Ostland Interlude
Voting is closing soon so be aware of that.

Ostland Interlude

It began quietly at first. Rumors and gossip of little consequence spread through the province.

There were tales of beasts and lions other such curious things, but in truth, this was not unusual given the presence of the Forest of Shadows. Many a Beastherd had come from that benighted place and as such, the Order of the Silver Hammer did not bestir itself overmuch.

Reports arrived at the desks of the Witch Hunters, but they were swiftly buried by greater concerns. The Vampire Wars still raged, and necromancers, vampires, and all manner of other horrors had been coming up from the south in years past, occupying the time of the Templars far more seriously.

Nevertheless, eventually the reports reached the right people. A provincial official sent a letter to a regional lord, a tax collector cited unusual events and persons unknown about in Ostland, or a knight bachelor readying for war had to change direction and turn to this strange new foe.

And what a strange foe it was!

Beastmen were relatively predictable, indeed the effects of Chaos, and more recently, the Von Carsteins, were well known by now by most learned people in the Empire, yet still the reports came.

Golden men had arrived from the sky, riding a comet down out of the clouds one night!

They were lions, and could tear a mob of Greenskins apart with only their claws and teeth!

No, they were men truly, yet of such a size as to be unbelievable, and with a martial skill to match it.

There was one, no a hundred of them, golden banners bearing a lion or a star device flying proudly!

No, in fact they were simply several capable and wealthy captains come up from the south, Sollanders, and nothing to be concerned with…

And on it went.

All these reports began to be poured over by the Templars of Wolfenburg, and the more learned of their Order studied the papers carefully. From what they could discern, three very large, very skilled men, had appeared at some point in the past few years, emerging in a remote region of the province, and had proceeded to root out several encampments of various evils that had been previously unknown. The reports further stated that they led a force of a little under a thousand soldiers, like them bearing lion-star sigils.

While the Empire's and the Order's information networks were certainly not the finest, especially in the borders or in regions like Ostland, this was still an unusual event, and it bore investigation. Enquires were sent and responses received, queries were raised in the Temple-Houses of each province, asking whether anyone knew of puissant men bearing such banners.

None could be found.

The Order looked further afield. Certainly a man might have been missed and acquired martial skill in some other land and journeyed to the Empire for reasons of his own, but three such men seemed unusual. One theory posited that the men were Cathayans who'd made the journey along the trade routes through World's Edge Mountains. It was unlikely, but not impossible, but Wolfenburg's scholars concentrated on more plausible explanations, going over older reports of the battles of the Vampire Wars. Certainly any such powerful and skilful warrior must have found employment in such conflict? It had touched most of the Empire after all.

But no, once again, even when questioning veterans and lords, none could recall such individuals.

Frustration grew within the Order and eventually the Lord Lector of Wolfenburg decided to set out with his guards to investigate the matter himself.

The journey was rapid, the party chosen for speed as much as valour, and the assaults of mutants and Beastmen along the road were swiftly despatched. From Wolfenburg they rode, through Kurst, Levudaldorf, Vandengart, and finally to Grenzburg on the border of Kislev itself.

It was a quiet town, cold and unfriendly, half the population either Ungols or Gospodar, the other half the men of Ostland, who generally scorned Sigmar.

Nevertheless, the Lector was received with honour by the Mayor, and the two dined together.

"I know of who you seek." the Mayor reported, "They are to the south, they have been doing something to the barrows of the ancient kings in the hills, though I know not what. They stay close enough to the border that they could flee into Kislev if they needed to."

And while the Lector had wide ranging authority, he could not order Ostlanders to violate the borders of that nation. "I do not mean to fight them." the Lector replied, "Why do you suggest such?"

The Mayor did not splutter or cry aloud, merely raised his eyebrows and took a sip of the kvas before him, "They refuse all orders, lawful or otherwise. Baron Kurlman was killed riding against them, and all his force, they insulted him, or so it's said."

The Lector frowned, "News of this did not come to Wolfenburg! The Baron was killed by Greenskins!"

Had the Lions somehow subverted their communications?

