This one is largely flavour and background, based on what the Inquisition know about you.
Index Astartes - Celestial Lions
Founding Chapter | VII Imperial Fists |
Founding | 23rd Founding (Suspected) |
Status | Unknown (Suspected Traitoris) |
Chapter Master | Amra |
Fortress-Monastery | Unknown |
Homeworld | Unknown (Formerly Elysium IX) |
Heraldry | Gold armour with blue pauldrons and helmet, astrological and leonine sigils |
Speciality | Armoured Assault |
Strength | Unknown (formerly 8 Companies) |
Battle Cry | "Finis noctis!"/"We are the Emperor's Lions!" |
The Celestial Lions are a Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes, formerly based in the Elara's Veil sub-sector of the Ultima Segmentum. The Lions stem from an unknown founding, sometime after M38, and draw from Imperial Fists gene-seed. The current status of the Chapter is unknown.
The Celestial Lions first appear in records in M38 during the Grim Harvest of 666.M38, and subsequently in various actions of the Redemption Crusades of M39. It is speculated that the Lions stem from the 23rd 'Sentinel Founding', with the Lions one of the Chapters raised to pursue perpetual crusades and rebuild the Adeptus Astartes strength in general after the 21st 'Cursed Founding' as well as various conflicts of the time.
However, it is also possible that the Lions were raised during the 25th 'Bastion Founding' due to the Lions' similarities to the Emperor's Spears and Star Scorpions chapters, and their later association.
While the specific details of the founding are unknown, the traditions of the Chapter are additionally hidden. Due to similarities in doctrine and organistion, the Lions are suspected to directly stem from a Successor Founding of the Imperial Fists, or subordinate Successor chapter. The Lions demonstrate similar assault doctrine to the Iron Champions, Executioners, Soul Drinkers and Black Templars, all of whom succeeded from assault or armoured formations of the Imperial Fists during the Second Founding. Certainly the Lions preferred deployment includes significant assault elements, led by armoured spearheads and fast attack elements. Secondly, the Lions maintain non-standard terminology for Astartes officers, including the 'Deathspeakers', a term identical in form and function to that of the Executioners Chapter. Lastly, the Lions maintain several items of wargear supposedly originating in the Black Templars Chapter, and has previously fought alongside that Chapter in numerous actions.
Prior to their disappearance, the Lions maintained significant fleet assets including their Battle Barge 'Serenkai', as well as several cruiser-class vessels. The Lions also maintained a significant ground force, including numerous Thunderhawks and at least 3 Land Raiders.
While certain specific wargear has been recorded in use by Celestial Lions officers including the Relic Blade 'Je'hara', the only other unique item is the 'Jagged Claw', and adapted Pain Glove in the style of the Imperial Fists mortification tradition. The Jagged Claw leaves notable scarification on internees, and this scarification should be used to identify Lions if suspected.
Organisation and Doctrine
The Celestial Lions largely conform to the Codex Astartes-standard of organisation, with minor exceptions. Firstly, instead of Scouts being placed into Devastator Companies first, the Lions follow the example of the Space Wolves and instead place Scouts into Assault Squads, emphasising aggression over firepower.
In general, the Chapter is offensively focused, relying on fast, hard strikes using armoured forces against weak points, with limited reconnaissance by faster elements such as Attack Bikes and Land Speeders. The Lions retain high mobility, firepower, and close assault elements, but lack significant stealth capabilities, as well as artillery for longer engagements or sieges.
The Lions term their Captains as 'Warleaders', their Librarians as 'Spiritwalkers', the Apothecaries as 'Lifebinders', their Chaplains as 'Deathspeakers', their Techmarines as 'Ironmanes' and their Sergeants as 'Pride Leaders'. Despite these naming conventions, each function largely conforms to Codex standards.
Some organisational differences have been observed between Marines from Elysium IX, and those from other bloodtithes. This differences are notable, but lack consistency. Marines from Elysium IX are identifiable by their phenotype due to the Elysium's settlement by Afrik colonists during the Golden Age of Technology, with most such marines having darker skin and hair.
Given the Celestial Lions' unknown Founding and circumstances, it is difficult to determine when and how the Lions settled Elysium IX, however, following the 25th Founding the Celestial Lions joined the Star Scorpions and Emperor's Spears Chapters in the Adeptus Vaelarii, an alliance between the Chapters to defend the Elara's Veil region of space. The Lions were successful their part, diminishing piratical Ork and Eldar activity, as well as combating several emergent cults in the region.
Elysium IX itself is a Feral World conforming to the broad category, but notable for the presence of psychic xenoforms endemic to the world's savannah and jungle biomes. The inhabitants of Elysium IX hunt these beasts and occupy numerous small bastion-settlements across the world from which the Lions recruit.
