Turn 8 (2108 IC)
Turn 8 (2108 IC)

The leaders of the Celestial Lions gathered in the Serenkai's Strategium. The ship was rather more bare than it had been once, much of the supplies and items being slowly moved into the new Fortress-Monastary. While Amra held frequent such conferences to coordinate between the different officers of the Chapter and the wider Imperium on Mallus, this particular meeting had only the Astartes, with the others like Confessor Hermina or the Magi of the Mechanicus not having been invited.

"The last Scouts recruited before we arrived on this world, 11 of them, will reach their maturity this year." Vularakh, Master of Recruits, reported, "Besides this I have 140 Scouts recruited from the native population, and they'll take perhaps seven more years to mature, in which time the majority will likely be dead."

The duties of Scout Marines weren't especially dangerous, but Amra had long known the deadly rates of the implantation process. Many centuries ago, when Amra himself had entered the Chapter, he'd been one of a dozen who survived from a Blood Tithe of hundreds.

Besides the scouts there were 243 Marines and 45 specialists from the Armoury, Librarius and so on. Even with the best possible implantation success rates and zygote maturation conditions, the Chapter would, at most, see 350 Marines of the current crop and Scouts.

The Chapter Master held his silence for now, waving for Hath-Horeb to speak.

The Spiritwalker tapped his gauntlet, directing the Strategium hololith to present his items. A map of Mallus showed in the flickering display, the sites of the 3rd's destruction and the Black Pyramid to the north glowing brightly.

"I've studied the Immaterium for centuries, but I must come to the conclusion that this planet is unique. Whatever power altered the Aytheric Veil that sits between the Real and Unreal, the inherent conditions one would expect are nowhere to be found. The creature 'Khong', the Black Pyramid of Nagash, the proliferation of psykers and the multiple traditions of so-called 'magic' on this world are unlike any I know of. Any one of these abnormalities might be seen, but only in a whole civilisation. Magic, as the natives call the Warp, seeps into the world, it pools and flows, but the world seems to absorb it, not reject it as it should."

The display shifted, now showing a pict-shot of a fresco depicting a battle between the Celestial Lions and the Night Lords. Amra knew it well, he had fought in the battle.

"The Librarium contains records of four Greater Daemons of Chaos, but only one is sufficiently detailed to draw from, partly thanks to the Chapter Master's notes of the battle." Hath-Horeb said with a nod to Amra, "Each summoning was a significant endeavour, requiring the efforts of thousands of cultists over a lengthy period. The banishment of Sarnath the Brilliant was even more significant an effort, resulting in the destruction of several voidships and hundreds of strikecraft. In no record is there any information about binding or imprisoning daemons, in the manner which appears to have been done to the creature, Khong. This assumes the creature was a daemon in the first place, which I think is the most likely possibility."

The Chief Librarian paused, tapping again, bringing back the planet view, more specks of light present across the world, "The existence, the survival, the binding itself, of Khong, as well as the other unusual aspects of Mallus, imply to me that we will face other such threats in future, daemons, Greater Daemons even, which will be present and manifest even without the usual requirements of the 'closeness' of the Warp to support such entities. Upon my order, the psycrafted objects of Araby have been gathered and catalogued, and what I've learned only proves my concerns. One noble was slain and found to have owned several objects with captive daemons inside which did his bidding. These artefacts had been in his family for several hundred years, yet upon examination of his family records, only minor evidence of mutation was recorded. Indeed, the Djinncallers have been active for thousands of years, perfecting the arts of imbuing objects with warp energy in a manner I've never encountered, nor seen recorded in the whole of the Librarium. Such lengthy and frequent daemon summonings should have pulled this world into the Immaterium long ago, turned the ground to fire and the seas to roiling evil, yet supposedly fruit, fruit, of all things, is also a major export from the Sorcerers' Isles!"

The assembled Captains and Masters were silent, and Amra spoke, "Sarnath the Brilliant took the combined efforts of the 1st and 4th Companies. I was a Devastator Marine at the time and I put a dozen shots from a Lascannon into the creature before I was overwhelmed by lesser daemons. Twenty of the 1st Company, each of them in Terminator Armour, matched the creature, and half of them died for it. If we know we face warpcraft the likes of which we've never seen, how shall we combat it? It becomes a problem of tactics as much as one of strategy..."

The pair had discussed the presentation beforehand, and it followed Hath-Horeb's investigations and experiments. The Spiritwalker had interrogated the various daemons bound within the objects the Chapter had seized and learnt much from them, yet information from the mouths of daemons could hardly be trusted and the Librarian's investigations continued, cross-referencing material from a dozen sources to determine truth.

Hath-Horeb continued, "As a structure, we may assume that we'll face something equal to Khong, a Greater Daemon or similar entity, on each continent of this world, as well as unusual psychic artefacts dangerous to us, or large numbers of native psykers."

Tuthmes, Master of the Fleet, spoke first, "Concentration of force, strategic mobility. Maintain our capabilities, deploy appropriate forces, even get the Peregrin repaired. Will such an entity survive an attack by an armoured formation? Or a strike by a Lance battery?"

"Irrelevant." Khotan replied, "We haven't the resources to maintain such a force indefinitely, and a daemon would certainly use subterfuge once it realised our resources were so limited. At current rates of consumption including battles, training and so on, we'll run out of munitions in five years and fuel in a similar time. We've been lucky at the relative lack of battles so far, I'd planned for more and stocked the Armoury accordingly."

Black Nassor, the new Captain of the 2nd, spoke up. It was the first time he'd attended such a gathering of officers, but he'd been a Sergeant for a century before he received his promotion. He stood next to Natohk and had largely followed his lead since his promotion. "I was under the impression that with the completion of the manufacturing facilities from the Serenkai that we could now produce Promethium?"

Khotan nodded, "We can, but not in sufficient amounts. When the Chapter Master first came to me with the plan to leave Elysium behind I ordered the stocking and compilation of a wide range of machinery and technology, enough to enable us to build up over a longer time. For example, I have a small plasma reactor in the Forge, but this certainly couldn't power a city, it's only to creature the necessary elements of plasma weapons I manufacture for our Brothers. There's also the question of raw resources. To supply Promethium I, or rather the Mechanicus, would need extraction and processing sites, storage facilities, refineries and chemical plants. Promethium comes in grades, it's impossible to run one of the holy Thunderhawks on the same fuel you'd run a worthy, but otherwise less advanced, Taurox."

"Flesh and blood are also our resources." Vularakh said, "The cities of Araby have all been repaired from any damage we caused in the battles to take them, and one squad from the 1st got rather carried away and rebuilt half the city in Antoch. This, among other things, has made the natives much more friendly to us. Now would be an excellent time for a tithe. I'll require more veterans to lead Scout Squads, but we have the capacity to absorb the numbers. It'll certainly be a better use for them than making art."

Amra smirked despite himself. Sergeant Cassion of the 1st Company had led a small brotherhood around the cities and had completed a large relief of the Emperor and his saints in Antoch. To Cassion the sculpture had apparently been less than his best, something to amuse himself while his squad worked to repair a cathedral, but to the Bretonnian colonists the relief had been the most wonderous thing they'd ever seen, so magnificent and lifelike, carved by Cassion's armoured fingers as if clay. The Bretonnians apparently couldn't believe that the Sergeant had completed it so quickly and assumed it had miraculously appeared as a sign of divine favour.

"Speaking of tithes," Vularakh said, "What will happen to the 3rd? They'll need reinforcements."

Natohk spoke for the first time that meeting, having been uncharacteristically quiet previously, "I have completed by initial investigations. It will take me longer be sure of their purity. Chaos is subtle. It would be best to reinforce them from other Companies rather than with Scouts, I counsel against trusting newly-armed Battle Brothers to a formation under such suspicion as the survivors of the 3rd."

