I can put it as an option or something in the next chapter certainly. However yes while the Salamanders might do it, they're known for such things anyway aren't they?
More than 2,000 years have passed since the god-king Sigmar Heldenhammer abdicated his throne.
His empire has entered it's Darkest Age.
This is a bloody age, an age of daemons and of unsanctioned witchery. It is an age of battle and death, and of the world's remaking. Amidst all of the fire, flame, and fury it is a time, too, of mighty heroes, of bold deeds and great courage.
At the heart of the Old World sprawls the Empire, the world the largest known human realm. Known for its engineers, Warrior Priests, traders and Knightly Orders, it is a land of great mountains, mighty rivers, dark forests and crumbling cities.
The crown of Sigmars heirs sits heavy on the head of the strongest Emperor, for this is The Age Of Three Emperors and Ghal Maraz, the hammer of Sigmar is lost.
From his contested throne in Marienburg reigns Emperor Helmut, the westerlander.
He is a tired and suffering man but through his star-borne God-kin allies and the Church of Sigmar, he seeks to unify the fractured land.
From a Twin Tailed Comet the Godkin came and proclaimed that Mankind's rightful place was amongst the stars. Though they are of blessed strength and superb discipline it remains to be seen if their claims to the stars may yet be proven.
In these days civilization is a fading memory in the north. Across the length and breadth of the Old World, from the orc-besieged palaces of Bretonnia and Estalia to the Flesh-Wracked Kislev in the far north, come waves of unending war. In dread Slyvania an uneasy ceasefire reigns. When and where the Vampire Counts will strike again is anyone's guess. Bandits and renegades harry the wild southern lands of the Border Princes.
Even the New World does not lay quiescent for the mysterious High Elves of Ulthuan make war upon the chill lands of Naggoroth slaughtering any who oppose their self-righteous crusade.
From the northern wildernesses little is heard but eerie silence. Tales of marauding tribes locked in vicious wars of faith have grown quiet. Yet still the threat of Chaos, of Deamons and Beastmen and yet fouler things persists. New battles draw ever nearer and the Empire shall receive heroes like as naught seen before, whether Sigmars dream can withstand the falling of the stars remains to be seen...
-Introduction To Warhammer Age Of Revelation RPG, 2nd Edition (2060)
The High Elves Lothern has been known to sack imperial ports over very small slights so I don't think an imperial observer might view descriptions of their campaigns as accurate.
The Skaven haven't done much yet so they are not within this introduction, as much as I love them as a faction.
As far as I know Marineburg used to be known as Westerland.
So normally I assume it would be deeply offensive and shameful, and the Dwarves would therefore get angry about it. We can infer for example that the Dwarves have never gotten in touch with the Jade College to help them replenish, because there's no mention of it and Dwarves are notoriously distrusting of magic. However, Kraka Drak owes the Marines a massive and really unpayable debt, and it any offers would therefore be reduced to merely a diplomatic faux pas due to ignorance, so not a big deal. They might accept it if you could prove you could actually help, but keep in mind that Imperial tech/medicine etc shames the Dwarf guilds because it demonstrates all their learning is useless really.
The bits of the Flesh that cut themselves off to do specific stuff like attack Kislev, and tehrefore the ones that survived. Compare for example Creep vs Zerg, both are teh same sort of organism
So normally I assume it would be deeply offensive and shameful, and the Dwarves would therefore get angry about it. We can infer for example that the Dwarves have never gotten in touch with the Jade College to help them replenish, because there's no mention of it and Dwarves are notoriously distrusting of magic. However, Kraka Drak owes the Marines a massive and really unpayable debt, and it any offers would therefore be reduced to merely a diplomatic faux pas due to ignorance, so not a big deal. They might accept it if you could prove you could actually help, but keep in mind that Imperial tech/medicine etc shames the Dwarf guilds because it demonstrates all their learning is useless really.
Good point they do owe them a lot. Chaos has been set back and their servants are either subverted or dead.
I'm not fully sure on the shame when it's not much of a contest between a civilisation that travelled the stars to someone stuck on Mallus Firma. It should be quite a learning and humbling experience for them to meet umgi that has reached so far and yet understand the difference is because of time and having benefited from what their ancestors have discovered to quicken the process.
I really want to see the Karaz Ankors reaction to an extremely advanced Kraka Drak. Personally I think more then a few would believe that they fell to chaos and thats why they have all this advanced tech.
Scheduled vote count started by FractiousDay on Jun 5, 2022 at 1:25 PM, finished with 40 posts and 9 votes.
