Further thoughts on appeals of the story:
Seeing the Sultan of Copher respond to the tithe was a very humanizing moment and one of my favorites from the story so far.
Reading about Amra fearing magic items spreading across the world is hilarious with out-of-context knowledge. I really hope we get to see him react to learning that just about every single polity on the planet is engaging is stable warpcraft! When he see's what's going on with the dwarves and elves in that regard I fear he might burst a facial blood vessel. It does sadly remind me that we will never have a chance to politic around with the colleges of magic though.

Re: Informational posts, yeah I agree with Exmorri spiltting the ones that concern story canon/story philosophy(still very important posts, especially Warp Vs Magic and Vampire musings) shouldn't be in the same place as absolutley vital things like the list of our staff. Still think a post on non military reasources would do wonders for some things though but I can understand not wanting to make things crunchier.
It's worth noting that the Imperium does use psytech of various kinds. Force weapons and psychic hoods most famously, but there are others used by space marines.

There are also holy relics and devices with active machine spirits, so the concept of items having souls isn't at all alien.
Yeah, the natives didn't even have an imperial saint drool on it! how can they be sure their enchantment won't produce a demon 200 more years into it's now thousand-year-long existence? ;-)
But you see, such things are from good, reliable, approved stcs. These natives are just shoving the warp into their teacups, it's madness!

It's actually quite probable that psytech like force weapons aren't STC devices, as when the STCs were developed humanity disn't understand psychic powers or how to harness them.

They're probably things that were developed during the Age of Strife or during the Imperium and then laundered to make them doctrinally acceptable.
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I will say on the potential Norscan recruites, we do have hypno-indoctrination. So long as their worship of the 4 hasnt left a soul deep corruption, i think we can overcome that during the training process.
so unconcerned about the fact that the Norscans worship Chaos.

I don't think we need to be too much more worried about them than anything else, most norscans are not like commonly summing beasts out of the ether or praying for six arms, some do but last I checked nothing close to the overwhelming majority, for many the big four I think are just a part of their panetheons. Further the way they view them as animalistic figures shows some distinction from simply praying for wanton destruction or invoking true names or anything.
Yea so in Lore they're more complicated that just Chaos Vikings. The Southern tribes are especially diverse, they've got the chaos gods, various greater daemons, natural spirits, large (usually magical) creatures, as well as some Imperial gods and even Dwarf ones occasionally. The Bjornlings are one of the seafaring tribes so I expect they'd have a variety of weird customs due to the various cultural mixes they've got.
Personally I find this is a compelling way to write your quest. Most quests display the rolls of the actions taken and then write a few paragraphs to convey the results of said rolls. Usually the chapter is also individually divided up amongst the various actions with clear delineations whereas here you write your queat out more like a novel.
So I've done the former previously, but generally people have agreed with your point and noted that the numbers are a distraction on each segment. This also allows me to write more naturally instead of writing out a scene for each action etc.

I have also received feedback though which critiques this method, I certainly realise it makes the impact and logic behind particular actions less clear. Eg, why did X fail, was it because of a dice roll or a poor player choice in a plan etc?
I also think the story works decently even without reading about the quest mechanics. Although without doing so I worry some new readers will be confused about some of the character's jobs and responsibilities.
I try and remind people who people are, but yea, I get you there, that's why the infopost is there after all.
If you're looking for suggestions on narratives: I'd love to see what all these years of strife and growth look like to the mini imperium ''civilians''.
You know high-ranking chapter serfs, Mid ranking mechanicus peoples, Galaxia staff beyond the sisters, people who might have a picture of things but are not really in charge of the larger efforts any more than the Arabyans are in their own way.
I could, but currently there's no so much intermixing. I doubt the live of Imperial #38383 in Pharos is really that different from before, they do work, they pray, they occasionally attend a speech or event, they're not interacting much. We'll be having a timeskip soon so after that we might look to have an admin character or something.
Seeing the Sultan of Copher respond to the tithe was a very humanizing moment and one of my favorites from the story so far.
One thing I wanted to present there was agency. How are the various actors navigating the arrival of the Lions? Through force? Well the Sultan's seen that's clearly not worked, and now he has to live with what he's got, and he's doing pretty well now, he's just been made the king of half of araby.
In terms of light suggestions, I have some. Personally, I would like a little more crunch (not a lot needed) for keeping track of supplies(beyond military gear) and I'd be fine with that being separate as with the staff page and the force composition page. Such would help with understanding both how the quality of life is changing in our territories, which could be a factor in keeping track of contentment/unrest.

I'm enjoying it greatly. One improvement I'd like to see is that the "Informative" threadmarks are getting to be many (22 currently) and includes both discussion stuff that came up, and mechanical stuff we should be checking to track the stats and progress of our Space Marines. Maybe split one of these things into another category of threadmark? I must admit I've been somewhat ignoring the mechanics and figuring they'll work out if I vote for reasonable actions.
So thanks for those two points, very useful. To start with I can move some of the infoposts, that's a good point.

