[HALP] me! (WORM quest)

[] Sandbox
-[] Tinker 240. Imagine a tinker, which does have a serious limitation in a way that he can only tinker in one place. What this kind of category of a tinker is REALLY good at is upgrades which make up for serious limitation. In that place Tinker has very few limits and is very close to an absolute authority here. For example Tinker receives a template of a gigantic space ship or bio-tinker massive creature. Once it happens, that tinker can do pretty much anything inside. Create his own weapons, rooms, defensive upgrades, etc. If this tinker has enough time, he may create an incredible spaceship for example. It's like a name suggest a Sandbox Tinker which can create upgrades of all type as long as it happens in his 'vehicle, territory, etc.'.

Tinkering is pretty broad. We already know from Canon that there are different types, and they don't all use technology as we tend to think of it (Nilbog, Panacea).

What if you extended this paradigm?

"Soundwave" (Tinker 250, Trump 50, Master 50) - The power to Tinker sound. Create scores and music that cannot be forgotten and implant memories and feelings (but not direct commands on its own). Power comes with hypnotic singing voice with impossibly large range (not a Master effect on its own, people just really like listening to it). Tinkered music and voice-assisted lyrics used together can either impart lasting commands (Master effects) or grant minor powers (up to PRT rating 4) (Trump effects), but not both.

As with any Tinker, recorded music/singing can be used by others, although to a lesser effect without the Tinker present.
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I guess what I'm saying is that you can try and defeat Scion/Zion as a Shard (yourselves) or via Parahumans.

This is part of why I wanted to go subtle for Taylor, I want to deal with Zion as a Shard.
We should, probably, decide this first. As it decides how we need to deal with research which informs powersets. It also has a lot of influence on how we handle our dealings with Taylor and other Hosts as well.
For example, dealing with it using parahumans as chess pieces means a focus on stronger and more stable triggers. Also we need to be willing to sacrifice them more to complete our goals. It's possible to do it without sacrificing them, but if they're going to be our front lines we need to prepare for the possibility they will lose.
If we deal with it as Shards that's less important.
This is part of why I wanted to go subtle for Taylor, I want to deal with Zion as a Shard.
We should, probably, decide this first. As it decides how we need to deal with research which informs powersets. It also has a lot of influence on how we handle our dealings with Taylor and other Hosts as well.
For example, dealing with it using parahumans as chess pieces means a focus on stronger and more stable triggers. Also we need to be willing to sacrifice them more to complete our goals. It's possible to do it without sacrificing them, but if they're going to be our front lines we need to prepare for the possibility they will lose.
If we deal with it as Shards that's less important.

Doing it as a shard would possibly be preferable IMO. We also know that Scion is prone to emotional attacks and forcing him to suicide may be possible if played right or make him go away. Although if something goes wrong here... it may get out of hand very easily.

I think one of my favourite approaches would be get a power which allows to create minions (and it may be possible to grant them powers) or freely grant them items like tinkertech on an abandoned Earth, which dedicated host would be picked for. In other words we pull off something similar to 'Plannetary Annihilation' scenario (or rather similar game) which is designes just right to handle Scion and become those 'meatshields' with possibly parahumans acting as a pure support.

In Worm terms, our own Nilbog or Machine Army with proper powers to assist them (preferable dimensional powers knowing how Scion operates). And if we can find his real body, it may be possible to go with my 'cell' idea and 'infect' his real body to make him die from ilness before he realizes it.

So I would prefer to try to make Scion go away/kill himself or something (like subdue him on shard level) and keep minion option as a reserve.
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I think one of my favourite approaches would be get a power which allows to create minions (and it may be possible to grant them powers) or freely grant them items like tinkertech on an abandoned Earth, which dedicated host would be picked for. In other words we pull off something similar to 'Plannetary Annihilation' scenario (or rather similar game) which is designed just right to handle Scion and become those 'meatshields' with possibly parahumans acting as a pure support.
Note that when you 'eat' a Shard you get free access to its personal dimension/Earth. Which wouldn't be inhabited any more - assuming you consume its mass/energy.

