[X] Master of Assassins - The assassins are liable to have far more local knowledge than we could without spending a century combing this land, with them astride us not only will we have access to their lands and potentially their services, but we may get one step closer to the lions valuing
22, 76, 30, effective strike by tricksy assassins, poor defence.
[X] Encouragement of Tithes - We do not need replenishment as soon as possible, we need to be able to die off slowly enough to not destroy this world, the attrition rate is a bit too fast at the moment for me to have any trust in this colony surviving long enough to have a positive influence. I think we could benefit immensely from setting up tournaments and providing additional shelters to places offering us the most tribute in men-stock.
The marines need not think of it as a trade so much as in securing the health of an investment. We should also have more than just one dude investigating this it would be nice to see some across-the-board cooperation here, it need not be proposed by them so long as they accept it as reasonable.
76, effective measures, more recruits, arabyans less scared, or at least, scared differently.
Martial (Choose 3)
[X] Train New Regiments (1 of 4)
Raise a regiment from the martially inclined of the Chapter's serfs. 2 potential regiments of serfs remaining.
It is not that I see combatting hostile Skaven as a priority, but our forces still strike me as small enough not to immediately risk against an enemy of unknown size and capabilities, we may learn more from observing more of their attacks and risk far less potentially avoiding disaster. Also, the opportunity to diversify our forces further at least through a greater variety of lived experiences is not to be ignored in terms of benefits.
39, Various issues with getting a regiment together, complettion delayed. 1 of 5 actions now completed.
[X] Kill the Mutant! - I do not hate the beastmen, I hope we can find some that are less horrendous than those here in the future, but we know this group is very similar to the last we have faced. That is liable to be equally hostile to non-chaos worshipping humans, known to be the clearest and present danger to our newest vassals. We know enough to be confident striking against them and gain much for doing so. Chiefly maintaining our social contract. 6, very bad. Chaosy King Kong?
[X] Train More Auxiliaries (1 of 2) - A larger number of Auxiliaries in general, provides not just a force multiplier in engagements but also might provide more chances for our vassals to see that we are not endlessly inflexible and are willing to elevate those who work with us, in other words, if others learn their story it could be great PR. Autosuccess, however, 79 on others learning about it so arabyans even more pleased. Good PR achieved.
Stewardship (Choose 3)
[X] Establish Advanced Manufacturing (1 of 8) - Being able to actually build machines of complexity beyond a syringe or a ballpoint pen(does the imperium still have those?)
[X] Arx Acheron - I think Lysanders argument here was fine, I personally agree with it completely but am unwilling to plagiarize their words on any of their choices.
[X] Dig a Way (1 of 4) - Not only will this allow us to access our vehicles once it is done but the tunnels being built for this project can be used as shelter in the meantime and afterward. Always good to have with the green moon about.
autosuccess on first two. 66 on last, easier than thought, -1 turn due to success.
Intrigue (Choose 1)
[X] The Missing King - Knowing what this powerful human figure is up to could help to prevent more mass uprisings that would only serve to get more people killed. Fewer people killed in both the short and the long term means more manpower and brainpower that can eventually go towards saving this world and maybe even the chapter, maybe even one day to saving humanity from the bloated carcass strangling it. 25 for discovery, only 1 scout team lost.
Learning (Choose 2)
[X] Warp Accumulator - Every year we go by without establishing and coming to understand how the warp is reliably controlled on this planet, we lose potential allies and potential paths towards protecting this colony from the eventual imperial attention it will get. 98, finished, works
[X] Speaking with Daemons - I would easily say this fits into the Above reasoning. 67, goes well
[X] Strengthen the Vassals
Choose a way to strengthen your Vassals. Specify what you want to do.
If we are going to be entering into feudal relations for some time I would prefer it greatly if we upheld our end of the bargain as much as is possible. To that end, I would see these sons of Dorn take up his mantle once more as builders, surely there are settlements that need stronger walls, rivers that could use safer and more stable bridges and storehouses which could use additional levels and upkeep across our new realm.