The Lector thought for a moment. Kurlman was a boorish fellow, or was, the Lector supposed, but he had several hundred horsemen and a good thousand infantry to call on, him being one of the marcher lords of Ostland and the guardians of the eastern border. Certainly Kurlman wouldn't have tolerated any free company of the size the Lions commanded, he would have tried to bring them to heel…

In the morning they rode out again. South they went, through Brizban and into the Selonian Hills.

They rode with swords drawn and pistols out, reins held at the ready. The Lector carried his hammer at the ready and all the party kept alert as they travelled.

Yet, no attack came.

The Selonian Hills weren't the Forest of Shadows, the Black Pit, or any other notably lair of evil, but evils were certainly known there. It was a border region and various creatures came in from Kislev which the Boyars had no desire to contest, but equally the Empire had no particular interest in overly securing the region. It lay on no major trade routes, no significant industry or important locations were located there and goblins especially were well known in the hills, frequently raiding towns and villages around, sometimes even making rafts and travelling over the Talabec into the southern regions.

But despite all this, despite the long history of threats in the area, the Lector saw nothing. No animals save crows and corpsefeeders, no goblins, Beastmen or anything else of that sort, just silence and stillness as the party wove its way through the hills.

And then suddenly, the scent of smoke, the sound of civilisation.

An army camp appear before them suddenly as they came around a hill.
The first thing that struck the Lector, his long years of warfare and experience directing his eyes as needed, was the organisation and discipline of the site. The camp was laid out in a rough square, following the terrain in places and going over it in others, with a palisade wall and an ankle-breaking ditch before the palisade. Wooden huts were within the wall, also laid out neatly in squares, while smoke billowed from a smithy at one end.

"Have you seen it's like, Sir Kaslain?" The Lector asked his companion, "Or you Eben?"

"I have not, my lord." replied Kaslain.

It worried the Lector, the knight was a veteran of the Vampire Wars, he had fought at the Battle of Four Armies outside Middenheim in 2100, and he saw Eben shaking his head as well.

While the men of the Empire certainly had adopted such formations in the past, the Lector knew no such camp had been seen in at least a century. As the Age of Three Emperors went on without conclusion, the armies of the Empire grew further and further from the standards they'd previously held. Knights, not infantry, most frequently were the deciding factor in warfare, and it was rare to see State Troops so disciplined in their organisation.

That was assuming these were State Troops at all, the Lector thought. For all he knew they could have fallen from the sky along with the Lionmen themselves!

"Who's paying them all?" Eben asked.

That was a good point actually… Supposedly there were a thousand men below and from the size of the camp the Lector could believe that, but unlike knights who owed a certain number of days service to their lords, professional soldiers fought for pay. Had someone smuggled a company of mercenaries to the Selonian Hills? To what purpose? Any such company would certainly have found employment in the Empire's armies during the current crisis, indeed, the Lector had only a few days prior seen a letter from the Count of Stirland asking to buy the contracts of any mercenary bands employed in other provinces.

The Lector set his hammer back on its ring at his belt and pointed, "Look there, we are discovered, let us go down to meet them."

Indeed, trumpets had sounded and the camp spurred to life as the party descended the hill, splashing through a small brook, icy water flicking up from their horses' hooves, the Lector flinching slightly when a drop landed on his neck.

They approached, and the gates of the encampment opened to admit them, a man in priestly robes waiting within.

The man was slight, he had the shaven head of a Sigmarite, but bore no weapon, so he was certainly not a Warrior Priest or a Templar.

"And who are you?" the Lector barked out as soon as his party gained the threshold. It had been discussed on the way but it did not seem likely that they would be killed out of hand, and the Lector therefore decided to adopt a more aggressive stance.

The words clearly had their intended effect and the priest looked surprised before collecting himself. He made the sign of the hammer and bowed, "Lord Lector, noble knights," he addressed the party, "You are expected, and I have been commanded to convey you to the Astartes."

"And who are they?"

"Our masters."

The Lector exaggerated a sneer, "You have no master but Sigmar. But coward though you may be, take us where you will."