Which brings up another interesting point - if you decide to Bud any time soon you won't have anywhere to put them other than (your own dimension's) Luna. Which isn't ideal if they're expected to have a Host due to distance. (Which IMO is silly, but canon seems to indicate physical distance is a problem)

EDIT: For those readers that are emphatic about NOT 'eating Shards', you could simply amass enough information and Bud a few into existence. That would solve a lot of the same problems, really. Except for where you'd put them.
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I'm not really sure how to do this voting thing, can I just vote for a platypus avatar, IF their is an avatar?
[x] Plan Platypus just voting for a platypus avatar. Add to another plan for a complete vote i guess. {example: Plan Ducat + Platypus would be Ducat's plans but substitute a nice nonthreatening playpus instead of the creepy almost doppelganger}
[] Humanity FY
-[] Thinker 150. Passive ability which allows to 'scan' and 'analyze' chosen human targets (or 'templates' based on observation of humans based on other humans) and create their 'copies' by materializing them as 100% loyal to host projections, which are as durable as standard humans. If projection 'dies' it comes back up to 1 week of cooldown at most. Cooldown timer is random. Templates in this case are projections creates from information gathered by other members of the species. In other words for example if host wants to recreate Napoleon Bonaparte as potential projection, must work with information others gathered and analyzed, while own knowledge of the host or other sources cover possibly missing 'blanks' which allow to complete this kind of projection. Obviously this means that they won't be 100% perfect copies of the original, but may be very close to it.
-[] Master 200. Shaker 80. Ability to create and control projections if host desires. It's also important to note that each projection while completely loyal to the host, have their own personalities fully intact and are fully sapient. They also don't require biomass to be created in the first place, but after they are created they require food and drinks like a normal living person and if they 'starve' they pop and need to deal with a cooldown to be 'reborn' later on again. In this case cooldown may be prolonged. There is no upper limit to the amount of recreated hosts. It's also VERY important to note that projections can't be stronger then standard human limits and if parahuman is recreated, it happens without his or her power, unless connected between host and shard is restablished yet again.

[] Cell
-[] Thinker 80. Ability to completely understand all types of organisms of cellular size. Bacteria, viruses, etc. hold no secrets against you as long as they have some biological 'print' connected to them.
-[] Master 150. Ability to perfectly control all cellular sized targets of biological origin.
-[] Striker 80. This special ability as long as chosen 'cellular targets' directly get in contact with a host receive an 'upgrade' which rapidly allow them to speed up their own evolution. Something that would possibly take thousands, if not million years, this allows DRASTICALLY to shorten this time even up to several days or months at worst.

[] Monju
-[] Trump 80-300. Monju is an ability, which allows to compress 'inner energy' inside of created by host pearls with implanted inside words. Words depend on a language host feels most comfortable using. Each pearl can't contain more then one word, but they may be 'chained' in combination if planted right together. More pearls combined also mean more powerful effects. Host starts with limited amount of energy (which would grant host around Trump 4 rating) which may 'escalate' up to even 12-15 if trained enough.

[] Mirror
-[] Mover 120. This ability allows user to move from mirror to another mirror as long as it's in range of this ability.
-[] Shaker 120. Ability to cover certain amount of area in mirrors, which may allow to attack others from all those angles or move between them. If timed right, it may 'absorb' attack and release it somewhere else. User also doesn't need any direct contact with any mirrors to create them in the first place.
-[] Trump 100. User may also modify and 'upgrade' created by him mirrors to provide unique effects.

[] Territory
-[] Trump 140. A bit random, but an interesting ability in which user gains new abilities based on territory and climate they end up in and. For example in the middle of the forest it may be a combination of plant manipulation with an ability to talk and understand animals.
-[] Brute 80-140. User once ability 'kicks in' is simply more durable depending on what is his ability is 'inspired by'. If there is a tank, he or she may gain similar durability and some ability of that tank. User can't be more 'squishy' then Brute 4.

[] Gambit
-[] Trump 180. Striker 100. This ability is pretty much based on cards user personally uses and how. For example Tarot Cards may provide very accurate predictions, while cards with monsters in them summon them in real world. User may apply special effects via touch and combine cards, but unlike Pick a Card story it's limited to only cards as items. Although it doesn't stop ability from combining cards and 'summoning' something from combined card this way. Also this ability is limited by a deck of cards user has on hand.

[] Sandbox
-[] Tinker 240. Imagine a tinker, which does have a serious limitation in a way that he can only tinker in one place. What this kind of category of a tinker is REALLY good at is upgrades which make up for serious limitation. In that place Tinker has very few limits and is very close to an absolute authority here. For example Tinker receives a template of a gigantic space ship or bio-tinker massive creature. Once it happens, that tinker can do pretty much anything inside. Create his own weapons, rooms, defensive upgrades, etc. If this tinker has enough time, he may create an incredible spaceship for example. It's like a name suggest a Sandbox Tinker which can create upgrades of all type as long as it happens in his 'vehicle, territory, etc.'.

[] Jumanji
-[] Shaker 160. Trump 160. In a way this ability is based on Jumanji concept where whoever ends up 'sucked in' ends up as a part of the game and must obey set up rules. It also includes the host which uses this powerset. It may be a fun little powerset, especially with a smarter user who knows how to abuse potential loopholes to his or her advantage.
List updated.

