This could be by simply kidnapping more people or it could be more show of force stuff, or it could be holding tournaments for the Norse and Southlands who are liable to have warrior youth who want to join anyway,etc.
Now I'm imagining marines going on mass recruitment of random folk in foreign lands by declaring the journey will be dangerous but they get honour, glory and dosh.

Normally the lords in charge would be annoyed but there's a mass of sons needing something to do rather than shuffle in wait for their inheritance so they take up the offer and get shuffled of on the magic chariot to fun world.
They get better than dosh! They get honor, glory, and the ability to eat anything they can get their hands on!* How many of these stuck-up wannabe knights ever got to eat roast elephant and stegadon before huh?

If they really behave themselves they might even get to ride in one of the firey golden sky castles and dunk on all their friends show those commoners that they were truly born above them for realsies.*

**If they survive.
It'll be like that recruitment poster from Youjo Senki. Highlighting how it be full of hardship and the pay is bad.

Get ready for a volunteer of war maniac adventurers to sign up and die for the glory of the emperor. The dying bit is no issue for the locals when they live in a society that can die early especially for the more tougher bunch living closer to the wastes.
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Normally the lords in charge would be annoyed but there's a mass of sons needing something to do rather than shuffle in wait for their inheritance so they take up the offer and get shuffled of on the magic chariot to fun world.
There are some theories in IR from the Political Marxism tradition which discuss dynastic strategy and the ways in which families in the feudal period dealt with their spare sons. Essentially the argument goes that they'd either send them into crusades or other conquests of new land, as well as population numbers being managed by the various expansion policies like the settlement of wildernesses.

In Warhammer I'm not sure whether this would be such a big deal. There were the Arabyan crusades, but other than that there's almost always wildernesses to settle, when the polities actually have the population surplus to do so, which of course various peoples try to prevent as necessary.
[X]Plan: Building Our Future

Lysander talked about modifying their plan but I got no response reaching out even trying to refute my critiques, whilst they were online or even acknowledgment of such since Monday. I am liable to remove this should I receive any. We may be taking multiple steps in construction here with a time skip ahead of us, that seemed to take little account in the original plan.

[X] Master of Assassins - The assassins are liable to have far more local knowledge than we could without spending a century combing this land, with them astride us not only will we have access to their lands and potentially their services, but we may get one step closer to the lions valuing

[X] Encouragement of Tithes - We do not need replenishment as soon as possible, we need to be able to die off slowly enough to not destroy this world, the attrition rate is a bit too fast at the moment for me to have any trust in this colony surviving long enough to have a positive influence. I think we could benefit immensely from setting up tournaments and providing additional shelters to places offering us the most tribute in men-stock.
The marines need not think of it as a trade so much as in securing the health of an investment. We should also have more than just one dude investigating this it would be nice to see some across-the-board cooperation here, it need not be proposed by them so long as they accept it as reasonable.

