Stingmon's a assassin build mates

That's not lore. That's the biology of the mon, swift sudden strikes or shooting. A tank it ain't
The bio of the mon says it has a tough exoskeleton, and he was never really portrayed as frail in the show. I'm not saying it's a tank, but its defense definitely isn't below-average either.

I knew that frontal assault was stupid now we have more problems with the squad. Verge is injured, Beat was close to dying and has a grudge with Sarge, there will be massive lost of trust no matter how this goes.

W...what? In what way is Beat "close to dying?" Digivolution heals your body, and even before then he wasn't hurt that badly. He clearly jumped into Pipismon's mouth not because he was being eaten but because he was going to rip its throat open from inside. Verge just freaked out and went rage mode before Beat could do it.

And I highly doubt Beat would immediately decide to murder Scratch over this, especially when he knows Scratch can go ultimate and shit all over him easily.

And Frontal Assault wasn't stupid; on the contrary, it worked wonders. A glancing hit from Crazy Sonic was enough to deal moderate damage to Verge, and the reason Pipismon didn't get the chance to spam it from range is because Verge and Beat immediately put pressure on him in melee and dealt big damage.
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W...what? In what way is Beat "close to dying?" Digivolution heals your body, and even before then he wasn't hurt that badly. He clearly jumped into Pipismon's mouth not because he was being eaten but because he was going to rip its throat open from inside. Verge just freaked out and went rage mode before Beat could do it.
That post said "was" close to dying, not "is" close to dying.
Um... Archer? That's not quite what's happening here I think. Verge is injured, yes. But he has a couple more casts of his healing spell left for the day. Beat... while he did come close to dying, I don't think he has a grudge against Scratch. He's testing his new limits out, now that he's evolved. We need to be able to hear if either of them are saying anything during this, because both of them now have face covers that make it impossible to tell if anything is being said while we're deafened. For all we know Scratch is giving Beat pointers on how to use his new weapons more effectively.
I always think for worse, it works for me as it preparation when the things go bad or worse. That is the worst case escenario that is very likely, almost dying with friend in pain would piss off a lot of people.
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Seems pretty conclusive.
Adhoc vote count started by TempestK on Oct 3, 2018 at 12:52 PM, finished with 27 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] Heal yourself once again and wait, you're pretty sure that there's still damage to your ears from the Pipismon. Maybe this isn't what it looks like?
    [X] Push past your fear, tap into your anger and sprint towards them to get in the midst of the combat. You'll stop them with your body if you have to!
    [X] Shout for them to stop, and ass why they're fighting! Beat just digivolved so one of them could get hurt, and Scratch is your leader. They have no reason to fight!
Damnit! I was just about to do that!

Ahem. So I have to do something else.

Here are the deceased Pipismon's stats:

Strength 260
Fortitude 220
Endurance 180
Agility 300
Special 280
Spirit 240


It wasn't exactly the most powerful champion around. There's a reason why Scratch was confident in sending Verge and Beat to take it down. (Aside from the terrain)
Adhoc vote count started by drexal15 on Oct 3, 2018 at 1:29 PM, finished with 29 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] Heal yourself once again and wait, you're pretty sure that there's still damage to your ears from the Pipismon. Maybe this isn't what it looks like?
    [X] Push past your fear, tap into your anger and sprint towards them to get in the midst of the combat. You'll stop them with your body if you have to!
    [X] Shout for them to stop, and ass why they're fighting! Beat just digivolved so one of them could get hurt, and Scratch is your leader. They have no reason to fight!
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[X] Heal yourself once again and wait, you're pretty sure that there's still damage to your ears from the Pipismon. Maybe this isn't what it looks like?
Pretty much.

Though unlike Patamon Verge has plenty of people mistaking him for a Champion... will make it funny when if he turns into his actual Champion form in front of em.
What will be really hilarious is much later on when our power and size as a Champion makes people think we're an Ultimate and then we digivolve into a really smol Ultimate :V
Pretty much.

Though unlike Patamon Verge has plenty of people mistaking him for a Champion... will make it funny when if he turns into his actual Champion form in front of em.
What will be really hilarious is much later on when our power and size as a Champion makes people think we're an Ultimate and then we digivolve into a really smol Ultimate :V

That's Frieza

Frieza is meh

Can Verge be Cooler instead?

Better theme too

Can Verge be Cooler instead?
Cooler is best Frost Demon. That is truth.


