[X] Delete and Load him. You need his power to fulfill your oaths, he is a worthy opponent. It may be something you'll regret but... so be it. You'll make that sacrifice.
That and he's a Legendary Warrior with all that implies going for him.
And.... yeah I want to vote to go full honor but at the same time even if this guy hasn't killed any mon yet he's still taken a stupid amount of the hoasts forces out of action, which means either the follow up forces have to be more than enough or we have to get back to fighting shape fast.
[X] Show mercy and honor. You do not desire to see his path end here. And letting someone else delete him would be an eternal stain on your honor.
He has a no killing policy. Its only right to return his mercy with our own.
Also I get the faint idea that he might be someone we know. Not sure. Just a gut feeling.
Right. So, as I already said, she already has the best potential to be a leader out of anyone, and Verge and Beat have the worst. She's not using that potential because she doesn't want much right now. I don't know how she was "infamous for making dumb decisions" as a Witchmon. She was rude out of ignorance sometimes, but her judgement itself seemed sound.
This is the same Ardat who'd use her most powerful Wind spell no matter what, leaving her useless after one spell(not as in unable to cast, as in unable to fight), AND said spell also hits a whole bunch of allies because its too big.
The same Ardat who had to be ordered to explicitly not use the spell by Scratch, who knows her well enough to predict that she would do that.
Ardat's decisionmaking is trusted by approximately zero people. Including her mentor.
I also don't recall Sparks ever making decisions that are "bad for the group", unless you consider him not wanting to be real friends with them that. Though honestly, I'm not sure if you could even call that a bad call.
And Verge doesn't do things for the good of the whole group, he usually just does whatever he wants and sometimes brings other people along, or lectures Sparks ineffectually on what he thinks is morally right. Sometimes he'll try to be empathetic and help out the person in front of him, but in the long term he's in it for himself and Sparks. His size "lends gravitas" in that he can be scary sometimes. Otherwise it doesn't help at all.
Verge IS however, trusted by the Host, because Verge, even as a Drimogemon, is known for a history of self-risking pro-group choices. He's a mess, but he has a consistent pattern of reining in Sparks, Ardat and Beat when they are about to get the group killed, and self sacrificing if necessary to see it through. He's got a history of hitting out of his weight class in a pinch
They don't consult him with big things because he's still a country bumpkin, but he can be trusted usually to make the Right choice when in a crisis.
Really the only one Verge is not trusted with is his own safety, because he thinks trying to hold down a rampaging Ultimate with his face is a good idea(it worked but he nearly died)
Wolfmon's feet impact the ground with enough force to shatter rock, spraying shards of the material to harmlessly splash against your fur. Your worthy opponent's limbs visibly shake with the effort of halting the blow, keeping it mere inches away from this head. Yet indeed no matter how hard you press down, the Legendary Warrior keeps your forelimb from further pressing down so much as another centimeter.
He is unbroken.
"Such… weight." A new burning light leaps into the mercenary's eyes, wiping away the disdain and boredom and replacing it with glee. "Yes!" Wolfmon roars, muscles surging to push your paw aside. Naturally, you're other arm is already sweeping in from the side, to exploit the newly gained momentum. But instead of simply getting hit, Wolfmon twirls away dual swords sweeping out to half-parry the follow up.
"Drohung Strahl!" his connected weapons strike down, and you attempt to shift enough to catch it on your pauldron. You'd planned to let it rebound off armor instead of severing vulnerable flesh, but you're not the only once who noticed the shift. Wolfmon moves his attack slightly left, bypassing the armor entirely. True pain, a cutting heat slices through fur, flesh and muscle, effortlessly working through your data.
Victory flashes across Wolfmon's features-then turn to open shock as his blades hit bone, and the attack halts.
"Sharp Fangs!"
The mercenary's body attempts to twist away as your mouth snaps shut, but you knew exactly where he'd strike, and how he'd try to escape. Eight of your teeth strike armor, and even reinforced by a technique crack from the impact.
Wolfmon however emits a satisfying bellow of pain as you feels something in his limb give way.
"Licht Kuge!" A blast of energy from his arm strikes your jaw at point blank range, loosening your grip for just a fraction of a second. And that is all the time your opponent needs. Wolfmon bends forward and drives his light sword into your mouth, wedging it open long enough for him to drag his leg out, then kicks off your nose.
"Rgh!" the snarl comes out unbidden as you follow his path down.
"Nice try! But don't expect that bluff to work twice!"
It wasn't just a bluff.
"Megaton!" You bring your right forelimb forward, then down, modifying the technique on the fly to follow his descent.
