Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

[X] Wait and watch what happens

If she's the little girl in question, I'm going to laugh.

Magical Girl Ziz-chan.

Or maybe she wants to convert part of her structure to become mana-based because currently she has trouble predicting magic or something, and she thinks this might help with that. Who knows! Personally, I'm arbitrarily going with the guess that I think is more fun.
[X] Wait and watch what happens

As much as I don't like metagaming, we know that the Simurgh doesn't actually need this tech to fuck the entire world up. She has no need of it to do the whole "total planetary song" business, she can do that already. And if she wanted to analyze it to have a better grasp on magitech, well, she could've stolen many, many other things we've made before rather than this very special device.

So, well... At worst it's simple curiosity, at best it's an attempt to defect I guess.
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As much as I would love for Magical Girl Ziz-Chan to be a thing here, I sadly doubt that's what is happening. My logic is quite simply that the Endbringers are the final bosses of the quest, more or less, and one of them basically defeating itself seems really unlikely.
Four castings of Recursion Field at the same time will suck an Endbringer in. The mages/GBs responsible will be concentrating too hard to do much good in terms of fighting, but at least the Endbringer would be isolated.
Yeah, that's what I remember and why I was surprised by veekie's saying it's impossible.

Who is moving it, then, if not someone nearby? You don't think you have ever heard of a cape with telekinesis this strong.
But you heard about a non-cape with telekinesis this strong.

I'm happy to be the first one who suggested that Cassiel was the Simurgh's plot, even if I got details wrong:
3. A Zizard did it. Dinah triggered with some kind of dream-controlling/telepathic ability, she was kidnapped and 'upgraded' by Ziz, so Simurgh can influence us.

I also really not comfortable to give her a piece of magitech even if she probably just want to upload herself into it for the good of all of us. (except the ones who are dead)
[X] Destroy the Unison Device

This most probably ends badly, but at least Silently will have a chance to show off reincarnation mechanic. :V
[X] Wait and watch what happens
Embrace the end!

I've been thinking from the start that the girl in our dream was ziz. So if we've been helping her, why stop now?

Now I could draw a parallel that the girl in the dream is ziz and on top of that has been truthful. So she'd need the device to actually escape her predicament. Mmm?
Right, extremely unlikely. ziz is a chaos machine.
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This is a hard one. I'm torn between 'destroy the box' and 'wait and see'. In character, you learned not so long ago that the Simurgh is capable of slaughtering far more people than she ever has, that she is vastly more powerful than she had previously let on. On the other hand, out of character, we know that she has a goal and that murdering every human of the planet isn't on her to do list.

Of course, when considering, "What's the worst that can happen?" it is likely best to consider that SW used the Hellraiser box for reference in describing it. If Kinrush is right, I would be greatly amused, but a telepathic signal reaching Taylor at night from who knows how far does fit the Simurg's MO. Of course, him being right would mean Cassiel has been lying to us on some level. Alternatively, and I don't recall for certain how certain we are on some of these details, the Simurg might be the one oppressing Cassiel as the being the Fallen worship.

As much as I feel destroying the box is the better idea, curiosity wins out for me, so:
[x] Wait and watch what happens

Also, while it would most likely be suicidally stupid, we don't know in character that Ragnarok wouldn't be sufficient, so I expect to see a couple of votes for that approach.

Edit: Also, why didn't Dragon know that the Simurgh has moved? She keeps a continual watch on the Simurgh while she's in space, so it seems a bit of a surprise that she didn't see her moving. I would expect her alerts for a Simurgh attack to be blaring from the moment the Endbringer moved, under the presumption that this was her moving into position for an attack.
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As much as I would love for Magical Girl Ziz-Chan to be a thing here, I sadly doubt that's what is happening. My logic is quite simply that the Endbringers are the final bosses of the quest, more or less, and one of them basically defeating itself seems really unlikely.

What makes it a possibility in my mind is that this is, for us, the culmination of work that has taken several arcs, and it would provide, in at least one instance, a method of "defeating" one of the main bosses without a straight fight that still requires a lot of work on our part before and probably after Ziz uses the device.
A shrug, and you walk closer to get a better look at the box. There is something mesmerizingly elegant about it. You reach out to touch it…

…and the box tips over onto one of its sides before you can make contact.

ou don't want to answer him, but you have a terrible suspicion that you know the answer. It cannot be coincidence that the box's path will take it right to the youngest Endbringer. "She's stealing the Device. Tim, what would happen if she steals the Device?!"