It was a short journey to the centre of the camp but the Lector used the time well, raking the priest vigorously to get all the information he could as soon as possible, and learning that the priest had come with the Baron's army, only to be captured, and subsequently released. He spoke in glowing terms of the 'Astartes', and the Lector parsed the stories with the scepticism of his Order.

"There's no music here." Sir Kaslain said, directing his mount closer to the Lector's, "Nor women. It's unnatural for an army."

The Lector nodded, he had noticed it too.

At last they came to a large square before a wooden hall. It was rude in the extreme, without decoration save for a crude carving of an eagle above the door, but the Lector's eyes were drawn to three men who stood outside.

The first and most obvious thing was that they were enormous, seven of eight feet at least.

The second was their massiveness, not only were they tall, but they were broad too, immensely muscled and built in the manner of adherents of the Blood God, their necks, arms, and calves bulging. Even their faces were enormous, their jaws strong and their brows clear. It was like looking at a man the size of an ogre, beautiful yet horrifying to see such familiar shapes, indeed, such handsome faces, spread over such a large canvas.

The third thing was their garb, which was unusual also. The height and the size had been one thing, but each wore yellow cloth of great workmanship and richness. Indeed, when the Lector looked more closely he saw it shone. Could it be cloth-of-gold? It shone in the sunlight, surcoats, actually a sort of short robe, ending in wide sleeves at their elbows and in skirt above their knees. Their feet were bare, and they wore no armour whatsoever.

Their weapons were appropriately sized, once more unnatural in their size, and terrible in their potency. The centre man, the leader certainly, bore a sword the size of one of the Black Guard's greatswords, yet he wore it on his hip as if to wield it in a single hand. The second carried a bow, and on his back was a quiver of arrows large enough to be spears in a normal man's hand, while the third bore a dagger the size of a sword on his hip, and a staff of some black material, obsidian perhaps, topped with an ornament of jade, once again an eagle.

Though the Lector was a battle-hardened man, having combatted the evils of the Empire for decades, to be before these men was to be before the altar of Sigmar in the Cathedral of Nuln, or to be under the gaze of a griffon or dragon. It was terrible indeed, and as he looked into the eyes of the Astartes he could see how they'd imposed such discipline on the men of the camp.

"I am the Lector of Wolfenburg." the same announced, "And I have come to find out who you are and what purpose you have in this province."

The Astartes smiled.

"We are the Celestial Lions, and we have come to rule you."
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Ngl, this would have been even worse. The Government Men coming down to say I'm with the Government, and I'm here to help is usually a prelude to disaster. Here, the Astartes has made a massive faux pas, but it's more honest then pretending we're not planning to conquer the world.

i rather not have the empire know our plans until it is to late
THAT WAS AMAZING AND WELL WORTH THE WAIT, I mean I found the witch hunter stuff a little disappointing because I probably misunderstood the GM and thought it would include a look at finubar again, but that really wowwed me, uh sorry, I may have a more coherent response later but thank you!

@Whenyouseeyou Bad News for the Empire in the long run, good news for the imperium though right?
Glad you liked it, I was always imaging a meeting more directly, a dialogue, between the ostland detachment and the authorities, so I might continue that interlude at some point, or not, as the case may be.
there really is no way we're going to hide mid-term
Remember that there was an imperial colony you conquered, or rather, demanded the overlordship of. The governor/ambassador has now gone back to the empire and reported what's happened, that you've conquered araby, so that's pretty common knowledge. However, the Empire haven't really seen you do much so the report hasn't been especially consequential to the wider state of affairs given the Vampire Wars are still going on.
The marines aren't dressed in power armor and holster melee weapons that don't look advanced. Are they conserving the best stuff?
Wait, we've conquered Araby, so does that mean UnderAraby and the Sorecerous Isles are already ours then?
F it.
Voting this. I would love to expand on gland experimentation or something, but it works.
[X] Plan Knockoff Templar
*Le Sigh* My plan has no other takers so changing that vote of mine.

I like the name Hyenia battalion and I like templar structuring more than what we currently have but I don't like not using all the resources we have to try and secure as much of the greatest windfall the chapter may have *ever* gotten.