His cross guard is strong.
The strike Sergeant Scratch taught you is stronger.
A single golden spike punches through his defense and tears into the center of his armor.
This exchange of feints really show the training pay off. But not enough training YET, because once we move on to third order feints Verge starts getting mauled.
[X] Delete and Load him. You need his power to fulfill your oaths, he is a worthy opponent. It may be something you'll regret but... so be it. You'll make that sacrifice.
As the wolfmon seems to be a warrior first and formost and him being a merc feels like it is just a means to a end to follow that path. Which makes me feel he can be a worthy rival and flipped into becoming a ally of sorts later.
Plus, unlike the host the Gloaming is not going to have a lot of healing on hand to bring this back. So having things be a WIA works for us and gets rid of a major enemy asset.
Heh. Making him a potential *rival* is now a rather distinct possibility. Though with the talent difference, defeating him in combat won't be a likely possibility for a while. Would make for great training though.
As a neat little note for Gloaming vs host tactics on healing, the stronger soldiers are for the most part completely willing to cannibalize their to heal.
... damnit. For all I want his power, he didn't kill any of his opponents. Hell, he wasn't even going to kill Verge I think. Not when we still had so much potential.
To answer some of this speculation, Verge doesn't know why Wolfmon didn't kill the host soldiers. However he suspects three potential reasons.
They're not *worth it* in terms of killing and loading. As in the long term, he'll get more power before evolving by sticking mainly to training.
As a mercenary, actually killing so many host soldiers would color him horribly in the yes of a potential employer
He's being ordered not to delete the foes as an intenional tactic to slow the Host forces down.
Lastly something I'll say is that Verge didn't know if that last hit would be lethal or not. He has a lot of mass and thus *health* but even still, it theoretically could have been enough to delete him depending on where the attack hit.
Oof, this is a really tough choice. If we take the power up it'll haunt Verge for the rest of his days, and letting Angewomon(boy, she trained herself back up to ultimate quickly)
Protecting him, on the other hand, will definitely get Verge punished by the Host, since he's not only aiding the enemy but defying a senior officer's orders. Considering he's already been hit with a warning for deserting his post on the day he found Fu's ghost... this could be quite bad. Probably a demotion.
Something I'll say here is that Verge doesn't have specific orders to delete Wolfmon. The Angewomon who interrupted their duel also didn't order Verge to get out of the way. She just shot Wolfmon once the possibility came up. What's more, since the opponent is a mercenary (and thus not die-hard loyal to the gloaming) letting him go isn't quite the same as letting say, an officer leave.
Lastly, Verge who's pretty much a fresh champion, fought a Legendary Warrior nearly to a draw and also drew away attention from the main passage. Which something I'll expand on in the next update. In essence he just proved himself extremely valuable as a frontline combatant.
Hehe. Sparks is smart, impulsive, angry and honestly a bit of a jerk. He finds amusement in others suffering, and from essentially trolling others. Something he's pretty good at.
Often times he's really not the best long term thinker though, and he doesn't have plans for after his *pranks* finish.
This exchange of feints really show the training pay off. But not enough training YET, because once we move on to third order feints Verge starts getting mauled.
[X] Show mercy and honor. You do not desire to see his path end here. And letting someone else delete him would be an eternal stain on your honor.
Will it piss off Verge's superiors? Yeah sure but you don't become a hero by being obedient, also I want Cranniummon and being a madlad of honor and challenge is one way to do it, just obeying is Dynasmon
[X] Show mercy and honor. You do not desire to see his path end here. And letting someone else delete him would be an eternal stain on your honor.
Yeah okay, I'll go with this I guess. Honestly, I feel the same way as Verge: he lost, plain and simple, and while he held his own for a little while he was still overwhelmed and defeated fairly quickly. There was nothing Verge could have done there that would give him the win. Having an honorable defeat against a clearly superior enemy stolen away is a very bitter feeling.
[X] Show mercy and honor. You do not desire to see his path end here. And letting someone else delete him would be an eternal stain on your honor.
Will it piss off Verge's superiors? Yeah sure but you don't become a hero by being obedient, also I want Cranniummon and being a madlad of honor and challenge is one way to do it, just obeying is Dynasmon
Nope, Craniummon's thing is that he's a perfectionist and obsessed with decorum. Dynasmon is the one that basically goes full on "My leader, right or wrong".
Nope, Craniummon's thing is that he's a perfectionist and obsessed with decorum. Dynasmon is the one that basically goes full on "My leader, right or wrong".