"Who will command the 3rd now? Shall they be absorbed into another company?"

"No." Amra replied, "They fought heroically, I intend to honour Corax's sacrifice and rebuild them." And, in truth, the Chapter Master didn't think amalgamating yet another company would be good for morale. "I'll retain them for the moment, and seek among the Veterans for a Captain."

Some Chapters maintained Companies with specific cultures or Rites of Battle, other than were mandated in the Codex Astartes. This wasn't necessarily the case for the Celestial Lions, but equally the Chapter's organisation was disrupted currently, what with more than one Company having been rearranged or moved around, with many of the Companies having Marines from multiple Companies within them.

The discussion continued, each Captain presenting some opinion or topic for consideration.

"I would say our greatest test, at present," remarked the Master of the Forge, "is to make regular our more irregular activities. Ordinarily we'd have established and integrated relationships, whether of vassalage or otherwise, with others, but now we find ourselves personally directing many activities. We might establish a proper Administratum, Ministorum, and so on, and simply direct their objectives rather than seeing to it ourselves and constantly having mortals seeking our direction."

"For internal matters that might be sufficient, but we cannot ignore the world around us." Nassor said, "Award each noble who swears allegiance a medal or similar decoration, ensure its rich enough for them to wear it, and set a surveillance device inside it. The Scouts, or even the serfs, can process the information these devices bring up. Alternatively, we might establish some sort of network of agents across the world."

Black Nassor now stood as Master of the Watch, an office which would ordinarily see to the threat assessments and processing of information from around the Chapter's forces, but still, the unspecific nature of Nassor's later statement wasn't particularly notable for Astartes. Space Marines weren't spies after all.

"Perhaps," Tuthmes Skytalon said, a slight sneer in his voice, "but there are more pressing concerns, if we concentrate on shoring up our serfs we risk being stabbed in the back, as we have now! The Gene-seed of nine of my Brothers has been lost because of their possession in the attack, and we lost another fifty from the 3rd from yet more witchery!" And his voice rose, only staying slightly under what would be proper for such a conference. "The report's we've been receiving from the cities of Araby point to the retreat of the Djinncallers, this can only be in preparation for an attack!"

Tempers frayed and Amra held up a hand, the Captains falling silent. The matter was circular.

The 3rd hadn't been informed regarding the threat of Khong, nor of the possibility of corruption, yet even if they had, such information wouldn't have been believed. Perhaps if the Chapter had maintained a powerful force in readiness, able to be deployed at short notice, then Khong might have been defeated without as many losses, but if such a force were to be maintained then those reserves would be absent any other battle. The Chapter's leadership might be paralysed by the shadows of the future, ever fearing to deploy a reserve force for fear of encountering something else.

"Mallus has proved far more dangerous than we might have expected." Amra pronounced. "But we are Space Marines. Death is our duty. But it need not be our destiny. Go to your tasks, in time, I'll call for each of you."

Here are some voting rules, which I thought I'd include explicitly here, and will be including in a spoiler in future.
  • Turns will take place over roughly a year's worth of time. A single action should be considered to be a year's worth of effort from a particular person or group, though there's a level of abstraction with all actions given the format of the quest.

  • Actions will have a difficulty rating which should be apparent from the text. Some actions are time sensitive.

  • Write ins are permitted and encouraged, but require my approval to make sure they're sensible. These might be 'go there, fight that, talk to them, make this' and so on.

  • Modifications or combinations are also permitted, and may result in greater efficiency of actions and voting. If logical, you can take an action more than once.

  • Voting moratorium for 24 hours to encourage discussion, do not vote before this. You can make plans before this, but I encourage you to post those plans again after discussion has modified them, once the voting opens.

  • Generally, I would like at least 10% of people to vote. As of turn 8 there's a good hundred people watching this so have a think about what you want to happen. I don't intend to hold chapters hostage for more engagement, but discussion will improve the quality of votes and prevent general anguish later on.

  • Some actions are pretty vague. If action is unspecific or has options listed, it's up to you to suggest something. If nothing is suggested the most logical and simplest action will be taken, from the perspective of the characters.

Diplomacy (Choose 2)
With Corax dead, the Imperium lacks diplomatic expertise other than of Confessor Hermina of the Missionia Galaxia.
[ ] Further Xenos investigation
Building on the previous success, Corax suggests attempting to capture more of the Lizardmen for further experiments.

[ ] The Settlement of Araby
With Araby conquered, it's time to establish and legislate the specific arrangements of political, economic, religious and social life in the newly acquired cities. Confessor Hermina plans to issue proclamations and edicts to slowly being the population in line with the Lex Imperialis.

[ ] Blood Tithe
The Chapter must have reinforcements. Send out the 10th Company to gather the second tithe of aspirants from the cities of Araby and the serfs of the Chapter.

[ ] Norscan Tithe
The daughter of the King of the Bjornlings was given to the Sororitas for training, and has taken the Bloody Rose's habit and habits. She has suggested drawing from the tribes of Norsca for recruits.

[ ] Expand the Missionia
There are around 700 missionaries which have accompanied the Chapter to Mallus. It would be better if there were more, and with larger numbers perhaps the Missionia's actions will be more effective.

[ ] North
The states of Estalia, Tilea, and the Border Princes lie to the north across the sea. Prepare an expedition to visit them and establish diplomatic relations before their inevitable conquest.
Martial (Choose 3)
Tuthmes Skytalon, Master of the Fleet, is now aided by a Master of Skitarii and Colonel Seleucus of the Macharia 45th and all three work together to ensure this small Imperium's safety.
[ ] Scourge the Xenos
The Lizardmen attacked the Mordant's crash site and pockets of stranded survivors, defiling the corpses of the fallen, some of them even being eaten. This insult against the Chapter cannot stand.

[ ] Rodents Of Unusual Size
Apparently the people of the jungles to the south occasionally do battle with large rat-like abhumans. They don't appear to be a great threat currently, and are generally countered by the tribespeople themselves, but a mission should still be made to root them out and destroy them.

[ ] Train More Auxiliaries (2 of 2)
Train another regiment from the former voidsmen of the fleet. 3 potential regiments of voidsmen remaining.

[ ] Train New Regiments (2 of 4)
Raise a regiment from the martially inclined of the Chapter's serfs. 2 potential regiments of serfs remaining.

[ ] Artillery Training
The Pharosian Guard are former Voidsmen, and few have encountered artillery. Have them trained to operate the small number of Militarum artillery pieces you possess.

[ ] Wizard Wars
Bring battle to the Sorcerers' Isles and the Regent of the Djinn, who surely prepares for an attack against the Imperium!
Stewardship (Choose 4)
Khotan, Master of the Forge, has taken on management of most of the organisation of the crash site.
[ ] Develop the Fortress-Monastery
Khotan continues his work to develop the Chapter's new Fortress-Monastery. Specify what you want developed with either specifics or broad themes.

[ ] Repair the Peregrin
The Vanguard Light Cruiser Peregrin isn't actually that badly damaged, and wasn't particularly affected in the initial sabotage of the Chapter's Warp travel. Khotan deems it the best possibility for an especially mobile platform and you agree. Uses up Sagos and Farsight light cruiser wrecks.

[ ] Establish Advanced Manufacturing (1 of 8)
The Magi Explorator have various equipment in their care which will allow the production of more advanced items like power armour and some tanks and aircraft. Establish these foundries. Can be moved after but will require further actions.

[ ] Establish Exotic Manufacturing (1 of 12)
The Magi Explorator have various equipment in their care which will allow the production of exotic items like plasma munitions and anti-grav technology, as well as spacecraft. Establish these foundries. Cannot be moved after construction.

