Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Dont think there is much difference in going high here? Combat monsters should be higher up in the rankings by now. from the years before, and if there is someone that picks a... challenge like the one above they are just as likely to be as hard no matter where we go on the scale, due to LQ´s low skills and stats.
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[X] Disciples 802-814

Go big or go home. What type of challenge?.

  • Combat
  • Music
    • Fluting
    • Singing
    • Dancing
  • Stealth challenge
  • Spirit ken
Shouldn't the domain bonus of Argent Mirror mean that Qi Ling can know herself and what she would do in any situation?

Edit: Or she would if this wasn't a quest.
Really nice to see Meizhen pick up on Ling Qi's troubles and offer her thoughts on the matter. Guessing we'll hear a few more perspectives before this is over? Expecting CRX at least to notice or be approached. Maybe Xiulan too.

That last bit though... Our liege is such a nerd, and I hope we don't get stuck with such dull challenges, but I have to respect her knowledge. She can be the goal young Liu strives for since this seems to be his target niche and she was nothing less than excellence exemplified.
[X] Disciples 802-814

This is the more valuable information; we'll need to challenge into this soon enough regardless.
[X] Disciples 815-825

The reward's the same and the difficulty is easier, so there's little reason to make things harder on ourselves.

Once we're in this bracket we won't need to challenge again until we're ready for the next bracket up, also.
[X] Disciples 802-814

If we win, less chance of dropping down from challengers. Also I dont think there is much difference in combat lvl at these rankings. And thirdly, skill checks are just as likely to fail depending on the challenge if we go low. As I doubt there is much difference in lvl here either,
I....want to see more ridiculous challenges now.

But this is a great update and even though we've backtracked on development a bit, I really like that it's an issue that we're facing. Not every deepsetted issue is easily resolved. Some things you'll constantly grapple with throughout your life. (Though that's a lonngggggg way ahead of us.)

Also I didn't say as much before but the fact that husbando Shen Hu is potentially going Bloody Moon along with husbando Liao Zhu which means I get double moon abs, is really nice.

And by really nice, I mean I'm curious if they'll interact at all due to moon alignment and I think Ling Qi could use the man service.
In the case that a disciple who won a ranking challenge would be pushed down by the above process, their rank will be skipped during that month's processing.

Staying low may be wise. There's no point in challenging higher when the reward tier is the same. So long as we win, we won't slip down the ranking either. And it benefits us to be challenged and win challenges to acquire CP. So looking weak is helpful.

[X] Disciples 815-825

In other news, I'm really happy to see both Ling Qi questioning herself like this, and Meizhen being such a supportive friend. And I seriously wonder what disciple thinks he can genuinely win against Oppression Mom's heir in a duel of administration. Is he that arrogant, or did we just see someone take a fall here? Or did Renxiang just do her research really well?
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isn't the Liu the clan that the Young Master that caused our mother so much grief came from? and are therefore a vassal of the Cai? It's possible that this challenge is intended to be a fairly easy one. Lord knows I highly doubt that Liu Su would be exactly unaware that Renxiang is good with paperwork if he is from a vassal of the Cai.

[X] Disciples 802-814

Partly because our Liege has already just jumped to 795, and her mother does expect us to finish no more than 5 ranks below her. As such, we really need to aim to move up to the high 800s soon, otherwise we'll either be playing catchup to get where we need to be or we'll be holding Renxiang back. Neither of which are likely to amuse Renxiang,

... @yrsillar will one of the possible future matches be a dance-off?...

or an idol management minigame?

[X] Disciples 802-814

If the older disciple is stupid enough to, presumably. Or, if they're even stupider, a musical stealth challenge.

[X] Disciples 815-825

The reward's the same and the difficulty is easier, so there's little reason to make things harder on ourselves.

Once we're in this bracket we won't need to challenge again until we're ready for the next bracket up, also.
Except it means that the gap between us and Renxiang will open up further. We're currently 20 ranks below her, so we need to be at least rank 815 to maintain the gap. If we jump to above 815, however, we narrow the rank gap, showing we are making progress on Shenhua's demand we finish the 2 years no more than 5 ranks below Renxiang. If we let the gap increase, then Shenhua may believe we can't achieve that, while if the gap is narrowing, she's likely to believe we're on track, making it less likely she sees fit to make specific demands of us- and more likely she offers us further assistance.
Staying low may be wise. There's no point in challenging higher when the reward tier is the same. So long as we win, we won't slip down the ranking either. And it benefits us to be challenged and win challenges to acquire CP. So looking weak is helpful.
I don't think we're locked in if we only fend off challenges.

Essentially sitting around rank 820 would mean we can at most rest a month or two before having to challenge someone new and win just to maintain our current tier.
I don't think we're locked in if we only fend off challenges.

Essentially sitting around rank 820 would mean we can at most rest a month or two before having to challenge someone new and win just to maintain our current tier.

Are we not challenging people every month? I thought we would be. If the plan is to challenge people only every other month, I'll reconsider and vote to challenge higher then.
[X] Disciples 815-825

More conservative here since the reward tier is the same, and staying under the radar for the early bits, before we've finished domaining stuff and gotten zhengui back is probably better. If we're going to challenge soon.

Shouldn't the domain bonus of Argent Mirror mean that Qi Ling can know herself and what she would do in any situation?

Argent mirror is more about seeing through the deceptions that she could place on herself than knowing what she thinks. In this case, it'd mean she couldn't, say, convince herself that she'd help meizhen if she didn't fully believe it.

Argent Mirror is pretty narrow, and not nearly as useful as the proponents of slotting it considered it. But I am also a strong opponent of both slotting it and the ability it was slotted with, so take my opinion with a heaping of salt.
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[X] Disciples 802-814

Cai challenged and won against someone 15 places above her, we need do do better to catch up.
Admittedly she was lucky enough to find some one who's specialty was something she was skilled in.
Hell i think Cai does that sort of exercise in her spare time for fun.
Are we not challenging people every month? I thought we would be. If the plan is to challenge people only every other month, I'll reconsider and vote to challenge higher then.
I mean, if the projected increase in power isn't enough to jump at least one reward tier a month, challenging and opposition research every month just to maintain out position is a waste of time, since we could just create a safety margin and cultivate harder instead.

And there's also to consider that we'll actually want to deny other people Opposition Research on us, which makes having a publicly visible match every month where other people get to decide the precise nature of the duel and thereby force us to show more of our repertoire rather counter productive.
Yeah argent mirror is about avoiding rationalizations and such. it doesn't prevent you from legitimately not knowing how you would react in a situation, and being distressed by that.

Like without argent mirror ling qi probably could have convinced herself by now that she definitely wouldn't cave if it was one of her 'real' friends at risk.
I mean, if the projected increase in power isn't enough to jump at least one reward tier a month, challenging and opposition research every month just to maintain out position is a waste of time, since we could just create a safety margin and cultivate harder instead.

And there's also to consider that we'll actually want to deny other people Opposition Research on us, which makes having a publicly visible match every month where other people get to decide the precise nature of the duel and thereby force us to show more of our repertoire rather counter productive.

Hmm, fair enough. OK, I'm convinced.

[X] Disciples 802-814
Go big or go home. What type of challenge?.

6. Upon acceptance of a challenge, the disciple of superior rank will be given a choice of challenge types to pick from by the Official or Elder providing oversight to the challenge.

Whoever Ling Qi challenges will determine what the challenge is, so it's important to pick people who have skillsets that are similar to hers but that she might have an edge in. Being forced to fill out paperwork is unlikely to work out for a former street rat.