[X] Plan: Stabilization and Securing the Homefront
-[X] Master of Assassins
-[X] The Settlement of Araby
-[X] Train More Auxiliaries (1 of 2)
-[X] Kill the Mutant!
-[X] Wizard Wars
-[X] Develop the Fortress-Monastery
-[X] Establish Advanced Manufacturing (1 of 8)
-[X] Roads (1 of 3)
-[X] Find the Witches, Burn the Witches!
-[X] Speaking with Daemons
-[X] Warp Accumulator
-[X] Master of Sanctity
I really don't know much of what the assassins are. I doubt they have those hidden blades to stab people in the neck with.
Hi, I have a few questions I would be grateful for answers to. Not sure if they've already been replied to earlier in thread though.

1) Do we need to take a specific action to establish the Apothecarion in the Fortress-Monastery or is that automatically happening? As someone not too well-versed in Fortress-Monastery lore, can you provide a list of build options?
2) Do we need to take specific actions to improve morale among the regular, off-world population or is that happening more or less in the background?
3) What level of ad-mech tech is required for rejuvenat treatments?
4) What's the assumed timeline for bringing native populations aboard on tech-level, basic knowledge etc before they can start being recruited into the auxiliaries or other roles? I'm assuming that our current off-world population is, on its own, is not capable for growth but am I wrong?
5) The current food situation...how are we doing there?
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Djiins probably daemons but they're not the daemons of Chaos.
All daemons are daemons of Chaos, stuff like Living Saints or the Legion of the Damned are clearly some sort of manifestation of the Emperor's will and definitely aren't daemons

Or at least that's how it would be explained.
I really don't know much of what the assassins are. I doubt they have those hidden blades to stab people in the neck with.
Well as Araby is clearly Arabia, the Assassins are based of the IRL assassins too. They're a religious sect which practices particular military tactics.
1) Do we need to take a specific action to establish the Apothecarion in the Fortress-Monastery or is that automatically happening? As someone not too well-versed in Fortress-Monastery lore, can you provide a list of build options?
2) Do we need to take specific actions to improve morale among the regular, off-world population or is that happening more or less in the background?
3) What level of ad-mech tech is required for rejuvenat treatments?
4) What's the assumed timeline for bringing native populations aboard on tech-level, basic knowledge etc before they can start being recruited into the auxiliaries or other roles? I'm assuming that our current off-world population is, on its own, is not capable for growth but am I wrong?
5) The current food situation...how are we doing there?
1. No it's there now. Build list is also an infopost now, draw from that and I'll give you an action cost etc.
2. Everyone's pretty happy at the moment, there's no wars they're involved in, they've been fixing bits on space ships and tidying up and that sort of thing in the background. Both the admech and the serfs got excellent rolls so they're fine really.
3. Get the genetorium set up and you're fine
4. the IG recruit from feral or feudal worlds all the time, so it really depends what you want to do. You could grab a few thousand Arabyans and train them how to shoot a lasgun and that would be fine, it's the more complex stuff which is more difficult like making them loyal and so on. In general the uplift really depends on what you want to do. YOu could set up a water purification system in the cities quite easily, or build basic roads, but brining them all up to imperial standard would obviously take a lot longer. The imperial population is indeed growing through, about 2000 per year of the 230k total.
5. Fine, nutrient paste twice a day with weekly feasts of meat from the space marines hunting etc. The Arabyans are broadly as any feudal population are, lots of hunger, sometimes famines etc.
All daemons are daemons of Chaos, stuff like Living Saints or the Legion of the Damned are clearly some sort of manifestation of the Emperor's will and definitely aren't daemons

Or at least that's how it would be explained.

Djinn (ignoring daemons pretending to be djinn), elementals, and wind manifestations are best explained as natural warp lifeforms, the kind that existed prior to the War in Heaven, before the Warp was corrupted.

So, it shouldn't be possible for them to exist, but Mallus is weird, so they somehow do.

Imperial knowledge doesn't really allow for Warp lifeforms to exist that aren't Daemons, because normally they don't.
Recalling Mr Weasley, "Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can't see where it keeps its brain."
Which is a weird thing for him to say considering the sheer profusion of things in the Harry Potter setting that can think for themselves and have no visible brains, like the Sorting Hat, the talking portraits, the mirror in Mr Weasley's house that gives fashion advice, the clock in Mr Weasley's house that can tell if family members are in danger, and by the end of the book series, it's a plot element that wands have strong opinions on who their rightful owners are. :thonk: But this is getting off topic, I'll get back to quest matters now.
All daemons are daemons of Chaos, stuff like Living Saints or the Legion of the Damned are clearly some sort of manifestation of the Emperor's will and definitely aren't daemons

Or at least that's how it would be explained.
So, clearly the daemon-devices made by the rogue psykers of this world must be destroyed, but the psytek traditions might contain useful techniques for us to adapt. They've made lamps that never run out of light. Imagine if we could similarly imbue a flamer with the Emperor's Will so it never ran out of promethium. :rage:

QM, am I right in thinking that our currently claimed area is roughly this blue outline? I say "claimed" because I feel "controlled" is too strong for all the minor towns and regions that probably didn't have a Space Marine go within twenty miles yet, but just heard from their local boss that the boss's boss has been replaced.


