's also America. Not only is it America, its Worm's third world America that refuses to admit that everything is on fire. There was cost cutting bill in the middle late 20th that cut funding for asylums after a research study came out that many doctors couldn't tell the difference between an actually mentally ill person and someone who was faking it for the study. Even after they told the doctor it was a study. on the second try, the doctors discovered dozens of fake patients, and patted themselves on the back. The scientists hadn't sent anyone. This absolutely crippled the system in America, asylums were shut down across the country and contributed greatly to the homeless population. It was a major setback, and while its gotten better since, asylums in America don't really help their patients as much as they provide long term care. And of course, often as not there as been evidence of rampant corruption, incompetence, and caretaker abuse.
Unsurprisingly, mental health care does not have the best reputation here. Mostly privately run instead of government. Very focused on medication. The Prozac problem, where everyone is addicted.
So yeah, Rachel isn't going to get anything we want her to get out of that. Getting her a therapist would be better.
Also the slightest hint of mental illness still carries social stigma, "Oh so there's something wrong with him? He's sick in the head?"
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A sacrifice play can be done well, but not when you're basically making Taylor fight Zion. That's not a sacrifice at all. That's looking at one bit, "Oh, we overwrote ourselves for Taylor" and ignoring everything else. I find the fact we're forcing Taylor to fight against Zion, in both aspects, one possibly dying, and the Shardmind being cut off from humanity to be sacrificing Taylor, not ourselves.

What do you all think on my suggestion for using prophetic dreams as a way to introduce ourself, with it we should have enough time to prepare and it is suitably dramatic for my taste.

I don't mind the dreams themselves, they play into my dream suggestions earlier.
I'm not fond of the Tarot symbolism, because it seems heavy-handed. If we're showing her things in dreams, why are we using abstract representations of things as well?
Also, Timeskips are terrible.

But again, if we directly ask Taylor what she wants, I very much doubt Vhal will give us a straight answer. He wants us to make decisions.

Probably not, but unless we want to be just another form of authority forcing her to do what we want we should at least ask, right?
Plus if we do, we might just get a vote called to go one way or the other.

Does anyone have any preferences about what to do with the Cauldron Shards? My plan has us contacting the Shards for Trainwreck, Trickster, Gregor, and Coil and asking them for a diagnostic report but not actually eating any of them. Do you all want to do something else instead?

I'd originally thought about eating any obviously broken, like Emote's energy crisis, and attempting to Repair others like Charge who might be salvageable.
We'd get more data and solve more problems just eating them, though. Also be re-integrating things lost of Eden's demise into a working network.

I say eat any obviously broken, learn more about those not, and see what comes of it. If Aberration doesn't show up and we get a large uptick in data, why not do it? There are apparently possible Research ways to "Un-Eat" them later, probably in a repaired state. Leaving a bunch of corrupted Shards around, who might even be corrupting the data they're supposed to be collecting, doesn't seem to be doing anything. And is a noticeable downturn in our possible data collection. Overall, mechanically it's more sound to get more data. Morally they're basically broken computers, why not try and salvage their parts and code to make ourselves better? I'm not really seeing a reason not to eat them besides anthropomorphic reasons, and even then only Panacea and Tattletale, fairly major characters have had fully realized Shards. I'd almost say the sapient Shards are NPCs, and everything else is a resource. The fact Shift is growing into an NPC from a resource seems to be the QM's way of saying, "Revenge or Redemption. You can choose."

So I say eat all (non-sapient or broken) Cauldron Shards. Get that data. Sweet, sweet data.
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I'm mostly with grand mage on the Cauldron problem. We should tell Gaea and Negotiator first. Say we'll look into repairing some of the salvageable shards but some of them are just too far gone.

They seem nervous around us, let's try not be mean. Reassure them we're not gonna cannibalize them.
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I don't mind the dreams themselves, they play into my dream suggestions earlier.
I'm not fond of the Tarot symbolism, because it seems heavy-handed. If we're showing her things in dreams, why are we using abstract representations of things as well?
The idea is basically to give Taylor a schedule that so she can be a bit prepared, but also to give her a way to gather greater understanding if she decides to look into it. Also I love Persona.
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The idea is basically to give Taylor a schedule that so she can be a bit prepared, but also to give her a way to gather greater understanding if she decides to look into it. Also I love Persona.
I think it might be better to cut the tarot symbols out all together. It's one thing to have weird dreams; it's another to start hallucinating while you're awake. Taylor might trigger from the stress of wondering whether she's gone crazy, and it would be Administrator's fault. I don't want Taylor to hate Administrator.
The idea is basically to give Taylor a schedule that so she can be a bit prepared, but also to give her a way to gather greater understanding if she decides to look into it.

