Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

[X] Bakuda – Of your enemies right now, Bakuda is the most immediately dangerous (that you know of). Put the mad bomber down before Coil knows you're out for his blood.

Going after him as Calvert will show our hand, increasing the odds of him deciding to cut and run. If he does that, he could try to salvage valuable assets (i.e. bring the capes with good powers he's employed or "employed" with him) but it'll be more problematic if he doesn't as he might go for salting the earth. Salting the earth here means things like unleashing Bakuda or blowing up buildings that might not only contain his base. Our initial actions will almost certainly tip him off without us gaining much at all (we crash the meeting, he drops the timeline where he's attending). This would also be the most difficult option for taking him in and making it stick, as Chevalier pointed out. This option is the one that is most likely to go horribly wrong, by my estimation.

Going after him as Coil is better, as we'll be able to hit his operations while letting him think he can just go to ground as Calvert if needed, which will stop him from taking desperate actions immediately. We can always hit him as Calvert later on. This is a workable option, but I don't think it's the best option.

Going after Bakuda first will cut off Coil's supply of his most dangerous weapons. Bakuda is a bigger threat than any other asset he reasonably could have (unless SW gives him some new person not from canon), and if she isn't dealt with will do major damage regardless of Coil being taken care of. Coil is probably using the carrot more than the stick with her and the effects of that are unknown. If he is using the stick, if she isn't drugged to docility she'll be even more nuts than in canon. Additionally, depending on their exact relation, hitting Bakuda might not even tip Coil off that we're really after him. She could actually be an independent acting as an arms dealer, and he just bought the bomb he used on us from her. If she is working for Coil but is given a long leash, he could have things set up such that his stuff is mostly kept away from her and there's next to nothing that will give away who she's working for.
[x] Bakuda – Of your enemies right now, Bakuda is the most immediately dangerous (that you know of). Put the mad bomber down before Coil knows you're out for his blood.
[x] Bakuda – Of your enemies right now, Bakuda is the most immediately dangerous (that you know of). Put the mad bomber down before Coil knows you're out for his blood.
We recruited Chevalier, so let's use him.

[X] Calvert – Coil wants to attack you at home when you're out of costume? You can return the favor. Hit him in the one place he isn't looking: his own civilian identity.

In case we actually find Tattletale drugged in Coil's basement, my plan is to be a little sad but then shrug, say "Well, let's hope she learnt her lesson and next time ask for help more politely", and give her to the PRT.
[X] Coil – You may have been hurt by Coil's dirty trick, but there are rules for capes, and you won't stoop to his level. Bring him to his knees and pretend to be surprised about who he really is.
[X] Coil - Leaving him at large is a long term threat far greater than someone like Bakuda.
[X] Coil – You may have been hurt by Coil's dirty trick, but there are rules for capes, and you won't stoop to his level. Bring him to his knees and pretend to be surprised about who he really is.
Uh, if you want to capture Coil and unmask him, you should be voting to go after Coil. Going after Calvert means you and your team are going after Thomas J. Calvert, PRT consultant. He'd be out of costume.
Right, seeing as actually targeting Coil isn't going to win, then voting to not self-sabotage.

[X] Bakuda – Of your enemies right now, Bakuda is the most immediately dangerous (that you know of). Put the mad bomber down before Coil knows you're out for his blood.
Coil losing the ability to act as Calvert is a crippling blow to his operations. He's losing that no matter what, now that we've brought this to Chevalier's and Dragon's attentions.
[X] Bakuda – Of your enemies right now, Bakuda is the most immediately dangerous (that you know of). Put the mad bomber down before Coil knows you're out for his blood.
Hmmm... I would actually think that there was a good reason to split up... just not fully. Chevalier goes to the meeting, under some pretext. If Calvert turns up, well Chevalier can point things out. Then everyone else goes after Coil.

