The Codex was written after the Horus Heresy. We might infer that it mentions anti-psyker/witch tactics, but we'd also have to infer that the phenomena of Emperor worship was relatively new, and that Gulliam was of an atheistic philosophy. I doubt there'd be anything in it to give a clear indication either way.
There are Living Saints, they set somewhat of a precedent, but none are Astartes, so again, not clear.
There's various manifestations of the Emperor, eg the Storm of the Emperor's Wrath, or there's things like psykers being able to sense the Astronomicon and thinking it was cool etc. There's also going to be stuff around how to deal with visions, diviniation and so on. I've written that into the narrative, the Chaplains and Librarians have looked through records of such things, and their findings are inconclusive. Amra seems to be human, they've done some tests (dont know what just go with it) and they reckon he's still human, but he's also seeminly massively altered, manifesting significant psychic abilities which are extremely exotic, and they suspect he's also been in the Warp for a bit. In theory, youc an indeed travel about in the Warp and you might, again in theory, be able to go see the Emperor, but this is an incredibly unusual case. There's enough leeway for there to be the option of letting him go free etc, but then they've got this weird feeling they should, which the Chaplains at least are interpreting as teh Emperor favouring the option.
There's also the specifics of the battle. The Lions are a fairly young chapter, about 2000 years old, so their records won't be as complete as other older Chapters, especially first founding ones. As such I also don't see them knowing much about the Legion of the Damned, because that's not really common knowledge. They'd also be able to observe that there were two separate manifestations, firstly, flaming skeletal marines showed up and helped, led by one with lightning claws (which the 3rd interpret to be their former captain, Corax) and second, Amra had a fight with Settra and then was found later. While the Legion are fire-associated, Amra is light-associated. Both are 'aspects' of the Emperor, but there's alsoa question, for example, of whether the 3rd might simply have imagined the Legion. There was a warp storm going on, strong enough emotion can literally change reality, so there might be a hypothesis that maybe the 3rd Company sort of created the flaming figures, rather than the Emperor sending them.
I did think about having him be a chapter champion but it doesn't really fit the narrative I'm going for. You can call that authorial fiat if you like.
[X] Establish a policy of steady subversion of Imperium organisations, attempting to bring their expertise and function within the organisation of the Lions' existing Chapter-Serfs, mitigating future dangers of rebellion.
[X] Pursue a policy of uplift, developing Araby, Norsca, the Southlands, and other areas to increase their technological level and populations.
[X] Amra is released and returns as Chapter Master, his centuries of skill guiding the Chapter again. Amra will require an expensive project to construct a suit to hide his altered form, due to the alarm it may arouse in various parties such as the Inquisition, should such individuals appear. In the mean time, Amra, once a formidable combatant, has been elevated, able to manifest various abilities.
I did think about having him be a chapter champion but it doesn't really fit the narrative I'm going for. You can call that authorial fiat if you like.
Not quite that extreme. The Steel Cobras got killed for cult heresy, but the Salamanders maintain the promethean cult. There's levels of acceptable variation across the Imperium. For example, the pyro-cult stuff is coming from the native traditions of Elysium, the Lions former home, so as part of the Imperium that would be sanctioned by the Ecclesiarchy, again as a regional variation. The Creed's main points are:
That the God-Emperor of Mankind once walked among men in their physical form and that He is and always has been the one, true god of Humanity.
That the God-Emperor of Mankind is the one true god of Mankind, regardless of the previous beliefs held by any man or woman.
It is the duty of the faithful to purge the Heretic, beware the psyker and mutant, and abhor the alien.
Every Human being has a place within the God-Emperor's divine order.
It is the duty of the faithful to unquestionably obey the authority of the Imperial government and their superiors, who speak in the divine Emperor's name.
All of those are fine, it's the last one that would be the most problematic, but, for exmaple, an adherant of the pyrocult might say 'I am obeying the Imperial government, in this case, the Lions, who are a legitimate authority' etc. In the same way the Ecclesiarchy has no juristiction over the Admech, they'd have none over the pyrocult.