"How am I supposed to know? I'm not an expert in the Simurgh!"

«She's a Tinker.» Samantha's comment is quiet, but it still seems to echo in your mind. «Tim, you don't have parahuman powers, but this is still a piece of advanced technology. That may be why she wants it.»

Oh goody. An Endbringer wants the Device. The Lament Configuration-esque Device. There's no way this can go badly.

But why does it always have to be you making these decisions?!
Yer a wizard, Harry protagonist, Taylor.

Quite a pickle we're in.

What to do, what to do?
[X] Destroy the Unison Device

I can understand the idea of waiting, but I'm leaning on the SOP of "Deny resources/exotic tech to the enemy".
[X] Destroy the Unison Device
Adhoc vote count started by Spectral Waltz on Nov 23, 2018 at 9:46 AM, finished with 214 posts and 35 votes.
[X] Wait and watch what happens

At the very least, there's no way we can fight the Ziz. Not alone, and not this high. I'm also curious. If the Ziz could make use of manatech, she would have before now; after all, there were pieces of it (including other unsion devices) lying around before we made this one. She's got long-range telekinesis. If she wanted to hurt us, we'd be dead by this point. She wants this particular device- and I wanna see what she wants it for.

And yes, I'm starting to suspect that we've been... not duped, but mislead by a winged one. This could end very badly... but...
Honestly, if Ziz does go full Magical Girl the biggest question is which Anime she picked her new avatar from... That and whether or not we can get a scene with Ziz & Dragon acting as a shoulder Devil/Angel pair :p (which one is which will be very much up for debate ;))

Also, knowing that shards and Magic don't work well together, I'm half expecting the removal of the Simurgh's mind (if that does indeed happen) will simply result in its former body carrying on mechanically with it's controller's orders... And maybe trying to kill both Taylor and the newly 'born' Unison Device.

Of course I've always liked the idea that the Endbringers forms are twisted versions of the ideal forms of the entities previous victims, and that Ziz's aberrant behaviour in Canon was down to whatever unlucky sod had the core shard in the last cycle getting uploaded and dragged along for the ride. Sure it's a bit 'I have no mouth but I must scream!' but it would explain the superweapon trying to off its creators...
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[X] Wait and watch what happens

If we're going this far, might as well go all the way! I'm way too curious of what might happen. The Simurgh has always been a being of such weird motivations...
Adhoc vote count started by PrimevalRevenant on Nov 23, 2018 at 9:54 AM, finished with 24 posts and 16 votes.
[X] Destroy the Unison Device. Regardless of her intentions or what we suspect they might be, an Endbringer having acess to manatech is not a good idea. Better safe than sorry.
My argument is that, well, we have nothing to gain from denying her the tech, and everything to lose if she goes awry. She doesn't need an upgrade to her psychic powers to brainwash every single person on Earth, she can already do that. And as for her trying to get her grabby arms on magitech, she had many, many chances to do that before. It doesn't make sense that she would single out this one thing just to figure out magitech in general.

And if she gets angry that we destroyed the device she seems to want specifically, well, at best we'll have to move cities again. At worst we'll lose everybody we love and will be entirely alone once again, and probably will get hunted down by everybody else for triggering an out-of-line Endbringer attack.
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I would say ATTEMPT to
[X] Destroy the Unison Device...
She played them so far (with the device's movement speed), and she is no doubt ready for ANY incoming attack she knows of. But, there is still thing you MUST try to do, even if the chances are slim. Because, "Who will if you won't?"
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[x] Wait and watch what happens

It occurs to me that Simurgh might find being on perpetual autopilot fighting pointless fights for a cycle that won't ever complete a waste of time.
If anything a unison device form is a DOWNGRADE for her in many ways.
And well...if she wanted to steal it she didn't need to do it in front of us. It could have quietly floated out of the window at night once it was done.
My argument is that, well, we have nothing to gain from denying her the tech, and everything to lose if she goes awry. She doesn't need an upgrade to her psychic powers to brainwash every single person on Earth, she can already do that. And as for her trying to get her grabby arms on magitech, she had many, many chances to do that before. It doesn't make sense that she would single out this one thing just to figure out magitech in general.

And if she gets angry that we destroyed the device she seems to want specifically, well, at best we'll have to move cities again. At worst we'll lose everybody we love and will be entirely alone once again, and probably will get hunted down by everybody else for triggering an out-of-line Endbringer attack.
So, your opinion is that this is a non-choice? Hm.