Also I rather not fight Dread Saurus if we can help it right. Becaues those fuckers hunted Prto-Dragons. Can we agree on that?
Oh I'm not actually disagreeing with you I just thought it was a funny quote.

To an extent space marines will indeed be immune to various effects, like I mentioned with the plagues. There's a few reasons for this from their equipment, their training and brain washing, and so on, but also because of their mindset. The average empire soldier might indeed be routed by a big monster but a space marine would just attack it, they're used to such things. If there's some sort of supernatural effect in play like a supernatural plague or a jabberslythe as you noted, then yes they'd probably be affected, as would the serfs or other support troops.

Ah fair enough, sorry for the misunderstanding.

Apparently, one and so far i've only seen the one instance of this was killed by a grail knight, assuming he wasn't fighting it blindfolded (the article on this dude does not actually say HOW he did so), the inference I make here is that strong enough blessings / psychic shielding can break it's own blessings/ curses .....keeping in mind that grail knight seems to be the only one known to have killed one though it may require some pretty powerful blessings do so.

So if a living saint was delivered onto us we would probably be fine ha ha.

Something like this baby boy could also uh rearange most of our forces I reckon but again we are nowhere near the chaos wastes so I shouldn't worry yet.

I think the furthest south in the old world our spikey boys and friends forces have invaded as an organized army was nehekara and that was more of a loot artefacts while the kingdom tried recover from that whole being unalived and raised by nagash kerfluffle.

What I'm much more worried about is running into a Basalisik given the Monstrous Arcanum f9rom which its scan seems to be floating around )claims it is native to the Southlands[and up all the way to tilea] supernatural petrification is some bad bussiness.


More importantly I agree with those that our first call of focus should be setting up a settlement. I think the first thing to look for would be water. Anyone else agreed on that?
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indeed as space marines are not worth killing over complaining this inquisitor is something specail i think he alive due to blackmail/friends in high places
.... How are they not dead? Becaues that is a thing, that gets even them shot.
If you mean the inquisitor:

"The remaining Lions explained to Grimaldus that the Inquisition wanted to silence them. But the Reclusiarch assured them that this was not the case. They were using the Celestial Lions to make an example. The Lions were in fact the most recent casualty in the Inquisition's campaign to rein in the political autonomy of the Adeptus Astartes. The Inquisition tolerated no attacks on its sovereign rights -- yet the Lions had challenged them. And now all would bear witness to the price of their Chapter's rebellion."

blessings / psychic shielding
So based on:
"In addition, each time an enemy unit within 3" of any units in your army with this ability is chosen to fight, roll 3D6. If the roll is greater than that enemy unit's Bravery characteristic, until the end of that phase, that unit is deranged. Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of melee weapons used by a unit that is deranged. However, if the unmodified hit roll for an attack made by a unit that is deranged is 1, it suffers 1 mortal wound after all of its attacks have been resolved."


"Sentient creatures fare even worse, with many humans known to die of sheer shock or madness that the appearance of this creature invariably induces."

I'd say a space marine has at least a decent chance actually. It depends if there's some sort of additional magic effect and how that would work if a space marine met one. I'd just generally note that they do have quite high leadership on the tabletop.
Lizardmen, we are in the middle of a lot of factions. So need to keep an eye out.

It seems claims that the lizardmen of the Southlands once had very good relations with the Nehakarans and traded with araby(although briefly) so so mayhaps we could have good realtions with them if we meet them on the mainland as opposed to the dragon isles?
They seem freindlier than on lustria at any rate, but such could be expected of such a long cultural divergence via isolation I guess?

These claims all seem to be coming from the lizardmen army books of fith and sixth edition, does anyone here have any of those to confirm?
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If you mean the inquisitor:

"The remaining Lions explained to Grimaldus that the Inquisition wanted to silence them. But the Reclusiarch assured them that this was not the case. They were using the Celestial Lions to make an example. The Lions were in fact the most recent casualty in the Inquisition's campaign to rein in the political autonomy of the Adeptus Astartes. The Inquisition tolerated no attacks on its sovereign rights -- yet the Lions had challenged them. And now all would bear witness to the price of their Chapter's rebellion."
That is a stop to far even by inquisitor standards. Becaues any good ones can see that as a lie, and call them out. If it was not needed, then the others would of jumped there hide.
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