Now, to return to considering and planning actions from the update...

Diplomacy - I joked about imperial policy, but Assassins are seriously a high priority, successfully vassalising and integrating them looks like our best bet for getting a second Intrigue action (compare to our four Stewardship actions). The Lizardmen are a low priority, and the other two (Encourage Tithe, Law Settlement) are things we need to do but they're not super urgent.

Martial - Mallus is a planet with so much more bullshit than most Imperial worlds, so here's a fuller version of the writein I suggested earlier.
[ ] Threat Compilation
As if Orks and Xenos were not enough, this world holds an unusual amount of warpcraft and psytek, warring factions of abhumans and mutants, that damned moon, and the Emperor only knows what other strange threats. Your Battle-Brothers have met some in combat, as have the soldiers of your new vassals. Your Librarian has studied yet others, and surely this planet's native tacticians have done so too. Gather these scattered scraps of information and turn them into a proper guide to war on Mallus.
(Possibly appearing as an addendum to the Imperial Infantryman's Uplifting Primer? Might turn out to be a 1 of ?? action?)

EDIT: The QM has indicated this is premature.

other than that, Wizard Wars should be taken so the Arabyan remnants don't get much of a chance to regroup and start new trouble, and a Training action. I favor Auxiliaries but I'm open to changing that.

Stewardship - all the plans so far are taking Advanced Manufacturing and I agree with them. It's an important, slow project.
Intrigue - Aghilies might be fled/dead, or he might be actively causing trouble, while the Djinncallers are more passively causing trouble by doing dangerous warpstuff with totally-not-daemons. I think that makes Aghilies the one to go after first?
Learning - nothing new to add
Personal - Master of Sanctity, agree with rest of thread here.

Before writing my own plan, I'll toss an approval vote to
[X] Plan: Removing Local Threats And Laying Foundations
which I mostly agree with, as I'm a little concerned about splitting the vote into too many tiny plans.
Still I think the Martial writein is important so we don't suddenly lose thousands of soldiers to an Outside Context Problem, there's a reason the Imperium has the Uplifting Primer with a Know Your Enemy chapter. So here's mine with Threat Compilation and a few other changes:


[] Plan Seagull
(Diplomacy 2)
-[] Master of Assassins
-[] The Settlement of Araby
(Martial 3)
-[] Threat Compilation
-[] Train More Auxiliaries (1 of 2)
-[] Wizard Wars
(Stewardship 3)
-[] Establish Advanced Manufacturing (1 of 8)
-[] Arx Acheron
-[] Establish the Genetorium (1 of 8)
(Intrigue 1)
-[] The Missing King
(Learning 2)
-[] Warp Accumulator
-[] Speaking with Daemons
(Personal 1)
-[] Master of Sanctity
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All daemons are daemons of Chaos, stuff like Living Saints or the Legion of the Damned are clearly some sort of manifestation of the Emperor's will and definitely aren't daemons

Or at least that's how it would be explained.
Matters of the warp are finicky.

They can be on some point of view daemons but they're not aligned to the four.
Well as Araby is clearly Arabia, the Assassins are based of the IRL assassins too. They're a religious sect which practices particular military tactics.
Watch out for their hoods.
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Imperial knowledge doesn't really allow for Warp lifeforms to exist that aren't Daemons, because normally they don't.
Yea, it's tricky. A Malleus Inquisitor would know a lot more but the Lions, being a pretty average chapter, don't have any additional information other than 'all warp entities are daemons'. But yes, in the actual lore, daemons are bits of chaos gods, whereas there are other warp entities which aren't related to the chaos gods.
Martial - Mallus is a planet with so much more bullshit than most Imperial worlds, so here's a fuller version of the writein I suggested earlier.
I'd hold back on this. You don't really have enough information to write such a work. So far you've fought feral orks (no changes from normal really), beastmen (again no changes, possibly odd amounts of variation but within tolerance), Arabyan people (just a feudal world) and some random psykers (again a bit weird given their frequent daemonology but other than that not unusual). If you want to keep having to take an action each time you meet something new so you have the 'athel loren edition' and so on then fine, but for the moment I'd recommend seeing more people first. The imperials will have already done some elements of what you're describing, for example 'if you see both moons out together and full then get into cover wherever you can'. The other stuff around mallus magic and spontaneous eruptions will be covered by existing policies. For example there's a soldier in Gaunt's Ghosts who's a psyker but no one's noticed, then someone does and he's swiftly shipped off.
while the Djinncallers are more passively causing trouble
Keep in mind that all the characters have their own agency. What do you think the Regent of the Djinn is thinking at the moment? What is he planning?
Personal - Master of Sanctity, agree with rest of thread here.
This is one which requires a point from you voters. Do you want to appoint Natohk or someone else instead? There's enough information in the text to speculate about the advantages and disadvantages of both.
QM, am I right in thinking that our currently claimed area is roughly this blue outline? I say "claimed" because I feel "controlled" is too strong for all the minor towns and regions that probably didn't have a Space Marine go within twenty miles yet, but just heard from their local boss that the boss's boss has been replaced.
Basically. You've got the cities on the north coast to the left of the Great Mortis River, and you've also got a very loose authority over the south of the southlands, with the jungle tribes, which also includes the jungles on the other side of the mountains. That map isn't that complete, for example it doesn't show the sorcerers isles.
I'd hold back on this. You don't really have enough information to write such a work. So far you've fought feral orks (no changes from normal really), beastmen (again no changes, possibly odd amounts of variation but within tolerance), Arabyan people (just a feudal world) and some random psykers (again a bit weird given their frequent daemonology but other than that not unusual). If you want to keep having to take an action each time you meet something new so you have the 'athel loren edition' and so on then fine, but for the moment I'd recommend seeing more people first. The imperials will have already done some elements of what you're describing, for example 'if you see both moons out together and full then get into cover wherever you can'. The other stuff around mallus magic and spontaneous eruptions will be covered by existing policies. For example there's a soldier in Gaunt's Ghosts who's a psyker but no one's noticed, then someone does and he's swiftly shipped off.
Oh, OK, post edited.
I had thought a bunch of those other new things would be covered by the action, in the same vein as Explorator Magna-Thal reading up on Lustria and Cathay, but if you say we should wait until meeting more personally, I'll leave it.

