Thousand Isles (Riot God Quest)

@MangoFlan Minor rephrasing of my action to clarify its intended effects: Anything that kills a Penguin (or something that has already been affected by the Curse) is converted into a Frost (insert being here). The Fire Giants are just most noticeable because it turns them into their own antithesis.
Thinking about it, there's no guarantee that I'll finish the Sidestory in time. If so, then I'll just edit my vote to include that the Avian Blobs steward the Egg away. No point in hatching early—even if it's to help the Isle.
Authored Act
[X] All's Well and Super Cells
As the avian within the Egg grows stronger and stronger with each passing day, its mind comes closer to being as whole as it could. The ___ sees this, and decrees the second-to-last step of its gestation.

First, it heightens the mind of the avian, just a little, and moves it to give out a message. Using the same electrical signals that are put into it, the Egg sends out its own wave of electrical signals, reaching all the avian blobs there are. The message is simple. It grows in power and maturity, the red and black showing its next stage of evolution. It is not a disease, not a malignant force, but a sign of its ever growing strength. It appreciates the Egg stewards who've taken care of it for so long, caring for it with the tender hand of a parent.

However, it must ask for more, as it cannot grow alone. "You've given me much, but more I need. More to grow, more to know, more to see, more to hear, to smell, to taste, to feel, to think, to experience, to understand, to be Free."

The avian blobs, whose deep and buried devotion to the Egg has been the catalyst for their entire existence, feel this wave of mental power and the emotion behind it. And so they order themselves in reasonable amounts to go into the Egg and fuse themselves into it, giving their small piece of solid oxygen to the Egg, growing its own bit by bit and fusing the material to its body.

This only serves to deepen the Egg's unnaturally beauty and perfection, as it becomes a pool of power reforming into an even greater entity. An opaque pearly white exterior that gives way to a shockingly scarlet red, that itself gives way to a deep and all-encompassing jet black.

Though it is a long and meticulous process that won't be finished until a little after the dawn of the next Age, it ensures the slow but strong and steady development of the Egg, slowly transforming each and every one of it's body part and cells stronger than ever before, imbued with the power of the avian blobs. The Egg Stewards view this with the greatest honor and pride, being able to sacrifice themselves in order to become apart of the Egg and progress its growth.

But that isn't all, for the ___ senses that the time for the the touch of the ___s on the island is fading, and they will have to soon depart. And so like nearly every singular avian before, it gives it the power of the Divine Duck Force.

He imbues it into the Egg, and spreads it around, allowing it to sleep in the avian entity who is semi-aware of it. The Force is dyed by the experiences and abilities of the Egg and avian blobs that fuse themselves to it, and just like the DDFs before it engrains that in anything "related" to the Egg.

But a most curious reaction happens. The Divine Duck Force, connected to the avian of origin that it given to, is spread around to every single Egg Steward, a byproduct of the electrostatic discharges that carry signals that act as neurons.

No longer do they Act as only neurons, but rather full-blown cells that move to serve the Egg and its interests. Minds and sentience of their own they do have, but they derive their existence from the Egg itself, and it is the progenitor for all of them. If it were to be described in words, the Egg is the "Mind", and the Avian Blobs are the "Cells", building blocks of the body that carry out functions they're meant to do.

That elevation also gives them a new ability; an offshoot of their power to create more of themselves. Rather than
laboring over the work to create another Avian Blob through their power over air, they can instead permanently split themselves into to two or three smaller copies. Starting from three equidistant points on their body, they'll morph outwards and begin deforming in shape, coming apart in equal amounts until they reach the solid core (in which it would follow one clone, leaving the others to form their own). These clones, smaller than the original, can just absorb energy from the atmosphere to return to their original size.

And with that, the ___ is satisfied, having accelerated the Egg's growth and preparing what would happen thereafter. It pats the Egg, giving off an imperceptible feeling of tenderness, and leaves.