Closing vote and getting to writing now/soon. Outline is only 482 words so I don't expect this one to be too big.
Adhoc vote count started by drexal15 on Oct 3, 2018 at 6:14 PM, finished with 35 posts and 15 votes.

  • [X] Heal yourself once again and wait, you're pretty sure that there's still damage to your ears from the Pipismon. Maybe this isn't what it looks like?
    [X] Push past your fear, tap into your anger and sprint towards them to get in the midst of the combat. You'll stop them with your body if you have to!
    [X] Shout for them to stop, and ass why they're fighting! Beat just digivolved so one of them could get hurt, and Scratch is your leader. They have no reason to fight!
See, the thing is.

For all that people mistake Verge for a Champion? They're not far wrong.

Strength 260
Fortitude 220
Endurance 180
Agility 300
Special 280
Spirit 240

  • Strength: 236.25
  • Fortitude: 206.00
  • Endurance: 202.75
  • Agility: 176.50
  • Special: 179.50
  • Spirit: 152.00
Sure, it was a feral Champion. But Verge is within a standard deviation or actually better than that Pipsimon in every physical stat save Agility (Which is Pipsimon's focus, where it would have gotten the biggest multiplier anyway)

Verge only falls behind significantly in Special and Spirit--and even then, he's catching up quick there.

Calling Verge a ghetto-Champion right now isn't wrong. He's almost as strong as a feral Champion at this point and he's still a Rookie--based on what drexal told us? Verge would actually win against an average Champion Drimogemon (Though a lot of that is because an adult Drimogemon is already kind of an "Also Ran" evolution that are known for being cowardly--rather than Verge and his RIP AND TEAR tendencies in times of exigency).

If we not only manage to Evolve, but get a good Evolution? Verge will be monstrous, very few Champions who aren't of some legendary type would be his match, and he'd be a threatening force even against an ordinary Ultimate.

At least when his skills are up to the point where he can leverage his full strength.
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Calling Verge a ghetto-Champion right now isn't wrong. He's almost as strong as a feral Champion at this point and he's still a Rookie--based on what drexal told us? Verge would actually win against an average Champion Drimogemon (Though a lot of that is because an adult Drimogemon is already kind of an "Also Ran" evolution that are known for being cowardly--rather than Verge and his RIP AND TEAR tendencies in times of exigency).
Kind of makes me want to have Verge meet a normal Drimogemon now.

A Drimogemon getting scared of Verge would be quite the scene.
Sure, it was a feral Champion. But Verge is within a standard deviation or actually better than that Pipsimon in every physical stat save Agility (Which is Pipsimon's focus, where it would have gotten the biggest multiplier anyway)

Am I missing something? Aside from using Endurance as a dump stat, Pipismon had us beat in every category.
Kind of makes me want to have Verge meet a normal Drimogemon now.

A Drimogemon getting scared of Verge would be quite the scene.
And now I'm imagining something like this.

Verge and a Normal!Drimogemon suddenly bump into each other, and cue the following exchange;
Beat: "...What are those two even doing."
Sparks: "Perhaps it is the 'Official Drimogemon Greeting'?"
Funny, but not likely, Gryzmon doesn't evolve into that.
(Which is Pipsimon's focus, where it would have gotten the biggest multiplier anyway)
The biggest multiplier is a x4, but that's generally for exceptionally powerful champions. More likely it was a x3 multiplier.
If we not only manage to Evolve, but get a good Evolution? Verge will be monstrous, very few Champions who aren't of some legendary type would be his match, and he'd be a threatening force even against an ordinary Ultimate.
That's why so many of us want Gryzmon, he's an upper-tier physical attack focused champion; and a martial artist type to boot, which means more skill being brought in to apply to our prodigious strength. Confirmed as a x4 multiplier for strength on evolution.
Funny, but not likely, Gryzmon doesn't evolve into that.
No, but it can be accessed from Gladimon or Monochromon.
Unfortunately, it's an X-Antibody Digimon, which is a shame since we could get to RustTyrannomon from there potentially.
However, there's the alternative of Monochromon -> MetalTyrannomon -> RustTyrannomon.

And really, who wouldn't want our little ragemonster protagonist in control of a fuckhuge cannon?
So... here a fun thing to note.

Beat just pulled off a flawless chestburster impression then transformed into a monstrous biped with an exoskeleton.

In other words? Beat is a Xenomorph!!!

Or at least a parasitic wasp :p
So... here a fun thing to note.

