Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

[X] Wait and watch what happens

A bit late, but this nonetheless.
Would be quite fun if Simmie got herself into the device just to avoid being a worthy opponent.
I think you all voting to wait and see are making way too many assumptions about the situation...

Some of you are voting that purely because you don't want to deal with whatever retaliation Ziz might bring if we break her new toy and that's fair, but a lot of you seem to be letting it go because you think she's trying to escape Eidolon to break the cycle, and that's a really big bunch of 'what if's there.
Im voting because I really do want to see what she is up to. And I also see any form of combat the poor choice because its an EB. Spells may make us a blind spot, but if Ziz simply decides to TK everything around her into mulch for example (don't think SW would do this, but still).
What targets for TK though? You are in open air and based on the speeds of the device, either Ziz wanted Taylor to see her, or they pull required a need to pick up speed. One is most likely a trap but a trap I'm too much of a fool not to take the bait on. The other means her TK will be out of range long enough to have either combatant's fates already sealed.
I thought that Angelic Name came out of nowhere and might have been made up. Pretty sure it actually was Ziz trying to stop this from the beginning or alternatively it was Ziz from the start. Although if it can Brain Scan Tim then going with Canon Worm it doesn't need the Device since it isn't limited to just Tinker Shards but also anyone who can build anything.

Although why would Tim think it was a breeze? That box doesn't sound light and I am pretty sure he would feel that breeze. Although this sounds like Ziz wants Tim and Taylor to be there so my only recommendation is to Flee since she is in a position where she can't Fight without dying. Alternatively it is going to use the Device to Mindrape Taylor. That is unless this is the Fanon Woobie Destroyer of Worlds Ziz?
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Ziz is under the parahuman category if indirectly, and probably suffers the same rule Dragon used to. MagiTech just simply does not make a kick of sense to her.
Ziz can understand tinkertech just fine, and magitech makes more sense than that.
If Ziz formed a TK 'hand' out of force, she could literally slap Taylor out of the sky.
That is unless this is the Fanon Woobie Destroyer of Worlds Ziz?
It's not exactly fannon. Think about how easily she caved to tattletale originally.
If Ziz formed a TK 'hand' out of force, she could literally slap Taylor out of the sky.
I was thinking more just a pressure wave, but yeah, pretty much.
Ziz can understand tinkertech just fine, and magitech makes more sense than that.
Except it didn't to any of the tinkers to look at it so far, and WB WOG'd that mana is completely non-existant as far as the worms know. And souls. Life energy. Ect.
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Ziz can understand tinkertech just fine, and magitech makes more sense than that.

Except that DRAGON , who's entire tHinker power is focused on understanding and duplicating tinkertech to the point she's considered the worlds greatest tinker, couldn't understand a bit of it. With provided textbooks to help her with it. Trying to compare an AI's processing and analysis/decryption capabilities to an ill-defined creature like the Simurgh seems like a losing game of "what you believe already", soo.... what makes you think the Simurgh will do any better?
I think you all voting to wait and see are making way too many assumptions about the situation...

Some of you are voting that purely because you don't want to deal with whatever retaliation Ziz might bring if we break her new toy and that's fair, but a lot of you seem to be letting it go because you think she's trying to escape Eidolon to break the cycle, and that's a really big bunch of 'what if's there.
It's metagaming, but it's not like there's a good range of options. We can let her get away (and thus The Simurgh Wins) or throw down by destroying the device or taking the fight to the Simurgh directly and probably die in the process (and thus The Simurgh Wins). To use a D&D analogy, we're a mid-low-level sorceress who's being actively taunted by the epic-level major lore character who knows most of your tricks and is playing with loaded dice. We're underleveled, without the rest of the party and fighting on the enemy's chosen ground. Victory isn't an option here. Of the available options waiting makes the most sense from a meta perspective. I chose to destroy the box o' doom because that makes more sense from a character perspective, and because I do kinda want to get one shot in on the narrative poison that is the Simurgh, even if it is pointless.

