I think the first to get dibs on runes will be the hunters division. The librarians have their own warp weapons but the hunters can always test out what might as well be 'safe' warp weapons.

The problem next will be how they get it either from Norsca or from Araby. If it's in Norsca a techmarine will be sent to set up shop in Kraka Drak as a kind of emissary while setting up his own forge there so the rune smith can access it to include the runes or it will be a rune smith having access to the battle barge's own forge facilities.
To be fair we did try to find aghilies if my memory serves its just that we kind of as you said only tried once, conventionally.
Obviously, we need to do better going forward. Point made that we've made some bad first impressions in a lot of places.

With the scouts, I think I made the mistake of thinking they ran into Sep Stalkers or other automata, which isn't a guarantee of tomb kings actually being active per say.

On that note I regret not chasing the Djin Callers harder to be honest, its mostly been that there have been so many other closer more activley agressive threats present that it seemed counterproductive.
Okay, I am sorry if this is a dumb question this far in, not even one I asked for the Q and A page but how does Chaos 'work' in this quest canon?
I am also sorry for having so many sub questions but, it's been eating at me for a while and I thought it would be adressed on it's own after a while.
Bascially iss chaos fueled more by mundane actions? Or is chaos fueled more by by active worship?

If the former why is the imperial guard not hounded literally every day by Khorne, or the inquisition by Tzeench, or the Administratum by Nurgle?
A lot of the Imperiums actions seem like stuff that should fuel the Ruinous powers but this doesn't seem to bother them?

If the latter why do chaos cults disguised as Echlisiarchy cults ever function? If chaos needs active worship to function how can daemon weapons be a thing?

Is it meant to be that mundane actions feed chaos a little bit, like when the Sororitas put someone in a pain engine that unintentionally feeds Slannesh a little, but when a guardsman joins the Blood Pact does that fuels Khorne a lot? Or only one they begin taking skulls?

On that note can khorne cults ever just steal skulls from IDK any peice of Imperial technology everywhere, they put skulls wherever they can it seems to me? If not why not? Ditto with raiding bloodbanks I guess, feel free to ignore this last question it just is a thing that bothers me.
To be fair we did try to find aghilies if my memory serves its just that we kind of as you said only tried once, conventionally.
Obviously, we need to do better going forward. Point made that we've made some bad first impressions in a lot of places.

With the scouts, I think I made the mistake of thinking they ran into Sep Stalkers or other automata, which isn't a guarantee of tomb kings actually being active per say.

On that note I regret not chasing the Djin Callers harder to be honest, its mostly been that there have been so many other closer more activley agressive threats present that it seemed counterproductive.
To be fair, there wasn't necessarily things you could have done about these issues. The Scouts probably did indeed run into the automated defences rather than anything specific. I'm not 'blaming' you necessarily, but you can see how people in universe would. For example you didn't have any indicationt that Aghilies was anything other than a particularly capable mortal leader. The specifics of his connections with the Djinncallers and the Skaven were unknown to you, as was his last resort of waking up Settra.

And yes, you have to prioritise stuff, that's true too. However, in general things will indeed get worse the longer you leave them. You might be ok with that as voters, but it's something to consider. You haven't actually looked for the Djinncallers really yet, so you don't know where they've gone, and you also haven't really gotten involved in the Arabyan refugee crisis.
how does Chaos 'work' in this quest canon?

Bascially iss chaos fueled more by mundane actions? Or is chaos fueled more by by active worship?
The big problem with this is that it gets into fictional cosmology, which never ends well IMO. All of this is pretty vague, so you're not getting much specifics unless I really need to for the story etc.

As some broad points, the Immaterium, being the realm of dreams, is indeed fuelled by emotion and soul stuff

This includes most acts, so hoping fuels Tzeentch, violence fuels Khorne

However, there are other warp entities. For example Khorne has a lot of his violence stuff taken away because of the Orks worshipping Gork and Mork, tyranids or Necrons don't have souls,etc etc. Chaos is merely the largest Immaterial faction, there are others, but the Dark Gods are fish, not the whole pond itself. Big fish though.

We can therefore see that it looks like the Chaos Gods need worship specifically dedicated to them to get the power, rather than just ambient stuff. So maybe ambient violence fuels Khorne a bit, there's always lines about how 'the slaughter of so and so was pleaasing to khorne' etc, but maybe it just means Khorne gets a small bit of power from it, rather than a lot he'd get from actual worship and sacrifice. Also, the Emperor was trying to starve them of worship by being aetheist? That wouldn't have worked if they were fuelled entirely by ambient worship.