Regarding crunch, this is something I've been considering as well. Firstly, I'll note that you've probably observed my fairly loose approach to dice and stats. I did consult Durin (of the Embers in the Dusk quest) before I started this, and they recommended spreadsheets, which I have indeed had and do make things easier to keep track of, however I do also require a modicum of attention from questers. There's something in particular I've reference several times which will be relevant in the coming arc conclusion so if people say 'you never specified this' then I can come back and point out the relevant passages.

I recalled when reading Dusk that I didn't really care about the numbers. It was all '5m PDF died this year but Magos soandso found the +1 rifle damage STC so that's nice' and it became rather a slog to read and parse. I'd rather it not become like that, but I've been considering a fairly major economy rework in the upcomming timeskip. Of course this presents another problem of inclusivity, I think such a rework would make it even less likely new people come and post rather that the quest continuing to be run by the usual suspects.

I don't really want to create a system where there's a complicated budgetary system because as you say, unless it's relevant and parsable, no one cares. If you know broadly that the Lions are a reasonably well equipped chapter with about 300 marines, I'd rather people didn't get bogged down in how many types of specific tanks are about and so on.

Again, welcome points on this, let me know any suggestions
Amra fearing magic items spreading across the world is hilarious with out-of-context knowledge
I don't recall many chaos plots which involved such things, possible because the Imperium tries to avoid space trade because of that. They don't want large amounts of goods traveling about in case someone tries to slip something in, which is what rogue traders occasionally do tbf. I can't remember if the one about eldar poo crystals and hive worlds was a lorehammer or yourhammer though but that would be the only thing I can remember which was similar.
does sadly remind me that we will never have a chance to politic around with the colleges of magic though.
You might still be able to, or you could create them yourself.
Still think a post on non military reasources would do wonders for some things though but I can understand not wanting to make things crunchier.
What exactly would you want with this? Do you mean pop stats? Resource tallies? What sort of stuff?
It's worth noting that the Imperium does use psytech of various kinds. Force weapons and psychic hoods most famously, but there are others used by space marines.

There are also holy relics and devices with active machine spirits, so the concept of items having souls isn't at all alien.
This is indeed true, but I'd differentiate 'things that interact with the warp' like a warp engine, and 'magic lamps with daemons inside'. A Force Sword is used by a sanctioned psyker to do stuff, it's not inherently powerful, if someone else has it it's just a normal sword. Comparably, a daemonblade works whoever uses it. If an item can only be used by a psyker it's far less potentially dangerous. This is of course to say nothing of the aladdin type lamps with djinns inside, those would indeed be massively concerning. Recalling Mr Weasley, "Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can't see where it keeps its brain."
This is indeed true, but I'd differentiate 'things that interact with the warp' like a warp engine, and 'magic lamps with daemons inside'. A Force Sword is used by a sanctioned psyker to do stuff, it's not inherently powerful, if someone else has it it's just a normal sword. Comparably, a daemonblade works whoever uses it. If an item can only be used by a psyker it's far less potentially dangerous. This is of course to say nothing of the aladdin type lamps with djinns inside, those would indeed be massively concerning. Recalling Mr Weasley, "Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can't see where it keeps its brain."
Of course, i dont think the kind of Enchanter Weapons that the Dwarfs create work that way. They dont house a Warp Entity, but they are more than just a channel for power. Its more like something that uses the Warp directly, without any sentience or direction. Somewhre between Force sword and Daemonblade. Basically a toned downed version of the Emperor's Sword, but i dont think any of the Lions would know that.
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Response on Resources:
Yes, I would indeed be interested in population counts though such need not be precise. Stuff medical supply shortages, metal imports, what are people are eating if it changes in the future all I think would be worth noting on occasion. At the moment I think it's just various sorts of nutrient gels probably coming from algae growing vats*. Not great for anything approaching morale compared to other things they may have later.
We don't need everything and I expect others probably don't want everything but without even some of those, it can be very confusing figuring out what is growing(or potentially shrinking) a region's populations or fleets.
Heck, it doesn't even need to be in solid numbers but a large amount of(in thousands range) x coming in a small amount of Y(hundreds range) going out would be enough for when these things drastically change as some are very liable to do so as we integrate new regions or have losses of settlements and the like.
And again I agree with everyone who's said that such things need not be present in regular turns but do really think they would help to get a feel for how the larger forces at play eventually trickle down and affect everyone on the ground.

