With polytheistic societies like this getting people to believe that there is a God Emperor is not the problem, its getting them to believe that he is the ONLY god. This becomes a significant problem where there are people who pray hard enough and god starts smiting bitches.
Thing is the IOM only cares that the GE is considered the biggest most important god. The locals can have as many other gods as they want
The IOM would be mad that there is other gods than the GE but the great thing is that there can be other forms of worship than gods. We should start framing the various gods around Mallus as saints instead of gods because when they can show up from praying hard enough you are not going to convince people they are not real.
This is a pretty complicated question. There's some evidence that the Imperium are monotheistic, and have saints, like catholicism etc, but there's also an implication that they let some worlds view things as a sort of Monist belief where there are minor gods but the Emperor is above etc. I don't feel the need to give a specific account of it, but just to say the Ecclesiarchy probably have this covered, they'll have debated it extensively and developed doctrine and policy for missionaries.
Also, I agree we need to work on our PDF more, the lion guard needs carapace armor as soon as we can produce and more, though I am still in favor of having astartes lead them for the morale and logistics bonuses that will give.
Consider quantity vs quality. A PDF should be expansive, it should be able to garrison, hold lines, provide essential services like patrolling, but it doesn't need vehicles other than horses, it can be supplied relatively easily, and so on. That's enough for most planets, others might have mechanised elements and tanks or artillery to make them stronger, which would certainly be necessary for Mallus for example. Then above them you have Stormtroopers who would have the carapace armour, and above even them you might get Astartes, but that's exceptionally rare. The PDF should be able to deal with most issues, even just with guns and artillery. You might have carapace dudes for going up against vampires or something, but for the vast majority of enemies, just flood the world with guns and proceed accordinly, mass produce ammo, even bolt action rifles, and basic artillery and as I've mentioned a lot of enemies just aren't a problem anymore. Yea beastmen might jump out at you but you can put 5 bullets into their chest in as many seconds or shoot them from twenty miles away.
Sidenote: Just wanted to mention one of my friends thinks sneaking a bomb into the council of thirteen would solve our skaven problem, where as I am personally very unsure. I mean yes I think the council being gone would help negotiations enormously, but I think swaying and then boosting proxies like say clan Skab or Clan Skrapp, Or Clan Verm onto the council(and maybe then blow it up if they can't sway enough votes on things) would be more effective than just asking the ashwalkers to find the place and blow it up.
Those clans specifically because they strike me as the sort that would want ideological change.
Also yes I know we'd have to ask nonmarines anyway because marines are stubborn and proud and are....well is dumb the right word when it comes to avoiding self-sabotage?
I'm going to let you guys work out what to do with them, once the Marines actually find out about them anyway, but one important thing would be to hit them as hard as possible and destroy them to as great an extent as possible. If you don't they'll flee and know your tacatics etc. If you destroy Skavenblight yea that's a big blow to the Skaven, itll destroy lots of their relics, knowledge, resources and so on, but they'll be back, they are, after all, rats, and they'll dig deeper tunnels next time etc.
I don't think things ever got quite as bad between Sigmarites and Ulricans as Catholics and Protestants but relations have at times been very fraught to my understanding.
I mean I imagine it might at some point? The Age of Three Emperors is pretty bad. Given the Empire is inspired by early modern Germany we can assume the same sorts of things would happen in the background.
That would be much easier if the chapter was descended from them.
Depends, you could probably have wrangled support from the Ulricans, but equally if you turned up looking like the filthy mutants the Space Wolves are, you'd lose the support of the Sigmarites etc.
Conquer the island of Albion
What island? No such island has been located in the 10th's surveys.
Gas them. I'm sure the Imperium has sarin or mustard gas.
-Talk to and show the sigmarites the conquest and conversion of Norsca as irrefutable proof of our power. Mount them in our ships and show them the space, to test our claims. Take them to our capital and let them be amazed. It can also be done with Kislev, let them see that we are the best hope against the Chaos.
So this is certainly possible, but keep in mind just like Norsca you have to actually protect them. If you say 'hey the Emperor is great' and they say 'is he going to help us out then' it looks really bad given the last two places you conquered are doing terribly now. Norsca has lost like 75% of its population at least, while Araby was also devastated etc. That looks kinda bad.
Let's leave them for a while and when the people can no longer cope with the occupation, we will present ourselves as liberators.
That could also work too really
They have a strong Elven Immigrant/ex-pat community there and while Ulthuan may not love them per say,
They wont have a significant one yet, there's not much trade going through there given teh Age of Three Emperors, and additionally the elves aren't trading much yet because they're still isolationist. However, Marienburg will now likely have a large population of expats yes, especialyl given the turmoil of Araby etc.
For another I don't think the Mechanicus takes direct commands from us they are our close allies but not our suborrdinates in truth as I understand it.