Elysium IX possesses a native religious tradition, suspected to stem from societal collapse during the Age of Strife, featuring emphasis on individual action, and 'pushing back the night', rewarding heroism and civilisational efforts and celebrating these through song. The 'Pyro-cult' identifies the Emperor of Mankind as the first 'Torchbearer' of humanity, and has been evaluated by the Ministorum as a permissible variation on the Imperial Truth.
It is unknown to what extent the Pyrocult has infiltrated in the Celestial Lions themselves, when compared to standard Astartes practices.
During the Khattarn Insurrection of 329.M40 the Celestial Lions successfully crushed the revolt of the Shrine World Khattarn. While some records indicate the priesthood of Khattarn had fallen to Chaos, a reassessment demonstrates that this revolt was merely a Categoria Nullis event. The Lions destroyed the local opposition, and subsequently were ordered to enact Exterminatus by Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor Apollyon. The Lions disobeyed, refusing to bombard the supposedly compliant planet, and even attempted to interpose their voidcraft between the local Navy forces and the planet itself, though unsuccessfully. The Lions, including their Chapter Master, Saul, subsequently petitioned various parties including Militarum, Administratum, and other Inquisition forces to censure Inquisitor Apollyon for his actions. Apollyon in turn ordered Inquisition assets into place to reduce the Chapter, attempting to set an example and prevent further strife between the Astartes and Inquisition, and especially to ensure absolute obedience to Exterminatus orders in future. Though unsuccessful, Inquisitor Apollyon's actions have been subsequently approved by the Kytain Conclave, and Apollyon has been proved correct with the recent regrettable 'Months of Shame'.
Notable Figures
Of the current Chapter, only two figures are notable in these records. Firstly, Amra, the Chapter Master of the Celestial Lions himself. Amra is at least six centuries old, having been a Captain or 'Warleader' in the Macharian Crusade, and subsequent Macharian Heresy 392-470.M41. Like most Astartes commanders, Amra is a skilled individual combatant, possessing artificer wargear speculated to draw from older Black Templar stocks following the Second Founding. While Amra has been observed to be of a pious, forceful and cautious personality, lacking in indirect inclinations, the Chapter Master is capable of wider strategic thought, diplomacy and guile.
Secondly, the Chief Librarian or 'Spiritwalker' Hath-Horeb is known to be a psyker of significant ability and experience, present in records of the Gothic War between 139-160.M41. No clear intelligence is available regarding Hath-Horeb, save for observations regarding his unusual competence in the psychic disciplines.
Attempts to assassinate both individuals have been unsuccessful, especially following Amra's retreat and garrison of the Celestial Lions homeworld. While the Chapter possesses reasonable levels of experience among Marines and leadership, previous Inquisition action has successfully reduced this experience. Notably, in the Caladian Gulf Incident, elements of the Ordo Hereticus, Minotaurs Chapter and Officio Assassinorum were able to eliminate the previous Chapter Master, Saul, as well as the Chapter's Reclusiarch and several Captains.
Current Status
The current status of the Celestial Lions is unknown. It is assumed that Chapter Master Amra, seeking to protect his Chapter, husbanded his strength on Elysium IX, and intelligence suggests that Amra called in various favours from the Mechanicus, Ministorum and Militarum.
Amra additionally petitioned the Deathwatch for the return of Celestial Lions deployed there, citing the immediate need of veterans, as well as withholding the Chapter's gene-tithe for fifty years. In both cases, Ordo Hereticus estimates indicate that the Chapter was well-resourced, with at least 6 companies active, indicating deception on Amra's part.
Subsequently, in 456.M40, the Celestial Lions abruptly abandoned their homeworld, rendezvousing with an Explorator Fleet of Forge World Metallica and minor elements of other organisations, then disappearing toward an unknown destination. It is speculated that the Lions used previously unknown routes through the Warp in an attempt to evade the Inquisition.
Due to concerns regarding broader relations between the Inquisition and Adeptus Astartes, Inquisitor Apollyon has ordered the Lions to be declared as 'Lost' rather than Excommunicate Traitoris. Despite this, Inquisitors should keep the Lions in mind when investigating reports of unknown Astartes activity, and make all attempts to diminish the Chapter, should they be found. If possible, the Emperor's Spears Chapter should be alerted and utilised, the Spears having sworn a blood-oath of vengeance against the Celestial Lions for abandoning their duties in Elara's Veil. Additionally any and all efforts should be made to diminsh the connections the Lions previously possessed between the Mecanicus worlds of Bellona and Metallica, as well as the Militarum regiments of Macharia (a positive relationship going back to Amra's participation in the Macharian Crusade), as well as the Lions' connections with other Imperial Fist-lineage chapters.
It is assumed the Chapter has established another Homeworld either outside the Imperium's borders, or in Wilderness Space. No further reports have been received after the Lions' departure from Inquisition agents embedded in the Astartes fleet, in particular agent [REDACTED].