In theory anyway, in reality this would of course cause tensions. For example, if the pyrocult (possibly directed by the Lions, possibly not) took the position that they didn't need to pay tithes anymore because they were under Astartes juristiction, then you'd be looking at a Badab type situation.
To make the point though, while this is an infraction, it's not a radical 'send a crusade at once' type one. Astartes get away with a lot, it's only because there's relatively few of them and they have a relatively small impact on 'civilian' life that they get away with various things. If a court or tribunal was convened they might say it was purgeable heresy, but they might also rule that actually it was acceptable, but not to do it again, and that the pyrocult was limited to direct asartes holdings etc.
However, this is all exacerbated by the face that the Lions are at war with the Ordo Hereticus, who would of course be involved in any such proceedings. The Lions would never want to put themselves under ecclesiarchy authority for that reason alone.
Again, you could say that, but you could also say 'the personnel of the missonia sadly died off as a result of normal human frailty, we integrated their functions into our own serf processes'. The Ecclesiarchy might come have a look and conclude 'actualy this is fine, there's no heresy here, there's some variations but there's no big cults of chaos or rampant mutation or whatever'. The Missionia is after all a really flexible organisation because it's job is to go about converting far flung areas. For example, the Ecclesiarchy maintains the Sisters of Battle because of the Decree Passive saying they can't have 'men under arms', but in theory there's no reason someone else couldn't maintain a similar formation of warrior women, if they wanted to
[X] Retain the existing organisation of the Imperium-on-Mallus, funding the other Imperium groups, excepting the Mechanicum and Knights and permitting their organisational independence.
[X] Pursue a policy of uplift, developing Araby, Norsca, the Southlands, and other areas to increase their technological level and populations.
[X] Amra is refused, his prison sealed with what final wards and gaoler-rites the Chapter is able to, requiring an immediate and expensive project to construct the bindings.
I did not realize it was an Ecclesiarchy cult. I still think it is a problem if it leads to Astartes making themselves official religious leaders to the exclusion of Ecclesiarchy members. Considering how past votes have gone, that could happen if a vote is made for this.
All of these deviations add up and votes to deviate further will come up. If all of our heresies did not mean anything I do not think you would make the quest stand out by having a heresy tracker.
All of these deviations add up and votes to deviate further will come up. If all of our heresies did not mean anything I do not think you would make the quest stand out by having a heresy tracker
Yep, but that's in the further future, possibly even as far as a sequel quest. Alternatively I could at any point have a fleet of pursuing inquisition/someone else turn up.
did not realize it was an Ecclesiarchy cult. I still think it is a problem if it leads to Astartes making themselves official religious leaders to the exclusion of Ecclesiarchy members
I've not exposited on it much so fair, always good to have clarifications. But yes as you say, potentially major problems with astartes getting involved in religious affairs
yep, they're back apparently. I've not read anything into it yet so not sure if it's a retcon or what. I may or may not integrate whatever new lore there is on them.
[X] Retain the existing organisation of the Imperium-on-Mallus, funding the other Imperium groups, excepting the Mechanicum and Knights and permitting their organisational independence.
[X] Pursue a policy of uplift, developing Araby, Norsca, the Southlands, and other areas to increase their technological level and populations.
[X] Amra is released and returns as Chapter Master, his centuries of skill guiding the Chapter again. Amra will require an expensive project to construct a suit to hide his altered form, due to the alarm it may arouse in various parties such as the Inquisition, should such individuals appear. In the mean time, Amra, once a formidable combatant, has been elevated, able to manifest various abilities.
yep, they're back apparently. I've not read anything into it yet so not sure if it's a retcon or what. I may or may not integrate whatever new lore there is on them.
[X] Establish a policy of steady subversion of Imperium organisations, attempting to bring their expertise and function within the organisation of the Lions' existing Chapter-Serfs, mitigating future dangers of rebellion.
[X] Pursue a policy of uplift, developing Araby, Norsca, the Southlands, and other areas to increase their technological level and populations.
[X] Amra is released and returns as Chapter Master, his centuries of skill guiding the Chapter again. Amra will require an expensive project to construct a suit to hide his altered form, due to the alarm it may arouse in various parties such as the Inquisition, should such individuals appear. In the mean time, Amra, once a formidable combatant, has been elevated, able to manifest various abilities.