Additionally, the Cabal stuff in the Heresy indicates that the Dark Gods couldn't survive in a dead (or at least greatly reduced galaxy):

The end result of Horus' rebellion and conquest of the Imperium would be the total extermination of the human species within two or three generations. However, if humanity were to disappear from the galaxy, the Ruinous Powers of Chaos, whose own existence within the Empyrean depended upon the baser collective psychic emantions of humanity, would be extinguished with it.

This is dumb though because htere would be other species around. The Eldar getting wiped out didn't kill chaos, why would humanity getting wiped out?

Moving on, we also know that alternate worship keeps chaos away. You don't get Chaos Orks (except in weird lore), and even if Khorne was bugging a particular Guardsman, that individual's worship of the Emperor protects them. So whille the Chaos Gods are powerful, the Emperor is more so, or so it would seem. In the recent lore Gulliman is becoming a god because the Imperium is worshipping him etc, and the Emperor seems to be waking up too.

On your point about bloodbanks, technicalities don't work. Or at least it would be stupid if they did. For example, you could more sustainably get blood by requiring everyone on a planet to donate a pint each month or something, or by having an automated skull harvesting something or other. The problem would be that this provides no 'imagination' for the Warp. Similarly, I often wondered if Khorne would get power from robot deaths. If you built robots and sent them at Khorne berserkers, the robots have neither blood nor skulls, so surely they'd provide no 'worship power' in battle? Well, I'd suggest no they probably would, Khorne would be fine with the robot's oil instead of blood etc, because he's a being of imagination not strict rules, and the battle as still honourable etc. 40k's cosmology doesn't work the same way as DnD or similar where there's strict charts or something. You could in theory be a lawful dude and still be a khornate worshiper, as long as you were deidcating your kills to khorne etc.
Okay, I kind of want to help the Arbyan refugee crisis or at least be seen making an effort. What should we as voters generally be doing to achieve that end?

I thought we were already mitigating things by making Araby less terrible with the hospitallers and resettlement and now crops. EDIT 2: Also giving the Sultan Of Copher lots of raw resources to dole out I figured would have at least helped some.

I suspect the bulk of the issue is with those who have already left Araby though? Would taking Estalia and bringing our more conventional staff to the region be likely to help reduce the death toll in the long term?

EDIT: I think current Chaos's near dependence on humans post the birth of Slaanesh actually makes some sense.

The situation in the Horus heresy was different in a few different ways: A the quantity of warp ''fuel'' necrons and orcs were completely inacessible anyways but now so were not only most of the Eldar but many many other psychically sensitive species galaxy-wide because of xenocides during the Great Crusade.

2. The Quality of that fuel, not only had humanity become stupendously common by then but we also were increasingly becoming a psychic species which meant we took up more and more ''space'' in the warp to my understanding.

3. Raising new psychic species up takes time that they perhaps did not have and may have provided a selection pressure against perhaps.

4. (More speculative) The Gods may have known the Tyranids were on their way and that Necrons in galactic terms were soon to reawaken, if the galaxy was to be divided between such forces nothing would be left to them
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To be fair, there wasn't necessarily things you could have done about these issues. The Scouts probably did indeed run into the automated defences rather than anything specific. I'm not 'blaming' you necessarily, but you can see how people in universe would. For example you didn't have any indicationt that Aghilies was anything other than a particularly capable mortal leader. The specifics of his connections with the Djinncallers and the Skaven were unknown to you, as was his last resort of waking up Settra.

And yes, you have to prioritise stuff, that's true too. However, in general things will indeed get worse the longer you leave them. You might be ok with that as voters, but it's something to consider. You haven't actually looked for the Djinncallers really yet, so you don't know where they've gone, and you also haven't really gotten involved in the Arabyan refugee crisis.
As the bloody magpies would say knowledge is power and I don't think the voters were too aware of that while focusing on the priorities which is fair.
I suspect the bulk of the issue is with those who have already left Araby though? Would taking Estalia and bringing our more conventional staff to the region be likely to help reduce the death toll in the long term?
Bring the extra mouths to Solland to settle? There's empty land there thanks to the orcs and it's now given to the Lions to rule.
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Okay, I kind of want to help the Arbyan refugee crisis or at least be seen making an effort. What should we as voters generally be doing to achieve that end?

