first things first we needed a base and production and no fighting with the locals yet

My opinion is still agreeing with this that at start we need to work on settiling, and now I think I finally understand the desire to build in the southlands. The inhabitants might be pretty nasty and sparce but things being sparse means we can likely set up without being noticed by anything that would want to wipe us out. So long as we don't get into trouble with zlatan lizardmen or related organized forces, we should be safe.

The skaven are a danger but I figure we have a few weeks at least before they would be willing to try an organized assault with more than just clanrats and slaves.
Celestial Lions Officers
Unit AffiliationTitleDetails
HQChapter MasterAmra, Pridelord and Emperor's Annointed, serves as Chapter Master.
ChaplaincyHigh DeathspeakerNatohk, once a Captain and Deathspeaker, has now been elevated as the Master of Sanctity and High Deathspeaker of the Chapter.
ArmouryMaster of the ForgeKhotan, an aged Techmarine, is Master of the Forge and leads the Chapter's Ironmanes.
ApothecarionMaster of the ApothecarionThalis is Master of the Apothecarion and leads the Lifebinders in medical matters.
LibrariumChief LibrarianHath-Horeb is Chief Librarian and Spiritwalker of the Celestial Lions.
1st CompanyMaster of the KeepVakembi is Warleader of the 1st Company.
2nd Company, the WatchersMaster of the WatchBlack Nassor, named both for his colouring and his severity, serves as the Chapter's intelligence master and Warleader of the 2nd Company.
3rd Company, the AshwalkersMaster of the FlameKaaram, once a mere Librarian, now leads the 3rd Company preaching the Songs of Flame as it's Pyre-Captain, reviving the religion of the Elysian Pyro-cults in the Imperial populations of Mallus.
4th CompanyMaster of the FleetTuthmes, known as the Skytalon for his bravery in his youth, is the Chapter's Master of the Fleet and the Captain of the 4th Company.
5th CompanyLord ExecutionerThere is currently no 5th Company.
6th CompanyMaster of the RitesThere is currently no 6th Company.
7th CompanyChief VictuallerThere is currently no 7th Company.
8th Company, the HeraldsMaster of the MarchesKabor Brighthand, known to the folk of Sigmar as a great hero, leads his Company as Master of the Marches.
9th Company, the HuntersMaster of the HuntReformed to preserve the specialist skills of the Celestial Lions, Hunter-Captain Selous, captain of the 9th Company, leads squads of Sternguard Veterans to stalk and slay the Chapter's enemies.
10th CompanyMaster of the ScoutsVularakh is the captain of the 10th Company, and landed safely in the Sagos, he now commands the Chapter's scouts.

It turns out the Celestial Lions are that most debased and perverse of peoples, and are all furries. They have special names for all their officers like 'Pride Leader' for their Sergeants, and I can't decide whether it gives them character or if it's just dreadfully cringe. I'm open to suggestions for renames or specific positions to modify some of these officer positions.
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I do find it quite amusing that there are some chapters who do that. They'll be some fairly minor annoyance and they're all 'whelp guess Ill go chaos'

If it helps I think we have the soul drinkers as an example of the opposite, even with majorly inconvienant mutations trying to turn them into spiders didn't the chapter for the most part stay loyal and get readmitted into the fold rather than turning?

Also it's not always silly reasons but there are few marines I can think that it came off as an understandable choice in, maybe the deathguard since nugle litterally had them all (or almost all? not sure)in his grasp?
So to be fair, the Executioners also call their Chaplains 'Deathspeakers', so maybe its a Dorn thing. However they've got a load of other dumb names like 'Spiritwalker' and 'Lifebinder'.
In the hands of better writers, this could've been a great blend of Native-American folklore and African mythology; spiritwalkers, lionlords, lifebinders/deathspeakers, etc.
Turn 1
Turn 1

The Chapter burns around you and you stand in the ruins of the Serenkai's Strategium, the holographic displays before you mercifully operational, as indeed were almost all of the ship's systems, excepting those nearest the Engineerium.

