Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

[X] Social: Tim & Dragon & Vista
Get Vista a combat arm designed. Scan her for a linker core. Introduce her to the famous Dragon. Let Dragon watch and offer advice on the rest?
[X] Tickets to Gangland, Part 3 – The Protectorate dared the invaders to respond when they called in reinforcements. The new villains are more than happy to take them up on that. Another fight breaks out, and it's your duty to lend a hand.
-[X] Invite Vista along to help. Its not like they lock her in the building whenever a call goes out, right?
[X] Social: Tim & Dragon
-[X] Get Dragon converted to a unison device. Ask if Dragon will keep it a secret or show off to everyone. Should Tim bring this new design to the Committee so they'll finally respect his brilliance?!
[X] Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Part 2 – Dragon was mollified by the Admiral's explanations, and considering the circumstances, you can understand where they're coming from. Now it's time to get more information straight from the horse's mouth. Teleport to the ship with a list of questions for the Enforcers.
-[X] Bring shiny new Unison!Dragon along to meet them. They can probably tell her things about her new state that Sextant couldn't, right?

Ordered the votes in the way I'd guess at them going chronologically , suspect we'll need a more structured way to do these social votes to avoid future messes xD. So I just put the people of the social as parent vote, and ideas about WHAT to do with them as subvote (thinking about how Vista social ended up with a secondary vote to decide what to do, with teleport-travel not exactly proposed in advance)

I really wanted to have invited Cailleach or Circus along, but I got the impression (am I wrong @Silently Watches ?) that such is better saved for the open ended Looking for Trouble patrol, or a vote mid-combat? That is, Cailleach said we should call /if we're in trouble/ and she'd do the same, I don't want to abuse her offer treating it casually as "hey I dunno who these chumps even are yet but ya wanna smash (them) ?" Maybe the fight will even be a matter of her contacting us? :3 And for Circus, contacting them about raiding gangs for fun and profit together and arranging an outing seems different than contacting them out of the blue for "hey theres a crime in progress, wanna help on the off chance theres a payoff?"

Also very much wanted a perfect storm social, but since there wasn't much comment to my joking-not-joking about how PS talk could influence Close Encounters, I opted instead for the double social. Silently's idea about how to do a combo dragon-vista seemed to require a Vista-arm vote and not a Dragon-UD vote, and wouldn't have the same opportunity after Dragon's already converted. And while we could always invite Dragon to help with a new arm later (and meet Vista that way), I also thought we had an opportunity here to encourage (bad influence? :p) Vista to be more active as a Ward and help her to do so. I don't exactly see it as certain they will cause a stink, since it'd raise a question of when /DO/ Wards actually get to patrol again, but hey giving Vista a gift-wrapped opportunity to make a show of that argument (I mean, the need for more heroes to help was a big public press conference yeah? :p bad publicity to sandbag after) is a bonus.
[X] Tickets to Gangland, Part 3 – The Protectorate dared the invaders to respond when they called in reinforcements. The new villains are more than happy to take them up on that. Another fight breaks out, and it's your duty to lend a hand.

[X] Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Part 2 – Dragon was mollified by the Admiral's explanations, and considering the circumstances, you can understand where they're coming from. Now it's time to get more information straight from the horse's mouth. Teleport to the ship with a list of questions for the Enforcers.

[x] Social: Vista/Tim (?dragon?) Take Vista up on her interest in acquiring a combat arm and use the conversation to scan her for magic. If she has no linker core, fine, friends is friends :D. If she has a linker core, offer her her own Samantha and explain what it means to be a mage with the option of a device open ended. Use the opportunity to catch up with Tim and maybe dragon.

[x] Social: Thirteenth Hour/Tim (?Lacy?) It's time to talk about expanding the group. The recruit you're most keen on is the heroine Standstill, so, see if she's amenable to coming in to talk with you and Tim about her new device. Or failing that, Magical Training Manual and a "Partner". :p With the impending collapse of the Privateers Lacy may also be interested and you she and Tim need to talk about the elephant in the room.
[X] Tickets to Gangland, Part 3 – The Protectorate dared the invaders to respond when they called in reinforcements. The new villains are more than happy to take them up on that. Another fight breaks out, and it's your duty to lend a hand.
[X] Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Part 2 – Dragon was mollified by the Admiral's explanations, and considering the circumstances, you can understand where they're coming from. Now it's time to get more information straight from the horse's mouth. Teleport to the ship with a list of questions for the Enforcers.