[ ] Establish the Genetorium (1 of 8)
Direct the Mechanicum to establish their biological suites of equipment, allowing the deployment of more advanced medicines and drugs to your people, as well as the creation of various vat-grown creatures like Grox from the genetic samples held within the Mechanicus ships.

[ ] Mines
Magos Magna-Thal recommends establishing mining outposts in the mountains around Arx Acheron.

[ ] Wells (1 of 2)
Magos Magna-Thal recommends establishing oil wells in the mangrove swamps to the south of the Fortress-Monastery. After this the Magos will build a small refinery to create a continued fuel supply for the Chapter's vehicles.

[ ] Roads (1 of 3)
Now basic manufactora have been established, build basic roads between Pharos and the cities of Medes, then expand the program to the other cities of Araby.

[ ] Cut a Way
Accept Khotan's suggestion to cut a way through the various ships to the vehicle and cargo bays to give you access to the heavier equipment in the bowels of the ships.

[ ] Dig a Way (2 of 3)
Though it'll take much longer, you could also dig your way through and create tunnels to the cargo bays of the ships.

[ ] Artillery (Point Defence) (2 of 2)
Khotan described how he might employ the downed ship's weapons as artillery, approve this project. Direct the Master of the Forge toward the Mega-Bolter emplacements on the ships.

[ ] Artillery (Batteries)
Khotan described how he might employ the downed ship's weapons as artillery, approve this project. Direct the Master of the Forge toward the Macrocannon batteries on the ships.

[ ] Artillery (Bombardment Cannons)
Khotan described how he might employ the downed ship's weapons as artillery, approve this project. Direct the Master of the Forge toward the enormous Bombardment Cannons on the ships.

[ ] Mechanicum Rites
Produce, build, salvage, or repair something.
Intrigue (Choose 1)
Vularakh, Master of Scouts, is skilled and able as an infiltrator and information gatherer.
[ ] Further Afield
Despatch Scouts and Thunderhawks to give broad surveys of the lands outside the continent you're currently on.

[ ] Find the Witches, Burn the Witches!
Root out the last remnants of the Djinncallers still in Araby. The wizards have apparently departed, and little has been heard of them, but perhaps they've left something behind to study?

[ ] The Watchers
Nassor suggests the creation of a militia or police force across Araby, centrally controlled by the Master of the Watch, as well as seeding the noble classes with surveillance devices.

[ ] Track the Assassins
The motives of the Assassins in their attack on the Chapter are unknown, and before their supposed destruction they clearly evacuated their fortress. Track down any survivors.
Learning (Choose 2)
Hath-Horeb, the Chapter's Chief Librarian, is certainly the most learned Astartes in the Chapter, and is assisted by Explorator Magos Magna-Thal to investigate the various mysteries of Mallus.
[ ] The Data Vaults
Magna-Thal proposes an expedition into the depths of the Data Vaults of the Kingmaker. The libraries of such an ancient vessel may hold any number of interesting Standard Template Construct plans! Indicate if you want the techpriests to look for something in particular.

[ ] Spiders
Natohk reported that the spiders he did battle with appeared unusual intelligent. Might a study be conducted on them?

[ ] Item Creation
Hath-Horeb wishes to conduct an experiment with what he's learnt so far, and plans to create something in the manner of the 'magical' items of Mallus. Specify what Hath-Horeb seeks to create.

[ ] Further Investigations
Hath-Horeb directs his attention to further investigations of items and traditions from further away, such as the work of the Dwarves.

[ ] Warding
Direct the Librarius to warding the Fortress-Monastery, which had been impossible to do in Pharos.
Personal (Choose 1)
You, Amra, are a veteran of a hundred wars, an able administrator, and more besides, and there is much to do after all…
[ ] Personal Attention
Select one action from another area to give your personal attention.

[ ] A Royal Progress
Lady Hermina has indicated that the rulers of Araby will often make a progress through their lands to see and be seen, go yourself and view the different cities of Medes and further afield.

[ ] Carvings
Examine the Fortress-Monastery further, especially the various carvings on the walls.

[ ] Strengthen the Vassals
While some Chapters maintain their worlds as Feudal or Feral Worlds, it's not completely necessary and you desire something different. Choose a way to strengthen your Vassals. Specify what you want to do.

[ ] Test the 3rd
Natohk plans to investigate the survivors of the 3rd closely over the next year to determine their purity. (Required to bring the 3rd out of the current quarantine.)
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Catching up on a few previous things before I get to the update:
For example orbital weaponry. If a space marine chapter wanted to take earth for example they could bomb all the military bases, demand the surrender of large cities and so on, and use deep strikes or thunderhawks etc to take out key positions. If necessary they could destabalise power grids to further cause chaos, and generally that would be pretty effective.

However, saying that, you in game now could still take Mallus if you wanted to. You could fly to the Empire right now, break inside a Moot that was running and make demands of the Elector Counts or something. If they rebel then you can burn a couple of cities to the ground.

You've not wanted to do this so far, but that doesn't mean it's not an option. You have, after all, taken Araby quite easily.
I'm thinking we should go after the Sorcerer's Isles this way. Fly over and bomb them from on high, there is little need to take intact this nexus of opposition and also foul warpcraft. Their psykers and bound demons and warp-artifacts might make them able to 1v1 a Space Marine in ground combat, or with winged beasts in low air, but they don't seem to have psytek-aeroplanes or much else for high air. Also, they don't have ceramite or other materials that will stand up to bombardment. They might have a couple of sorcerous safehouses that have demons bound into the walls to make that specific house extremely resilient, but I'm fairly confident in saying they won't have mass-produced demon-walls.

As for garden, the problem is the conditions of a training ground aren't conductive to those of a managed pasture. If you put a load of roads through your training ground its not wild anymore etc.

Having said that, the Southlands jungles are massive. If you cleared 100 square miles of it to feed the Arabyans who dont have much land then you'd still have a million more square miles of wilderness.
Which action category would it be under to clear jungles for farming? Stewardship (the farming part) or Martial (the clearing part) ?
This depends really. I assume the Ultramarines do so well because instead of just kidnapping random children they screen people at birth or similar to get better genetic matches and then only accept those who do for the trials. If you wanted to roll out a programme of genetic testing to identify populations then you could do that.
Also uncertain about this. Would genetic screening be under Stewardship (mechanicus genetors) or Learning (chapter secrets) ?

You do have a lot of stuff. You could just make an intelligence network. It might take a while and it would probably be pretty crude, but there are various ways to do it. It could be an internally facing one, some sort of religious police etc, or it could be strategic, agents in each port sending reports back on stuff, or you could have a spy or assassination one, which would be focused on that sort of thing.

It's really up to you, I can have it mentioned next chapter perhaps but you could also just order the sultan of copher to set something up and give him what resources he needs. He's pretty well informed anyway so he's the sort of person who could set something like that up.
Hmmmmm. On the one hand, the Sultan of Copher seems a competent and sensible sort throwing in his lot with the overpowered giants in the flying ships, and we really need to delegate some of the stuff the chapter has been trying to run. On the other hand, that's a lot of power to put in a local lord, who was accustomed to power rather than being raised up by us, and it's one of the kinds of power most susceptible to secret abuse because he'd be in charge of a lot of secrecy. :thonk:


So, the update, yay!

Hath-Horeb continued, "As a structure, we may assume that we'll face something equal to Khong, a Greater Daemon or similar entity, on each continent of this world, as well as unusual psychic artefacts dangerous to us, or large numbers of native psykers."

Tuthmes, Master of the Fleet, spoke first, "Concentration of force, strategic mobility. Maintain our capabilities, deploy appropriate forces, even get the Peregrin repaired. Will such an entity survive an attack by an armoured formation? Or a strike by a Lance battery?"