The 1st, 2nd and 4th Companies had all landed more or less intact, with more damage being done to the ships and cargo than the Astartes aboard. Half of the 6th Company, the Chapter's heavier units and Devastators, had arrived in the cruiser Adamant, while the other half with a number of vehicles still in orbit, along with roughly half the rest of their force.

At least, the you hoped they were in orbit. Supposedly the Cardinal of Nuvia and a number of other ships had been seen drifting dead, caught in the planet's gravity well but presumably bereft of power, while the locations of several other ships were unknown.

Currently unaccounted for were three squads of the 6th, the 8th Company of Assault Marines, the Torch, a vessel of the Missiona Galactica, as well as several smaller frigates with an assortment of Marines among them.

The greatest absence though was the Kingmaker, a massive Mechanicus Battlecruiser which had carried the exotic manufacturing and biological equipment you had bartered with the Martians to bring.

You stand looking at the display, mind set upon the problems of your force. The Codex Astartes, the rulebook and tactical manual of your brethren, places great emphasis on strategy, yet also on the ability to create new strategies when faced with unusual scenarios. The truth of strategy was merely to use what resources you had to resolve the situation you found yourself in, and through the thousands dead, through the toxins floating in the air that your helmet's filters banished, the you saw your path.

Choose 1 actions from each category. Turns will take place over roughly a year's worth of time. Actions will have a difficulty rating, and I'll roll a d100 for each one. I'm generally not going to indicate this difficulty rating, if you specifically want to know then ask me.

I'm wrapping up the AH and SB threads, that particular experiment was largely a failure due to lack of data.

My voting rules are generally the same for each quest I've run. I encourage discussion with draft plans, then voting for plans. I encourage discussion because otherwise we get Plan A being almost exactly the same as Plan B and there's not much debate. Plans require reasoning or they'll be ignored. This helps you form your ideas and it helps me write the results chapter. Write ins for actions are permitted and indeed encouraged, but run them by me first.

Choose 1 in each category:

For now you've appointed Corax, Master of Rites, to deal with some of the necessary communications around the crash site.

[ ] Contacting the Fleet
Of great importance is contacting the remainder of the Fleet above. Corax will try to hail the other ships by Vox, and if that fails, employ the astropathic choirs or simply send a few Thunderhawks up to find out what happened to the rest.

[ ] Integration
You'll clearly be here for some time, might it be better that you get Corax working now on integrating the Mechanicus and Imperial Guard under your authority? Strictly speaking you're forbidden from doing so by ancient edict, but practically surely it's going to happen anyway?

[ ] Vassals
There are cities on the coast nearby, command them in the name of the God-Emperor of Mankind to submit.

Tuthmes Skytalon, Master of the Fleet, has been appointed by you to see to the crash site's defences.

[ ] Conquer the Coast
There are cities on the coast, small ones, mortal ones…

[ ] Fortify
You have no idea what enemies might be out there, set up fortifications in your immediate surroundings.

[ ] Acheron Crash Site
The Acheron, one of the Chapter's Strike Cruisers, was forced to crash land far sooner than the rest of your fleet, and though you know it at least survived the crash, you have no idea of the status of the 3rd Company or its cargo. Find them.

[ ] Mordant Crash Site
Mordant, a Vanguard Light Cruiser, exploded in flight and while 3 Thunderhawks escaped it's possible there were other survivors. Try to find the crash site and see if there are survivors.

[ ] Mordant Drop Pods
Some of the Scouts from the Mordant claim drop pods were fired before the crash. Could there be survivors in the jungles to the south?

Khotan, Master of the Forge, has taken on management of most of the organisation of the crash site.

[ ] Thunderchild
The Adeptus Mechanicus guard their secrets well. At this moment though their 'secrets' are falling out of holes in their stricken cruiser. Khotan believes he can persuade the Magi to accept your help.

[ ] Establish Basic Manufacturing
While you have sufficient supplies for the moment, Khotan has suggested getting some basic supply lines of ammunition and similar set up early.