Beat just pulled off a flawless chestburster impression then transformed into a monstrous biped with an exoskeleton.

In other words? Beat is a Xenomorph!!!

Or at least a parasitic wasp :p
Clearly we must find some way to get to the Human World and gather some movies to watch with the squad.
Naturally, the Aliens series would be picked for Beat. but what movies would the rest want to see I wonder?
23rd Day Of Light: Cave Fight Aftermath & Planning For Tomorrow
[] Heal yourself once again and wait, you're pretty sure that there's still damage to your ears from the Pipismon. Maybe this isn't what it looks like?


Blinking in confusion, you take a second and close your eye to think. Ignoring the sounds of combat, you try to formulate a reason as to just why the two would be fighting, and come up with a few possible explanations. The first is that Beat wants revenge on the Sergeant for sending him against Pipismon, but you doubt that's the case considering how eager he was to take that fight. Your second and much more likely guess is that he's sparring with the Gladimon to test his new power. Something that makes an fair amount of sense considering that on your first meeting with the insect digimon, he challenged you to a fight. It's weird that he'd do it so spontaneously, but Beat's kind of a very strange mon.

If I'm right then… this shouldn't be dangerous. I should just, well heal myself.

With a small nod, you open your eye to watch the fight and start on the healing incantation. The holy spell manages to bring you back to one hundred percent again, completely repairing the half-mended damage your ears and body had suffered in the previous fight.

Beat continues to push his new form to its very limits, practically teleporting around your commanding officer as the Stingmon launches a plethora of blows. Scratch weathers the storm admirably; his rotund shape and small size does wonders at lowering the area in which Beat can actually land any hits. Not that you believe that Beat would be able to land one if they were the same size and shape. Despite your comrade's speed, the Gladimon is if anything faster; and with far more skill behind his blows.

As the minutes go by, Beat begins to slow down; his movement and flight dropping from almost impossible to track reliably, to something you can comfortably follow. Cuts start to appear on his arms and legs from Scratch's carefully pulled counterattacks, as Beat's striking patterns become less compact and sloppier, until finally he can't even fly anymore and staggers down to his feet.

"Enough," Scratch states, thrusting his weapon up to rest at the hollow of the Insect digimon's throat. "Do not overestimate your stamina. Work on your defenses." Beat eyes the sabre's tip warily, then nods in a respectful manner.

Oh good it, was just a spar after all. Thank the spirits.


"Blitzmon was faster," The sergeant continues, sheathing his weaponry. "Stronger. Tougher. You still need to improve."

"I will." The Stringmon snarls, claws clenching into shaking fists.

You momentarily slump in relief, then pad towards Beat; ready to heal his minor injuries. The champion whips around as you close in, eyes filled with the familiar heat of wrath. You flinch back, nearly messing up a line of coding but barely manage to keep the stutter out of your voice. Your friend(?) closes his eyes, as if to calm himself, then gives you a small nod of assent.

A few seconds later the shallow cuts on his exoskeleton knit shut as you finish the spell.

On the way back to the camp, you go over the fight against Pipismon in your head, thinking of how you could have possibly done it better. A few minutes in as you play out the last minute or so of the battle you realize something shocking.

By The Ten! I won! I mean I actually defeated Pipismon I... Deleted him.

The frisson of uneasy sickness you normally feel from contemplating such an action crops up again, but is summarily pushed out of the way by a surge of pure elation at your (admittedly shared) victory.

I've become a lot stronger since the village, and now I've defeated a champion! I'm one one step closer to ending Count's minions and.... and rescuing my family… I just hope they're okay...


The first thing you spot of the camp is a massive mound of rocks piled up outside the cave. The literal tons worth of debris you'd moved in your excavation of the tunnel has formed its own little hill, a true showing of just how much material you can get through when you set your mind to digging.

Pidmon spots your returning party first.

"Fr-Comrade Beat, you've finally digivolved!" He flies forward and grabs the Stingmon's hand with his own. The insect digimon looks kind of confused at first, but after a moment something seems to click and he completes the handshake without trouble. Your two comrades stand at nearly identical heights, with the Stingmon's antennae making him seem just a little bit bigger.

"I have."

"Fantastic news! I'm sure your new form shall be absolutely instrumental in our vanquishing of the accursed Gloaming scum this coming day!"

...I don't know what else I could have expected him to say.