[X] Amra is released and returns as Chapter Master, his centuries of skill guiding the Chapter again. Amra will require an expensive project to construct a suit to hide his altered form, due to the alarm it may arouse in various parties such as the Inquisition, should such individuals appear. In the mean time, Amra, once a formidable combatant, has been elevated, able to manifest various abilities.
[X] Establish a policy of steady subversion of Imperium organisations, attempting to bring their expertise and function within the organisation of the Lions' existing Chapter-Serfs, mitigating future dangers of rebellion.
[X] Retain the existing organisation of the Imperium-on-Mallus, funding the other Imperium groups, excepting the Mechanicum and Knights and permitting their organisational independence.
[X] Establish a policy of steady subversion of Imperium organizations, attempting to bring their expertise and function within the organization of the Lions' existing Chapter-Serfs, mitigating future dangers of rebellion.
I really wanted a reference for these so I made one. Obviously, QM discretion is at play when it comes to us encountering these.
Many items were skipped for having descriptions too vague for me to gauge an accurate effect or for being irrelevant to the Imperium Of Man.
Things like The Luminark of Hysh are not here because of early arrival in the timeline though that may potentially change.
What follows is an incomplete list of magical objects and contraptions powerful enough to be at least a nuisance to deal with in the future.
Context is given here when seen as needed.
So in no particular order:
Armour of Morkar: Armour of the first Everchosen. Slayer of Kings: What would eventually become Archeaons personal blade. Eye of Sheerian: A very powerful seeing stone. Crown of Domination: A most powerful mind-affecting helmet. White Sistrum: A drum that can literally kill with music, apparently. I bet the Emperor's Children would love it. Skitterdril: Ablade that can turn things to stone on contact.
Slaanesh: Sceptre of Domination; possibly the same item as Rod Of Command, basically Dominate Person sticks as far as my understanding goes.
Khorne: Collar of Khorne: Grants resistance possibly quite strong to magic/psychic attacks, burrows into ones neck.
Nurgle: Death Head of Nurgle: Magical Plauge grenades crafted out of real dead heads. Plaguesooth Balm : I am thoroughly unconvinced that a balm that can treat the symptoms of any disease created by Nurglite priests isn't magical.
Skaven: Fell Blade: Really one to look out for given it put Nagash down for a good number of centuries. Plague Furnaces Weeping Blades: Blades that generate their own poisons. Pipes of Piebald: A mind controling helmet, best destroyed if anything equivalent to it is found.
Lizardmen: Blade of Realities: This sword is apparently capable of cutting through granite as much as metal so it probably can cut through Ceramite. Cube of Darkness: Seems to be an artifact capable of dispelling at will, this may be of great trouble to our psychers if used on them mid-battle. Cloak of Feathers: Basically a wearable flying carpet. May have limited dispelling ability.
Ring Of Volans: A Troublesome Item for its ability to grant spellcasting of a limited sort to non-wizards. Runefangs: Armor Piercing dwarven-made blades of near their highest quality. Fire Wine: A wine that can kill non-magic users specifically by setting them on fire days after the fact is some nasty business.
Really easy way to assassinate someone since presumably it couldn't be tested for poison what with it not being one. Cloak of Karloff: A magical robe with anti piercing and anti flame properties but also containing an end-times prophecy related to beastmen consuming the world. Balestone Orb: Reads like an object enchanted to strip magic from an area. Wyssan's Weighted Dice: Depending on our QM items that manipulate luck could probably be really really screwy and dangerous.
Crown of Sorcery Enkhil's Kanopi: Functionally appears like a reusable dispel scroll if my comprehension is up to par. Caskets of Souls: Similar concept to many magical grenade equivalents except these generally seem reusable. Blade of Ankhara: A life leeching blade.
(I hope we have all of these under lock and key at this point) Black Book of Ibn Naggazar Arabyan Puzzlebox Wand of Dust: An ancient Morrite wand with many anti undead powers, genuinely an actual shame for the world if this is lost.