"Irrelevant." Khotan replied, "We haven't the resources to maintain such a force indefinitely, and a daemon would certainly use subterfuge once it realised our resources were so limited. At current rates of consumption including battles, training and so on, we'll run out of munitions in five years and fuel in a similar time. We've been lucky at the relative lack of battles so far, I'd planned for more and stocked the Armoury accordingly."
Is this something that could be resolved by taking the Advanced Manufacturing actions, or scaling up Basic Manufacturing to larger capacity, or both? Or are we just not going to be able to run a full fleet for Tuthmes in the foreseeable future?

For now I'm thinking that concentration of force can at least be somewhat approximated by narrowed focus (mechanically, 2 Martial Actions on one thing, like the invasion of the Sorcerer's Isles) and more patient campaigns to minimize casualties, rather than DEATH IS OUR DUTY Space Marine charges.

"Flesh and blood are also our resources." Vularakh said, "The cities of Araby have all been repaired from any damage we caused in the battles to take them, and one squad from the 1st got rather carried away and rebuilt half the city in Antoch. This, among other things, has made the natives much more friendly to us. Now would be an excellent time for a tithe. I'll require more veterans to lead Scout Squads, but we have the capacity to absorb the numbers. It'll certainly be a better use for them than making art."
Good news, get that tithe up, along with the gene-testing for better candidates.

"Perhaps," Tuthmes Skytalon said, a slight sneer in his voice, "but there are more pressing concerns, if we concentrate on shoring up our serfs we risk being stabbed in the back, as we have now! The Gene-seed of nine of my Brothers has been lost because of their possession in the attack, and we lost another fifty from the 3rd from yet more witchery!" And his voice rose, only staying slightly under what would be proper for such a conference. "The report's we've been receiving from the cities of Araby point to the retreat of the Djinncallers, this can only be in preparation for an attack!"
Djinncallers attacking us? That's really more of a stab in the front, if you ask me. :V

An outline of what I'd favor in a plan:
Diplomacy - At least one tithe, maybe both. Everything in this category is important, which hurts, but I think the Marine shortage is the most urgent.
Martial - Wizard Wars 1 (Softening bombardment), Wizard Wars 2 (actual invasion), train auxilliaries
Stewardship - Fuel Wells, Dig a Way, Train Auxilliaries, 1 other (something nice for vassals?)
Intrigue - The Watchers, possibly with some specifics and delegations
Learning - possibly our least urgent category this turn. I'd like our own magical items but nothing seems pressing.
Personal - Test the 3rd, so Natohk doesn't get too BLAM-happy outside of Amra's supervision
I'm thinking we should go after the Sorcerer's Isles this way
The Arabyans have Air Djinn, there's some in Dreadfleet, so they might be troublesome. Also, there's the potential that you might want to take the Isles intact to better study their stuff. You could just nuke it if you wanted it completely gone or bomb it extensively, but I don't think Amra would go for this in character because of the need to study.

If the action gets chosen I'll have a interlude to decide a plan etc.
Which action category would it be under to clear jungles for farming? Stewardship (the farming part) or Martial (the clearing part) ?
For the area you could clear in a year, just stewardship. there's a fairly large area which is pretty empty around the capital, and you've also got the plains around Pharos etc. I'll do a map at some point.
Also uncertain about this. Would genetic screening be under Stewardship (mechanicus genetors) or Learning (chapter secrets) ?
Both I imagine. They'd both strengthen it. You'd screen as a stewardship action, then you could also do some playing around with the geneseed as a learning action. The Astral Claws were apparently experimenting with gene seed during the Badab War so I assume it's something Apothecaries are at least aware of.
Is this something that could be resolved by taking the Advanced Manufacturing actions, or scaling up Basic Manufacturing to larger capacity, or both? Or are we just not going to be able to run a full fleet for Tuthmes in the foreseeable future?
I must admit I'm stalling a bit till I do the economy rework, which will come at the conclusion of this arc, which will be in a few turns. Then I'll be able to firmly say 'a refinery supples X number of promethium units, and a thunderhawk takes X number to run each year, therefore you can only have X number in flight at once' etc. However I've not written that out yet so for the moment there's the wells stewardship action, which will produce an arbitrary amount of promethium till the rework happens. Fuel is pretty important in mechanised warfare so I'm representing that here too. You certainly won't have enough to run your whole airfleet including fuel and advanced missiles etc unless you really industrialise the Southlands. However, that's also assuming that you'd need your whole airforce up at the same time, which you're unlikely to.
So here Goes
Plan Ossifrage, will be a very active turtle-breaking plan.

So martially I am mostly on board with Exmorri, the Sorcerors isle seems like a potentially large and immediate threat. A people that after what the marines experianced with the Assassins and are not liable to be offered an olive branch.
I don't suppose we know how to/ have the reasources do something like a naval invasion though? I'd like to do that and try and conquer the place as fast as we can without destroying all the infarstructure.

When it comes to our Mortal troops though I am in far more favor of training the ones we have now further rather than training more now. Why? so that when they are up to ''full'' strength (from imperial stock)numerically they can then be in a position to train further recruits. This I think would be harder to achieve if we start with more of them

For diplomacy, I know this is uncharacteristic of me to ask but if kidnapped and ate any more Lizardmen could the chapter learn of their relations with Araby or does voting for that mean we let the corpse of Corax attempt to see if necromanccy works on lizards too?
Barring that I am very eager to go north and see what contacts we can make in the princes, but at the same time the idea of growing the missionia is tempting because for as much distaste as the imperial creed gives me, these peeps still semm more diplomatic than anyone else we have on hand.

Stewardship wise I'd like to devote three actions to roads if it can be done so we can move our regular forces out of the southlands faster if need be and into araby. Later such would be present as a network to expand into the badlands.
I would also like to see us cut the ships out and haul our weapons out of their guts finally, i'm sure it will leave more openings to be guarderd but can we really risk not having access to all our firepower when there are at least six more '''khongs'' waiting for us?

I would personally like to see Amra take a look at the border princes but that might be too far out of character for him?
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I don't suppose we know how to/ have the reasources do something like a naval invasion though?
You can seize any ship in Araby you want to, you do have control over Lashiek, Copher and various other large ports, and you could make landings from these. This could all be done without an action needing to be spent and would allow you to ferry Guardsmen or similar out to the islands.

If, comparably, you mean making ships yourself, you could do that with an action.

could the chapter learn of their relations with Araby
As far as I'm aware they don't really have any. They're extremely isolationist. There's that one guy from Araby who went to see them but other than that I'm not aware of any similar excursions.
I would personally like to see Amra take a look at the border princes but that might be too far out of character for him?
Sure, that's something he could do. The question would be what he's actually doing there. Is he demanding allegiance? If he's just looking around that would indeed be out of character as that's a job for a scout not the Chapter Master.
Re: Lizardmen and Arabians: I guess it is a stretch to call them regular relations but they've met peacefully before. They have been able to recognize humans as worth working with and their instruments as worthwhile.

This Ibn Jellaba fellow and his whole company were treated nicely, I'm not sure if there were further contacts afterward on the side of Araby but given how long slann and others can live, unless everyone involved in the community was killed later, I doubt the contact has been forgotten on the lizardmen side of things.


Ibn Jellaba

Ibn Jellaba was a trader of Araby intent on opening up a trade route into the interior of the Southlands to procure spices and gold. He trekked over the desert with a camel caravan until he reached the jungles of the Southlands. Here he encountered the Lizardmen city of Zlatlan which had...
Primer on the Sorcerous Isles
The Arabyans have Air Djinn, there's some in Dreadfleet, so they might be troublesome. Also, there's the potential that you might want to take the Isles intact to better study their stuff. You could just nuke it if you wanted it completely gone or bomb it extensively, but I don't think Amra would go for this in character because of the need to study.