We could also have her show up in a hallway with a number of of doors each labelled with a question and let the QM randomly roll for the order she answers them in, letting the dreams come as they go and just show her the same hallway with whatever doors are left each night.

If you want her to know a thing, we can just let her ask and add new doors as we agree on scenarios as to how to answer them.

Making her look up Tarot meanings to get a greater understanding of what those visions mean and why we chose them just comes across as pretentious to me. I mean, if everyone wants to do it, fine, but I'm not a fan.
I think it might be better to cut the tarot symbols out all together. It's one thing to have weird dreams; it's another to start hallucinating while you're awake. Taylor might trigger from the stress of wondering whether she's gone crazy, and it would be Administrator's fault. I don't want Taylor to hate Administrator.
With you here, no direct contact until after we dream meet. Also from way earlier, if we wait until we have an avatar to introduce ourselves it'll be a long time where Taylor is doing whatever she wants as a cape with no idea of the bigger picture.
Daytime tarot hallucinations out of the blue are no good for my sanity let me tell you.
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With you here, no direct contact until after we dream meet. Also from way earlier, if we wait until we have an avatar to introduce ourselves it'll be a long time where Taylor is doing whatever she wants as a cape with no idea of the bigger picture.
I'm not sure what you're saying exactly. I'm saying that it might be better to keep the prophetic dreams and not use the tarot symbol hallucinations because the hallucinations might make her think that she's going crazy, and we want to at least get Stabilize Trigger before she triggers.
I'm not sure what you're saying exactly. I'm saying that it might be better to keep the prophetic dreams and not use the tarot symbol hallucinations because the hallucinations might make her think that she's going crazy, and we want to at least get Stabilize Trigger before she triggers.
No no, I agree with you.

Wait is Vhal already writing, didn't the library/older Taylor/frozen moment paintings win?
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Thanks for the feed back I will look into fixing it. Also any preference for avatar, I have just copy pasted what I wrote for avatar from the previous vote (older Taylor, blue cog wheel iris that turn, wearing black suit pants, dress shoes, white shirt, grey vest and black tie)
Thanks for the feed back I will look into fixing it. Also any preference for avatar, I have just copy pasted what I wrote for avatar from the previous vote (older Taylor, blue cog wheel iris that turn, wearing black suit pants, dress shoes, white shirt, grey vest and black tie)
Fuck it, bipedal platypus in a tench coat, no opposable thumbs but still typing somehow. Taylor can't understand how hes doing it. Be surreal, admit this was unintentional, we don't actually look like this, mistakes were made.
I also appreciate being a platypus. Although maybe instead of a trench coat, it's just swimming around in midair.

"Look, mistakes were made. Just,. . . just laugh it out and let's move on."
I also appreciate being a platypus. Although maybe instead of a trench coat, it's just swimming around in midair.

