I left, I wanted out. So excuses me for not careing about a thread I am no longer a part of.
It has been a few years and the tone and content of the quest has changed. For a relevant example we've seen lots of marines killed via magic..so I do wonder if you feel the same way still?
@FractiousDay Apologies if this is a stupid question but why do the Lions have no geneseed left at all? I have been making an effort rereading thoroughly and am thinking there should have been some made available from the deaths of battle brothers during the battle of Khermi/black sun interlude?

I understand that turn 12 and turn 13 lost us geneseed and that most Astartes deaths since were in circumstances that made retrieval impossible...but you did mention ''Terrible were the losses on both sides''

Was it just that a lot of serf militarum died? Was I misunderstanding the timeline of events with the Apothocary interlude meant to be chronologically after that battle?

I know more explicitly that the Bowmen of Oreon killed some of Astartes which were likely the Lions given the location.

I take it those progenoids never got recovered either?

can we make it a requirement for a minimum unit size be like 1 battle brother and 1 'lifebinder'?

(I can also consolidate my posts if it would help.)
am on a train so shall answer in a fuller manner at some point but for now will say someone turned off the geneseed fridge by accident
For whenever it is conveniant to elaborate..

So if I follow correctly then it's not *just* that all the geneseed was lost during those turns but the equipment to store and or grow it was also damaged or needed to be reset?

Which prevented further collections from those slain by the last of the tomb kings and then later by wood elves*?

*Heartwood interlude.
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Kasr Interlude
Kasr Interlude 1

D'leh stood atop one of the outer bastions of the kasr, his gaze sweeping over the colossal construction site below. Even for an Astartes, hardened by several decades of war, a being who had lived for many years in the fortresses and bastion of the Mallusian Imperium and was used to grand scale, the sight was staggering. The walls stretched in both directions like the backbone of some primordial beast, bristling with incomplete weapon emplacements and skeletal frameworks for future hangars. Massive trenches and firing lanes beyond the walls carved precise geometric shapes into the landscape, as if the earth itself had been drafted into the war effort.

The mortal scurried to and fro like ants beneath his gaze, the bright gold of his armour a beacon to them, or so it should be at least, for many of them refused to look upwards lest they catch his gaze.

The central keep, a city within a fortress, was only a shell now, but D'leh thought few among those who came to live here could truly comprehend what it would become. One day, it would rise into a monolithic spire, the core of a future hive city, a fortress whose walls could withstand not just the weapons of a Greenskin Waaagh! but the very passage of time itself. And yet, here they were, driven by the Emperor's will, or more likely, by fear.

D'leh had no memory of hive cities. He had grown to adulthood on the Chapter's fleet in the Warp, and subsequently on Mallus. The idea of such a construction, the highest levels of which pierced the clouds, was truly heartening and a monument to the Imperium's strength. It was not even thus on Elysium, the Chapter's hold homeworld, D'leh knew. Rather he now thought of the hives of Necromunda, of Atoma Prime or those of lesser providence and size.

Hundreds of weapon emplacements were still vacant, placeholders for what would soon be an arsenal of ground cannons and anti-aircraft turrets. D'leh could already picture the macro-cannons swiveling into place, the rail lines winding through the mountains delivering their payloads of munitions from distant mines. Mag-trains thundered through tunnels, bringing the precious metals from the far-off mountains where the Emperor's workers laboured day and night. Steel, stone, and rare minerals flowed like rivers to this place, sucked dry from towns that would never recover.

And yet, to D'leh, it still looked like a half-finished ruin. The vast workshops below echoed with clanging hammers, but what use were these people if their work had not yet borne fruit? He could smell the toil of the humans below. They laboured under the illusion that their lives meant something, that their small contributions mattered. Perhaps the Emperor's will did require their sacrifice, but that didn't make them worthy. They would never be Astartes after all, but kine still had their uses he supposed.

Far below, the people of Sylvania, Ostermark, Stirland, and other regions had begun to settle into their new fortress-home. Many had come unwillingly, dragged from their villages or displaced by industrial development or new strip mines, forced by circumstance into labour.