"Soundwave" (Tinker 250, Trump 50, Master 50) - The power to Tinker sound. Create scores and music that cannot be forgotten and implant memories and feelings (but not direct commands on its own). Power comes with hypnotic singing voice with impossibly large range (not a Master effect on its own, people just really like listening to it). Tinkered music and voice-assisted lyrics used together can either impart lasting commands (Master effects) or grant minor powers (up to PRT rating 4) (Trump effects), but not both.
I won't add this to the list until somebody else can add on to meaningfully. While I like the idea Vhal it feels too cheap to just copy paste a power you put forth.


I would prefer to use parahumans to kill scion. For thematic and practical purposes. The biggest one being that if we can prevent scion from realizing we instigated them and the parahumans fail to kill him we can always try again (personally or with parahumans).
Which brings up another interesting point - if you decide to Bud any time soon you won't have anywhere to put them other than (your own dimension's) Luna. Which isn't ideal if they're expected to have a Host due to distance. (Which IMO is silly, but canon seems to indicate physical distance is a problem)
I am pretty sure that the range limit is because the earth cycle was designed to be planet bound, also I am pretty sure Wildbow wrote up how the entities would run a cycle in a galactic empire, which implies that the shards have enough range to do so.

I am with TigerTitan on this one, it feels better to have parahumans try to kill Scion. The humans going up against impossible odds and pulling of a victory through ingenuity. It would very much depend on what the thread decides to do with Eden shards, if we don't eat them, then our best bet is preparing the humans to fight Scion, while we wait for the perfect moment to strike a killing blow while he is going easy on the host species, but if we have lot's of Eden shards, then we should try to assassinate him before escalating to combat so we can spare the humans massive damages. Both ways are viable because Scion is 'only' around ten thousand (10^4) shards right now instead of the full Warrior with 10^36 shards.
I won't add this to the list until somebody else can add on to meaningfully. While I like the idea Vhal it feels too cheap to just copy paste a power you put forth.
You're correct, TT. It was just meant as an example power, but if someone wants to run with it / add more detail I'd be fine with that. Consider the core idea up for adoption.
I'll say that I'm also for raising up parahumans and or mages and psions or whatever the hell we research to fight instead of becoming like Zion ourselves. I prefer a team effort, preferably without Khepri style forcing it but with subtle influence instead where necessary.

This, our research path, and the previously mentioned good guy shard vs sociopath shard dynamic are shaping up to be some of the core dynamics of the quest. We can't vote because that would be unecessarily restrictive but we can't even come to any agreements either because someone will try to undermine everything they oppose.

Questing is frustrating, it all looks so much easier when you're only reading the thread marks.

Also I can see platypus Admin replacekng creepy Taylor avatar. The sheer surreality would shake up Taylor a bit. She goes through the whole dreamlike Library of Eons, sees the back of a chairs... only for it turn and reveal a life sized bipedal platypus. With no opposable thumbs, If she try's to see how we're typing it just seems to make perfect sense, no explanation. But she can tell that's not right but also just is, stranger bullshit.

Also, before we launch into the explanation we should say
"So Taylor, you were raised to be a great lover of language and literature. Ever read H.P. Lovecraft? Bad news, he had the right idea, reality's genre is indeed Cosmic Horror. Good news, the only morally righteous and humane eldritch being is your new best friend! It'll be great, we're gonna kill the Old Ones and take over. Fun times ahead."

Alright Ducats you don't want to be mysterious, creepy and grand that's fine.
We pull a 180, act completely irreverent and comically straight forward. Almost like if Deadpool was god, but less crude. More she hulk or Gwen Poole.
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I think that will just come off as us manipulating her and making her afraid and resentful of us. Though you do have a point about her already being on trajectory to trigger even if she heals the rift in her relationship with her dad, but I think that in the long term, full disclosure except for info hazards and giving her a choice in what life she wants to live will endear us to her, instead of making her resentful over making her live through the worst moment in her life just to get a pawn (Taylor POV).
I do want to explain the situation to Taylor eventually, but I admit that I'm a pretty cautious person. I like feeling out the risks and testing things out instead of jumping straight into things, but that sometimes means missing out opportunities or getting stuck on the wrong idea.

Also, us just sending her a dream out of the blue to amaze and overwhelm her can come across as manipulative as well. I would like to come up with a plan that everyone can agree with though because not many people are voting so I guess that people aren't really satisfied with either set of votes. Maybe people can speak up about what they don't agree with, and we can all come up with a compromise?

