The Slave Who Makes Free: An Anakin Skywalker Quest

Voting is open for the next 2 days, 11 hours
Look forward to seeing whats got the Council, maybe hesitant isn't the right word. See whats got them stuck like this. I could be overreacting and its not some new fastball thrown at them by the IGBC, but just them deliberating on how to approach the issue now that they've committed themselves.
Missed the vote, but just wanted to say that I thought the last update was excellent. Loved the Sabacc game with Padmé and the Handmaidens, and the chemistry between Padmé and Anakin was great, it felt very natural. Also loved the detail you've given to Khagan Grievous here, everything about his characterisation here is fantastic and and I loved the bit of interplay between him and Padmé. It makes one think that there's some alternate timeline out there where they become some of the founders of the Rebellion.

I had this really long post all ready to go about how always avoiding Palpatine is not actually a viable long-term strategy, but ultimately it boils down to this: Palpatine is a great character and trying to meta-game around him is boring. If Anakin is going to distrust him, then I want there to be an actual story reason for it. Right now, he doesn't have one.

Realistically I think the next time we're going to see Daddy Sheev on screen is when Kirook decides to interject with Palpatine simply seizing the initiative and involving himself. That may or may not be a great outcome from our POV, it'll depend a lot on the specific context. But I think it is going to need a ride or two on the Palpatine Train before players start to internalise the idea that we can't really choose to simply not interact with the antagonist of the quest, it's more about getting to choose when and how we interact with him.

EDIT: By the way, that's not to say that there aren't totally valid and interesting reasons to vote against involving Palpatine in the last few votes. I'm speaking more generally.
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There don't seem to have been any edits to the post. It might be that some SV update made tabs-inside-tabs break or work differently.
You might be right. I'm going to have to keep working on this, either moving the branches out of their nested tabs (which would admittedly be less than ideal) or finding a different way to render them.
Hey, @Kirook, ever since the discussion about the structure of the HoloNet and my own comments about the Scuttlebutt protocol, I've had ideas bouncing around my head about what that might look like in more detail and how it might effect the way cultures and ideas spread through such a society. I'd like to write a post about it, but I don't know if that would come off as rude or too off topic, so I wanted to ask if you, and everyone else, would be OK with it first. Would you be OK with that kind of speculative post?

Also, if you are OK with it, how much attention should I pay to what Wookipedia has to say about how the HoloNet functions?
Hey, @Kirook, ever since the discussion about the structure of the HoloNet and my own comments about the Scuttlebutt protocol, I've had ideas bouncing around my head about what that might look like in more detail and how it might effect the way cultures and ideas spread through such a society. I'd like to write a post about it, but I don't know if that would come off as rude or too off topic, so I wanted to ask if you, and everyone else, would be OK with it first. Would you be OK with that kind of speculative post?

Also, if you are OK with it, how much attention should I pay to what Wookipedia has to say about how the HoloNet functions?
Please do! And you can ignore Wookieepedia if it's useful for your theory, God knows I've done that enough times in this story already.
Regarding the discussion on distributing the Death Star plans over the holonet, I agree that wouldn't be feasible. However, if Leia escaped and went into hiding I think that there's a chance that R2 might have been able to figure out the weakness. In that case, I imagine it would be a lot more feasible to get a coded message about how to actually blow up the Death Star out to the Rebel leadership.
I am curious on the subject I don't you've done it often I haven't really noticed many deviations?
Well, the main deviations (that the players' decisions didn't directly cause) have been:
  • Mixing of the canon and Legends timelines for whatever suits my purposes. For example, Anakin's Initiate supporting cast is a mix of characters from the new EU (Bode, Iskat) and Legends (Ferus, Darra, Tru, Serra), and the World Between Worlds vision quest included possible futures with elements from both continuities.
  • Tweaks to character personalities and backstories, most prominently with Jar Jar Binks (now Tchajah Binz) and to a lesser degree with Aayla Secura.
  • Fudging of timelines to make things fit together more smoothly. Anakin has been aged up a few years (as has most of his supporting cast), the Huk War's unclear place in the timeline has been pinned down so that it doesn't end until after TPM, and A'Sharad's arrival in the Temple is slightly earlier so that he's already there when Anakin begins his Jedi training.
  • Character relationships--the only Jedi of Anakin's supporting cast in this quest who actually got to know him well in either canon were Ferus, Tru, Darra, and A'Sharad (and the latter only during the Clone Wars, if memory serves).
  • Various other worldbuilding changes like the possibility of sensing droids through the Force in certain circumstances (e.g. Huyang) and the Republic's present dysfunction being partly traceable to the Nihil crisis and the fall of the Starlight Beacon in the High Republic stories.
Most of these changes are pretty minor so far, but as Anakin comes into his own as a Jedi and starts making bigger waves in the galaxy, you'll probably start seeing more.
An unexpected highlight of having two big continuities like Star Wars is this ability to mix and match from both of them, I feel. Done right and it makes for a better experience overall. I look forward to seeing what else has changed, and what hasn't.
Wookiepedia has a lot of cool ideas, and also a lot of deeply silly ones, but perhaps even more than that, it just has a lot of ideas full stop. If you're trying to create a single thematically cohesive vision of the setting, that's necessarily going to require excluding or tweaking some elements that don't fit, and collapsing the wavefunction on characters who exist in a quantum superposition of five different characterisations from multiple depictions. This is true of the newer Disney as much as the older Legends stuff - whilst nothing can quite beat the old EU at its height for sheer wackiness, either is equally capable of containing something which simply may not work well for a given story.
Wookiepedia has a lot of cool ideas, and also a lot of deeply silly ones, but perhaps even more than that, it just has a lot of ideas full stop. If you're trying to create a single thematically cohesive vision of the setting, that's necessarily going to require excluding or tweaking some elements that don't fit, and collapsing the wavefunction on characters who exist in a quantum superposition of five different characterisations from multiple depictions. This is true of the newer Disney as much as the older Legends stuff - whilst nothing can quite beat the old EU at its height for sheer wackiness, either is equally capable of containing something which simply may not work well for a given story.
Buddy, you use a weasel-like species in a fist fight with Han as an example of wackiness....when Giant Amorphous Bantha Breakfast Biscuits are an actual creature in star wars. And no, they are not named for looking like bantha shaped breakfast biscuits. They ARE Breakfast Biscuits whose in some freak accident had the preservatives combine with the DNA from the bantha meat used in that recipe resulting in Abiogenesis and a literal living Bantha Breakfast Biscuit.