For the most part though they came willingly, for the Kasr Drakenhof was already perhaps the most secure place in the Empire, or perhaps north of Southlands entirely. There was already a significant contingent of the Serf Militarium, including heavy detachments of tanks and two wings of the Aeronautica Mallus. Here the Imperium would use the Kasr to project power out into the Empire and the World's Edge Mountains, monitoring the threats that lay beyond and establishing a centre of production and supply in case of a need for a larger deployment into the eastern lands of the humans. There were other such bastions being established, of course, but these were smaller forts and strongplaces, or supply dumps and so on, not a single great fortress like Kasr Drakenhof.

Once word had got out that the Emperor's sons had flattened the old lands of the vampires and the first reports had come back, many people had started to make their way to a new life. They toiled, it was true, but they received absolute security, superior healthcare and education for their children, and could better their status through labour and obedience. Strangers though the folk were, they were making this place their own, as humans always did. They had adapted, D'leh grudgingly acknowledged that much. From turning protein powder into traditional foods, to the way they adapted their dwellings to suit their cultures. He saw all of it from his vantage point, though none of it impressed him.

The city within the walls was taking shape now, its hab blocks beginning to resemble the miniature fortresses they were meant to be. Even here, though, D'leh saw the differences. The Stirlanders were a dour people, preferring habs with small windows, clustered near defensible choke points in the city's interior. They feared the sky, distrusted the open air, and huddled like vermin in the dark. Contrast that with the hill tribes, wild folk suspicious of any structure larger than a hut. They balked at the sheer scale of the place, squatting in building lots or public spaces until the Enforcers drove them out when construction machinery moved in.

Others had joined in more ably which D'leh appreciated. They were bold folk, Sigmarites used to the discipline of their faith and led on by drill-abbots and preachers who extolled them to greater labour in the eyes of Sigmar and the Emperor. They were unafraid of progress, and D'leh had spoken before them of the torchbears of old, those heroes who drove back the Long Night.

Beyond the walls, settlers had already begun personalizing the trenches and firing lanes meant for war. Makeshift awnings had been thrown up over market stalls, crude gardens sprouted in the cracks between stonework, and the scent of strange foods, likely cobbled together from ration concentrates, wafted through the air. D'leh could hear the workers murmuring about recipes, prideful in their ability to turn the bland sustenance into something resembling a local dish. Foolish, he thought. These little comforts would mean nothing when the time came for battle, and besides that, the only additional foods the Celestial Lions were accustomed to other than their ulta-dense rations of minerals and cal-cubes was meat from beasts caught on hunts. There was little enough to hunt in Sylvannia, save for mutant creatures which D'leh had led his squad to destroy more than once.

Others moved through the workers. There were several giants, paid in painkillers and other drugs designed for their specific physiques, as well as Dwarves, the Terrestris of Mallus. The strength of the later and their natural aptitude for stonework gave them an edge the humans could only hope to imitate, but D'leh still remembered cutting his way through one of their fortresses a few decades ago and how their spawn had screamed on his combat knife.

He had to grudingly admit they were useful though. They'd come to the administrators with ideas about changes to the layout, and after close consultation many of the points were adopted. D'leh could see the "Maraz," or "splitters," below, cunningly planned lanes which would funnel any attackers into kill boxes across the inner ring of defences.

They'd destroyed the old fortress utterly. That had been D'leh's task and he'd wrestled with horrors below the earth before it had finished. Hath-Horeb, the Burning Sage, had come, the Chief Librarian sitting in meditation in a ring of warp-touched stones as orbs of green crystal hovered around him, discerning the evil of the place.

"We must make this fortress anew." the Spiritwalker said, "Only with life can we defeat the deathly aspect which lays heavy here."

D'leh had heard his words, and by the order of Kabor Brighthand, Warleader of the Celestial Lions and Magister Militum of the Empire of Sigmar, they had begun preparations to establish a great city on the ruins of the castle, the simple weight of living souls heavy enough to crush the spirits of the unquiet dead.