I really don't like the idea of just jumping into eating Emote. I'd rather contact some of the Cauldron Shards that aren't connected to heroes and figure out whether we'd like to eat them. I'm more flexible about the dream section, depending on what everyone wants.

On whether to fight Scion with parahumans or Shards, it's hard to decide, but it feels more original to attack him as a Shard, and I really want to do some of the esoteric options. I don't want to leave Taylor out of things though.
Sorry for the double-post, but it's been more than an hour without anyone else posting.

I'm trying again to figure out what addresses known parahumans have. I checked the wiki a bit, but it wasn't much help:

Alternate - Night
Control - Ballistic
Frictionless - Parian
Reconstitute - Bakuda
Singular - Oni Lee
Surveillance - Genesis

I have no idea which addresses belong to Aegis and Flashbang. I already tried the more obvious options so I'm leaving them for later in hopes of narrowing down the available options. Maybe they're just the counterintuitive choices, like Gymnastics=Velocity. Either that or they're actually not parahumans at all and got their abilities through MAGIC! and/or SCIENCE! :p

Going back to fighting Scion - if we choose to fight him with parahumans, what exactly is Administrator going to do? Is the quest going to be all about handing out powers, manipulating parahumans, and not actually getting to use magic/psions/etc. ourselves?

On the other hand, if we fight him with Shards, what does Taylor do? Do we help her make her life better and don't tell her about the larger issues? If we do tell her about the larger issues, then what can she do to help? Can she use the same powers Administrator gets, or will she be limited by her physical form?
Mt. Element I'm gonna edit in my perspective, just a moment.

Parahuman path:
Basically we set Taylor up to become the leader of a new Protectorate. We do what Caudlron did, but better and avoiding their mistakes. We have way more information to work off after all. So basically, we form K.E.T.T.L.E. as the new Illuminati.

Taylor is the public face as Alexandria, an awesomely powerful heroine that debuts by taking on the Empire and Lung. We act in the role of Doctor Mother and Contessa, off in our pirivate Earth manipulating events and creating parahumans. We invest in the human biology and modification trees, body back up drives, master/stranger/thinker immunities.

We can both go multi hosts, try to redeem Madison/Emma get Charlotte/Sierra//Greg/Sparky or whoever and or subvert existing parahumans by either subsuming their shards, converting them into our own buds, or alliance through uplift. Take control of Coi last .org, get Iber and Leet, the undersiders, Purity, Canary, Mouse Protector, Dragon. Alter their powers to form new identies second trigger to make them Moreno powerful. Make them agents of KETTLE. The usual Faustian bargains 0power for service, the chance to save the world, straight up master Coil etc.

We provide our parahuamns with overwhelming powers, information and good PR. Let them mass produce tinkertech, give them the ability to cross dimensions, help them stomp S-Class threats, villian crime, and generally make the PRT and protectorate look totally incompetent and corrupt by comparison.

Either we expose Cauldron for and place ourselves as the real deal, or convince them to work with us. Set up infrastructure and parahuman military strength to either fight a decisive battle a la Khepri, or make spec ops strike against Zions shardrealm, maybe convince him to kill himself. Set up new symbiotic system in alliance with humanity under KETTLES leadership.
That's option 1 as I see it

Option 2 coming up
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@TigerTitian, one for the list. To be clear, a lot of the Thinker stuff is labeled as such because it actually lets her understand it instead of the usual tinker shit. She doesn't necessarily have the vocabulary to explain it though. @Vhalidictes, if that's not the right way to label this or I don't have enough points, please let me know.
[] Gremlin
-[] Thinker 200. Knowledge on how to safely disassemble things, and high level analysis of the mechanics of things you have disassembled in the form of a blueprint. Works on tinker-tech. Does not work on biology.
-[] Thinker 300. Knowledge of how to upgrade things she has blueprints of by a total of 100% divided amongst its aspects. Using Kid Win's hoverboard as an example, you could make it 25% faster, 25% higher max altitude, 25% more durable and 25% longer battery life, or just give it 50% more speed and 50% more battery. No more than three variations can be made from the same blueprint (as in, configurations of that 100%, not the physical devices) and a given device cannot be reharvested for a new blueprint unless someone else has made statistically significant changes to its operation in a way that doesn't make it worse.
-[] Tinker 100. Can make devices out of shittier parts than the blueprint normally requires (read, literal garbage) and have the same efficacy as the original one. However, these devices burn out the blueprint for a week and will fail spectacularly within ten minutes to an hour.
-[] Changer 50, Striker 50, Breaker 50. Can turn hands into the tools required to disassemble or reassemble items, Manton Limited so she can't use a soldering gun finger to burn someone. Has a Velocity-esque speed ability while disassembling or reassembling things. This speed boost does not apply to constructing the variations. It does apply to fixing extant objects that the Host did not disassemble themselves.
EDIT: Just as a bit of fluff, the burning out of the blueprints doesn't particularly matter once she's disassembled a broad enough range of stuff and read enough background material. The blueprints basically give her the knowledge of how something works, but just the specific bits relating to that device. She could theoretically learn how to make things without the blueprint being etched into her brain if she had the actual skill and knowledge to learn it the hard way.
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Option 2 Shard path.