[X] Social (Vista & Shipwright) – Offer to scan Vista for a Linker Core and her options if she has one, mainly getting her a Guardian Beast, as well as getting her in contact with Tim to talk to him about what upgrades she wants for her combat arm.
[X] Social (Dragon & Shipwright) – Have Dragon uploaded into a Unison Device.
[X] Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Part 2 – Dragon was mollified by the Admiral's explanations, and considering the circumstances, you can understand where they're coming from. Now it's time to get more information straight from the horse's mouth. Teleport to the ship with a list of questions for the Enforcers.
[X] Long Live the King, Part 3 – After a week of increasing tension, Kurt has started calming down about the Privateers' problems. But is this a sign of resolution or just the calm before the storm? Stick your nose in and try to find out what's really going on.

[X] Social (Vista & Shipwright) – Offer to scan Vista for a Linker Core and her options if she has one, mainly getting her a Guardian Beast, as well as getting her in contact with Tim to talk to him about what upgrades she wants for her combat arm.
[X] Social (Dragon & Shipwright) – Have Dragon uploaded into a Unison Device.
[X] Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Part 2 – Dragon was mollified by the Admiral's explanations, and considering the circumstances, you can understand where they're coming from. Now it's time to get more information straight from the horse's mouth. Teleport to the ship with a list of questions for the Enforcers.
[X] Long Live the King, Part 3 – After a week of increasing tension, Kurt has started calming down about the Privateers' problems. But is this a sign of resolution or just the calm before the storm? Stick your nose in and try to find out what's really going on.

[X] Social (Vista & Shipwright) – Offer to scan Vista for a Linker Core and her options if she has one, mainly getting her a Guardian Beast, as well as getting her in contact with Tim to talk to him about what upgrades she wants for her combat arm.
[X] Social (Dragon & Shipwright) – Have Dragon uploaded into a Unison Device.
[X] Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Part 2 – Dragon was mollified by the Admiral's explanations, and considering the circumstances, you can understand where they're coming from. Now it's time to get more information straight from the horse's mouth. Teleport to the ship with a list of questions for the Enforcers.
[X] Long Live the King, Part 3 – After a week of increasing tension, Kurt has started calming down about the Privateers' problems. But is this a sign ofresolution or just the calm before the storm? Stick your nose in and try to find out what's really going on.

[X] Social (Vista & Shipwright) – Offer to scan Vista for a LinkerCore and her options if she has one, mainly getting her a Guardian Beast, as well as getting her in contact with Tim to talk to himabout what upgrades she wants for her combat arm.
[X] Social (Dragon & Shipwright)– Have Dragon uploaded into a Unison Device.

Also, @Silently Watches, is partially attending to quest lines better or worse than totally ignoring them, or does it depend on the quest line?
What exactly are the Long Live the King voters expecting to result from another try, considering the results of part 2? They basically seemed to ignore us and all we really did was learn the factions the group was splitting into. Are people really wanting to throw more of our sharply limited time into hoping somehow we'll do better with a repeat, rather than do something to stop whatever villain escalation is happening ? (A serious enough one to be a direct response to multiple heroes/reinforcements coming into town, after all).
[X] Tickets to Gangland, Part 3 – The Protectorate dared the invaders to respond when they called in reinforcements. The new villains are more than happy to take them up on that. Another fight breaks out, and it's your duty to lend a hand.
[X] Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Part 2 – Dragon was mollified by the Admiral's explanations, and considering the circumstances, you can understand where they're coming from. Now it's time to get more information straight from the horse's mouth. Teleport to the ship with a list of questions for the Enforcers.

[X] Social (Vista & Shipwright) – Offer to scan Vista for a Linker Core and her options if she has one, mainly getting her a Guardian Beast, as well as getting her in contact with Tim to talk to him about what upgrades she wants for her combat arm.
[X] Social (Dragon & Shipwright) – Have Dragon uploaded into a Unison Device.
[X] Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Part 2 – Dragon was mollified by the Admiral's explanations, and considering the circumstances, you can understand where they're coming from. Now it's time to get more information straight from the horse's mouth. Teleport to the ship with a list of questions for the Enforcers.
[X] Long Live the King, Part 3 – After a week of increasing tension, Kurt has started calming down about the Privateers' problems. But is this a sign of resolution or just the calm before the storm? Stick your nose in and try to find out what's really going on.