Now the foundations of the central spire and the future heart of the hive were already in place. This fortress, like the hive that would one day grow from it, needed to be unyielding. Even a thousand years from now, the walls must still stand, and the weapons must still fire. There could be no weakness.

Mag-rails stretched out from the fortress, winding through the mountains, linking it to distant mining outposts like Karak Varn. There, the Skitarii had already begun setting up their operations, eager to exploit the strange deposits found in Black Water lake. D'leh had overheard talk of rare earth elements, gromril, and even warpstone from fallen meteors though he knew little of such matters. It was the duty of the Mechanicum's explorators to unravel those mysteries, not his.

He surveyed the setting below him again, turning through hypotheticals and attack vectors in the manner of his kind. The roads through the fortress could carry tanks with ease, and soon the hab blocks would be their own fortresses, just as heavily defended as the walls themselves. The sheer scale of the construction was impressive but beneath it would be more so, with the true heart of the fortress underground, where the great manufactorums and workshops were hidden. There, the weapons, armor, and supplies for this future hive city would be produced in quantities beyond imagination. Warehouses deep beneath the earth stored materials for construction that hadn't even begun yet.

"Sergeant." came the call of one of his squad and he turned from his thoughts.

The figure who approached wore burnished armour like his own, Mark V 'Heresy Armour', which both Astartes wore with pride. At their hips were bolt pistols of an older mark from the armouries of the Serenkai, and upon their gauntlets were the Lions Claws, four serrated and barbed blades secured with molecular bonding studs to their vambraces. The armour was slower, heavier, and much less efficient at high power usage than other armour variants in the Chapter, but such was the equipment given to all Neophytes upon completing their training now, the superior armour marks held in reserve for calamities, or to be used as tokens of respect upon a Space Marine reaching a higher rank or status.

D'leh dreamed of such a day, but for now, his duty was the settling of Kasr Drakenhof, and he would see to it to the best of his ability.

"The Goldskine is ready?" he asked his brother.

"Just arrived." replied Kollus, one of the first Mallusian natives to be inducted and the child of two of the desert folk who'd first come to Pharos in the early days.

"Good. Call the squad then, I will see to it's installation personally." D'leh said, stepping away.
I loved this, its a bit odd in the ordering though. Hopefully not to be troublsome, but whats the development of Novitae part 3 looking like? It ended in a fairly mysterious way.

This interlude at least gave me hope that the imperium might be able to make it another decade without eating itself with it now having three strong outpost cities separated by hundreds of miles minimum.

I have been having daydreams where a post comes out and its essentially something apocolyptic along the lines of such...

'The lions make another great conquering push and finally deploy to sartosa in land speeders, at the same timedeploy to nagashizaar in heavy armor and with heavy vehicles, they spread themselves out and then the sisters strike them with mines and summoned gods and kill at least dozens aaand then skaven strike them!

aaand the mecahncus waits to see what survives before making themselves the dejure rather than merely defacto rulers of the imperium on mallus.
That ten year power structure barely holds together with the lions almost bled to extinction, but unfortunately for the rest of the imperium of mallus some of the lions survived, and now the inquistion is here with the emperors spears in zealous support and it's mass purging time...questions can be asked after...maybe...

and then when THOSE forces are most bloodied an Everchoosen of chaos backed with support of word bearers and thousand suns astartes, beastmen hordes maybe including moonclaw, morghur chaos dwarves, somebody like sigvald etc, descend and we get an early end times plus local imperial death with a whimper/thousands cuts scenario'.