Martial (Choose 3)
[X] Train New Regiments (1 of 4)
Raise a regiment from the martially inclined of the Chapter's serfs. 2 potential regiments of serfs remaining.
It is not that I see combatting hostile Skaven as a priority, but our forces still strike me as small enough not to immediately risk against an enemy of unknown size and capabilities, we may learn more from observing more of their attacks and risk far less potentially avoiding disaster. Also, the opportunity to diversify our forces further at least through a greater variety of lived experiences is not to be ignored in terms of benefits.
[X] Kill the Mutant! - I do not hate the beastmen, I hope we can find some that are less horrendous than those here in the future, but we know this group is very similar to the last we have faced. That is liable to be equally hostile to non-chaos worshipping humans, known to be the clearest and present danger to our newest vassals. We know enough to be confident striking against them and gain much for doing so. Chiefly maintaining our social contract.
[X] Train More Auxiliaries (1 of 2) - A larger number of Auxiliaries in general, provides not just a force multiplier in engagements but also might provide more chances for our vassals to see that we are not endlessly inflexible and are willing to elevate those who work with us, in other words, if others learn their story it could be great PR.
Stewardship (Choose 3)
[X] Establish Advanced Manufacturing (1 of 8) - Being able to actually build machines of complexity beyond a syringe or a ballpoint pen(does the imperium still have those?)
[X] Arx Acheron - I think Lysanders argument here was fine, I personally agree with it completely but am unwilling to plagiarize their words on any of their choices.
[X] Dig a Way (1 of 4) - Not only will this allow us to access our vehicles once it is done but the tunnels being built for this project can be used as shelter in the meantime and afterward. Always good to have with the green moon about.
Intrigue (Choose 1)
[X] The Missing King - Knowing what this powerful human figure is up to could help to prevent more mass uprisings that would only serve to get more people killed. Fewer people killed in both the short and the long term means more manpower and brainpower that can eventually go towards saving this world and maybe even the chapter, maybe even one day to saving humanity from the bloated carcass strangling it.
Learning (Choose 2)
[X] Warp Accumulator - Every year we go by without establishing and coming to understand how the warp is reliably controlled on this planet, we lose potential allies and potential paths towards protecting this colony from the eventual imperial attention it will get.
[X] Speaking with Daemons - I would easily say this fits into the Above reasoning.
[X] Strengthen the Vassals
Choose a way to strengthen your Vassals. Specify what you want to do.
If we are going to be entering into feudal relations for some time I would prefer it greatly if we upheld our end of the bargain as much as is possible. To that end, I would see these sons of Dorn take up his mantle once more as builders, surely there are settlements that need stronger walls, rivers that could use safer and more stable bridges and storehouses which could use additional levels and upkeep across our new realm.
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Currently we only actually have 1 valid vote, that is, a vote after voting opened when it was therefore valid to vote on. In the interests of actually having stuff for people to vote on though I'll also include the other major plan. There are only two actions difference in the below plans, namely skaven and sanctity vs more training and vassal support. I'll close the voting either later this evening or tomorrow, so look at the plans and vote accordingly. FYI I'm counting votes from post 1661 and onwards.
[X] Plan: Removing Local Threats And Laying Foundations
Diplomacy (Choose 2)

[X] Master of Assassins - Before we start truly developing Araby we should remove all the threats in the area. Bringing in the assassins should remove a threat and possible give us an intrigue action per turn.
[X] Encouragement of Tithes - We need to set up replenishment as soon as possible.
Martial (Choose 3)
[X] Rodents Of Unusual Size - We need to remove local threats while they are manageable, or at least begin to understand our enemy.
[X] Kill the Mutant! - Same as above.
[X] Train More Auxiliaries (1 of 2) - Keep the training going.
Stewardship (Choose 3)
[X] Establish Advanced Manufacturing (1 of 8) - Basic manufacturing gave us an action point this should give us another, and manufacturing is one of our strengths; we should set this up before pimpin' out the Fortress Monastery.
[X] Arx Acheron - We need materials to manufacture. May give us an action points.
[X] Dig a Way (1 of 4) - We started this so we should continue it otherwise we are just going to keep pushing it off forever. It will also open more heavy gear for us. Possible even add an action per turn.
Intrigue (Choose 1)
[X] The Missing King - We need him dealt with. We can go witch hunting next year along with the Wizarding War action.
Learning (Choose 2)
[X] Warp Accumulator - We need to further understand the local warp. The other options aren't really pressing.
[X] Speaking with Daemons - We at least need to understand our enemy and what we learn here might help us either fight them next turn, or tell us what knowledge to save.
Personal (Choose 1)
[X] Master of Sanctity - Amra is the only one who can do this. Hopefully it opens up another action per turn.

[X]Plan: Building Our Future

Lysander talked about modifying their plan but I got no response reaching out even trying to refute my critiques, whilst they were online or even acknowledgment of such since Monday. I am liable to remove this should I receive any. We may be taking multiple steps in construction here with a time skip ahead of us, that seemed to take little account in the original plan.