"Look, mistakes were made. Just,. . . just laugh it out and let's move on."
that works too, but make it weirder somehow. i like that no thumbs but somehow typing.
Adhoc vote count started by Parzival95 on Jan 11, 2019 at 10:06 PM, finished with 138 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Research Plan, Ducats: Continuation
    -[X] Continue previous research
    [X] Telekinetic Plan, Ducats: Greetings and goodbyes
    -[X] Greet Telekinetic and ask how the cycle has been for them and if they have had any exceptional successes or failures
    -[X] Inform Telekinetic of the state of Emote and of their impending recycling
    --[X] Ask Telekinetic to report any shard that is as broken Emote
    ---[X] If a shard is in not too bad a state have them contact us so we can see if we can fix them
    -[X] Request sharing of senses
    [X] Emote Plan, Ducats: Recycle
    -[X] Emote is burning the last of its energy and is not functioning, commence with consumption of shard transfer of host
    --[X] Set another instance to assist Gaea with operation Amy and Alcohol
    [X] Plan "Find a Test Subject"
    -[X] If we do end up eating Charge, we should probably first test it out on the Shard of a villain to see what happens to the host during the consumption process.
    -[X] Contact Prosthetic (Trainwreck), Swap (Trickster), Transparency (Gregor) and Twin (Coil) and ask for the status of both the Shard and the host, including a full diagnostic report. Trainwreck would be the preferred test subject, but hopefully contacting a number of Cauldron Shards will help us find any patterns
    -[X] We'll probably end up eating Prosthetic, but let's get the diagnostic report first in case of any unexpected issues.
    [X] Plan "Wait to decide about Emote"
    -[X] We might eat him, or we might fix him for whatever reason. Let's try eating a villain's Shard to see any side effects on the host first.
    [X] Plan "Stay away from Charge"
    -[X] While we're not happy about Charge attacking us, we should probably wait to act until after we've sorted through the data she sent us.
    -[X] However, the current research is too important to put on hold. Don't spend an active slot to sort through the data.
    [X] Plan "Check up on Shift"
    -[X] We just sent some important protocols to Shift yesterday. Maybe we should check up on her to make sure they're working out as planned.
    -[X] If she's implemented them correctly, reassure her that she did a good job. If there are problems that are not the result of Shift disobeying, then reassure her we're not mad and help her correct them.
    [X] Taylor-Plan "Start off Slowly"
    -[X] Send Taylor a dream that shows how worried her dad is about her based off the posted omake.
    [X] Human Biology
    [X] Gaea Plan, Ducats: Notice of Recycling and Research
    -[X] Inform Gaea of the state of Emote and of their impending recycling
    --[X] Ask Gaea to report any shard that is as broken Emote
    ---[X] If a shard is in not too bad a state have them contact us so we can see if we can fix them
    -[X] Request data on the biology of host species and viable mutations
    -[X] Request sharing of senses
    [X] Focused Research 1
    [X] Focused Research 1
    -[X] Add 100 points (PurposefulZephyr)
    [X] Charge Plan, Ducats: Analysis and repairs
    -[X] 4 hours of data analysis
    -[X] Contemplate viability of separating the sapient shard from the non-sapient shard and repairing them
    ----------[X] "Good evening Taylor, it is nice to finally meet you. My name is the Administrator and I am one of the sources of what you call parahuman powers.I am contacting you because you are one of the potential people who I will give powers and I think the current way that my kind operates are unacceptable and would like to give you a better chance"
    [x] Plan Redshirt
    [x] Focussed Research 1
    [X] Taylor Plan, Ducats: First contact from beyond the stars
    -[X] Avatar: An older version of Taylor (enough similarity to evoke memories of her mother, but not enough to seem like we are wearing her skin (the Contessa approach))
    --[X] Dressed in black suit pants, dress shoes, white shirt, grey vest and black tie
    ---[X] The iris of the eyes are blue cogs that gently turn
    -[X] Taylor appears inside a big library, it stretches as far as can be seen.
    --[X] The library is filled to the brim with all we know from all the cycles, but all the books that are labeled as the Administrator's property can't be opened.
    ---[X] When she tries to open one and fails, a carbuncle (creature) approaches her and tells her
    ----[X] "Those books belong the Administrator, if you want to read them you will have to ask them for permission. If you would follow me I will lead you to them"
    -----[X] As the Carbuncle leads Taylor through the library they will pass griffins sorting the shelves. They will soon arrive in a corridor with walls that are shelves filled with books and a lot of them are labeled as belonging to Taylor, at the end of the corridor is a door with "Administrator" written on it. When they arrive in front of it, the Carbuncle will tell Taylor to wait a little.
    ------[X] If Taylor gets interested in the books with her name on it and begins to read one, the wait will be a few minutes.
    -------[X] After the short wait a voice much like her own will tell them to come in.
    --------[X] When the door opens the Administrator sits behind a desk working on a computer and at the feet of the desk there are two pet beds, one of them have a platypus in it. On the walls there will be pictures that are almost real enough to be a portal into the pictures, they will depict the arrival of Scion. the death of Hero. Behemoth rising. Lung at Kyushu. the Simurgh descending. Ellisburg. Eagleton. Jack Slash. The Triumvirate in action. The chains of Dragon. The creation of a case 53. Goddess in the midst of conquest (Thanks Gino).
    ---------[X] As Taylor enters the room the Administrator looks up, moves the computer screen to the side and greets her.
    ----------[X] "Good evening Taylor, it is nice to finally meet you. My name is the Administrator and I am one of the sources of what you call parahuman powers. As you might have noticed on these walls are the moments that define this age of parahumans, forever immortalized here ignorant to the march of time. Taylor the reason you are here is because this is such a moment. We have much to discuss, please make yourself comfortable."
    -----------[X] Explain how we are from a species that give out powers so they can research what they do. Explain how our species looks at everything from the lens of conflict and that this is imprinted onto those that they bond with and is likely one of the big causes behind the chaos that parahumans bring. Tell her how our greater ability to understand her species makes us able to see the world beyond that perspective.
    ------------[X] Begin talking about we would like to have her assistance in unfucking her world.
    -------------[X] Offer her powers after explaining what a trigger event is and why it is necessary to give her powers and how she is already on the trajectory towards a trigger. Explain how we will have to seal her memories of talking with us when she is awake and has not experienced a trigger, but also offer to talk with her when she is asleep. Also inform her that if she accepts we will erase her memories of the day she triggers and give a report on what happened, explain that it is to minimize trauma on her side.
    --------------[X] If she accepts, continue to converse with her until we have to go
    --------------[X] If she does not accept send her on her way and wish her luck
    ---------------[X] Lead Danny to her bully journals
    [x] Spend an hour sorting through Charge's data. Don't eat Charge until you've sorted through the whole thing - best to understand what the heck's up with the conjoined evil twin first, lest you end up with your own parasite.
    [x] Contact Prosthetic and Audible, and check on their status.
    -[x] Ask Prosthetic, Audible, and Emote for full diagnostics reports.
    [x] Keep housetraining Shift. Return most of its data already sorted, then ask Shift to try sorting the last five or so pieces of Information itself. Praise it on success, and be understanding and supportive if it makes a mistake.
    -[x] Ask for an initial report on how the new aggression factor has worked out. Dispense praise/headpats if it went well.
    [x] Talk to Gaia. See if/how your little plan worked out. If you can, get a play-by-play so you can provide emergency advice if/when things go horribly wrong.
    -[x] Contact the other Shards of involved people and monitor the trainwreck through that angle as well.
    [x] Contact Lightforge and Lightshell, and check on their sentience status. If appropriate, ask for addresses.
    [x] Communicate with Taylor in dreams.
    -[x] This is just a "proof-of-concept", to see what communicating with her is like and to test your ability to shape dreams.
    -[x] Don't reveal anything specific yet, at all.
    -[x] Take the form of a platypus, and claim you are a powerful being taking an interest in her affairs. Ask her what her life is like, and provide useful advice for her problems as appropriate.
    [x] Memetic Proxy Filtering 1
    [x] Plan Platypus just voting for a platypus avatar. Add to another plan for a complete vote i guess. {example: Plan Ducat + Platypus would be Ducat's plans but substitute a nice nonthreatening playpus instead of the creepy almost doppelganger}
Research Plan, Ducats: Continuation
Continue previous research

