18th-20th Days Of Light: Another Return Part 2
[] 1st Spell, Flame Weapon Shroud: Adds fire damage to claws and nose based on special stat. Lasts for 30 seconds (0/18)
[][Day One] Strength Focus: 3 Strength, 1 Fortitude, 1 Endurance
[][Day Two] Agility Focus: 3 Agility, 1 Strength, 1 Endurance
[] Pidmon: You haven't spent much time with your newest friend yet. Now's as good a time of any to find out more about him. Maybe you could talk about why he likes *Sistermon*, or his anger issues?


Your next days on the road pass in a nearly identical fashion to the first two as you fall into a steady schedule of training, studying the first of Scratch's spells then training again, followed up by one last bout of additional reading. Thanks to your ability to see at night, darkness doesn't really hinder your reading. As the days go on, you can't help but notice something odd. The steady progress you'd been making in most fields seems to be slowing down somewhat. Sure your endurance, strength, and agility are still increasing, it's just at a markedly lesser rate.

On other paw, your other capabilities still seem to be improving at a rapid pace, as you feel much tougher than ever before thanks to the sparring with Pidmon. Practicing this new spell has also been effective in increasing the power of your internal energy, making your healing even more effective. In fact, you even manage to cast Holy Light Strike once during the day. Watching the sharp construct of pure white energy drill through a tree was pretty neat.

What's more, thanks to what power you garnered from Fugamon and your own steady progress in training, you're confident that you can probably use your projectile technique in a more effective manner.

Not that the stressful days haven't had their hang ups. Even with healing it's a painful and tiresome affair to go through, and it's also just… really boring. A large part of you wants to blow off some of this and do something fun. However, you push on through it all. You can't, no you won't ever stop until Count and Repulsa have been wiped from the face of the digital world and your siblings are rescued.

On the subject of training, you're not the only one working out during the journey back. Beat throws himself into working out with renewed fervour, pushing his body to the breaking point all day long, but his progress has ground down to a slow grind where most of his abilities barely seem to improve. It feels frustrating just watching him. The sergeant also gives Sparks a new set of training exercises on the third day of traveling, tearing him away from his book-reading so he can physically improve. Pidmon progresses from just spending part of one day sparring with you to doing it twice, albeit this time with Scratch involved. The Mistymon is *careful* with him, mostly staying on the defense and only actually hitting back with an empty hand at speeds slow enough that even you can track. Your friend is still forced to heal after every counter-blow. As much as it makes you wince in sympathy, watching him get quite literally slapped silly is a bit humorous, especially with how unfailingly polite and enthusiastic he remains throughout the whole thing.

Even Ardat gets into the spirit of things and starts lifting weights before heading off onto her evening forays of spellcasting. Considering your own training, the boost from loading Fugamon, and the fact that the Witchmon never seemed to work out before; you had been sure that she couldn't be that much stronger than you. Watching her lift a tree several times the size of your body and use it as a training aid disabuses you of that notion.That honestly just makes it more bizarre. Why would she unload all her power in one blast every fight if she can also just hit lesser enemies?

On the third day of the journey, while sparring with Pidmon, you decide to ask the angel digimon about himself. Considering that he's your friend now, it only makes sense, and it's not like you've talked to him about well… anything since the two of you agreed to have a friendship. Plus, you're curious by nature, and the Pidmon is certainly different than *normal* versions of his species in a few different ways, something you have in common. You decide to start on the only subject you've heard him mention before (aside from the Gloaming versus Blessed host conflict that is) and bring up his *hobby*.

"So, Pidmon..." you start, turning your head to knock aside his rod. "You uh, like Sistermon?"

"Hyuk, yes I do friend!" he grins, launching another strike towards you shoulder, which you turn aside with a claw.

"Why?" The question seems to give Pidmon pause, as he hesitates in his next strike.

"She's the official Idol of the Host of course. As a holy soldier of the Lord above, it is my duty to show my support!"

"Is-" You catch an overhead strike between your claws and wince as the power of his blow sends painful shockwaves down your arms. "That all?"

"Well, her music is okay." The angel digimon muses in a surprisingly mild fashion, giving a small shove that sends you stumbling back.

"Just okay? I mean you uh, like, seemed happy to by the disc from Agent Greymon."

"Hyuk, hyuk. The other garrison members all adore her." Pidmon explains. "It only made sense if I liked her too. It helped me fit in after Angemon brought me back, I was sure it could make me some more friends..." He trails, off grin changing into a discontented frown. "It didn't work, but I saw no reason not to keep it up, it's fun to act like that!"

...Just… just how much of him is a half-act? That. It reminds me of Ardat. Then again his laugh is oddly familiar to-incoming!