*Since every time I try to read on imperial agriculture they seem to be stupidly good(comparatively, given a lot of such agri-production is often laughably inefficient)at that and it keeps getting mentioned. Which works but is liable to be utterly tasteless or worse if memory serves.
Mallus Resource Survey
Mallus Resource Survey

This is an infopost about the locations of different resources on Mallus. You'll observe that not all minerals and resources are located in the Southlands, though there are indeed many there. As such for certain things you'll have to travel further abroad. Additionally I've included a map from TWW2 showing trade goods. Refer to these two maps to determine where you have to go to find particular things you might want. What might some of these be used for? I've no idea, I don't know what Palladium does, use your imagination. Just looking at the map though it looks like you've got a shortage of rarer minerals which you'll eventually need for the more exotic things you might want to make. It goes without saying that my attempt on Microsoft Paint shouldn't be taken as a comprehensive establishment of all resources.

Red Lines = New mountain ranges (Copper, Gold, Lead, Zinc, Silver, Molybdenum, Tin and Tungsten, Nickel)

Yellow Lines = Older Mountain Ranges (Platinum, Palladium, Rhodium, Ruthenium, Osmium, Iridium, Diamonds)

Both new and old mountains (Lead, Silver, Gold, Cobalt, Tin, Selenium, Manganese, Cadmium)

Purple Lines = Under sea continental plate boundaries

Green Pentagons = Iron in sedimentary basins

Yellow Squares = Rainforests (Bauxite, Aluminium and Uranium)

Grey Stars = Coal

Black Circles = Oil

Trade Goods
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Adeptus Mechanicus Resource Survey and Extrapolation Report
Adeptus Mechanicus Resource Survey and Extrapolation Report

My lord, I have attached the requested report regarding the resources of Mallus to this communique, I direct your attention in the first instance to Chapter IV, Verse iii, as well as Chapter IX, Verse ii, which are of greatest consequence to your considerations currently.

A nation's endowment of resources, relative to the world's endowment, is a fundamental consideration in decisions related to a nation's economic and strategic wellbeing and security. Knowledge of the worldwide abundance, distribution, and general geologic setting of mineral commodities provides a framework within which a nation can make decisions about the exploitation and development of its own resources, and the economic consequences of those decisions, in a global perspective.

My lord, you have commanded me to analyse available data on sources of resources, trade goods, and other assets across the world, as well as to speculate regarding the geological constitution of Mallus. Working with my Explorator brothers I have done so.

The information in this report is part of an extrapolated survey, endeavouring to evaluate the global endowment of both identified and undiscovered resources. The results will delineate areas of the world that are geologically permissive for the occurrence of undiscovered selected mineral resources, as well as established trade goods together with estimates of the quantity and quality of the resources. The results have been provided as a series of regional reports; this one provides basic data on the identified resources and geologic setting, together with a brief appraisal of the potential for undiscovered mineral resources in the Southlands and Araby. Additional information, such as production statistics, economic factors that affect the mineral industries of the region, and historical information, is available in further reports along with my assessment of various trade goods.

To summarise the principle elements of my extrapolation of resources, it is impossible to determine with accuracy the specific metallic and non-metallic constitution of resources across Mallus without extensive surveys. The information available to my Order focuses primarily on Araby and the Southlands due to our recent vassalisation of these areas, as well as the information we have gained from the colonies of the Empire and Bretonnia which have now acknowledged my lord's suzerainty. Further information regarding the 'New World' of Naggaroth and Lustria, and the eastern territories of the Dark Lands, the Mountains of Mourne, Grand Cathay, Ind, Khuresh, and Nippon, as well as the mysterious isle of Ulthuan, is less complete.

I have taken the information available and simulated by use of cogi-slaves, employed sacred rituals and prognostications to determine the likely locations of further deposits of minerals. My lord will observe the records of the hardy pines of the Ancient Giant Lands, of the Thunder Lizards of the Dragon Isles, and of the other such flora and fauna further in this report, but to begin, I will establish the likely formation of the principle Sacred Elements.

Firstly, coal, which may be refined or used for fuel itself, can be found in places that were once low-lying tropical to sup tropical swamps, with higher ranked coal in the foothills of mountain belts that formed in these regions. Coal is likely to therefore be found on the west coast of Lustria and the Southlands, as well as in the areas around several gulfs indicated on the attached survey map. While there may be some isolated sources such as around the swamp of Westerland in the Empire, these are likely to remain poor-quality deposits.

Secondly, the source rock, that black organic shale so prized in the production of holy promethium, is likely to be found around 6500km below the surface, with gas deposits extended around 3000km below that within areas of impermeable source rock. Such locations can be found in a number of locations, where crest and tectonic folds along tectonic fault lines and promethium reserves may occur in regions that were once subtropical deserts or salt pans for large dried-up desert lakes. Such hydrocarbonic reserves are likely to be found in proximity to the previously described coal reserves, as well as in several places in the desert areas close to the World's Edge Mountains.

That holy substance, the most true and reliable of the Omnissiah's Servants save for the pure human form itself, that is, metal, may be found primarily in mountain veins, natively in their pure form, or as minerals bonded to non-metallic substances in the form of ores. Ore forms in vent deposits in magmatic, hydrothermal or submarine vent deposits in geologically recent mountainous formations, principally the chains of mountains running the length of the Southlands and the New World, as well as those of the Ogre Kingdoms. The deposits found in larger ranges will contain Copper, Copper-Gold, Copper-Molybdenum as well as minor amounts of lead, zinc and silver. In these mountain ranges Tin, Tungsten and Nickel are likely to be found.