If the action gets chosen I'll have a interlude to decide a plan etc.
The following isn't exactly a direct response to you on the topic, it's more like an IC suggestion from a marine, but apocryphal maybe? Hopefully it is of some entertainment.

In the Emperor's Holy Name, and to the benefit of the Imperium of Mankind, a Strategic Primer describing a possible Campaign against the Isles of North Araby and the Psykers therein, called by the locals "Sorcerers' Isles".

1. Concerning the Overall Campaign: A vox-cast or messenger is to be sent to the Isles demanding the negotiated surrender of all who dwell therein. Should they surrender, all well and good. I assume here they will not, and therefore they should be bombarded until they do surrender or are destroyed. At the start of every month of bombardment, a new vox-cast or messenger should be sent asking if the enemy is yet willing to surrender. If they do not surrender, the bombardment should be escalated until the Chapter Master deems the Isles sufficiently reduced for the convenience of an invasion.

2. Concerning the Nature of Bombardment: Initially, I propose that a single Thunderhawk, escorted by Fury Interceptors, should fly over the Isles and drop large rocks upon their buildings once a day. Given the nature of Mallus as a Feudal World, it is likely that any fortifications the inhabitants of the Isles have will be razed almost as effectively by the impact of a large rock from a great altitude as by a Krak Missile. Over time, if the enemy remains intransigent, the bombardment can be increased with multiple flights, multiple Thunderhawks, and the gradual inclusion of proper missiles among the rocks, escalating the destruction until such point as it either breaks the will of the enemy unto surrender, or else breaks the resistance of the enemy, allowing the Isles to be seized with few or no casualties among our own forces once the enemy is short on such things as fortifications, water supplies, promethium depots, et cetera.

3. Concerning the Nature of Bombardment, continued: While kinetic planetary impactors require several months of supervision by Imperial warship, and are therefore largely superseded by magna-melta warheads, atmospheric drops will impact within seconds, and do not require starship fuel to collect. Additionally, warheads and ship-grade Krak missiles are at a premium under current conditions of production. Therefore, the dropping of large rocks upon the head of the enemy appears to be a viable tactical alternative in this specific situation. The destructiveness of a large rock in the near vicinity of the impact point will be greatly reduced relative to a Krak missile, however, I intend to show that this still has situationally salutary effects worth pursuing.
i) The selectiveness of such bombardment means individual buildings can be destroyed or spared more precisely, crushing enemy supplies while sparing items or sites we wish to capture.
ii) The slowly ongoing destruction of buildings may ingrain a habit in our enemies of staying outdoors lest they be pulverized within a building, which will serve them very poorly during our invasion to come. Similarly, a habit of placing and keeping various items outdoors, that we may more easily find them to seize or destroy later.
iii) A few serfs, Guardsmen, and Arabyan recruits might be permitted to come aboard the Thunderhawk to participate in a bombing, increasing their morale as they find themselves being the ones in position to drop a ton of trouble upon the enemies of the Imperium for once, rather than the reverse as happens unfortunately often.
iv) Gradually increasing bombardment from a small start may cloud the council of our enemies as to when they should say "This is severe enough that we must do something".

4. Concerning the Response to Bombardment: It is likely that the psykers of the "Sorcerers' Isles" have some kind of flying daemon, psytek-aircraft, or other implement that they would use to contest the skies against us. Therefore I have proposed an escort. But also, if such a response should fly against us, it will be putting itself beyond the reach of feudal cannon or stolen stubgun, reducing the possibility of ground support, allowing us to enter combat in the favorable position of having prepared a field of battle against an enemy with divided forces. Such an engagement would be preferable to attempting an immediate landing with our ground forces coming under the fire of aerial opponents. Alternatively, if they have no such forces, or have them but choose not to engage, they will be in the greatly demoralizing position of having yielded part of the battlespace with no opportunity to strike back, suffering casualties with no opportunity to inflict them.

5. Concerning the Invasion of the Isles: Should it come to pass that the enemy does not surrender or flee after several months of having large rocks dropped on their buildings, and we are required to meet them in close combat, we may expect to find them short on most or all of the following: bunkers or other fortified positions, supply depots, promethium stockpiles, concentrations of force, and logistics due to the loss of whatever passes for Administratum buildings among them. Any great rituals they might be preparing will have to be done out in the open, not in the cover of a desecrated mansion. Possibly they will have moved into underground vaults and caverns so deep they cannot be seen or bombarded from the surface, but any such will tend to be out of communication with their regular forces on the surface, and whoever else is not packed into the same cavern. Thus our enemy should be defeated in detail.

I had a vivid mental image of the recruit in part 3.iii early on, and wrote much of the rest of the Strategic Primer to fit around that. Ali Arabyan, a man of no particular note, who probably got fucked over by Djinncallers or Sorcerers or Nobles or all three during his life, having joined the Imperium by some route, standing aboard a Thunderhawk alongside several other men as they push a large boulder out of the hatch. The boulder is carved and graffitied with a couple of well-wishes for its swift descent, and curses upon its recipients. As the rock falls, Ali capers gleefully, makes rude gestures groundward, and shouts "How do you like being the ones shat upon from a great height?" at the Isles. The joke is translated for some of the Imperial Guardsmen, who appreciate it too.
Much of the rest of point 3 is motivated reasoning and optimism.

The mention of "promethium" is meant to be an in-character error. Even if the protagonist marine knows this is a feudal world, he thinks about "promethium stockpiles" partly as a matter of habit when analysing tactical situations, and partly because we have them and maybe the enemy might have stolen some.

I read somewhere that dropping 100-1000kg cement blocks from bomber height has been a real approach used by some modern airforces against unfortified buildings during the GWOT. Cheap and effective.
I wouldn't put it past the Skaven or Chaos dwarves to steal our promethium so I actually hope our forces DO keep it secure.
If anyone learns what it's for they still might not easily be able to use it but it wouldn't take a technician to think of ways to destroy or sabotage our supplies once more knowledge of us spreads.

I also love the reference to Rocks Are Not Free I think all 40k fans should read it at least once. Loved the idea of getting our mortal dudes in there too. I am tired now though so I'm probably missing something else to gush about.
When it comes to our Mortal troops though I am in far more favor of training the ones we have now further rather than training more now. Why? so that when they are up to ''full'' strength (from imperial stock)numerically they can then be in a position to train further recruits. This I think would be harder to achieve if we start with more of them

For diplomacy, I know this is uncharacteristic of me to ask but if kidnapped and ate any more Lizardmen could the chapter learn of their relations with Araby or does voting for that mean we let the corpse of Corax attempt to see if necromanccy works on lizards too?
Barring that I am very eager to go north and see what contacts we can make in the princes, but at the same time the idea of growing the missionia is tempting because for as much distaste as the imperial creed gives me, these peeps still semm more diplomatic than anyone else we have on hand.

Stewardship wise I'd like to devote three actions to roads if it can be done so we can move our regular forces out of the southlands faster if need be and into araby. Later such would be present as a network to expand into the badlands.
I would also like to see us cut the ships out and haul our weapons out of their guts finally, i'm sure it will leave more openings to be guarderd but can we really risk not having access to all our firepower when there are at least six more '''khongs'' waiting for us?
Further training of the existing troops into a cadre that can train others sounds good to me, I'm willing to compromise on that.

Growing the missionaria seems good too, could be part of a general shift towards delegation, but then we can only pick the one Tithe option in Diplomacy. Anyone have thoughts on whether we should gather a blood tithe of recruits from Araby or Norsca this year? On the one hand, Arabyan morale is up recently and they're more accustomed to us, on the other hand, Norscans seem more sympathetic to such a death-or-glory thing in the first place.