Like those sorts of scenarios have just been roiling through my head for a while. As in I find this pleasently shocking because it makes the local imperials feel less at risk of total collapse than I've been imagining.
It's also nice to finally start seeing infarstructure investments paying off.
Refurbished might not be the right word with how this one Marine views the natives I think rearranged or redecorated might be more accurate.
Well, anything is better than a fetid swamp full of zombies I suppose
its a bit odd in the ordering though. Hopefully not to be troublsome, but whats the development of Novitae part 3 looking like? It ended in a fairly mysterious way.
Yea I'll be coming back to that. I just wanted to cover some other stuff. I may at some later point rearrange some of the ordering, you can do that after you've written a threadmark so that's cool.
Like those sorts of scenarios have just been roiling through my head for a while. As in I find this pleasently shocking because it makes the local imperials feel less at risk of total collapse than I've been imagining.
It's also nice to finally start seeing infarstructure investments paying off.
I would certainly say that at the civilian level, a lot has changed, especially in Araby and other well developed centres. We're now at least 1 generation away from the first people who saw the Imperials and there have been significant uplift things going in the background that it's somewhat difficult to present. We shall see, I do want to present some changes and obviously all of these things are being built by someone rather than just hte people on the ships at the start.
I wonder how the Norscan dwarves are interacting with them since everything that has happened so far.
Shall be appearing in part 2 of this interlude :) I realised I should include one of them as a character based on the discussions previously
Re; Norse Dwarves
We did see mention of them again in terms of them helping with the creation of Runic Armors so we can be assured those dwaves at least know a little more about imperial goings on than before.

What would be really interesting to see would be them maybe being more open to trying certain technologies and or reacting to things like asking them if they know more about that hold in the southlands that is now Atakora than their kin, what with having more ancient records potentially.

Unrelated but I hope I am not annoying anyone away with my enthusiasm? That which when dealing with mutliple subjects can often lead to me making doubled or tripled posts given the slow reply rate on this thread.

Like I've been wanting to discuss al sorts of things, like if fractious has interest in reading the lustria RP book if it ever looks like we are likely to visit the place with more than nuclear fire. Interest of mine comparing this Quest to the Immortal Ninth/ Revenant Leigon quest since though the lions aren't quite that vicious the way they view themselves brings comparisons to my brains all the time, etc.
Maybe if I have the stamina making a post on slavery / enthrallment of various mallus monsters where it occurs semi regularly.
When I have so many ideas on my brain trying to flesh them out all in conjoined posts makes me think I'm probaly making myself less comprehnsible, thus trying to ask which would be worse? Or maybe neither are a problem?
Shall be appearing in part 2 of this interlude :) I realised I should include one of them as a character based on the discussions previously
It must be quite an interesting experience for them. Many years to be under siege by Norscans who they used to interact with and then comes umgi with armor rivalling an ironbreaker who reveals they have kin from the stars too which gives them new drive to start expanding again now that they pacified Norsca for now.
It must be quite an interesting experience for them. Many years to be under siege by Norscans who they used to interact with and then comes umgi with armor rivalling an ironbreaker who reveals they have kin from the stars too which gives them new drive to start expanding again now that they pacified Norsca for now.

Pluuus they might have started having freindly or at least non hostile interactios with the Norsii-Umgi. I image that given the whole waves of religious conversions and whatnot definitely affect how at least the Younger or more zealous norscans would approach things?

Though I'm sure theres still xenophobia going both ways. Xenophobia which may have been further flavored by the whole 'they are abhumans' worldview thing imperials bring with them.

That would surely be interesting to hear about too, and they'd have extra incentives to play nice what with the coastline getting remade which would make raiding/trading and fishing/whaling/sealhunting more difficult.

Of course even beyond the Astartes who could be kind of seen as being like really polite* ogres with better gear, I bet they would have *thoughts* and *questions* about the cult mechanicus and that knowlege tradition.

*As in more polite than both their previous neighbors and most ogre groups dwarves would encounter in the far north, not a high bar, but a bar nonetheless.
Also, it was reallyu nice having what looks like confirmation of more Giants captured from the Badlands(alluded to lots of ground taking in badlands during Gashnag Interlude) and brought into the fold?
Unless they were shipped in all the way from the work camps the lions had in Araby which would have been more difficult?

