Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

...just had a thought.

Scion is gone, Cauldron is gone, Chevalier can SEE Powers and is in Chicago with Coil as his Regional Director, Planet isn't really in danger of blowing up anymore or there isn't an escape plan to a parallel Earth, so Parahuman feudalism experiment shouldn't even be a thing anymore.

Why is Coil still walking free? If it is the blackmail, as it probably makes a good deterrent if anything happens to him but still doesn't completely make sense, that is still going to fuck over the PRT if anything happens to him whether or not the PRT was involved.

EDIT: Wait, was it Myrridin that was the Protectorate Leader in Chicago?
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...just had a thought.

Scion is gone, Cauldron is gone, Chevalier can SEE Powers and is in Chicago with Coil as his Regional Director, Planet isn't really in danger of blowing up anymore or there isn't an escape plan to a parallel Earth, so Parahuman feudalism experiment shouldn't even be a thing anymore.

Why is Coil still walking free? If it is the blackmail, as it probably makes a good deterrent if anything happens to him but still doesn't completely make sense, that is still going to fuck over the PRT if anything happens to him whether or not the PRT was involved.
He still has the infrastructure he ended up with due to Cauldron, and since Cauldron is gone, there's nobody who can easily rat him out without getting caught up in his power.
EDIT: Wait, was it Myrridin that was the Protectorate Leader in Chicago?
Yeah Myrridin is Chicago and Chevalier is here in Philly. That said it doesn't matter because Calvert came to Philly. He was even involved in a speech we attended:
While you were talking, the press conference had started, and already the first speaker is stepping aside to make room for Director Paulson, an older man who looks like he would be more at home in a library than leading a law enforcement agency. It makes you glad the Wards weren't expected to do guard duty, because that would be a little awkward. "—vert," he is saying as the thin man in uniform moves back into position in front of the column of dressed up agents. "In addition to reinforcements from the Chicago PRT office, several heroes have also volunteered to stay here until this influx of criminals is over. Protectorate heroes Anomaly and Assault are here from Chicago, along with their Wards, Tecton and Clockblocker. From Boston, we are also hosting Glory Girl and… Mouse Protector."
So it stretches credulity that Chevalier failed to notice him.
Why is Coil still walking free? If it is the blackmail, as it probably makes a good deterrent if anything happens to him but still doesn't completely make sense, that is still going to fuck over the PRT if anything happens to him whether or not the PRT was involved.
He still has the infrastructure he ended up with due to Cauldron, and since Cauldron is gone, there's nobody who can easily rat him out without getting caught up in his power.
Not only that, but it's plausible the whole Coil affair was beneath the direct attention of Alexandria and Eidolon and being handled only by Doctor Mother at the time Cauldron got wiped out. Else we're going into full Cauldron Conspiracy Theory territory, where "the plan" is to allow Coil to grow into a big threat in a way that maximizes the PR boost of the PRT/Triumvirate when he gets defeated by them.
Not only that, but it's plausible the whole Coil affair was beneath the direct attention of Alexandria and Eidolon and being handled only by Doctor Mother at the time Cauldron got wiped out. Else we're going into full Cauldron Conspiracy Theory territory, where "the plan" is to allow Coil to grow into a big threat in a way that maximizes the PR boost of the PRT/Triumvirate when he gets defeated by them.
Let's remember that Eidolon only has 12-20ish power usages left, so even if he is aware of/wants to deal with Coil, he pretty much can't afford to deal with the guy; he has to conserve what little he's got left in the metaphorical tank for Endbringer battles.
@Silently Watches
Just to clarify things, cause I think some people are little confused what this vote is for.
No matter who we end up inviting, Taylor is going after Coil tonight. If we invite no one than Taylor is still gonna take down Coil anyway.
So by choosing to invite people all we're doing is picking who we're Socializing with while taking down Coil. Kinda like what we did with choosing which team we were fighting with during the Maras thing.
Is this right?
This is absolutely correct.
EDIT: Wait, was it Myrridin that was the Protectorate Leader in Chicago?
Myrddin in Chicago, Chevalier in Philly.
So it stretches credulity that Chevalier failed to notice him.
I know I mentioned this before, but because Bouncer was a ward of the state, there was a lot of red tape that had to be dealt with after his death. Chev was in a meeting at that time and figured he could miss one press conference.