Supported Act
[X] The Heart of Darkness

[X] Nemean Mammoth

[X] The Ghost Moon Beast arises

[X] Potatoes
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This got way too long, so included truncated descriptions within the act itself.
If you just care about what the Act does on a mechanical level, or if you're @MangoFlan just read the colored text.
The rest is a whole lot of narrative fluff.
Edit: Just to clarify something I forgot to put in the act, this thing in its 'villain form' is about the size of a mastiff.

[X] The Heart of Darkness
*Narrative Version*
At the bottom of the abyssal seas, where there is only the cold and the dark, there is yet something even colder and darker. Everywhere, there is a heartbeat; sounds travel farther through the medium of water, and this sound is an ever-present reminder of the presence of that thing, the thing that even true Monsters know should not be. But the heartbeat continues in staccato rhythm, it accelerates, at first slowly, but more and more over time, as the blood spilled grows richer, as it sups upon death and pain and fear and knows its time approaches.

Then it happens- Arrhythmia. Wherever this irregular heartbeat passes, all who hear it know total despair and fear, surrendering from their very primal instincts; the Monsters would rather die than come to face this thing, and so they do, the Monster's Blood within them answering the call written into their genetic code. And yet- the villains, they cannot escape, as much as they know this to be their inevitable death. They know with their primitive, insectoid minds, that they must flee- to at all costs, preserve their lives. But all they can do is move closer to the beating of that black heart.

Thousands, millions, perhaps billions- Every single Villain comes to answer the call of their instincts, to drink from the mutagenic ponds, to eat the desiccated bodies of their fellows polluting the great lake of mutagen, to feast upon the wretched scum until their stomachs bust and heal and burst again, until even the seabed has patches clear of the forbidding ooze. They gather around that terrible presence calling out to them; they know, somehow, that this is the next stage of their life. That this is what they were born for, what is natural for them.

Wherever there is Wretched Scum, wherever there is Villains, this shall be the conclusion they eventually reach in the pursuit of their sadism. They arrive at the heart- And they die. Passing on nothing but power, becoming merest fertilizer for the amusement of the ultimate horror to plague this corner of the world. The heart explodes, itself so frightened of what it nurtured that it can bare no more the suspense; with its death rattle, it dooms the world.

*Simple Mechanical Explanation: All Monsters and Villains are consumed into the Heart of Darkness to fuel the birth to follow below. The Villains first gorge themselves on Wretched Scum and Mutagen against their will before being subjected to psychological torment that shouldn't technically be possible for such base organisms, mechanism likewise explained below. This is all established as the prototypical lifecycle for this ecosystem, into perpetuity.*

*Narrative Version*
The Super-Villain is born.

Like a Villain made large, it is an insect with too many legs, eyes, and mouths; its shell is impossibly blacker than black, standing out even in utter darkness for having a deeper contrast than even a void without any light. This is not its true form- for that is beyond description, so horrifying that to see it is to forget that this creature even exists, the memory of terror so tremendous that one's own subconscious erases all thoughts of it. To look into its soulless eyes is to catch a glimpse of enlightenment into cosmic nihilism; to feel yourself be tortured as a spiritual entity and reduced to stupid atoms, nothing more than stupid meat, obeying stupid instincts.

If one wishes to even begin comprehend this Enemy to All Things, they must be of at least immortal stature. If one wishes for their mind to survive contact, they must abandon reason and reject all that it represents, to refuse to even imagine what it truly is as anything other than banal, uncomplicated evil, to see no farther than the bug that it pretends to be; for to investigate farther is to be subject to a mental poison that destroys even the soul.

Within the body of the Super-Villain are no organs but one- the Demon Seed. From within pours forth incredible, unholy vitality, which graces the Super-Villain with life beyond life- sufficient to endure all mundane sufferings of age, hunger, disease, and injury without pause, so long as it resides within its body. This seed gives it the Right of Control, dominion over all that is born of its flesh- much needed, as it is a hive of Villains, their ordinal spawning ground, and a wellspring of Wretched Scum besides; an ecology to itself, self-contained.