Keep in mind that all the characters have their own agency. What do you think the Regent of the Djinn is thinking at the moment? What is he planning?
Am I misunderstanding the options again? I thought Find the Witches referred to rooting out leftover Djinncallers hiding in our own claims, that's why I said "passively causing trouble", while the Regent of the Djinn and the ones openly practising outside our current claims would be covered by Wizard Wars.

This is one which requires a point from you voters. Do you want to appoint Natohk or someone else instead? There's enough information in the text to speculate about the advantages and disadvantages of both.
You might want to ping the other planners regarding that in their plans, and perhaps change the wording of the option, because I thought the action would represent Amra spending his time to "Determine whether to promote Natohk further".
I had thought a bunch of those other new things would be covered by the action, in the same vein as Explorator Magna-Thal reading up on Lustria and Cathay, but if you say we should wait until meeting more personally, I'll leave it.
So yea you could certainly do that, I thought you meant just from the experiences so far. The problem would still be lack of info. If we're assuming that the Primer is actually useful not the silliness it is in lore, there would be various pictures of xenos races, information about their tactics, equipment and so on. To develop that sort of understanding, you would indeed need more than second hand stuff.

Magna-Thal is using various surveying techniques to say 'in these areas its likely that X exists, based on orbital imagery and how tectonics usually works. Eg, aluminium in the rainforests. He's also in an offscreen report, written up some stuff on various trade goods. Eg, Cathay is known for producing jade, silver, etc, but isn't known for it's horses. That's based on stuff irl, eg, the chinese could never develop large numbers of horses, so they imported them from the various tribes to the north. This is the sort of information that could be gotten from going around one of the large trade ports you're now in charge of and asking around for what sort of stuff comes from which places.

Doing the same for tactics would tell you that the Dark Elves are a moderately strong raiding people, but a people who have no organised military or hard hitters, which obviously is completely false. Everyone knows about dark elf corsairs because that's what they see most. Similarly, the Imperium might hear about Black Arks and assume they're made up. It's the same with Skaven, you might hear that that there are sometimes rumours of ratlike beastmen, but that wouldn't tell you that facing a Clan Mors army would be entirely different from a Pestilens or Skyre army, or the tactics and strategies said armies would use.
Am I misunderstanding the options again? I thought Find the Witches referred to rooting out leftover Djinncallers hiding in our own claims, that's why I said "passively causing trouble", while the Regent of the Djinn and the ones openly practising outside our current claims would be covered by Wizard Wars.
Oh yea, my bad there. You're correct, the intrigue one is to find the remaining wizards, the martial one is for the actual military attack

You might want to ping the other planners regarding that in their plans, and perhaps change the wording of the option, because I thought the action would represent Amra spending his time to "Determine whether to promote Natohk further".
I'll note it when voting is actually open, but sure. I put some of Amra's thinking in the last couple of chapters on it, so I'd rather leave it up to you. That way no one complains later when various things do or don't happen. I've said before that when an action is unspecific it's up to the players to determine the specifics, eg 'strengthen vassals' requires some thought on how to do that.
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Geographical Quirks of The World That Was
Geographical Quirks of The World That Was
AKA: Massive Scale Mallusian Magic and More.

This is more of a 'quick' run-down of things that are liable to work as mass-scale pitfalls for us rather than being a complete list If only because I am sure to miss something in a setting this large.

