Voting is open, vote for stuff. There's only 1 plan currently so more might be good. As a broader question, reader engagement is pretty poor, how might this be improved? Mood music for this chapter.
Chaplain Interlude
Gods walked in the depths of Karak Zorn.
The ancient spirits of the ruin looked on, flitting between light and darkness as the godstep sounded in the gloom.
On the deities went, passing into a large chamber, richly illuminated. One knelt, the other standing over him.
The carvings on the walls, workings thousands of years old, the endeavours of ancient dwarves artisans, had all been erased from this place, the Chaplains unwilling to entertain the artistry of the assumed primitives, unaware of the sacristy of the place to the Dwarven race.
The stained glass windows of the Battle Barge had been carefully moved inside and established a mile underground, the place now as wonderous and beautiful as any Sanguinary Chapel on Baal or High Temple in the Realm of Ultramar.
Cherubim fluttered above, lighting or extinguishing candles in accordance with their fervent protocols, while pale serfs made the required proclamations to thin air to honour the heroes of the Chapter and the Emperor. Relics were adored, hymnals sung.
"You carry the Emperor's will as your torch, with it destroy the shadows."
Natohk's voice sounded in the quiet. It was resonant, harsh yet rich, weathered from centuries of bellowed warcries and rasping sermons, trained on thousands of recruits and Battle Brothers till with a word he could inspire a suicidal charge or set a mob of orks to rout.
"I bear the faith." Nassor replied, and with solemnity he accepted the black helm of a warleader as a subordinate Chaplain set it on his head.
With that the ceremony ended and the atmosphere lightened significantly, several Sergeants of the 2nd Company coming forward and congratulating their new Captain.
Nassor took it in with good humour, as much as he permitted himself to display, even here among friends and intimates.
Natohk laid a hand on his shoulder, one bearing a new pauldron.
The Lion's Gaze was a relic of the Celestial Lions which the Reclusiarch had gifted to Nassor. It was ancient, not quite as ancient as the Chapter Master's relic armour, but it was old enough that it predated the chapter itself. Wrought as the face of a snarling lion, the eyes of the beast were actually the output points of a complex Conversion Field, reinforcing the resilience of the bearer in a powerful energy field, with the eyes flashing whenever they flared against an attack.
It was a mark of esteem that the relic had been awarded to Nassor, a mark of trust.
"That you have achieved your rank is a fine thing." Natohk said, "But now we must consider other matters."
Where the mood that turned friendly, now it seemed the temperature had decreased, the Sergeants looking around themselves, then back to the doors where the serfs had set a great bar and now stood at guard over the portal.
Each of the Marines in the room was either a member of the Chaplaincy or the now defunct 8th Company. While the Company itself had been broken up, the relationships and bonds of brotherhood that had bound the members of the Assault Company remained, and Natohk had called on them again after he'd been appointed as High Deathspeaker.
"You have all heard me speak on this subject, yet now our plan comes together." Natohk continued, "Nassor has a higher rank, and can now join my voice in the councils."
"Each of you have a task ahead." Nassor said, "Almost all the Scouts reaped from the Imperium have now passed through the rigours of the 10th Company. In two years, three at most, the first of the native Aspirants will join Assault Squads, and you will lead them. When you do, we must be aligned at all levels to ensure the proper training is conducted, the proper focus."
"Many of the dangers of this world are unknown to us, yet we will confront them will all the fury of our faith. The Emperor watches over us, his hand is upon your shoulder, his sword at your side. We must ensure that the faith of our brothers is not led astray, that they do not begin to trust in the works of sorcerers."
"Should we continue to conceal the destruction of sorcerous artefacts, as we have up until now?" Asked one of the Sergeants.
"Yes." Natohk replied, "The works of the Mutant are evil, the works of the Witch more so. Continue to conceal it, but beware the Librarius. You must say, if asked, that it was not tactically sound to capture such things, or that the effect of heavy weapons was greater than expected, or some similar deception. If pressed, your faith will protect your minds to an extent, but trust in the bonds of brotherhood between you, hold thoughts of righteousness in your minds and it will defend you from the Librarians."
"Additionally, impress upon any new Battle Brother or Scout you encounter, and indeed, upon the Serfs and Menials, the importance of faith, remind them of their duties, draw them away from any project or initiative which may cause them to question their faith in the Emperor. Corax, who now sits at the Emperor's side, understood this, but certain parties have influenced the Chapter Master against such wise teachings. If you have the opportunity to spite the abhumans or xenos of this world, do so, regardless of other orders. There can be no peace between the Faithful and such abominations. We have allies in the 10th and elsewhere who understand this, but we must press it all the same. There is only subjugation for the Abhuman, only annihilation for the Xenos."
By their works, are they known'." Murmured one Sergeant.
"As Master of the Watch I intend to pursue such matters." Nassor continued, "While you, my brothers, will see to the Chapter itself, I will look beyond. My Watchers will tell us where to strike, tell us where there is licentiousness or sin, and after that we have only to act. We have a treacherous path to navigate, and we must do so carefully. This world is of greater value than just another to be tithed, it has a bounty yet to be fully understood, and while we may shield the Librarians from their own excesses, we must also support them as best we can. They have been appointed by our Genefather and the Emperor himself to be the guards of the soul, just as the Apothecaries guard our flesh. With the Emperor's favour and with the strength of our hands we will seize the power of Mallus and wield it against the foe."
In the sealed chamber the cabal planned, considering which of the Scouts newly tithed were the most promising, and where they should go, who should lead them, and what might be done to achieve their aims.