[X] Master of Assassins - The assassins are liable to have far more local knowledge than we could without spending a century combing this land, with them astride us not only will we have access to their lands and potentially their services, but we may get one step closer to the lions valuing

[X] Encouragement of Tithes - We do not need replenishment as soon as possible, we need to be able to die off slowly enough to not destroy this world, the attrition rate is a bit too fast at the moment for me to have any trust in this colony surviving long enough to have a positive influence. I think we could benefit immensely from setting up tournaments and providing additional shelters to places offering us the most tribute in men-stock.
The marines need not think of it as a trade so much as in securing the health of an investment. We should also have more than just one dude investigating this it would be nice to see some across-the-board cooperation here, it need not be proposed by them so long as they accept it as reasonable.

Martial (Choose 3)
[X] Train New Regiments (1 of 4)
Raise a regiment from the martially inclined of the Chapter's serfs. 2 potential regiments of serfs remaining.
It is not that I see combatting hostile Skaven as a priority, but our forces still strike me as small enough not to immediately risk against an enemy of unknown size and capabilities, we may learn more from observing more of their attacks and risk far less potentially avoiding disaster. Also, the opportunity to diversify our forces further at least through a greater variety of lived experiences is not to be ignored in terms of benefits.
[X] Kill the Mutant! - I do not hate the beastmen, I hope we can find some that are less horrendous than those here in the future, but we know this group is very similar to the last we have faced. That is liable to be equally hostile to non-chaos worshipping humans, known to be the clearest and present danger to our newest vassals. We know enough to be confident striking against them and gain much for doing so. Chiefly maintaining our social contract.
[X] Train More Auxiliaries (1 of 2) - A larger number of Auxiliaries in general, provides not just a force multiplier in engagements but also might provide more chances for our vassals to see that we are not endlessly inflexible and are willing to elevate those who work with us, in other words, if others learn their story it could be great PR.
Stewardship (Choose 3)
[X] Establish Advanced Manufacturing (1 of 8) - Being able to actually build machines of complexity beyond a syringe or a ballpoint pen(does the imperium still have those?)
[X] Arx Acheron - I think Lysanders argument here was fine, I personally agree with it completely but am unwilling to plagiarize their words on any of their choices.
[X] Dig a Way (1 of 4) - Not only will this allow us to access our vehicles once it is done but the tunnels being built for this project can be used as shelter in the meantime and afterward. Always good to have with the green moon about.
Intrigue (Choose 1)
[X] The Missing King - Knowing what this powerful human figure is up to could help to prevent more mass uprisings that would only serve to get more people killed. Fewer people killed in both the short and the long term means more manpower and brainpower that can eventually go towards saving this world and maybe even the chapter, maybe even one day to saving humanity from the bloated carcass strangling it.
Learning (Choose 2)
[X] Warp Accumulator - Every year we go by without establishing and coming to understand how the warp is reliably controlled on this planet, we lose potential allies and potential paths towards protecting this colony from the eventual imperial attention it will get.
[X] Speaking with Daemons - I would easily say this fits into the Above reasoning.
[X] Strengthen the Vassals
Choose a way to strengthen your Vassals. Specify what you want to do.
If we are going to be entering into feudal relations for some time I would prefer it greatly if we upheld our end of the bargain as much as is possible. To that end, I would see these sons of Dorn take up his mantle once more as builders, surely there are settlements that need stronger walls, rivers that could use safer and more stable bridges and storehouses which could use additional levels and upkeep across our new realm.
Huh. I didn't know their was a voting moratorium. There wasn't one of those countdowns I'm used too, someone had already posted a plan, and it didn't say anything about a voting moratorium in the post.

I also haven't looked at this thread since... well I posted my plan. I didn't receive a notification that @16 characters wanted to contact me. I can see that you @'d me, but I just checked my notifications I didn't receive an alert for it. I don't know what happened there, but sorry all the same.

Your plan seems fine. We can do that. I'm not that invested in my plan. I just whipped it up on because I there wasn't a plan a liked yet. *shrug* I don't really have a mental energy to argue when your plan seems fine enough to me.

Which is why they get ignored and dont count lol
Mate, I had no clue that I need to specify anything for Tithes. That didn't feel clear to me at all. Other options told you that you had to specify so I assumed that if I needed to specify it would have said that in the description. It didn't so... *shrug* I assumed you had something planned for it.
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So these would have been covered by previous statements. For the latest chapter I took the normal statement out and just put 'previous rules apply', but I can leave it in, perhaps under a spoiler section, in future if that's easier. As for the specificity, yes I can indeed think something up, but I generally want to give people the space to write things in. I realise I'm somewhat inconsistent in how I provide the write in options but they're always available.