Boney recently produced a very appropriate quote for this info compilation so I will leave that here for reference if no one objects:
The World's Edge Mountains are too tall to be formed by natural forces. Norsca is too jagged for the wounds upon it to be anything but brand new in geological terms. Ulthuan floats. The continent of Naggaroth has a navigable ocean underneath it.

The border between Naggaroth and Lustria only became mountains after the Druchii started poking the lizards. The underground highways of the Karaz Ankor got shattered by someone reversing a few thousand years of continent drift in an instant.

Ancient records and legends keep bringing up this rather large island just off the coast of Bretonnia that definitely isn't there any more. Immense plains of skeletons exist from where herd animals drove themselves extinct trying to follow migration paths that disappeared overnight.

There's nowhere in the world that matches the description of where the Imperial Tribes left from. There are no poles, you can go north, reach 90 degrees latitude, and continue onwards forever if you survive long enough.

The seasons have personality. Half of the planet's tidal forces comes from a body that gives negative fucks about orbital mechanics. There are astral bodies that only appear when it's dramatically appropriate for them to do so. The year is exactly 400 days long. Every planet in the local system has an orbital period divisible by forty days. There is an asteroid crater with teeth and a personality. There is a star that only Wizards can see.

The entire planet is fundamentally unnatural.

Global and Near Global Oddities.
The Geomantic web:
While most prominently seen in both the Southlands and Lustria, this magic network centered on physical points may overlay or in fact be part of the leyline network. The Geomantic Web mostly seems to have been used to focus spells of the Slann and allow them to communicate over vast distances.

The World Roots:
The Oak Of Ages root network seems to extend over most of the world barring the Far East and Araby. Using what I presume(small speculation) are reinforced tunnels the wood elves use these to reach targets outside Athel Loren I think other elves know of them too though Ghost Stalkers seem very widely dispersed after all. How on Mallus these roots reach into Ulthuan which is floating in water is beyond me unless they are waterproof. Yes, I know the answer is Liable to be Magic but I'd really love to know of what type.

The Waystones:
The Waystones, AKA Elf Stones, AKA Ogram stones, constitute the leyline network which may be part of the Geomantic web that has been colonized and reconstructed by warmbloods. This allows magic to flow from across the world into the Vortex at the Isle of the dead.

Skaven Under Empire:
Their tunnels at least would be liable to far outlast them even if they were to all teleport themselves in Morrslieb. The tunnels just about crawl underneath everything in the world exceptUlthuan and Athel Loren! Most likely threat to us and other humans from exploring, barring the Skaven themselves, are the vast quantities of warp stone collected to create Temples to the Horned Rat. That almost all the other buildings and structures being unstable, I'd be shocked not to see a marine accidentally fall through a lot of these structures.

(The rest follows From South to North, Farthest west to Furthest East. As best I was able.)

Southern Chaos Wastes: (Basically Just my speculation)The Whole place strikes me as both extremely funky and unexplored, only canon thing about it that I can recall being relevant isn't related to it's geography sadly, it's that IIRC all its beastmen are daemon hosts.
This probably goes some way to explaining how they have not all starved to death. GW has not told us how much of the edges of this land are ice-covered rock vs floating ice sheets nor how much those sheets expand and contract yearly. As this planet is based on preindustrial earth it is probably a very safe bet to suggest they expand yearly, and probably have been getting slightly larger over time. Large islands may be made of warpstone instead of regular rock knowing how this world tends to go, although again I could be wrong on that, the details we have been given are extremely spotty.
I'd be shocked if the sea around it isn't swarming in man-eating penguins and chaos-hound-like seals.

The Far Sea: I'd love to cover the fascinating exploitable and terrifying aspects of the far sea but I think it may legitimately be the absolute least documented of the regions. So for all we know there could be a magically hidden New Zealand equivalent out there. There could be an entire civilization of merpeople and other amphibious humanoids are at least known to exist in this world, and men fish were once acknowledged at least as canon *shrug*

The New World
Besides most of Lustrias's coasts being enchanted with confusing mists and horribly chaotic currents most of the land is ''normal''. Normal by Warhammer standards. What really must be noted are the sheer number of Old One sites present on the continent.
The ones that seem to have the most reliable sourcing behind are known as Stellar Pyramids of the South Skies.
These are basically pyramids that can launch themselves into the sky and record stellar information and presumably there are enough of them there to name the whole area after them. Basically lizardmen satellites.

A possibly more alarming feature is The Monument of the Moon, this device is liable to be a major disruption given how it creates a blanket of darkness type effect being magical equipment might blind equipment.

Naggaroth is mostly like North America if the place was missing all of its lush prairies and was given about twice as many mountains to work with but it does have a few mind-bending features present.
The largest of these is the Underworld Sea this is apparently a stupendously large series of mostly flooded caverns.
Apparently, not even the Druchii know the full extent of this system, though given it links to the sea of chaos I'm not sure it's actually operating under normal spacetime rules. I don't look forward to trying to collapse or take take the place.