[X] Social (Vista & Shipwright) – Offer to scan Vista for a Linker Core and her options if she has one, mainly getting her a Guardian Beast, as well as getting her in contact with Tim to talk to him about what upgrades she wants for her combat arm.
[X] Social (Dragon & Shipwright) – Have Dragon uploaded into a Unison Device.
What exactly are the Long Live the King voters expecting to result from another try, considering the results of part 2? They basically seemed to ignore us and all we really did was learn the factions the group was splitting into. Are people really wanting to throw more of our sharply limited time into hoping somehow we'll do better with a repeat, rather than do something to stop whatever villain escalation is happening ? (A serious enough one to be a direct response to multiple heroes/reinforcements coming into town, after all).
Social with Tim (and if people voted my way, Lacy) would get us up to day on the Priviteers. Since our last failed attempt did so because we more or less know nothing about the situation, social with them, memory of last time, and Kirt's venting from last chapter should give us a better chance. Getting Guardian Beasts for Tim, Lacy and maybe Vista and 13th hour, plus maybe Lacy and 13th becoming Mages working with us, the 1 to 6 new heroes may be enough to make us an attractive option over splitting into two villain gangs, one of which is almost certainly going to be crushed hard by the incoming villains from Gangland and the existing gangs/protectorate when they start killing people.

At least thats my thoughts on it.

Oh, and THE Dragon may also be sticking around because she's about to become a Unison device with a compulsion to pall around with Mages.

[x] Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Part 2 – Dragon was mollified by the Admiral's explanations, and considering the circumstances, you can understand where they're coming from. Now it's time to get more information straight from the horse's mouth. Teleport to the ship with a list of questions for the Enforcers.
Number of voters: 17
Demojay, Kinruush, AmaiKotori, Scope, DestinyPlayer, Dalxein, ThatOneCrazyChic, Always Late, Archeo Lumiere, Oruzhiye, cedeelbe, aceraptor, Solusandra, 1eragon33, Racoras landcollector lladdir

[X] Social (Vista & Shipwright) – Offer to scan Vista for a Linker Core and her options if she has one, mainly getting her a Guardian Beast, as well as getting her in contact with Tim to talk to him about what upgrades she wants for her combat arm.
Number of voters: 13
Demojay, Kinruush, AmaiKotori, Scope, DestinyPlayer, Dalxein, ThatOneCrazyChic, Always Late, Archeo Lumiere, Solusandra Racoras 1eragon33 lladdir

[X] Social (Dragon & Shipwright) – Have Dragon uploaded into a Unison Device.
Number of voters: 11
Demojay, Kinruush, AmaiKotori, Scope, DestinyPlayer, Dalxein, ThatOneCrazyChic, Always Late, Archeo Lumiere, Racoras lladdir

[x] Long Live the King, Part 3 – After a week of increasing tension, Kurt has started calming down about the Privateers' problems. But is this a sign of resolution or just the calm before the storm? Stick your nose in and try to find out what's really going on.
Number of voters: 12
LancerisDead, Scope, DestinyPlayer, Dalxein, ThatOneCrazyChic, Always Late, Archeo Lumiere, cedeelbe, aceraptor, Solusandra landcollector lladdir

[X] Tickets to Gangland, Part 3 – The Protectorate dared the invaders to respond when they called in reinforcements. The new villains are more than happy to take them up on that. Another fight breaks out, and it's your duty to lend a hand.
Number of voters: 8
Demojay, Kinruush, AmaiKotori, LancerisDead, Oruzhiye, Solusandra, 1eragon33, Racoras

[x] Social: Thirteenth Hour/Tim (?Lacy?) Its time to talk about expanding the group. The recruit you're most keen on is the heroine Standstill, so, see if she's amenable to coming in to talk with you and Tim about her new device. Or failing that, Magical Training Manual and a "Partner". :p With the impending collapse of the Privateers Lacy may also be interested and you she and Tim need to talk about the elephant in the room.
Number of voters: 2
Solusandra, 1eragon33

[X] Social- Sit down with Sam, Tim and Storm and try and piece together what you know about Galea.
Number of voters: 2
LancerisDead, Oruzhiye

[X] Social Meet up along with Tim with the Adepts (and Standstill) and discuss what they are going to do going forwards.
Number of voters: 2
LancerisDead, Oruzhiye
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[X] Tickets to Gangland, Part 3 – The Protectorate dared the invaders to respond when they called in reinforcements. The new villains are more than happy to take them up on that. Another fight breaks out, and it's your duty to lend a hand.
[X] Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Part 2 – Dragon was mollified by the Admiral's explanations, and considering the circumstances, you can understand where they're coming from. Now it's time to get more information straight from the horse's mouth. Teleport to the ship with a list of questions for the Enforcers.