Yeah, I misremembered. I recalled something about obsession with mission completion rate and jumped to conclusions. It's actually that he's really competitive about having the highest rate of success.
Pit the Pidmon watched with a smile as his stalwart comrade left to engage the powerful champion in single combat. So much as the angel's blood boiled, telling him to wipe away the sorry excuse for a digimon that would dare work for the Accursed Gloaming, he respected the Gryzmon's wishes. And he prayed that The Lord in Heaven would bless his friend in this battle. If his eyes had judged that champion's speed and power correctly, Verge would need it.
Besides, Verge distracting the Legendary warrior would only work to further his ambitions in climbing up the Hosts ranks. As it created an opportunity to bring the siege to end, and with God as his witness, Pit would lead that charge. Receiving recognition for breaching the fortress would bring him one step closer to his final goals and living up to Angemon's final plea.
Once upon a time he would have charged in blindly, but time and Sir Scratch's lessons had taught him the fault of such tactics. If he was to lead the host one day, then it was necessary not only to find victory, but to do so with excellence. Just as The Lord in heaven had intended.
But first, he would need soldiers to lead through glory and radiance. Those poor wounded survivors from the most rent attack would fulfill his purposes nicely. "Mega heal!" With the power surely imbued upon him by the grand creator himself, Pit unleashed a golden wave into the masses. He can only watch with satisfaction as the exhausted and beaten soldiers come into contact with the holy technique and find themselves born anew, limbs reattaching and flesh filling in as if it had been been scoured at all. "Hear me fellow soldiers of The Host! You know me naught, but I am a warrior of the Lord fighting for our divine makers radiance! Together we will overcome the Accursed Gloaming's defenses! Yay, we shall scour them clean from this plane of existence and send those foul monsters to the decrepit pits where they belong!" With that he pointed his weapon towards the exchange where friend Verge was his challenge. "Bellator Gryzmon is drawing the worst of our foes ire! Follow me and I pledge that together we shall strike deep into the fortress and being Phelesmon himself to justice! For The Lord!" He could feel that same power from before lending weight to his words, making them strike almost as if physical blows.
"For The Lord!" Pit could see the morale of his allies skyrocketing as reminders of why they were fighting are driven home. Sadly not all were convinced, while others like the walking beast digimon hadn't regained enough of their power to fight. But that was still acceptable, the short Pidmon believed that even a dozen angels would still be enough to support to fulfill his plan. Speaking of which...
"Those unable to fight be assured that your sacrifices were not in vain! You still hold responsibility for our victory this day!" After his final direction to the remaining assault force was given, he turned towards what was perhaps the most important part of his strategy. Friend Sparks was watching the proceeding intently, the Wizardmon's remaining hand clenched tightly upon his staff. He would need the loyal magic user's help for what came next.
Not wasting any time for it was of the essence, he floated over and grabbed the Wizardmon's shoulder. While the short mon glared, Pit did not falter. He had nothing to fear from his staunch supporter and ally.
"Comrade Sparks! We have great need for you abilities this day! You must create a wall of fire and send it down the passage!"
"Heh, thine intention is to use mine magic to wipe yonder defenders away?" While the now gleeful mon's suggestion would work, that tactic would also wholly work to stop his own works.
"Nay my most trusted ally! Conserve your power for I feel it shall be needed against those deeper inside! What I desire from you is cover, so we may assault those lowly scum inside!"
"Heh, fine. You got it, Pit." The angel can feel his wrath stirring from the name, and let's it leave his core unhindered. Golden fire erupts from his wings, exactly what he would use to exact The Lord's vengeance. "Hrn, will take mine mind a moment to fashion the right coding."
"With haste friend Sparks! We must carry out God's will with all possible speed!" While the Wizardmon rolled his eyes, Pit turned to the second mon responsible for his success. His ally Beat was as always admirably watching for combat at a moment's notice. "Comrade Beat!"
"Your assistance is required!" Pit pointed his rod towards the passageway where the defending firing squad awaited. "After Initiate Sparks unleashes his magic you are called upon to do the Lord's work! Find the most powerful defenders awaiting our arrival and send them to the Dark Zone!"
"..." The Stingmon nodded, before his spikes popped free in anticipation. With that the foundations of his plan was finished. All that was left was a final speech to keep up the wired energy of his fellow soldiers!
"Holy Warriors Of The Host! Ready yourselves for this coming battle!-"
"Aha! Got it!" Sparks exclaimed halfway into Pit's speech, before moving into a series of rapid chants. Meaning the angel had to cut things short.
"-Follow me unto victory and glory! Deus Vult!"
"Deus Vult!"