Taylor Plan, Ducats: First contact from beyond the stars
Avatar: An older version of Taylor (enough similarity to evoke memories of her mother, but not enough to seem like we are wearing her skin (the Contessa approach))
Dressed in black suit pants, dress shoes, white shirt, grey vest and black tie
The iris of the eyes are blue cogs that gently turn
Taylor appears inside a big library, it stretches as far as can be seen.
The library is filled to the brim with all we know from all the cycles, but all the books that are labeled as the Administrator's property can't be opened.
When she tries to open one and fails, a carbuncle (creature) approaches her and tells her
"Those books belong the Administrator, if you want to read them you will have to ask them for permission. If you would follow me I will lead you to them"
As the Carbuncle leads Taylor through the library they will pass griffins sorting the shelves. They will soon arrive in a corridor with walls that are shelves filled with books and a lot of them are labeled as belonging to Taylor, at the end of the corridor is a door with "Administrator" written on it. When they arrive in front of it, the Carbuncle will tell Taylor to wait a little.
If Taylor gets interested in the books with her name on it and begins to read one, the wait will be a few minutes.
After the short wait a voice much like her own will tell them to come in.
When the door opens the Administrator sits behind a desk working on a computer and at the feet of the desk there are two pet beds, one of them have a platypus in it. On the walls there will be pictures that are almost real enough to be a portal into the pictures, they will depict the arrival of Scion. the death of Hero. Behemoth rising. Lung at Kyushu. the Simurgh descending. Ellisburg. Eagleton. Jack Slash. The Triumvirate in action. The chains of Dragon. The creation of a case 53. Goddess in the midst of conquest (Thanks Gino).
As Taylor enters the room the Administrator looks up, moves the computer screen to the side and greets her.
"Good evening Taylor, it is nice to finally meet you. My name is the Administrator and I am one of the sources of what you call parahuman powers. As you might have noticed on these walls are the moments that define this age of parahumans, forever immortalized here ignorant to the march of time. Taylor the reason you are here is because this is such a moment. We have much to discuss, please make yourself comfortable."
Explain how we are from a species that give out powers so they can research what they do. Explain how our species looks at everything from the lens of conflict and that this is imprinted onto those that they bond with and is likely one of the big causes behind the chaos that parahumans bring. Tell her how our greater ability to understand her species makes us able to see the world beyond that perspective.
Begin talking about we would like to have her assistance in unfucking her world.
Offer her powers after explaining what a trigger event is and why it is necessary to give her powers and how she is already on the trajectory towards a trigger. Explain how we will have to seal her memories of talking with us when she is awake and has not experienced a trigger, but also offer to talk with her when she is asleep. Also inform her that if she accepts we will erase her memories of the day she triggers and give a report on what happened, explain that it is to minimize trauma on her side.
If she accepts, continue to converse with her until we have to go
If she does not accept send her on her way and wish her luck
Lead Danny to her bully journals