It is intelligent, super-intelligent. Its mind developed enough to understand not just survival, the tactical acumen of its inferiors, but finer things as Pride, Lust, Wrath, Sloth, Envy, Greed, and Gluttony. Within it is instilled a command even it cannot recognize- the need to cultivate more Demon Seeds. To do this, it will rationalize, above all, through Ambition; desires which can only be fulfilled by collecting more Demons Seeds, from other places full of life- it is woe to over-predate the pastures it roams.

The Super-Villain drinks deeply of the mutagen that remains, draining the deep sea of it all. For two hundred gallons, it satisfies its thirst, draws it into its Demon's Seed, and refines it down into a single drop of the Ambrosia of Sin. With this sweetest nectar, it may call upon its own power, or grace another with its foul blessing.

It is only by the Ambrosia of Sin as fuel that it may assume its true form, the collective power of the lingering vestiges from so many monsters reawakened to torment the world beyond death. To give this boon to another is unlike the Super-Villain, but they may come to find that it is their own preference to make other creatures into their playthings rather than food; their love as awful as their hatred, should one receive it, they would become the Super-Villain's slave until death, capable of seeing the Super-Villain's true form and not forgetting it or rejecting it, of significant strength as the Monsters from which they inherit their perfected nature, but unable to deny the Super-Villain at any point.

*Simple Mechanical Explanation: The Super-Villain is created. At first, it is alone, and knows nothing, but it is a genius and even capable of processing emotions, however its emotions are twisted in the extreme. It only has one vital organ, which provides for all base needs; it is immortal excepting through having this organ extracted. It wants, instinctively, to create more of its kind, which it believes is because it has an ambition that can only be brought to fruition through collecting multiple Demon Seeds; this is only possible by limiting the capacity of its native ecology from completely destroying the global biosphere, as it needs other functioning ecosystems to parasitize with Wretched Scum to create more Super-Villains. In order to access its full power, when it transforms into its true form and taps into the abilities of all the different residual wills and biological traits inside of it, it needs to have Ambrosia of Sin as a power source, which it converts 1 drop of from drinking a cubic meter of mutagen. It can give other creatures Ambrosia of Sin to elevate them to high monster level without any of the flaws, which makes those creatures into its servants.*

Supported Acts:
[X] Veneficium
by @Andre Chaos
[X] All's Well and Super Cells
by @Nigerian Duck
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Man. Wow. Usually I'd ask to trade, but I think in this instance I'll just vote for the Act. Wonderful culmination of votes (my favorite style of voting) leading up to this, and it'll surely create the Worst Nightmare ever seen. The battle will be unerringly entertaining.
Hmm, the villains are becoming a serious problem. Probably will put something up to at least give the other races a chance of fighting back....
Everything will not be fine. Do not trust this man, Razzocnor! He plots the destruction of the multiverse Isles!

If you want to vote for something to combat that, try Super Cells or Lady of Night and Sea. The former is a keystone to countering the Villian's ability from a multi-act plan. and the latter is one extra immortal (that also counters the Villian's ability) who'll be valuable against the oncoming fight.

I just want to save the pendrakes. The only problem is I don't know how to do that while staying in my whole "landmarks" theme.
A safe haven?
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I just want to save the pendrakes. The only problem is I don't know how to do that while staying in my whole "landmarks" theme.
Alright, let's do a thing. It's about time someone got up and incentivized actually being nice to people.