: I am sorry to say this, but pretty much the entirety of Ulthuan is just nonsense. It seems like it might exist to break the mind of a prospector. The WHOLE landmass FLOATS the Skaven can not reach it through the continental shelves and sea because its bottom is above the seafloor! The whole place seems like it should be in the warp if not for the vortex in it's center because of how stupidly magically active it is. While writing this I found it to actually be nigh explicitly confirmed by Realms of Sorcery if the wiki is providing an accurate source on this: ''Should the Waystone and Leyline network be damaged enough, the fine balance of energies may well collapse and consume Ulthuan in a holocaust of raw power, turning it into another Realm of Chaos.''
Okay, I will try to cover the significant oddities here though.

The Vortex: As far as I can tell if this counts as one three largest warp anomalies on the planet. With the other two competing for that slot being the collapsed Polar Gates

The Shifting Isles might actually be constantly shifting even if they are not their illusions convince people they are.

Blighted Isle: This is basically the second largest mass grave/haunted location canonically outside of the old world. The whole island has been one of the most active warzones between the Nagorthi Idiots and the Ulthuani idiots who can't seem to negotiate the end to their petty civil war/ kill the one dude who's killed the most of them on both sides. These dudes seemingly have not had either the time or the fucks to give to clean up all the corpses, though that may be the influence of Khaine at fault since the place was a shrine to him even before it became a battlefield/garrison. The Mists turn red and the dark magic and shyish of the place attracts amphibious sea monsters to it pretty regularly.

The Southlands: We are lucky to be here, the only really dangerous item able to affect things on a large scale here appears to be the Black Pyramid of Nagash.
The Black Pyramids full power I'd say was never successfully tested in canon, all three times Nagash tried to activate it he was stopped, twice by the Skaven Once by Settra(with the indirect aide of the Skaven). I'd say with his ego it likely was less powerful than he thought but I wouldn't have put it past him for it to be able to wipe out all life within the Southlands if used correctly. Functionally one of the largest arcane fulcrums.

The Old World

Overarching Features
Ungdrin Ankor AKA The Dwarven Underway
: basically like the Underworld Sea but a tunnel stretching underneath all the Worlds Edge mountains.

Badlands: The Pillar Of Bone This is a very large magical fulcrum that while not currently active or dangerous has shown potential for focusing immense amounts of Power and as far as I know was built by the hands of none of the material races of the world. Therefore it is worth taking a look at at some point.
Specifically, the way it is described boosting mages sounds a lot like the use of Ayzr which should interest us more than most of these features for its immense usefulness if we can get into orbit again especially.

The Darklands
Plains Of Bone: This entire region seems to be so suffused with necromantic energy that it regularly raises dragons from the dead, definitely worth being cautious around.

Isla de Sangre: Basically a dragon lives inside and controls a volcano on this island as far as I can tell, I never knew they could do that before today. The sands covering the place are also red so maybe it links in with earthbound magic?

Estragon's Island: Almost the entirety of this island has been built and molded into a deathtrap by Tzeenchian sorcerors working with Skaven using looted lizardman artifacts, it is so over the top and convoluted that I would fault no one for dismissing it from canon. Luckily even if canon it may not have been corrupted yet, three centuries before it's sighting. Note: The claims on the wiki or many of them at least do no seem to follow directly from the sourced GW campaign background, but this may be because the information from it was lost.

Bretonnia: Take what's presented here with a grain of salt because even though the sources for these seem fairly consistent there are only a few of them. Namely the official story The Court Beneath from Hammer and Bolter #25 and Warhammer: Endtimes collection,.I was especially dubious of the later source at first but apparently, it was referenced more extensively in Age Of Sigmar background which strikes me as a fairly solid mark that GW does indeed still consider such canon.

Sacred Lakes: The sacred lakes of Bretonnia in terms of their world-changing abilities might be above the great Maw but below the Vortex in Ulthuan. It seems lake Lacrimora might be a direct entrance to a pocket dimension known as Haven an area guarded by large aquatic beasts known as Lake Lions as well as the sons of Bretonnia, at a minimum.

Athel Loren(Within Bretonia)
The Dreaming Wood: While all of Athel Loren counts as an enchanted and dangerous place, in my opinion not least so from the altered flows of time the Dreaming Wood is it's most dangerous sounding breach in realspace. the ability of the Elves to open paths to the dreaming wood and likely other dimensions(as using Moonstones of the Hidden Ways) is liable to be troublesome.

Oak of Ages: See World Roots, also notable for powering Orion and Ariel some of the most powerful anointed characters on the planet and some of the few that actively work together. Probably one of the fourth or fifth most magical nexus's on the planet, even just it's acorns are worrying. The Dreaming wood itself is essentially a hop skip and a jump away from Slaanesh's realm in the warp.

The Empire:
The Dead Wood: The Dead wood's effects are directly tied to it surrounding Mordheim but Mordheim itself is mainly dangerous for its inhabitants. The forest itself seems more dangerous given everything within it seems to consistently die if left to linger but the sourcing for such is limited. Still such would be very notable if even half true.