[X] Social (Vista & Shipwright) – Offer to scan Vista for a Linker Core and her options if she has one, mainly getting her a Guardian Beast, as well as getting her in contact with Tim to talk to him about what upgrades she wants for her combat arm.
[X] Social (Dragon & Shipwright) – Have Dragon uploaded into a Unison Device.
[X] Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Part 2 – Dragon was mollified by the Admiral's explanations, and considering the circumstances, you can understand where they're coming from. Now it's time to get more information straight from the horse's mouth. Teleport to the ship with a list of questions for the Enforcers.
[X] Long Live the King, Part 3 – After a week of increasing tension, Kurt has started calming down about the Privateers' problems. But is this a sign of resolution or just the calm before the storm? Stick your nose in and try to find out what's really going on.

[X] Social (Vista & Shipwright) – Offer to scan Vista for a Linker Core and her options if she has one, mainly getting her a Guardian Beast, as well as getting her in contact with Tim to talk to him about what upgrades she wants for her combat arm.
[X] Social (Dragon & Shipwright) – Have Dragon uploaded into a Unison Device.
[X] Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Part 2 – Dragon was mollified by the Admiral's explanations, and considering the circumstances, you can understand where they're coming from. Now it's time to get more information straight from the horse's mouth. Teleport to the ship with a list of questions for the Enforcers.
[X] Long Live the King, Part 3 – After a week of increasing tension, Kurt has started calming down about the Privateers' problems. But is this a sign of resolution or just the calm before the storm? Stick your nose in and try to find out what's really going on.

[X] Social (Vista & Shipwright) – Offer to scan Vista for a Linker Core and her options if she has one, mainly getting her a Guardian Beast, as well as getting her in contact with Tim to talk to him about what upgrades she wants for her combat arm.
[X] Social (Dragon & Shipwright) – Have Dragon uploaded into a Unison Device.
@Silently Watches? Is there a timer on talking with Perfect Storm about his memories?
Nope, no timer. There are blurbs I want to put in because I spent way too much time coming up with the background lore, but no timer. These are listen if you want them when you want them kind of activities.
Also, @Silently Watches, is partially attending to quest lines better or worse than totally ignoring them, or does it depend on the quest line?
Depends on the quest line.
What exactly are the Long Live the King voters expecting to result from another try, considering the results of part 2? They basically seemed to ignore us and all we really did was learn the factions the group was splitting into.
We always received a reward for the quest after we finished the quest, not in the middle of it. I don't see why this quest should be different.
At a minimum, I want to ensure the radicals will not receive an access to Tim's gadgets.
At a maximum, I want to nip them in the bud, either by preventing the split or by dealing with them before Coil has a chance to recruit them.

As far as I can see, it's less 'turn her into a Unison Device' than it is 'use the only method we have to unchain her abilities'.
We already gave her all Richter's tools Dragonslayers had. She should be capable to free herself with Armsmaster's or Tim's help.
Meanwhile, turning Dragon into Unison Device means she stops being software AI and become hardware AI.
Which means, no more backups or ability to duplicate herself.
Which means, she will die when she's killed.
...I'm completely fine with it. Dragon delenda est.

[X] Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Part 2 – Dragon was mollified by the Admiral's explanations, and considering the circumstances, you can understand where they're coming from. Now it's time to get more information straight from the horse's mouth. Teleport to the ship with a list of questions for the Enforcers.
[X] Long Live the King, Part 3 – After a week of increasing tension, Kurt has started calming down about the Privateers' problems. But is this a sign of resolution or just the calm before the storm? Stick your nose in and try to find out what's really going on.
[X] Social – Perfect Storm.
-[X] Ask him about Galea and its war with Belka.
[X] Social – Tim, Adepts and Standstill.
-[X] Lecture about Devices.
-[X] Ask Standstill did she managed to return to the Protectorate and what she told them about magic, Adepts and Calamity.
Two of these…
[ X] Tickets to Gangland, Part 3 – The Protectorate dared the invaders to respond when they called in reinforcements. The new villains are more than happy to take them up on that. Another fight breaks out, and it's your duty to lend a hand.
[X ] Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Part 2 – Dragon was mollified by the Admiral's explanations, and considering the circumstances, you can understand where they're coming from. Now it's time to get more information straight from the horse's mouth. Teleport to the ship with a list of questions for the Enforcers.

…and two of these.
[x ] SocialVista & Shipwright -- Is Vista a Magical Girl? Either way, let's get her an arm cannon!
[ x] SocialStorm -- Get to know your device better. She's not just a tool, she's your friend too and she deserves some attention.

