Adeptus Mechanicus Resource Survey and Extrapolation Report
My lord, I have attached the requested report regarding the resources of Mallus to this communique, I direct your attention in the first instance to Chapter IV, Verse iii, as well as Chapter IX, Verse ii, which are of greatest consequence to your considerations currently.
A nation's endowment of resources, relative to the world's endowment, is a fundamental consideration in decisions related to a nation's economic and strategic wellbeing and security. Knowledge of the worldwide abundance, distribution, and general geologic setting of mineral commodities provides a framework within which a nation can make decisions about the exploitation and development of its own resources, and the economic consequences of those decisions, in a global perspective.
My lord, you have commanded me to analyse available data on sources of resources, trade goods, and other assets across the world, as well as to speculate regarding the geological constitution of Mallus. Working with my Explorator brothers I have done so.
The information in this report is part of an extrapolated survey, endeavouring to evaluate the global endowment of both identified and undiscovered resources. The results will delineate areas of the world that are geologically permissive for the occurrence of undiscovered selected mineral resources, as well as established trade goods together with estimates of the quantity and quality of the resources. The results have been provided as a series of regional reports; this one provides basic data on the identified resources and geologic setting, together with a brief appraisal of the potential for undiscovered mineral resources in the Southlands and Araby. Additional information, such as production statistics, economic factors that affect the mineral industries of the region, and historical information, is available in further reports along with my assessment of various trade goods.
To summarise the principle elements of my extrapolation of resources, it is impossible to determine with accuracy the specific metallic and non-metallic constitution of resources across Mallus without extensive surveys. The information available to my Order focuses primarily on Araby and the Southlands due to our recent vassalisation of these areas, as well as the information we have gained from the colonies of the Empire and Bretonnia which have now acknowledged my lord's suzerainty. Further information regarding the 'New World' of Naggaroth and Lustria, and the eastern territories of the Dark Lands, the Mountains of Mourne, Grand Cathay, Ind, Khuresh, and Nippon, as well as the mysterious isle of Ulthuan, is less complete.
I have taken the information available and simulated by use of cogi-slaves, employed sacred rituals and prognostications to determine the likely locations of further deposits of minerals. My lord will observe the records of the hardy pines of the Ancient Giant Lands, of the Thunder Lizards of the Dragon Isles, and of the other such flora and fauna further in this report, but to begin, I will establish the likely formation of the principle Sacred Elements.
Firstly, coal, which may be refined or used for fuel itself, can be found in places that were once low-lying tropical to sup tropical swamps, with higher ranked coal in the foothills of mountain belts that formed in these regions. Coal is likely to therefore be found on the west coast of Lustria and the Southlands, as well as in the areas around several gulfs indicated on the attached survey map. While there may be some isolated sources such as around the swamp of Westerland in the Empire, these are likely to remain poor-quality deposits.
Secondly, the source rock, that black organic shale so prized in the production of holy promethium, is likely to be found around 6500km below the surface, with gas deposits extended around 3000km below that within areas of impermeable source rock. Such locations can be found in a number of locations, where crest and tectonic folds along tectonic fault lines and promethium reserves may occur in regions that were once subtropical deserts or salt pans for large dried-up desert lakes. Such hydrocarbonic reserves are likely to be found in proximity to the previously described coal reserves, as well as in several places in the desert areas close to the World's Edge Mountains.
That holy substance, the most true and reliable of the Omnissiah's Servants save for the pure human form itself, that is, metal, may be found primarily in mountain veins, natively in their pure form, or as minerals bonded to non-metallic substances in the form of ores. Ore forms in vent deposits in magmatic, hydrothermal or submarine vent deposits in geologically recent mountainous formations, principally the chains of mountains running the length of the Southlands and the New World, as well as those of the Ogre Kingdoms. The deposits found in larger ranges will contain Copper, Copper-Gold, Copper-Molybdenum as well as minor amounts of lead, zinc and silver. In these mountain ranges Tin, Tungsten and Nickel are likely to be found.
Comparably, rarer metals, principally Platinum, Palladium, Rhodium, Ruthenium, Osmium and Iridium are found in older mountains in deposits of Platinum Group Elements and with Chromium deposits, in the stable areas far from tectonic plate boundaries. In proximity to our position are the Mountains of the Panther, the range which separates the Great Desert of Nehekara from the western shore of Araby, indeed, the Eye of the Panther, a settlement of the Dwarves, is known to exist in this area, surely for the exploitation of such precious resources. I must also report however that deposits in this area are likely to remain small, and that for the production of more exotic items further sources of such resources must be found from either the Vaults, the Grey and Black Mountains, Norsca, or the Dark Lands, where I judge such minerals are likely to be present. Precious stones are also likely to be found in these areas, and will be essential for the production of advanced optics, lasweaponry and other items.
In Volcanogenic Sulfide deposits, ores of Copper-Zinc may be found, containing quantities of Lead, Silver, Gold, Cobalt, Tin, Selenium, Manganese and Cadmium, along with formations of banded Iron in sedimentary basins. The likely locations of these minerals have also been noted on the attached maps. Finally, Bauxite, Aluminium and Uranium may be found in wet rainforests, especially in the equatorial regions around the isthmus of Lustria, in the Southlands, as well as in Khuresh and Ind.
In the exploitation of these various minerals, I recommend the establishment of satellite sites and crawler tracks, and suggest the creation of supply lines and logistical networks around the present settlement of Pharos, as well as the crash site of the Acheron. Both areas are fortuitously located and may be used for further expansion of our operations on Mallus. In future, further sites might be established in other areas, especially where former human settlements exist. In cases of hostile lands, I recommend we create bastions and unified manufactora to serve local needs and establish relations with native peoples and polities, rather than the transport of raw materials back to existing territories. The surplus resources of each site can be transported as needed, however the inefficiencies of distribution refinement and production are, in my humble opinion, outweighed by the benefits of greater exposure, and the ensuing reliance the quality of our goods will create among the native peoples. I have attached a full proposal with this report.
By your will, and the beneficence of the Omnissiah,
Your servant,
Magos Explorator Magna-Thal