I thought we were already mitigating things by making Araby less terrible with the hospitalliers and resettlement and now crops.
I suspect the bulk of the issue is with those who have already left Araby though? Would taking Estalia and bringing our more conventional staff to the region be likely to help reduce the death toll in the long term?
Haven't written the chapter yet so dont know whats going on with southern realms yet etc, however this depends on your objective. Araby is basically ok now, no one is having a great time of course but its not terrible either.

Estalia and Tilea (as per the roles) and indeed critfailing, they got 4 and 9 so they're having some real problems basically. Border princes are also having problems but not as bad as the others.

One thing you could do, for example, is indeed to take the territories. They're already having a bad time, sweeping in might actually be quite helpful to restore order. For example, you could order the city granaries be opened and food given out, because you'd then be protecting the cities, so you wouldn't need to maintain those granaries anymore beacuse there's not going to be a seige etc. You could forcibly disband armies, order otherwise politically unpalatable things which the Tilean/Estalian authories might not have wanted to do (equal rights for refugees or something, you get teh idea) to reduce tensions. You could smash monster fortresses etc and settle people in the mountains much more easily than a Tilean army could, in fact pretty trivially etc.

Again though this all dependant on what exactly you want to do. Even just getting everyone to calm down would be pretty helpful. If, for example, you want to propose some write ins, I'm happy to remark on whether they'd work from the in-universe perspective etc.

As one of these, a massive expansion of the Hospitalliers is unlikely to work simply because you don't have enough of them, but some sort of crash course etc might indeed work, it varies really.
Feast of Blades Interlude
Feast of Blades Interlude

Steel clashed as young men fought in a great arena.

The sun blazed overhead, both the celestial body, and the star-beast below.

"Truly, this is fine sport." Vularakh remarked, watching hundreds of youths battle, the lion-in-splendor on his shoulder shining as he inspected the warriors.

The duels were bloody, but not fatal, or at least not often. The Master of Recruits had supervised many Blood Games, and they rarely ceased to impress him, thousands of loyal souls battling for his approval, for the approval of the Emperor in truth, who sat overhead amidst the stars.

Two tithes had been conducted on Mallus, one from the Imperial Fleet and another from the population of Araby, and the first tithe had probably saved many of the childrens' lives, for though only a tithe of them had actually survived, many would have died in the subsequent battles anyway given the wars that came after the Marines' arrival.

The second tithe had been great indeed, not only had he gathered many thousands of exceptional aspirants, the work of the Chapter had also dealt a terrible blow to the demography of Norsca and disrupted that land for potentially years after.

Having said that, thought Vularakh, just like with Araby, the Chapter had probably saved many of the Norscan tithe from the Flesh-that-Hates. The Warleader hadn't seen that horror himself, he had his charges to see to, but he'd heard much of it from Battle Brothers who'd returned from the north, and none of it sounded good, or even worthy. There was hardly a foe to even fight, merely a hideous psychic xenoform to defeat.

"Look there, a fine demonstration!" said one of the veterans beside him, and Vularakh nodded absently. One of the Arabyan children had leapt acrobatically over another's head, cutting him with a thin sword, sending out a gout of blood.

"Mark him on for the next bouts." the Captain said, and the other marine nodded.

While the extraordinary tithes of Araby and Norsca were suitable for the circumstances the Chapter had found itself in, they weren't appropriate for sustainable settlement on Mallus. For that, Vularakh had instituted the Feast of Blades, modelled on the ancient Imperial Fists event, a time for the folk of Araby to make a show of handstrokes and gain rewards for their prowess. Youths were his primary goal, a way to create a pipeline of Astartes recruits for the Chapter, but alongside the childrens' events Vularakh had also ordered events for older Arabyans, with each town and city feeding athletes toward a national championship to be held annually. An Astartes would supervise each one, whether himself or another, and would award prizes to the finest athletes, whether marksmen, runners, fighters or riders.

It had numerous benefits, from simply providing recruits to binding the Arabyans more completely to the Chapter, but as it was going Vulurakh had fine expectations. After this bout was done he'd have the Astartes remove their helmets and go among the Arabyans. The children taken in the tithe from Araby several years ago had reached their maturity and the sight of their own people, transformed into the first crop of Mallusian Astartes, would be an inspiration to the people.