OTOH, the real flip-the-table choice here is to give the Simurgh the finger and just go home. Y'know, fuck the wanky GMPC and go back to doing our thing. :)
Some of you are voting that purely because you don't want to deal with whatever retaliation Ziz might bring if we break her new toy and that's fair, but a lot of you seem to be letting it go because you think she's trying to escape Eidolon to break the cycle, and that's a really big bunch of 'what if's there.

It's not exactly pulled out of thin air to believe that Ziz is a sentient being that doesn't particularly want to follow the "worthy opponents" role and outside of that has nothing specifically against humanity. That's all apparent in canon. It's definitely an optimistic interpretation of what's going on here, but that doesn't automatically make it wrong.
This vote discussion kinda fueled me to write an omake. I feel a need to ask permission about posting it though. It is inconsequential as it is basically Dragon seeing what Tim saw and trying to determine what is going on before simply deciding it's better not thinking about. It's just a habit to always ask first.
This vote discussion kinda fueled me to write an omake. I feel a need to ask permission about posting it though. It is inconsequential as it is basically Dragon seeing what Tim saw and trying to determine what is going on before simply deciding it's better not thinking about. It's just a habit to always ask first.
Post away, good sir!

A Plea? Or a Ploy?

"What is the fucking Simurgh doing here?!" Dragon recoiled from Tim's shout over her connection. It made sense to keep an open voice chat with him much like she did Armsmaster. Keeping contact with the best tinkers around always helped to liven her sleepless days.

That didn't mean she was prepared for what was heard, or Tim's face suddenly appearing on screen in pure terror as he requested she alert all their contacts. Get a counterattack ready or something in case the Simurgh succeeded at whatever stealing his newest device would cause.

She had a problem though. On another tab was a singular message.

Cassiel: Don't worry. I want to help too.

Getting private messages wasn't all that odd being in charge of PHO and all, plus sometimes her friends were too busy for random calls. But being an AI meant she had a little more information than just a name and message.

She had been tracking the incredibly direct yet vague message, and at Tim's words the pieces clicked. Cassiel was the Simurgh and she was up to something.

Odd as it was, Dragon wondered if anybody would even know if she contacted the Hopekiller and found something out about all this.

That in mind, Dragon messaged the PRT to prepare for an attack but left it unclear as to where she would land. Then she replied to Cassiel.

TinMother: What are you planning?

Unsurprisingly, a response came swiftly.

Cassiel: I can't help like this. I need a new body. I need a free body.

Free? That line did not make sense. Endbringers weren't restricted. How could they be? What could possibly be strong enough to bind them to another's rule? No answers came to mind, and Dragon really wish something did because none of this really made sense.

Which, by Endbringer standards meant it was totally logical and the Simurgh's plan was currently succeeding. Unless it wasn't an attack and she did want to help. How was she supposed to respond to this? It took priority over so much she almost lost track of her eyes on Nidhogg in the arctic.

That settled it. She wouldn't share until after this was over. Too much was on the line and the more she got involved, the more globally collapsed.

But before she did, she sent one last message.

TinMother: Why contact me directly now?

Cassiel: I'm sorry. I saw what you did, and it gave me hope I could be free too. I knew just asking would be a fatal error.