I'm imagining that they are from their because I doubt any resident resident giants who somehow weren't corrupted by chaos in Norsca would have survived the mass scale war that happened there like 15 or so years ago in game time.

It would be cool to know what giants think of things like Knights or Spaceships if they saw any along the way given it would have previously beem so rare as to be almost unheard of for them to encounter or even hear of things larger than themselves.
All that would come to mind might be a few particularly ancient dragons and some named greater deamons.
So if I follow correctly then it's not *just* that all the geneseed was lost during those turns but the equipment to store and or grow it was also damaged or needed to be reset?
So the relevant rolls and whatever I was thinking about at the time are ages ago now so I've little memory of the specifics, but I assume it would have been me rolling for stuff and you got a 1 or something on a geneseed related issue, this would mean maybe the geneseed vaults failed and all the geneseed in them were damaged somehow. Comparably you would have whatever geneseed was being grown in the blood thralls, as well as yes the geneseed in the marines currently. It is very unclear whether space marines actually need their progenoid glands once they're all grown etc. Marines who are banished have them removed before they leave so they can be implanted into neophytes, but that doesn't happen routinely, so I choose to judge that marines do indeed need their progenoids, which means you can't take any progenoids out of the existing ones. You would still have maybe 100 from the blood thralls. I was planning to do an interlude about the apothecarium's attempts to resolve that issue.

Unrelated but I hope I am not annoying anyone away with my enthusiasm? That which when dealing with mutliple subjects can often lead to me making doubled or tripled posts given the slow reply rate on this thread.
So keep in mind that your level of enthusasim is not necessarily the level of others, even of me and I'm running the quest. I've not been doing lots of writing recently for example so there's not going to be lots of updates. I would certainly say stuff like this:
It has been a few years and the tone and content of the quest has changed
would annoy people, so sure be aware of your level of interest and the effects on others.
Of course even beyond the Astartes who could be kind of seen as being like really polite* ogres with better gear, I bet they would have *thoughts* and *questions* about the cult mechanicus and that knowlege tradition.

*As in more polite than both their previous neighbors and most ogre groups dwarves would encounter in the far north, not a high bar, but a bar nonetheless.
I've so far written them as so far outside the Dawi categorisation that they've been given a new term in the Kraka Drak interlude. It's a real cultural hit against hte Norscan Dawi which is why the king was trying to push the idea of a grudge rather than completely overhaul the culture etc

As for knowledge preservation traditions, sure, but keep in mind I don't think the dwarves have strong opinions on the priests of Vernea or Hoeth etc, it can just be viewed as another set of gods potentially.
I'm imagining that they are from their because I doubt any resident resident giants who somehow weren't corrupted by chaos in Norsca would have survived the mass scale war that happened there like 15 or so years ago in game time.
They'll be a few. It would depend on the level of corruption etc. There are still normal humans and abhumans who live in Norsca, even toward the northern areas nearer the Chaos Wastes.
It would be cool to know what giants think of things like Knights or Spaceships if they saw any along the way given it would have previously beem so rare as to be almost unheard of for them to encounter or even hear of things larger than themselves.
All that would come to mind might be a few particularly ancient dragons and some named greater deamons.
The views of Dragons or Daemons would be more significant I think. Dragons or late generation slann might remember the ordering of the world and therefore have some insight to give on various issues. Comparably, daemons would have more context about the position of Mallus and the wider 40k universe, which might be of note for people.
It's been a while since I last read this, can I ask how are we still able to maintain control despite rolling horribly with multiple nat1's in the past and most rolls are extremely low as well as suffer heavy losses that have never even been replaced.

I assume we are running on fumes and inertia by this point with several high ranking astartes dead, much war gear ruined, etc...

edit: cause it feels like 80 to 90% of the rolls are so horrible that it makes me doubt that those were real.
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It's been a while since I last read this, can I ask how are we still able to maintain control despite rolling horribly with multiple nat1's in the past and most rolls are extremely low as well as suffer heavy losses that have never even been replaced.