Wow, I disappear for a few days and my notifications are like "5 posts by FractiousDay" (480+610+210+1.2k+160words) and I figure I'll catch up on the thread tomorrow, then tomorrow it's 6 posts and it keeps piling up. @FractiousDay , I know I haven't been responding recently, but I respect the awesome effort you put into writing so much. Now it's 11 notifications from this thread alone, and I'm going to shrug and simply read from the latest page to give reactions and approval. :)

The last thing I recall discussing was not having enough Intrigue actions to get people into Tilea, Estalia, and the Border Princes to figure out what was going on there. I think the GM said those places weren't doing anything majorly obvious or we would have heard of that, because we have basic intel. Which is a bit of a relief that they aren't about to invade. But I'm still concerned about more subtle things, e.g. if one of our Tech-Priests had defected (whether from Chaos influence or objections to our seizing power) and ran off to Estalia several years ago, they might have gotten less obvious anti-Lions ideology, also autogun production and basic industrialization that makes them much harder to conquer.

Estalia and Tilea (as per the roles) and indeed critfailing, they got 4 and 9 so they're having some real problems basically. Border princes are also having problems but not as bad as the others.
So this is a bit of a relief to see. Obviously it sucks for them, I would prefer them relatively intact. They're civilized human realms that we could integrate or conquer with limited violence, rather than having to utterly crush like Greenskins or Skaven. But internal struggle (when not facing Chaos Invasion) is fine for our purposes.

Okay, I kind of want to help the Arbyan refugee crisis or at least be seen making an effort. What should we as voters generally be doing to achieve that end?
Araby is basically ok now, no one is having a great time of course but its not terrible either.
I recall we'd organized a bit of a retreat from some of our lands, would it help to retake and purge those lands? Even if I understand the tactical value, pulling back like that was a bit embarrassing.
And yes, you have to prioritise stuff, that's true too. However, in general things will indeed get worse the longer you leave them. You might be ok with that as voters, but it's something to consider. You haven't actually looked for the Djinncallers really yet, so you don't know where they've gone, and you also haven't really gotten involved in the Arabyan refugee crisis.
Our actions :cry:
also I think we might benefit from delegating more, the three Space Marines sent off to the Empire managed to form up a decently trained militia and help things in Solland without constant direct management

One thing you could do, for example, is indeed to take the territories. They're already having a bad time, sweeping in might actually be quite helpful to restore order.
Our actions :cry:
so many places calling for our attention

Youths were his primary goal, a way to create a pipeline of Astartes recruits for the Chapter, but alongside the childrens' events Vularakh had also ordered events for older Arabyans, with each town and city feeding athletes toward a national championship to be held annually. An Astartes would supervise each one, whether himself or another, and would award prizes to the finest athletes, whether marksmen, runners, fighters or riders.
Aw yess :D This is great to see it working out as I hoped.
The children taken in the tithe from Araby several years ago had reached their maturity and the sight of their own people, transformed into the first crop of Mallusian Astartes, would be an inspiration to the people.
But this has me a little bit concerned that there's going to be some "oh no, mutant" and "this can't be our Ali" along with the inspiration. Still, I guess the Space Marines have been around long enough for people to mostly adjust.
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I have an ideas that might work to soften the situation in Araby:

-Distribute plots of land to the poorest so they grow them.
-Grant subsidies to business and other jobs that they are broke.
-Build Roman-style roads. (I remember this was available in previous shifts).
-Evacuate our refugees back home.
Now it's 11 notifications from this thread alone, and I'm going to shrug and simply read from the latest page to give reactions and approval. :)
Yes I've been writing quite a lot recently tbh. Unfortunately I've recently ordered a new computer which I'll probably load up on various games and play for a bit, but as I've noted previously my interest and energy varies pretty dramatically. I was writing about 1k a day for 6 months on Orc Quest for example.
I think the GM said those places weren't doing anything majorly obvious or we would have heard of that, because we have basic intel.
If Wizard King Dave had awoken and set forth his legions against the living, sure, but if not then no, normal feudal world mortal stuff is below Astartes notice.
I recall we'd organized a bit of a retreat from some of our lands, would it help to retake and purge those lands? Even if I understand the tactical value, pulling back like that was a bit embarrassing.
Somewhat yea, you can go back if you like but there's definitely more productive lands currently, a regeneration of Araby project is possible, but really expensive.
also I think we might benefit from delegating more, the three Space Marines sent off to the Empire managed to form up a decently trained militia and help things in Solland without constant direct management
YOu can indeed do this, if you have a specific missioin you want acheived. I'm also fine with giving you extra actions if theres a good reason, you could promote the leader of those marines to a captain for example and make him Master of teh Marches and he could lead the Tyrant's Lion's Legion
But this has me a little bit concerned that there's going to be some "oh no, mutant" and "this can't be our Ali" along with the inspiration. Still, I guess the Space Marines have been around long enough for people to mostly adjust.
Astartes are gifted with looking like humans tbh. If the process of creating a space marine required them to sprout a crab arm they'd be a lot less photogenic I'd say.