"There's one-" You deflect a sweeping blow up, forcing it up over your head. "-other reason though, friend. She's… familiar." Pidmon's frown deepens and he flaps his wings once to prevent himself from being pulled of balance.



"Indeed my comrade! Every time I gaze upon one of her posters and see her face, I cannot help but be filled with nostalgia and happiness. Hyuk, seeing it brings me joy!"

Aaaah. I think I get it now...

"Hmm, but I fear something is off." The angel digimon continues, this time with a slightly faster swing of his weapon. You wince, and try not to let out a yelp as it snaps against the back of your paw "It's not right somehow. Hyuk, listen to me, prattling on about a singer. Is there anything else you wished to discuss?"

"Um, sure." You nod, put off a bit by the odd turn this conversation took. "How about… what happened back when you fought the Devidramo-" Pidmon's concentration breaks, and his weapon speeds up, smashing against the side of your skull. The slip-up is a small one, so he doesn't take off your head, but it still sends you crashing down onto your side.

Ow. That was, ugh. Unexpected...

"Daemoncrap!" Pidmon cries out in alarm, bending down towards you with his free hand. However Scratch lets out a cough of sharp disapproval and he shrinks back, leaving you to wobbily raise back up onto your hind legs. "I'm so sorry, friend!" The angel digimon apologies with a bow of his armored head. "I've always had a lot of anger, but Angemon taught me to keep it under control. Thank the lord that it stays bottled up most of the time, but whenever I'm reminded of DeviDramon-" Fire roars up from Pidmon's wings, and you feel a sudden wave of heat that sets the tips of your fur to curling as a palpable sense of anger echoes through the air. Your friend cuts himself off, and steps back to get the wrath back under control.

Something about the burst of heat at a word is familiar, but you can't quite place why.

"Friend Verge, can we... talk about something else please?"

Yeah that...It sounds like a good idea.

The last portion of the sparring is spent mainly talking about the angel's favorite topic, The Blessed Host, and how great he considers it in comparison to the *Accursed* Gloaming. It's not hard to realize that he has a very real personal grudge against the organization, even though it doesn't seem to the revenge oriented version Sparks, Beat and yourself share. Whereas you just hate a set of individual digimon, he seems to think of the entire group like an entity unto itself which he personally loathes. It's a bit off-putting hearing so much vitriol from such a… well, such a generally happy individual. Considering his slip, and you not wanting to get hit hard enough to need a healing spell again, you're more than happy to leave the topic of his anger issues on hold for now.


On the fourth night while in the midst of studying, you find yourself being approached by Sparks for a talk before bed. You realize that you've barely talked to him at all since you've both been so busy training. The recently evolved champion stops several feet away, sweeps his arm out across his body and bows deeply in what you know to be some sort of formal motion.

"My apologies Verge, I forsook you these past days in favour of ensconcing myself in-" The Wizardmon whacks himself on the head with the haft of his staff and shakes his head. "I'm sorry." He says again, this time sounding like himself.

Ouch. And that language again, that is...Odd.

The Wizardmon peers up at you for a second, then lets out a single "heh" as if finding something funny.

"I'm a champion now, and yet, hehe. You're still taller than I am." Your friend chuckles, "I can remember when you were smaller than almost everyone else back when..." He trails off into sad silence.

"...you okay?"

"Heh, don't worry about me." The former Candlemon replies, forcing himself back to his previous tone. "I wished to speak with thee on the subject of- er, speak to you about Beat. I know it's odd to say but I feel like I know him. Perchance I have an unnatural feeling as if we've conversed before" Sparks eyes clench in worriment, and you have a feeling his face is wincing behind its covering. "When we talk, it's like we've had similar conversations before, but that can't be, I don't remember doing it. Beat does it too and… our words in a set wholly abrasive, yet friendly pattern nonetheless. Mine mind is-I'm confused" the crippled digimon takes a deep breath.

I… well suppose my talk worked. I knew they were a little more friendly now but… wow. That's, uh...

"He seeks to ally with as a friend for sake of revenge" The Wizardmon continues, but his words seem strangely half-hearted. "I trust him not, but alas I suppose it must be necessary to hold that in check, if we're to make him a useful asset in our quest for vengeance." His next words are dark, full of anger and lacking elegance of any sort. "If he's going to help us delete that bastard vampire Count like I did Fugamon, then heh. It only makes sense right?" Your friend rolls his shoulders. "What do you think, Verge?"

After a few seconds of thinking it over you:

===Choose One:

[] Chastise Sparks for being so ruthless about using other digimon like that. Revenge or not, you should have limits. You think really shouldn't ever think of his friends as tools; that's… just wrong. The bond should always be genuine.