Albion: Basically the entire locale has the same effects with the mists going on in Lustria except even stronger.
This may be one of the strongest and most intact part of the leylines work left standing in the old world or it's stones may be the most powerful.

The Sea Of Dread: Every other source I've seen besides the map fractious day has access too calls the sea south of the darklands, east of the Southlands, and west of Ind the Sea of Dread. Not the Sea Of The Dead.

It's something I can easily forgive the Mapmaker for but I have no idea what caused the error other than maybe them going off of memory. The sea must be full of Warpstone and toxic chemicals because of its sources which are filled with such things. It probably has plenty of dead zones in it so it might actually be good for sinking things (like vampires encased in rockcrete)into more than most bodies of water if the need arises.

Mountains Of Mourne and The Far East:

The Warpstone Desert: A dry wasteland filled with warpstone near the western edge of Cathay, likely the former homeland of the ogres. Skaven have long been attracted to this strange reigon.

The Great Maw:
A giant magical saarlac wannabe who might be long enough to have crossed through the entire planet. With some claiming the other end emerges in the Galleons Graveyard.

This entity and the surrounding landscape, which are inseparable has been powerful enough to curse nearly the whole ogre race and to create a desert in its wake. Why the ruling elites of Cathayans of the time considered bringing something this horrible to the planet would be a solution worth the cost of removing a few thousand ogres is beyond me.

Northern Chaos Wastes: Once again another example of an entire region being really difficult to properly classify this time for very obvious reasons.
Nonetheless, some locations and features within the region stand out as funkier than others and worth noting.

The Inevitable City:
The Inevitable City is basically a twisting trap of a fortress that torments people either by forcing them to wander into it and get forever lost or warping space around them so that if they are seeking to get in it remains on their horizon perpetually.
This power is manifested through cursed paths that appear in otherwise seemingly unpaved and unmarked locations. It is powerful enough to have this effect on people as far south as within the empire, although this is rare.
In Warhammer Online: Age Of Reckoning it was of course far more than this being a meeting place between both the forces of destruction and those of Chaos, which isn't inconceivable but is weird enough for the setting that i'm glad it's not canon to the main world, and I hope it's not canon here or at least not without far more timeline butterflies.

Notes: I had to correct myself in noting there is no such thing as the Tower Of Bone, nor a(canon( story called The Court Below, they are the Pillar of Bone and The Court Beneath respectively. If y'all think I missed anything that belongs here please let me know. For now, details on the Court Beneath can be confirmed here: Full story of court beneath sons of bretonnia , Naiads , Lake lion and that Louen getting a kiss.. This post contained information on how Age Of Reckoning handled the inevitable city.
This just about doubled in size from what I originally planned. I need to learn some good synonyms for the region, all I can think of is location.
Later note: Loacale, place, area and country work.

@FractiousDay Maybe my sense of humor was simply damaged at some point.
I do find myself laughing at certain points in watching movies where no one else around me is. I've been struggling to try to understand why what I said regarding any of this was funny. Do you generally find it amusing when people with far less practice than you take longer at similar tasks or is it funny that I'd be worried about it or something else? Genuinely curious, not offended.

Big Edit 1: Skaven Under empire edited and moved to global features. I'm mostly satisfied with the other posts though I do plan on adding a lot more links later today when I am free again. After that, it should be done in just about all ways again unless I have missed anything.

Big EDIT 2: Links for obscure stuff added, Age Of Reckoning's Inevitable city, Dead Wood, Isla De Sangre, Underworld Sea done. Considered adding the Wolf Lands but their weirdness can be explained away easily enough by either their wolves being very far derived from anything in our world and only looking like wolves at a glance or reports of the biomass of the area being downplayed.

The idea of normal wolves being able to live entirely on the meat of the odd traveler and sleep on bare rock constantly strikes me as absurd though.

Small Edit 1: Added information on Albion and the Blighted Isle of Ulthuan, not feeling up to retrofitting all this for another hour after my last edit doing that got lost.

Small Edit 2: Added information on The Warpstone Desert and removed redundant comments about tww3 information being soon to come

Small Edit 3: Added the Quote from Boneyone. Some more paragraph breaks and spelling corrections.
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Firstly, voting is indeed open, I'll count it from 1661 as that covers the 24 hour period

Do you generally find it amusing when people with far less practice than you take longer at similar tasks or is it funny that I'd be worried about it or something else? Genuinely curious, not offended.
Info post is good, will have a read of it later

Re the above though, it was more a wry amusement at it at different expectations of normalcy. I sometimes to turns of 5 or 6k, sometimes spaced out. This can get quite fatiguing given I have a fairly quick update schedule, but I realise there's also people to put out 15k in a week consistently, so it's partly reflection on how I've gotten to that stage now and whether I'll become like the 15kers over time
Global and Near Global Oddities.
A couple of comments on these, firstly, good job adding lots of them, seems comprehensive. I certainly didn't know there was a dragon island in Estalia for example. If anyone is aware of that sort of thing, I don't plan on keeping track of it lest I go mad, but at some later point when appropriate you're welcome to write a dragon hunting write in.