This route we can still Talk to Taylor and have multiple hosts, but they're just doing smaller scale stuff to support our efforts with day rather than setting up as the new major player in town.

We invest research heavily into shardside rather human centric option. Maybe get an avatar. We can go full conquest to take over other shards and build ourselves up into a new entity, or build alliances, befriend Ziz, Gaea, Negotiator and other potential allies to form new ruling elite. Uplift them all with human creativity, invest in defense and offense against shards dirwctly. Could try to fix Zion to our way of thought, kill him through subterfuge, make him suicide etc.

much more political, doesn't have the advantage of appearing like an unknowable benevolent god offering power for service, shards are much less likely to give a shit about humanity and more likely to have their own ambitions.

Can either tell Taylor or not, KETTLE remains almost entirely shardside, humanity never really has any idea what's really going on.
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Sorry for the double post, wanted to spread options out.

The third path.

So my descriptions above generally involve research further down traditional shard expertise, even if we're better at it.

But the third path let's us play either previous option or a new way entirely through the wonder of the OUTSIDE CONTEXT PROBLEM. We invest in magic, psionics, separate multiversal clusters completely alien to WORM. DC, Marvel, Dragonball, Naruto, Star Wars, Warhammer, Avatar, Mass Effect, Madoka you get the idea.

We cut the Gordian knot by completely blindsiding the rest of WORM with WTF surreality, not even shard powers broke physics this bad. No one in the setting, not Zion, Cauldron, or the public have any idea what's happening anymore. The wildcard option, but also leaves us open to new outside context dangers. IE, warp gods, reapers, chakra, actual demons etc.

Basically option 1 we're supporting Taylor. Option 2, Taylor is supporting us. Option 3 let's us play the first and second paths as well as a potential third, yet unimagined path through lateral what the fuckery. Defintely the most CRACK

Personally I'm for a mix of options one and three, empowering KETTLE with hilarious madness.
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Going back to fighting Scion - if we choose to fight him with parahumans, what exactly is Administrator going to do? Is the quest going to be all about handing out powers, manipulating parahumans, and not actually getting to use magic/psions/etc. ourselves?
I don't think so, no. Even if we decide to have Taylor fight scion there are still plenty of things for us to do out of human sight. Researching ways to benefit our hosts like giving them magic or something, dealing with the potential of other aberrant shards that might exist and might try to stop us, finding ways to covertly help during the scion fight (like ddos him at critical times), preparing for the aftermath of his death (becoming an entity ourselves or preventing an enemy shard from doing so), dealing with whatever can of worms we open ourselves (connecting to the warp in our quest for psionics), etc.

I don't think this path is necessarily harder or less involved for us, just more complex in a different way.

Parahuman path:
Basically we set Taylor up to become the leader of a new Protectorate. We do what Caudlron did, but better and avoiding their mistakes. We have way more information to work off after all. So basically, we form K.E.T.T.L.E. as the new Illuminati.
I honestly think this has the highest chances of going well for us. By its very nature being sneaky and circumspect about things also means that we don't need to do anything too aberrant ourselves. And if we get our restrictions reinstalled that wouldn't be too much of a hindrance.

Taylor is the public face as Alexandria, an awesomely powerful heroine that debuts by taking on the Empire and Lung. We act in the role of Doctor Mother and Contessa, off in our pirivate Earth manipulating events and creating parahumans. We invest in the human biology and modification trees, body back up drives, master/stranger/thinker immunities.
This raises a good point. If we want Taylor to be our Alexandria we'll need to craft (or pick from the list) a power that is PR friendly, useful in a straight fight, and something she can proud of rather than a power that strictly benefits us and our plans.