I have an ideas that might work to soften the situation in Araby:

-Distribute plots of land to the poorest so they grow them.
-Grant subsidies to business and other jobs that they are broke.
-Build Roman-style roads. (I remember this was available in previous shifts).
-Evacuate our refugees back home.
You can imagine this going on off screen. You gave a massive subsidy to the ruler of Araby, enough to get him throwing money around and hoping people don't realise the currency is very devalued etc. With this the Sultan of Copher has indeed been building everything he can get people to, paying people to do various things, and broadly the issues are sorting themselves out a lot by this massive capital injection. This however has also impacted the situation to the north because obviously there's trade between Tilea and Araby etc, so the subsidies have indeed exacerbated the situation to the north too.

If you did attack Tilea though a radical redistribution of land is indeed a possibility, if you want to get that involved in the affairs there.
Wow, that was mayhaps the shortest interlude we've had, nothing wrong with that of course but I almost missed it among the other stuff!
I very much like the idea of these newer marines doing a miniature version of the Royal Triumph option Amra used to have before it timed out for sensible reasons.

Having the community see that we didn't just dissapear people for no reason might be a small PR boost?

When it comes to actions could we do things like expanding the spy network help with intrigue? Would suceeding with my idea of a lore of metal buffed microscope, and or some of the other voter's ideas of launching monitoring satellites help?

Its good to know we are allowed delegation write ins. I figure we can send in ten marines into estalia and tilea, five for each. If three could bring a lot of order to solland this might have an impact as a vanguard force for a year or two while we retake the lost bits of araby and take sartosa.
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YOu can indeed do this, if you have a specific missioin you want acheived. I'm also fine with giving you extra actions if theres a good reason, you could promote the leader of those marines to a captain for example and make him Master of teh Marches and he could lead the Tyrant's Lion's Legion
I don't get the joke.

Also is it feasible to shift Arabyans to Solland?
The ''joke'' I think Is that space marines building and commanding a mixed force army of high-tier guardsmen, Astartes and tank crews has been done before and it was called The Tyrants Leigon. (Albeit Huron didn't used washed up Aspirants which are surely in a better physical state than most mortals and he probably never dreamed of integrating SOB or giants so I think we can do better.)

We are the Celestial Lions so it might become the Leonine Leigon or some such one we get larger forces.
We should investigate the presence of the Assassins and Djincallers in Estalia and Tilea. They could be behind the problems that harass those lands, let's not forget that Aguiles had deals with the skavens and his followers could do the same. This this could be a sordid plan to weaken us and when they see the opportunity, they will come out of the shadows to return to Araby.

Estalia and Tilea have communities of wood elves, we can get in touch with them like we did with the dwarves in Norsca. They would make good spies.
Looking back at the situation on the Sultan's malady and the Lion's emergency aid I see different ways to handle it long term starting with resettlement so there's less mouths to feed.

The most nearest will be the Southlands already under Lion control. Second will be Solland since it was given to the three marines to look after and it is nearly empty since Gorbad came and did what orcs usually do to everyone else. Third will require clay taking but it shouldn't be a problem having someone to stake a claim in the border princes and slowly expand that can then link back to Solland.

The rest will be what stands for the administratum to process the lucky candidates and send them depending on priority and preferences.
I am mostly just hoping that the next interlude will cover us meeting more cults, I have no idea how we ran into the followers of Mannan when solland is pretty much landlocked or so I thought?

Also we did do really well with Minor cults? Does that mean cults that are minor in the Empire like ranaldites and Myrmidians or does it mean extremely local cults like those of gods, like those representing rivers like us?
I am mostly just hoping that the next interlude will cover us meeting more cults, I have no idea how we ran into the followers of Mannan when solland is pretty much landlocked or so I thought?