Comparably, rarer metals, principally Platinum, Palladium, Rhodium, Ruthenium, Osmium and Iridium are found in older mountains in deposits of Platinum Group Elements and with Chromium deposits, in the stable areas far from tectonic plate boundaries. In proximity to our position are the Mountains of the Panther, the range which separates the Great Desert of Nehekara from the western shore of Araby, indeed, the Eye of the Panther, a settlement of the Dwarves, is known to exist in this area, surely for the exploitation of such precious resources. I must also report however that deposits in this area are likely to remain small, and that for the production of more exotic items further sources of such resources must be found from either the Vaults, the Grey and Black Mountains, Norsca, or the Dark Lands, where I judge such minerals are likely to be present. Precious stones are also likely to be found in these areas, and will be essential for the production of advanced optics, lasweaponry and other items.

In Volcanogenic Sulfide deposits, ores of Copper-Zinc may be found, containing quantities of Lead, Silver, Gold, Cobalt, Tin, Selenium, Manganese and Cadmium, along with formations of banded Iron in sedimentary basins. The likely locations of these minerals have also been noted on the attached maps. Finally, Bauxite, Aluminium and Uranium may be found in wet rainforests, especially in the equatorial regions around the isthmus of Lustria, in the Southlands, as well as in Khuresh and Ind.


In the exploitation of these various minerals, I recommend the establishment of satellite sites and crawler tracks, and suggest the creation of supply lines and logistical networks around the present settlement of Pharos, as well as the crash site of the Acheron. Both areas are fortuitously located and may be used for further expansion of our operations on Mallus. In future, further sites might be established in other areas, especially where former human settlements exist. In cases of hostile lands, I recommend we create bastions and unified manufactora to serve local needs and establish relations with native peoples and polities, rather than the transport of raw materials back to existing territories. The surplus resources of each site can be transported as needed, however the inefficiencies of distribution refinement and production are, in my humble opinion, outweighed by the benefits of greater exposure, and the ensuing reliance the quality of our goods will create among the native peoples. I have attached a full proposal with this report.

By your will, and the beneficence of the Omnissiah,

Your servant,

Magos Explorator Magna-Thal
My initial takeaway from resource posts: get the Eastern Southlands under control and we'll probably have access to all the different resource kinds?

however I do also require a modicum of attention from questers. There's something in particular I've reference several times which will be relevant in the coming arc conclusion so if people say 'you never specified this' then I can come back and point out the relevant passages.
:eyebrow: Oh dear. Is it underling morale? I feel like it's underling morale and we should see to producing some consumer goods and the like now that manufacturing is up, so the non-Marines don't start deserting because we didn't pay attention to them.
Explorator Magos Thal deserves a good head pat/hug/well-crafted bucket of bolts, great guy or at the least great at his job} The total war map displays the Southlands in a bit of an odd way but it's very good to know what our resources there are generally like.

My main takeaways are that araby is much more fertile than I thought and that gathering metals from the region we are in will also be much easier than I originally envisioned.
I admit I do not grasp the significance of the trade-in golden idols as displayed on this map. I also cannot recall a reason why ostland might be doing no trading of anything but golden idols and has no pastures.
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My initial takeaway from resource posts: get the Eastern Southlands under control and we'll probably have access to all the different resource kinds?
Yes, but keep quantities in mind. I want you actually going out places not just turtling up in the Southlands, so the resources available in the Panther Mountains in Araby won't be sufficient to build all the stuff you want to build.
My main takeaways are that araby is much more fertile than I thought and that gathering metals from the region we are in will also be much easier than I originally envisioned.
Depends. If you mean araby proper, the top bit of the southlands, I expect that with the exception of some coastal areas, the Gulf of Medes near the Plain of Tuskers, and maybe the mountain valleys to the west, its very dry indeed. Some of this will be just the magic explanation of Nagash and skaven influence as previously discussed in thread, other bits will be proper geography. I assume the desert in the Land of Assassins on the western coast is due to relief rainfall and the Land of Assassins is actually like Chile and the Atacama.
I admit I do not grasp the significance of the trade-in golden idols as displayed on this map. I also cannot recall a reason why ostland might be doing no trading of anything but golden idols and has no pastures.
Oh they're very popular there, it's a main export! Wolfenburg is as well known for the production of golden idols as the Brass Keep, stronghold of the Blood Dragons, is for... dyes?

But yea, take it as a suggestion. Furs can be found in the mountains, there are no sources of spices in the Empire, medicinal plants can be found in jungles, there's salt production in the salt marshes of Westerland.