Technically and legally no, practically yes definitely. Amra is the Plantetary Governor and you got a crit I seem to recall on AdMech relations? So actually they're pretty fine with doing whatever atm.
Hermina does *not* need to be replaced she is very competent. It was sido who failed our last diplomatic mission, and almost got her killed. Still asking her to assign a cadre to cover a larger area is not be a bad idea.
Could consider that she's a better diplomat than she is an administrator, and that therefore she might be moved etc. Alternatively, Medes is your only stable Mallusian polity currently so important to keep that safe and under a good hand.
Halflings as snipers is fine, but one trait to keep in mind that sets them apart from ratlings is that they are very resistant to chaos and general corruption
Spies would be a better use tbh, anyone can be a sniper, spies are rarer, especially resilient ones.
provide them with tools to move areas otherwise hard to colonize
Colonise easier areas first, Araby again, the Southlands, the bits of the Empire that aren't populous yet, the Border Princes etc.
I doubt that Finubar made progress with the wood elves
Keep in mind he's, at most, the Prince of Lothern/Etaine currently, he's not Phoenix King or the ruler of all the elves.
Can Diwi able to undergo marine process?
Probably not, most humans can't even (reliably) do it, given I think most humans would include females plus males older than thirteen plus all amputees, etc.
Nope, its designed for humans not some random genetic experiments of the Old Ones.
However, the Imperium maintains several types of technologies to enhance people. Ogryn Bone'eads would be one of them, they have a PC shoved into their face to make them smarter or something
I dont know if we discussed this earlier but we should have out Magi poke around at giant DNA. If we could start cloning sky titans again that would be a massive help in just about every regard and even if they do fuck it up again at least they will not be hurting us worse then we already are.
Long term project but yea definitely. You could make basically Primaris, but without Cawl etc, just using the remnants of the Old One tinkering to enhance Astartes geneseed.
Or not. It's a legit illustration made in canon.
Indeed, as is the other one, another peice of old squat art.
Growing people in vats works... but trying to recreate existing genetic material seems to introduce all sorts of weird and terrible effects like souls being under-powered or lamenters like luck or random organ failure... unless my memory is failing me?
Yea sure, the Genetorium will ahve cloning stuff. The Imperium have clones, they clones Macharius and the clones were unlucky or something? Technically cloning isn't actually that difficult, see Dolly the Sheep irl for example.
There are also various ways of doing it if you're doing giant stuff, for example you could just selectively breed them, select against genetic issues etc, do various tinkering and that would go some way to solving the giants' inbreeding problems.
I think? I'm not a warhammer dwarf expert at all. Given these are norse dwarves they'd probably be most attracted to things like chain axes?
They're big on axes, but Kraka Drak's experience will ahve taught them thatt their stuff fundamentally just doesn't work against some things. They're forced to adapt.
Sarkic cults may not be Nurgle with a capital N in their home settings but it absolutely would be a chaos-related thing if in Warhammer. Honestly, other things from that website ould fit like the Dream Collectives or the old Hateful Star, but I understand not wanting to indulge that sort of thing overly much.
I think its more that 40k has moved away from the esoteric stuff. There used to be a lot of it, but consider that the Dark Gods have become so much more mundane and cohesive and they were before. Comparably the SCP universe has so many different instpirations theres lots of stuff to work with.
Prose wise a few passages stuck out to me.
Am glad you enjoyed them!
The only ''negatives'' I can think of were that some of the earlier parts were a bit dry while still being fully serviceable. Although I suspect stuff like was meant to intentionally feel that way a la a military report or something: ''
Yea I sometimes write out of order, so I'd have to cover 'oh I've writen this evocative bit, now I have to actually write about how we all got here in the first place etc'.
I'm sorry If I haven't been critical enough, I think most of your work lately has surpassed my expectations.
It's fine, positive feedback is still good too, helps me know if I'm on the right track
What the king is doing is updating the grudge book of the trouble their cousins in space have dealt with and they will remember to keep it in memory until the day they make contact with them.
So the Dwarves are very ritualistic. This isn't a Dwarf story and I don't really want to get into it extensively, but we might imagine that their Grudges function basically as a sort of cultural mechanism for releasing tension perhaps. By writing down the Grudge everyone is assured taht one day (eventually) something will be done. This allows rulers to not have to resign etc. Here the Norscan Dwarf King has very little mechanism for actually sorting his Grudge, but he's using it to get his people on board with his plans, which they otherwise might not be.
offer to return it to the Karak Ankor I think.
Keep in mind Dwarves are cantankerous at the best of times. They might be grossly offended that you've taken their kills and are 'stealing' the glory or whatever, and subsequently you're offering them 'their hold'. Imagine them as prideful old men who you've helped and are angry that you had to pick up their walking stick or whatever, even if it hurts them to bend down to get it.