Also we did do really well with Minor cults? Does that mean cults that are minor in the Empire like ranaldites and Myrmidians or does it mean extremely local cults like those of gods, like those representing rivers like us?
I assume they cover all that isn't the Empire's primary ones. Ulric, Taal and Sigmar.
IDK I wouldn't dismiss the Cult of Morr or that of Verena as being that minor in the empire, although if we do have good relations with them that will be great, plus I recall us rolling on Mannan individually so I don't think the GM thinks the classical gods are to be seen as minor with the exception of Taal.

Maybe this implies we kind of had our staff tour the lower empire provinces?
IDK I wouldn't dismiss the Cult of Morr or that of Verena as being that minor in the empire, although if we do have good relations with them that will be great, plus I recall us rolling on Mannan individually so I don't think the GM thinks the classical gods are to be seen as minor with the exception of Taal.

Maybe this implies we kind of had our staff tour the lower empire provinces?
He's worshipped everywhere but isn't that kind of major god with the star power like Sigmar, Taal and Ulric with cities devoted to them.
@FractiousDay I recall you mentioning several different times that you have difficulty writing Warhammer greenskins.
I recall you mentioning not knowing how to integrate them into your writings because of their status often as comic relief viewpoints and I think that's fine, but I also think it's a bit of an unfair corner you've painted yourself into.

The line between horror and humor can be a thin one and I think often what looks hilarious to an ork is not liable to be viewed that way by most of their victims. Take the Doom Divers given we are working with fantasy.
You could easily skip all the dialogue with such less-than-sane goblins and just show the reaction of a unit of troops having livng projectiles aiming themselves to collide with them, which I imagine would be a mixture of horror and frustration and confusion in most cases.

Or to go back to something from 40K that could be translated into fantasy late game with like a spell and a bamboo tube maybe, the infamous Shokk Attack Gun, from the perspective of a guardsman or heck even an especially unlucky space marine(say if snotling got teleported inside his body cavity) this is not something they would laugh at. Frankly, it's from most perspectives a terror weapon.

Or if thats not your style you could focus on the more indirect effects of Greenskin activities, rescuing slaves is part of this upcomming chapter afterall, orkoids are not remotely kind masters so you don't even need to show them directly to show the impact they have on the world per say.

Or if what really troubles you about this is wanting to write a perspective piece you could always just keep it very simple IDK a warboss or shaman wants to smash open our chapter master. By focusing in on him reaching through that goal through the crudest most direct and most collateral-inducing sort of way, that I think could mostly write itself surely, the main thing being keeping them excited and or frustrated, energized I guess.

By keeping such short and focused one wouldn't need to exhaust themselves on too many jokes I'd think?

....but I could be misunderstanding your misgivings entirely?
When it comes to actions could we do things like expanding the spy network help with intrigue? Would suceeding with my idea of a lore of metal buffed microscope, and or some of the other voter's ideas of launching monitoring satellites help?
You can expand the network yes, that's fine really, could give you more intrigue options and more awareness generally. Similarly, satalites would indeed be cool too.
Also is it feasible to shift Arabyans to Solland?
Depends why, there's an underground tunnel between Tilea and Solland so that could be used as an example, but also keep in mind that the Empire authories might not look kindly on what seems to be a secret invasion via refugees
Looking back at the situation on the Sultan's malady and the Lion's emergency aid I see different ways to handle it long term starting with resettlement so there's less mouths to feed.
COnsider the impacts on the relevant places, but yea you have options. They can even go back to araby if you provide enough food for them through either uplift or other stuff
IDK I wouldn't dismiss the Cult of Morr or that of Verena as being that minor in the empire, although if we do have good relations with them that will be great, plus I recall us rolling on Mannan individually so I don't think the GM thinks the classical gods are to be seen as minor with the exception of Taal.
While the minor cults are major in some places, they're not the overall ones. Verena for example is the main god of a scholar etc, but not the main one of everyone else. In the interior its Taal, Sigmar or Ulric, on the coasts its Manaan. There's the minor ones around too, with varying levels of power etc
By keeping such short and focused one wouldn't need to exhaust themselves on too many jokes I'd think?

....but I could be misunderstanding your misgivings entirely?
One issue is indeed that I find them inherantly ridiculous. However, in this quest they'll at least be a problem at some point, for example if Grimgor gets his hands on good tech or similar he'd basically just be a 40k warboss but all Black Orky so more dangerous.