Also Hi, I've been following for a while but only recently decided to become an active participant on SV. Thank you for writing a wonderful story, and I look forward to seeing where things continue to go!
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[X] Tickets to Gangland, Part 3 – The Protectorate dared the invaders to respond when they called in reinforcements. The new villains are more than happy to take them up on that. Another fight breaks out, and it's your duty to lend a hand.
[X] Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Part 2 – Dragon was mollified by the Admiral's explanations, and considering the circumstances, you can understand where they're coming from. Now it's time to get more information straight from the horse's mouth. Teleport to the ship with a list of questions for the Enforcers.

[X] Social (Vista & Shipwright) – Offer to scan Vista for a Linker Core and her options if she has one, mainly getting her a Guardian Beast, as well as getting her in contact with Tim to talk to him about what upgrades she wants for her combat arm.
[X] Social (Dragon & Shipwright) – Have Dragon uploaded into a Unison Device.
[X] Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Part 2 – Dragon was mollified by the Admiral's explanations, and considering the circumstances, you can understand where they're coming from. Now it's time to get more information straight from the horse's mouth. Teleport to the ship with a list of questions for the Enforcers.
[X] Long Live the King, Part 3 – After a week of increasing tension, Kurt has started calming down about the Privateers' problems. But is this a sign of resolution or just the calm before the storm? Stick your nose in and try to find out what's really going on.

[X] Social (Vista & Shipwright) – Offer to scan Vista for a Linker Core and her options if she has one, mainly getting her a Guardian Beast, as well as getting her in contact with Tim to talk to him about what upgrades she wants for her combat arm.
[X] Social (Dragon & Shipwright) – Have Dragon uploaded into a Unison Device.

I just want UD!Dragon already...
Man, are we gonna go another week without talking to Perfect Storm?

As an aside, dunno if it has been brought up before but this have gotten added to Tim's sheet:
Large Weapons (7 points) – Construct weapons that are so large they must be mounted on a solid surface or carried by power armor to fire effectively. These weapons cannot be attached to prostheses.
Nanomachine Distribution Channels (5 points) – Carefully etched grooves and reservoirs filled with nanites give prosthetics the ability to repair themselves after sustaining damage. This process will automatically trigger if the user is unconscious or asleep but otherwise needs to be activated manually.
If we ever want an alternative to killing an Endbringer than Arc-en-Ciel it, then the first one looks like a good bet.
Out of curiosity, what information do you think PS will have that's of relevance to a conversation with the TSAB?
Less a "Perfect Storm will have information that's relevant to discussion", and more a "know your own history/capabilities/quirks better to not overcommit".

[X] Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Part 2 – Dragon was mollified by the Admiral's explanations, and considering the circumstances, you can understand where they're coming from. Now it's time to get more information straight from the horse's mouth. Teleport to the ship with a list of questions for the Enforcers.
[X] Long Live the King, Part 3 – After a week of increasing tension, Kurt has started calming down about the Privateers' problems. But is this a sign of resolution or just the calm before the storm? Stick your nose in and try to find out what's really going on.

[X] Social (Vista & Shipwright) – Offer to scan Vista for a Linker Core and her options if she has one, mainly getting her a Guardian Beast, as well as getting her in contact with Tim to talk to him about what upgrades she wants for her combat arm.
[X] Social (Dragon & Shipwright) – Have Dragon uploaded into a Unison Device.
Gamification demands combat upgrades and party get prioritization. Thus Vista toys and MechaDragon. I want to see Storm's stuff too, but it just doesn't overwrite those priorities this time.

Which means, she will die when she's killed.
...I'm completely fine with it. Dragon delenda est.

Won't she also be phenomenally difficult to kill, being a Device and all?
[X] Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Part 2 – Dragon was mollified by the Admiral's explanations, and considering the circumstances, you can understand where they're coming from. Now it's time to get more information straight from the horse's mouth. Teleport to the ship with a list of questions for the Enforcers.
[X] Long Live the King, Part 3 – After a week of increasing tension, Kurt has started calming down about the Privateers' problems. But is this a sign of resolution or just the calm before the storm? Stick your nose in and try to find out what's really going on.

[X] Social (Vista & Shipwright) – Offer to scan Vista for a Linker Core and her options if she has one, mainly getting her a Guardian Beast, as well as getting her in contact with Tim to talk to him about what upgrades she wants for her combat arm.
[X] Social (Dragon & Shipwright) – Have Dragon uploaded into a Unison Device.
Won't she also be phenomenally difficult to kill, being a Device and all?
Difficult to say.
Reinforce Eins was phenomenally difficult to kill, but I think it was because she had all the power of the Book of Darkness, not because she was a Device. When after the battle she asked for death, it was done without big difficulties.