In both cases though, this is why I warned everyone, I'm pretty flexible about what votes are made, and I don't mind pushing the deadline back if there's more discussion to be had etc, and I welcome suggestions on how the voting requirements in general might be amended to improve engagement
It's fine I am sorry, I should have kept in mind that the software on notifications has been funky for me before as well, occasionally marking things as read which have not actually been clicked on and they like.
My annoyance was not fair given it was based on thinking I had simply been ignored for near a week which upon reflection seems not to be the case.
The big thing I really think could be handled better by your plan was a method of titheing and thinking that the Skaven shouldn't be jumped on just yet with so little data. (side note: I wonder if a write-in for trying to capture some for interrogation would have been possible?)

I agree that the QM did mention this before, but this is a dense thread that sometimes generates many replies per turn. I think maybe the @FractiousDay could make voting open and moratorium periods clearer in the future by using timers at the top of the page? I know this website supports those. That said it was I believe mentioned at the end of the turn.
So these would have been covered by previous statements. For the latest chapter I took the normal statement out and just put 'previous rules apply', but I can leave it in, perhaps under a spoiler section, in future if that's easier.
I literally had just read through the whole quest for the first before I posted. I skip over stuff like that when I'm just reading a quest as a story. Probably a good idea to just copy paste it into future updates so that new people can know. Or have post at the beginning of the quest outlining rules. Just for clarities sake.

No big deal either way. Everything's chill. :)
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I think part of the confusion in this specific case might be that Turn 6 said "previous rules apply" and then "moratorium", while Turn 7 said only "previous rules apply" which is kinda vague about whether the moratorium is included in those rules when it was called out separately last time.

I'm kind of lost now, and also low on energy today, my writein was shot down, and one of the plans presented is apparently invalid for not having a decision in the Master of Sanctity action? In the interest of not stalling the thread too much,
[X] Plan: Removing Local Threats And Laying Foundations

the Space Marines are hardly going to lose to Mallus, delaying some stuff for a year IC is preferable to my OOC concerns about the quest getting bogged down and dying
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I want to apologize if I made anything more confusing. My aim was not to do so It was to discuss with Lysander some of the few flaws I saw in their otherwise great plan. That and to try to understand so many plans lacked the needed discussion elements. All of which I could have done sooner and more productively if I hadn't wanted to make an info post.

I suppose if I switch my vote back to going for his whole plan, which he mentioned being willing to modify there will be no issue at all in consensus with all valid votes going to him. Will May do so after finally adding links including those from outside the wiki.
EDIT: It probably won't matter anyway whether I change it or not.
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Some calcs for the Great Economy Rework
I'm doing some work to decide the economy costs for various things. I've been getting measurements and calculations and also doing some of my own. This means I can calculate everything on spreadsheets rather than messing about in other ways. Eg, a Plasma Cannon will be 'crew served' 'plasma' and therefore cost x4 basic resources, x2 advanced, +x exotic resources and so on, rather than me simply giving it a value. I've also tried to calc some ships.

A Nimitz supercarrier weighs 100,000 tonnes, with what I calculate is an internal volume of about 1km3. I've had a look at various 40k sources, for example this, and come up with the following measurements and volumes for different 40k ships.

lengthwidthheightcrewvolume, metres cubed
light cruiser

Based on this, and the weight of the pyramid of giza at 5.75m tonnes, how many Nimitzs can fit into and how many pyramids worth is everything?
Shiphow many nimitzs of volumekgtonnespyramids worth
volume = 1012320​
light cruiser

Now obviously a 40k battleship is build differently in terms of proportions, space, and so on, than a modern carrier. However, calculating on the 'pyramids worth' I think works well too. I've calculated fairly crudely, for example, if a Nimits is 0.1m tonnes, and a cobra class destroyer has as much volume as 178 Nimitzs, then the cobra weighs 17m tonnes. Also there's various irregular shapes about due to the spires and so on for the ships, so maybe I'll knock half the volume off.