[X]Plan A Fraction
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by FractiousDay on Oct 4, 2021 at 7:49 PM, finished with 62 posts and 5 votes.
  • 6

    [X] Plan Knockoff Templar
    -[X] Scout Veteran trainers take 10 aspirants as normal, all other Battle-Brothers take 1 aspirant like the Black Templars
    -[X] Spare Norscans encouraged to join the Militarum, possibly Missionaria or Mechanicus, etc. with a loose intent of having local expertise when those units visit Norsca
    -[X] Do not attempt gene-slaves or progenoid extraction from veterans at present
    [X] conduct a final blood trial to cut the number of aspirants to more manageable levels the trial will involve groups of ten aspirants acting as a team to hunt down a vicious predator in the jungle make the trail about teamwork and cunning then strength. failers that survive but are intact and show some promises and steely faith will be made into a well-equipped unit similar to the stormtroopers they will carry out missions that the chapter deems important but not important enough for space marine deployment. additionally, they will bolster small units of Astartes of one or two squads they are to drown from recuts who have failed to become Astartes but whose faith and fighting skill are notable. The unis will number 1000 men and be designated the Hyenia battalion
    [X] Plan: Growth Medium
    -[X]Adopt More Templar Type Training Structures
    -[X] Spare Norscans encouraged to join the Militarum, possibly Missionaria or Mechanicus, etc. with a loose intent of having local expertise when those units visit Norsca. Serfs and servitors should not be ignored as options. Really don't just waste useful manpower.
    -[X]Heavily Encourage but don't mandate the giving of progeroid for this one occasion that may be instrumental in returning the chapter to strength.
    -[X] If numbers still need to be weeded further, tests of cooperation and some big game hunting should be issued, i'd be shocked if their aren't a few basilisks or jabberslythes, chaos dragons or other marine killers waiting out in these jungles.
    -[X] Also take a stab at figuring out this Rapid Zygote maturation process but don't devote more than 12% of our stock to such
    [X]Plan A Fraction
The marines aren't dressed in power armor and holster melee weapons that don't look advanced. Are they conserving the best stuff?
Yea they're there to see what's going on not to seriously wage war, so they're internationally playing at a lower power level
Wait, we've conquered Araby, so does that mean UnderAraby and the Sorecerous Isles are already ours then?
You control the people who control araby certainly. you don't control nehekara, the isles (yet) and you'd have no reason to know about the various under areas though.
What's Specifically In The Genetorium?

What's Specifically In The Genetorium?

Possible Genetorium Options In More Depth

So this is another attempt to try and sell y'all on investing in building a Genetorium faster.
I promise it will open up not just doors for investigating our own marines genetics but will potentially unlock countless other doors for us.
Like enough doors to get a home depot or whoever sells doors interested.

Sorry for how long this took, the BB Code broke while I was moving this around I bet the QM here could have but this together in a singular day with no trouble whatsoever, but sadly I'm not that productive..

This is an incomplete list of Items and organisms I expect to be traded around the imperium based on my own limited understanding of such.* Enjoy.




Common Abhumans
We probably won't be able to bring out any of these(barring our navigators) if we let Black Nassor gain too much more influence, nonetheless given how much staff turnover we have experienced in both losses and additions we should keep these dudes
Ogryn: Some of the most loyal imperial citizens.
Nightsider: Glowy bois, batty bois and mole people.
Longshanks, longshanks are are common enough to have formed the Droonian Longshanks in the past.
Pelegars: With something close to 30-40 or so imperial ocean worlds(which would best be exploited by Pelegars) known well enough in source materials to be noted I'd be genuinely shocked if pelagers were not at least known of in each segmentum.
Not only do they have gills but they are large and very strong to resist the enormous pressures they sometimes live under
Ratlings: Needy little hungry snipers and acrobats who must have some seriously thick soles on their feet to get away with what they do.
Navigators: Triclopses who can sail the warp without actually being psychers.