It might just be your imagination, but you'd swear that his grunt sounded smug. The two champions back off, and Beat looks around the camp for the other squad members' reactions. Sparks throws him a nod of respect, something he returns without question. When he gets around to Ardat however...

"That's so cool!"

*Sigh* Yeah that-it was pretty much what I expected

"You have spikes now! And claws! Can you fly? Do those growths on your arms shoot stuff? Can-" Beat ignores the jiggling Witchmon's many, many questions, in favour of testing out whether he actually can launch a spike shooting out of his forearm.

One tree with a massive hole torn through it later, you found out that he very much can.

Scratch calls for everyone's attention a few seconds later, making everyone gather around before he finally begins to speak.

"The assault will happen tomorrow," he states, showing the group a strange black device with a series of glowing numbers at the front. To your surprise, the rightmost one changes a few seconds later, warping into an entirely different symbol. You're so engrossed in examination the object that it takes a few seconds for the Gladimon's next words to fully register. "The layout is unknown, but intelligence suggests that the tunnel will come out in a storage area. It could be wrong, so be cautious when entering," Scratch takes a saber in his left hand and begins pointing it at various squad members. "Fledglings Stingmon and Pidmon will be with me on the advance. Witchmon, and Wizardmon will be backup," he pivots his body to eye Ardat. "No self-debilitating spells."

"B-but Scratch, those are the best ones!" She protests with a heavy pout. "They're so powerful, and-"

"Do you want to stay behind?"

"...noooo." The Witchmon slumps down and begins to sulk.

"Then follow my order."

Something about this is… familiar. I just can't place it.

"Fledgling Drimogmon," The sword snaps towards your face, causing you to reflexively move your nose to block it. "Your position is rearguard. Heal if necessary, help against chaff, and watch out for enemies sneaking around to the rear."

"Right!" you give a single confident nod.

I defeated a champion today! This… this shouldn't be much different. Plus, Beat is- well he's a champion now too! And fast! We can do this!

"Angewomon will draw off a large portion of their forces and a leader. I will deal with the remaining Ultimate." He finishes the address, sheathing his sword and stepping back.


"Heh, got it!"

"Yes sergeant!"

"The Master of Wind Sorcery hears your words oh-"

He waits until the various members of the squad have acknowledged his words before turning to face you.

"Fledgling Verge, your progress with the spell I've shown you has been faster than expected," he states. "You may possibly grasp it before the assault, if you dedicate what time remains to studying it."


"You think that I can really learn it that...quickly?"

"That is what I said, but there is another option." The devolved Ultimate draws his blades once again. "You are the weakest member of the squad. I am willing to train with you until it is time for assault. It will be painful, but will increase your chances of surviving." His calm, eyes stare impassively through you. "Make your decision."

"I-I can't take a break can I?" You question, in what's supposed to be a half joke. It ends up coming out as more of a whine.


=== Choose One:

[] You'll focus on studying in whatever time you have left, after all adding that fire to your attacks should give a massive boost to your offensive capabilities. (Flame Weapon Shroud will be fully learnt)

[] You'll bear through the pain and do the training with Sergeant Scratch. It can't be that bad… right? (Counts as 2 Sparring Sessions and 2 Fortitude Training sessions. Will bring General Fighting up to 30)

=== Stat Changes:
  • Strength: 236.25
  • Fortitude: 206.00
  • Endurance: 202.75
  • Agility: 176.50
  • Special: 179.50->187.00
  • Spirit: 152.00->153.75
Talent Change:

Special: E->E+ (2.5X multiplier)

===Authors Note: End part of the mission coming up soon folks! Base assault here we come! Beta'd by @TempestK and @no.

Edit: Here are Beat's Stats:

Fresh Champion, and after Loading Pipismon

Strength: 480/506
Fortitude: 630/655
Endurance: 375/383
Agility: 760/790
Special: 350/378
Spirit: 350/374

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[X] You'll focus on studying in whatever time you have left, after all adding that fire to your attacks should give a massive boost to your offensive capabilities. (Flame Weapon Shroud will be fully learnt)

In the end, survival is the most important thing, we are the weakest link here, he's right.

[X] You'll bear through the pain and do the training with Sergeant Scratch. It can't be that bad...Right? (Counts as 2 Sparring Sessions and 2 Fortitude Training sessions. Will bring General Fighting up to 30)

Our job isn't to fight and destroy, it's to be the rearguard, that means we need the power to hold position, not destroy enemies.

And all the attack power in the world won't do much if we can't reliably connect with a foe.