I want the promethium coming in before focusing on roads, promethium helps power both aircraft and road-buildy-machines, and even road ingredients. Dig a Way has one action invested and one action shaved off already, cutting open our own ships to save one action is going to reduce our firepower in other areas. More Khornapes and other surprises are probably not very close - the Southlands seem unlikely to have a second one immediately, while the Black Pyramid almost counts as one on our north end, and it's quiet, even when we lost some scouts in Nehekhara.

So on review, and since the QM has edited a couple of the actions, I'm thinking perhaps something more like:
Diplomacy - Norscan Tithe, Expand Missionaria (hopefully leading into Arabyan Tithe, Settlement of Araby next turn)
Martial - Wizard Wars 1 (Softening bombardment), Wizard Wars 2 (ground invasion), Elite Cadre
Stewardship - Fuel Wells, Dig a Way, poke Mechanicus Genetors about genetic screening for better aspirant acceptance rates, 1 more action (could finish Dig a Way, Repair the Peregrin, or clear farmland for Arabyans)
Intrigue - Set up an intrigue organization. Nassor can be in charge, but the Sultan can do a lot of the hands-on business.
Learning - Ward the Fortress-Monastery, poke at Chapter records on gene-seed for better aspirant acceptance rates
Personal - Test the 3rd

It's funny how Stewardship feels to me like the most strained category while having the most actions :D but also the most options, especially the very long Establish Manufacturing chains that keep falling behind things like "not running out of promethium"
You can do both if you want, they're not exclusive. I should also say that you'll automatically tithe the imperials.
I meant in the sense that we have 2 Diplomacy actions, so if the plan has one Diplomacy slot on Expand Missionaria, there's only one Diplomacy slot left for gathering tithe recruits.

You might want to delete and repost that as a threadmark so people get notified about it?
[X] Plan War and Genes
-[X] Norscan Tithe
The daughter of the King of the Bjornlings was given to the Sororitas for training, and has taken the Bloody Rose's habit and habits. She has suggested drawing from the tribes of Norsca for recruits.
-[X] Expand the Missionaria
There are around 700 missionaries which have accompanied the Chapter to Mallus. It would be better if there were more, and with larger numbers perhaps the Missionia's actions will be more effective.
-[X] Write-in: Elite Cadre
We have a great many men to train, and the number will only rise as Mallus is brought into the fold and gets its own PDF. Raise the Macharia 45th to a higher standard first, practice teaching methods in particular, see to their requisitions and expand their support staff, so the 45th can help train other units.
-[X] Wizard Wars (2 actions)
Bring battle to the Sorcerers' Isles and the Regent of the Djinn, who surely prepares for an attack against the Imperium!
-[X] Dig a Way (2 of 3)
Though it'll take much longer, you could also dig your way through and create tunnels to the cargo bays of the ships.
-[X] Dig a Way (3 of 3)
Concentrate efforts on digging out the heavy vehicles this year if possible.
-[X] Wells (1 of 2)
Magos Magna-Thal recommends establishing oil wells in the mangrove swamps to the south of the Fortress-Monastery. After this the Magos will build a small refinery to create a continued fuel supply for the Chapter's vehicles.
-[X] Write-in: Genetic Screening
Consult with the Genetors of the Mechanicus to see whether they can find a way to screen prospective aspirants for higher acceptance rates, and reject those men with subtle or latent flaws.
-[X] The Watchers
Let Nassor build his information network and surveillance devices, and encourage him to work with our loyal vassals who no doubt have many local connections and experience to draw on.
-[X] Warding
Direct the Librarius to warding the Fortress-Monastery, which had been impossible to do in Pharos.
-[X] Write-in: Secrets of Gene-seed
Look into the archives of the Chapter and see if something can be found relevant to our shortage of Marines. Perhaps an adjustment can be made to the gene-seed for Mallusians in particular, to be reversed once we again recruit from other worlds.
-[X] Test the 3rd
Natohk plans to investigate the survivors of the 3rd closely over the next year to determine their purity. (Required to bring the 3rd out of the current quarantine.)

My greatest regret in this plan is that it's not doing more with Araby, and I commit to focusing a lot more on Araby (roads, farms, tithe, Settlement and Lex Imperialis) next turn if this wins.
I have two Martial actions on Wizard Wars and a slow approach due to our shortage of Marines and the update conversation about this in general, and two Gene-seed actions, which are taking up a lot of the plan, but if this works out and we get the Sorcerer's Isles and improved Space Marine recruitment, that should free up a lot next turn. Barring terrible failures or a Chaos Crusade out of nowhere, we'll have a united Araby without the resistance pocket, a larger Missionaria and an information network, and can focus on the more mundane uplift and PDF recruitment and, as Khotan put it, "make regular our more irregular activities".

This plan used to have, until the QM said that bombardment goes in a separate battle planning vote:

-[X] Wizard Wars 1: Bombardment
Drop large rocks and lesser munitions on the fortifications of the Sorcerers' Isles, until they surrender or are reduced. Be cautious, no doubt they have many surprises in store, but we have the high ground and can afford patience.
-[X] Wizard Wars 2: Invasion
Once the Chapter Master judges that the Isles are ragged and our own forces are well prepared, bring battle to the Sorcerers' Isles and the Regent of the Djinn, who surely prepares for an attack against the Imperium!
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Wizard Wars 2: Invasion
Nice formatting, I'd say to have 1 action on wizard wars for now, you can decide the battle plan in another vote.

2 actions would generally be appropriate for a wider action like 'practice amphibious landings' or something similar perhaps. 'Find rocks and drop them' isn't something that would necessarily require significant work as an additional task.

I'd also note as a general point that the economics there are a bit off, given thunderhawk fuel will be more expensive that something like an artillery barrage.

But that's something for discussion by voters I suppose
Nice formatting, I'd say to have 1 action on wizard wars for now, you can decide the battle plan in another vote.

2 actions would generally be appropriate for a wider action like 'practice amphibious landings' or something similar perhaps. 'Find rocks and drop them' isn't something that would necessarily require significant work as an additional task.
I could put "Meanwhile our ground troops will practice amphibious landings and otherwise prepare for invasion." to the 1st, but would you prefer I instead simply write something like "Put 2 actions towards Wizard Wars" for the Martial section, and then you hold interlude votes for battle plans with more picks or something?
The Sorcerers' Isles seem like they're going to be a concentration of deadly foes who know we're coming, so I figure they deserve special attention.

I'd also note as a general point that the economics there are a bit off, given thunderhawk fuel will be more expensive that something like an artillery barrage.

But that's something for discussion by voters I suppose
We have mobile artillery that reaches the 150 miles to the Sorcerers' Isles? o_O I was not aware of that.
but would you prefer I instead simply write something like "Put 2 actions towards Wizard Wars" for the Martial section, and then you hold interlude votes for battle plans with more picks or something?
It's really a question of action economy and philosophy I suppose. Actions represent your ability to delegate, to act on certain projects, but also your ability to split your focus. You get lots of Stewardship actions because you've got lots of Admech running about able to do multiple things at once. You only get 1 intrigue action because no one is really good at that. This is all an abstraction of course, but for example what would 2 actions represent that 1 didn't? If you're attacking somewhere you can't attack it twice like you could build something twice. If you took 3 actions of road building that would be devoting a lot of attention from various people toward roads, devoting additional resources or manpower perhaps. However, you're already resolving to attack the place, so simply attacking it twice doesn't really work, at least as far as I can see.

I'd planned that if the action was taken I'd have an interlude where you could plan out the battle, you could, for example, in that interlude say you wanted to use rocks to bombard somewhere, but you couldn't say 'bombard the isles from the sea' because you don't have any ships to bombard it with. You could therefore choose to use an action in this turn to 'make a crude set of ships and put some arty on them'.