Secondly, I would consider how these could be grouped and understood by the Imperials. This isn't a job specifically for you, @16 characters , it's everyone in the thread and plan makers etc. A lot of stuff on Mallus won't be that impressive, a carnosaur dies to a bolter being fired at it, so does a manticore, a gryphon, and so on, and it's not that impressive given it's the sort of thing Space Marines face fairly regularly. Similarly, some other stuff also won't be terribly impressive, though it would be unusual.

One of the broad ways of categorising things would be through the effects. You might begin to see 'Colour Engagement Protocols' or similar, for example, if the Librarian says a location is heavy with Shyish, you'd know its going to be dark, there might be spontaneous manifestations of spirits and so on. This would start to see the Imperials treating magic as an enviromental hazard, something passive to be dealt with. What do you 'do' about the Plain of Bones? Pave it over? Collect all the bones and bury them? What do you 'do' about Sylvannia (once conquered etc)
Global and Near Global Oddities.
The Geomantic web:
While most prominently seen in both the Southlands and Lustria, this magic network centered on physical points may overlay or in fact be part of the leyline network. The Geomantic Web mostly seems to have been used to focus spells of the slann and allow them to communicate over vast distances.
The World Roots:
The Oak Of Ages root network seems to extend over most of the world barring the Far East and Araby. Using what I presume(small speculation) are reinforced tunnels the wood elves use these to reach targets outside Athel Loren I think other elves know of them too though Ghost Stalkers seem very widely dispersed after all. How on Mallus these roots reach into Ulthuan which is floating in water is beyond me unless they are waterproof. Yes, I know the answer is Liable to be Magic but I'd really love to know of what type.

The Geomantic Web was originally a transport network as well as energy distribution network. It's basically a planetary webway made of extradimensional tunnels. I rather suspect that the World Roots have grown through those extradimensional tunnels and emerge at ley line nexus points. The asrai can probably merge into the world tree in one place and emerge from them somewhere else rather than physically walking anywhere.

Also, Albion, whose relative location moves about, probably because space is variably warped around it, is an interesting location.
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If you have a source on Albion moving about in such a manner I will glady add it. As far as I was aware before Albions importance lay within its ability to channel power through the leyline network and its ability to obscure its location, I had heard nothing about its location changing until now. Even if not I'll be adding a note to it on the Leyline Network unless there is consensus that such should be merged with the Geomantic web?

So I have been trying to think of all the plans I have seen some patterns I don't understand in most of them. Mostly I am having trouble seeing why so many are concerned about King Agelies in the sense of seeing him as anything like a legitimate threat.

Or for that matter, I struggle to see the sorcerous isles as something worth pursuing more quickly than the Skaven and beastmen currently eating/ enslaving/ simply stabbing our new southlander vassals?

@LysanderArgent I had some time to rest today and look at plans. Most of your plan follows my thinking following reading the turn with the exception of Arma's personal action, I don't want to split hairs over a single point though so could you remind me why having Arma fill this is more important than anything else he could do this year?
I had been thinking of a Strengthening Vassals action involving helping them build better infrastructure given we are an Imperial Fists descendant chapter we should know how to do such even with the more basic materials available to us now.

@FractiousDay So as regards the question generally of thread canon just what is your approach generally? I was thinking about a resource I saw elsewhere that attempted to keep track of Dawwi and Sigmars Empire technology and wondering if the dwarf stuff there could be canon to this given the dwarves invented so much stuff before the empire did?

However, that made me realize that I generally don't have but the vaguest understanding on your general philosophy on the important topic barring the idea that in a crossover like this both parties understandings and accounts of what they find are liable to be flawed.

If one of the marines or maybe a magos tries to retrieve something(there are a few detailed magical artifacts) rumored to be somewhere like khuresh(which is a very badly described region, makes Cathay look well documented) or something in one of the seas(most of them are pretty poorly documented) say, what would your policy generally be in dealing with describing or dealing with such loosely defined places be? Would it be on a case-by-case basis?
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This post will probably be long enough to create a notification so if it has, voting is open, make sure you vote.

@FractiousDay So as regards the question generally of thread canon just what is your approach generally? I was thinking about a resource I saw elsewhere that attempted to keep track of Dawwi and Sigmars Empire technology and wondering if the dwarf stuff there could be canon to this given the dwarves invented so much stuff before the empire did?

However, that made me realize that I generally don't have but the vaguest understanding on your general philosophy on the important topic barring the idea that in a crossover like this both parties understandings and accounts of what they find are liable to be flawed.