And with that near system crash, Dragon promptly closed the tab and waited to see how this would play out.
I'm leaning toward amending my vote with calling the TSAB but not so hard as to make the change just yet. Thoughts on the value of calling the TSAB? Calling the Protectorate seems a bad choice, but if we're waiting more than a few minutes, that's time for a few mages to dimension shift to our location. They aren't all that far away, at least in Nanoha terms.
I wonder: did anyone else notice the Invisitext?
"Well, I don't know how much of this is really a surprise," Tim replies as he waves you over to a nearby table. Sitting on its surface is a cube made out of black lacquer and polished brass. "Just finished it today. You wanted a way to get that girl of yours out of the Fallen's hands? Cassiel? Here you are."
"Explorers in the further regions of experience…"
Now you remember the request you made of Tim and Dragon, and you peer closer at the box. Dragon's Device was not as fine as this, though you expect that had more to do with Tim's lack of experience than the importance he put on the construction. "Are all your Unison Devices going to look like this?" you ask out of idle curiosity.
Tim shouts in surprise and no little fear when he sees what you see, and no one could possibly blame him for doing so in this situation. "What is the fucking Simurgh doing here?!"
"Demons to some. Angels to others."
You don't want to answer him, but you have a terrible suspicion that you know the answer. It cannot be coincidence that the box's path will take it right to the youngest Endbringer. "She's stealing the Device. Tim, what would happen if she steals the Device?!"
I think it may actually be doing this to prevent any chance of saving Cassiel and possibly to Mindrape Taylor in the Name of the Fallen At least that is what I am getting from this.

Apparently others have seen it.
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If we wait and see, we"re assuming first that Ziz wants the device for herself, not to make a doomsday weapon out of it. Then we're assuming second that she'll lose her innate powers by entering the device. After that we're assuming third that the entity that results will be friendly, or at least non-hostile.

Mages are blind spots, so it's entirely possible she doesn't even actually know what the device does.
[X] Wait and watch what happens

Cassiel was quite obviously the Ziz from the get-go.
I am gonna assume that the Balam thing was a last minute Mama Mathers-inspired red herring and not a retcon.
If we wait and see, we"re assuming first that Ziz wants the device for herself, not to make a doomsday weapon out of it. Then we're assuming second that she'll lose her innate powers by entering the device. After that we're assuming third that the entity that results will be friendly, or at least non-hostile.
Also that it doesn't instantly die the second it does so since it is an Entity Construct to begin with.

Mages are blind spots, so it's entirely possible she doesn't even actually know what the device does.
That actually raises questions regarding how it can even touch the box unless the box isn't Magitek. It may be able to see the Ripples of Causaliy but that doesn't mean mu- ...oh... If Cassiel is real then she is a Zizbomb or a part of Ziz plan and now Ziz is trying to do something... Wait... If this thing can grab Cassiel's Consciousness and She is a Ziz Plot and she can get into Taylor's head then that means Ziz may actually be trying to use the box to puppet Cassiel to Mindrape Taylor! Alternatively the Cassiel thing was her trying to find a way into Taylor's head while the cut off was because of Perfect Storm forcing it out (or maybe it was just a part of the Plot to make Taylor want to help or even that Cassiel does exist and the entire Fallen are Ziz' Toyz) and that is why the box was necessary so it can reprogram all the components that aren't Magitek to allow it to Mindrape Taylor using what it can see and the results of this.

Ziz might also be using this box to be able to see Magic by trying to figure out how exactly Magic works (Shards are Designed to Learn after all!).
WMG with a few being that Cassiel is even real but is a Zizbomb, Ziz Plot, and/or Ziz Tool (just like the rest of the Fallen). The rest is Ziz doing work around to use the box to act like a Megaphone on Taylor and this entire time Cassiel and everything she said was a lie from Ziz to make Taylor susceptible to Mindrape. Either way this is a No Win Scenario for Taylor since Ziz is way to OP for her.
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@Silently Watches just a simple question. Is there any sense for Taylor to make a telepathic broadcast to try and contact Ziz and ask what the hell's going on?

Otherwise, probably gonna abstain from this one. Not really think that the Simurgh has the best intentions on mind, but trying to fight it head on solo or breaking her target seems like a preeeety sure way to get killed.

On the other hand, I think I have figured out just what the was going on with Cassiel.

Thinking back to her interactions it seemed weird how she remarked in particular that Dragon "disappeared" when she got a Unison device, or that she knew of magic at all.