I assume we are running on fumes and inertia by this point with several high ranking astartes dead, much war gear ruined, etc...

edit: cause it feels like 80 to 90% of the rolls are so horrible that it makes me doubt that those were real.
You've had a few disasterous rolls yes, however you've also had a load of reasonable rolls which make up for it. Statistically, critfails are 1 in a 100, and if you use the DnD nat 20 method that still only 5%. You've had a few notable rolls which were bad, the one where the [REDACTED] blew up that ship you'd sent up would be the most recent I can think of, as well as the one which destroyed most of your geneseed.

But you've also had decades at this point of build up. There indeed aren't that many marines, but you've also dealt with most things that could immediately strike at you and cause lots of damage. Anyone attacking has to go through most of the Southlands to get at Pharos, Atakora and the Acheron facility, and by the time they do that they're going to be facing the might of the Imperium. This is meant to be a story about Compliance in general, rather than specifically a series of battles.

And, I would also say it's a matter of what is being rolled. Any big battle is going to be multiple rolls to provide for heroic counter attacks etc which are narratively cooler. A single roll is for a single thing, generally speaking. That might mean an action, but if it's a big action then I'd roll multiple times.

So basically its quite difficult to have truely catastrophic things happening.
Unrelated subtopic hopefully warrants a separate post.does anyone else think this thread/quest should have the Crossover tag?

Fantasy and 40k are indeed separate settings with distinguishing features even in the elements they share, I.e the fate of Isha, the power levels of deamons, etc..
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Re: Perspective of giants and similar

Sure, it's true that hearing an ancient dragon's perspective would be more interesting than a giant's POV. However, I was suggesting/ trying to describe a different concept. From a giant's perspective, only events like ogre invasions or encounters with dragons or greater demons could be comparable experiences.

I wouldn't mind seeing from a dwarven perspective either, as they have even less to compare to.

Lions are pretty much alien to them, even if they might be derived from humans, which they have some marginal familiarity with.

Regarding choosing characters for interlude perspectives:

I really enjoyed the Thunder Interlude because we got to see how the Dragon Ogres experienced things.

The longer-lived entities of the world potentially possess much wisdom, but also much prejudice due to being at the top of the food chain and being comparatively unchallenged.

A dragon POV or something like a Slann might cover too much similar ground, I fear. A greater demon would be interesting to hear from, especially if they were one of Tzeentch's lot who cares about change.

It's been a while since I last read this, can I ask how are we still able to maintain control despite rolling horribly with multiple nat1's in the past and most rolls are extremely low as well as suffer heavy losses that have never even been replaced.

I assume we are running on fumes and inertia by this point with several high ranking astartes dead, much war gear ruined, etc...

edit: cause it feels like 80 to 90% of the rolls are so horrible that it makes me doubt that those were real.

Re: Imperial losses
One thing that might not have come across from either the bookmarked story posts or from the OP's reply is that the death of the chapter wouldn't be synonymous with the death of the quest.

The Mechanicus, Sisters, and Guard/PDF elemnts of the crusade have actually been able to grow their numbers and improve their equipment quite a bit overtime. My main fear for a Imperial Collapse has been stuff like civil war or coordinated skaven sabotage.

Not resource shortages. Quite a lot of succesful votes and plans went into fixing those and aside from the geneseed issue most are as of 2134 and beyond fairly stable.

I admit I may require doing a reread of the quest say around turns 6-13 myself to check on how exactly that was communicated in the quest itself.

From memory though for example we once had massive fuel shortages. The voters made investments in mining and revovering fossil fuels which helped. Then through the mechanicus building an advanced railway between our two largest settlements at the time made sure that at minimum our largest population centers had attack vehicles in working order from then on.
Re: Memory of rolls for losses.

I actually did try and compile some of that a bit ago.

I didn't see anyone noticing that which was one of those things that lead me to thinking maybe posting more rather than editing together longer posts adressing a range of topics would be better.