[X]Plan Modified Home-front -[X] Cults Of The Empire(write-in) -[X] Feast of Blades
-[X] A Second Crop
-[X] Genetic Restructuring -[X] Push into the Desert -[X] Liberate the Abhumans -[X] Further Afield --[X] Investigate the Border Princes, Estalia and Bretonnia as they are next on our list for incorporation. -[X] Maggot-folk, Maggot-food
-[X] Kraka Drak
It's sorta interesting if the marines bargain for knowledge of the runes so that they also negotiate an arrangement like the marines do to get tech marines.
Plan Modified Home-front
Diplomacy -[X] Cults Of The Empire(write-in)
--[ ]Attempt peaceful contact with the Cult Of Rhya and the Cult Of Taal, see if part of our Magos Biologis staff can be brought along and corralled into making positive agreements with them, and make it clear to them that they have valuable knowledge to gain in order to mitigate stupidity via Zeal]
Rhya/Taal 54 friendly
Manann 66 friendly
Ulric 14 war
Minor cults 99 happy to join up
Stewardship -[X] Feast of Blades
-[X] A Second Crop
The first planting of the lands around Pharos was unsuccessful, a second crop though will succeed, or so the Magi assure their masters. Such a crop and the establishment of large-scale farming will resolve any food issues, and provide a significant surplus for trade or subsidy.
-[X] Genetic Restructuring
Long term with a planet at war we cannot help but continue to take losses against the horrors of this world lost from the Emperor's light. We must therefore do everything we can to compensate for our loss rates.
Feast of Blades autosuccess
Crop autosuccess, will
Genetics 1, remaining geneseed lost, will need several projects to assure of success
Martial -[X] Push into the Desert
Limit attacks to the largest and most mobile war bands of undead, do not attempt to take their strongest holds for now. Allow parleys if they are offered.
vs Tomb Kings 22, some destroyed
vs Greenskins, 96, all destroyed
-[X] Liberate the Abhumans
vs Bloody Hand 36, tribe disrupted but not seriously wounded
Giants? 92 all recovered
Learning Options -[X] Further Afield --[X] Investigate the Border Princes, Estalia and Bretonnia as they are next on our list for incorporation.
Estalia 4 collapsing
Tilea 9 also doing pretty badly lol
Border Princes 45 not that bad
-[X] Maggot-folk, Maggot-food
I think we need to take this if we can, Homo Terrestrius corpses cannot directly harm us and if we study them well we can learn the secrets of their biology, namely things like their positively remarkable poison resistance(they must have this with how they drink) or their remarkable chaos resistance, and/or their red to aging compared to baseline H. Sapiens.
Biologius study 59, goo dunderstanding but need more
Librarius Study 28, unable to get much re their psychic stuff
Artisan study, 72, good understainding of Gromril etc
-[X] Kraka Drak
The High King of Kraka Drak has sworn oaths of friendship and protection in gratitude for the Norscan Dwarf's salvation by the Lions, and now Amra is invited back to Kraka Drak for talks.
(These are broad guidelines, I swear on orions belt my favorite constellation I am not trying to micromanage or create a bland story)
-Points For Discussion, bringing the Dwarves fertility medicines in exchange for service.
-Reuniting them with the Karaz Ankor with the understanding that we saved their lives and would appreciate some good press for such.
-Arming the Dwarves for maintaining a watch around whats left of Norsca
-Offering a mutual partnership against Greenskins, Trolls, Chaos worshipers, the Amputari with other mutual threats requiring more specific agreements.
-Explain the later as a case of us being elite warriors but few in number, which is true. Even a chapter of marines being few compared to the dwarves at their height.
-Offer sympathy over our similar histories of watching our civilizations being devastated by chaos and Greenskins.
KD's interest in KaK 24, not interested, want to stay isolated and secret
Acceptance of Imperial diplo, 69, positive, pretty chill
gifts?, no gifts, sad,
believing Imperial Truth, 53, believe
Huh, usually its the Border Princes that are on fire. I guess what ever is burning the area to the ground had better things to do, presumably kick the shit out of Estalia.
Fuck fuck fuck.... FUCK! That was one of the worst things we could have gotten a nat 1 on. Looks like we doing Bloodslaves next turn. At least our contact with KD went well.
Huh, usually its the Border Princes that are on fire. I guess what ever is burning the area to the ground had better things to do, presumably kick the shit out of Estalia.
So one thing to keep in mind is that disorder cannot be communicated effectively in the Border Princes because they are after all, a series of independant small realms. Comparably, if you burn down the granary in Magritta or Tilea or assassinate a ruler you suddenly have loads of people in danger. In the Border Princes if you do teh same, well that particular area isn't having a good time but other areas are ok.
Fuck fuck fuck.... FUCK! That was one of the worst things we could have gotten a nat 1 on. Looks like we doing Bloodslaves next turn. At least our contact with KD went well.