I think I've got the various formulas right on this, but I'd welcome any comments on it or fact checks.
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I'm not a great guy when it comes to approaching maths all I can say is it looks about right to me. What doesn't is the way your link breaks on brave when I click on it. I think the website might be storing it strangely if having basic protections running breaks an image page of all things, but that's a nitpick and not really your fault.

One way to make things even clearer in the future would be to perhaps add tags to the thread? Along the lines of ''reasoning required per vote"' or ''discussion encouraged'' or similar.

This is actually making me wonder if any imperial forces outside of ocean worlds ever build regular ships anymore? if they do I have not seen examples of it.
This is actually making me wonder if any imperial forces outside of ocean worlds ever build regular ships anymore? if they do I have not seen examples of it.
There's also no groundcar model or much about that sort of thing in general. I assume that there are indeed maritime vessels of a standardised pattern for worlds with large seas and maritime resources.
also vote closed, will roll at some point for 16's plan.
[X] Master of Assassins - The assassins are liable to have far more local knowledge than we could without spending a century combing this land, with them astride us not only will we have access to their lands and potentially their services, but we may get one step closer to the lions valuing
22, 76, 30, effective strike by tricksy assassins, poor defence.
[X] Encouragement of Tithes - We do not need replenishment as soon as possible, we need to be able to die off slowly enough to not destroy this world, the attrition rate is a bit too fast at the moment for me to have any trust in this colony surviving long enough to have a positive influence. I think we could benefit immensely from setting up tournaments and providing additional shelters to places offering us the most tribute in men-stock.
The marines need not think of it as a trade so much as in securing the health of an investment. We should also have more than just one dude investigating this it would be nice to see some across-the-board cooperation here, it need not be proposed by them so long as they accept it as reasonable.
76, effective measures, more recruits, arabyans less scared, or at least, scared differently.
Martial (Choose 3)
[X] Train New Regiments (1 of 4)
Raise a regiment from the martially inclined of the Chapter's serfs. 2 potential regiments of serfs remaining.
It is not that I see combatting hostile Skaven as a priority, but our forces still strike me as small enough not to immediately risk against an enemy of unknown size and capabilities, we may learn more from observing more of their attacks and risk far less potentially avoiding disaster. Also, the opportunity to diversify our forces further at least through a greater variety of lived experiences is not to be ignored in terms of benefits.
39, Various issues with getting a regiment together, complettion delayed. 1 of 5 actions now completed.
[X] Kill the Mutant! - I do not hate the beastmen, I hope we can find some that are less horrendous than those here in the future, but we know this group is very similar to the last we have faced. That is liable to be equally hostile to non-chaos worshipping humans, known to be the clearest and present danger to our newest vassals. We know enough to be confident striking against them and gain much for doing so. Chiefly maintaining our social contract. 6, very bad. Chaosy King Kong?
[X] Train More Auxiliaries (1 of 2) - A larger number of Auxiliaries in general, provides not just a force multiplier in engagements but also might provide more chances for our vassals to see that we are not endlessly inflexible and are willing to elevate those who work with us, in other words, if others learn their story it could be great PR. Autosuccess, however, 79 on others learning about it so arabyans even more pleased. Good PR achieved.
Stewardship (Choose 3)
[X] Establish Advanced Manufacturing (1 of 8) - Being able to actually build machines of complexity beyond a syringe or a ballpoint pen(does the imperium still have those?)
[X] Arx Acheron - I think Lysanders argument here was fine, I personally agree with it completely but am unwilling to plagiarize their words on any of their choices.
[X] Dig a Way (1 of 4) - Not only will this allow us to access our vehicles once it is done but the tunnels being built for this project can be used as shelter in the meantime and afterward. Always good to have with the green moon about.
autosuccess on first two. 66 on last, easier than thought, -1 turn due to success.
Intrigue (Choose 1)
[X] The Missing King - Knowing what this powerful human figure is up to could help to prevent more mass uprisings that would only serve to get more people killed. Fewer people killed in both the short and the long term means more manpower and brainpower that can eventually go towards saving this world and maybe even the chapter, maybe even one day to saving humanity from the bloated carcass strangling it. 25 for discovery, only 1 scout team lost.
Learning (Choose 2)
[X] Warp Accumulator - Every year we go by without establishing and coming to understand how the warp is reliably controlled on this planet, we lose potential allies and potential paths towards protecting this colony from the eventual imperial attention it will get. 98, finished, works
[X] Speaking with Daemons - I would easily say this fits into the Above reasoning. 67, goes well
[X] Strengthen the Vassals
Choose a way to strengthen your Vassals. Specify what you want to do.
If we are going to be entering into feudal relations for some time I would prefer it greatly if we upheld our end of the bargain as much as is possible. To that end, I would see these sons of Dorn take up his mantle once more as builders, surely there are settlements that need stronger walls, rivers that could use safer and more stable bridges and storehouses which could use additional levels and upkeep across our new realm.
67, goes quite well.