Natohk had been Nassor's Sergeant when the later had been an Assault Marine, and upon joining the Deathspeakers, Nassor had taken command of the squad, serving in the Reserve Company for two centuries. Each of the Sergeants who had left had trained under Nassor, and in turn they had trained more Battle Brothers, so that over time the policies and opinions of Natohk had been disseminated and communicated across a large part of the Chapter's forces. While many had perished retaking the ships stricken in orbit years ago, more recently Natohk and Nassor had ensured that the right Marines were placed in positions of leadership, with the Scouts from the most recent tithes also going to Sergeants formerly form the 8th.
It was not an unusual assembly, not necessarily. Each Astartes contented themselves, deceived themselves perhaps, that they were not plotting against the Chapter, but plotting rather to support it. The organisation was somewhat of a holdover from the Lions' past. Many centuries ago the Celestial Lions had purged the world of Khattar, and subsequently protested the execution of
Exterminatus upon the pacified population after an Inquisitor gave the order. It had not been heresy to question such an order, and the Chapter Master of the time, Amra's predecessor, had merely protested, not hurled his vessels against the Inquistior's or similar impetuous action.
After that the Lions had been hunted. Quietly at first, then with greater openness, till squads of Lions had started to be reported as having been attacked with weapons that only their allies used. All the while the Chapter had stayed loyal, continued to fight in the Emperor's name, lodging protests at the Inquisition's actions over Khattar with every authority they could find. Eventually the Chapter Master had journeyed with his officers to Terra itself to petition the High Lords, and had never returned.
He had set off with many of the Deathspeakers of the Lions in the hopes the grave Chaplains would give strength to his statements, but alas, none had escaped the Inquisition's wrath, the departed ship being found a hundred years later drifting in ork space.
Natohk and Nassor's plotting was therefore partly to respond to the unique demands Mallus placed on them, but also partly to rebuild and strengthen their faction within the Chapter.
After the Sergeants had departed Nassor turned to the High Deathspeaker, "Now that we are more advanced in our plans, I would speak of sequencing. At what stage must we move? I have little wish to strike against our Brothers, nor do I believe it necessary for the moment. Even the interrogation of the bound djinn that Hath-Horeb has been conducting doesn't stray into Daemonology, but I can see the potential for such a thing to do so in time."
"You are correct." Natohk said with a sigh, a momentary sign of weariness, of weakness, now that the others were gone. "This world is unlike any other though. Daemons which are not daemons are common, abhumans pretending to be Eldar, psykers which channel their powers through worship of gods. For that later for example, supposedly some of their priests now call on the Emperor in their warpcraft. I do not know how to consider that, I've never heard of it or seen such a thing for myself. If their faith is true, does the Emperor forgive the sin of their status? If their faith is false, should we not maintain them even in their treachery so as to convert others? While I disagree with some of Amra's actions, Araby has certainly fallen into Compliance well due to them."
"But do we not require some sort of line? A
Proscriptio Finalis to guide us? Otherwise I foresee the same moral degradation happening to us all in time. The Librarians have been looking at creating warp weaponry for general use, putting grains of that Burning Stone in Bolter shells and the like. I can see the use of that, Vortex Grenades are psyweapons, of a sort, and their use is certainly permitted, but if we start using Burning Stone more and more, what's to stop the slow slide into heresy as we employ more and more warpcraft in our Armouries?"
"You speak of a rhetorical failure, not a moral one." Replied Natohk, "Astropaths and Navigators are essential for the survival of the Imperium, Vortex Grenades and Force Weapons are common enough, even the Accumulator Hath-Horeb has built to generate Burning Stone is made in large part from the Warp Drive of the
Serenkai. We are inured already to warpcraft."
"And we slew Yubos for the threat of corruption." Nassor noted.
"He slew himself as much as we did it." The High Deathspeaker replied immediately. The matter of the death of Yubos, Chaplain of the 3rd, was a complex one. The Chaplain had of course agreed to an enhanced period of interrogation and purity testing, but Natohk had glimpsed something in his eyes halfway through a procedure and executed him without further investigation. It was what the Chaplain would have wanted, they both knew, but to kill a Battle Brother was still a painful thing.
"You bring up a good point regarding a
Proscriptio." Natohk said, moving past the issue. "In a century or more, if the Librarius does manage to bind a true daemon into a weapon or similar, that will be when we move. Only then, only if the heresy is so clear that it compels us to action. Until then we grow in strength, we influence the Chapter Master, we sabotage any effort we consider too dangerous to the spiritual health of our Brothers."
Nassor nodded and the two fell into silence for a time.
The lights around the Reclusiam glinted. The stained glass windows burned, the frescos shone. It was no natural light, merely the impression and deception of such, with dispersed illumination in a hollow space behind the windows giving them the appearance of a chapel on the surface, rather than a chamber under miles of rock.
Eventually Nassor stirred, "I must be about my business. I-" and he paused, hesitance filling him. "Would you allow me to speak the Catechism? I know it is not- it is not proper, exactly..."
Nassor had once been slated to join the Chaplaincy himself before the Chapter's leadership had decided otherwise. But though that was a long time ago he still remembered the verses and litanies.
Natohk's skull-faced helm gave no indication of his mood, but behind the mask he smiled, extending a hand to rest on Nassor's shoulder, "I shall speak it with you."
The pair knelt once again, heads bowed before the golden image of the Emperor Ascendant.
"Where there is uncertainty, I shall bring light
Where there is doubt, I shall sow faith
Where there is shame, I shall point atonement
Where there is rage, I shall show its course
My word in the soul shall be as my bolter in the field."