Golden idols specifically is just how gold mines are displayed since TTW2, there's 'golden idols' in Sylvannia for example when that's meant to be a gold mine apparently under Castle Von Carstein.
FortMon development options
List of stuff you can put in the fortmon

Space marine cells
Serf dormitories
Great hall
Armoury store
Anti air
Hangar transports
Hangar airforce
Ammo shrines
Vehicle bay
Hostile storage areas
Target ranges
• Assimularum - This is the largest room in the complex besides the great hall. It is a vast and high vaulted room, in which the entire Chapter can be gathered. It is used for mass meetings, ceremonies, religious festivals and special feasts.
• Guest Chambers - Relatively luxurious chambers reserved for important visitors such as members of the Imperial Administratum or the Adeptus Mechanicus.
• Launcher Pads - The Chapter's aircraft are housed in underground hangers beneath the launcher pads, including large transports, gunships and multiple high-speed scout vessels.
• Shuttle Silos - The bulk of a Chapter's fleet is located in orbit and the only vessels located within the fortress are those required to get to the fleet, mostly including couriers and transport vessels.
• Teleportarium - These Warp teleporter rooms are spread throughout the base in four places and are the primary means of moving between the fortress and the fleet. The Teleportarium Primus is used to receive guests. Those Chapters like the Black Templars who refuse to have any interaction with the Warp will use more mundane means like orbital shuttles to move between the planetary surface and the Chapter fleet.
• Company Chapel - The most commonly used place of worship. Every company has its own chapel located within its company block. This worship is part of the Space Marine brethren's regime of discipline.
• Reclusiam - The Reclusiam is usually partitioned from the Assimularum by a screen, and is used only for Imperial Creed or Chapter cult activities. It is looked after by a religious officer known as a Reclusiarch and the Chapter's holy relics and many of their most precious battle trophies are kept here. The Reclusiarch has an office off to one side, and there are usually multiple private chapels dedicated to a Chapter's primarch, and in some Chapters the Emperor Deified and the Emperor Oracular.
• Refectory - This area is for the main dining procedures and includes kitchens, store-rooms, disposal units and purification vats. The strict and simple diet of the fighting warriors are augmented by a complex bio-chemical designed to maintain their superior bodies. In most Chapters, meals are eaten in silence following prayers of thanks by the most senior Brother present; but in others, like for instance the Space Wolves, meals are much more boisterous and rowdy events.
• Oratorium - There are several Oratorium spread throughout the base and these are used for private meetings, lectures, briefings and small assemblies.
• Hydro-culture - This area contains a supply of local produce and exotic or seasonal vegetables collected and grown for the benefit of the Chapter. Some Chapters often maintain much larger facilities.
• Terrarium - This space is dedicated to the maintenance and propagation of plants from throughout the galaxy. It provides both a restful area and a source for some of the drugs used in the Apothecarion.
• Trophy Room - An area of the fortress-monastery where the companies of a Chapter keep their greatest trophies, artefacts, and mementos of their countless battles across the galaxy.
• Scriptory - There are several Scriptories spread throughout a fortress-monastery and they provide instant access to unclassified Librarium files. These are accessed through a cogitator (computer) terminal and allows users to select, consult and record new entries for the main library.
• Solitorium - The Solitorium is a remote location (outside the fortress) designed to provide Brothers with a space for contemplation. It can be occupied for anything from a few days to years on end. Space Marines who seek promotion are expected to search their souls and go through self-deprivation for weeks on end to prove their worth.
• Generatorum - The power source for the fortress-monastery, these massive constructs usually penetrate the surface of the planet, converting geothermal heat into energy via a phased crystal interface (presumably there are many other ways of generating energy on this scale, this is but one example of the possibilities available to the Imperium, which more often relies upon fusion-based plasma generators).
• Defence Laser - These lasers are mounted in armoured turrets and thirty-two of them remain permanently switched on. The other eighty-eight may be brought to bear within four days of activation.
• Local Defences - The perimeter of a fortress-monastery is covered in hundreds of separate weapons turrets, including laser cannons and a missile launchers in each.
• Missile Silos - Multiple missile silos are spread over a Chapter Planet and are the main force of a Chapter's ground-to-orbit weapons. They are each controlled from the armoured room within the Librarium.
• Penitorium - Space Marine Battle-Brothers guilty of any kind of transgression are held here as a form of remedial and penitent punishment.
• Dungeon - The Dungeons lie deep beneath the Apothecarion and are home to the common prisoners, but not Battle-Brothers, who would be placed in the Penitorium. The walls are lined with reinforced diamantine although prisoners don't spend long in the dungeons before being taken to the Apothecarion for interrogation.
• Docking for big ships
Anti orbit weapons
Turn 7 (2107 IC)
Fortmon needs a name btw. Also I've moved the important infoposts to the 'sidestory' section rather than the 'informational' one.

Turn 7 (2107 IC)

The Great Hall was largely barren of actual furniture, and the council set themselves on various supply boxes which had been moved indoors from the now truly wrecked Battle Barge.