Ogre Kingdoms: Hell Heart: Ogres can use these to unleash dangerous waves of magic at will. Longshank Club: Hexes Amor with Brittleness Rock Eye: An enchanted rock probably implanted in an eye socket, allows ogres to see through solid stone.
Barrel Of Zuvassin: Name conjectural, this barrel is known in Kiselev to activate the magic ritual Cleansing FireOf Zuvassin. Fozzrik's Flying Fortress: A flying spellcasting brick-throwing castle. Cloak of Mist and Shadows : The existential status of this item strikes me as ambiguous hence the category.
Kemmler may not have actually created it and it may have existed before him for all I know.
If it does exist or something like it does that would be a huge pain given it lets it wearer become selectively incorporeal at will.
Bottle Tower of Grimnyth the Great: This is a nigh unbreakable bottle with extra-dimensional space inside of it, very funky, very exploitable.
That is if it exists. Armour of Meteoric Iron: Armor that can take a shelling in a medieval-renaissance-19th century world is certainly eyebrow-raising. Dispel Scroll
''This scroll is only used when the enemy manages to conjure something truly terrible, like the Vampires chanting their terrible incantation or the Grey Seer unleashing their Thirteen's Spell. Then, as soon as the scroll is read, it dissolves into powerful counter-magic, dispelling anything the magic users have cast, no matter how powerful.''[1] Power Stone
''When shattered, this stone releases a gale of magic, generally providing enough power to cast the required spell.''[1] Ruby Ring of Ruin: Anyone suddenly being able to chuck magical firey explosives from a digital weapon once is no joke!
Even if this couldn't kill a space marine it could seriously harm a guard unit or our camp followers or anything we have that isn't armored like a tank. The Terrifying Mask of Eee: The second thing I've seen in the Warhammer fantasy universe capable of artificially inducing fear and terror via magical means, bloody terrible stuff that is. Ghal Maraz: Apparently according to Bugmans Bar at Warhammer World, the empire only has an empowered replica of the original which allegedly the dwarves reclaimed after Sigmar's death. Which dwarf fold had it is unlisted and the powers that might differ between original and replica not mentioned either hence this being down here instead of with the Empire.
Quote Source(s):
1. Lexicanum, by way of Grots Revised Army Book, which I fear may not exist anymore so take these with some helpings of salt.
(Also Yes I know not my job but eustress is a good thing to have in one's life I think.)
Nah the Regent of the Djinn will have left with all the good stuff. You have a big cupboard of stuff, eg some flying carpets or magic rings, but the powerful Araby stuff will have one
Good job btw. Something to consider is how you could utilise these items. If you stick a Seed of Rebirth in someone's chest rather than a second heart does that work? Does it do anything intersting? Currently that would be super heretical, but I'll happily permit geneseed modification over time
Well, my main thought would be prioritizing studying the stuff that neutralizes magic in as much depth as possible, if such effects could be replicated they could make the ultra-rare devices the imperium does have like Psych-Out grenades obsolete.
This would, of course, be Tekheresy but my view is that the inquisition already has a stick up their butts and wants us dead most likely and the mechancus probably can't leave the planet for a while and we could end up trapped hear another 200 years or more if we get most unlucky. Circumstances are far from normal, and cannot be treated that way.
Objects that aren't chaotic but warp space (like the bottle tower if we find things like it)should also thoroughly be investigated I think in hopes of replicating those properties to make harder to assail strongholds. The difference between doing this and installing teleporters all over a monastery seems small to me anyway.
Many of these I think should simply be destroyed, things like Globes of Change should probably be disposed of by sapping them of energy, coating in concrete and dumping them in the ocean so that we don't help Tzeench.
I assume they're still isolationist, so I doubt anyone would know a great deal about them no, however, sure, you have a Magos Explorator, they'll at least be familiar with them as one of the big abhuman races. I'm also open to the Kingmaker as a ship having visited one of their planets in the past or something, but thtat would depend on rolls.
I assume they're still isolationist, so I doubt anyone would know a great deal about them no, however, sure, you have a Magos Explorator, they'll at least be familiar with them as one of the big abhuman races. I'm also open to the Kingmaker as a ship having visited one of their planets in the past or something, but thtat would depend on rolls.