Kashann Hunting Lizard_ Bipedal Reptilian Riding Beast, sociable forms herds.
Included here for having come with forces outside it's home system
Venumex- Bipedal Reptilian Riding Beast, Venemous, curiously the venom seems to have very little effect on humans.
Aethexe-Quadrupedal Reptilian Riding Beast
Theratryx-Reptilian riding beast, strong enough to carry a space marine.
Horses, basically these are really big herbivorous maned dogs that run on only a single toe per leg... except Krieg steeds!
Ovigor: Going by the name and description I these are probably very similar to muskoxen but larger.
Struthids are Space Ostriches That may be used as fairly speedy mounts, if we go by real-world ostriches they probably have cool feathers we can harvest and decent-quality leather too. Psychic links/ mind interface devices are commonly installed into them.
Grox : Old mate Arch believes that Grox Servitors area things though I'm unsure I have no clue what his sources are if any given how he's sourced from fanon before. Basically rowdier larger cattle of the 41rst/42nd Millenium, rideable.
Scrag-Bear: Bear like creatures capable of carrying infantry around
Chem-Beast : Horselike, scaly creatures with an ability to withstand highly toxic environments and an immunity to pain.
Gyrinx: Surprisingly Imperials both seem to know what Gyrinxes are and make use of them at least nobles rouge traders and inquisitors, it's plausible that we could have a sample.
Mukaali- Functionally somewhere between a camel and an Elephant. More towards an animal with the stamina and drought resistance of a camel and the gait and weight of an elephant than the other way around.
Spectorin Corral is coral that can be directed to grow into useful forms, such as platforms and seals for seagoing vessels .Mind you we may need the Mechanicums secret sauce to do so but thats a small price to pay if they have any samples of the stuff.
Gantor-Reptilian Riding Beast; notably ridden by an abhuman population. Possibley transparent.
Ursir- six-legged mammal wannabe's capable of shifting color,distribution noted through the Spinward Front.
For More Details, if they are to be had, see: Martreb 99th Ragers.
Mhoxen:Some of theLargest dinosauoid type critters the Imperium eats, I hope we can make some dwarf varieties that Knights can herd.

Canids: Dobermans, German Shepards and Mastifs seem to be revived and well in the 41rst Millenium, really the Idea that dogs went extinct and needed to be cloned in 40k is the most grimdark thing about the setting and I am sticking to my guns on that one.
Felids: Smallish quadrupedal mammalian carnivores with round heads and faces, retractable claws, and spined tongues.

Bovines: These are truly magnificent quadrupedal hooved mammals with large lips and four stomachs and a tail like a tasseled whip, larger than a man but smaller than a grox.


Ambulls appear to have been converted into servitors, possibly in multiple patterns.
Cherubs: It goes almost without saying that these are are some of the coolest and most versetile non-combat servitors.

*Imperial technology and supplies strike me as wildly inconsistent between planets and between sectors. If I was QMing which I am not I'd genuinely consider rolling for some stuff randomly in some manner.
*Just because Necromunda gangs import Phyrr Cats doesn't mean most planets do such similarly with any frequency, plants animals and drugs and techniques that seem to be limited to only one or two planets have been excluded here whenever that seemed to be the case. Hypoletta and Dusk Leaf were other such honorable mentions.
**40k's imperium really seems full of mainly reptilian riding beasts.
Since this is 40k most if not all of them are probably tougher(to the point a hunting lizards hide is compared to flak armor) and probably more intelligent than crocodiles since they are tameable and trainable for complex tasks.
***Polymorphine can work in men but does so less often. I suspect Polymorphine might be affecting epigenetics the same way hormone combinations can say trigger the growth of a placenta or the production of milk and the like, I theorize this sort of thing might be why it's more effective in women but it's probably really so that GW could sell more body gloved models with breasts on them.
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I promise it will open up not just doors for investigating our own marines genetics but will potentially unlock countless other doors for us.
I'm wondering to an extent how I'll implement a lot of this. You 'bought' the Genetorium in the chargen to use it for particular purposes, so you've got it now, but I'm wondering if I'll just do something like 'increased corn yields' and a random buff like +5% to food, or whether I'll do something else.