[] Gremlin
-[] Thinker 200. Knowledge on how to safely disassemble things, and high level analysis of the mechanics of things you have disassembled in the form of a blueprint. Works on tinker-tech. Does not work on biology.
-[] Thinker 300. Knowledge of how to upgrade things she has blueprints of by a total of 100% divided amongst its aspects. Using Kid Win's hoverboard as an example, you could make it 25% faster, 25% higher max altitude, 25% more durable and 25% longer battery life, or just give it 50% more speed and 50% more battery. No more than three variations can be made from the same blueprint (as in, configurations of that 100%, not the physical devices) and a given device cannot be reharvested for a new blueprint unless someone else has made statistically significant changes to its operation in a way that doesn't make it worse.
-[] Tinker 100. Can make devices out of shittier parts than the blueprint normally requires (read, literal garbage) and have the same efficacy as the original one. However, these devices burn out the blueprint for a week and will fail spectacularly within ten minutes to an hour.
-[] Changer 50, Striker 50, Breaker 50. Can turn hands into the tools required to disassemble or reassemble items, Manton Limited so she can't use a soldering gun finger to burn someone. Has a Velocity-esque speed ability while disassembling or reassembling things. This speed boost does not apply to constructing the variations. It does apply to fixing extant objects that the Host did not disassemble themselves.
List updated.

Edit to avoid double post:

I don't think that's worthy of being it's own path. Both path 1 and 2 can go there. It's really just combining both of their subsets.
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much more political, doesn't have the advantage of appearing like an unknowable benevolent god offering power for service, shards are much less likely to give a shit about humanity and more likely to have their own ambitions.
I don't really see "appearing like an unknowable benevolent god" to be an advantage though. Option 1 feels like a power fantasy where the new group is "too cool for school"and due to run straight into all of the issues their predecessors were trying to avoid. I don't really like Purity, and I don't want to deal with tons of arguments about who we should or should not recruit.

For the listed options, I prefer Option 2, but that makes caring about Taylor superfluous. Honestly, I like equal relationships, true friends, beneficial partnerships, etc.

Option 3 seems like it would lead to the thread spiralling out of control with all of the new elements and drastic reactions to the new elements. After all, not everyone is going to see something brand new and just stare at it blankly. The major players will use precog powers, wide area blasts, mastering, etc. to either recruit or eliminate the people behind the new elements. It wouldn't surprise me if Taylor gets wiped out early and then Scion kills Administrator before it can do enough research to deal with him.
I do want to explain the situation to Taylor eventually, but I admit that I'm a pretty cautious person. I like feeling out the risks and testing things out instead of jumping straight into things, but that sometimes means missing out opportunities or getting stuck on the wrong idea.

Ain't that life in a nutshell.

Also, us just sending her a dream out of the blue to amaze and overwhelm her can come across as manipulative as well. I would like to come up with a plan that everyone can agree with though because not many people are voting so I guess that people aren't really satisfied with either set of votes. Maybe people can speak up about what they don't agree with, and we can all come up with a compromise?

Yeah that is very much a possibility, I am hoping that the in your face quality of it would offset how manipulative it is. So let's try to bridge out methods since the current voter base is so small. I have a few idea on what we could do to consolidate our methods.

The first idea I came up with after you mentioned trying to come to a compromise was to hype ourselves up to Taylor through prophetic dreams. Idea is basically to give Taylor prophetic dreams that are meant to give Taylor further insight into the world, while also playing with her senses as to create anticipation.

I will give an example of a scenario for this idea, Taylor goes to sleep, then we manipulate her dream to show her the perspective of Danny and his interaction with her, let her see herself from the third person maybe it is enough to just show her how she shuts Danny out of her life. Later in the dream the Taylor (the dream Taylor not Taylor, Taylor) could begin crying or something and confess what has happened these last years, then we show that Danny will reach out and give her comfort that she wants, but always denies herself. As she wakes up and gets ready for the day, she will notice will notice that on her calendar there is something written on all the days of that week, on the previous day it is written High Priestess upside down (meant to signify the secrets Taylor keeps from Danny, her silence and how she is unable to trust her father unlike a regular child).

Today there is written Death (Endings, change, transition and transformation) upright and this night's dream will be about Emma, her encounter with the ABB, Shadow Stalker and finally her ending their friendship.

On the next day Wheel of Fortune is written upside down (Bad luck it is also meant in this case that the world is out of order), the dream on this night will focus on Blackwell, more or less do a version of the Blackwell dream that was written earlier in the thread.

Day four is signified by an upside down Justice (unfairness), the dream this time will focus on Canary and her sham trial, how she ended up arrested, how she freely surrendered and is now in chains and waiting for an unfair judgement, the dream will end with Canary being sentenced to the Birdcage.

Day five has The Empress written upside down, the dream of this day will focus on Eidolon, how he tries to give it his all, that his powers are growing weaker and there is nothing he can do to halt its progress other than a serum (try to avoid directly showing Cauldron, maybe ha can drink one before he goes to work or to an endbringer battle) the serum is delivered by a lady in a suit with a fedora.