Gaea Plan, Ducats: Notice of Recycling and Research
Inform Gaea of the state of Emote and of their impending recycling
Ask Gaea to report any shard that is as broken Emote
If a shard is in not too bad a state have them contact us so we can see if we can fix them
Request data on the biology of host species and viable mutations
Request sharing of senses

Telekinetic Plan, Ducats: Greetings and goodbyes
Greet Telekinetic and ask how the cycle has been for them and if they have had any exceptional successes or failures
Inform Telekinetic of the state of Emote and of their impending recycling
Ask Telekinetic to report any shard that is as broken Emote
If a shard is in not too bad a state have them contact us so we can see if we can fix them
Request sharing of senses

Emote Plan, Ducats: Recycle
Emote is burning the last of its energy and is not functioning, commence with consumption of shard transfer of host
Set another instance to assist Gaea with operation Amy and Alcohol

Charge Plan, Ducats: Analysis and repairs
4 hours of data analysis
Contemplate viability of separating the sapient shard from the non-sapient shard and repairing them

Ok her are my plans. Hope you guys like them.

Edit: Yeah, Perry the platypus is a go

okay this was your plan ducats, shall we edit it to the current idea? How much time do we have before Vhal locks in?
Whelp, voting, I guess.

[X] Research Plan, Ducats: Continuation
[X] Omake Spediture, 100 Pts in Human Biology
[X] Gaea Plan, Ducats: Notice of Recycling and Research
[X] Emote Plan, Ducats: Recycle
[X] Charge Plan, Ducats: Analysis and repairs
[x] Contact Prosthetic and Audible, and check on their status.
[X] Taylor-Plan "Start off Slowly"
Omake Research: Human Biology
Ok, I'm not a writer at all, but the lure of possible research credit to put towards the Stronger Trigger tree has led to me trying an omake. Hopefully, I got the science and Shard mechanics right.

  • You're already connected to a human body so wouldn't the simplest way to learn about Human Biology be to study Taylor?
  • The nervous system is connected to everything, right? All you have to do is tap into Taylor's nervous system and expand your senses from there. You're already connected to her brain, which is part of the central nervous system.
  • In fact, you're probably already connected to some of Taylor's nerves. That's how the brain is connected to the eyes, ears, mouth, etc. after all. You just need to follow the various nerves and neurons throughout the rest of Taylor's body.
  • Now that you've mapped out Taylor's central and peripheral nervous systems, you need to actually understand the signals and chemicals involved. You should be able to figure out the somatic (voluntary) component by paying attention to what happens whenever Taylor does something, but the autonomic (involuntary) component will probably take more processing.
  • Once you get this done, you should be able to at least make an accurate model of Taylor's body, though variations will take more research. In fact, with some more work, you could probably actually control...NO! That's not what you're trying to do here. At least, you have a better mental image of how the human body works now.