[ ] Salvage Survey
Much could likely be salvaged from the crash site, but currently you have no idea what. Have Khotan carry out a survey. Reveals battle damage to ships from infopost.

[ ] Repair
Set Khotan to repairing what he can. If you want to specify something for him to try and repair indicate it in your vote.

Vularakh, Master of Scouts, is skilled and able as an infiltrator and information gatherer.

[ ] The Jungle
Concentrate the Scouts' efforts on the southern jungle.

[ ] The Desert.
Concentrate the Scouts' efforts on the northern desert.

[ ] The Coast
Concentrate the Scouts' efforts on the eastern coast.

[ ] The Mountains
Concentrate the Scouts' efforts on the western mountains.

[ ] The Skies
Concentrate the Scouts' efforts on a much higher level search using aerial pict-recorders from the skies.

Hath-Horeb, the Chapter's Chief librarian, is certainly the most learned Astartes in the Chapter.

[ ] Scrying
The Librarians are able to perceive many mysterious things, walking in the Realm of Spirits using their abilities. Apparently the prognostication will be protracted, but potentially very useful in learning more about where you find yourself.

[ ] Inventory
Have Hath-Horeb take a proper inventory of your losses. Perhaps you might even be able to salvage something of your Chapter from the wreckage in time? Reveals battle damage to the Chapter from the infopost.

You, Amra, are a veteran of a hundred wars, an able administrator, and more besides, and there is much to do after all…

[ ] Investigate
There were many unusual things about your arrival, least of all the ravings of the Navigator before his death. Question the others more closely. What was it that brought you spinning from the Warp?

[ ] Serfs
The position of Chapter-Serf is a somewhat unusual one, and in an unusual situation you feel the need to reorganise the hundred thousand or so mortals around the crash site. At the very least, a good few thousand of them now lack proper duties due to their ships having been marooned.

[ ] Personal Attention
Select one action from another area to give your personal attention.
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[X] Plan: Get up
-[X] Contacting the Fleet (Need to talk to the fleet)
-[X] Fortify (Need to set up some fortifications)
-[X] Salvage Survey (We need to survey, so it will help )
-[X] The Skies (This is mainly becaues, the skies hold some of the more deadly things.)
-[X] Inventory (We need to know what we have.)
-[X] Serfs (They would do this, so its kind RP. And its also what fits them.)
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[X] Plan: Get up

Just like in real life after a crash or something, you have to take stock of your immediate resource situation, sit tight, and don't panic.

Unfortunately, no one is coming to save our asses but we don't know that and our chapter master isn't about to express such concerns. So, get everything in order and do a general overview of what everyone is feeling and needs.
yes that's ok, but for example this is better:
Just like in real life after a crash or something, you have to take stock of your immediate resource situation, sit tight, and don't panic.

Unfortunately, no one is coming to save our asses but we don't know that and our chapter master isn't about to express such concerns. So, get everything in order and do a general overview of what everyone is feeling and needs.
Specificity helps me write it and include the things you as readers want to see, if you respond generically I'll write generically. I'm much more inclined to tell rather than show if its just minor points about 'we need to fortify' etc.
Oh so this is a ckii system one all right
Yea I wanted to have a go, might change it.
[X] No time to lose
-[X] Contacting the Fleet
-[X] Mordant Crash Site
-[X] Salvage Survey
-[X] The Skies
-[X] Inventory
-[X] Serfs

Slightly changed Plan: Get up. I want to focus on recovering what we can before its to late. Mordant is first, because it is in the worst condition.

Idealy we will search for Stop Poda survivors next turn.
Specificity helps me write it and include the things you as readers want to see, if you respond generically I'll write generically. I'm much more inclined to tell rather than show if its just minor points about 'we need to fortify' etc.
If you want me to tack on further reasoning for this plan, our characters are likely wanting to go and rescue their fellows, but they need to take stock of the situation. We are likely working off the mandate of "Our men are Space Marines, they will survive and wait for help to arrive."

"But what about the mortals?"

"The God-Emperor shall shepherd them until his Angels arrive. If not, we shall endeavor to find and retrieve their bodies for a proper burial."
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