Hope it hits that roll. If they know these mysterious travellers met cousins of theirs from the stars on at least amicable terms they might be a bit more friendly.
Subversion vs maintenance was slightly contested but the others were clear.
[X] Pursue a policy of uplift, developing Araby, Norsca, the Southlands, and other areas to increase their technological level and populations.
[X] Amra is released and returns as Chapter Master, his centuries of skill guiding the Chapter again. Amra will require an expensive project to construct a suit to hide his altered form, due to the alarm it may arouse in various parties such as the Inquisition, should such individuals appear. In the mean time, Amra, once a formidable combatant, has been elevated, able to manifest various abilities.
[X] Establish a policy of steady subversion of Imperium organisations, attempting to bring their expertise and function within the organisation of the Lions' existing Chapter-Serfs, mitigating future dangers of rebellion.
Right, I think all the policy decisions I wanted to make are resolved now. This will be a flavour based news update, then I'll post the Great Economy Rework for some discussions on economic stuff and build things, then we'll get back to the normal action turns. If anyone has suggestions for things that need to be covered, let me know.
Events of the Wide World
Greenskins Gather in the Badlands!
In numbers that haven't been seen in generations, large numbers of Greenskins are gathering in the Badlands. Whether they gather for some purpose, or have simply been driven there by circumstance, many tribes have been sighed by the Dawi of Barak Varr. In the north, the Broken Tooth and Skull-takerz make war, while south along the Dragonback Mountains large swarms of goblins make ready, traveling the land in packs of mangy wolf-riders. Further south the Savage Orcs of the Red Shield tribe make ready to test the ancient defences of Nehekhara, which their shaman claim have been weakened recently! Overhead, the Bad Moon laughs while Ogre tribes congregate around Red Cloud Mountain for who knows what purpose. While at present the various tribes war among themselves, if a capable leader should rise among them, the Old World had best look to it's defences!
A True Emperor!
In the decade since the Battle of Four Armies outside Middenheim and the twin treacheries of Lutwik and Ottila's attempted assassinations of each other during the battle, the Empire has realised the has finally understood the need for a single ruler, a true leader to bring an end to the Age of Three Emperors. Has this occurred? Perhaps! At Averheim, Helmut of Marienburg has been chosen to bear Ghal Maraz and now commands the Elector Counts in the ongoing Vampire Wars. Several notable victories have even been achieved under Helmut's leadership, though dark rumours circulate, stating that the advances have only been due to the questionable aid of certain sorcerers and mystics which Helmut employs. Despite this, Helmut's valour has caused Konrad von Carstein to retreat following the great Battle of Averheim, and for several years the Vampire Wars have enjoyed a lull while Helmut solidifies his rule over the Empire. Whether Konrad's retreat bodes good or ill for Sigmar's Heirs remains to be seen…
The Roaring Lions!
For almost four hundred years the province of Solland has lay moldering the in the grave of history. No longer! During the Battle of Averheim, when all else seemed lost, the undead armies of the Vampire Counts scaling the walls of the city after sweeping away the army of Stirland and with the Emperor himself wounded, a third force arrived. Marching through the night, they came, the 'Imperial Guard', an army of incredible soldiers, valiant and disciplined, who fell upon the flank of the vampire host as it gorged itself on Averheim. While many had heard of a strange force of men in the wilderness of Ostland's border regions, all were amazed at their skill, but moreso at their leaders! Three champions they were, their leader, Kabor Brighthand fighting his way through the press of Blood Knights, crossing blades with their master, Walach Harkon, before the vampire was commanded to retreat, his undead dragon having been slain under him by Brighthand's own magician. In the aftermath, as recompense for their bravery, the Imperial Guard and their lord have been assigned the province of Solland, commanded by Emperor Helmut to safeguard the borders and see to that land's defences.
Sorceries Spread!