If one of the marines or maybe a magos tries to retrieve something(there are a few detailed magical artifacts) rumored to be somewhere like khuresh(which is a very badly described region, makes Cathay look well documented) or something in one of the seas(most of them are pretty poorly documented) say, what would your policy generally be in dealing with describing or dealing with such loosely defined places be? Would it be on a case-by-case basis?
This is somewhat of a complicated topic. Broadly speaking, I'm more inclined to make things sensible than I am to try and accommodate ridiculous things. Having said that, I also prefer to compare things to irl similar things when they're clearly inspired by such things. For example, yes, maybe there's a couple of bodyguard units with repeating firearms, but they're definitely not a frequently used thing because they weren't irl because early repeating weapons were delicate, expensive and unreliable. However, I'm also inclined toward wider theories of development like UCD, so I'm also aware that in the Old World travel and trade are difficult which explains some of the technological stagnation. This also expends to broader concepts. Some works present warhammer magic as rather trivial, a utility thing to be employed frequently and without risk. I find such presentations rather silly, and warp stuff in this quest will always be dangerous, as the warhammer franchise has always presented it. That's one reason I'm not letting you start just training psykers without soul bining.

In regards specifically to Dwarves, sure, they could have some of the stuff. I think they'd have the first gyrocopters by now, but drakeguns are a more recent invention so they wouldn't have them.

Comparably, in terms of Khuresh et al, I must admit, I'm not really interested in them. It would be perfectly possible for someone to write a work featuring the unexplored places of the Warhammer world, this is not that work. Just as I've said previously that this isn't a work about a particular chapter, and therefore the Lions are quite bland, this also isn't really an opportunity to exposit on Cathay. Writing about them massively increases the amount of work I have to do because I can't just leech of established stuff already, and while I'm sure I could write something, it would just be me looking up mythic stuff and warhammerising it a bit. For example 'Wuse Bi (五色笔): The Five-Colors Brush. In Chinese folktales, anything drawn by this amazing brush will materialize or spring to life.' great, that's a slaanesh daemon artefact and it paints the evil version or something.

If anything does happen related to them, it's likely to do so off screen, for example 'magos X went to khuresh and talked to some guy with 4 arms or something and brought back a magic rock', or 'during this timeskip khuresh was conquered'.

It depends what sort of thing you want as well.
Oh yeah the time skip, i'm actually quite excited to see that go forwards. It seems like a lot of voters are interested in more magic investigations, which are obviously needed to understand and use psycraft on this planet properly i'd love to see a larger scale of advancement. However I hope it won't be too long a time skip, i hope not longer than 5 years because missing the opening stages of The Vampire Wars would be a huge bummer. Unless our actions have already butterflied those away?

EDIT: On that note I changed my vote.

(I'm more than willing to advocate on behalf of ten out of twelve of your plan components when I get back)
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i hope not longer than 5 years because missing the opening stages of The Vampire Wars would be a huge bummer. Unless our actions have already butterflied those away?
I'm thinking 10 at the moment, once you've got the Southlands properly conquered etc. The Vampire Wars go on from 2010 till 2145 and the Battle of Hel Fenn though. In terms of what's going on now, Konrad is occasionally leading forces against the eastern Empire, and after he gets killed Mannfred will take over, putting the war into it's last phase. Before those two phases there are the first two of Vlad's initial attacks, and then a civil war following his death. But yea, the wars are still going on so plenty of stuff to get involved with.
So I have been trying to think of all the plans I have seen some patterns I don't understand in most of them. Mostly I am having trouble seeing why so many are concerned about King Agelies in the sense of seeing him as anything like a legitimate threat.

Or for that matter, I struggle to see the sorcerous isles as something worth pursuing more quickly than the Skaven and beastmen currently eating/ enslaving/ simply stabbing our new southlander vassals?
Things Agilies has that the Skaven don't: the local knowledge and connections to potentially incite an uprising in our lands, a sympathetic cause he could appeal to, a powerbase by allying with the Isles that wouldn't be seen as a foreign invasion by Arabyans, and the ability to be diplomatic at other external factions.

The Skaven are a threat, but the Skaven are a stable threat by comparison. The Skaven are likely to keep doing what they've been doing for a while. Agilies is in a position to change stuff for much the worse in the short term, assuming he's still alive rather than killed offscreen by Nekeharans or something.
I'm thinking 10 at the moment, once you've got the Southlands properly conquered etc. The Vampire Wars go on from 2010 till 2145 and the Battle of Hel Fenn though. In terms of what's going on now, Konrad is occasionally leading forces against the eastern Empire, and after he gets killed Mannfred will take over, putting the war into it's last phase. Before those two phases there are the first two of Vlad's initial attacks, and then a civil war following his death. But yea, the wars are still going on so plenty of stuff to get involved with.
The marines going on adventure might have some fun on the way.
Huh, that's a good point Exmorri, I don't want create more plans that are only slightly off from what's already there though...
Then again there are lots of plans that don't give more detail on how they want done, what they want to be done; for example boosting tithes.
This could be by simply kidnapping more people or it could be more show of force stuff, or it could be holding tournaments for the Norse and Southlands who are liable to have warrior youth who want to join anyway,etc.
I do want to encourage creative discussion.
Eh on the balance detail on approach counts for something in writing turns, I recall the GM saying that themselves so i'll be putting together my own plan tonight.