Calvert then spent a lot of time making sure he never had to deal with Chev in person while he was there. And more making it look natural that he was never around. That was another reason to go back to Chicago; he meant he could finally stop dodging the one cape who could screw his plan six ways from Sunday.
[X] Dragon
[X] Chevalier
[X] Miss Militia

I'm tempted to grab Epoch or Cailleach, but I think grabbing heroes is going to go over better in the long run. Besides, I want Chevalier to see Coil as a cape.
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[x] Chevalier
[x] Dragon

...I think people are giving the Protectorate too little credit ooc. If the reasoning was, in-character, Taylor would never trust him for whatever reason [Coil was a problem caused by them to begin with?], that'd be one thing.

But it seems to be an out of character assumption he's going to screw us over. And I find that peculiar because the Coil perspective a while ago had him making a point of dodging Chevalier constantly because contact with him resulted in immediate Master Stranger protocols and shit.

Which means that, ooc, it makes perfect sense to bring Chevalier along to increase our credibility to prevent the exact sort of Protectorate obstructionism people seem to be implying he would cause.
Hmm. Since this is, as @Oruzhiye figured out, essentially a Social event within an arc-long fight, I suppose I could give you your surprise early. After much thought I decided I'm going to act on the recommendations a few people offered, so now each Social activity you do with a character nets them a (small) bonus to the chances they'll have magic. I kind of did that informally with Vista in Arc 9 anyway (which is why she had a 30% chance of having magic compared to the baseline 5%), but starting this arc I will actually be keeping track of it.

As of right this moment, only Dragon and Vista would be coming along (and that is NOT final either), so if there is still an open spot in case you have someone in mind you want to spend impromptu hanging out time with.
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Hmm. Since this is, as @Oruzhiye figured out, essentially a Social event within an arc-long fight, I suppose I could give you your surprise early. After much thought I decided I'm going to act on the recommendations a few people offered, so now each Social activity you do with a character nets them a (small) bonus to the chances they'll have magic. I kind of did that informally with Vista in Arc 9 anyway (which is why she had a 30% chance of having magic compared to the baseline 5%), but starting this arc I will actually be keeping track of it.

An excuse for recruiting!

[X] Cailleach
[X] Dragon
I suppose I could give you your surprise early. After much thought I decided I'm going to act on the recommendations a few people offered, so now each Social activity you do with a character nets them a (small) bonus to the chances they'll have magic. I kind of did that informally with Vista in Arc 9 anyway (which is why she had a 30% chance of having magic compared to the baseline 5%), but starting this arc I will actually be keeping track of it.
well now... isn't that a wrinkle...

It does sort of encourage players to keep someone around forever and never test them though.........and if you put a cap one it, it'll just bring out the min/max-ers.
Adhoc vote count started by Silently Watches on May 21, 2018 at 7:00 PM, finished with 15558 posts and 25 votes.
Welp, I had all sorts of interesting thoughts on who to invite and why.... but that latest news? (Alas poor Vista, we could've grinded you.... actually @Silently Watches how will you handle that Uncertainty Principle? Whether and not we are low enough to cheese it, wouldn't the nature of that awesome and logical bonus mean needing to wait on scanning people because its a bonus for each interaction and the chance is only "checked" when we finally scan and lock in an observation?)

[X] Vista
[X] Cailleach
[X] Circus
[] Dragon
[] Teana

I am a bit not understanding (with the flat no) why the arguments re: they owe us etc aren't of value. What does the TSAB think that IAE will do if its morality-chain dies as a result of (IAE view) the Belkan-descendnet TSAB refusing to help defend her ? Its worth considering here that there is an appreciable difference (possibly, they probably don't get free time on deployment :p ) between asking The TSAB to help with Coil and asking Teana to help yes? The TSAB doesn't want to risk losing the morality chain on IAE in this way potentially, and their local contact.... but Teana may have her own views on corrupt officials who betray superiors (she is military), she or Erga may have a greater personal level of guilt over almost-accidentally-killing an innocent, and just more generally he is a rare-skill using Villain bombing civilians* while they sleep to advance his own power. Is she too by-the-book to personally step in as a mage and help protect the life of someone she has had peaceable contact with when the threat is semi-immediate (he had the intel to pick her civvie home once already, and attacking this far after last contact implies he'll try again) and the evidence is extensive?

Now, on the other hand and why theres no X.... I don't know if we want the TSAB learning about IAE's infowar capabilities (thats a whole separate direction of threat from his army-building capability) aannnd ffs more importantly she's already got a linker core xD Our Friends Come First yo.