I did so here:
History of Celestial Lions Geneseed Loss:

It doesn't seem to let me quote that probably because it's just quoting Fractious day. Might if I reformatted it, but linking to where I did so seems an easier way of achieving the same?

I did that over there because the post was already bookmarked and already about marine creation.

It's worth noting that for larger posts I make as references, I do tend to update them or revise them over time if I see something that makes them more useful.
So keep in mind that your level of enthusasim is not necessarily the level of others, even of me and I'm running the quest. I've not been doing lots of writing recently for example so there's not going to be lots of updates. I would certainly say stuff like this:

would annoy people, so sure be aware of your level of interest and the effects on others.

I do grasp that I may have gained more verve than anyone else from this thread...but I suspect theres another point being made beyond that?
Like maybe that you think i'm expecting such enthusiasm on the topic from others(I don't think I am?), or maybe that you are unsure why I have it to the extent that I do? *

As in also beyond potential annoyance, which I think warrants clarification from myself.
I think a large part of why I was asking the thread if I was causing annoyance was in the hope that If I was** that I might learn the why and hows of such so I could avoid such.

My social skills especially when it comes to parsing the emotions of others, even more so when lacking bodylanguage or expressions to go off of are quite lacking and I desire to improve them with such inquires.

*In which case maybe I should use that as a springboard for reviewing the quest as a whole? I certainly have enough thoughts to make one only real trouble would be in the editing and rereading to sort memory from fact.
**which I suspected only from drops in numbers of posts from others during certain periods of time after I would post. Which genuinely felt like It could be coincidental.
Unrelated subtopic hopefully warrants a separate post.does anyone else think this thread/quest should have the Crossover tag?

Fantasy and 40k are indeed separate settings with distinguishing features even in the elements they share, I.e the fate of Isha, the power levels of deamons, etc..
Depends, both sets of warhammer tags are on it so it should be apparent when someone clicks on it, and the subtitle is also pretty obvious. Tagging is a weird thing anyway generally so its not like theres an objectively optimal way to do it
I do grasp that I may have gained more verve than anyone else from this thread...but I suspect theres another point being made beyond that?
Like maybe that you think i'm expecting such enthusiasm on the topic from others(I don't think I am?), or maybe that you are unsure why I have it to the extent that I do? *
I don't think I was making a specific point, just that in the specific example I cited I can see that people would get annoyed if they get tagged in a thread they've moved on from. I occasionally get likes on posts I've made years ago on other threads or in comments etc and I'll have very little memory of what the thread or comment was about.

In terms of enthusiasm, it will depend on individuals really. I enjoy writing certainly but there have been points where I've done less of it for whatever reason. I'm glad you enjoy it really, to me its just a matter of writing stuff that people find interesting etc
So I'm wondering how advanced is Tilea during this part of the timeline? I knew they were ahead of other human polites in the 2500's in terms of things like steam tanks, trains, gliders, medincines, etc?
I don't know what they are like in the 2100's where just having widespread gunpowder would be advanced for anywhere human dominated sans cathay.

Just thinking that if the sisters can help new subjects mend bridges then seeing tilean steampunk tech and arabyan magic items brought together could help create native industry faster? Which maybe the lions could have available?
So... Amra does fly when mortals can see him as we saw with the tech preists, yes?

I'm working on trying to make a heroforge model for him...

And with this and I'm wondering does he have like a hollowed out (because it wouldn't need the internals) flight pack on his back or no?

Or would that not be something you would care about?

Trying to stay true to your vision of the character in at least the broad details of things like what gear he has besides his weapons.
Which I also have no idea what his sword looks like, I've been imagining it to be more of a longsword than a sabre but I think he one hands it?

What I mean is...which of these shape profiles if any would it line up with? https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-3Dv0wLGD...4000/9dda0de4-a529-4777-b49a-87c27a0dcaad.jpg

Right now I'm also imagining from the in quest descriptions that his outer suit looks a lot like chapter master dantes(sans the helm of course), but with blue highlights and more leonine fillagree and maybe more gems?