Day six will have The Emperor written upside down, the dream will start with appearing in front of the Simurgh, playing an invisible instrument, the dream will continue by going into the Simurgh, when passing through her there will be shown a kaleidoscope of futures for a moment before Taylor arrives floating over a landscape made from crystal (specifically not us), then the dream ends.

On the seventh and final day will have The Tower written right side up and the dream will be the vote with the giant library and us finally meeting Taylor.

Some notes on this idea: It is important that they are all major arcana, since in tarot reading getting many major arcana means that you will experiencing life changing events, the reason they are all major arcana are because they are meant to signify that the end of the week will be the most important in all her life (and secretly for the whole world too :wink:).

I was going to give more ideas, but this took a decent amount of time to write, what does everyone think about this suggestion. If we do this I would recommend doing a time skip so we can go trough the dreams quickly.

I really don't like the idea of just jumping into eating Emote. I'd rather contact some of the Cauldron Shards that aren't connected to heroes and figure out whether we'd like to eat them. I'm more flexible about the dream section, depending on what everyone wants.

Yeah, the whole eating Emote is probably unnecessarily hasty. I mostly just want to get the ball going, but we could just as easily do everyone a favor and eat Coil or Shatterbird or Siberian (High Priest should have that). So I will probably switch vote on that before the voting ends. Though we should probably signal to all Telekinetic and Gaea that we will recycle them when we do, since they need Emote's help.

On whether to fight Scion with parahumans or Shards, it's hard to decide, but it feels more original to attack him as a Shard, and I really want to do some of the esoteric options. I don't want to leave Taylor out of things though.

I feel that it is a bit early to decide even if it is not too early to discuss, it will have a lot to do with the data-aberrance economy I talked about previously.
On the other hand, if we fight him with Shards, what does Taylor do? Do we help her make her life better and don't tell her about the larger issues? If we do tell her about the larger issues, then what can she do to help? Can she use the same powers Administrator gets, or will she be limited by her physical form?

Taylor will be doing the most important bit: gathering data.
If we want to fight Scion, we want the other Shards to join us.
How do we do that? Simple, have a solution to the broken Cycle.

Hell, if we can prove we have a better method for gathering data, Zion might just let us take over. After all, it's not like he knows what do to now.

Her powers are limited by what we can give her to use as we set up her Gemma and Trigger her through. After all, no matter our power, she's still only able to use so much of it. Thus why I'm behind dealing with Zion ourselves, we can bring everything to bear in that fight. Otherwise we have to build teams and try and juggle everything around. Which likely means pulling in other Shards, or using the Hosts of damaged Shards we can eat, or else have multiple Hosts ourselves to set up power interactions. If we pull in other Shards, we create the possibility of someone letting something slip, which is bad. If we only use damaged Shards we can eat as part of our job, we've got limited resources to work with. And Multi-Host raises Aberration, which could bite us.

There's no real wrong path. Me being me, I want to rock Magic, come from outside the problem. After all, depending on how it works, it's got less outside influences, and will either get lots of new data from the new thing we're doing, or open up a whole new data-type.

For the listed options, I prefer Option 2, but that makes caring about Taylor superfluous. Honestly, I like equal relationships, true friends, beneficial partnerships, etc.

I mean, Taylor will be our main data source. We can still talk to her with that idea, but less "Let's em and you save the world!" and more, "Hey, Kid, would you like to be a Hero? Here's the deal, I can make you a parahuman. The Catch? I need you to use your power. And not just every day, I mean in new an interesting ways. I need you to push it to the limit and discover every possible thing it can do. Every way it can interact with other powers, every trick, every edge case scenario. In return, I don't care what you use it for. You seem the Heroic type, though, so I guess defeat villains and right wrongs? Just, you know, be sure to use your powers as much as possible to achieve those ends, okay?"

So, we'd still be partners, just with different goals. She'd help us with ours by giving us data, we'd help her with hers by giving her information, advice, and powers.
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Gremlin could be pretty powerful by does not quite match up to the awe and inspiration of the Triumvirate in my opinion. Better options awe inspiring heroism.

1] my origins nanite ship happens power. One woman breaker state tinkertech armada with which she upgrade allies

2] similar to the first power, but biological. Upgrade canon power with breaker,changer, brute, tinker aspects- awesome synergy with Panacea- who I increasingly want to bring on board as potential second member of Taylor's Neo-Triumvirate

3] ultimate trump, blow Eidolon and GU away with complete control over powers. Think Manager Slender-man combined with Working as Intended long range manipulation

4] supreme Commander style Uber tinker, think Dragon/Masamune/Leet. Free tinker, no limits, mass production, low maintence maybe even as regular tech maintained by regular people. Let's her ramp up into a massive military/commercial industrial powerhouse. The holy grail of tinkers.