In any case, for the most part I'll be relying on you as the players to utilise this. If you want to do a particular thing, you may indeed have the capacity to do it, but it'll be up to you to implement it. For example if you said that you really wanted to make an officio assassinorum then you'd have to make the polymorphine machine or something.

I don't really see a reason for the imperials to, for example, clone an ambull, make it into a servitor, and then release it, vs just rounding up some WFB trolls and turning them into servitors instead.
Several of your Animal links point to the page for Polymorphine, BBcode is hard. :p

I sympathize with wanting the Genetorium up, but I'm not going to be voting for it this coming turn, we've been neglecting the basics for a while (or perhaps have too many basics, depending on how you count), and those basics are getting increasingly urgent now that Araby is under our control. We have more stuff to administer, and we have more need for basic resources to get Araby even fractionally towards Imperial standard so the Space Marines don't have to do all the fighting. IMO, the coming stewardship set of actions should be something like Promethium Wells, Metal Mines, Roads. Then the Genetorium after that, along with more roads.
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I'm wondering to an extent how I'll implement a lot of this. You 'bought' the Genetorium in the chargen to use it for particular purposes, so you've got it now, but I'm wondering if I'll just do something like 'increased corn yields' and a random buff like +5% to food, or whether I'll do something else.

In any case, for the most part I'll be relying on you as the players to utilise this. If you want to do a particular thing, you may indeed have the capacity to do it, but it'll be up to you to implement it. For example if you said that you really wanted to make an officio assassinorum then you'd have to make the polymorphine machine or something.

I don't really see a reason for the imperials to, for example, clone an ambull, make it into a servitor, and then release it, vs just rounding up some WFB trolls and turning them into servitors instead.
Well, for the genetorium I would say almost anything goes, with stuff like making Megafauna out of the table by virtue of Megafauna being to big for the genetorium to physically produce. IRL tech can basically let you do anything you want while messing with genes, the reason we don't have super meds or catgirls or whatever isn't because the labs aren't good enough (though it is finicky and not great), its because we don't know how to make them, stuff like "I have no idea what this gene is or what it does" is the problem. So let the genetorium do whatever, but make it take longer for more complicated tasks, so stuff like making our crops better would be really quick, but stuff like messing with geneseed to get better Astartes would take ages, because geneseed is complicated.
Sorcerer's Isles Interlude
Sorcerer's Isles Interlude

The Sorcerer's Isles are an archipelago that stretches off the coast of the Land of the Assassins, separated from the Arabyan Peninsula by the Strait of Sharks. The archipelago is made up of four large islands, covered with dunes and palm groves. These islands are under the power of the Regent of the Djinn, otherwise known as the Wizard Caliph, a powerful magician and mystic.

The Regent is said to be many centuries old, and is feared by all the people of Araby. Supposedly he settled on the Isles due to ancient ruins of some long lost people, or, as others claim it, elves. Nevertheless, in the years since his arrival, the Regent has established a palace and many servants, and taught his arts to others.

While the Djinncallers do not employ the same organisation as the White Tower of Hoeth or the Citadel of Ghrond, it can rightly be said that the Sorcerer's Islands are home to the Arabyan School of Sorcerers, where great wizards from all over Araby share their knowledge and create incredible and powerful magical artefacts.

The Sorcerers of Araby are practitioners of the oldest tradition of human magic, Elementalism, and focus their efforts on the control and use of Fire, Air, Earth and Water. Additionally, the Sorcerers have also learned how to capture and control the strange elemental beings known as Djinn, and use them for a variety of purposes, including binding them into magical items and setting them on their foes.

Perhaps the best known magic item from these islands is the Magic Carpet. These are used as a mount by the Sorcerers of Araby, and are made by enclosing a Tempest Djinn. Many other relics, such as Magic Lamps or power staves, are enchanted and manufactured by Arabyan Magicians, eager for knowledge and power.

The four Sorcerer's Isles themselves are supposedly divided between the four elements, with the central island holding the largest city, and being devoted to the element of fire. The central island also holds the largest settlement, with smaller villages and other conurbations on the other islands. The Djinncallers are said to have some control over the weather and environment of the region, and are noted to be able to cause the sea to wreck ships passing through the Strait of Sharks.