While magic has always rightly been thrown down and punished in the Empire, in recent years it seems great numbers of maleficars and mutants have emerged across the Old World. In the Empire, preachers warn of the dangers of dark magic, but the learned Lectors of the Cult of Sigmar have observed a distinct increase in both the numbers and the power of the foes they face. Then, only recently, almost every sorcerer in the Empire, whether a hedge wizard or a cult magus, felt a great surge of power. Some spontaneously exploded as they went about their business, while only the most powerful were able to control and even employ this tide of Empyreal energies. Now the Templars of the Silver Hammer go about through the Empire, rounding up various evil-doers. In a surprise though, Dargo the Dragonkiller, a public and unrepentant sorcerer in the employ of the Imperial Guard, one of the mighty champions that leads that company, has been blessed by the Arch-Lectors of the Empire in a ceremony in Averheim's cathedral. Does this point to a change in policy by the Cult of Sigmar? Who can know, yet now it is said that convoys of witch-children are escorted by Templars heading toward Solland, instead of being burnt at the stake, as many suggest they should be!
The Suffering of Araby!
Though the exact events in Araby in recent years are not fully known to many, the Southern Realms of Tilea, Estalia, and the Border Princedoms have recently been swelled by waves of migration. Refugees of all walks of life have fled Araby, first those with moveable goods, or wealthy men who feared the conquest of the Golden Sons and their harsh laws, but then simply anyone who could escape. Evils and terrors have apparently walked Araby in recent years, and natural and unnatural disasters have caused famines and devastation. The Pirates of Sartosa, themselves the descendants of Arabyan sailors who had conquered that island centuries before, have set aside their normal activities, and now ferry shiploads of refugees from the swollen docks of Al-Haikk and Fyrus north across the water. The massive numbers arriving in the Southern Realms have caused problems though, from ethnic tensions to struggles for resources, and some of the Princes of the realms have begun to take advantage of the increased populations of desperate folk to make war on their inland neighbours.
Alliance of Chivalry!
At Bibali, Bretonnian and Establian knights have proclaimed a pact, and a host under Duke Louis of Brionne has gone south, making a swift attack on the dishonourable peasants of Magritta. Bringing the city quickly to heel the Pact of the River, as the alliance has come to be known, proclaims an Errantry War against the newly bellicose cities of southern Estalia, in what many see as a premtive and defensive alliance against any Arabyan expansionism following the upheavals in that land in recent years.
Elven Attacks!
While the Druchii glut themselves on the Hung and Mung populations of Naggaroth recently enslaved, the Asur have perceived a time to strike! Armies of brave warriors march out from Arnheim, sacking Hag Hall and butchering the witch-elves there, and seizing the ancient fortress of Vaul's Anvil. What the Asur mean to do with the citadel is unknown, but in recent months both Caledorian Dragonlords and the Mages of Saphery have been seen heading to the fortress, perhaps indicating an attempt by the High Elves to establish a more permanent presence on Naggaroth.
War in the North!
To many in the Old World, the civil war in Norsca is a matter for much rejoicing. The Northmen are a fractious folk, and many are aware of the existing tensions between the more civilised southerners and the barbaric Chaos-worshipping north. However, this new war comes not from the north or south, but rather from the west! The Golden Sons, the Godkine of the Thunderfather, laid their fire upon Norsca, their skull-faced champion slaying Scyla Anfingrimm, Jarl of the Graelings. Hralf, King of the Bjornlings invited the Golden Race and subsequently the majority of Norsca sent their children to the west of the country to partake in the Trials of the Gods. Yet, in the aftermath, with nothing more heard of the Godkine, many Norscans began to questions whether the sacrifice of their children was not simply some great trick or deception. Those faithful to the Golden Sons now fight those who maintain the Old Ways, and though the Faithful pray and sacrifice each day, they are steadily being pushed back.
The Heavens Brought Down!