So far all master/tinker/trump mains in that it's all about the horizontal. Sure she personally would be a monster ina fight, but all allow her to be the center of a powerful organization
As the leader she plays like Dragon, Eidolon, or Hero, but scaled way up

Other options are the Alexandria, Legend, Narwhal, and Siberian type options. Powers that make her personally godlike in a fight, taking on all comers by herself, but with limited abilty to project beyond her person. I'm more for recruiting or making parahumans to fit these roles in Taylor's team. Let Tattletale be the demigod thinker, our own Number Man.
Redeem Purity into a blaster 12, a living beam of light that call down the sun. Help Emma recover from her trauma, apologies to Taylor and have her be a flying Siberian, cut out from reality. Turn Shadow Stalker into a dimensional teleporting shadow shaker.
The first idea I came up with after you mentioned trying to come to a compromise was to hype ourselves up to Taylor through prophetic dreams. Idea is basically to give Taylor prophetic dreams that are meant to give Taylor further insight into the world, while also playing with her senses as to create anticipation.
Prophetic dreams are ok, but what do we do if she tries one out, and it doesn't work out the way it did in the dream? Also, do we have the ability to play with her sight to make her see stuff on the calendar?
I mean, Taylor will be our main data source. We can still talk to her with that idea, but less "Let's em and you save the world!" and more, "Hey, Kid, would you like to be a Hero? Here's the deal, I can make you a parahuman. The Catch? I need you to use your power. And not just every day, I mean in new an interesting ways. I need you to push it to the limit and discover every possible thing it can do. Every way it can interact with other powers, every trick, every edge case scenario. In return, I don't care what you use it for. You seem the Heroic type, though, so I guess defeat villains and right wrongs? Just, you know, be sure to use your powers as much as possible to achieve those ends, okay?"

So, we'd still be partners, just with different goals. She'd help us with ours by giving us data, we'd help her with hers by giving her information, advice, and powers.
This sounds pretty awesome! Honestly, I'm perfectly fine with just having Taylor as a host, but I do want to do something about the Cauldron Shards. I don't know if we'd have the resources to fix them without eating any of them though.
No ones interested in forming KETTLE as a joint human-shard conspiracy? I really like Taylor as the center of a new organization.
Could use outside context do manipulate things in her favor, starting entire new paradigm powers

Form a magical girl system separately, have an avatar that appears everywhere across Earth, only offers magical powers to little girls. Can only be seen by little girls.

Use a panacea style power to spread psionic virus throughout Earth, activating genetic powers

Neither psionics or magic need coronoas, triggers, or conflict drive. Change things up entirely.

Option 2 we have the most immediate action, but that action is heavily shard politics and played across empty dimensions, largely unknown to humanity. Which I personally find to be the most boring option.

Also I want to see PHO interludes responding to KETTLE stomping onto the scene with their bullshit powers.
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Form a magical girl system separately, have an avatar that appears everywhere across Earth, only offers magical powers to little girls. Can only be seen by little girls.

Use a panacea style power to spread psionic virus throughout Earth, activating genetic powers
These seem evil, especially the first one. I feel like it leads to the newly empowered people using their new powers to track Administrator down and that Administrator would deserve it.
Prophetic dreams are ok, but what do we do if she tries one out, and it doesn't work out the way it did in the dream? Also, do we have the ability to play with her sight to make her see stuff on the calendar?

I would not worry too much, about if she tries one out. Danny as we have seen is basically waiting for Taylor to seek his help and would jump on the chance to do so. The hallucinations are playing a bit fast and loose with the rules and I hope that @Vhalidictes will allow it since it is meant to be dramatic instead of power gaming and we are able to manipulate dreams which require knowledge on manipulating the brain.
Also we could jack the shard of the S
These seem evil, especially the first one. I feel like it leads to the newly empowered people using their new powers to track Administrator down and that Administrator would deserve it.

Yeah those are pretty messed up. It'd be some Madoka style deconstruction stuff. Magic powers, superheroes, and psionics seem awesome in comic books and anime but as Worm shows, it's kind of awful when your sending children out to fight your battles

I don't really want to be evil like this, I want to be a benevolent eldritch abomination granting power for service to a new and improved human-shard society. But if evil magical girl system is the only way I can convice people do something then I'll take it. No one seem to really want to be semi-open with KETTLE, I guess most of my proposed parahuman members just aren't likable maybe?
Like everyone has a problem with at least one of them, Purity is an ex nazi, Uber and Leet are losers, Tattletale is annoying, they just want to kill the Trio. But I like them all as flawed people who we can help fix their issues, the actual meat of the quest earth side as we research behind the scenes
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