You've partly done this with the elite action. That might symbolise training the 45th, or some of them, as stormtroopers and that meaning they'd have more of a chance if you wanted to use them to storm the isles. That demonstrates you as splitting focus between two projects toward a mutual goal. Comparably I wouldn't really say that simply a bombardment is enough of an additional action to merit using it like that.

I have a fairly loose system for this to promote engagement, as a side note then I'm aware this isn't particularly clear but then again the issue here doesn't come up much.

Also, would be cool if there was some y'know, discussion around such things everyone, that would help to inform the decisions etc.
We have mobile artillery that reaches the 150 miles to the Sorcerers' Isles? o_O I was not aware of that.
You've got Thunderhawk transports, Whirlwinds and a Vindicator which can be transported by them, and besides this you've also got several Basilisks and presumably other ground artillery in the Imperial Guard. I assume that the Sorcerers don't occupy the entirety of the isles and that therefore you could land a force on a hill somewhere and use your arty.
BTW @Grayhicks voting [X] for the first line with a plan's title is enough, you don't need to copy the whole thing, the -[X] lines will be attached to the [X] headline by the forum tally

You've got Thunderhawk transports, Whirlwinds and a Vindicator which can be transported by them, and besides this you've also got several Basilisks and presumably other ground artillery in the Imperial Guard. I assume that the Sorcerers don't occupy the entirety of the isles and that therefore you could land a force on a hill somewhere and use your arty.
I am confused by the military situation where you suggest 'practice amphibious landings', but also suggest we could fly some artillery over and shell them from their own islands.
That is not a question. I am not asking for further detail here. I want to leave the details to the Space Marines. I just want to say it feels a little off and that's part of why I'm going to avoid poking the weird specifics.

It's really a question of action economy and philosophy I suppose. Actions represent your ability to delegate, to act on certain projects, but also your ability to split your focus. You get lots of Stewardship actions because you've got lots of Admech running about able to do multiple things at once. You only get 1 intrigue action because no one is really good at that. This is all an abstraction of course, but for example what would 2 actions represent that 1 didn't? If you're attacking somewhere you can't attack it twice like you could build something twice. If you took 3 actions of road building that would be devoting a lot of attention from various people toward roads, devoting additional resources or manpower perhaps. However, you're already resolving to attack the place, so simply attacking it twice doesn't really work, at least as far as I can see.
2 actions would represent some combination of spending more time on the campaign (which is why I penciled in long-range bombardment for the first action, as something which can go for a while before the main invasion), and putting more guardsmen on the campaign who would otherwise be off fighting Skaven or something in a different military action. If you want to treat it very abstractly, it could be rolling 2 dice for the invasion and taking the better result due to careful preparation of unspecific nature.
I'm going to change the plan itself to read simply 2 actions on Wizard Wars, and not concern myself with the specifics there.
But here I'll include a bunch of suggestions for specific things other than bombardment that I think more time and focus might be useful for before invading, and let you implement the bits you like for the extra action of preparation.

Train Guardsmen for amphibious invasions
Train Guardsmen for swimming and not getting seasick on the way to the invasions
Cut timber and build extra ships (I know fresh wood sucks, but these aren't ships for long-term use)
Auspex the isles and build earthwork models of coasts and forts to help familiarise the Pharosian Guards
Auspex the isles to identify priority targets to destroy, capture, invest, or avoid
Hear with Arabyan soldiers and sages how the Sorcerers are likely to fight
Fly over the islands and try to draw out their fliers for destruction
Fortify and patrol our coast in case the Sorcerers get sneaky ideas about invading us first while we're preparing
Stockpile other campaign-specific equipment and consumables (is there a Guard equivalent to Purity Seals?)
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Chaplain Interlude
Voting is open, vote for stuff. There's only 1 plan currently so more might be good. As a broader question, reader engagement is pretty poor, how might this be improved? Mood music for this chapter.

Chaplain Interlude

Gods walked in the depths of Karak Zorn.

The ancient spirits of the ruin looked on, flitting between light and darkness as the godstep sounded in the gloom.

On the deities went, passing into a large chamber, richly illuminated. One knelt, the other standing over him.

The carvings on the walls, workings thousands of years old, the endeavours of ancient dwarves artisans, had all been erased from this place, the Chaplains unwilling to entertain the artistry of the assumed primitives, unaware of the sacristy of the place to the Dwarven race.

The stained glass windows of the Battle Barge had been carefully moved inside and established a mile underground, the place now as wonderous and beautiful as any Sanguinary Chapel on Baal or High Temple in the Realm of Ultramar.

Cherubim fluttered above, lighting or extinguishing candles in accordance with their fervent protocols, while pale serfs made the required proclamations to thin air to honour the heroes of the Chapter and the Emperor. Relics were adored, hymnals sung.

"You carry the Emperor's will as your torch, with it destroy the shadows."

Natohk's voice sounded in the quiet. It was resonant, harsh yet rich, weathered from centuries of bellowed warcries and rasping sermons, trained on thousands of recruits and Battle Brothers till with a word he could inspire a suicidal charge or set a mob of orks to rout.

"I bear the faith." Nassor replied, and with solemnity he accepted the black helm of a warleader as a subordinate Chaplain set it on his head.

With that the ceremony ended and the atmosphere lightened significantly, several Sergeants of the 2nd Company coming forward and congratulating their new Captain.

Nassor took it in with good humour, as much as he permitted himself to display, even here among friends and intimates.

Natohk laid a hand on his shoulder, one bearing a new pauldron.

The Lion's Gaze was a relic of the Celestial Lions which the Reclusiarch had gifted to Nassor. It was ancient, not quite as ancient as the Chapter Master's relic armour, but it was old enough that it predated the chapter itself. Wrought as the face of a snarling lion, the eyes of the beast were actually the output points of a complex Conversion Field, reinforcing the resilience of the bearer in a powerful energy field, with the eyes flashing whenever they flared against an attack.

It was a mark of esteem that the relic had been awarded to Nassor, a mark of trust.

"That you have achieved your rank is a fine thing." Natohk said, "But now we must consider other matters."

Where the mood that turned friendly, now it seemed the temperature had decreased, the Sergeants looking around themselves, then back to the doors where the serfs had set a great bar and now stood at guard over the portal.

Each of the Marines in the room was either a member of the Chaplaincy or the now defunct 8th Company. While the Company itself had been broken up, the relationships and bonds of brotherhood that had bound the members of the Assault Company remained, and Natohk had called on them again after he'd been appointed as High Deathspeaker.

"You have all heard me speak on this subject, yet now our plan comes together." Natohk continued, "Nassor has a higher rank, and can now join my voice in the councils."

"Each of you have a task ahead." Nassor said, "Almost all the Scouts reaped from the Imperium have now passed through the rigours of the 10th Company. In two years, three at most, the first of the native Aspirants will join Assault Squads, and you will lead them. When you do, we must be aligned at all levels to ensure the proper training is conducted, the proper focus."

"Many of the dangers of this world are unknown to us, yet we will confront them will all the fury of our faith. The Emperor watches over us, his hand is upon your shoulder, his sword at your side. We must ensure that the faith of our brothers is not led astray, that they do not begin to trust in the works of sorcerers."

"Should we continue to conceal the destruction of sorcerous artefacts, as we have up until now?" Asked one of the Sergeants.

"Yes." Natohk replied, "The works of the Mutant are evil, the works of the Witch more so. Continue to conceal it, but beware the Librarius. You must say, if asked, that it was not tactically sound to capture such things, or that the effect of heavy weapons was greater than expected, or some similar deception. If pressed, your faith will protect your minds to an extent, but trust in the bonds of brotherhood between you, hold thoughts of righteousness in your minds and it will defend you from the Librarians."