[] Nod along with the Wizardmon. The more power the two of you accrue to defeat those two Count and his minions the better. If you can get allies on board, that would be a good thing indeed, even if it means using others

[] Stay silent and try to change the subject to something a little less heavy. This entire thing is making you feel uncomfortable, and you'd rather not weigh in on it when you're so tired..

=== Stat/Skill Changes:
  • General Fighting: 26/100->27/100
  • Basic High Programming: 24/100->26/100
Strength Focus: 3 Strength, 1 Fortitude, 1 Endurance
Agility Focus: 3 Agility, 1 Strength, 1 Endurance
Sparring X2
Special Focus X2: 6 Special, 2 Spirit

Bonus Points: Strength, Special, Fortitude
  • Strength: 218.75->221.75->222.75->224.75->225.75
  • Fortitude: 184.00->186.00->190.00->192.00
  • Endurance: 195.50->196.50->197.50->199.50
  • Agility: 168.50->170.75->172.25
  • Special: 145.50->157.50->159.50
  • Spirit: 139.75->143.25
Fortitude Talent is now Rank E
Spirit Talent is now Rank F+++

Flame Weapon Shroud: 0/18->4/18

===Authors Note: My original plan to include a second half with the basics for the next mission. But I wasn't able to fit it in. Beta'd by @no. And @TempestK

Sparks Stats:
Strength: 239
Fortitude: 273
Endurance: 197
Agility: 306
Special: 625
Spirit: 594

Beat's Stats:
Strength: 150
Fortitude: 170
Endurance: 140
Agility: 182.5
Special: 124
Spirit: 124
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[X] Chastise Sparks for being so ruthless about using other digimon like that. Revenge or not, you should have limits. You think really shouldn't ever think of his friends as tools; that's… just wrong. The bond should always be genuine.

It's never good thing to view others as tools especially when their comrades.

Even more so when your in a world where the power of Friendship is a actual Power.
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[X] Suggest that Sparks really shouldn't ever think of his friends as tools that's...just wrong. The bond should always be genuine.

It's never good thing to view others as tools especially when their comrades.

Even more so when your in a world where the power of Friendship is a actual Power.
Erm, sorry to say this but...
The vote has been altered on my Beta's suggestion. Sorry about the inconvenience.
[X] Chastise Sparks for being so ruthless about using other digimon like that. Revenge or not, you should have limits. You think really shouldn't ever think of his friends as tools; that's… just wrong. The bond should always be genuine.
[X] Stay silent and try to change the subject to something a little less heavy. This entire thing is making you feel uncomfortable, and you'd rather not weigh in on it when you're so tired..

Don't really care about the outcome, this vote is a hundred times more interesting to me than "oh we're obssessed with revenge but also we can't actually do anything bad because of that obssession"

Anyway, this shit is officially fucking ominous. This squad all being together is not a coincidence, I refuse to believe that. There is some hidden agendas and string pulling, I'm telling you. No fucking way would a group like this, with so many connecting threads, come together entirely by chance. In fact, I'm starting to wonder if the attack on the village wasn't intended to push Verge here...
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[X] Chastise Sparks for being so ruthless about using other digimon like that. Revenge or not, you should have limits. You think really shouldn't ever think of his friends as tools; that's… just wrong. The bond should always be genuine.
[X] Chastise Sparks for being so ruthless about using other digimon like that. Revenge or not, you should have limits. You think really shouldn't ever think of his friends as tools; that's… just wrong. The bond should always be genuine.

Man, I worry about our boyo, he seems to keep sliding into darker and darker habits. Glad we can be here and help give him the moral support he needs, otherwise I worry he might end up becoming similar to those he hates.

Also anyone else get the feeling we all knew each other before in anyone life here guys?
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[X] Chastise Sparks for being so ruthless about using other digimon like that. Revenge or not, you should have limits. You think really shouldn't ever think of his friends as tools; that's… just wrong. The bond should always be genuine.

Do not be like Repulsa's lot!
I guess we're doing the "trappings of unhealthy/unethical obsession but not actually being driven to do unethical things by it because we gotta be the super nice hero who's super nice to all of his friends" thing.
[X] Chastise Sparks for being so ruthless about using other digimon like that. Revenge or not, you should have limits. You think really shouldn't ever think of his friends as tools; that's… just wrong. The bond should always be genuine.

Do not be like Repulsa's lot!