The nearest city of Araby to the Isles is Lashiek, the City of Corsairs. Further afield is Copher, another port.

A variety of unusual animals inhabit the isles, including the Radiant Pegasi, a flying horse which burns with the strength of Aqshy, the Red Wind of Magic, as well as other creatures like Phoenixes, Manicores, Griffons, Rocs, and other beasts.

The Librarius confirms that the Warp is strong around the Isles. The Librarius is undecided on what Djinn are exactly, but is proceeding on the assumption that they are some form of Daemon.

The Celestial Lions have faced daemons infrequently before, but few other than the veterans of the Chapter have first-hand experience of such foul creatures. None of the other elements of the Imperium-on-Mallus' forces have experience with Daemons.

Recently, the conquest of Araby by the Celestial Lions has caused most of the Djincallers who survived the initial attacks to flee to the Isles, where they have surely waited and plotted for many years. It is uncertain exactly how many Djinncallers there may be, though certainly there will be hundreds of them.

Discuss your battleplan

I've tried putting some pictures in this but don't seem to be able to. In any case, you're perfectly able to search for things like maps or to read the wiki yourselves, but you generally shouldn't need to.

This is the part where you consider how you're going to attack the Sorcerer's Isles. While ordinarily you wouldn't have a specific choice in this, the conditions and recent losses of the Lions mean that this would be something available for debate and consideration, and therefore the agency and consequentiality necessary for a vote to be appropriate.

Check the 'Forces' threadmark for an indication of what capabilities you have and what resources or units you could use. You've recently dug stuff out of the bottoms of the ships, so you now have access to your whole inventory of vehicles and heavy equipment.

Due to the way the plan went, you have 1 Martial action's worth of preparation. Initially this was 'drop rocks on them before the attack', however you could also, for example, create special warpstone bolter rounds to use on daemons. Consider what you want to do with this action.

As for what I'd like to see, something like this:

Example Plan
Preparation action - Create warpstone bolter rounds for Space Marines attacking the Isles to use on any Daemons encountered.
Overall strategy - Decapitation strike using the full Chapter's forces (assumed by night, by air, using standard Astartes tactics)
Forces used - Celestial Lions Chapter

It's up to you how much detail you want to include in your actions, but I'd suggest beginning with less detail. For example above, you wouldn't need to specify that, for example, the Marines would attack during the night, because a decapitation strike is inherently one where surprise is important, and therefore the Marines, being pretty martially capable, would use a night attack for such a thing automatically.

There will be some restrictions and considerations. For one, Thunderhawks can't (somewhat by authorial fiat) be used to deploy non-Astartes, therefore you'd have to think of a method of deploying your Guard regiments if you're using them. You can also only carry a certain number of Astartes in each ship (30 for Thunderhawks, or 1 Dreadnought), and your Thunderhawk Transporters can only also carry a certain number of vehicles.

Another restriction would be on your overall strategy. Why are you attacking the Isles in the first place? Because you think they're getting ready to attack you yes, but you're also attacking because the Djinncallers are the only extant formal human magical tradition. If you just decided to bomb them and shoot them to bits with your airforce it's likely all their magical learnings will be destroyed as well.

There's a few subtleties to consider more broadly as well. Are there creative solutions using things that aren't explicitly listed on the Forces threadmark, but that you probably have? Yes certainly. Will diverse forces who've never exercised or fought together have issues? Probably yes.

You're allowed to ask about either your own capabilities or the Djinncallers, and I'll answer with in-character knowledge.

Lastly you might want to consider risk. I'd expect such things to be discussed. You're pretty low on numbers currently so if you went and all died against the Djinncallers and then Wurrzag danced his way through the Southlands and krumped you then that would obviously be rather suboptimal.