And, that above reason about linker cores is 100% of why Dragon is getting pushed out of the third slot xD. Highly connected cape that the Protectorate can't really afford to lose, who we can potentially shuffle much of the evidence-gathering credit onto if necessary, who has made some nonzero study of Bakuda's work and is a skilled Tinker-analyst herself (man I wish i could write fiction :cry: actually can we bring back samples from Bakuda's workshop to get Tim a point of inspiration for Exotic Physics >_> ? He's always one point off from our per week point allotment) , who has a great deal of combat experience, who is connected to but outside the Protectorate as far as a figure who'd help against a connected traitor.... yeah she'd be obvious if not for that amazing loveable surprise of Silently's and the fact that shes necessarily already included in so many socializing actions. She's my fallback if I can't get Circus atm.

Vista's power seems useful in countering AoE bomb shenanigans (combined with our shields and Recursion and movement tricks) , she's got tactical experience herself, she may want to help against this brocktonite villain, aaand poor girl deserves some shiny action to her credit after all this time on the yucky sidelines. Shes got shiny new toys to try out and we may even see if she can fit into an adult sized power armor (probably not if we aren't taking time to resize, even with a booster seat :p ). And honestly, imagine how our girl will react learning about this heap of shady past relating to the Protectorate? It'd make a damned lovely interlude scene with Miss Militia as she simultaneously accuses them over it AND airs her greivances over being sidelined for her age after she's successfully taken on a nasty trio like we're gunning for.

Cailleach and Circus are trickier to justify ICly, but how could I possibly not vote them OOCly xD Thou Must. Lesse.... Cailleach is a powerful fighter outside the Protectorate circle (obviously) who we've fought with before and who's already offered to fight with us on occasion, shes certainly likely (and Taylor would be aware after the mutual-unmasking) to take offense to attacking her home and all, and ice powers are one obvious vector for sealing a bomb? Plus inviting her is a good show of faith that we're willing to work with their side on problems even if the Protectorate is hesitant over the deal, and being underage she's easier to explain to the Protectorate in turn (hey, we have a proven if limited-sample record of redeeming gang villains! Do you want to ruin this?)

Circus.... obviously Taylor doesn't know any Coil ties issue directly, buuut she's been operating in Philly for weeks or months now without a whiff of Coil until recently, while he's off in Chicago, so theres reason to suspect she's not under his thumb (shes less useful than say Tattletale for independant action on an ongoing basis, Circus is more a thief and raider right?). She is a former brocktonite, and being a (rogue? villain? i forget) she might have some familiarity with Coil to share with Taylor or else an existing grudge to use against him (Coil obviously has interest in contacting local indies, even if Tattletale didn't reveal his MO cuz i forget, he tried makin a deal with Privateers after all). Shes not as brawly, but we've fought beside her and combat and she came out of things unscathed (even the Sewers, where other capes got injured or captured) and we might have some inkling that her instincts are useful for ambushes. Whats the chance her Hammerspace is either good for a cartoony "stuff a bomb in other-space and it harmlessly goes off in there with a burp from her pocket" or lets her pull a Shady-Sands-Shuffle on Bakuda herself :V ?

Anyway heres my vote, if we had four slots or Circus is unviable I'd have a tough choice between Teana and Dragon (and if former is not an option still, obv Dragon).
I will be honest, the main reason I voted for the three I did is because I kind of don't want more mages in the quest. We barely interact with the ones we do know, why add more to that.
[X] Dragon
[X] Vista
[X] Cailleach

I think Laura is a cool idea but I don't think her powerset is particularly useful nor does she bring the experience Dragon has nor the 'approaching bro for life' territory that Tim has as our first template mage also Tim/Dragons tinkering might be useful for potentially helping deal with Bakudas big ass bombs.

Edit: fuck it I just want to watch the world burn
Then your vote should be
[Y] Forget about backup. Locate Coil's base, use WAS to find his current location, teleport to orbit and unleash Ragnarok from orbit targeting him. It's the only way to be sure.

That's one way to see the world burn.

This is NOT meant to be a serious suggestion.
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[x] Dragon
[x] Chevalier
[x] Epoch

Dragon's likely a must. With her rep, if this goes sideways, the backing of a major bonafide hero with international cred attached to her name would go a long way towards keeping this from turning into a blue-on-blue grade "A" fustercluck. A teenage independent hero accusing a PRT man of corruption doesn't come close to having the same impact as one of the greatest living heroes on the planet saying the same thing. Similar things could be said of bringing Chevalier, with the added bonuses of bringing the authority of a Protectorate leader along, which is -not- to be taken lightly. Bring both Dragon and Chevalier along, and that actually might gain additional Protectorate/PRT support when the group gets to Chicago.