We don't know what Coil's power is, but Chevalier thinks that Calvert is avoiding him (presumably because of Chevalier's power sight, though I'm not sure if Taylor knows that.) Chevalier tries to surprise him at the meeting, trying to get around the avoidance. Everyone else focusses on rooting out Coil's work.

Being down one person isn't... the worst.
Hmmm... I would actually think that there was a good reason to split up... just not fully. Chevalier goes to the meeting, under some pretext. If Calvert turns up, well Chevalier can point things out. Then everyone else goes after Coil.

We don't know what Coil's power is, but Chevalier thinks that Calvert is avoiding him (presumably because of Chevalier's power sight, though I'm not sure if Taylor knows that.) Chevalier tries to surprise him at the meeting, trying to get around the avoidance. Everyone else focusses on rooting out Coil's work.

Being down one person isn't... the worst.
Not splitting up is probably more a factor of game mechanics than anything else. Also, I don't want to be down anybody while dealing with Bakuda.
We don't know what Coil's power is, but Chevalier thinks that Calvert is avoiding him (presumably because of Chevalier's power sight, though I'm not sure if Taylor knows that.) Chevalier tries to surprise him at the meeting, trying to get around the avoidance. Everyone else focusses on rooting out Coil's work.
Yeah, Taylor knows. Because Chevalier explicitly explained it to her in this chapter. In the same paragraph that he says Calvert was avoiding him, in fact.
"I suppose it explains why every time I would have been able to talk to him in person, he was busy with something else." You tilt your head at the odd comment, and Chevalier explains, "It isn't common knowledge, but I have a minor Thinker power that lets me see an aspect of people's powers. It isn't perfect, and it can be blocked by some kinds of Stranger powers or Tinkertech, but it's something I've found useful from time to time and is in my files. Files Calvert would have access to."
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[X] Bakuda – Of your enemies right now, Bakuda is the most immediately dangerous (that you know of). Put the mad bomber down before Coil knows you're out for his blood.
[X] Bakuda – Of your enemies right now, Bakuda is the most immediately dangerous (that you know of). Put the mad bomber down before Coil knows you're out for his blood.
[X] Bakuda – Of your enemies right now, Bakuda is the most immediately dangerous (that you know of). Put the mad bomber down before Coil knows you're out for his blood.

With the QM having proven willing to switch things around at the vote's moment, it's blatantly obvious we run the chance of the enemy Coil/Calvert running a split at this very moment.
In other words, both Coil AND Calvert are actually potential Trap Choices - in that we will be unable to fulfill the important point of Dragon's:
"Unfortunately, all three targets will likely reveal our intentions, so if we're wrong, Coil and Bakuda will be have time to prepare themselves for our next attempt. Not a lot, but they may not need a lot of time. We need to make our first choice count."

I am choosing Bakuda - the one first choice I know will count.
The thing we have to remember is that Coil has already split the timeline. Whichever we go after, Coil or Calvert, he'll wind up being in the other place. Which will probably work out fine, Calvert doesn't show to the meeting so we crash his base, or he's actually at the meeting thinking he's safe there when we crash his base, not knowing we're on our way there.

As much as I hate to say it, Bakuda's probably the best option. If she's at the base, that'll promt the dropping of the Coil timeline to avoid being caught too, so we narrow his field of escape to 'stayed at the meeting' or 'left early to run'.
Thank you for making my point earlier than I did.
Adhoc vote count started by Faraway-R on May 29, 2018 at 1:13 PM, finished with 15790 posts and 46 votes.
With the QM having proven willing to switch things around at the vote's moment, it's blatantly obvious we run the chance of the enemy Coil/Calvert running a split at this very moment.
In other words, both Coil AND Calvert are actually potential Trap Choices - in that we will be unable to fulfill the important point of Dragon's:
...I'm not sure if this is supposed to be a criticism of me or just an innocuous statement?