"-unusual weather has been reported across the nation." came the Librarianus' report, the attending calligraphus servitor making note of all pertinent items in the meeting. "The tide of Warp energy pressing on the Aethyric barrier is waxing, and my prognostications indicate a looming lunar event which we should beware of."

"My lords," Confessor Hermina put in, "Once we have a date we might share it with others to build their trust."

The suggestion went unchallenged and the junior Librarian Kaaram, standing in for Hath-Horeb, continued, "To take advantage of this event, and future such occurrences, we have prepared a proposal for the construction of an Immaterial Accumulator to store and collect such energies." and the Librarian went on describing the device till Amra motioned for another to give their report. He had become rather tired of reading the Librarium's musings on the Warp. Hath-Horeb had completed his initial surveys of the more unusual aspects of psycraft on Mallus, and had now prepared a host of suggestions and projects from using the Arabyan Burning Stone, crystallised Warp energy, in bolter rounds, to trying to bind Warp energy into items like the Dwarves did. Natohk had responded strongly against such suggestions, but Amra had halted the argument before a more serious dispute could break out between the Chaplains and Librarians.

"Agilies is missing." Vularakh said, "I'm not overly concerned but I'd rather we found him sooner rather than later. Also there's been a rise in reports of rogue psykers, possibly due to the events Brother Kaaram described."

And they went on, each officer, the Captains and the others, giving their own suggestions. Peace had brought a more collective view of command, Amra reflected, and without the clear exigencies of enemies on their borders or lands where hostile armies were massing, the demands of the mainstream had begun to creep in again. Hermina wanted to set up governance in Araby in a manner more fitting to an Imperial world, Thalis wanted to standardise the process of tithing, Magna-Thal was pushing for concentration on mining and resource collection rather than defensive measures as the Chapter had previously concerned itself with.

While Amra had vainly hoped the demands on his time and the resources of the Chapter might have decreased once Araby had been taken, in fact it seemed that they had only increased! Truly, the Emperor's work was never done.

Previous voting rules apply. Remember that you're allowed to do write ins as long as I approve them. The consideration of such options is up to you. If you want to combine things or similar, that may have resultant positive effects of efficiency.

Diplomacy (Choose 2)

While Corax, Master of Rites, retains his responsibilities in the Chapter, you've appointed Confessor Hermina of the Missionia Galaxia, a woman of great faith and grace, to manage the Imperium's external relations.

[ ] Further Xenos investigation
Building on the previous success, Corax suggests attempting to capture more of the Lizardmen for further experiments.

[ ] Master of Assassins
The Assassins are a mysterious order of cultists and murderers, living in a mountain fortress in the aptly named 'Land of Assassins'. The Master of the Order has indicated a willingness to enter talks regarding the future of the Assassins in Araby.

[ ] The Settlement of Araby
With Araby conquered, it's time to establish and legislate the specific arrangements of political, economic, religious and social life in the newly acquired cities. Confessor Hermina plans to issue proclamations and edicts to slowly being the population in line with the Lex Imperialis.

[ ] Encouragement of Tithes
As Thalis noted, the tithing of the planet's population will have to become more regular to recoup the Chapter's losses, and the Apocathary plans to visit the different cities to inspect their populations and encourage further offerings in tithes.

[ ] North
The states of Estalia, Tilea, and the Border Princes lie to the north across the sea. Prepare an expedition to visit them and establish diplomatic relations before their inevitable conquest.

Martial (Choose 3)
Tuthmes Skytalon, Master of the Fleet, is now aided by a Master of Skitarii and Colonel Seleucus of the Macharia 45th and all three work together to ensure this small Imperium's safety.

[ ] Scourge the Xenos
The Lizardmen attacked the Mordant's crash site and pockets of stranded survivors, defiling the corpses of the fallen, some of them even being eaten. This insult against the Chapter cannot stand.

[ ] Rodents Of Unusual Size
Apparently the people of the jungles to the south occasionally do battle with large rat-like abhumans. They don't appear to be a great threat currently, and are generally countered by the tribespeople themselves, but a mission should still be made to root them out and destroy them.

[ ] Kill the Mutant!
There is one large congregations of mutants left on the continent in the jungles over the larger mountain range to the south. Aerial reconnaissance has confirmed their disposition and numbers, and they will not stand against the Lions' claws. Likely they have been turned by the same influence which affected your serfs, but all the same they must be purged.

[ ] Train More Auxiliaries (1 of 2)
Train another regiment from the former voidsmen of the fleet. 3 potential reguments of voidsmen remaining.

[ ] Train New Regiments (1 of 4)
Raise a regiment from the martially inclined of the Chapter's serfs. 2 potential reguments of serfs remaining.

[ ] Artillery Training
The Pharosian Guard are former Voidsmen, and few have encountered artillery. Have them trained to operate the small number of Militarum artillery pieces you possess.