I'd say there's a good bit of space between "willing to use underhanded means to get more help reaching your goals" and "literal baby-stomping".
[X] Chastise Sparks for being so ruthless about using other digimon like that. Revenge or not, you should have limits. You think really shouldn't ever think of his friends as tools; that's… just wrong. The bond should always be genuine.
[X] Chastise Sparks for being so ruthless about using other digimon like that. Revenge or not, you should have limits. You think really shouldn't ever think of his friends as tools; that's… just wrong. The bond should always be genuine.
[X] Chastise Sparks for being so ruthless about using other digimon like that. Revenge or not, you should have limits. You think really shouldn't ever think of his friends as tools; that's… just wrong. The bond should always be genuine.

Friends are friends, not tools. (Unless they're the other kind of tool, but that's something else entirely.)
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[X] Chastise Sparks for being so ruthless about using other digimon like that. Revenge or not, you should have limits. You think really shouldn't ever think of his friends as tools; that's… just wrong. The bond should always be genuine.

Damn it Sparks, stop trying to become Sasuke! :V

Seriously though, friendship is a legitimate source of power in the Digital World. Going full-on "my friends are my tools" does not help you in a world like this (unless you want to go full overlord and get minions for yourself).
[X] Stay silent and try to change the subject to something a little less heavy. This entire thing is making you feel uncomfortable, and you'd rather not weigh in on it when you're so tired..
[X] Chastise Sparks for being so ruthless about using other digimon like that. Revenge or not, you should have limits. You think really shouldn't ever think of his friends as tools; that's… just wrong. The bond should always be genuine.
[X] Chastise Sparks for being so ruthless about using other digimon like that. Revenge or not, you should have limits. You think really shouldn't ever think of his friends as tools; that's… just wrong. The bond should always be genuine.

Damn it Sparks, stop trying to become Sasuke! :V

Seriously though, friendship is a legitimate source of power in the Digital World. Going full-on "my friends are my tools" does not help you in a world like this (unless you want to go full overlord and get minions for yourself).
Friendship is power if you are a chosen one of ultimate destiny. Which none of us are

Scratch- Emotionless tincan who became empty after attaining his goal and seeing nothing beyond that

Ardat-Chuuni who has sadistic power trips and the social graces of a ballerina Mammothmon

Sparks-Personality is undergoing a negative overhaul after digivolving

Pidmon-Sounds like he is forcing himseld into the Pidmon stereotype also real nasty explosive temper with no real control over it when pressed

Beat- Count of fuckin Monte Cristo Bug edition

Verge- From 100% chill to WAAAAAAGHHHH and also a mutant born from a DL deal (possible)
Bonds are still important, and if you start looking at them as tools, then you stop actually growing and valuing them. You begin to look at them in a loss/gain manner, how much you'll lose to maintain a bond, how much you'll gain to maintain it. It becomes incredibly easy to justify cutting someone loose because they're a "bad investment" and you stop gaining new friends and allies as your reputation grows.
Let's see how things are going this time.

Edit: 12 votes in overwhelming favour of chastisement. Curses, I thought the other two options would have been a bit more popular.:p
Adhoc vote count started by drexal15 on Sep 27, 2018 at 11:27 AM, finished with 20 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] Chastise Sparks for being so ruthless about using other digimon like that. Revenge or not, you should have limits. You think really shouldn't ever think of his friends as tools; that's… just wrong. The bond should always be genuine.
    [X] Nod along with the Wizardmon. The more power the two of you accrue to defeat those two Count and his minions the better. If you can get allies on board, that would be a good thing indeed, even if it means using others.
    [X] Stay silent and try to change the subject to something a little less heavy. This entire thing is making you feel uncomfortable, and you'd rather not weigh in on it when you're so tired..
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[] Nod along with the Wizardmon. The more power the two of you accrue to defeat those two Count and his minions the better. If you can get allies on board, that would be a good thing indeed, even if it means using others.
[X] Stay silent and try to change the subject to something a little less heavy. This entire thing is making you feel uncomfortable, and you'd rather not weigh in on it when you're so tired..

This is almost a protest vote. I'm growing increasingly curmudgeonly and contrarian towards votes where the result is obvious at a glance. I slightly prefer being awkward and uncomfortable than going full manipulative.

I guess we're doing the "trappings of unhealthy/unethical obsession but not actually being driven to do unethical things by it because we gotta be the super nice hero who's super nice to all of his friends" thing.

*Wry observation about stating the obvious while recognizing that the quoted statement is shaped by the same understanding of SV's voting trends*
Let's see how things are going this time.

Edit: 12 votes in overwhelming favour of chastisement. Curses, I thought the other two options would have been a bit more popular.:p

Okay, I'm curious: did you actually think that the other two options had even the slightest chance?
To clarify tone: I'm not hostile, I'm genuinely curious as to how things look from the other side of the QM screen, in particular the mindset connected to designing votes.