"Additionally, impress upon any new Battle Brother or Scout you encounter, and indeed, upon the Serfs and Menials, the importance of faith, remind them of their duties, draw them away from any project or initiative which may cause them to question their faith in the Emperor. Corax, who now sits at the Emperor's side, understood this, but certain parties have influenced the Chapter Master against such wise teachings. If you have the opportunity to spite the abhumans or xenos of this world, do so, regardless of other orders. There can be no peace between the Faithful and such abominations. We have allies in the 10th and elsewhere who understand this, but we must press it all the same. There is only subjugation for the Abhuman, only annihilation for the Xenos."

"'By their works, are they known'." Murmured one Sergeant.

"As Master of the Watch I intend to pursue such matters." Nassor continued, "While you, my brothers, will see to the Chapter itself, I will look beyond. My Watchers will tell us where to strike, tell us where there is licentiousness or sin, and after that we have only to act. We have a treacherous path to navigate, and we must do so carefully. This world is of greater value than just another to be tithed, it has a bounty yet to be fully understood, and while we may shield the Librarians from their own excesses, we must also support them as best we can. They have been appointed by our Genefather and the Emperor himself to be the guards of the soul, just as the Apothecaries guard our flesh. With the Emperor's favour and with the strength of our hands we will seize the power of Mallus and wield it against the foe."

In the sealed chamber the cabal planned, considering which of the Scouts newly tithed were the most promising, and where they should go, who should lead them, and what might be done to achieve their aims.

Natohk had been Nassor's Sergeant when the later had been an Assault Marine, and upon joining the Deathspeakers, Nassor had taken command of the squad, serving in the Reserve Company for two centuries. Each of the Sergeants who had left had trained under Nassor, and in turn they had trained more Battle Brothers, so that over time the policies and opinions of Natohk had been disseminated and communicated across a large part of the Chapter's forces. While many had perished retaking the ships stricken in orbit years ago, more recently Natohk and Nassor had ensured that the right Marines were placed in positions of leadership, with the Scouts from the most recent tithes also going to Sergeants formerly form the 8th.

It was not an unusual assembly, not necessarily. Each Astartes contented themselves, deceived themselves perhaps, that they were not plotting against the Chapter, but plotting rather to support it. The organisation was somewhat of a holdover from the Lions' past. Many centuries ago the Celestial Lions had purged the world of Khattar, and subsequently protested the execution of Exterminatus upon the pacified population after an Inquisitor gave the order. It had not been heresy to question such an order, and the Chapter Master of the time, Amra's predecessor, had merely protested, not hurled his vessels against the Inquistior's or similar impetuous action.

After that the Lions had been hunted. Quietly at first, then with greater openness, till squads of Lions had started to be reported as having been attacked with weapons that only their allies used. All the while the Chapter had stayed loyal, continued to fight in the Emperor's name, lodging protests at the Inquisition's actions over Khattar with every authority they could find. Eventually the Chapter Master had journeyed with his officers to Terra itself to petition the High Lords, and had never returned.

He had set off with many of the Deathspeakers of the Lions in the hopes the grave Chaplains would give strength to his statements, but alas, none had escaped the Inquisition's wrath, the departed ship being found a hundred years later drifting in ork space.

Natohk and Nassor's plotting was therefore partly to respond to the unique demands Mallus placed on them, but also partly to rebuild and strengthen their faction within the Chapter.

After the Sergeants had departed Nassor turned to the High Deathspeaker, "Now that we are more advanced in our plans, I would speak of sequencing. At what stage must we move? I have little wish to strike against our Brothers, nor do I believe it necessary for the moment. Even the interrogation of the bound djinn that Hath-Horeb has been conducting doesn't stray into Daemonology, but I can see the potential for such a thing to do so in time."

"You are correct." Natohk said with a sigh, a momentary sign of weariness, of weakness, now that the others were gone. "This world is unlike any other though. Daemons which are not daemons are common, abhumans pretending to be Eldar, psykers which channel their powers through worship of gods. For that later for example, supposedly some of their priests now call on the Emperor in their warpcraft. I do not know how to consider that, I've never heard of it or seen such a thing for myself. If their faith is true, does the Emperor forgive the sin of their status? If their faith is false, should we not maintain them even in their treachery so as to convert others? While I disagree with some of Amra's actions, Araby has certainly fallen into Compliance well due to them."

"But do we not require some sort of line? A Proscriptio Finalis to guide us? Otherwise I foresee the same moral degradation happening to us all in time. The Librarians have been looking at creating warp weaponry for general use, putting grains of that Burning Stone in Bolter shells and the like. I can see the use of that, Vortex Grenades are psyweapons, of a sort, and their use is certainly permitted, but if we start using Burning Stone more and more, what's to stop the slow slide into heresy as we employ more and more warpcraft in our Armouries?"

"You speak of a rhetorical failure, not a moral one." Replied Natohk, "Astropaths and Navigators are essential for the survival of the Imperium, Vortex Grenades and Force Weapons are common enough, even the Accumulator Hath-Horeb has built to generate Burning Stone is made in large part from the Warp Drive of the Serenkai. We are inured already to warpcraft."

"And we slew Yubos for the threat of corruption." Nassor noted.

"He slew himself as much as we did it." The High Deathspeaker replied immediately. The matter of the death of Yubos, Chaplain of the 3rd, was a complex one. The Chaplain had of course agreed to an enhanced period of interrogation and purity testing, but Natohk had glimpsed something in his eyes halfway through a procedure and executed him without further investigation. It was what the Chaplain would have wanted, they both knew, but to kill a Battle Brother was still a painful thing.

"You bring up a good point regarding a Proscriptio." Natohk said, moving past the issue. "In a century or more, if the Librarius does manage to bind a true daemon into a weapon or similar, that will be when we move. Only then, only if the heresy is so clear that it compels us to action. Until then we grow in strength, we influence the Chapter Master, we sabotage any effort we consider too dangerous to the spiritual health of our Brothers."

Nassor nodded and the two fell into silence for a time.

The lights around the Reclusiam glinted. The stained glass windows burned, the frescos shone. It was no natural light, merely the impression and deception of such, with dispersed illumination in a hollow space behind the windows giving them the appearance of a chapel on the surface, rather than a chamber under miles of rock.

Eventually Nassor stirred, "I must be about my business. I-" and he paused, hesitance filling him. "Would you allow me to speak the Catechism? I know it is not- it is not proper, exactly..."

Nassor had once been slated to join the Chaplaincy himself before the Chapter's leadership had decided otherwise. But though that was a long time ago he still remembered the verses and litanies.

Natohk's skull-faced helm gave no indication of his mood, but behind the mask he smiled, extending a hand to rest on Nassor's shoulder, "I shall speak it with you."

The pair knelt once again, heads bowed before the golden image of the Emperor Ascendant.

"Where there is uncertainty, I shall bring light
Where there is doubt, I shall sow faith
Where there is shame, I shall point atonement
Where there is rage, I shall show its course
My word in the soul shall be as my bolter in the field."
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So, I haven't had time to engage much in this quest so far, something I definitely want to fix.

I've been thinking about the engagement and this quote struck me as relevant:

I have a fairly loose system for this to promote engagement, as a side note then I'm aware this isn't particularly clear but then again the issue here doesn't come up much.

Maybe I'm just not looking in the right place, or not understanding the mechanics, but I feel that everything from combat capability, infrastructure, food supply, manufacturing capability, Araby development etc is sort of vague. In turn, when the talk is about actions, tactics etc, it discourages me from considering anything outside the pre-written actions because I don't know what's possible at what cost and how that will translate into consumed resources. I know the QM-suggested actions are within budget, but I don't know what that budget is either.

Not sure if this helps or even if other feel similar?
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