There's a number of responses to imperial missionaries, first might be just abandoning everything and copy and pasting the Lectio Divinatus into their books etc. The other far end would be absolute hostility, that the Dwarves decided that their religion required them to fight the Imperium etc. In between there's various elements that can be accepted or rejected. For example, the Sigmarites were more or less accepting that the Emperor might be a thing, and even though strictly speaking the conversation was heretical, they were willing to entertain the idea that Sigmar might not have been a god after all etc, it's possible, that sort of thing.
With polytheistic societies like this getting people to believe that there is a God Emperor is not the problem, its getting them to believe that he is the ONLY god. This becomes a significant problem where there are people who pray hard enough and god starts smiting bitches.
Our quantity of Gene seed is more or less never going to recover from this unless we take some really drastic measures so im thinking we start really leaning into quality. We should start rolling back deployments of Astartes and start focusing on the quality of our PDF. There is not much a well trained army lead by super human intelligence cant defeat.
Not all the elves? If my memory serves it was lothern or caledor one of the er....touchier kingdoms but the point standts that yes the elves have sacked human ports before if they felt slighted.
I was mistaken apparently about When he Sack of Marienburg had happened though, I thought it was much earlier so I can can remove that if you want?
"The business of Marienburg, is business." —Director Jaan van de Kuypers of Marienburg[1g] Marienburg is the great mercantile city-state of the Wasteland that is considered to be the largest trading hub in the Old World and is the greatest of its ports. Straddling the mouth of the River Reik as...
It's probably not the only time such happened ever though?
EDIT: It was apparently just this dude really overreacting? Aislinn
Edit 2: OOF we lost all our geneseed?! Well that's in character I guess ;-; at least that gives us a valid exuse for delaying a tithe.
I agree geneslaves need to be in order, luckily we can probably get away with asking Sigmars Holy Empire and Araby for their condemned criminals, we could even offer to have a priest forgive their sins if they give up their lives willingly perhaps?
Also, I agree we need to work on our PDF more, the lion guard needs carapace armor as soon as we can produce and more, though I am still in favor of having astartes lead them for the morale and logistics bonuses that will give.
Overall besides that those were really good rolls! We might finally have some allies even! Hooray! The Followers of Mannan might be a great boon when we finally start building up a navy!
We can probably give them some alcohol for free now and....IDK maybe they might want some cybermastifs promised in the future or.. maybe some crops engineered to grow underground?
Maybe we could also promise them a percentage of metals for repairing their defense...?waystones?.
Not all at once mind you they'd have to choose like two per decade or something, but if they want supplies than, well its only them and Bjornlings(in terms of allies) guarding the north pole anymore so we cannot afford to be stingy or unappreciative.
They are unique allies so I think we should be flexible with the choice of gifts as long as we let them know that numbers will be limited by our circumstances etc.
We can probably give them some alcohol for free now and....IDK maybe they might want some cybermastifs promised in the future or.. maybe some crops engineered to grow underground?
Maybe we could also promise them a percentage of metals for repairing their defense...?waystones?.
Not all at once mind you they'd have to choose like two per decade or something, but if they want supplies than, well its only them and Bjornlings(in terms of allies) guarding the north pole anymore so we cannot afford to be stingy or unappreciative.
They are unique allies so I think we should be flexible with the choice of gifts as long as we let them know that numbers will be limited by our circumstances etc.
Alcohol is easy. Though it can be done by a way of free samples where if they have something they want an advisor can offer something for it where they try it out and if they like it they can have more of it.
Yes, but they are dwarves so it would be very dumb to send them pure ethanol say. We may have more leeway than most but its generally helpful not to insult them.
Sidenote: Just wanted to mention one of my friends thinks sneaking a bomb into the council of thirteen would solve our skaven problem, where as I am personally very unsure. I mean yes I think the council being gone would help negotiations enormously, but I think swaying and then boosting proxies like say clan Skab or Clan Skrapp, Or Clan Verm onto the council(and maybe then blow it up if they can't sway enough votes on things) would be more effective than just asking the ashwalkers to find the place and blow it up.
Those clans specifically because they strike me as the sort that would want ideological change.
Also yes I know we'd have to ask nonmarines anyway because marines are stubborn and proud and are....well is dumb the right word when it comes to avoiding self-sabotage?
This turn is very, very good. The Emperor is acknowledging the work of his faithful servants.
The cult of Ulric does not surprise me the truth. if we approached the Sigmarites it was obvious that they saw us as enemies. Then we can consider the Graf of Middenheim as our main adversary in the Empire.
Yes hopefully us bringing these giants to our cause will make up the slowdown in marine production a bit, we can equip them and I recommend we do better than the orcs ever did.
Giant Speech IMO remains a high-priority vote up their with making a veil for Amra next turn.
Speeking of faithful servants maybe we might even be able to make contact with Numas this turn? Without everyone dying? Maybe?