... I'll be honest, I'm leary of the thought of bringing Missy along. Oh, she's a mighty lil' thing now, and as much as I want to see her new capabilities in action.. is NOW of all times really the best time for that? Granted, bringing her along would do well to help shut down any possible escape attempts by Thomas, but there is the possibility of her powers interfering with Chevalier's. Thomas managing to escape because of an unexpected power interaction between Chevalier and Missy occuring at a bad moment... yeah, that's gonna sting. With Epoch though, I'm gonna jump all over that bandwagon and agree with the consensus that his time powers (and magic) might prove particularly useful against Thomas. Plus, this might even be possible to turn into a recruitment attempt! With the Adepts for all intents and purposes now defunct and the Privateers broken, considering recruits for a new team might not be a bad thing.
Then your vote should be
[Y] Forget about backup. Locate Coil's base, use WAS to find his current location, teleport to orbit and unleash Ragnarok from orbit targeting him. It's the only way to be sure.

That's one way to see the world burn.

This is NOT meant to be a serious suggestion.

...I'm less against this than you would think to be REALLY honest.
Welp, I had all sorts of interesting thoughts on who to invite and why.... but that latest news? (Alas poor Vista, we could've grinded you.... actually @Silently Watches how will you handle that Uncertainty Principle? Whether and not we are low enough to cheese it, wouldn't the nature of that awesome and logical bonus mean needing to wait on scanning people because its a bonus for each interaction and the chance is only "checked" when we finally scan and lock in an observation?)
There will be a prize at the end of this arc. What it is will depend on what choices you make.
I am a bit not understanding (with the flat no) why the arguments re: they owe us etc aren't of value. What does the TSAB think that IAE will do if its morality-chain dies as a result of (IAE view) the Belkan-descendnet TSAB refusing to help defend her ? Its worth considering here that there is an appreciable difference (possibly, they probably don't get free time on deployment :p ) between asking The TSAB to help with Coil and asking Teana to help yes? The TSAB doesn't want to risk losing the morality chain on IAE in this way potentially, and their local contact.... but Teana may have her own views on corrupt officials who betray superiors (she is military), she or Erga may have a greater personal level of guilt over almost-accidentally-killing an innocent, and just more generally he is a rare-skill using Villain bombing civilians* while they sleep to advance his own power. Is she too by-the-book to personally step in as a mage and help protect the life of someone she has had peaceable contact with when the threat is semi-immediate (he had the intel to pick her civvie home once already, and attacking this far after last contact implies he'll try again) and the evidence is extensive?
Because – again – the TSAB stays out of Nonadministrated Worlds' internal matters. That includes individual TSAB personnel. Teana is prohibited from helping.
man I wish i could write fiction :cry: actually can we bring back samples from Bakuda's workshop to get Tim a point of inspiration for Exotic Physics >_> ? He's always one point off from our per week point allotment
so theres reason to suspect she's not under his thumb (shes less useful than say Tattletale for independant action on an ongoing basis, Circus is more a thief and raider right?)
Circus never said it outright to Taylor, but she said during the final fight against the Maras that her old boss was an asshole. That was clearly a reference to Coil since you know OOC that she was one of Coil's pawns in canon.
but there is the possibility of her powers interfering with Chevalier's. Thomas managing to escape because of an unexpected power interaction between Chevalier and Missy occuring at a bad moment
Huh? Why in the world do you think this is a thing? And more importantly, after spending almost 3 months in the same city, don't you think that even if there were an interaction, they would know how to avoid it?
I would think between Dragon and our own meetings with Legend we'd have enough reason to trust Legend with what we know and that he could have it investigated. Keep in mind with the Cauldron gone he doesn't have them covering his ass and helping him in the background any more for the sake of their plans for the Bay which is also gone.
I still don't really get how this whole arc doesn't end up as hanging around PRT HQ in Philly or Chicago (switch it up since we don't know if he just went home for a meeting or not) and the second we find him we blast him in the face, wave the evidence in front of the PRT, sedate him and MRI to check for a Gemma then walk away, I mean unless we actually want him as a paste on the floor and not just a non-lethal takedown.

I highly doubt he's had enough time to get entrenched in philly to have an elaborate bond lair setup, sure he might not show up ever but if he never shows up we just show the PRT the evidence and that whole shit turns into a huge manhunt for a mole.
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Guys. Coil's going down no matter how we do it. This vote matters cause we need to know who we gonna get milkshakes with afterward.
As funny as it would be to invite Chevi out for some greasy burgers, I feel that this would be better suited as a Girl's Night Out thing.