Their only known weakness? Blue Sauce, which is condiment usually served with the Bantha Breakfast Biscuit that arent doing a perfect impression of a slime from DND.

Oh, gets better: The recipe is owned by the Tagge Corporation. You remember that guy in New Hope who was basically spending most his scenes concerned the rebellion might actually pull off something due to getting the plans for the Death Star? That guy is General Cassio Tagge, a man who had the unfortunate issue of actually being competent. Same family.
Buddy, you use a weasel-like species in a fist fight with Han as an example of wackiness....when Giant Amorphous Bantha Breakfast Biscuits are an actual creature in star wars. And no, they are not named for looking like bantha shaped breakfast biscuits. They ARE Breakfast Biscuits whose in some freak accident had the preservatives combine with the DNA from the bantha meat used in that recipe resulting in Abiogenesis and a literal living Bantha Breakfast Biscuit.

Their only known weakness? Blue Sauce, which is condiment usually served with the Bantha Breakfast Biscuit that arent doing a perfect impression of a slime from DND.

Oh, gets better: The recipe is owned by the Tagge Corporation. You remember that guy in New Hope who was basically spending most his scenes concerned the rebellion might actually pull off something due to getting the plans for the Death Star? That guy is General Cassio Tagge, a man who had the unfortunate issue of actually being competent. Same family.
There's a lot of stuff like this that Wookieepedia technically considers "canon" even though no one in their right mind would actually acknowledge it as such and no story will ever use it again, because it hasn't been officially contradicted by anything else in that continuity. It's more common with Legends for obvious reasons, but I think it still pops up from time to time.
Well, the main deviations (that the players' decisions didn't directly cause) have been:
  • Mixing of the canon and Legends timelines for whatever suits my purposes. For example, Anakin's Initiate supporting cast is a mix of characters from the new EU (Bode, Iskat) and Legends (Ferus, Darra, Tru, Serra), and the World Between Worlds vision quest included possible futures with elements from both continuities.
  • Tweaks to character personalities and backstories, most prominently with Jar Jar Binks (now Tchajah Binz) and to a lesser degree with Aayla Secura.
  • Fudging of timelines to make things fit together more smoothly. Anakin has been aged up a few years (as has most of his supporting cast), the Huk War's unclear place in the timeline has been pinned down so that it doesn't end until after TPM, and A'Sharad's arrival in the Temple is slightly earlier so that he's already there when Anakin begins his Jedi training.
  • Character relationships--the only Jedi of Anakin's supporting cast in this quest who actually got to know him well in either canon were Ferus, Tru, Darra, and A'Sharad (and the latter only during the Clone Wars, if memory serves).
  • Various other worldbuilding changes like the possibility of sensing droids through the Force in certain circumstances (e.g. Huyang) and the Republic's present dysfunction being partly traceable to the Nihil crisis and the fall of the Starlight Beacon in the High Republic stories.
Most of these changes are pretty minor so far, but as Anakin comes into his own as a Jedi and starts making bigger waves in the galaxy, you'll probably start seeing more.

Love Jazz Canon baybeeeee
Voting is open for the next 2 days, 11 hours