secret rolls, 95, 49, 5
FractiousDay threw 12 100-faced dice. Reason: d100s Total: 651
22 22 76 76 30 30 76 76 39 39 6 6 79 79 66 66 25 25 98 98 67 67 67 67
FractiousDay threw 4 100-faced dice. Reason: secret Total: 179
95 95 49 49 5 5 30 30
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Now obviously a 40k battleship is build differently in terms of proportions, space, and so on, than a modern carrier. However, calculating on the 'pyramids worth' I think works well too. I've calculated fairly crudely, for example, if a Nimits is 0.1m tonnes, and a cobra class destroyer has as much volume as 178 Nimitzs, then the cobra weighs 17m tonnes. Also there's various irregular shapes about due to the spires and so on for the ships, so maybe I'll knock half the volume off.

I think I've got the various formulas right on this, but I'd welcome any comments on it or fact checks.
A ship which is scaled up to be five times as long probably doesn't have five times as thick external plating, or five times as thick internal walls between larger sections, so mass should probably increase slower than volume. Maybe use a factor like length^3 to estimate volume but only length^(2.5) to estimate mass?

Warhammer ships are stupidly well plated to resist stupidly large weapons, but I think that's in large part from better materials and not from having multiple meters of plating, which is what you'd get if you directly scaled up IRL battleships and their sometimes >20cm plating.
(note: the Nimitz is very lightly armored for its size, only about 5cm AFAIK, because it's a carrier that depends a lot on having a surrounding fleet and anti-missile batteries and other such things to avoid direct fire.)

What doesn't is the way your link breaks on brave when I click on it. I think the website might be storing it strangely if having basic protections running breaks an image page of all things, but that's a nitpick and not really your fault.
Yeah, wiki links ending in the format /revision/latest?cb=20130328185052 tend to work badly for other people than the one who posted it. I'm not sure exactly why, but it's probably something with the way wiki stores images. I can get the image to show by chopping off that last bit and going to .
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So the dice so far look like we failed to get the assassins to cooperate, the tithe of recruits has improved, Train new regiments is probably unrolled, attacking the mutant beastmen went badly but not terribly, and... hard for me to guess what's rolled or not further down the list. 🤔
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So the dice look like we failed to get the assassins to cooperate, the tithe of recruits has improved, Train new regiments is probably unrolled, attacking the mutant beastmen went badly but not terribly, and... hard for me to guess what's rolled or not further down the list. 🤔
Yea I've not rolled for it all yet, got interrupted halfway through
Horrible place to cliffhanger it.

Please, please don't let this collapse in a spray of blood and idiocy.

It has been some time but I wanted to let you know in case you were still wondering that the quest, at least as of yet, has not collapsed in a spray of blood and idiocy. The diplomatic meeting went as well as it could have for anyone but the Bretonnian knight. He decided trying to start a fight without his best gear on unfamiliar terrain against an unfamiliar foe was somehow a good idea. Everyone else left alive and in a better position as far as I could tell.
Oh dear, I hope we are talking about a 1930's level of getting Konged and not the horrors from the imagination of TOHO or anyone else who worked on that material afterwards ;-)

I hate that this is now replaying in my head though: (luckily we all know beastmen don't use guns as they are too civilized for their taste.)