The Wizardmon sprinted forward, then as soon as he was in range, pointed his focus at the square passageway and unleashed the last line of coding. Over a foot of nearly-solid fire pulsed to life in front of his weapon before speeding forward, the edges crashing against stone before continuing on through the dozens of meters of empty space. Beat followed closely behind, flying in a horizontal pose low across the ground as a dozen blasts of various shades erupted through the cover. Pit's chance had come, and he would not let it pass by.
"Come now fellow comrades! Let them taste Heaven's Wrath! Charge!"
So as his comrade battled against the Legendary Warrior, so did Pit begin his fight against the Gloaming Scum manning this fortress.
===Authors Note: I feel like this is a good place to end off on for right now. I'll post agian tonight, with a vote.
"Come now fellow comrades! Let them taste Heaven's Wrath! Charge!"
With that last order, Pit began charging into the mountain's passage, only pausing momentarily to make sure the other soldiers are properly arrayed behind him before diving forward. However, instead of flappping his wings at full speed, the small Pidmon intentionally slowed himself down to keep pace with the others.
He'd gathered them up so he could lead them in God's name. Moving ahead by himself would not do!
Together they moved into the passageway shaped collectively as a long, thin wedge. Phelesmon's inner fortress entrance was titanic in side, easily spanning enough room for a score of champions to stand shoulder to shoulder, with a very similar height. Which only made Sparks wall of fire that covered the entire thing seem all the more impressive.
As Pit flew over the smoothed rock, he noticed a series of of lines over the rock, as if something had been dragged across it's surface. However, he's forced to look away shortly as the defenders blind shots poured through the cover. Fortunately Beat's low position and minimized posture had kept him safe in his charge, but the rest of his force were not able to repeat his maneuver.
Thus the champion is forced to raise his long rod and personally take care of any stray shots, rapidly spinning his weapon and darting around to block the most worrying projectiles. Despite his best efforts however, a number of the hated foes shots got through, striking and wounding his followers, if not managing to delete any of the holy mon. Thanks the lord for his mercy.
Sparks attack however, aside from providing cover, also worked as a mild deterrent as after traveling far enough, the unseen defenders are forced to dodge out of the main hall lest the foul enemies be turned to cinders.
Just as he predicted, it let Pits forces cross the last, most dangerous stretch unhindered and allowed his speediest and second most durable comrade deal with the bulk of their attention first. If it were any other force, Pit would have pitied them for having to face the merciless Stingmon. But he had no pity or mercy to give to the Gloaming's scum.
After Sparks conjured fire fades, the diminutive Pidmon saw that his opponents had taken refuge to avoid the attack. Having shifted position right where the passage made a sharp turn. In turns this had kept the number of mon able to shoot Host forces to a minimum and keep them nice and close for a certain stoic digimon. While he may not have believed in the Lord, Pit knew that his friend would be more than capable of carrying out their creator's will.
Beat started his offensive exactly as brutally efficient as Pit has expected, driving his spike straight through a surprised Centarumon's face, while simultaneously showering a Hookmon with enough needles to turn him into little more than a rapidly fading pincushion. Which was far more merciful than either of the champions had deserved.
On the inner edge, a Tankmon had lined up it's nose with one of his following Darcmon clearly aiming to blow her away, but that would not stand! Pit's wings flexed, sending him shooting forward in a haze of golden flame. The small Pidmon thrusted the crescent end of his rod at the barrel and pushed. A mere nanoscend before firing a lethal projectile into the angel's face, the Tankmon's main gun was turned right around. Leaving the powerful projectile to have torn through the stomach of a Minotaurmon.
Not simply content with that, Pit slammed his rod down and spread his wings, gathering holy power and anger into his most powerful of limbs
"Fire Feather!" Those less foes, Vilemon and Bakemon were deleted nigh instantly by the divine barrage torn and brunt to shreds by his power. Further barrages might have been able to delete the rest as well, he held back. His current followers might have also gotten caught in the crossfire. Which called for a different method of attacking. "Feel Heaven's Wrathfoul peon's of sin! Holy rod!" Pit's golden weapon crashed brutally through the reinforced metal skull of the closest Tankmon, before he scooped the fading mon up and tossed it into an already shooting Guardromon. He relished each and every deletion, but did not stop to take it in. After all, there were far more still leaving that needed divine punishment.
"The enemy fears us! They depended on distance and their so called *Legendary Warrior* to protect themselves! Strike now and end their cowardly lives! Deus!-" He lunged forward, batting aside a living missile before impaling the offending champion. "-Vult!"