Remember how in Arc 3 she was after Taylor and, more specifically, Storm? That green pulse that disabled him for a while?

Here's my shot in the dark: Cassiel is the Simurgh's attempt at a Device-type AI, and the Endbringer is Cassiel's grandma.

Dunno who the parents are, though.
I just thought of a glaring problem that might occur even if Magical Girl Ziz-Chan is 100% legit.

Awakening magic burns out any shards that are connected to the person acquiring the magic, right? This happened to Taylor, and it happened to Dragon.

So, what happens when Leviathan and Behemoth ? Do they just shut down...or do they do that thing that happens in 90% of action-oriented works and go completely berserk?

(This post is void if the burnout only happens "clientside" and not "serverside", so to speak.)
The burnout happens to the connection. The device does not contain enough power to physically harm the continent sized shards.
What targets for TK though? You are in open air and based on the speeds of the device, either Ziz wanted Taylor to see her, or they pull required a need to pick up speed. One is most likely a trap but a trap I'm too much of a fool not to take the bait on. The other means her TK will be out of range long enough to have either combatant's fates already sealed.
We have literally seen Ziz TK air molecules before. We already know in canon Simurgh can fight the precog blindspots of Scion and Eidolon by mapping everything they interact with like air molecules, other people seeing them, etc, though she loses some precision.
I'm leaning toward amending my vote with calling the TSAB but not so hard as to make the change just yet. Thoughts on the value of calling the TSAB? Calling the Protectorate seems a bad choice, but if we're waiting more than a few minutes, that's time for a few mages to dimension shift to our location. They aren't all that far away, at least in Nanoha terms.
The TSAB does not bring enough firepower to do this. Noting they would not fight an Endbringer that's to everyone else, in sleep mode. They WOULD fight to defend a population center.
If we wait and see, we"re assuming first that Ziz wants the device for herself, not to make a doomsday weapon out of it. Then we're assuming second that she'll lose her innate powers by entering the device. After that we're assuming third that the entity that results will be friendly, or at least non-hostile.
1) Ziz does not require a device to create a doomsday weapon. Theres not enough on the planet to stop her from creating a couple thousand conventional nuclear devices and setting them off.
2) This has not been an argument made. Simurgh with the device is not significantly harder to fight than Simurgh without the device, even with full power retention.
3) This has also not been an argument made, the entity that results may be easier to communicate with, but its not really going to be more hostile than an active Endbringer.

Ultimately, if Simurgh REALLY needs the Device then theres no reason to take the device from where we can see it happen. People need to eat, sleep and shit, and we've have little chance of a successful pursuit of a tiny object if it was taken while we're not already aware of it. Theres really no reason for the Device to be lifted at a speed where we can JUST BARELY keep up with it, barring improbable coincidence, its moving just slightly faster than we can fly because Simurgh wants us to be there.
The TSAB does not bring enough firepower to do this. Noting they would not fight an Endbringer that's to everyone else, in sleep mode. They WOULD fight to defend a population center.
This seems somewhat counter-intuitive. The means they have of actually harming an endbringer causes a 5 mile crater or so we've been told. Wouldn't deploying that near a population center on a rapidly moving target be, yknow, a bad thing? Particularly when them sitting it out in the middle of the marianas trench, and LEO are so much less catastrophic?
[X] Fight the Simurgh
It is the only option that makes sense in character.
-[X] Battle plans:
1) Call the TSRB for support. They already agreed to help fight the endbringers.
2) While waiting, charge our biggest blaster power and "befriend" Ziz.
3) When those fail, activate the device self-destruct.

wait and see is clearly the most fun option for us players but it makes no sense for Taylor.

btw. there should be no need for Ziz to approach suspiciously to get to where she is physically. Orbits (except for specifically designed stationary ones) pass over every continent regularly, and every place eventually. So Ziz being above Taylor would look like a regular coincidence, until it doesn't.