[X] A Light in the Dark; Altruism is its own reward.
-Stirred by the preponderance of death, evil, and naked greed in the land, the slumbering maker of the humble glow bulbs steps forward and lets loose a new power into the land.
-Thinking beings now have the potential to access the power of Virtue, gained through acts of genuine kindness and altruism. For everything that a being does that benefits other living beings more than itself, it gains a small amount of Virtue. Gathering Virtue gives the holder greater strength and intelligence, and particularly increases their resistance to damaging mental effects or diseases. Of importance is that there is no true limit to this power; while each act of kindness may yield only a little bit of Virtue, such that it may seem to be hardly anything at all, it continues to build up without limit; those who have gathered much over months and years can reach a point where their Virtue begins to shine forth from their bodies in an aura that strengthens and protects others nearby, and become known as Paladins, champions of Virtue.
-It is not without restrictions however; to retain the power of Virtue one needs to continue aiding others without needing reward. Acts taken purely to increase one's own powers of Virtue will instead sap it away by the amount that would have been gained, unless intentionally done in service of accomplishing some grander act of altruism.

[X] Nemean Mammoth
[X] Rise, O Lady of Night and Sea
That's pretty much all I could think of.
Make a monument that spawns them. Problem solved.
You have my permission to make a Monument of Pendrakes.

Edit: NINJA!

EDIT: I haven't been doing Monuments for awhile, so that theme is pretty open now.
Eh, I never cared much for the monuments honestly. Besides, making more wouldn't really change the fact that the sea is full of creatures that slaughter them unless the villains actually go extinct, and it doesn't sound like they will.

I think I'll just make a safe haven.
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[X] The Light on the horizon.

Ever since the frost moon rose unto to the skies and cast the world in its chilling light, countless things that were unseen became seeable. It was a age of discovery and of exploration! But not all things are bound to be positive....

The astronomer's of Arachnid observatories tell of something that is arriving unto the world.

It leaves behind trails of light wherever it goes, many smaller trails of light follows it as well.
If it was just that then everything will be fine...
But its path was reported curving... Curving straight to their world... Curving ever so slightly, but surely.

winter bonzi @Planetary Tennis
[X] A Light in the dark,Altruism is its own reward @Razzocnor
[X] The Ghost Moon Beast arises SeaTheTree
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Alright, with this the pengdrakes, and numerous other creatures, should be able to at least be able to enter the waters around their side of the Glass Mountain. And even if the villains get dealt with it will still exist as a place of healing.

I just remembered I wanted to make a monster to place inside the Caves of Glass. Ah well, guess it'll just be a beautiful place. Not the worst way to end things really.

Authored Vote
[X] The Cleansing Drop
In the waters by the Glass Mountain, where the remaining pengdrakes mate and swim, a single great lake's worth of liquid that glows a pale gold light appears. The liquid holds together, refusing to mix with the water or split apart and generally staying in the same spot. Despite this, creatures may enter the liquid like normal and breathe it like water or air. The liquid purifies all that it touches, removing ailments and destroying corruption.

[X] Curse of the Frost Giant
[X] A Light in the Dark; Altruism is its own reward.
[X] Nemean Mammoth
[X] All's Well and Super Cells
I am not sure what to do... Maybe bring my Aberration Fog here? Make it appear at times, where there are less Moonlight and make it be able to partially transmit this light, almost without depriving it of unique properties. Or maybe I should give magic to a new generation of arachnides. Make them be able to learn cantrips level spells through diligence, research and specifuc tools creation...​

[X] Veneficium

Next generation of arachnids and their descendants receive a weak gift of magic. Through research, training, and/or hard experiences, they can feel their potential and begin to look for patterns in it in order to turn talent into multiple effects. Of course, the larger the effect, the more complex it is and the more it violates the laws of the world, the harder it is to master and use. Magic exhausts the nervous system and the body, if one misjudge their own strengths. Memorized movements, specific mental images, additional tools and materials can help ease the load and improve mastery of spells. All possible spells are pretty weak, at the level of cantrips. Although their proper use and judicious combinations can be beneficial in any area of life. (Possible effects may be something like these cantrips and 1st-level).​

[X] The Ghost Moon Beast arises
By @SeaTheTree [Traded]

[X] Potatoes
By @Tarumath [Chosen]

[X] The Heart of Darkness
By @Zipf [Traded]
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