Voting is not open, this is the time for discussion. Feel free to make a draft plan though if you want to.
Hmmmm. A decapitation strike is definitely a possibility, but let's brainstorm some alternatives...
Looking over at our Forces and available support:
Astra Militarum
  • Macharia 45th Infantry: 2,500 Cadian-pattern infantry, 800 Storm Troopers
    • 2 companies of 45th deployed to guard Confessor Hermina and the Sultan of Copher (200 total)
  • 1st Pharosian Guard: 5,000 former Voidsmen with associated officers and support staff. Trained in armoured warfare.
  • 2nd Pharosian Guard: 5,000 former Voidsmen with associated officers and support staff. Currently in training.
Supporting elements: 5 Chimeras, 2 Leman Russ, 3 Basilisks self-propelled artillery, 40 Artillery pieces, supporting personnel including Commissars, Menials, Priests and Psykers.
We have lots of Imperial-grade artillery, while the humans of Mallus are still messing around with primitive blackpowder. This is possibly our second biggest advantage after Space Marines.

Potential draft: we prepare by having an appropriately-sized element of the Militarum practice getting on and off boats (can we find enough boats for all 12000 of them? we definitely don't need 12000 people for the artillery) with the artillery pieces, while the Astartes fly over the isles and take Space Photographs* to identify good landing sites far from enemy force concentrations. Might drop a few rocks on them while overhead and see if we can bait out their fliers for our Fury Interceptors to shoot down, but that's a secondary nice-to-have.

For the invasion itself, we put the Militarum on whatever boats we can hire or conscript (is it worth building some too?) and sail towards the islands. Drop in the Astartes ahead of time to secure a landing site, unload several thousand Militarum with artillery, settle in for a gradual advance under cover of artillery fire and air superiority.

Possible concern: the Djinncallers might summon sea serpents at our boats? Or giant sharks, or whatever? Is this a power we think they have?
Edit: To clarify the question, @FractiousDay , when the update says,
The Djinncallers are said to have some control over the weather and environment of the region, and are noted to be able to cause the sea to wreck ships passing through the Strait of Sharks.
Is this more like "something in the sea wrecks the ship mid-transit" (this is where I wonder about sea serpent) or "bad weather drives the ship to crash on the Isles"? Because the latter is a lot more acceptable, someone else is paying the ship expenses after all. ;)

*there's some Space Name for photographs that I forget
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I say use overwhelming firepower of the artillery and the mastery of the skies to rain down bombardments. Afterward, position our Space Marines in surgical strikes with the regular military falling in behind us to secure the area. Is there anything else, I may be missing?
For the invasion itself, we put the Militarum on whatever boats we can hire or conscript (is it worth building some too?) and sail towards the islands. Drop in the Astartes ahead of time to secure a landing site, unload several thousand Militarum with artillery, settle in for a gradual advance under cover of artillery fire and air superiority.
Sure, all good really. Seizing ships from the ports of Araby and training the Militarum to conduct landings would be fine. Ironically the majority of your troops are former marines aboard a fleet, though in this case sailing in space not on the water.

Who's in the lead on this? That is, who's storming the buildings, who's taking the casualties? In a fairly steady advance like that I'd assume the Militarum. Are you doing this 4 times, that is, conquering one island, loading everyone up, going to the next etc? Or all at once?
Possible concern: the Djinncallers might summon sea serpents at our boats? Or giant sharks, or whatever? Is this a power we think they have?

Is this more like "something in the sea wrecks the ship mid-transit" (this is where I wonder about sea serpent) or "bad weather drives the ship to crash on the Isles"? Because the latter is a lot more acceptable, someone else is paying the ship expenses after all. ;)
Well we must assume whatever defences they have are good enough to stand up to Norscan and Druchii raids, which are not infrequent in that area of the world. They might have the capacity to lure or control animals, but they'd be more likely to use bound djinn, which would include water elementals. If you throw water and air elementals at a fleet that's trying to unload a load of artillery pieces into little boats to take them ashore, that's going to create a storm which may indeed beach or wreck some ships, but it also might just sink them with all hands. The effectiveness of such a strategy would be influenced in part by the rolls and in part by me deciding what the Djinncallers own strategy is, because I haven't thought about that much yet.
Is there anything else, I may be missing?
It's fine, but it would destroy all the magic stuff so you couldn't research it after.