Between his power and the utter lethality of Beat, the remaining Gloaming forces were heavily disorganized and damaged by the time the main wave of angels arrived. So when the wedge struck a second later, the firing line of champion's broke. Just as Pit has theorized. While he led the attackers to finish up the remaining dozen enemy champions fighting, a pair of Meramon had fallen back toward through the hall.
Fruitlessly they ran over to their master's final line of defense, a titantic set of doubledoors and begins beating on it for succor. But Pit knew they would receive none. Their leader had abandoned them, and soon they would pay for their choice in allegiance.
"Halo Attack!" Pit cried, breaking into a twirl as he chased after the pair of digimon. He wouldn't let any escape, none would receive mercy for their many atrocities and-
Before he could finish his thought, the doors burst open, crushing both elemental champions against the same stone wall. A single tall figure hung in the now open portal's empty air, knee upraised from having struck the thick wooden barrier.
"Kokoko! Freedom at last! And what is this? A lone Pidmon standing in my way?" The clearly sarcastic mon slapped his hands to the sides of his face in fake shock. "Oh, whatever can I do to overcome such odds?"
At one point in time, Pit had been nothing next to this champion. Blitzmon as his evolution had so proudly announced. But the angel hadn't spent the month praying. Well he had, but it hadn't only been praying! He'd been training too! His god-given strength had been bolstered to new heights and he wouldn't let himself be cast aside simply because of this mon's natural lineage! Beat's hated foe would pay! And he would not shirk his duty to the lord by letting this bastard go free!
"Prepare yourself for-"
"Ah, one second" Blitzmon called, taking in the data from both crushed Meramon. Pit can feel his anger stirring from the interuption, the golden fire on his wings flaring up. "Now! IIIII think it's time to leave this place-" "Apollo Tornado!"
"How cute! Lightning Blitz!" Pit grit his teeth, but held course as the enemy mon turned into a living projectile. His rod smashed against Blitzmon's horn, weighing divine fury versus electrically charged metal. And despite all his anger, the larger champion's power won out, bowling through Pidmon. He felt the champion's shoulder strike his chest, and winced as his torso caved before his body was sent flying. However, his attack managed to alter the Legendary Warrior's sending his horn slamming into the wall head first.
He had not failed the lord there, not completely at least. Pit's action had prevented Blitzmon from crashing into the croud of victorious angels, and more importantly bought time for the one mon potentially capable of defeating Blitzmon enough time to get his bearings.
"Me!" The former KoKabuterimon replied. "Wait who are-" before he could say anything else a foot smashed into his chest, burying him into the stone wall. After healing himself, Pit couldn't help but grin at the fight, but saw that his soldiers couldn't compete at this level. Which meant doing something he despised, if not nearly as much as the Accursed Gloaming.
"Soldiers Of The Host! Our mission is complete! Retreat!" Pit waited a second as the many holy digimon snap to following his orders, then began to follow. But was distracted as something undeniably and instinctively nefarious stirred behind him. "Grrr."
He barely managed to dive out of the way of a colossal claw, one which effortlessly shattered stone and shook the entire mountain. The Undead Digimon did not stop to finish him off, it merely continued stomping forward, scattering the crowd of angels in its wake, as if they'd been beneath it's notice. Thanks to retreating, they'd managed to avoid being crushed, but just a few moments later and... Pit blinked as half dozen forms materialized through the large hallway.
"Lord in Heaven what are Garurumon doing in there?" Danger, a flash of light blue. Pit barely managed to raise his rod in time to avoid his neck being pierced by a set of claws, but even the force sent him flying away out of the passage. A WereGarurumon landed on the stone floor a moment later, the feral digimon's face lit up into an angry snarl. Pit readied himself for a second assault... then paused as a second feral roar erupted from the tunnel.
Twenty feet of muscle, teeth and claws charges free from the Fortress, it's massive bulk giving even the Ultimate level digimon pause.
Pit grit his teeth and flew further up, ready to fight this creature before it can assault the retreating soldiers that had followed him into danger.
Which is when a final figure flashes out from the tunnel. One that made his skin crawl and core cry out in furious disgust.
"Ta ta, meddling Angel." Lord Phelesmon of the Accursed Gloaming raised his left, hand. "Black Statue!"
===Choose One:
[] Beat: The Stingmon fighting a Legendary Warrior for vengeance.
[] Verge: The Merciful Gryzmon with a difficult choice to make.
===Authors Note: heh, trying to keep everything in past tense is more difficult than I expected. Still pretty neat though. I wonder if I should stick with that to Give Pidmon's POV a bit more uniqueness. Hmm, maybe a vote later.