But to put some potential worries to rest, there is a very good chance that you'll capture Coil for good this time. Unless you do something stupid and get yourselves killed. Whom you attack first determines what happens afterwards as well as whether or not you'll have access to certain prizes.
... Pet bomb tinker with power-copying, or at least notes for Tim to crib with that power we may never buy ;-; (except inspiration makes it reachable! :V )

Or better.... which is most likely to lead to a salvageable Tattletale? (Or Dinah or...who else did he have captive? Can we bring Circus some presents maybe?)

Hard to say when we don't know if Bakuda is guarding his lair with deadman-traps , or secluded in her own hideout where accidents can't spill over on him... but not seeing either at the Calvert meeting, so as long as we take him out I'm hopeful.

Meh, its hard enough herding people towards Cailleach and Kayleigh instead of Lacey, I'll stick with my prior reasons and hopefully be happily surprised by prizes ^_^
...I'm not sure if this is supposed to be a criticism of me or just an innocuous statement?

But to put some potential worries to rest, there is a very good chance that you'll capture Coil for good this time. Unless you do something stupid and get yourselves killed. Whom you attack first determines what happens afterwards as well as whether or not you'll have access to certain prizes.
Not a criticism this time. Also, getting Exotic Physics Bombs off of Bakuda might be a prize if we attack her first. If she has even one of the transmutation bombs... Well, we might get a Transcendent Gadgeteer analogue to Mistelteinn, the "Petrifier Beam". :)
[X] Bakuda – Of your enemies right now, Bakuda is the most immediately dangerous (that you know of). Put the mad bomber down before Coil knows you're out for his blood.
The thing we have to remember is that Coil has already split the timeline. Whichever we go after, Coil or Calvert, he'll wind up being in the other place. Which will probably work out fine, Calvert doesn't show to the meeting so we crash his base, or he's actually at the meeting thinking he's safe there when we crash his base, not knowing we're on our way there.

As much as I hate to say it, Bakuda's probably the best option. If she's at the base, that'll promt the dropping of the Coil timeline to avoid being caught too, so we narrow his field of escape to 'stayed at the meeting' or 'left early to run'.
[X] Coil – You may have been hurt by Coil's dirty trick, but there are rules for capes, and you won't stoop to his level. Bring him to his knees and pretend to be surprised about who he really is.

I'm voting Coil, as I think publicly unmasking him Scooby Doo style would be extremely fun, even if I think voting []Bakuda is the smart choice.
I'm going with the fun choice instead of the smart choice.
@Silently Watches
I know this probably won't get answered, but I have to ask, if I do change my vote to Coil, would we get a Scooby Doo Style unmasking scene?
It could be hilarious if it is just Calamity Witch and VIsta doing it, as it would be a perfect setup for "and I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for you meddling kids!", looking right at Vista.

Second question, I've got an idea for an AU scene of the ill fated meeting with Tattletale where CW "Befriends" her, Nanoha style. Would anybody be too upset if I posted such an omake (assuming I can get a coherent story and not just a few vague lines and ideas) this far beyond that part of the story?
Adhoc vote count started by SlickRCBD on May 30, 2018 at 12:41 PM, finished with 15799 posts and 50 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by SlickRCBD on May 30, 2018 at 12:42 PM, finished with 15799 posts and 50 votes.
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[X] Bakuda – Of your enemies right now, Bakuda is the most immediately dangerous (that you know of). Put the mad bomber down before Coil knows you're out for his blood.
[X] Bakuda – Of your enemies right now, Bakuda is the most immediately dangerous (that you know of). Put the mad bomber down before Coil knows you're out for his blood.
I know this probably won't get answered, but I have to ask, if I do change my vote to Coil, would we get a Scooby Doo Style unmasking scene?
That would be the ultimate goal. But if you're convinced the timeline is split, pick the opposite :)
Second question, I've got an idea for an AU scene of the ill fated meeting with Tattletale where CW "Befriends" her, Nanoha style. Would anybody be too upset if I posted such an omake (assuming I can get a coherent story and not just a few vague lines and ideas) this far beyond that part of the story?
I'd be fine with it, but I'm biased. More omake are always good.