[ ] Wizard Wars
Bring battle to the Sorcerers' Isles and the Regent of the Djinn.

Stewardship (Choose 3, -1 this turn because Magna-Thal was busy writing that mineral report, +1 due to establishment of basic manufacturing)
Khotan, Master of the Forge, has taken on management of most of the organisation of the crash site.

[ ] Develop the Fortress-Monastery
Khotan continues his work to develop the Chapter's new Fortress-Monastery. Specify what you want developed with either specifics or broad themes.

[ ] Repair the Peregrine
The Vanguard Light Cruiser Peregrine isn't actually that badly damaged, and wasn't particularly affected in the initial sabotage of the Chapter's Warp travel. Khotan deems it the best possibility for an especially mobile platform and you agree. Uses up Sagos and Farsight light cruiser wrecks.

[ ] Establish Advanced Manufacturing (1 of 8)
The Magi Explorator have various equipment in their care which will allow the production of more advanced items like power armour and some tanks and aircraft. Establish these foundries. Can be moved after but will require further actions.

[ ] Establish Exotic Manufacturing (1 of 12)
The Magi Explorator have various equipment in their care which will allow the production of exotic items like plasma munitions and anti-grav technology, as well as spacecraft. Establish these foundries. Cannot be moved after construction.

[ ] Establish the Genetorium (1 of 8)
Direct the Mechanicum to establish their biological suites of equipment, allowing the deployment of more advanced medicines and drugs to your people, as well as the creation of various vat-grown creatures like Grox from the genetic samples held within the Mechanicus ships.

[ ] Arx Acheron
Magos Magna-Thal recommends establishing a mining outpost and greater settlement around the crash site of the Acheron.

[ ] Roads (1 of 3)
Now basic manufactora have been established, build basic roads between Pharos and the cities of Medes, then expand the program to the other cities of Araby.

[ ] Mechanicum Rites
Produce, build, salvage, or repair something.

[ ] Cut a Way
Accept Khotan's suggestion to cut a way through the various ships to the vehicle and cargo bays to give you access to the heavier equipment in the bowels of the ships.

[ ] Dig a Way (1 of 4)
Though it'll take much longer, you could also dig your way through and create tunnels to the cargo bays of the ships.

[ ] Artillery (Point Defence) (2 of 2)
Khotan described how he might employ the downed ship's weapons as artillery, approve this project. Direct the Master of the Forge toward the Mega-Bolter emplacements on the ships.

[ ] Artillery (Batteries)
Khotan described how he might employ the downed ship's weapons as artillery, approve this project. Direct the Master of the Forge toward the Macrocannon batteries on the ships.

[ ] Artillery (Bombardment Cannons)
Khotan described how he might employ the downed ship's weapons as artillery, approve this project. Direct the Master of the Forge toward the enormous Bombardment Cannons on the ships.

Intrigue (Choose 1)
Vularakh, Master of Scouts, is skilled and able as an infiltrator and information gatherer.

[ ] Further Afield
Despatch Scouts and Thunderhawks to give broad surveys of the lands outside the continent you're currently on.

[ ] The Missing King
Track down Aghilies, former ruler of Medes.

[ ] Find the Witches, Burn the Witches!
Root out the last remnants of the Djinncallers still in Araby.

Learning (Choose 2)
Hath-Horeb, the Chapter's Chief Librarian, is certainly the most learned Astartes in the Chapter, and is assisted by Explorator Magos Magna-Thal to investigate the various mysteries of Mallus.

[ ] The Data Vaults
Magna-Thal proposes an expedition into the depths of the Data Vaults of the Kingmaker. The libraries of such an ancient vessel may hold any number of interesting Standard Template Construct plans! Indicate if you want the techpriests to look for something in particular.

[ ] Warp Accumulator
Hath-Horeb has made progress in accumulating the unusual energies of Mallus himself, and now plans to construct a device capable of the same feat. Approve this plan.

[ ] Speaking with Daemons
Hath-Horeb maintains that the elemental spirits of Araby, these 'Djinn' are not in fact daemons. He wishes to summon some for questioning and study, as well as interrogate any other daemonic items acquired during the conquest of Araby.

[ ] Spiders
Natohk reported recently that the spiders he did battle with appeared unusual intelligent. Might a study be conducted on them?

Personal (Choose 1)
You, Amra, are a veteran of a hundred wars, an able administrator, and more besides, and there is much to do after all…

[ ] Personal Attention
Select one action from another area to give your personal attention.

[ ] Strengthen the Vassals
While some Chapters maintain their worlds as Feudal or Feral Worlds, it's not completely necessary and you desire something different. Choose a way to strengthen your Vassals. Specify what you want to do.

[ ] A Royal Progress
Lady Hermina has indicated that the rulers of Araby will often make a progress through their lands to see and be seen, go yourself and view the different cities of Medes and further afield.

[ ] Master of Sanctity
The Chapter is missing one of its officers. Determine whether to promote Natohk further, or try and find someone else suitable for the office from among the Chapter's Deathspeakers.