For a century the Celestial Dragons have fought one and other, their parents, the Celestial Dragon Emperor and the Moon Empress mysteriously absent. In this Time of Darkness and Disharmony the Monkey King of the Mountains of Heaven has risen up and conquered swathes of land in the south of Cathay, allying with the Idans and the vile Snakemen of Khuresh to cause great destruction. Finally, Li Dao, Lord of the Burning Wind, flew out in a rage. Yet, for all his fury, even when he threw down mountains and caused fire to rise from the earth, the Monkey King has bested his rival, slaying Li Dao, cutting off his beard as an ornament for Ruyi Bang, the Monkey King's staff. Whether this calamity will cause Li Dao's siblings to unite once more is unknown…
For almost four hundred years the province of Solland has lay moldering the in the grave of history. No longer! During the Battle of Averheim, when all else seemed lost, the undead armies of the Vampire Counts scaling the walls of the city after sweeping away the army of Stirland and with the Emperor himself wounded, a third force arrived. Marching through the night, they came, the 'Imperial Guard', an army of incredible soldiers, valiant and disciplined, who fell upon the flank of the vampire host as it gorged itself on Averheim. While many had heard of a strange force of men in the wilderness of Ostland's border regions, all were amazed at their skill, but moreso at their leaders! Three champions they were, their leader, Kabor Brighthand fighting his way through the press of Blood Knights, crossing blades with their master, Walach Harkon, before the vampire was commanded to retreat, his undead dragon having been slain under him by Brighthand's own magician. In the aftermath, as recompense for their bravery, the Imperial Guard and their lord have been assigned the province of Solland, commanded by Emperor Helmut to safeguard the borders and see to that land's defences.
Those Blood Dragons must've had the time of their life. It also paints a huge target on the marines for their gourmet list even the first vampires will take notice.
To many in the Old World, the civil war in Norsca is a matter for much rejoicing. The Northmen are a fractious folk, and many are aware of the existing tensions between the more civilised southerners and the barbaric Chaos-worshipping north. However, this new war comes not from the north or south, but rather from the west! The Golden Sons, the Godkine of the Thunderfather, laid their fire upon Norsca, their skull-faced champion slaying Scyla Anfingrimm, Jarl of the Graelings. Hralf, King of the Bjornlings invited the Golden Race and subsequently the majority of Norsca sent their children to the west of the country to partake in the Trials of the Gods. Yet, in the aftermath, with nothing more heard of the Godkine, many Norscans began to questions whether the sacrifice of their children was not simply some great trick or deception. Those faithful to the Golden Sons now fight those who maintain the Old Ways, and though the Faithful pray and sacrifice each day, they are steadily being pushed back.
While magic has always rightly been thrown down and punished in the Empire, in recent years it seems great numbers of maleficars and mutants have emerged across the Old World. In the Empire, preachers warn of the dangers of dark magic, but the learned Lectors of the Cult of Sigmar have observed a distinct increase in both the numbers and the power of the foes they face. Then, only recently, almost every sorcerer in the Empire, whether a hedge wizard or a cult magus, felt a great surge of power. Some spontaneously exploded as they went about their business, while only the most powerful were able to control and even employ this tide of Empyreal energies. Now the Templars of the Silver Hammer go about through the Empire, rounding up various evil-doers. In a surprise though, Dargo the Dragonkiller, a public and unrepentant sorcerer in the employ of the Imperial Guard, one of the mighty champions that leads that company, has been blessed by the Arch-Lectors of the Empire in a ceremony in Averheim's cathedral. Does this point to a change in policy by the Cult of Sigmar? Who can know, yet now it is said that convoys of witch-children are escorted by Templars heading toward Solland, instead of being burnt at the stake, as many suggest they should be!
The massive numbers arriving in the Southern Realms have caused problems though, from ethnic tensions to struggles for resources, and some of the Princes of the realms have begun to take advantage of the increased populations of desperate folk to make war on their inland neighbours.
I foresee a lot of genocide and balkanization. We should either wait for the region to bleed itself dry so the entire region is weakened for easier conquest, or we should find out who is willing to get our support in exchange for compliance.
Those faithful to the Golden Sons now fight those who maintain the Old Ways, and though the Faithful pray and sacrifice each day, they are steadily being pushed back.
This needs our intervention the most. We do not want to lose our Noscans. If they lose, it will interpreted that the Golden Suns and their Emperor are weak by everyone else.
@FractiousDay is Sylvania another potential spot for a blood tithe? The place is not only a backwater it's swampy terrain makes it a shithole people lived in. Assuming their new masters is taken care of and replaced by people who care about the people slightly more the people living in it might be of use as potential neophytes or another regiment of Imperial Guards.