[ ] Carvings
Examine the Fortress-Monastery further, especially the various carvings on the walls.
While Amra had vainly hoped the demands on his time and the resources of the Chapter might have decreased once Araby had been taken, in fact it seemed that they had only increased! Truly, the Emperor's work was never done.
Definitely feeling that. :lol:

My initial thoughts:

Diplomacy - Master of Assassins, and Settlement of Araby. Having an Assassin office is Imperial policy after all. :V Tithes are also important but I think they can wait one year since we just had a tithe.
Martial - any one Training action to keep our force momentum, Wizard Wars to finish off Araby, unsure about third
Stewardship - I want Advanced Manufacturing started, it's one of the greatest enduring advantages we can leverage.
Learning - anything but the spiders IMO
I'm not sure I'll be putting together a plan for a few days, one there are other things I forsee impining on a lot of my time very soon sadly, two it seems like my information gathering and maybe my long term ideas are appreciated far more than my usual short term plans that do try to gradually feed into such.
I suspect that on most turns my ideas are seen as too cautious and conservative.
If I do want to do something I wish to do it more boldy than usual.

If I do end up making a plan or voting for any one idea would appeal to me very much, namely capturing and eating some skaven brains, we've seen their hositility towards everyone around them locally so the chapter in this location at least. So we don't need to worry about rousing them into a war they are already waging.

I swear, on the certanity of the green moon corrupting, I didn't time this to coincide with the new Info posts, but there is another reason.

I've spent quite a few hours today on writing, following up from reasearch and reading over the course of the last week working on a geography post. I talked about planning this publically days ago though and it is more an attempt to catalouge major sources of magic, magical deathtraps and things that ought to be magic if GW did proper world building.
I think once I'm done with that and I nearly am after seeing it surpass 1200 words, I'll be needing to give myself a decently sized break
I'm not sure I'll be putting together a plan for a few days
That's fine, I've no particular need to get the next chapter done immediately so feel free to wait
I think once I'm done with that and I nearly am after seeing it surpass 1200 words, I'll be needing to give myself a decently sized break
Lol. I must admit I have fairly little sympathy as I tend to write that every couple of days, but yea, to be fair, I'm in the habit of doing it
[x] We Must Rebuild!
Diplomacy (Choose 2)
[x] Encouragement of Tithes
[x] The Settlement of Araby
Martial (Choose 3)
[x] Train More Auxiliaries (1 of 2)
[x] Train New Regiments (1 of 4)
[x] Artillery Training
Stewardship (Choose 3, -1 this turn because Magna-Thal was busy writing that mineral report, +1 due to establishment of basic manufacturing)
[x] Establish Advanced Manufacturing (1 of 8)
[x] Arx Acheron
[x] Establish the Genetorium (1 of 8)
Intrigue (Choose 1)

[x] The Missing King
Learning (Choose 2)
[x] The Data Vaults
[x] Spiders
Personal (Choose 1)
[x] Master of Sanctity
[X] Plan: Removing Local Threats And Laying Foundations
Diplomacy (Choose 2)

[X] Master of Assassins - Before we start truly developing Araby we should remove all the threats in the area. Bringing in the assassins should remove a threat and possible give us an intrigue action per turn.
[X] Encouragement of Tithes - We need to set up replenishment as soon as possible.
Martial (Choose 3)
[X] Rodents Of Unusual Size - We need to remove local threats while they are manageable, or at least begin to understand our enemy.
[X] Kill the Mutant! - Same as above.
[X] Train More Auxiliaries (1 of 2) - Keep the training going.
Stewardship (Choose 3)
[X] Establish Advanced Manufacturing (1 of 8) - Basic manufacturing gave us an action point this should give us another, and manufacturing is one of our strengths; we should set this up before pimpin' out the Fortress Monastery.
[X] Arx Acheron - We need materials to manufacture. May give us an action points.
[X] Dig a Way (1 of 4) - We started this so we should continue it otherwise we are just going to keep pushing it off forever. It will also open more heavy gear for us. Possible even add an action per turn.
Intrigue (Choose 1)
[X] The Missing King - We need him dealt with. We can go witch hunting next year along with the Wizarding War action.
Learning (Choose 2)
[X] Warp Accumulator - We need to further understand the local warp. The other options aren't really pressing.
[X] Speaking with Daemons - We at least need to understand our enemy and what we learn here might help us either fight them next turn, or tell us what knowledge to save.
Personal (Choose 1)
[X] Master of Sanctity - Amra is the only one who can do this. Hopefully it opens up another action per turn.

This plan is about removing local threats and adding to our actions per turn. I also tried to balance aggressive short term and passive long-term goals.

Next turn we should do the wizard martial and intrigue options, and diplomacy option for Araby, and start building roads. So next turn we finish cleaning up Araby area and really building it up.

Most of this plan I'm willing to modify if needed.
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